1 minute read
Gotta love summer! Poem
Gotta love summer!
The sky is azure blue, the chance of rain is nil, There’s a haze across the patio, the trees are stood stock still. A single bird chirps happily, a cricket rubs his wings Joy is in my heart as I take in all these things. I feel the warmth across my skin, as I slowly start to simmer Then, without any prior warning, my neighbour starts his strimmer. The whine reaches a crescendo, 2 stroke fills the air As he tackles weeds and foliage without a single care. I take a sip of lemonade, and try to block it out But it seems he’s hit stump, judging by the shout. The strimmer shudders to a halt, the air is filled with silence, Then a chainsaw joins the party, wreaking vengeful violence! This goes on for sometime, then a quiet gap until He decides what’s really needed is a good old hammer drill! I go inside and close my doors, and pull my windows to. I sit there in the stifling heat, and slowly start to stew. At 5 o clock, he finishes, his tools are put away Peace and quiet reigns at last, hip-flaming-hooray! Once more the doors are opened, into my chair I flop, Then across the fence comes wafting, the sound of ZZ Top. Now I don’t mind a bit of rock, I’m a sharp dressed man myself, But this afternoon’s shenanigans are playing havoc with my health! I resign myself, go inside, and turn the tv on, Thoughs of solitude and peace have sadly now long gone. At 10pm I go to bed, and hide beneath the covers. Him? He’s in his hot-tub with a random load of others!