2013 GLR Zeta Zest

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Building on the Principles of Zeta while Blazing New Paths Mary B. Wright

Michelle porter norman


International President

Regional Director

Regional editor

From the desk of the Great Lakes Regional Director Soror Michelle Porter Norman

Michelle 2013

Michelle 1987

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has been in my heart since March 29, 1987. My light has been shining for over 26 consecutive years. I have had the honor of serving this great sisterhood at

every level both elected & appointed. I would like to thank our International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright for the opportunity and privilege of serving as the Regional Director for

the Great Lakes Region. This region is where I was born into Zeta, raised, trained & nurtured. I

am a product of the Great Lakes Region. This region has always been there for me and now at

this stage of my life, I am humbled and truly honored to serve as its Regional Director. I want to thank each of you for the trust invested in me. I do not take this responsibility lightly.

Thank you for your love, support and prayers. Together we can accomplish anything, but we are only GREAT when we work for the good of the sorority and our region. Below is an article I read and I love it & live by it daily. As always, it is truly my pleasure to serve ZETA, for the

love of Zeta!

Reputation & Character The circumstances amid which you live, determine your reputation; the truth you believe determines your character. Reputation is what you are supposed to be; character is what you are. Reputation is the photograph; character is the face in the photograph. Reputation comes over one from without; character grows up from within you. Reputation is what you have when you come to a new community, a new job, a new organization; character is what you have when you leave. Reputation cannot be learned within an hour; character is built in a lifetime! Reputation grows like a mushroom; character grows like the oak tree! Reputation is what people say about you on your tombstone; character is what angels say about you before the throne of God! (ARCHON, spring 1981)

from your editor I would like to take this time to thank everyone who submitted articles to the Zeta Zest! Our region has talented women who represent our beloved sorority with dignity, passion and and a great sense of pride. Our Zeta Zest gives us the opportunity to document the work that is done in the name of Zeta throughout the region. I challenge each of you to make a commitment to ensure your efforts are apart of this wonderful document. As always, thank you for allowing me to serve you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any feedback you may have at glreditor@gmail.com. In Sisterhood, Soror Keesha Jones-Sutton Regional Editor




Illinois Connie V. Pugh, Director

Felicia R. Bohanon, Editor

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated kicked off the 2012 Magnificent Boule in Chicago, Illinois on July 6, 2012. Chicago is a city filled with beautiful architecture, rich history, and plenty of shopping. Boule’ is the national assembly of all of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority’s members, as well as, auxiliary groups (Zeta Amicae and Zeta Male Network). This bi-annual meeting is the forum by which the national business of Zeta is conducted. It was an opportunity for us to celebrate our organization’s commitment to service, sisterhood, Finer Womanhood and scholarship. It is the venue to recognize the hard work and dedication of the many Zeta chapters across the globe.

The 2012 Boule’ was no exception! From the opening night ceremony where Zetas were serenaded by the men of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated to the sound of the gavel signifying the official opening of the business meetings, thousands of registered attendees converged on Chicago to participate in various events packed in 4 ½ fun-filled days. Highlights from the Boule’ included: Election of the 24th Grand Basileus, Soror Mary Breaux Wright, and National Executive Board Members; Performances by Ann Nesby, Ledisi, Lakeside, Doug E. Fresh, and Biz Markie; An Old School – New School Stroll competition (Tau Psi Zeta, Alsip, Illinois claimed the $1,000 prize); The pinning of Zeta Doves (members who have served this illustrious sorority for at least 50 years!); The Ms. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Pageant hosted by Damon Williams featuring Carl Thomas; Inspirational Interfaith Prayer Breakfast National Officers and Appointees from Illinois include: Undergraduate to the National Nominating Committee Great Lakes Regional Director Illinois State Director National Legal Counsel Team National MIP Revitalization Team National Education Foundation, Board of Directors Z-Hope Coordinator

Jessica Holden Michelle Porter Norman Connie V. Pugh Sherese A. Shabazz, Esq. Linda W. Edwards Evelyn L. Byrdsong Renee S. Byrd

Adapted from article by Soror April Clincy Basileus, Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter, Waukegan, Illinois

The 46th Annual Illinois State Leadership Conference Tinley Park, Illinois The 46th Annual Illinois State Leadership Conference was held in Tinley Park, Illinois on November 9 and November 10, 2012. Past State Directors Barbara Banks-Hayes and Soror Renee S. Byrd passed the gavel to officially begin the 46th Annual Leadership Conference. The conference was the largest conference held in the state of Illinois to date. The conference focused on our founding principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Workshop presenters from across the state conducted interactive workshops that focused on health; nutrition; sisterhood; Finer Womanhood; financial planning; estate and will planning; and the importance of using the convention and tourist bureau to name a few. The workshops were filled to capacity and attendees garnered useful information. Several Sorors traveled near and far to attend the leadership conference. Visiting Sorors included Patricia E. Jones, National Graduate Member-atLarge; Rhonda Eberhardt; Amicae National Co-Director; Brenda Reed, Regional Representative to the National Nominating Committee; Minnesota State Director, Bernadette Harrell; Wisconsin State Director, Milika Miller;

Past Wisconsin State Director, Jennine Swafford; Great Lakes Regional Youth Coordinator; Ayana Fordham, Great Lakes Region Co-Youth Director, Raquel Wade of Kappa Beta Zeta Chapter in Wisconsin; Nina Nichols of Mu Tau Zeta Chapter in Indiana; and Davina Whitaker of Zeta Beta Zeta Chapter in Ohio. The conference chronicled a number of firsts in the state of Illinois and/or the Great Lakes Region: ▪ The Executive Board’s installation ceremony was facilitated by an Undergraduate Soror, Jessica Holden, Undergraduate Representative to the National Nominating Committee. ▪ On Friday, November 9, 2012, eight women from the Evanston/Northshore area were granted the charter of Omega Pi Zeta, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. It is the first chapter chartered within the Great Lakes Region under the leadership of Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright’s Administration. The charter members are Sorors Kristian Harris, Denise Johnson, Tiffany Jordan, Candice Bogan, Joanna Goodson, Felisha Parsons, Mira Cole, and Michelle Wharton. The ceremony was conducted by Great Lakes Regional Director, Soror Michelle Porter-Norman and State Director Soror Connie V. Pugh. ▪ A record high, 67 Youth attended the leadership conference. ▪ A record number, 350 attendees, registered for and attended the conference. Highlights and Accomplishments All the active chapters in the state of Illinois attended the 46th Annual Leadership Conference. The following individuals were elected to serve on the Illinois State Executive Board: Soror Adrienne K. McDay – Chairman of the Executive Board Soror Nicole S. Weathersby – Representative-at-Large Soror Tiffany Johnson – Grammateus Soror Felicia R. Bohanon – Tamias Soror Angelyn Anderson – Phylacter Soror Chautine Dorame – Graduate Member-at-Large Soror Jessica Horne – Undergraduate Member-at-Large Z-Hope Project (Victory Centre of South Chicago) The Illinois State Z-Hope Coordinators, Soror Tranese Walker and Soror Astrid Alfred Greer, collected 1,752 toiletries and household items and $530.00 in cash for the senior citizens at Victory Centre of South Chicago. Approximately, 82% of the Sorors, Amicae, and Youth Auxiliaries participated in the state-wide service project. Special acknowledgement was given to the Youth Auxiliary of Tau Psi Zeta Chapter for donating over 200 items and Omega Pi Zeta Chapter for donating 278 items to the Victory Centre of South Chicago, A Supportive Living and Senior Apartment Community. Amicae Auxiliaries Thirteen Amicae were present, representing four of the State’s five auxiliaries: Alsip, Carbondale, Chicago, and Markham. In addition to the State Amicae Coordinator, the Amicae had the unique privilege of interacting with the National Co-Director of Amicae Affairs, Soror Rhonda Eberhardt, as well as, Regional Amicae Coordinator, Soror Renee Byrd. Amica LaVorgis Sturkey (Alsip) was elected to a second term as President. Amica Jimetta Ware (Markham) was elected to Second Vice-President and Amica Amanda Wiggins (Chicago) will serve as Corresponding Secretary. Amicae Roberta Poindexter and Bobbie Malloy (Alsip) were appointed to the Recording Secretary and Financial Secretary positions respectively. This new group joins First Vice-President, Amica Corene McDaniel (Carbondale), Treasurer, Amica Lynette Williams (A lsip), Parliamentarian, Amica Carolin Harvey

(Carbondale), and Amica Geraldine Robinson (Carbondale), Chaplain to round out the 2012-13 Zeta Amicae of Illinois Leadership Team. Contributed by Amica LaVorgis Sturkey, Illinois State Amicae President and Soror Zenetta M. Coleman, Illinois State Amice Coordinator

Youth Auxiliaries Focusing on the theme, Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths……From Little Girls to Zeta Pearls, the Youth Auxiliary workshop consisted of: The Truth about Bullying; Representing Yourself and the Organization; Picture a Better You; College and Career Readiness; Arts and Crafts; The Art of Stepping and Strolling; and Fitness is Fun. The workshops were design to enhance selfesteem and encourage the youth to be caring and responsible citizen. Many of the girls responded with positive feedback from the Leadership conference. According to Amicette Kayla Gillespie, “being an only child can be lonely. Now, I have many little sisters that I have met at the conference.” Archonette Jimara Thomas said “this is my first conference, and it was informational and exciting and it reminded me of what I have to look forward to in the near future.” Written by Soror JuTun Andrews- King Illinois State Youth Coordinator

Membership Intake Process Training and Leadership Development Workshop Evanston, Illinois On Saturday, December 29, 2012, 97 sorors converged at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois for a State Training and Development Session. Soror Connie V. Pugh welcomed Sorors and Amicae to the workshop before they were directed to their respective meetings. Soror Melody D. Byrd and Soror Renee S. Byrd conducted two simultaneous morning workshops. Soror Renee Byrd focused on Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) and the specific guidelines and tips for earning chapter Z-HOPE points. Soror R. Byrd also shared innovative ideas for the Amicae, an often underutilized auxiliary of our sisterhood. Before the close of the morning session, time was allowed for a serious discussion on chapter level concerns. One concern was the perennial need to sell tickets for events. Soror Byrd outlined an incentive program, which has been successful in her chapter. Under this incentive programs, Sorors were allowed to return unsold tickets without cost. Additionally, high selling Sorors were rewarded with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place gifts. Soror JuTun Andrews-King, Illinois State Youth Director, unpacked her vision for all state youth group auxiliaries, stating that uniformity in presentation and procedure are key aspects to successful statewide youth programs. Soror Pamela Clanton, Illinois State Stork’s Nest Director, was responsible for explaining the Stork’s Nest Program. Stork's Nest is an established program. However, because it needs to be attached to a medical facility, it is often underutilized by some chapters. Soror Clanton, encouraged all chapters to initiate a Stork’s Nest Program, and detailed the steps for program activation. After a short break for lunch, Sorors convened for the afternoon session, which was earmarked for Membership Intake Process Training and Executive Board Training. The Executive Board training was facilitated by Soror Adrienne K. McDay. State Director Pugh was visible throughout the day, visiting, giving input, advice and needed direction during all training sessions. However, it was the afternoon session, devoted to MIP, which she facilitated. She stated that the manner in which we usher new members into our sisterhood is of utmost importance and should not be taken lightly. By the close of the day, approximately

3:00 P.M., all of the attendees had been enlightened; and departed the facility with a renewed spirit of optimism for our sisterhood and the important work that laid ahead. Written by Soror LaVonne R. Harris, Xi Mu Zeta Chapter, Markham, Illinois All photographs taken by Soror Kristian Harris, Omega Pi Zeta Chapter, Evanston, Illinois

Illinois State Leadership Academy Winter Workshop Series Champaign/Urbana, Illinois When you see a multitude of women wearing royal blue and white as they organize rooms, unpack boxes, setup the registration areas, etc., you can be assured that something great is being prepared. This was no different than when the Illinois State Leadership Academy held its Winter Workshop Series on the campus of University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana on February 9, 2013. The Leadership Academy was created to provide training and an exchange of knowledge for the members and auxiliaries of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The workshop series’ theme “Building on the Principles of Zeta while Blazing New Paths” provided an impressive list of topics covering mentoring; public relations and chapter branding; social media responsibility; event planning; conflict resolution; and dressing the Finer woman in you! The newly created Career Center initiative provided a unique opportunity for individuals to obtain assistance with experienced job coaches in resume writing; interviewing techniques; as well as, strategic job search activities. At the conclusion of the workshop series, Sorors and Amicae expressed that their delight of the action packed day as they learned a wealth of knowledge to carry home! There were over 138 Sorors and Amicae in attendance. Again, I special “thank you” to Nu Delta Chapter at the University of Illinois, their sponsoring graduate chapter, Eta Chi Zeta; and Champaign graduate chapter, Theta Lambda Zeta, for their hard work in planning, assisting, and clearing the path in making sure the conference was successful during our visit. The Leadership Academy will continue to tread new ground as we stay on the blazing path! Look for more information on our Summer Workshop Series!! Written by Soror Betty Peeples Illinois State Leadership Academy Chair

Illinois – A Legacy of Leadership at the 46th Annual Illinois State Leadership Conference Past State Director, Earnestine Jefferson-Martin; Past Great Lakes Regional Director, Cynthia A. McCoy; Past Great Lakes Regional Director, Vera M. Paul; State Director, Connie V. Pugh; Great Lakes Regional Director and Past State Director, Michelle Porter Norman; Past State Director, Carolyn E. Wilson; Past State Director, Barbara Banks-Hayes (first row) Undergraduate Representative to the National Nominating Committee, Jessica Holden; Past State Director, Renee S. Byrd; Past State Director, Linda W. Edwards (second row)


The Evolution of Finer Womanhood Celebrating A Decade of Service The Evolu�on of Finer Womanhood…An Evening of Reflec�on The Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter celebrated 10 years of Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood on November 3, 2012 at the Holiday Inn Conven�on Center in Gurnee, Illinois. This illustrious chapter was founded on November 2, 2002 by eight Trailblazers ready to bring forth change in the Lake County communi�es. Our eight founding members are as follows: Be�y Peeples (President), Kimbrella Warfield(Vice President), Elouise Jones (2nd Vice President) , Valencia Samuel (3rd Vice President), Linda Chamblee (Historian), Donna Clark (Treasurer), Tricia Mills (Sgt At Arms) and Joyce Thomas-Williams (Phylacter). These charter members were recognized for their vision and commitment to developing this chapter into the powerhouse organiza�on that it is today. Over the last ten years, Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter is proud to have accomplished the following milestones: chartered an undergraduate chapter at Northwestern University, chartered an adult auxiliary and three youth auxiliaries for girls ages 4-18, provided scholarships to deserving students pursuing higher educa�on and presen�ng ground-breaking programs to the Lake county communi�es. As we con�nue to blaze the trails in years to come, it’s important that we con�nue to reflect on where we started because our past will springboard us into our future. Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter will con�nue to move forward with one goal in mind; to impact the lives of those within our communi�es. Soror Karyn Quick 1st Vice President Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter

Above: Sigma Phi Zeta charter members with then Illinois State Director Michelle Porter-Norman in 2002 Right: Sigma Phi Zeta charter members with current Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter-Norman in 2012

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Tau Alpha Zeta Chapter of Richton Park, IL Since last regional conference TAZ has continued to be on the move in exemplifying our principles. We had our second Stork’s Nest baby shower on May 19, 2012 where we welcomed three new healthy babies into the world (2 girls; 1 boy). The “new” moms and their family members were very pleased with our program and grateful for all of the gifts they received. TAZ was really excited and we are looking forward to you sharing in our joy at our next Stork’s Nest shower.

On June 21, 2012 was our 4th Annual “Family and Friends Night Under the Lights” Baseball game Fundraiser. Sorors enjoyed a night at the ballpark with family, friends and fellow Greeks, while cheering on “Boomer” and the Windy City Thunderbolts of Crestwood, IL Minor League Baseball Team. Proceeds from the game will benefit March of Dimes and Stork’s Nest Programs. We hope to see you back at the 5th Annual on June 20, 2013.

On November 11, 2012 we were again welcomed at Life Changing Ministries Church in Blue Island, IL for our sisterly worship and Prematurity Awareness Program. Pastor Lonnie G. Harrison Sr. and his congregation is very pleased with the work that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and Tau Alpha Zeta Chapter are doing by helping the March of Dimes spread the word and educate women on premature births.

The Holiday season tends to bring out the best in people, and on November 19, 2012, we did just that for the ladies of the Tau Alpha Zeta Chapter of Richton Park, IL. Despite the decline in the economy, we were able to increase our giving this year. With the help of the Rich Township Pantry, we provided turkeys and the trimmings for ten families in the Richton Park community. The families met us at the Pantry and we handed out, to each family, a 10-12 pound turkey and a bag filled with stuffing, cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, green beans, corn and more to ensure that each family received a complete holiday style meal for Thanksgiving. This is Tau Alpha Zeta’s eighth year in helping the Pantry alleviate some of the stress and hunger that families unexpectedly face in times of crisis, especially around the holidays.

Throughout the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Tau Alpha Zeta continued the spirit of giving. On Saturday, November 24, 2012, sorors once again gave their time and untiring support to the Lakeview Pantry in Chicago, IL. Sorors actively participated in unloading the food and inspecting and sorting out appropriate items for distribution for the deserving families and clients of the community. Sorors also had the opportunity of assisting clients with signing up for case management services. TAZ takes pride in uniting in a sisterly fashion and emulating our principle of service.

Also, in November 2012 we participated in Z-HOPE Project 2020 “Get out the Vote�. We collected many pledge cards from friends, coworkers and neighbors stating that they would vote and/or early vote in the 2012 presidential election.

During December 2012, we were able to provide a helping hand again to the Rich Township Pantry in Richton Park, IL with packaging Christmas boxes for 250 families that receive services from the Pantry. Each of the families will receive a turkey and a box filled with a bag of potatoes, flour, sugar, butter, eggs, cans of yams, green beans and corn, bread, dinner rolls, pancake mix, syrup, cereal and a pie. This was indeed a humbling experience to be a part of helping families in need.

On January 12, 2013 was the Illustrious State of Illinois Joint Founder’s Day dinner with our Outstanding Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. We enjoyed ourselves in the camaraderie of sorors and fraters. This was Illinois tenth year in celebrating this event together as a family.

Finer Womanhood

Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Alsip, Illinois Tau Psi Zeta Chapter PO BOX 587504 Alsip, Illinois 60803-7504

During TPZ’s 9th Annual Finer Womanhood Prayer zetaamicaeofalsipil@yahoo.com Breakfast, the Amicae Auxiliary of Alsip received a www.taupsizeta.org/amicae.html very special award and recognition. Current Amicae Treasurer, Lynnette Williams, was honored as the 2013 Amica of the Year. Friend Williams was chosen for this honor because of her tireless work and unfailing dedication to the principles of Zeta that she exemplifies through her work with the Amicae. Also, the Friends conducted a fundraising raffle with four (4) gift baskets and rose over $900 to assist with travels to the National Amicae Retreat in July. Congratulations for both of these wonderful accomplishments!

Service AIDS Walk/Run - The Zeta Amicae of Alsip volunteered at the Annual AIDS Walk/Run on September 30 at Soldier Field. The Amicae, along with their sponsors worked registration booths as walkers signed up and prepared to complete their walk/run. This was the first year the Amicae participated at the AIDS Walk/Run. The AIDS Walk/Run’s purpose is to reduce new HIV affections and increase the proportion of HIVpositive Chicagoans who are aware of their diagnosis and benefit from continuous , high-quality medical care and essential services. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk - On October 14, the Amicae assisted Tau Psi Zeta at the ACS Walk in Orland Park. The Amicae helped hand out water and cheered people as they walked in honor of survivors, loved ones they lost to cancer. The women put on a their smiling faces and provided words of encouragement to the participants to keep them motivated.

Scholarship Even though the Chicago Bears did not make the playoffs, the Zeta Amicae of Alsip ended the season with a BANG! The Amicae worked Stand 153 to increase their fundraising goal. We took on the challenge and raised over $1500 for our Auxiliary. These funds allowed us to donate the National Educational Foundation as well as other service organizations.

Sisterly Love Wang Dang Doodle Time, Alsip Amice Celebrate 7 years. Established on November 20, 2005, the Alsip Amicae lend assistance and provides support to the local graduate chapter and celebrated their 7th Anniversary with a bang. The festivities kicked off at the Greenville Mississippi Club for the Light Blues & Jazz Night on November 23rd and there was much fun to be had by all. DJ "White Bob" was on the 1's and 2's playing a variety of Jazz, Old School, and Slides. Guests entertained themselves with dancing, Bid Whist, and the most animated game of Phase 10 ever seen.


Shining the Light of TLZ Zeta Phi Beta Sorority‐ Theta Lambda Zeta Chapter


Edition 2,Volume 1

Spotlight on Membership Principals at Work   

The illustrious Finer Women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Lambda Zeta Chapter and the TLZ Youth Auxiliaries are ushering in another year of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood. They brought the year in keeping to their theme: “Holding Up the Light of Zeta: Proverbs 31” Shining Son– Light throughout the community as we engaged in the events and activities that would let the light of Zeta Shine bright in our community.

TLZ Reclaims Members

Soror Christina Donaldson and Soror Bianca Bailey

Spotlight on Service and Sisterly Love

TLZ Graduates and Youth

TLZ Archonettes are serving at the Illinois State Leadership Conference with the Z‐HOPE Project

Sorors and Youth prepare to work at the Annual Boys and Girls Club fundraiser, “Steak and Burger Dinner”. March 2013

Youth Group Fall Retreat TLZ Youth Auxiliary at the Finer Womanhood & Scholarship Awards Breakfast. March 2013

Farewell Kourtni Archonette Kournti Turner graduates this May! She will be attending college

Prematurity Awareness Sunday November 2012

in the fall. God Bless you Kourtni and we will miss you!!

Tau Xi Zeta’s Youth Auxiliaries “Spreading the Word”

Zeta Youth Auxiliaries

The youth auxiliary club members of Tau Xi Zeta Graduate Chapter in Forest Park, IL foster the motto of “sharing and caring for those less fortunate than ourselves!” These energetic, intelligent and goal oriented young ladies work hard to provide community support for the Chicagoland area.

Iota Nu Sigma’s youth club Sigma Betas with UNITY Step Performance during Boule 2013; the National Youth Symposium hosted by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. and their youth group the Rhoers; the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and their youth group Knights of Omega’s “School Days Movie Night”; and Project P.R.E.T.T.Y.’s “College Round-Table Discussion”. Scholarship--learning the history of events and how it relates to Black Greek Organizations; hosted “Study Buddy Tutoring Sessions while maintaining a club’s overall GPA of 3.02;

For the months of May 2012 to February 2013, the youth auxiliaries had a blast implementing the Sorority’s principles of Service—participated in Lupus

Amicette’s Study Buddy Session

and Breast Cancer Walks, volunteered at the Chicago Marathon and Fire Fly Run; and gift giving at the homeless at the Chicago Christian Industrial League on Christmas Day. Sisterly Love--End of the Year Family BBQ Celebration, support of one another as well as others, such as Tau Psi Zeta Graduate Chapter Archonette’s “Fire Fly Run”;

Archonettes setting up the food table at the 2012 Lupus Walk in Lincoln Park

Blue & White Youth Etiquette Ball

females of various ages cover a range of women’s issue, spread awareness, and real-life experiences. The youth auxiliary have also drawn their peers with fun while promoting fitness and good health. It was called “Fun 4 Fitness” Wii Game Night. The games played were Michael Jackson Experience, Wii Sports, Dance Party, and Super Mario Kart. These games stimulated the participant’s minds, worked their bodies, and generated a positive spirit .

Archonettes at College Fair at Clark HS

held a college fair with the sponsoring graduate chapter. And Finer Womanhood—Blue & White Youth Etiquette Ball, and also wearing business casual attire every Wednesday to start a professional trend. The Archonettes have also held Z-HOPE Project to enhance participant’s mind, body, and spirit. They created a monthly workshop called “Female Forum” where

These young ladies represent the future leaders of tomorrow. They have charged themselves with the responsibility of promoting the goals and ideals of the Zeta Auxiliaries by maintaining achievement in scholarship, interest in the community, and becoming “Finer women” professionally.

Pearlettes & Archonettes feeding the homeless with A Safe Haven on Christmas Day

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Upsilon Chi Zeta Rockford, IL

Rockford, Illinois is a city that is changing and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is in the middle of that change effort. Upsilon Chi Zeta chapter expanded our partnership with Rockford Meld ( non‐profit that provides programs and services for young parents and their children in the Rockford community) and began a new partnership with the National MS Society (co‐sponsoring a holiday dinner with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity). We granted two scholarships to non‐traditional students attending college in the area to continue their educational pursuits. When change occurs, there are feelings of uncertainty and fear, but the women of Upsilon Chi Zeta continue to meet the change and challenges ahead on to ensure that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is making a positive impact in Rockford, Illinois.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. seeks to make an impact on society and created the Z.H.O.P.E (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) initiative to reach out to the community. Xi Mu Zeta hosts Z.H.O.P.E. programs that speak to the mind, body, and spirit of seniors, men, and women.

Zetas Helping Seniors

The "Get Ready" senior project was held on December 22, 2012 at the Department of Aging in Chicago, Illinois. The topic discussed was “How to Prepare for a Natural Disaster.” The discussion was followed by a raffle where safety kits were distributed. The Amicettes were also onsite delivering holiday cards and good cheer to the residents.

Zetas Helping Men

Xi Mu Zeta reached out to the spirit of men within the community through an open forum to help break some of the stigma of domestic violence and mental health issues, particularly depression.

Members of Xi Mu Zeta helping women shop at the Family Rescue Shelter event.

Sorors Johnita Clark, Monica Mogbo, Karen Franklin, Kristil Hayes, and Karyn Collins during the senior event.

On January 26, 2013, Xi Mu Zeta’s “Double D’s: Depression and Domestic Violence” program had presenters from a local battered women’s shelter, as well as, a licensed therapist to address these issues in an interactive group discussion.

Zetas Helping Women

Xi Mu Zeta Chapter, in partnership with The Pearl Foundation, hosted our annual Women’s Shopping Day event on February 23, 2013.

Xi Mu Zeta Chapter transformed the Family Rescue Shelter into a mini-­‐ department store, stocking the shelves with a host of donated items including deodorant, bras, and hair products. There were also a few luxuries, such as, designer purses and perfume sets. The women were given “dove bucks” to shop. As part of this event, the residents of the shelter also participated in a “You Are What You Eat” Z.H.O.P.E. workshop on the importance of healthy eating before shopping until their hearts were content.

Xi Mu Zeta Chapter Amicae Markham, Illinois

Friends Making A Difference Fall began with the Amicae Thanksgiving Food Drive on October 15. Canned goods were collected for two charities, Leslie’s Place in Chicago, Illinois and St. Mark’s Missionary Baptist Church in Harvey, Illinois. This joint event was held with Xi Mu Zeta at Westpoint Baptist Church in Chicago. Next the Amicae were off to the Illinois Leadership Conference, November 9-­‐10, in Tinley Park, Illinois. Amica Jametta Ware was victorious and was installed as the Illinois State Amicae 2nd Vice President. The Amicae hit the road again to attend the Illinois State Leadership Academy’s Winter Workshop Series II in Champaign, Illinois. On October 14, 2012, Xi Mu Zeta Chapter participated in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Orland Park, Illinois. During the opening ceremonies, Amica Jametta Ware, a three-­‐year survivor of breast cancer, shared her testimony.

Pictured above (left to right): Illinois State Amicae President LaVorgis Sturkey, Xi Mu Zeta Chapter Amicae Sponsor Gwendolyn Smith, Great Lakes Regional Amicae Coordinator Renee Byrd, Amica Jametta Ware and Illinois State Amicae Coordinator Zenetta Coleman at the Illinois Winter Workshop.

In February, the Amicae donated personal care items to Xi Mu Zeta’s Women’s Shopping at the Family Rescue Battered Women’s Shelter in Chicago. It was time to make new friends by inviting new members into the auxiliary. The Amicae hosted an informational in the Markham Community Room on March 3. The auxiliary looks forward to welcoming new members by June. There’s no stopping them now. The Amicae of Markham, Illinois are also planning to attend the Amicae Retreat this summer!



X i M u Z eta C hapte r Pea r lette Y outh A uxilia r y

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X i M u Z eta C hapte r A micette Y outh A uxil ia r y C u ltu r e : The Amicette youth group of Xi Mu Zeta Chapter celebrated Kwanzaa by introducing Kwanzaa to the seniors at the Webb Senior Living Complex. The event was well attended and the Amicettes really enjoyed sharing this cultural event with the seniors. The seven principles were discussed. The seven principles comprise Kawaida, a Swahili term for tradition and reason. Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of the following principles, as follows: Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

K ujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

U jima (Collective Wor k and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.

U jamaa (Cooperative E conomics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Imani (F aith): To believe with all our hearts in God, our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. At the conclusion of their Kwanzaa presentation the Amicettes took joy in serving the seniors light refreshments and engaging in conversations with them about growing up during the Civil Rights Movement. This day was truly a learning experience for all present.

K uumba (C reativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial.

X i M u Z eta C hapte r A r chonette Y outh A uxilia r y H istor y : The Xi Mu Zeta Archonette youth auxiliary hosted a black history p������������ck History: Our Past, Our Future,� on February 23, 2013 at Markham City Hall. Many supporters, family and friends attended the program that included poetry, an audience intera��������������I?����esentation about prominent Black History Trailblazers, a musical selection by one of our Archonettes, and an �E����������������������������������entation.

The audience also had the opportunity to learn about the history and significance of quiltmaking during the Slavery Period. Of particular interest, was that the Underground Railroad used quilts as a complex system of communication. A beautifully, hand-woven quilt, by Xi Mu Zeta Chapte�������������������������������ffled to one of the program attendees. The quilt reflected a deep love for Zeta and the legacy of quilt making. The Black History Program also hosted Xi Mu Zeta�s Pearlette youth auxiliary who recited the poem, ���� Black Child.� The supporters enjoyed the annual Black History Program and are looking forward to next year! Scholarship: We are pleased to announce that Archonette DeAira Cooper has been selected to receive Xi Mu Zeta Chapter�s Bonita Woods-Harris Scholarship. DeAira attends Marion Catholic High School. She is a member of the speech team and helped her team reach third place in state competition. She has applied to several prestigious colleges and, so far, has been accepted to University of Iowa while waiting to hear from the others. She plans to major in international relations and biomedical sciences to pursue a career as an international OB/Gyn and work with Doctors Without Borders.


As a Soror of 23 years I felt I needed to be a bit more engaged in our organization, but couldn’t find that thing that made me want to jump in head first. I had just chartered a new chapter Omega Pi Zeta with seven other Sorors in Evanston, Illinois, that keeps me very busy and yes I am the state and regional photographer which in the very near future promise to keep me super busy, but I had a little more Zeta love to give, who should get it? Pow! out of the clouds comes “My Sister’s Teacher” mentoring program. Let me check this out and see what Soror Jessica Horne has in store. Ok I can do this. I was matched up with a Soror who actually became a Soror on my birthday April 1st, this is going to work already! Anna Norman, a junior at Wright State University is my mentee and here is what she had to say, being a member of Zeta Phi Beta has made me a better person. One experience in particular, a program called 'My Sisters Keeper' led to an experience and relationship with a sister that I would have never even imagined. Krissie called to introduce herself and that was the day our relationship blossomed, through text messages and phone calls, we got to know each other more‐ I had someone who was old enough to care about me in a motherly way, and sisterly enough to love me as a mentee. She tells me I can come to visit during spring break, so I went because I plan on applying to Northwestern’s law program next year. She showed me around, introduced me to her family, friends, and undergrad Sorors, I even bumped into a friend from grade school. She cared for me like a daughter; things like this remind me why I chose the best Sorority. Our relationship has grown so much so that she knows all about my life, my accomplishments, my fears, my hopes and dreams, and how I want to achieve them and I am very grateful for my opportunity. Ann has been my blessing also, she keeps me grounded, helps me remember not to sweat the small stuff and shows me different ways to not only look at the organization, but the world in general. Anna is beautiful, articulate, she carries a GPA of like a 3.79, plays volleyball, and is the president of the chapter at W.S., something I couldn’t do as a college aged soror. My children love Anna and she has the world ahead of her, and will do well. I love Anna! Now, it is strange to go a day without hearing from one another, or snap chatting. Currently, we are planning another visit to Chicago, and planning to attend W.S. graduation next year. This program means the WORLD to us, and we couldn’t have asked God for anyone greater to come into our lives. Thank you, Zeta for matching us up.

Per the Illinois State Director, Connie V. Pugh, on Saturday March 23, 2013, Soror Chauntine J. Dorame, the Illinois Graduate Member-at-Large coordinated the meeting of members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. from the Chicago land area. The Zeta Zeta, Eta Chi Zeta, Tau Psi Zeta & Omega Pi Zeta Chapters met at 55th and Cottage Grove Avenue to walk with, support, congratulate and cheer on the women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority on their 1,000 Women March, which was held in conjunction with the DST Centennial Torch event. The 1,000 Women March is a signature activity for Delta. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was founded on January, 13, 1913 as a service sorority and was the only black women’s organization to join the Women’s Suffrage Parade of 1913, an important march in the suffrage movement. Saturday’s crowd of hundreds included the King High School Marching Band and majorettes, various Delta chapters from around the United States and members of Zeta, the only other Greek Lettered organization to be present. The Torch march for Chicago was conceived in the spirit of the Women’s Suffrage Parade. Many of the Delta members held signs that were reminiscent of the picketing signs of old. The march was designed as a vehicle for the community to join in solidarity to highlight the promotion of education and to stomp out gang violence. The march concluded at 45th and King Drive with photo opportunities for all who attended and a formal reception for registered participants that included local dignitaries, Zeta’s Illinois State Director, Connie V. Pugh and other local Greek lettered personnel. The weekend concluded on Sunday the 24th with the torch extinguishment at the gravesite of Delta founder, Marguerite Young Alexander in Northbrook, IL. This event was attended by Soror Krissie Harris of the Omega Pi Zeta chapter. She presented the members of Delta Sigma Theta with a tribute of a dozen roses which were laid at the grave on behalf of the Illustrious State of Illinois.



This past sorority year has certainly been a dynamic one for the Mu Tau Zeta Chapter better known as the Speedway Zetas, located in Speedway Indiana. Aside from participating in local, national, and regional initiatives, the chapter has actively restructured its entire marketing and branding efforts to fall in line with the current administration (Building On The Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths), as well as the vision of the new chapter basileus, Jocellyn Seawood. This has included standard imaging, colors, fonts, a chapter logo, new website, and chapter photos. In addition, the Speedway Zetas have been fervently working to stand out by “thinking outside of the box� and engaging members and the community through innovative programming by hosting the its first Open House; recognizing finer womanhood and women in the military by hosting a card party for members of the community to fellowship and make homemade cards for active serving women military personnel; and developing a stronger relationship with the Julia Carson Foundation. The Speedway Zetas signature programming includes the Annual Wine Sip, as well as participation in Keep Indianapolis Beautiful. In addition, Mu Tau Zeta consistently supports the efforts of the United Negro College Fund by being a table sponsor for the Annual Masquerade Ball. For the ball that was held in December 2012, the Speedway Zetas were a table sponsor in the amount of $2,500. Furthermore, we continue to be a partner to Riverside Community Center working with youth, as well as a supporter for Mozel Sanders by packing and delivering meals on Thanksgiving Day. Part of the chapter’s strategic plan is to grow this list to include programming that involves the broader NPHC community, as well as other community entities. In addition, the Mu Tau Zeta chapter continues to strengthen its relationship with the undergraduate chapters that it advises by ensuring monthly participation in their chapter activities, attending their events, having open chapter meetings for undergraduates to attend, cultivating leadership, as well as recognition of achievements. The 2012-2013 sorority year has certainly been a purposeful one, and we look forward to more growth and enhancement as the chapter approaches its 30th Anniversary in 2014.

Submitted By, Jocellyn Seawood, Basileus

Members of Iota Zeta, Epsilon Kappa and inactive Sorors

Members of Iota Zeta and Inactive Sorors

Left to right: Sorors Carrie Harris, Shyvon Lacy, Sharmela Snell and Tamara Nance - Founders’ Day Committee

On January, 12, 2013, the Iota Zeta Chapter held its Royal Celebration of Sisterhood Founders’ Day Program at Piper’s at the Marott in Indianapolis, IN. Sorors dressed in royal blue and white and came out to celebrate our esteemed Five Pearls and 93 years of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Guests in attendance included the undergraduate Sorors of Epsilon Kappa from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN and several inactive Sorors. The program consisted of a fantastic lunch and speakers presenting information on Zeta’s principles; Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood. At the conclusion of the program, Sorors gathered in the atrium to capture the moment.

Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths….

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Upsilon Kappa Zeta (YKZ) Chapter Bloomington, IN 2013 GLR Conference – Zeta Zest The Upsilon Kappa Zeta chapter started off their 2012-2013 year with a blast by having another successful annual Caribbean Dinner in September, and representing Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in the Bloomington Breast Cancer Walk in October. We officially opened our scholarship application for Bloomington-area high school students, offering 2 $1,000 scholarships for incoming freshman college students. YKZ also completed the “Finer Women Don’t Haze” initiative goals and presented on Prematurity Awareness to Bethel AME church in November. Our Spring programming included a successful Bowling For Babies event and we are looking forward to our March of Dimes - March for Babies walk, as last year we received a regional award for our fundraising. In April we are having our 2nd Annual Finer Womanhood Tea, recognizing phenomenal women in the Bloomington area. Our members continue to show a commitment to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in every aspect, as Soror Ketwana Schoos is the Indiana State Evaluations Committee Chair, Soror Amber Pratcher is the Regional WebMistress/Social Media Coordinator and Soror Susan Johnson is the Indiana State Director. Chapter Information: Address:

P.O. Box 1044 Bloomington, IN 47402 www.bloomingtongradzetas.com bloomingtongradzetas@yahoo.com Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. – Upsilon Kappa Zeta @btowngradzetas

Website: Email: Facebook: Twitter: 2012-2013 Officers: Basileus Second Anti-Basileus Grammateus Tamias Tamias Grammateus 2012-2013 Members:

Amber Pratcher Shequez Burgess Ketwana Schoos Brittini Strong Ronetta Poellnitz Susan Johnson Alandra Harris-Hasan Tiffany Howard Mindy Mayes Ebony Williams

P.O. Box 1044, Bloomington, IN 47402


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Upsilon Omega Zeta


The beginning of the new sorority year focused on education. The chapter collected school supplies that were donated to a halfway house in the city of Indianapolis. The chapter continued with scholarship endeavors by donating funds to a local elementary school that assisted students in need of uniforms. A donation was made to the National Education Foundation as well. A scholarship luncheon will be held in May to honor a local program that focuses on assisting girls in the community with educational endeavors.


When it comes to servicing the community, the chapter feels we can never do too much! Our service projects included completion of 10 National Z‐HOPE initiatives as well as serving food within our local shelters, special programs to aid our soldiers that are overseas, and supporting families during the holidays among many others. Our most recent project included personally assisting brides affected by breast cancer to select the dress of her dreams. The chapter sent relief to persons that were affected by the tornadoes in southern Indiana and those displaced by Hurricane Sandy. Sisterly Love Sisterly love is very important to our chapter because without it, we cannot exemplify greatness through our founding principles. Throughout the year, birthdays and Zetaversaries are acknowledged at every chapter meeting. We also created a “secret sister” program (similar to “secret santa”) that lasts for the entire sorority year. Various bonding activities are created monthly so that every soror can feel a part of the chapter and our bond continues to grow. Many of our activities this year included attending movies, concerts, trips and dining out. Team building activities foster the sisterly love through our retreats held once a year.

Finer Womanhood

During Finer Womanhood Week, the chapter incorporated weekly projects that included a financial wellness seminar, physical health initiatives through Z‐HOPE, a bowling event for scholarship, and other events that promote being the best woman you can be!

Stork’s Nest

Upsilon Omega Zeta was the first chapter to have two nests within the state of Indiana. With that in mind, the Stork’s Nest is a prized program to the chapter. Our nest was recently awarded a $19,000 grant. The funds will allow us to take things to a new and exciting level while focusing on the health of unborn babies. We are very proud of our nest and look forward to the future achievements in store for us this year.

Youth Groups

Our chapter is not the only group to be presented with a significant donation. Last spring our youth submitted a grant for a healthy fitness program. It required the youth members to write the grant and they were awarded over $600 to bring awareness to this topic. Youth obesity is continually on the rise, and our youth has realized the importance of living healthy. The youth group will host a Fit and Healthy Program that will expose knowledge to the community about eating right, exercising and taking care of your body. Kudos to our youth for achieving this prestigious award!

Upsilon Omicron Zeta Chapter The South Bend, IN Sorors have been on the move in the community! Because of our work, on April 5, 2012, Upsilon Omicron Zeta was named Community Partner of the Year by the Saint Joseph County Minority Health Coalition at their annual luncheon. The Saint Joseph County Minority Health Coalition has partnered with Upsilon Omicron Zeta for several events. Most notably is the launch of the Stork’s Nest in South Bend and pre-maturity awareness activities. Through this partnership, Upsilon Omicron Zeta has received space to house the Stork’s Nest, grant Figure 2 YOZ Sorors Angelia Forrest and LaTanya assistance and referrals for classes. Griffin Upsilon Omicron Zeta is looking forward to continued work with the Saint County Minority Health Coalition. In May 2012, chapter members participated in Consuela’s Accounting & Tax “Community Clean Up Day.” Sorors assisted in beautifying one of the “gateways” to South Bend, by planting flowers, cleaning trash, and manicuring Figure 1 Pictured Sorors Janice Nichols, Angelia residential lawns. Forrest and Dana Copeland

In June 2012, Upsilon Omicron Zeta hosted a JaZZoetry set. The event was sizzling… literally. Patrons endured the heat to hear live music, singing, and an awesome array of poetic talent. This JaZZoetry event supported the chapter’s Stork’s Nest. Cost of entry was new or gently used baby items. Due to the success of Upsilon Omicron Zeta’s biannual Murder Mystery Scholarship event. “Gravestone: Murder in the Wild West,” the chapter was able to distribute 2Figure 3 South Bend Zetas and Sigmas $500 service awards and 1-$250 service award. The awards were presented in July 2012 at an evening scholarship celebration for the recipients and their families. In November 2012, Upsilon Omicron Zeta hosted another Unplugged: JaZZoetry night, during prematurity awareness weekend. Items were collected for the Memorial Hospital Neo-Intensive Care Unit in South Bend, IN. Guests supported the effort by bringing, crayons, markers, activity books, toys, as well as giving monetary donations. These items were for the siblings of the children in the NICU. The monetary donations allowed the chapter to purchase car seats for infants weighing less than 5lbs. In December 2012, Upsilon Omicron Zeta participated in the “Christmas In the Lions Den” Project. Chapter members set up games and activity booths and gave out hats and gloves to children in need. Chapter members made fleece tie blankets and donated them to the Memorial Hospital NICU. The chapter also participated in the Divine 9 Christmas Tree Competition. The competition was set up to celebrate the 150th year anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Stay tuned as Upsilon Omicron Zeta continues to Build on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths…..”



KENTUCKY STATE ASSOCIATION ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INCORPORATED Soror Mary Breaux Wright International Grand Basileus Soror Michelle Porter Norman Great Lakes Regional Director Soror Keisha D. Smith Kentucky State Director “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths” As we celebrated 93 years of our dynamic organization on January 16, 2013, I thank each chapter for planning and implementing Founders’ Day programs, Rededication, Finer Womanhood events, attending church service with one another, and/or service projects to honor and celebrate our impeccable founders and the legacy they bestowed upon us: Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons, Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful, Founder Viola Tyler Goings, Founder Pearl A. Neal, and Founder Fannie Pettie Watts. These women freely provided their life’s work to and defined the goals and objectives of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The last week of February and the full month of March is designated by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated to accentuate Finer Womanhood through our commitment to Zeta’s principles, community service, volunteerism, sisterhood, collaboration, and team work. Finer Womanhood is emphasizing the ideals, standards, values, customs and attributes of fine women. (Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Finer Womanhood Observance) To the Zeta Amicae of Louisville, I thank you for your ongoing planning, implementation, support, contributions, and service with the blue and white family.

Soror Vivian Landrum-Clayton

Soror Juanetta Taylor

Soror Angela Reed Johnson

Soror Mitzi Gray

Basileus, Eta Zeta


Basileus, Nu Beta Zeta



Upsilon Lambda Zeta

Zeta Alpha Zeta

Kappa Lambda Zeta

Soror Sherrice McClendon

Soror Yolaisha Carter

Soror Berchanya Marshall

Basileus, Delta Theta

Basileus, Eta Alpha

Basileus, Iota Mu

University of Louisville

Kentucky State University

Soror Kelsie Price Basileus, Omega Delta Western Kentucky University

Soror Dedeeh Massey Advisor, Mu Lambda

University of Kentucky

Eastern Kentucky

Soror Wenona Smith Basileus, Tau Rho Louisville Metropolitan Spalding University


Soror Evetta Jackson

Soror Jamesha Rhodes Basileus, Nu Rho Murray State University

Friend Lesa Cole President, Louisville Amicae Sponsor: Eta Zeta Chapter





2012-2013 Membership

Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter: In The [ZETA] Zone ZNZ Joins the Fight to End Violence Against Women with the International V-Day Campaign

Photo: Cast of the Vagina Monologues with honored guests

ZNZ’s Annual Black College Fair Informs Youth of Choices After High School In September, ZNZ held itʼs Annual Black College Fair at the Booker T. Dozier Center in Inkster, MI. Along with hosting 14 HBCUʼs and the United States Army, Adrienne Butler and our own Soror Rashida Bradley presented workshops on financial aid and financial literacy. Soror Artan Hughes led the youth in a workshop on campus life. (Chair Dana Brown)

Keeping Our Community Clean - Adopt-A-Highway

On April 27, 2012 Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter with our partners National Kidney Foundation of Michigan (NKFM) and the Inkster Partnership for a Healthier Community presented Eve Enslerʼs The Vagina Monologues to raise awareness and funds to help end violence against women. ZNZ Basileus, Dr. Madie J. Searcy, created the Inkster V-Day Coalition of ZNZ and community members to produce the play. Proceeds were given to Stanford House, a local womenʼs shelter.

Our Work with National Partner, American Cancer Society: June 2012, ZNZ along with local Zeta Chapters walked for over 24 hours with The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. (Meloney Barney, Organizer) In October, ZNZ and Gamma Delta (The University of Michigan), along with our youth auxiliaries walked in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer as team Inkster-Arbor Doves. (Alicia Jackson, Organizer) Three times each year, ZNZ Chapter, our undergraduates and auxiliaries work with the Michigan Adopt-A-Highway Program, one of our ongoing commitments to the Inkster Community. This year was no different as the chapter worked to keep our two miles of Michigan Avenue free of debris (Chair, Selenia Robinson)

Local Community Partnerships SUPER SATURDAY

Zeta Nu Zeta participates in the Super Saturday Program at the Baylor-Woodson School in Inkster, which is a collaboration with NPHC sororities and community groups. ZNZ provides breakfast, tutoring, and activities for holidays and March Reading Month. (Chair: Mary Washington.) ZNZ and Gamma Delta pose with International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright at Michigan State Organization’s Founders’ Day Celebration

Grads and Undergrads Connect

As the sponsoring chapter for Gamma Delta, (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) we continue to foster a strong relationship. A cadre of sorors serve on the Undergraduate Advisory Committee ( Chair: Aleesa Searcy). One of Gamma Deltaʼs outstanding programs is a public interactive discussion of hairstyles in the black community titled Black Hairstory which is presented in February. This year as they did last year, they will culminate Finer Womanhood Week with their GirlZ Rock Awards Gala, which celebrates the achievements

of young woman on the University of Michiganʼs campus.

Membership Events Promote Sisterhood in Unique Ways Membership events included Round-Up and Informational. Both events were chaired by Soror Lynese Thomas . Many of our members also were privileged to attend the Michigan State Organizations Founders Day where our International Grand Basileus Soror Mary Wright was the guest speaker, and Soror Frances Faithful was in attendance. fundraisers to attend the Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C. (Chair: Samara Martin).

Our Youth Auxilaries Our Youth Auxiliaries had a schedule to rival the chapterʼs. The Archonettes attended the Michigan State Organization annual meeting, held multiple informationals, participated in community service and inducted six new members with an elegant flower ceremony. They experience culture at Detroitʼs Annual Noel Night. To top it off they planned and conducted their own

Our Amicae Our Amicae had a successful year culminating in the induction of five new members. (Co-Chairs: Mary Washington and Khia Lee.)

NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN As partners with NKFM, Sorors are trained to become workshop facilitators in BodyWorks ( a healthy lifestyle program) and Path/Path Diabetes ( the self management program for those with diabetes and/ or chronic diseases). After training, ZNZ is able to conduct these workshops in the community. In July and August we conducted an eight week Bodyworks seminar. In January we also conducted a Path diabetes workshop. (Alicia Jackson, Liasion) MOTHERʼS PANTRY Mother’s Pantry is a “ClientChoice” food pantry in Inkster, MI. Monthly, Sorors bring nonperishable items or a monetary contribution to supplement the food given out by this organization. (Chair: Vernita Gilkey.)

Putting the FUN in Fundraising In October, we held a Pancake Fundraiser at Applebee’s Restaurant for our scholarship program. (Chair: Cheryl Bragg). Following our lead, the Archonettes led their own pancake breakfast fundraiser to help them raise funds to experience the Presidential Inauguration. Though the pancake fundraisers are very early mornings, friends, family and fellowship (along with the funds raised) make it worthwhile.

Getting Active at the Health Expo

ZNZ Health Expo - Focus on Seniors ZNZʼs Second Annual Health Expo focused on Seniors and was held on November 3, 2012. Sponsors included Senior Alliance of Michigan, which conducted a Dementia Workshop; Western Wayne Family Health Center, blood pressure testing, Karmanos Cancer Center, signed women up for mammograms; Senior Brigade, a workshop on phone and mail scams; The National Kidney Foundation of Michigan, fact sheet on kidney screening. Local seniors were offered a free shuttle to and from the event. Healthy sandwiches and snacks were provided by Subway. The tasty treats didnʼt end there, our own Soror Tanaya Hutson showed the crowed how to be healthy while entertaining their tastebuds with a fruit juice smoothie demonstration and taste test. Promoting the American Cancer Society, Soror Meloney Barney discussed Relay for Life and to promote both mental and physical health, Kimberli Bird led a yoga class. (Chair Soror Artan Hughes.)

Finer Womanhood Luncheon Honors Women in Various Fields and Promotes Sorors’ Talents Gamma Deltaʼs president Briana Stuart also participated in a dance workshop in New York City. Many sorors individually helped to sponsor her trip to the workshop. She will offer a performance at Zeta Nu Zetaʼs Finer Womanhood Luncheon. (Chair: Keona Cowan)

Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter P.O. Box 206 Inkster, MI 48141 inksterzetas@gmail.com Dr. Madie J. Searcy, Basileus

Our Finer Womanhood Luncheon will be held March 16, 2013. Our chapter will, we will honor the Zeta of the Year (Lynese Thomas), the Undergraduate of the Year (Briana Stuart), and the Archonette of the Year (Shaʼronna Payne). We will also honor a Woman of the Year and a Community Activist of the Year. Additionally, our Scholarship Committee will announce the 2012-2013 scholarship recipients.

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Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter Minneapolis, MN Chartered in 1979 In the last year Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter has been hard at work hard to live up to our founding principles and make a name for itself throughout Minnesota.

Service Z-Pack It Up has become an annual event, and this year IZZ sponsored Alice Smith Elementary School.

Iota Zeta Zeta has the honor of sponsoring the state’s first Stork’s Nest. The chapter is looking forward to expanding the current services and the clientele served.

Scholarship Although chapter members have completed their Bachelor’s degrees many continue to seek higher education and excel as scholars and exemplify this core principle of the sorority. These sorors are seeking master’s degrees and Ph.Ds in areas including Marriage and Family Therapy, Nursing, Organization and Management and Education Leadership with an overall average GPA of 3.58.

Chapter Scholarship – This year Iota Zeta Zeta will be offering its Second Annual Effie McKerson book scholarship, for graduating high school senior girls in the Twin Cities area.

Finer Womanhood From the Great Lakes Regional Leadership Conference, to the Magnificent Boule, to the Minnesota State Leadership Conference Iota Zeta Zeta chapter members have made their presence known and their voices heard.

For the first time in 16 years the Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter is seeking to charter a new undergraduate chapter. This time around the chapter is reaching beyond the Twin Cities metro area to St. Cloud, Minnesota. Chapter members have been working diligently to promote Zeta on the St. Cloud State University (SCSU) campus and are undertaking necessary steps to become the first Black Greek letter sorority on the St. Cloud State Campus. They have hosted informational meetings and service projects with the Boys and Girls Club of St. Cloud on the campus. Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter members look forward to the creation of a new and dynamic extension of Zeta at SCSU.

Sisterly Love The first annual Big Blue Bounce was a hit! Kids and adults alike enjoyed their time at Pump It Up while supporting two great causes, the Stork’s Nest and the Effie McKerson Book Scholarship. The Iota Zeta Zeta Blue Luau was a great opportunity for fellowship among chapter members and to welcome inactive sorors back into the fold. A good time was had by all and the chapter is looking towards reclaiming two sorors. To see more of what Iota Zeta Zeta is doing visit our web site www.iotazetazetamn.org


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Nu Theta Zeta Chapter Warrensville Heights, OH

The Sorors of Nu Theta Zeta Chapter prides themselves on “Next Level” Initiatives and programming. For the first time, we joined with the Sorors of Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter (Cleveland, OH) to host the “The Five Pearls Hate & Glove Royal Breakfast.” The Founders’ Day breakfast was held at the luxurious Crowne Plaza Hotel in Independence , Ohio. The ballroom was filled with lovely royal blue and white as Sorors gathered to pay homage to our Founders as well as interact with Sorors from all of the Cleveland area. The event attracted sorors, both young and seasoned, in the SISTERHOOD. The atmosphere encouraged a positive and spirited interaction amongst all. Sorors were greeted by the committee which escorted them in the ballroom. A bonding game was prepared so that Sorors could learn more about our Founding Pearls. Each winner did receive a lovely Zeta Doll. The Crowne Plaza presented a buffet that was Finer in quality and service. Staff was there to ensure that all present did enjoy the dining experience. The speaker, Soror Tamara Manning‐Gordon (Ohio Graduate Member at Large & Basileus of Nu Theta Zeta) spoke on “Sisterhood:The Ties that Bind.” The message focused on the importance on being a sister through the good, the bad and the ugly. Sorors were also reminded at the closing that “Zeta is always looking for Sorors to come home.” As intended, there was something for all to receive with her address. The closing of the program ended in the joining of hands by both chapters proudly singing our Sorority Hymn. Honor and joy filled the room and Sorors stood tall and proud. Afterwards, sorors had an opportunity to enjoy each other in Sisterly Love while taking pictures and sharing stories of Zeta. This joint program was a complete success and each chapter looks forward to doing it all again next year.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Iota Zeta

Several members of Sigma Iota Zeta eagerly descended upon the Mid‐Ohio Food Bank on January 12 to pack food boxes for needy families. Whether it was placing items such as cereal or juice or taping up the boxes, SIZ sorors were eager to serve. Due to their dedication, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter, along with members of Delta Phi Epsilon from Capital University, achieved a non‐ corporate record for the nonprofit organization of filling 1,305 boxes.

October 19‐20, 2012, the Sigma Iota Zeta (SIZ) chapter of Reynoldsburg, Ohio hosted the 54th Annual Ohio State Organization (OSO) Leadership Conference. Sigma Iota Zeta, a chapter of 22, pulled together with Ohio State Director LaRita MJ Smith to deliver an outstanding conference. The highlight of the conference was the Ohio Z‐HOPE Community Initiative, arranged by State Z‐HOPE Coordinator Myrtis Holder and SIZ chapter’s Z‐HOPE chair, Danita Taylor. Chapters from all over the state of Ohio donated a minimum of 20 items from a WISH LIST to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio (RMHC), located in Columbus, Ohio. Each year, RMHC helps nearly 3,000 seriously ill children and their families. The children that reside at RMHC are being treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital and other hospitals in the Central Ohio area. This Meeting Basic Needs Z‐ HOPE program was one of the largest at the State level for Ohio, with 15 chapters participating. Megan Koester and Meredith Harrison, of Ronald McDonald House, expressed their gratitude with the sheer size of the donation. Koester, also the guest speaker for the Saturday luncheon, encouraged chapters throughout the State to create partnerships with their local Ronald McDonald Houses. Additionally, she thanked the members of Sigma Iota Zeta chapter for its partnership with the central Ohio Ronald McDonald House. Lead by Soror Lisette Merced, SIZ Sorors, Amicaes, Archonettes, and Amicettes have served several dinners to the families of seriously ill children as well as volunteered at the Hot Chocolate Run 15K/5K to raise funds for RMHC operations. Through this generous donation, the OSO Z‐HOPE Community Initiative helped Ronald McDonald House make being away from home a little easier for children with illnesses and their families.



The Wisconsin State Organization under the leadership of State Director Milika Miller, is definitely Building on the Principals of Zeta While Blazing New Paths. As Chair of the Leadership Academy for the Wisconsin State Organization, I am overjoyed to report some of the magnificent things that have occurred since being appointed.

Recruiting, Retaining & Reclaiming

The Wisconsin State Organization felt it was absolutely necessary to begin our first workshop Series with the charge to recruit exemplary new members, Retain our extraordinary members and Reclaim lost doves who just needed to be reminded of the light. The Recruiting, Retaining and Reclaiming Workshop series was an awesome experience. The Recruiting Workshop brought light to new members and old members the differences in planning and hosting Membership Activities such as a Social, Informational and Invitational. Wonderful ideas were brought forth on how to successfully plan these events and truly provide the women seeking membership with a memorable overall experience. Retaining, was all about, how to keep the extraordinary members we already have aware and alert of all Sorority Business. Members of Kappa Beta Zeta, Lambda Lambda, & Xi Pi shared many weaknesses and strengths that the chapters as a whole has, while also discussing and coming up with solutions to improve. A very lively discussion was had on how to keep Sorors engaged and involved. Reclaiming the last workshop in the Series was a brainstorming workshop. Sorors were provided with thought provoking questions, as to how would they go about reclaiming themselves back to the Organization if they ever fell by the wayside. Sorors were also charged with reaching out to Inactive Sorors, checking on them to make sure they were OK, letting them know that Zeta was still here for them. Sorors invited Inactive Sorors to upcoming events as well as Chapter Meetings, hoping to get them back involved in our wondrous organization. All the Chapters in the entire Wisconsin State Organization were invited to attend the RRR Workshop Series. We were delighted with all the Chapters that did show up and contribute to these wonderful workshops led by Soror Raquel Wade and Soror Nikki Purvis. The Wisconsin State Organization is looking forward to planning more Leadership training for the Sorors of this State. We plan to seek out, build upon, and create as many leaders as we can, who ultimately benefits not just their individual chapters, but our Organization as a whole. The Wisconsin State Organization stands firm under our IGB leadership, and will continue to build on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths..

meta Phi Beta

Sorority, Incorporated

Sigma Alpha Zeta Chapter ● Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Sigma Alpha Zeta is celebrating another outstanding year of service to the Greater Milwaukee area. After celebrating the 2012 Grand Boule in Chicago, refreshed Sorors dug in and got busy for yet another productive Sororal year!

SAZ Celebrates Christmas 2012 Sorors Eura Briggs, Belinda Harden, Carlis Purdy-Wilder, Shytanya Highshaw-Kyles, Sarah Willis, Ellelean Childress, Ola Adetiba, Mary Cannon, Marande Buck, Erica Bean, Raven Henderson, Jennine Swafford, Yvette Dailey, Mary Collie and Charlotte Patterson. Seated: Sorors Dawn Shelton-Williams, Basileus Vanessa Morgan, and 1st Anti-Basileus Bessie Groce.

Stork’s Nest-Serving Babies Together Sigma Alpha Zeta continues to operate our Stork’s Nest in conjunction with Aurora Mt. Sinai Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Stork's Nest is open on the 1st Saturday of each month, and serves approximately 15 to 20 women a month from a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Stork’s Nest Chair, Soror Marande Buck (left) organizing one of the Nest’s shopping areas. Soror Ellelean Childress (below left) inventories the Nest’s Clothing stock. SAZ Sorors (below right) take a break from volunteering to smile for the camera!

SAZ-Helping Other People Excel Sigma Alpha Zeta continues to work fervently to Help Other People Excel. Some of our monthly Z-Hope projects this year include a school supply drive, hat, mitten and personal care item collections for the homeless, collecting dimes for the March of Dimes and a chapter donation for a church scholarship.

Sorors Yvette Dailey, Bessie Groce, Mary Collie and Vanessa Morgan brave a cool Wisconsin October to take part in the 2012 AIDS Walk Wisconsin on Milwaukee’s Lakefront.

Membership Has it’s Privileges! Soror Raven Henderson (Left) and Soror Erica Bean were welcomed to SAZ as the newest members of our Illustrious Sisterhood on October 27, 2012.

Building on the Principles of

meta While Blazing New Paths

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.  Sigma Alpha Zeta Chapter  PO BOX 240945  Milwaukee WI 53223

Celebrating Zeta Excellence Congratulations to Soror Dawn Shelton-Williams, a 2013 Recipient of The Milwaukee Time’s Black Excellence Award. Soror Shelton-Williams is a Program Manager with Aurora Family Services, committed to bringing the best out of the clients and community she serves. We are very proud of her for this most outstanding and notable accomplishment!

From Girls to Pearls-SAZ Youth Groups

2013 Founders Day Celebration Sorors celebrated 93 Years of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood during our Founder’s Day observance on January 20, 2013. Wisconsin State Director Milika Miller and Sorors from Kappa Beta Zeta Chapter joined SAZ for Sunday Worship service, followed by fellowship over dinner and lively discussion.

The beautiful young ladies that comprise our Pearlette, Amicette and Archonette auxiliaries continue on their journey of learning about themselves and the importance of providing service to our community. Our Youth Auxiliaries continue to grow monthly with 35 total participants as of March 2013. Some of these young ladies also joined the Sorors in the ACS Cancer Relay and our annual Family to Family Thanksgiving food basket prep activity.

Our Awesome and Amazing Amicettes and Archonettes!!

2013 Black History Month Honorees Sigma Alpha Zeta Chapter was honored by Rev. Don Butler and the Tabernacle Community Baptist Church family with the Meritorious Service Award along with the other Divine Nine at their Black History Convocation in February 2013. Chapter Basileus Vanessa Morgan (holding award), is flanked by 3 members of SAZ as she accepts the award on behalf of the Chapter. Rev. Butler (Center) is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Sigma Alpha Zeta Chapter

Pictured Above: Soror Ola Adetiba (left) and Soror Charlotte Patterson lead the Pearlettes as they review their handbooks. Pictured Right: Excited Pearlettes are ready to blaze new paths!

Sigma Alpha Zeta Chapter 2012-2013 Membership Soror Ola


Soror Shytanya Highshaw-Kyles

Soror Erica


Soror Yvette


Soror Eura


Soror Vanessa

Morgan (Basileus)

Soror Marande Buck (Grammateus)

Soror Sherry


Soror Mary


Soror Charlotte Patterson (Phylacter)

Soror Ellelean


Soror Ina L.


Soror Mary

Collie (Tamias Grammateus)

Soror Carlis


Soror Bessie

Groce (1st Anti-Basileus)

Soror Rene

Settle-Robinson, DPM

Soror Belinda


Soror Dawn

Shelton-Williams (Chaplain)

Soror LaToya


Soror Jennine

Swafford (Tamias)

Soror Raven


Soror Deshanna Taylor Soror Sarah

Willis (Epistoleus)

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