Architectural Design Portfolio 2023

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/portfolio zerita z makkah 2020-2023 Selected Works

zerita zahrotul makkah

A self starter, fast learner, highly motivated, and passionate creative with great communication, proven leadership & teamwork skills, who constantly looks through the unique perspective on spatial design.

+62 81293827074

Bintaro Jaya IX, South Tangerang

experience & volunteer

Oct 2022 - July 2023

Assistant Architectural Designer (Freelance)

Worked closely with professor on real projects developing ideas, preliminary designs and vizualizations for:

- public service office

- grand mosque landscape design

July 2023

Feb - July 2022


Produced conceptual & final graphics for biomimicry architectural design-themed book

Architect Intern-Trainee at BPA Institute - Budi Pradono Architects

- conducted desk research for metaverse museum of modern art design

- assisted in preliminary building program for IKN design (competition)

- created detailed visualization images for competition, f&b, and residential projects

- assisted in producing construction drawings for residential project

Oct - Dec 2022

educational background

2019 - 2023

Universitas Brawijaya

Bachelor of Architecture 3.82 GPA with 3,9-year completion period

2016 - 2019

SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan

Natural Science


3D Software: Sketchup


Render Engines: D5 Render, Lumion, Vray, Enscape

Editing: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere Pro Ms Office

Word, Excel, Powerpoint

design experience & interests

Cultural Architecture

Commercial Design

Landscape Design

Public Space Design

Exhibition Design

Climate Responsive Architecture

Reuse Architecture

Interior Design

Architectural Photography

Architectural Sketch

self-developments & certification

Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD Design and Drafting Exam Prep

Harvard edX - The Architectural Imagination

TOEFL ITP Score 583

Microsoft Office Certification - Excellent Grade

Revit Advanced 3D Modeling for Architectural Design

Sept - Dec 2020 &

Feb - July 2023

2021 - 2023

Kerja Praktik at Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk.

Stasiun Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China (KCIC) Karawang Project

- conducted a procedural working method onsite

- assisted in developing 3D design revisions

- assisted in handling BoQ on architectural drawings

- collected defect data of concrete curing of auxiliary building onsite

Teaching Assistant

- conducted a routine of mentoring sessions with 20 students regarding progress report

- assisted lecturer in delivering teaching materials

Staff of External Affairs Treasurer

Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur FT-UB

Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur FT-UB

Exposed to fast-paced work environment, in charge of both lead and administrative matters, and handled coordination accross different parties.

competitions & achievements

July 2023

Best Thesis, Academic Year 2022/2023

Nominated best thesis on campus across three concentration and 100+ thesis submission.

Campus Representative for ARCASIA Thesis of The Year Awards

Selected among 100+ thesis submission on campus to represent at the awards.

Feb 2021

February 2023

July 2021

Apr 2020

Dec 2019

3rd Best Design - Sayembara Selasar

Proposed a redesign of the campus outdoor hallways into a more interactive and functioningspace

Competition Entry - Architecture Festival

Submitted a team-based work of Utopian Residential Design

Competition Entry - Archevent

Submitted a team-based work of Post-Disaster Community Facility design

Competition Entry - Gaung Bandung

Submitted a team-based work of Suburban Children Creative Public Space

Most Favorite TriMatra artwork at Archibition 2019

Awarded the most favorite exhibit at TriMatra exhibition

2020-2023 Selected Works

biomimicry coffee center gelung gebung post-disaster shelter tamankota cafe & coworking space the ideation square 6x8 house internship works sketch works contents 2023 2022 2021 2021 2020 2022 2020-2023

01 2023, 8th Semester

biomimicry coffee center

coffee edutourism

Batu, East Java

Academic: Thesis Project - 8th Semester

Supervisor: Ar. Wasiska Iyati, S.T., MT., IAI

SketchUp, AutoCAD, D5 Render, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

Biomimicry Coffee Center is an edutourism facility engaging cultural and economic collaboration towards the community throughout Indonesia. Located in Batu, East Java, this facility seeks design through coffee to create a concept of biomimicry. Visitors have a wide range of activities to do; accommodated by the coffee museum, community meeting hall, cafe & workshop, and other supporting facilities.

7 Portfolio
Zahrotul Makkah

Despite the growing number of coffee shops and high appreciation for coffee, the availability of coffee educational facilities in Batu City is limited. Meanwhile, Batu is surrounded by one of the best coffee-producing areas in East Java and has a rich historical background in the coffee industry. This design aims to create an integrated coffee edutourism facility with a coffee museum and workshop to cater to the community’s appreciation for Indonesian coffee and empower coffee industry stakeholders, particularly in the downstream sector.

issue goal//facility

providing a thorough coffee edutourism facility in the Tourism City of Batu which can help the coffee industry stakehoders in sustaining their businesses while also educating the society.

site study: problem identifications for biomimicry thinking strategy//analogy

surroundings & access to site

best view pinpoints

analogies are generated to search for biological design strategy to then translated to the languages of architectural design strategy. From the site analysis, there are two main analogies; the concept of morphology and anatomy of coffee. To maintain excellent potential of the scenery outwards, efficient zoings and circulation, the mass configuration is used as the analogy.

Anatomy studies are used for analogies; inner layout zonings and layer characteristics for technical specification of building envelopes.

Mass configuration

Efficient circulation

Integrated facilities

Appreciate sceneric & climate potentials


unified concept of building zones

easy access of circulation

technical specification of building facade//envelopes


Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
Malang Raya, East Java Site Project location to coffee producing areas
4 ha
coffee museum educative landscape cafe & workshop


First steps of seeking the grand concept begins through studying the morphology and anatomy of a coffee tree to generate design solutions representing coffee in the architectural concept.

Studies of forms in the morphology context serves as the base concept of building configurations and exterior elements whilst the anatomy serves as the spatial organization of the inner space of each buildings


grand concept

Architectural encodes are resulted through two main focus; master plannings, exterior elements, and inner layout zones.


Coffee cherries on branches = Radial configuration

= Radial mass configuration

Coffee venes (on leaves) = Nutrient transportation

= Parkings main circulation system

biological study strategy onto site

positioning mass configurations amphitheatre as node from four buildings; linear parking circulations

building zones

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio

Each of the buildings are interconnected through the radial configuration; with the centric amphitheatre as the node of the four. This is a manifestation of the radial concept of how coffee cherries grow on branches. While the similar concept of the inner layout plans of each buildings drawing the concept of the centralized configuration of the layers from the anatomy studies of coffee cherry. Lastly, the parking lots speaks the concept of radial configuration on coffee leaves and linear venes. Altogether, the whole coffee center represents the coffee plant as a whole; more importantly as the main biological inspiration; a solution.

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio

endocarp = central = main facility

mesocarp = middle = secondary rooms

exocarp = outer = terrace/foyer

As an educational facility with varying functions throughout the site, the coffee center also celebrates the outdoor potential of the site, where Batu has been known of the ideal scenery and climate. The radial configuration of the buildings are unified by a red, circular pathways both grounded and elevated. This features as a way of providing ease to wayfinding; whilst the elevated pathways serves as a way for visitors to appreciate beautiful scenery inwards and outwards the site.

Contrary to the greeneries of the landscape, the red facade and pathways creates an interesting unified concept representing the red color of the coffee cherry to enhance point of interests throughout different spots at the site.

Building facade also represents the unique characteristics of layers of a coffee cherry. Combination of solid to transparent materials are used in concept of layerings as the main visual identity that unites the four buildings.


1- Coffee Museum

2- Cafe & Coffee Workshop

3- Hall

4- Mosque

5- Amphitheatre; as node

6- Elevated pathways as viewing deck

7- Linear parking lot cirulations

11 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
7 6 5 2 4 3 1
12 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio

layered facade

representing coffee cherry outer layers of skin



exhibits surrounding the central museum void

central void

The central void of the coffee museum ties the whole spatial arrangement concept representing coffee, being the main continous circulation of the museum’s storytelling experience.

Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah 13
plantation coffee processing coffee sensory cultural video gallery history intro

The main goal of the cofffee center is to strengthen the the quality of the stakeholders of the coffee industry as well as others inside the community: homebrewers, coffee enthusiasts, even beginners. To befriend the knowledge thoroughly accross the varying profile inside the community, the coffee workshop is placed inside the cafe. In spatial context, the workshop in centered in the building, serves as the point of interest and as the main orientation of views inside. This is also emphasized by the use of channel glass with different transparencies; to engage curiosity from the dining area to the the central workshop classes while still maintaining privacy.

14 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
layered facade


the ideation square creative business incubator at malang

2022, 7th Semester

Malang, East Java

Academic - Studio 6: Community Facility

Supervisor: Dr. Ir. Susilo Kusdiwanggo, S.T., MT., CiQaR

SketchUp, AutoCAD, D5 Render, Enscape, Vray, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

The Ideation Square in Malang provides an inspiring environment for entrepreneurs and startups to collaborate and ideate. The facility boasts a range of amenities, including café serving artisanal coffee, which serves as hub for networking and informal discussions, the coffee workshop offers hands-on training and expertise. Additionally, the incubator houses creative industry workshops, equipped with state-of-the-art tools and resources. The Ideation Square offers rental offices with flexible spaces to accommodate startups. The multipurpose hall serves as a venue for events, workshops, and seminars, encouraging knowledge-sharing and community engagement. Moreover, the gallery space within the incubator showcases the latest innovations and artistic creations, celebrating the talent and ingenuity of the local and global community.

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio


Phenomenology studies are used as a method of finding the best understanding of the site’s phenomenon to find a thematic solution to the urban setting. This process began through sets of observation and thorough interaction between the desginer and the varying community of the research location. The output of the research resulted in keywords which later are triangulated to generate a final theme resepresenting the series of phenomenon experienced. The theme then is interpreted by several tools in effort of creating a suitable and ideal typology as the design solution.

16 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio

serial vision studies: photographing perspectives

‘Photographing’ Spots

limited viewing access to site due to lack of permeability.

monumental massing

stagnant straight lines in pathways no proper setbacks

streamlined / curved massings streamlined / curved massings

Massing developments based on serial vision

Landuse Elevated ground level

Incubation phases on upper levels; creating stilts for openness

more accessible viewing from roundabout

‘open’ massing composition towards the roundabout to engage eye-catching spot

familiar use of setback

preserving continouing view using podium-like massing

Twisting volume; response to serial vision studies from turning road

Substractive corner to visually interract nearby roundabout

Detailing & final form

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
1 4 2 5 3 6

phases hierarchy layered functions

Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
19 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
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Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio 21

The Ideation Square holds a place not only for the creative industry stakeholders, but also activating surrounding spaces to create a more defined spaces by providing-extending the pedestrian movement spaces at the ground level. The elevated ground level is intended to have enough visibility for surrounding communities to gather; create; and ideate.

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio 22

2021, 5th Semester

Academic - Studio 4: Adaptive Re-use Temporary Building Supervisor: Ar. Iwan Wibisono, S.T., MT., IAI SketchUp, AutoCAD, D5 Render, Enscape, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

Tamankota is named after the Stadtuin te Soerabaia, meaning Taman Kota in Bahasa which was the city’s iconic region in the 18000s. Functioned as cafe and coworking spaces, Tamankota provides unique spatial experience. Tamankota serves culinary experience at the coffee shop, collaboratively work in the coworking space, and also enjoy art whilst having to experience the beauty of the past of the architecture of the Surabaya Post Office.

23 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah tamankota: cafe en coworking-ruimt 03

Project Brief

Tamankota cafe & coworking space is designed to be one with the historical building as an additional temporary building. The main concept is to generate a space that accommodates appreciation to history by positioning the new building in the excact front of the Surabaya Post Office. This aims to maintain the symmetry as the identity and utilizing the big windows as the point of interest to the new design.

24 Portfolio
Zerita Zahrotul Makkah


Maintaining Primary Circulation + Engagement of Two Functions

Massing + Programming Experience of Integrated Historical-New

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio 25
26 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
1st Floor
2nd Floor
Section A-A’ Front Elevation East Elevation
Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
Section B-B’

Tamankota consists of the interconnection of varying experinces of coffee shop, art gallery, and co-working space on two levels. The first level engages with the main circulation to the Surabaya Post Office and also the historic facade adjacent to the transparent temporary building. While the elevated second floor serves views; inwards to the historic faces of the post office; and outward to the outside of the site.

28 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
Balcony Dining Outdoor Dining

The three main areas are placed in different spots but the same spatial identity; having to appreciate histroy as the transparent bulding envelopes that serve direct visual access to historical facade ot the Surabaya Post Office.

Bar & Ordering Bay
Gallery 29 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
Co-Working The Surabaya Post Office Access to post office coexists with cafe waiting bays
30 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
Co-Working Cafe & Mini Gallery

gelung gebung:

post-disaster community center 04 2021

Ile Ape, East Nusa Tenggara

Competition Entry for Archevent Universitas Sebelas Maret - 2022

Team-based Project

SketchUp, Vray, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

Gelung Gebung is a community center cuilt as an intermediate-long term response to the disastrous flood and landslide occured in Neleblolong, East Nusa Tenggara in 2020. This place is intended to be a space that encourages the collective healing process, whereas the survivors could gather to find strength for themselves and each other by continuing activities that help form community resilience. Activities as such are accommodated through facilities: informal school, community-cultural center, as well as solitary mindfulness pods.

Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah

A devastating flash flood followed with a landslide hit Nusa Tenggara on April 4th, 2021. A huge number of casualties took place- a taotal of 124 fatalities and close to a thousand houses are affected.

Community Resilience Long Term Response

Issue All in Unity Tranquility

Lamaholot Architecture

refers to the capacity to overcome shared trauma through mutual support, hope and the presence of communal narratives that give the experience meaning and purpose.

Refers to the stage of trauma recovery process. In this context, the process can be achieved through reactivation of society-related activities; to empower collective strength in the community.

Empowering the community though roots of the vernacular architecture ‘Koke Bale’, a typology of stilt house using local materials such as bamboo and utilizing teamwork and inclusive community participation in the construction process.

Represented in the circular shapes of the overal buildings; creating a sense of belongings and equality in the community.

Comes through the presence of contemplation facilities to accommodate solitary healing for inidividuals.

32 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
Site Plan Site Section 1. Entrance 2. Informal School 3. Play Park 4. Community Multiuse Space 5. Garden
1 2 3 4 6 5 33
6. Solitude Pods
informal school multipurpose creative center
collective center solitary pods


6x8 house interior

japandi compact home

2020, 3th Semester

Academic - Interior Studio: Interior of Compact House

Supervisor: Ir. Rinawati P. Handajani, MT., IPM

SketchUp, Enscape, Adobe Photoshop

6x8 House is designed to have effective layout of spaces in a concept of compact home. The home consists of two bedrooms connected by the TV room that also serves as the dining room using the concept of bar dining. The two also has direct relation of visual and access to the kitchen; maintaining full interconnection between different use of space in the concept of open plan layout.

Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
36 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio Floor Plan A A B B
Section B-B’ Section A-A’ TV & Dining Room Bedroom Master Bedroom
Living Room
internship works 07

ibukota nusantara: kompleks peribadatan

Competition Entry - 2022

Internship BPA Institute - Budi Pradono Architects

SketchUp, Vray, Adobe Photoshop

39 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah
ayana foodcourt, bali 2022 Internship BPA Institute - Budi Pradono Architects
40 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
SketchUp, D5, Adobe Photoshop

affinity house, pondok indah

Construction - 2022

Internship BPA Institute - Budi Pradono Architects

SketchUp, D5, Adobe Photoshop

Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah 41

thouse, kemang


Internship BPA Institute - Budi Pradono Architects

SketchUp, D5, Adobe Photoshop

42 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
3757 4888 4887 3799 A7-07 1 3.50 BEDROOM 2 W12 W11 D5 3757 3350 500 2850 3350 BRC BRC PLC 567 1200 190 1200 W11 W12 1800 1200 600 1200 600 600 1200 620 580 1050 600 600 640 1156 600 BRC 4885 1200 950 1200 3350 500 2850 3350 2850 BRC PLC BRC 675 1135 3073 W11 BRC 4885 1200 950 1200 3350 500 2850 3350 2850 BRC PLC BRC 675 1135 3073 W11 BRC 3757 3350 500 2850 3350 BRC PLC BRC D5 2638 960 159 2850 ALL PLAN, DESIGN, AND ART ILLUSTRATED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY IN NATURE ARE DISCLOSED FOR LIMITED PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY WERE DELIVERED AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECS COPY RIGHT © chekced by drawn by issue date project number cad file 29 Aug 2023 19:56 C:\Users\zerit\Kuliah\BPA Internship\Tugas\T House\kerjaan gue\THOUSE A707_A710 rev.dwg CD (DRAFT) 2021.03.10 issue date architect structural engineer consultant client fax: +62 21 73690875 tel +62 21 7370367 budiprad no a e c T HOUSE PROJECT MEP engineer consultant LIGHTING DESIGNER INTERIOR DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGEMENT R A F & partners LANDSCAPE DESIGNER CONSULTANT T HOUSE BP P-1906 15.09.2020 BPA Intern 02 A7-07 1:50 INTERIOR ELEVATION - BEDROOM 2 1/75 BEDROOM 2 PLAN 1 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 1 2 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 2 3 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 3 4 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 4 5 A7-07 3757 4888 4887 3799 A7-07 1 1 2 3 4 3.50 BEDROOM 2 W12 W11 D5 3757 3350 500 2850 3350 BRC BRC PLC 567 1200 190 1200 W11 W12 1800 1200 600 1200 600 600 1200 620 580 1050 600 600 640 1156 600 BRC 4885 1200 950 1200 3350 500 2850 3350 2850 BRC PLC BRC 675 1135 3073 W11 BRC 4885 1200 950 1200 3350 500 2850 3350 2850 BRC PLC BRC 675 1135 3073 W11 BRC 3757 3350 500 2850 3350 BRC PLC BRC D5 2638 960 159 2850 ALL PLAN, DESIGN, AND ART ILLUSTRATED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY IN NATURE ARE DISCLOSED FOR LIMITED PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY WERE DELIVERED AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECS COPY RIGHT © chekced by drawn by issue date project number cad file Aug 2023 19:56 C:\Users\zerit\Kuliah\BPA Internship\Tugas\T House\kerjaan gue\THOUSE A707_A710 rev.dwg CD (DRAFT) 2021.03.10 issue date architect structural engineer consultant client fax: +62 21 73690875 tel +62 21 7370367 budiprad no a e c s T HOUSE PROJECT MEP engineer consultant LIGHTING DESIGNER INTERIOR DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGEMENT R A F & partners LANDSCAPE DESIGNER CONSULTANT T HOUSE BP P-1906 15.09.2020 BPA Intern 02 A7-07 1:50 INTERIOR ELEVATION - BEDROOM 2 1/75 BEDROOM 2 PLAN 1 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 1 2 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 2 3 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 3 4 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 4 5 A7-07 3757 4888 4887 3799 A7-07 1 3.50 BEDROOM 2 W12 W11 D5 3757 3350 500 2850 3350 BRC BRC PLC 567 1200 190 1200 W11 W12 1800 1200 600 1200 600 600 1200 620 580 1050 600 600 640 1156 600 BRC 4885 1200 950 1200 3350 500 2850 3350 2850 BRC PLC BRC 675 1135 3073 W11 BRC 4885 1200 950 1200 3350 500 2850 3350 2850 BRC PLC BRC 675 1135 3073 W11 BRC 3757 3350 500 2850 3350 BRC PLC BRC D5 2638 960 159 2850 ALL PLAN, DESIGN, AND ART ILLUSTRATED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY IN NATURE ARE DISCLOSED FOR LIMITED PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY WERE DELIVERED AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECS COPY RIGHT © chekced by drawn by issue date project number cad file C:\Users\zerit\Kuliah\BPA CD (DRAFT) issue structural engineer PROJECT MEP engineer consultant LIGHTING DESIGNER INTERIOR DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE DESIGNER T 15.09.2020 BPA Intern 1:50 INTERIOR ELEVATION - BEDROOM 2 1/75 BEDROOM 2 PLAN 1 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 1 2 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 2 3 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 3 4 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 4 5 A7-07 +3.50 BEDROOM 3 3 A7-09 1 1 D5 W15 W16 D6 PLC BRC BRC W16 PLC BRC D6 PLC BRC PLC BRC W15 ALL PLAN, DESIGN, AND ART ILLUSTRATED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY IN NATURE ARE DISCLOSED FOR LIMITED PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY WERE DELIVERED AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECS COPY RIGHT © chekced by drawn by issue date project number cad file 29 Aug 2023 19:55 C:\Users\zerit\Kuliah\BPA Internship\Tugas\T House\kerjaan gue\THOUSE A707~A710.dwg CD (DRAFT) 2021.03.10 issue date architect structural engineer consultant client tel +62 21 7370367 budiprad no a T HOUSE PROJECT MEP engineer consultant LIGHTING DESIGNER INTERIOR DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGEMENT R A F & partners LANDSCAPE DESIGNER CONSULTANT T HOUSE BP P-1906 15.09.2020 BPA Intern 02 A7-09 1:50 INTERIOR ELEVATION - BEEDROOM 3 1/75 BEDROOM 2 PLAN 1 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 1 2 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 2 3 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 3 4 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 4 5 A7-07 +3.50 BEDROOM 3 3 A7-09 1 D5 W15 W16 D6 PLC BRC BRC W16 PLC BRC D6 PLC BRC PLC BRC W15 CD (DRAFT) 2021.03.10 issue date architect structural engineer consultant client fax: +62 21 73690875 tel +62 21 7370367 budiprad no T HOUSE PROJECT MEP engineer consultant LIGHTING DESIGNER INTERIOR DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGEMENT R A F & partners LANDSCAPE DESIGNER CONSULTANT T HOUSE 1/50 ELEVATION 1 2 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 2 3 A7-07 +3.50 BEDROOM 3 3 A7-09 1 D5 W15 W16 D6 PLC BRC BRC W16 PLC BRC D6 PLC BRC PLC BRC W15 ALL PLAN, DESIGN, AND ART ILLUSTRATED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROPRIETARY IN NATURE ARE DISCLOSED FOR LIMITED PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY WERE DELIVERED AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECS COPY RIGHT © chekced by drawn by issue date project number cad file 29 Aug 2023 19:55 C:\Users\zerit\Kuliah\BPA Internship\Tugas\T House\kerjaan gue\THOUSE CD (DRAFT) 2021.03.10 issue date architect structural engineer consultant client tel +62 7370367 budiprad no h T HOUSE PROJECT MEP engineer consultant LIGHTING DESIGNER INTERIOR DESIGNER PROJECT MANAGEMENT R A F & partners LANDSCAPE DESIGNER CONSULTANT T HOUSE BP P-1906 15.09.2020 BPA Intern 02 A7-09 1:50 INTERIOR ELEVATION - BEEDROOM 3 1/75 BEDROOM 2 PLAN 1 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 1 2 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 2 3 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 3 4 A7-07 1/50 ELEVATION 4 5 A7-07 Portfolio Zerita Zahrotul Makkah 43
sketch works 07
45 Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio
Zerita Zahrotul Makkah Portfolio 46
contact +62 81293827074 Bintaro Jaya IX, South Tangerang

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