3 minute read
The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan
Over four years of hard work by volunteers has succeeded in the creation of a new, detailed Neighbourhood Plan that will now sit alongside the District Council’s own Local Plan to ensure all planning applications conform to our locally devised policies.
The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan (DNP) has recently been submitted to SKDC and formally examined by an Independent Examiner. The Plan clearly sets out the ambitious Vision that will now guide the future development of Market Deeping and Deeping St. James to 2036 through the construction of five core Objectives and sixteen local Policies. The Plan has been prepared through extensive local consultation and the team would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed in any way to its preparation.
Over the past few weeks the independent external examiner, Andrew Ashcroft, has visited the Deepings, studied the submitted Plan, considered all the supporting documents, and held a Public Hearing. The examiner’s conclusion is:
“The Plan includes a range of policies and seeks to bring forward positive and sustainable development in the neighbourhood area. There is a very clear focus on safeguarding its local character and consolidating its existing retail and community facilities. It includes a series of heritage and design policies. It also proposes a series of local green spaces. In the round the Plan has successfully identified a range of issues where it can add value to the strategic context already provided by the adopted development plan.”
“The Plan has been underpinned by community support and engagement. It is clear that all sections of the community have been actively engaged in its preparation.”
“Subject to a series of recommended modifications set out in this report I have concluded that The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to referendum.” elected Councillors from Market Deeping Town and Deeping St. James Parish working collaboratively with specialist Advisors. All are delighted with the successful outcome and with the very positive comments the examiner makes throughout his report:
“Section 5 comments about the Plan’s Vision and Objectives. It is well-constructed. It describes how the Vision and the Objectives of the Plan were developed. Its key strength is the way in which the objectives directly stem from the Vision. The Plan identifies five overarching objectives as follows
• A good home for everyone; • A prosperous and sustainable economy; • A distinctive local character; • A green, clean and safe environment; • Sustainable transport options for everyone. The detailed Heritage and Character Assessment research that was undertaken as part of the background to the plan has provided us all with a much greater understanding of our local history and heritage. Building on this foundation work, the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan focuses on the future and contains several innovations that enhance the scope of the regional SKDC Local Plan and provide protection for important places and services. Of particular importance for the Deepings is agreement for: • The expansion and improved protection of the town centre retail and commercial area. As well as safeguarding the five other local retail, business and service centres. • The protection of Millfield Road (MD) and Back
Lane (DSJ) as quieter ‘Green Lanes’ • Identification of seven key large open spaces as ‘Local
Green Spaces’ and safeguarding them from potential future development • Identification of thirty-six smaller open spaces as
‘Important Open Spaces’ and safeguarding them from development • Protection for twenty-four key local community facilities to prevent unwanted closure or change of use • Recommended guidelines for car parking arrangements on new housing developments • The designations of six ‘Important Gateways’ to improve the welcome to the neighbourhood • Promotion of a new park for the area as part of the housing expansion to the west of Linchfield Road • Keeping Frognall as a distinctive settlement by preserving a stretch of countryside between Frognall and Deeping St James • Developing twenty-three key improvement projects arising from the DNP consultations
Next steps
The team has now agreed and incorporated all the examiner’s modifications into the Plan. Our Local Planning Authority, SKDC, has completely accepted this Plan, and will now publish it on their website to take it forward to a Referendum. The Referendum would normally be held in a few weeks’ time, though with the current pandemic situation, the current government information is that it could possibly be held with the local elections in May. Once the Plan has been successfully adopted, it must be made part of SKDC’s development plan. However in the meantime it carries significant weight as a ‘Referendum Ready Plan’ when planning applications are being considered. There will be ongoing information about the Referendum date and process.