AUGUST 17, 2021
Forget about your expenses during this Back to School, let ZERMAT PAY YOUR BILLS!
FROM AUGUST 1ST TO 15TH Participate to be a
LUCKY WINNER! THIS IS HOW YOU PARTICIPATE: Get 2 tickets for every New Entrepreneur you register Get 1 ticket for every $100.00 purchase (P.A.) The higher your purchases, the more new entrepreneurs you sign-up; the greater your chances of WINNING! Important notes: Promotion valid for Active Zermat Entrepreneurs who comply with the indicated bases. Contest period: August 1ST to 15TH, 2021. The WINNER of the Raffle will be announced on Tuesday, August 17TH, 2021 at 12:00 PM CST on FB / ZermatusaReps Live. PRIZE: The winner of the drawing will have Zermat pay for his/her basic and typical household monthly expenses such as: rent, mortgage, water, electricity, car payment, car insurance, internet, cable TV, cell phone, etc. All expenses must be supported with their corresponding receipts to validate they belong to the winner or his/her household. Zermat will cover a maximum of $2,000.00. The prize is not transferable and Zermat’s payments will only be submitted upon compliance of the previous point. To participate, new registered Entrepreneurs must comply with all the policies established in its bases. The purchase of each $100.00 is in commissionable products paid and refunds/returns will be taken into consideration, if there are any, 100% of the ticket (s) obtained will be lost. Participation in the contest does not guarantee any Zermat Entrepreneur as a winner. Contest valid in the States that allow it by law.