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PET Blackmail

PET Blackmail

Louisa McCa erty, Head of Broomwood Prep, Girls, argues that there are huge benefits for some girls in staying on at prep school for longer

Childhood is all too short –and seems to be getting shorter by the day –particularly for girls. The pressure to ‘grow up’ can be overwhelming and leads to anxiety and falling selfconfidence. The accepted wisdom seems to be that because girls mature faster than boys, they won’t benefit from two more years at a prep school. As Head of a prep school that o ers both 11+ and 13+ exits, I challenge this view. I think that the starting point should be: what is the best exit for this individual child?

Moving at 11 to become a small fish in a very big pond is daunting for even the most confident pupil – but overwhelming for some – particularly with potentially long commutes, a high-pressured assessment process in Year 6 and (in the world of boarding) an earlier start away from home. While some girls are more than ready for this, there are others who might benefit greatly from an additional two years in a prep-school environment. This is not least because coping with senior school at a younger age may have a longer impact on their overall wellbeing.

If you have the option of a school that has both an 11+ and a 13 entry, my plea is to ask whether a child (regardless of gender) is ready for the transition. And by that, I mean in all senses, not just academic. Are they ready socially? Have they developed confidence in themselves, and do they have the skills needed to navigate what is often a bigger and busier setting? Also ask yourself if they might benefit from more time to hone their skills in a known environment and develop a greater sense of themselves as a learner, as a friend – and as a school leader.

For some children, those additional two years can be incredibly valuable in terms of attitudes to learning, confidence and maturity. From an academic perspective, this extra two years enables us to o er a curriculum that’s less about exam preparation and technique and more about laying the foundation for future success – at senior school and beyond.

However, it’s the impact on wellbeing and self-confidence that really stands out. By remaining in a known environment, acting as role models to the younger years and holding more demanding leadership positions and responsibilities, we can support girls to reach their potential. We see a noticeable impact on their self-belief, so that when they move on at the end of Year 8, they are more than ready to tackle senior-school life with gusto.

Many of the parents that I speak to are questioning the pressure of the 11+ on their children, the environment it creates among both pupils and parents and the increasingly selective nature of London day schools. For some, there is also a feeling that this is not what they had envisaged or necessarily wanted for their daughter. However, they often feel there are no other options than to jump on board and hope for the best.

So, my best advice is to pause, take a breath and think about what is best for your own child. For some, two more years of ‘childhood’ in order to develop the maturity and selfbelief to tackle the next stage brimming with confidence may be transformational – that is surely something worth thinking about?

North Bridge House

North Bridge House is on a constant journey of getting to know every child as an individual, realising their unique potential through a rich and diverse academic and co-curricular programme at every school stage.

‘Personal challenge with tailored teaching in a nurturing setting’ Good Schools Guide


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