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What’s On
These famous lines from the poem ‘The Old Vicarage, Granchester’ were penned by the homesick poet Rupert Brooke who died from blood poisoning on a troop ship bound for Gallipoli in 1915. While everything has changed in the world since those heady times when Brooke and his coterie including Virginia Woolf enjoyed taking afternoon tea at The Orchard, very little has changed here. It is possible to walk or cycle to The Orchard across the meadows from Cambridge or brace yourself and head down the A14 and you will be transported back in time taking tea on dark green deckchairs under the boughs of ancient apple trees or treat yourself to lunch at the Pavilion. Take a short walk through the pretty village and you can see whether the hands of the clock of SS Andrew & Mary Church have moved on. Visit www.orchard-granchester.com
St Guthlac’s Church Fete
A high point in the summer calendar is St Guthlac’s Church Fete, this year to be held in the Rectory Garden on Saturday 11th July at 2.00 pm. A gentle way to spend a summer afternoon, grab a bargain, a plant or a book, have afternoon tea and catch up with friends while raising money for the Church.
This year the Deepings Carnival will host it’s first bonnie baby competition. This will take place on the John Eve Field on Sunday 12th July from noon with the usual arena events including an agility display by First Class Dog Training, Harmony Majorettes and a karate display. There will be a static model aircraft display, an art and photographic exhibition and a Battle of Britain flypast. Cream teas and a barbeque will provide refreshments. There will be an array of stalls and, for children, rides including the very popular barrel train. Live music from ‘Cutting Hedge Promotions’ a selection of local talent. There will be an all day car boot sale on the site. The day will start with a parade with a floral theme from the Leisure Centre Car park at 11.30. Those wishing to participate in the parade or to have a stall should contact judy.stevens1@btopenworld.com or amrit.mistry@gmail.com
Deeping Dog Show
Martin ‘Wolfie’ Adams will once again be taking to the hot seat this year when he presents the Awards at the third Deeping Dog Show on 19th July on Jubilee Park, twixt Crowson & Thackers Way. The event commences at 1.00pm and so if you believe that your pooch is the handsomest male, the prettiest bitch or even the most talented dog in Deeping then this is the Show for you! Classes £1.00 each. Craft and pet stands on the park, tombola and home baked cakes, hot food from Grasmere. Agility display from First Class Dog Training.
Raft Race
This year Sunday 2nd August will be Raft Race day when the Deepings come alive with the fair, stalls, shops and pubs, bands and a whirlwind of activity all focused on the river and and of course the rafts! The theme for this years race will be cartoon characters and this year nominated charities are South Lincs Dementia Support and the Exotic Pet Refuge. If you would like to enter, have a stall, become a sponsor then visit www.deepingsraftrace.co.uk
www.empiregyms.com New Clothing Line Coming Soon
114 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AL Tel: 01778 344579 Instagram: empiregyms Twitter: @empiregyms Facebook: Empiregymsmarketdeeping