3 minute read

Poem: The Lockdown

The Lockdown By Ben Sanford (age 14)

Families are together for twelve weeks, And just staying at home is quite bleak, Boris shut down the schools, And being 2m apart seems so cruel.


We knew that schoolwork would be online, Piles of it sometimes grew up to nine! Now we are working on “teams”, Its so bad, and “connect” appears in my dreams!

Some days we go out for sunny walks, I try to get a tan at sweet 4 o’clock. Mum rustles up the barbeques, I have even painted a picture of Ewes! My birthday did make me sad, But I got a Nintendo Switch so that wasn’t so bad! I also had Mr Pizza, With Chocolate cake, much sweeter.

Whether it’s doing some baking, Or gardening which can be aching! From feeding the ducks, To playing Just Dance which is deluxe!

But we will be back in September, This summer will be something to remember, It has been really tough, But we will be together again soon enough.

The Rose & Sweet Pea Show Online 2020!

This Show goes on! For the time being online but if possible followed by an event in the Church Hall and garden in the early Autumn. The Priory Church relies on the average income of approx £3,000 from this well-loved annual event to help fund the expensive outgoings of running the church. Parish Safeguarding Officer Ted Fisk said: “We didn’t want to be beaten by the current situation, so we have teamed up with a fantastic website provider to enable us to run the ‘Rose & Sweet Pea Show’ online in a way that the whole community of Deeping can get involved by entering some of the many competitions that we run each year.”

44 The page will go live on Sunday 7th June and the community will still be able to enter the raffle and various competitions that are usually displayed in church on the last Saturday in June. Reverend Mark said “The event has a long standing tradition and has never been cancelled for over one hundred years, so to be able to offer many of our events and competitions online is simply excellent. Thanks to the creativity and experience of certain members of the congregation we are able to provide something that everyone can get involved with and I urge you to do so. For me this is my first year, so it’s really exciting to see how we can still involve the community in this outreach event.”

Raffle!Alluring prizes from discount vouchers for local food and retail stores to cash prizes. All of the prizes will be drawn at 4pm on Sunday 27th June live from the website.

Competitions! Enter by uploading photographs of your entries to the website. Most of the usual horticultural categories will be running by simply taking a photograph of your entry and emailing it in or uploading it with details of weight and height to the website. There are also new Art and Nature categories to celebrate the EcoChurch Bronze Award that the Church was awarded with earlier this year.

Art & Nature Categories:

1) Best wildlife photograph (taken from your back garden or whilst out walking in The Deepings or outskirts) - JUNIOR & ADULT categories

2) Art sketch or painting of a famous landscape

within The Deepings - JUNIOR & ADULT categories 3) Make a Thank You card for a Key Worker -

JUNIOR & ADULT categories 4) Make a Home for Nature - As part of our

‘Eco-church Bronze Award’ our youth group members have been busy making Bug Hotels, Hedgehog Houses and even a Abode for a Toad the RSPB website provides some great guidance on how to do this. Why not give it a go and upload your photos of the process or end product.

Here’s a link to our facebook page which will have more information on the events during the day and the all of the competitions that you can enter (this will be in place by June 1st 2020) https://www.facebook.com/DSJ-Priory-Church938962326130409/?ref=bookmarks

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