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What’s On
Easton Walled Gardens
will open for the season on Sunday 1st March and will then be open for the summer on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays 11.00 a.m - 4.00 p.m £6.95 for adults and £2.95 per child.
www.eastonwalledgardens.co.uk t: 01476 530063
Deepings Heritage Meetings
Thurs 12th March
“Excavating the Roman Fort at Water Newton” - Dr Stephen Upex.
This will be a fascinating presentation by the archaeological expert who led the excavation.
Thurs 9th April
“Bell, Book and Candle” -Jill Collinge
A Stamford Blue Badge Guide and a familiar name to many, Jill’s presentations are always very interesting.
7.30 pm Conference Room, Deepings School. Non-members welcome - only £2!
Lincoln Castle Revealed
Celebrate the grand opening of Lincoln Castle Revealed, starting at 10am on Wednesday 1st April.The Castle’s gates will swing open with a fanfare to reveal new visitor experiences – including an underground exhibition home for Lincoln Cathedral’s 1215 Magna Carta, one of only four left in the world. Medieval musicians, a Feast of Fools and free family fun will mark the end of a four-year, £22m transformation of Lincoln Castle into a world-class heritage attraction.Free entertainment from 10am-6pm will feature hands-on games, children’s army drill course and have-a-go activities, including a chance to dress up as a knight. Visitors can also tackle the Castle Grand Easter Quest while the Victorian Chocolate Kitchen is bound to prove popular too. The fun continues on Thursday 2nd April with more free family entertainment when the gates open at 9am, with entertainment from 10am. For full details:
Image Frank Cholmeley
West Deeping Heritage Group
‘Bourne is famous for...what?
Amongst Bourne’s claims to fame was the exceptionally fine water supply. What else was the town famous for?
Talk by Bourne Preservation Society. Tuesday March 17th Village Hall, King St. Refreshments 7.00pm Talk 7.30pm £2.50 (on the door) t: 01778 344768

NCT Nearly New Sale - 14 March
Come along to The Deepings School and grab yourself a bargain! Buy nearly new baby and children’s clothes, toys and equipment, books, DVDs and much more! Sale starts at 11.30am (NCT members admitted at 11am).

Hardy Plant Society Meetings
Swines Meadow Farm Nursery 2.00 for 2.30 pm HPS members £3:00 non members £4:00 16th March John Stirland on Wildlife Gardening 18th April John Amos on Winter Interest Shrubs 19th April 10.00 am- 2.30 pm Plant Fair entry free.
Come and join the Parade!

Deepings Carnival this year 12th July with a parade of vintage vehicles and more! If you would like to join us then please call Judy Stevens on 348859 or email judy.stevens1@btopenworld.com
‘Treat yourself to a trip to Walsingham this Easter!’ says Elizabeth Meath Baker

Picturesque medieval and Georgian buildings line the streets, you can roam the Abbey Grounds, explore the Museum, historic prison, and the many churches, or commune with nature on a long farmland walk or cycle. Add in a steam train ride, a potter round the shops, follow up with a drink and something to eat at one of the village’s cafés, pubs or restaurants, and Walsingham, both Little and Great, offers you a lovely family day out. Find out more www.walsinghamvillage.org