Spring/Summer Archon 2018 - Zeta Phi Beta

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Archon THE


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ZetaCARESTM: Caring for Self, Family and Community




GET ENGAGEDTM: Zeta’s Social Action Awakening




SERVICE ON ALL LEVELS National, Regional and State Z-HOPE Projects






A SPECIAL BOND A Word from Hon. Jimmy Hammock 33rd President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.




ZETA AMICAE: Blazing New Paths of Friendship


ZETA YOUTH: From Girls to Pearls


ZETA ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Expanding the Leadership Vision






CENTENNIAL 2020 Our Journey Continues


ATLANTIC REGION Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., Regional Director


EASTERN REGION T. Diane Surgeon, Esq., Regional Director


GREAT LAKES REGION Michelle Porter Norman, Regional Director


MIDWESTERN REGION Samantha Hughes, Regional Director


PACIFIC REGION Natalie Brannon, Regional Director


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Ernestine Wilson, Regional Director


SOUTHEASTERN REGION Yvonne Jefferson Barnes, Ph.D., Regional Director


SOUTHERN REGION Kay Jones Rosebure, Regional Director


International Headquarters is Now Befitting of Finer Women


CELEBRATING OUR LEGACY Zeta Honors Its Founders as a Part of the Journey to 2020


PRESERVING ZETA’S HISTORY AND FUTURE Zeta’s History To Be Housed in The Library of Congress


LICENSED TO SERVE Zetas Shine With New State License Plates




BLAZING PATHS, BUILDING BONDS Building and Strengthening Zeta’s Relationships





Archon THE

PUBLISHER Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

FOUNDERS Arizona Cleaver Stemons  Pearl Anna Neal  Myrtle Tyler Faithful  Viola Tyler Goings  Fannie Pettie Watts INTERNATIONAL GRAND BASILEUS Mary Breaux Wright ARCHON EDITOR IN CHIEF Shaneesa N. Ashford, Southeastern Region




EASTERN REGION Esther Dunnegan


GREAT LAKES REGION Keesha Jones-Sutton






SOUTHERN REGION Sha’Terra Johnson Fairley





Archon THE


The Archon magazine is the official publication of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. First published in 1929, The Archon is one of the oldest, continuously published African-American magazines still in circulation today. The Archon is published periodically and communicates to its readers the programmatic thrust of the Sorority, articulates partnerships, outlines Zeta’s position on public policies and social issues, features individual members and publishes stories of interest to women. The Archon is a long-standing source of pride for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and its members. It is preserved in libraries and archives around the world as a historical record of occurrences in the African Diaspora. PUBLISHER Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated International Headquarters 1734 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20009 Phone: 202.387.3103 WEBSITE www.zphib1920.org SUBMISSIONS Members, chapters, states, regions and auxiliaries of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated may submit articles for consideration for inclusion in The Archon to The Archon staff. Political and campaign ads or articles are not accepted for publication. EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER The Archon reserves the right to edit submitted articles or ads to ensure they adhere to the publication’s design, editorial standards and requirements of the publication. Articles submitted for inclusion may appear in any issue of The Archon as deemed appropriate by the Editor in Chief. Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy and timeliness of the submitted content. Inaccuracies or corrections should be submitted in writing. ABOUT ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INCORPORATED Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is an international women’s organization that has established itself as the foremost network of socially and politically conscious activists working to empower disenfranchised communities. Founded on January 16, 1920, Zeta has been and continues to be the “Sorority of Firsts,” creating best-inclass educational programming models like Stork’s Nest and Z-HOPE and a family of youth and adult auxiliary groups to advance our local communities. With more than 120,000 members inducted, Zeta has become one of the world’s foremost movements for social justice and civic change. Members of Zeta are called to a higher purpose of Finer Womanhood. Zeta women are achievers and leaders in every field in more than 800 communities across the United States, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Europe.


On behalf of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright and the entire Editorial Team, I welcome you to the Spring/Summer 2018 Edition of The Archon. This publication represents six years of hard work and dedication of the members, chapters and auxiliaries of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. As you will see, Grand Wright’s vision for the Sorority was bold and aggressive. She challenged us to live our oath through our words and deeds, for as she is known to say, “How you LIVE the Oath is what makes you a Zeta!” We have taken up the mantra, donating and raising millions of dollars and performing thousands of service hours in our communities around the world. Thank you to the regional and state directors, initiative directors and coordinators, and our chapters and auxiliaries for your amazing submissions! Thank you to our wonderful Regional Representatives who comprise the Archon Editorial Committee, and editors Michelle Porter Norman, Danielle Green, Cutia Blunt, Hadiyah Massey and Tomeka Porter for ensuring this publication is worthy of Finer Women. As this administration nears its close, I thank Grand Wright for her love and trust. I have been honored to serve under her leadership. She truly exemplifies Serving for the Love of Zeta! We hope you enjoy The Archon! In Sisterhood,

Shaneesa Shaneesa N. Ashford Editor in Chief

Soror Ashford with Grand Wright and mother Marguritte Ashford




International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright Reflects on Six Years of Serving for the Love of Zeta


International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright and Her Regional Directors (from left to right): Natalie Brannon (Pacific Region), Samantha Hughes (Midwestern Region), Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. (Atlantic Region), Michelle Porter Norman (Great Lakes Region), T. Diane Surgeon, Esq., (Eastern Region), Dr. Yvonne Jefferson-Barnes (Southeastern Region), Ernestine Wilson (South Central Region) and Kay Jones Rosebure (Southern Region) 6 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE ď Ź SPRING/SUMMER 2018

What is Love? “Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant ... Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Amplified Grand Wright takes the Oath on July 10, 2012 “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths” has been more than a motto or tagline but the foundation of our success. Building requires plans, people, resources and the willingness to be flexible as the unexpected occurs. With sisterly love, determination and persistence, we worked together to reach what some thought was the impossible. While blazing new paths, we experienced challenges and pitfalls which we were able to surpass. Your willingness to share expert knowledge, talents and time is unparalleled. We launched centennial efforts; gained a beautiful International Headquarters; developed nationally recognized programs; chartered more than 100 chapters and auxiliaries; and published numerous handbooks and manuals.

Being your International Grand Basileus has not only been an honor but a great experience. I chose to serve as International Grand Basileus for the “Love of Zeta” and I will continue working for the same reason. I will cherish the moments in office and our great sisterhood forever. “And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love.” - 1 Corinthians 13:13 Amplified Always Serving For the Love of Zeta, DEDICATED TO THE SISTERHOOD Grand Wright made it her goal to visit as many Sorors as she could during her term. She has traveled to 34 of the 43 states where Zeta is represented, as well as Japan and the United Arab Emirates.

Mary Breaux Wright 24th International Grand Basileus THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING 2018 7


The main area of the first floor boasts eight pillars, representing the eight regions of the Sorority.

The bricks that were initially embedded in the courtyard have become wall art in the new courtyard area. Benches in the courtyard were donated by the Southeastern Region.


hen International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright began her term, she made it clear that one of her primary goals was to retire the debt on international Headquarters. At the 2014 Grand BoulĂŠ, she fulfilled that goal as the $1.6 million mortgage on the building was burned to thunderous applause. Following this milestone, Grand Wright commissioned an audit to determine the repairs needed to bring the building up to code. The repairs turned into a total rebuild of the building, from the ground up. The 21st International Grand Basileus and chair of the Housing Committee, Dr. Barbara West Carpenter, along with Grand Wright and Soror Darneta Brown, Chair of the National Trustees, supervised the construction. A National Interior Design Team, led by Soror Tanisha Johnson, set about designing to reflect the history of the building, while infusing elegance and classic style. To achieve this endeavor, the Upgrade 1734 Initiative was created. The initiative included a registry which allowed individuals, chapters, states and regions the opportunity to purchase items for International Headquarters. Because of these and other efforts, the house is paid in full, with no outstanding mortgage. On July 8, 2017, Grand Wright cut the ribbon to re-open International Headquarters. The house blessing ceremony included the Honorable Rev. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., 34th President of Phi

Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, Zeta Member Minister Teraleen Campbell, and the Rev. Chester C. Arceneaux. Attendees included 20th International Grand Basileus Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte, Past Grand Basileus Carpenter, 23rd International Grand Basileus Sheryl P. Underwood, Regional Directors, State Directors and guests. During ZOL 2017, Zetas, Amicae and Youth were treated to tours and events at International Headquarters under the direction of Grand Wright. Special tours of International Headquarters were provided during the Congressional Black Caucus Weekend in September 2017. To celebrate the first holiday season celebrated in International Headquarters since 2013, Zetas, Amicae and Youth were invited to send ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree and building. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE ď Ź SPRING 2018 9


Parlor One of International Headquarters Houses the Atlantic Region’s Gratitude Plaque for contributors to the new headstone for Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons. Also displayed is a photo of Adelaide Ford, the first president of the Zeta Amicae and the Zeta Amicae logo.

Parlor Two is the main parlor of the first floor of International Headquarters. The shield is prominently displayed over one of the three fireplaces on the main floor.

Parlor Three houses the video screen which will be used to display greetings from the International Grand Basileus and vital information. The logos of the Zeta Youth Auxiliaries and the floor plan of International Headquarters are also displayed.



The new conference room overlooks New Hampshire Avenue. Technology has been enhanced for effective meetings.

The office of the International Grand Basileus has been elegantly furnished, to include the shield behind her desk. The shield was provided for International Headquarters by the Pacific Region.

The sunroom at International Headquarters is one of the building’s more intimate rooms and is where the Grand will hold private meetings.

The Hall of Presidents leads to the office of the International Grand Basileus.



International Headquarters now has a full multipurpose room with built-in technology for meetings and social events. A new kitchen area was also added.

The portrait of Lullelia Walker Harrison, 12th Grand Basileus, hangs in the office of the Executive Director. Soror Harrison served as Executive Secretary after serving as Grand Basileus.

The top floor of International Headquarters houses the Sorority’s staff.


The Design Team with Soror Darneta Brown (above) and Grand Basileus Wright (below)

The Design Team Discusses Placement of the Shield with Grand Basileus Wright

The Design Opportunity of a Lifetime It all started with a simple email. There it was in our inboxes – a call for Sorors with interior design experience to volunteer to redesign our international headquarters. An application, video interviews, and several anxious days later, we all got the call – all four of us had been selected for the team: Jessica Bantom, Andrell Hall, Tanisha Johnson, and Nikki Klugh. Without much delay, we got to work, starting with our first team meeting in DC in July 2015. With the support and oversight of the Housing Committee (International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, Past Grand Basileus Dr. Barbara West Carpenter, and Past Trustee Board Chair Darneta Brown), we came together as all members of our sisterhood have for almost 100 years – individuals from different backgrounds with no previous connection, united together to work in the name of Zeta. We started off with several major firsts – our first in-person introductions, our first meeting with Past Grand Carpenter and Soror Brown, our first group site visit to headquarters, and our first

meeting with the project management team from Louis Berger. The reality of the monumental undertaking we were chosen for set in, and we were ready for the challenge! Despite being based everywhere from California to Georgia to DC and being accustomed to working as independent design professionals, we found our rhythm and worked our way through many productive weekly calls and countless emails. With Soror Brown by our side, we hustled through a handful of local visits, packed with planning, meeting, shopping, and collaborating, all leading up to the epic re-opening of headquarters in July 2017. There were several special milestones along the way that we will never forget but nothing compared to the moment we stood together at headquarters and admired the outcome of our long hours of labor – all for the love of Zeta. It was in that moment that we all recognized what sisterhood can create, and how fortunate we were to contribute to Zeta in a meaningful and lasting way. It is an honor that will stay with us always.


Celebrating Our


As a significant part of Zeta’s 2020 Journey to Centennial, International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright commissioned that each of the five Founders would be honored, celebrated and memorialized in very special ceremonies, tributes, markers and headstones throughout the administration.





The celebration of Founder and President Emeritus Arizona Cleaver Stemons began in Hannibal, MO. Under the direction of Midwestern Regional Director Samantha Hughes, a weekend of events were held, including a ribbon cutting and opening ceremony. The Hannibal Arts Council hosted an exhibit entitled “This is What Freedom Looks Like,” which depicted the legacy of Zeta Phi Beta and Founder Stemons. Grand Wright was presented a key to the city of Hannibal. This was followed by the unveiling of a marker honoring Founder Stemons. In addition to the marker dedication, the name of the park on the Douglass school ground was change to Douglass School/ Arizona Cleaver Stemons Park and a pavilion for the community was donated in the name of Founder Stemons, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and the Midwestern Region. As a part of the celebration, Life Members provided donations of over $400 in Walmart gifts to the Willow Creek Rehabilitation and Care Facility Center; everyone donated school supplies to the Eugene Fields Elementary School and the Willow Street Christian Church after school program. The weekend ended with church service at Eighth and Center Street Church, which is the oldest African American Church in Hannibal, MO at 150 years old. The church holds record of Founder Stemons’ aunt attending and making a donation in 1920. During the service, the gospel concert was provided by Daughters of Zion, led by a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.

New Headstone for Founder Stemons in Darby, PA

The Atlantic Region, under the leadership of Atlantic Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., unveiled Founder Stemons’ new headstone during its Regional Conference on Friday, October 9, 2015 at Eden Cemetery in Pennsylvania. In attendance were Grand Wright; Soror Frances Faithful, daughter of Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful and niece of Founder Viola Tyler Goings (now triumphant), Bro. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., 34th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, and other National, Regional, State and Local officers, as well as sorority members. Founder Stemons was the first president of Alpha Chapter and the first national president of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. She completed her graduate and post-graduate studies in the field of social work and was responsible for chartering numerous undergraduate and graduate chapters throughout the United States.

Marker Honoring Founder Stemons in Hannibal, MO THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 15



Under the direction of Eastern Regional Director T. Diane Surgeon, Esq., the Eastern Region held extraordinary celebrations in honor of our Founder Pearl Anna Neal, a native North Carolinian from the Eastern Region. Throughout 2017, the Eastern Region, its states and chapters held a number of special events recognizing Founder Neal, including “Pearl-Essence Sister-Friend Teas” and a Pearl Neal Scavenger Hunt.

Regional Director Surgeon and Soror Briana Davis In Front of Marker Honoring Founder Neal

During the 72nd Commemorative Eastern Regional Leadership Conference hosted by Psi Mu Zeta Chapter Founder Neal was remembered and honored in a very tangible way. On Saturday, March 25, 2017, the Founder Pearl Anna Neal Memorial Bench was dedicated as an additional gravesite marker to Founder Neal at the York Memorial Park in Charlotte, North Carolina. The bench was unveiled during a special ceremony; several national officers and representatives from several other regions joined over 600 Sorors and Amicae from the Eastern Region in the beautiful celebration. The ceremonies included a Special Tribute, a Memorial Litany and a Celebratory Prayer, written and presented by Past Eastern Regional Director Marilyn Brooks, and Soror Nancy Flanagan, Regional Director Chief of Staff/ Regional Chaplain, respectively.

street from Founder Neal’s home place. During the ceremony, the Esther Peyton Scholarship was presented to Soror Briana Davis. The Eastern Region purchased the beautiful portrait of Founder Pearl Anna Neal and secured the special Founder Pearl Anna Neal Gratitude Plaque for hanging in Zeta’s newly rebuilt International Headquarters. After graduating from Howard University’s Conservatory of Music, Founder Neal continued her studies at the Julliard School of Music. In 1938, she was the first black woman in New York to earn a master’s degree in music from Columbia University. An extremely accomplished musician, Founder Neal taught music in North Carolina public schools and served as a director of seniors majoring in music at Teachers College in Winston Salem, NC.

On May 20, 2017, Regional Director Surgeon and Sorors Tonya Michelle Arnold, Briana Davis and Felicia Davis lead the dedication of the Founder Pearl Anna Neal Historical Marker installed in the beautiful, serene Meditation Gardens on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, NC which is located across the

Zeta Leaders from the Eastern Region During Unveiling of Bench Honoring Founder Neal





Faithful Goings With the blessing of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright and Soror Deborah Hill, granddaughter and great niece of our Founders, the Great Lakes Region, under the leadership of Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman, put the wheels in motion for the Tyler Sisters Memorial Project. The vision was to have a monument erected in memory of two of our Triumphant Founders and Zeta’s First Legacies: Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings.

No place and time could have been more fitting for the occasion, since the Great Lakes Region 84th Annual Regional Leadership Conference began on April 5, 2018 in Dayton, Ohio. Founders Myrtle Tyler and Viola Tyler were born on the family farm outside Flushing, Ohio, just 30 minutes south of where the conference was held. This was the perfect time to dedicate a memorial for the two Triumphant Founders born and raised in the Great Lakes Region; the perfect place was Perrin Woods Park, located just a couple of blocks from the Tyler Sisters’ home. More than 500 Sorors, Amicae, Youth, Tyler Family members, City and Park Officials and residents gathered at Perrin Woods Park for the ribbon cutting ceremony and unveiling. This is where the memorial benches and sign were erected. There is a bench for each Tyler Sister inscribed with her picture, name, years of life and the words “FOUNDER OF ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INCORPORATED.” The front of the sign presents the Sorority’s history; the back of the sign lists the names of those who contributed to the project. More than 20 members of the Tyler family were in attendance, including the daughter of Viola Tyler Goings, 95-year old Mrs.

Benches and Marker Honoring the Tyler Sisters

Wynona Kidd, and Soror Kyra Hardiman, another granddaughter and great niece of our Founders. “It was like going back in time to recall fond and loving memories of family members I hadn’t seen except at home goings. It was so refreshing to see new family members and to know that the legacy continues,” Soror Hill said. “The monuments commemorate the everlasting love that will remain in the hearts of the Tyler and Zeta Phi Beta families.” The Honorable Warren R. Copeland, Mayor of Springfield, Ohio brought greetings and proclaimed April 6, 2018 as “Zeta Phi Beta Day” in Springfield, Ohio. The official proclamation was read by Assistant Mayor Joyce Chilton. There was coverage by the Springfield News Sun and the National Trail Parks and Recreation District, including a live Facebook feed. Founder Faithful was Zeta’s second national Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. A high school mathematics and English teacher, she was an active member of Alpha Zeta chapter in Baltimore, MD. Founder Goings graduated from Howard University with a teaching degree and a major in math. She taught school in Ohio for many years and was always very active in community affairs.

Zeta Leaders with Members of the Faithful/Goings Families THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 17



On Saturday, September 30, 2017, the Southeastern Region and the State of Georgia hosted Zeta Day in Perry, GA, honoring Founder Fannie Pettie Watts. Founder Watts was born in Perry in 1899 to attorney Foster B. Pettie and Fannie Rollins Pettie.

The celebratory program included a recounting of Watts’ family history by Ellie Loudermilk, director of the Perry Area Historical Museum and president of the Perry Area Historical Society. Additional highlights of the program included audio of Founder Watts’ remarks from Zeta Phi Beta’s 50th Anniversary Celebration; the unveiling of a display showcasing Founder Watts that is housed in the Perry Area Historical Museum. The following November, a commemorative program honoring Founder Watts was held on the campus of Savannah State University, Savannah, Georgia as the opening of the 83rd Southeastern Regional Conference. The program’s focus was the unveiling of special memorabilia in honor of Founder Watts. At the time of Founder Watts’ attendance, the University was known as the Georgia State Industrial College and provided a high school component for African American students as well as a setting for higher education studies. The memorial program featured remarks by special guests, including International Grand Basileus Wright, and performances by the Woodland High School Show Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Higgins-Everette in tribute to the family and guests gathered to honor the contributions of Mrs. Watts. Also in attendance were several members of Founder Watts’ family, including Mr. Donald K. Watts, Sr., a grandson of Founder Watts; his wife Maria and daughter Nathalie; and great grandson Donald K. Watts, Jr., along with his wife Elease and daughter Sakinah. Remarks by Mr. Watts, Sr. and Grand Wright preceded the “Walk of Honor” which led to the hall of the university’s Greek Office where the unveiling of the Founders’ portrait occurred. Additional steps along the Walk led to the outside Greek Circle where a plaque and reader

Portrait of Founder Watts at Savannah State University

honoring the Founder were unveiled. The final tribute in memory of Founder Watts was the presentation of a one-time scholarship to the Savannah State University in her name. Founder Watts graduated from Howard University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education and taught junior and senior high schools in Savannah, Georgia. After pursuing post-graduate studies in social work at New York University, she worked as a Social Investigator for the Department of Social Service in Brooklyn, NY.

Unveiling of Shadowbox Honoring Founder Watts at Zeta Day in Perry, GA


Nellie B. Rogers, 9th Grand Basileus Indianapolis, IN

Violette Anderson, 8th Grand Basileus Chicago, IL


Trailblazing Leaders

As a part of Zeta’s journey to Centennial, International Grand Basileus Wright ensured the past Grand Basilei of the Sorority were honored for their trailblazing contributions through ceremonies hosted at their resting places.

Blanche Thompson, 11th Grand Basileus - Chicago, IL

Dr. Eunice S. Thomas, 19th Grand Basileus - Columbus, GA

Myrtle Tyler Faithful, Co-Founder and 2nd Grand Basileus - Baltimore, MD THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 19

Service.IT’S WHAT WE DO. S

erving for the Love of Zeta is not just a slogan for International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright – it is the way she approaches Zeta’s commitment to its communities and community partnerships. Her excitement for service has led to more than 700 chapters and auxiliaries participating in Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Others People Excel through Mind, Body and Spirit), with more than 1.3 million people being impacted each year by the Sorority’s efforts. Chapters’ extensive efforts in Z-HOPE led to a third manual with additional projects being published in 2015. Upon election in 2012, Grand Wright announced that her signature program would focus on caring for our seniors. A caregiver for her mother, Margaret Breaux, in her later years, Grand Wright understood the need for more education surrounding issues affecting the senior population. She authorized T. Diane Surgeon, Esq., Eastern Regional Director and Elder Care attorney to develop a program that would focus on not only education, but also fulfilling a need for human touch and care. That program became ZetaCARESTM – Zeta Collaboration, Advocacy and Resources for Elders. AARP serves as a partner in this initiative, as well as a sponsor for the Sorority’s Grand Boulés (See page 22).


Grand Wright also focused on strengthening Zeta’s community partnerships, through advocacy and action. March of Dimes: For the first time in 17 years, the Stork’s Nest manual was updated, as was the program’s logo. In addition, the Stork’s Nest teams, comprised of Dr. Joanne Patterson and Virgie Hunter, National Co-Coordinators of the Stork’s Nest, and Rauchelle Jones, National Director of Programs and Initiatives, developed an electronic survey to locate and secure information about existing Nests. Reporting has continued annually utilizing this electronic format, with the report serving as a requirement for Nests to be considered active and eligible for donations and other benefits from March of Dimes and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Zeta Phi Beta has also raised more than $2.5 million for March of Dimes’ March for Babies during the last six years (see page 25). American Cancer Society: In addition to raising more than $500,000 for ACS through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and Relay for Life, Zeta’s Wigs for Awareness campaign has been a significant benefit to women all over the country. Chapters, states and regions readily adopted this program to help women who have lost their hair to cancer treatment maintain a sense of dignity


Members of Tau Delta Zeta Chapter and Youth Auxiliaries at the 2018 March for Babies in Prince George’s County, MD

Gamma Kappa Zeta Chapter and Zeta Amicae at the 2017 Texarkana Relay for Life

and pride. More than 6,000 wigs have been collected and sent to women throughout the country in need, with local hair stylists volunteering to shape and cut the wigs to match the styling needs of each woman. Zeta Phi Beta also co-published a brochure on Triple Negative Breast Cancer with ACS. The brochure has been provided to other organizations and used in awareness building campaigns with groups such as the Links and the National Baptist Convention. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: In 2015, Zeta Phi Beta signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, becoming the first minority women’s organization to partner with the organization. The initiative was developed to encourage more African American youth to explore and consider careers in conservation and preservation. Refuge department leaders and regional staff participated in webinars with the sisterhood to discuss careers in the Service and volunteer opportunities for our youth. Zeta has taken more than 1,100 people, with the majority being children, to refuges across the country. This partnership has given Zeta access to cabinet-level staff members of USFWS and great sponsorships such as a refuge trip during the 2016 Grand Boulé.

The following programs were also launched: •

Get EngagedTM: Zeta’s Social Action/Social Justice initiative focuses on mobilizing communities through education, service and advocacy. (See page 27)

Adopt-A-School: Chapters partnered with local schools to aid in providing resources to low-income students. Each chapter participating in the program commits to working with its chosen school for no fewer than six (6) months. Current programs include tutoring, developing parent engagement strategies, purchasing needed software/equipment to increase academic competencies, etc.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Zeta Phi Beta has raised more than $100,000 for St. Jude. Zeta Youth participated in Zeta’s HOPE for St. Jude campaign by soliciting donations for medical teaching dolls.

Zetas Have Heart: Originally a 90-day wellness challenge, Zetas Have Heart has become the Sorority’s healthy living program for improving the members’ overall minds, bodies and spirits.


ZetaCARESTM Director T. Diane Surgeon, Esq. leads a Senior Workshop

ZETA: CARING FOR SELF, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ZETACARES™ - COLLABORATION, ADVOCACY, RESOURCES FOR ELDERS T. DIANE SURGEON, ESQ. National Director of ZetaCARESTM Elder Care Initiative Since the March 2013 launch of ZetaCARES™, the signature program of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, over 260 adult day care centers and nursing homes have been adopted by chapters throughout the country, providing thousands of hours of life-enhancing volunteer support. For the last five years, hundreds of thousands of women, elders, families and advocates for seniors have been informed and elevated to a higher degree of knowledge about the importance of advanced elder care planning and long term asset protection. Through the seminars and workshops hosted by our National Zeta Organizational Leadership Program, regions, states and chapters, in collaboration with Black Women’s Agenda, AARP, the National Family Caregivers Alliance, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and various local Area Agencies on Aging, our members, Amicae auxiliaries and community members are taking steps to more adequately and timely prepare for the long term care of their loved ones as well as preparing more aggressively for their own longer retirement years. No one wants to go broke in a nursing home nor run out of money with lots of living left to do. Thousands of Zetas, Amicae and their families have now been made aware of the critical need for advance long term care planning. Many chapters, states and regions hosted elder care workshops, inviting local elder law attorneys and other professionals through our strategic alliances and partnerships. We supported the 2015 White House Conference on Aging with live stream watch parties and several discussion groups. Without a doubt, the lives of hundreds of elders and their families have been greatly enhanced by the generous financial support and donations given to elder care centers. But of even greater value and impact are the hundreds of hours of personal presence, hands-on 22 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

assistance and tremendous volunteer services provided by chapters, Sorors and Amicae that have adopted more than 260 elder care and adult day care centers across this country. Teachers, doctors, lawyers, artists, musicians, homemakers and many other professionals and artisans volunteer their time, talents and expertise to help ensure a better quality of life for our elderly. That’s Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. taking the lead and making a difference. In addition to the various activities each chapter conducts, several special projects and topic areas were emphasized on a national level by the National Director of Elder Care, including Go4Life and Brain Health. Our Go4Life and Brain Health Campaigns were very well received with many chapters using the press release, special educational PowerPoints, videos, charts and quizzes that were disseminated. Regions, states and chapters throughout the country and abroad enthusiastically embraced this important National Initiative and during Boulé’ 2014 and Boulé’ 2016, several chapters were identified, highlighted and awarded for their exceptional work in elder care. All eight regions were represented and acknowledged. Special Excellence in Elder Care Recognition Certificates were presented to the three most outstanding winners who truly excelled by having adopted an adult day care center and working with the center at least bi-weekly and in some instances on a daily basis; sponsored impact seminars; day outings and senior proms for the participants.

BLAZING NEW PATHS - INITIATIVES The purpose of Zeta’s Financial Freedom and the “AARP Foundation Finances 50+” Initiatives is to help participants develop better lifetime financial habits. Zeta’s role will be to help them incorporate the initiatives and their teachings into their daily lives – not only by setting goals, but also by staying accountable for achieving those goals. We will do this by providing encouragement, motivation, and support that will assist in turning good intentions into wise decisions. Sorors and community supporters assembled in Raleigh, NC on April 25, 2017 for a very informative three-month Train the Trainer Session to kickoff ZetaCARES™ Financial Freedom Initiative with the North Carolina AARP. Our trainers have begun sponsoring workshops in communities throughout eastern North Carolina. Our tools for accomplishing this life changing initiative include handouts, information and resources provided by AARP and workshops designed to provide participants with the knowledge to:


First Place: Sigma Xi Zeta Chapter, Morrisville, NC, Eastern Region

Second Place: Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter Pontiac, MI, Great Lakes Region

Third Place: Upsilon Alpha Zeta Chapter, Pembroke Pines, FL, Southeastern Region

Do a realistic assessment of their financial situation, set goals, and establish a budget.

Perform an evaluation of their credit and debt position and implement plans designed to improve their credit and pay down their debt.

Focus on building and protecting their assets through saving and limiting their vulnerability to financial fraud and abuse.

Through ZetaCARES™, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. substantially enhances the quality of life for care recipients and caregivers.


First Place: Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter, Richmond, VA, Eastern Region

Second Place: Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter, Pontiac, MI, Great Lakes Region

Third Place: Eta Pi Zeta Chapter, Montgomery County, MD, Atlantic Region

Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter (Stone Mountain, GA) with residents of Traditions Health and Rehab Residents

Based on extensive research as well as representing hundreds of families facing the devastating challenges of long term care, Attorney Surgeon fully understands that most people do not begin to save and invest soon enough and wisely enough. It is impossible to save what you do not have in the first place. Recognizing the all-important need for Sorors and families to better understand money, investing, insurance, social security, retirement pensions and annuities and other financial issues, she worked diligently with the North Carolina AARP to establish a collaboration to provide the Sorors and citizens of our communities the opportunity to better understand their financial situations and how they can best plan for their future needs. This beneficial endeavor is being undertaken via ZetaCARES™ Financial Freedom Initiative and the AARP Foundation Finances 50+ sponsored and developed in collaboration with the Charles Schwab Foundation. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 23



For the last three years, Zeta Phi Beta has won the Alpha-Zeta Fundrasing Challenge against Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated.



ach year in the United States, more than 380,000 babies are born preterm—that’s one baby every two seconds. Some are so small they could fit in the palm of your hand. Mothers of color are 20 percent more likely to give birth prematurely and their children are facing a 40 percent higher infant mortality rate. To help combat this serious health crisis in communities across the United States, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated continued its 45-year history of working directly with March of Dimes. In 2017, to celebrate the successful 45-year track record, Zeta members formed over 400 teams across America and raised $569,409 in their local March for Babies walks, earning the Top Fundraising National Service Partner award. Over the past five years, Zeta Phi Beta has raised more than $2 million dollars for March of Dimes.

“Since 1972, we have placed great value on our partnership with March of Dimes beginning with their support of our Stork’s Nest incentive-based program that offers prenatal health education to low-income pregnant women. Through our local nests, our members distribute more than 250,000 baby-related items annually,” said Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, International Grand Basileus. “Our members are honored to have partnered with March of Dimes for 45 of its 80 years, and are ready to continue our successful legacy of raising funds for March of Dimes and advocating for the women and children in our communities.”

Last year also marked 15 years of the Zeta Prematurity Awareness Program (ZPAP) held during Prematurity Awareness Month in November. By joining forces to conduct prematurity awareness activities in houses of worship and congregations, worshipers learn more about this health crisis. Annually, ZPAP reaches more than 65,000 worshipers nationwide. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 25


Zeta Day on the Hill 2017 - Washington, DC

ZETA’S SOCIAL ACTION AWAKENING KENDRA HATCHER KING National Director of Get EngagedTM Social Action Initiative


he tragic death of Trayvon Martin in 2013 awoke a consciousness in our communities reminiscent of the Civil Rights era when African-Americans leveraged their collective power to fight injustice in America. As protests of the senseless killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner erupted across U.S. communities in 2014, Zeta took action by expanding its social action platform to include a way for members to get involved through an initiative titled GET ENGAGED™. In December 2014, International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright launched GET ENGAGED™ on a national webinar that informed the sisterhood that Zeta could not sit idle and watch our children and communities live with fear. She issued a call to action for members to “show the world that women driven by purpose can lead life-saving change,” and challenged the sisterhood to “get involved and get engaged.” Originally, GET ENGAGED™ was developed as a Z-HOPE workshop in the summer of 2014 by Soror Krysta Jones, National Director of Social Action, and Ava Jackson, Alena Lawson, Dionne Mitchell and Brandi Wells. At launch, the workshop was evolved into a more comprehensive initiative designed to mobilize the sisterhood to take action against social injustice in our communities. The NAACP was selected as our national collaborator for their ability to provide subject matter expertise on national webinars and training, and

support for chapters locally. The first GET ENGAGED™ team was led by Kendra Hatcher King, Chairperson; Valerie HollingsworthBaker, National Liaison and Project Manager; Kendra Glover, NAACP program director and Karen Boykin-Towns, member of the NAACP Board of Directors. Other committee members included Dr. Denese Wolff-Hilliard, National Director of Youth Auxiliaries; Dr. Rachel Young, National Social Action Coordinator; Jasmine Towns, Undergraduate Representative; Lindy M. Brown; Roslyn Hannibal-Booker; and Dr. Denalerie Johnson-Faniel. A bold logo was created by Shaneesa Ashford, and quickly adopted by the sisterhood as a representation of all social action efforts. Utilizing the GET ENGAGED™ strategic framework, Zeta chapters have rallied to foster citizen engagement and strengthen relationships among the community, elected officials, law enforcement and educators. The program objectives are threefold: to 1) drive individual and community engagement in the underlying issues that are destroying our communities and THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 27

BLAZING NEW PATHS - INITIATIVES an understanding of the benefits and consequences of action or inaction, 2) empower citizens through knowledge sharing and by fostering collective responsibility among community members, and 3) cultivate a culture of mutual respect in our communities. GET ENGAGED™ has addressed issues related to criminal justice; voter education, registration, and protection; civic engagement; accurate portrayals for African-American women and girls in the media and developing leadership skills in women and girls. In addition Zeta Leaders with U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi to the NAACP, other organizations, like the American Advertising Federation, Congressional Black Caucus week of activities (2015, 2017), the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, AAF Admerica conference in Las Vegas (2016), and Advertising the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, the Week in New York (2017). Additionally, a comprehensive white National Pan-Hellenic Council and the National Urban League paper titled Reality TV: Entertaining, But No Laughing Matter, have participated in the program on either the national and local was completed; as well as a quantitative study, From Bad Girls levels. Sorors also participated in our annual Zeta Day on the Hill to Housewives: Portrayals of African American Women in the programs, and states held Zeta Day at the Capitol with their local Media, with the University of Missouri. Furthering this effort, elected officials. Here are a few of our notable social action efforts: Zeta donated $10,000 to the AAF Mosaic Council to promote media literacy among youth, conduct research on the impact • GET ENGAGED™ voting initiative: 84 percent of chapters of depictions of girls and women in the media, and establish a answered Dr. Wright’s voter education and registration ‘call national task force on girls and women of color in the media, to action’ in preparation for the 2016 presidential election. which was launched in November 2017. Working in collaboration with organizations like the NAACP, NPHC, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and League of Women • State of Michigan 490 Challenge: Notably, the State of voters, chapters hosted voter registration drives, issues Michigan adopted the African American 490 Challenge forums, debate watch parties and volunteered on election and raised $23,078 to help process the backlog of rape kits day at community polling places. An educational webinar, in the City of Detroit. A total of 372 Zetas and 53 Amicae “Voting Rights: From Protest to Policy” was held with Dr. participated in this effort. William Barber, National NAACP Chair of the Legislative Political Action Committee, and Congresswoman Sheila To ensure that Zeta’s commitment to social action would Jackson. continue across administrations, the sisterhood adopted a new • #OurGirls Empowerment program: a social media note bylaw at the 2016 Boulé that established a national social action writing campaign targeted to young girls where Sorors posted committee responsible for stimulating interest in social action, over one hundred inspirational notes to their younger selves, and educating chapters on current issues. Under the direction and chapters wrote physical letters of encouragement to of Dr. Wright, Kendra Hatcher King (Southeastern Region) was appointed National Director of Social Action and chairperson of young girls that were donated to youth groups, churches, and schools. Zeta hosted a national #OurGirls Empowerment webinar and supplied a tool kit to chapters to host workshops in their communities; and participated in the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Children in Washington D.C. •

Change the Narrative media diversity initiative: beginning with a 10-city Reality TV watch party tour, in collaboration with the American Advertising Federation (AAF), Zeta helped spark a national dialogue on the representation of people of color, specifically African-American women, in advertising and media. To date, Zeta has hosted or participated on several high-profile panel discussions regarding media diversity during the


Panelists at the Health Care: A Right or a Privilege? Forum


the inaugural committee, working closely with Minister Teraleen Campbell (Atlantic Region); Kendra Glover (Eastern Region); and Dr. Rachel Thomas (Southern Region). At the 2017 National Executive Board meeting in Dallas, TX., GET ENGAGED™ was adopted as the national Social Action program. The first strategic planning session was held during the Congressional Black Caucus week of activities in September 2017 with Dr. Wright; committee members Kendra Hatcher King, Teraleen Campbell, Kendra Glover and Dr. Rachel Thomas; Atlantic Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq.; Eastern Regional Director, T. Diane Surgeon, Esq.; Zeta legal counsel, Krishna Walker, Esq.; and Zeta elected officials Lindy Brown, Donna Edwards, Lindy Brown and Zabrina Epps. Through GET ENGAGED™, Zeta has proven its commitment to social action, and validated our standing as a community-conscious, action-oriented organization. Through the participation of 43 graduate chapters, seven undergraduate chapters, the state of Michigan and three Amicae auxiliaries, Zeta impacted 17,190 community members within its first year. On average, chapters have completed between one and four Get Engaged™ programs annually. Zeta Phi Beta will continue to stand against the injustices that plague our communities. #ZetasGetEngaged #BeTheChange THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 29


Zeta’s Commitment to Our Military include more than $50,000 in donations to Women Veterans ROCK and the placing of a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


rand Basileus Wright’s deep appreciation for the military led to the establishment of Zeta’s National Military Advisory Board (MAB). The Board was tasked to make recommendations on how Zeta could best meet the needs of our Sorors and Amicae who are serving or have served in the military, along with the needs of their families.

To that end, the Zeta MAB led the Sorority’s Military Appreciation Week activities, to include activities and Z-HOPE projects that specifically targeted the military populations. An annual tool-kit was developed for the Zeta Week of Service to the Military, where chapters and auxiliaries were asked to volunteer at veterans’ hospitals or centers that specifically serve veterans and their families. Chapters, states and regions also supported the efforts by donating basic need items to veteran organizations, donating to the USO, or honoring Gold Star Families who have lost loved ones in combat. In November 2013, the Sorority donated more than $25,000 to Operation Homefront, a non-profit supported by former First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden. Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors. The organization leads more than 6,500 volunteers across a network of field offices, and has met more than 740,000 needs since 2002. In November 2015, Zeta Phi Beta signed a historic fiveyear agreement with Women Veterans ROCK, a coalition of 30 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

organizations supporting Women Veterans and Military Families. Deborah Harmon-Pugh, National Campaign Chair of Women Veterans ROCK!, noted that Zeta Phi Beta was the only greeklettered organization with a nationwide initiative dedicated to transitioning women veterans and all military women. Zeta expressed its commitment through donations in excess of $50,000 to the organization. Women Veterans ROCK recognized Grand Basileus Wright as one of the 2016 Leaders and Legends Honorees of the Year. To honor our fallen soldiers, Grand Basileus Wright placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in 2015 and 2017. Chapters have also honored the fallen by participating in Wreaths Across America by laying holiday memorial wreaths at cemeteries across the country.


Service on All Levels

During the Wright Administration, the national initiatives were emphasized on all levels of the Sorority. Through projects held at executive board meetings, state events and state and regional conferences, Zeta extended its community outreach on a national and global scale. NATIONAL PROJECTS



Grand Boulé – Washington, DC

Meeting the Basic Needs

Armed Forces Retirement Home


Grand Boulé - Orlando, FL

Meeting the Basic Needs

Blood Drive for Orlando, FL Community

Meeting the Basic Needs

The Bridge at Fair Park Adult Day Care Facility

Meeting the Basic Needs

JoEllen Senior Living Center

Grand Boulé - New Orleans, LA

Meeting the Basic Needs

Meals on Wheels America


55th Atlantic Region Leadership Conference

Friends to the Elderly

The Dorothy J. Collier Center - Friends to the Elderly - Buffalo, NY

56th Atlantic Region Leadership Conference

Friends to the Elderly

Center in the Park - Philadelphia, PA




National Executive Board Meeting - Dallas, TX National Executive Board Meeting - New Orleans, LA





Atlantic Region Executive Board Meeting

HOPELINE Wigs for Awareness

Verizon -Domestic Violence Victims (Atlantic Region) American Cancer Society and Christina Cares Christian, DE & National

Meeting the Basic Needs

Child, INC. Wilmington, DE


57th Atlantic Region Leadership Conference

Meeting the Basic Needs

Boys and Girls Club - Atlantic City, NJ


State Leadership Conference

Military Appreciation

Delaware Veterans Home - Dover, DE


State Leadership Conference

Elder Care Senior Facility Donation

Jean Birch Senior Center - Middletown, DE


State Leadership Conference

Zeta Healthy Aging

Zeta Aging Center - Baltimore, MD

State Leadership Conference

Literacy Drive

State Exec. Board Meeting

Adopt A Family


Choptank Elementary - Cambridge, MD State Leadership Conference State Executive Board Meeting





Elder Care Senior Facility Donation Community Partnership Project Toy Drive

State Service Project

Adopt A Family

Centennial Launch Service Initiatives

School Supply Drive

Adopt A School Service Initiative

Adopt A School - Pen Pal Program

State Leadership Conference

Red Cross Door Hangers

Inspirational Cards

West End Place Adult Day Center Westminster, MD Christmas for Community Partnerships (C4CP) - Baltimore, MD

Choptank Elementary - Cambridge, MD

The American Red Cross - Baltimore, MD

State Service Project

Adopt A Family

Adopt A School Service Initiative

Adopt A School - Pen Pal Program

Choptank Elementary - Cambridge, MD

Veteran Appreciation

Fisher's House - Rockville, MD

State Leadership Conference Inspirational Bracelets Adopt A School Service Initiative


Adopt A School - Pen Pal Program

Choptank Elementary - Cambridge, MD



















Omega Iota Zeta Chapter serving meals at reStart in Kansas City, Missouri

West Texas State Director Rhetta Washington McCoy reads to a group of students




Alpha Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter of London, England and Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter of Brussels, Belgium were chartered in March of 2014



nder the Wright administration, Zeta Phi Beta saw an increase in its community outreach, as it chartered 96 and reactivated 48 chapters; and chartered 39 and reinstated 17 Amicae auxiliaries. The organization has had an international outreach since the first international charter was approved in 1948 in Monrovia, Liberia. Subsequently, chapters have been chartered in the Bahamas, Seoul, Korea and Okinawa, Japan.

Lambda Zeta Chapter in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, making Zeta the first greek-lettered National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organization chartered in the Middle East. Chartered with 22 members and housed in the Eastern Region under the leadership of Eastern Regional Director Surgeon, the chapter hit the ground running with numerous workshops and services projects, such as “How to Survive in the UAE,” a panel discussed topics pertinent to adapting to a new environment, such as finances, health and legal issues; “World Diabetes Day – Let’s Talk About Type 2,” a forum to discuss Type 2 Diabetes with blogger Soror Phyllisa Deroze; Family Fun Day, an annual December cookout supported by the NPHC organizations and which provides greater exposure of Zeta in the local Emirati community; and “Sisters in Scarves 2.0,” where the chapter donated more than 400 scarves to a local Cancer Center in Abu Dhabi.

In March 2014, the Wright administration continued Zeta’s international legacy with the chartering of Alpha Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter in London, England and Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter in Brussels, Belgium. Presiding over the ceremony were National First Anti-Basileus Scarlet H. Black and Atlantic Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. Grand Basileus Wright administered the oath through Skype. Prior to chartering, Soror Black provided training in the Membership Intake Process. This was followed by a series of workshops led by Soror Black, Regional Director Bivins, Eastern Regional Director T. Diane Surgeon, Esq., and Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman. In addition to the chartering of these chapters, four members were inducted as members of Mu Theta Zeta Chapter in Germany.

On January 2, 2015, Zeta chartered its first international undergraduate chapter at the College of the Bahamas. Immediate Past Southeastern Regional Director Dr. Felicia Scott-Strickland led the ceremony for Rho Upsilon Chapter. The efforts were led by sponsoring graduate chapter Theta Epsilon Zeta of Nassau, Bahamas. Soon after its chartering, Rho Upsilon expanded with the intake of six new members.

In May 2014, history was made with the chartering of Alpha Alpha

On May 22, 2016, the first international Amicae Auxiliary was THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 45

BLAZING NEW PATHS - INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION chartered in Brussels, Belgium. Amicae Jessica Clark, Andrea Gables, Olga Hadada, Charlene Hampton and Sheri Walsh were first inducted as Amicae, then became history making charter members of the Auxiliary. Grand Basileus Wright administered the chartering by Skype, joined by Atlantic Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq.; Dr. Nell Ingram, Chairman of the National Executive Board; and Donnie Faye Hull, National Director of Amicae Affairs. Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta is the sponsoring graduate chapter.

Mu Theta Zeta Chapter of Darmstadt, Germany volunteer at the USO

On June 26, 2016, Zeta chartered the Beta Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter in Freeport, Bahamas and Beta Alpha Nu Zeta Chapter on the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The ceremony, led by Southeastern Regional Director Dr. Yvonne Jefferson Barnes, was held stateside in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, hosted by Triumphant Florida/Bahamas State Director Karen Blount. Grand Basileus Wright administered the oath utilizing Adobe Connect. With the chartering of Beta Alpha Nu Zeta, Zeta Phi Beta became the first Divine Nine organization to charter a chapter in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. To keep the international chapters informed on Sorority matters, Zeta has held Sorority Updates during the Christmas holidays via Skype.

Members of the Alpha Alpha Lambda Zeta Chapter in Abu Dhabi participate in the Dubai Cares Walk for Education

Zeta expanded in the Bahamas with the chartering of Beta Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter (Freeport), left, and the Rho Upsilon Chapter (University of the Bahamas), above.





t the forefront of International Grand Basileus Wright’s mind was that while Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is a sisterhood, Zeta is also a corporation.

She first set about minimizing the Sorority’s expenses by conducting more meetings via webinars and conference calls. She also utilized various means of technology to communicate with the sisterhood, such as multiple social media outlets, teletown halls, webinars and electronic newsletters. To manage national meetings and conferences, Grand Basileus Wright tapped Mercedes Alexander as the conference meeting planner. Through Soror Alexander’s efforts, a profit of more than $1 million was generated from the 2014 and 2016 Grand Boulés. In addition, the Sorority began using electronic voting devices for its elections in 2014, reducing the voting time from four hours to one hour or less. Business decisions affecting the operations of International Headquarters included the revision of the Sorority’s insurance contract, which now generates more than $150,000 in revenue each year; an updated personnel manual, which was approved by the National Executive Board; and the development of an online banking system to streamline business practices. Under this administration, the number of staff was also increased to handle the needs of the Sisterhood. Grand Basileus Wright also ensured members understood the business of leadership, by increasing the rigor of the Zeta Organizational Leadership (ZOL) Program (see page 58). Led by Dr. Nell Ingram (2013), Triumphant Soror Dr. Rosie Pridgen-Johnson (2015) and Soror Cheryl R. Brown (2017), the ZOL committee developed the institution of National Undergraduate and Amicae Retreats and the establishment of mandatory training for Undergraduate Advisors, Amicae Sponsors and Youth Advisors. Grand Basileus Wright realized that it was imperative for the organization to focus on aspects of its membership processes. She

The 14th Edition of the National Handbook was adopted by the 2015 National Executive Board. began by addressing hazing and focusing the organization’s attention to eradication. National First Anti-Basileus Scarlet H. Black (2012-2014) was tasked with developing the Sorority’s antihazing initiative. Zeta joined a partnership with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and the National Action Network, led by Sigma Brother Rev. Al Sharpton, to eliminate the hazing culture, thereby reducing the legal costs for greek-lettered organizations. Finer Women Don’t Haze was launched on September 6, 2012 as the sorority’s response to this “call to action against hazing.”

The logos of the Sorority’s youth groups, as well as other Zeta logos, were updated. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 47

Risk Management Policies and Procedures were developed for Zeta Chapters and Amicae Auxiliaries.

Turning the organization’s attention to the membership intake process, Grand Basileus Wright appointed a national committee, led by Soror Black, to review the 1990 process, which had not been examined or revised since its adoption. The National Executive Board adopted the revised MIP on Jan. 5, 2013, in Houston, Texas. The program was launched at the Zeta Organizational Leadership Conference (ZOL) on July 21, 2013 in Indianapolis, IN. At that time, more than 1,100 members were certified under the new process and were added to a newly established national registry of those who have been MIP certified. In October 2014, Grand Basileus Wright appointed a committe, led by Soror Black, to update the National Handbook. The handbook serves as a reference for the internal functions Grand Wright used Tele-Town Halls and other means of of the Sorority, and details the expectations for electronic communication to keep the sisterhood informed. implementing the organization’s policies and procedures. The updated handbook, which was launched at the 2015 ZOL, includes the were approved on April 19, 2018. Attorney Merritt-Epps reinforced Undergraduate GPA Requirement Policy and the Complaint and the Sorority’s knowledge through bi-weekly “Risk Management Discipline Policy, which were adopted by the 2014-2015 National Moments” in the Sorority’s bi-weekly Dove Notes e-newsletter. Executive Board. In 2016, the National Executive Board approved the updated Standard Operating Procedures for the Zeta Amicae. Grand Basileus Wright commissioned the design of several logos for Zeta, Amicae, Youth and Sorority initiatives, as well as In March 2017, Grand Basileus Wright appointed Zeta’s first ensured all trademarks are up to date. She also commissioned National Director of Risk Management. Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq., the update of the National Membership Directory, the revision was tasked with leading the development of a comprehensive of the Sorority’s Protocol Manual and development of the Visual risk management policy for the organization. The new policy was Identity Guide, with the latter including a comprehensive guide approved by the National Executive Board on September 8, 2016. for use of the official Sorority emblems and colors. An updated policy, as well as a policy developed for Zeta Amicae, 48 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

President Wright, the Regional Directors and Soror Norma Dartis met with Karyn A. Temple, Register of Copyrights and Director of Policy & International Affairs of the United States Copyright Office.

Zeta Phi Beta donated the Sorority’s third national history book, Torchbearers of a Legacy, A History of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, 1920-2017, to The Library of Congress.


History & Future


ne of the first decisions made by International Grand Basileus Wright was to move the 2014 Grand Boulé from Orlando, Florida to Washington, D.C. to coincide with the Centennial Celebration of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. She was invited to deliver the charge for Sigma’s celebration launch in January 2014. As a historian, Grand Wright understood the need to maintain Zeta’s history, particularly as the Sorority nears its Centennial celebration. She established the first National History Committee, led by committee chair Soror Norma Dartis, to keep an accurate record of the Sorority’s accomplishments. She also commissioned a Centennial Chairperson, 20th International Grand Basileus Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte, and hosted the official Journey to Centennial launch party (see page 70). Under the Wright administration,

Zeta Phi Beta became a $250,000 donor of the Smithsonian’s African American Museum. In 2018, the Sorority’s history book, Torchbearers of a Legacy, was updated to include events through the present administration and will be housed in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. At the 2016 Grand Boulé, Grand Wright revived the National Legacy Club, named after Founders Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings, Zeta’s first legacies. The first member inducted into the newly-named club was Soror Frances Faithful, daughter of Founder Faithful and niece of Founder Goings. Grand Basileus Wright also assigned the regions and states to honor the Founders at their cities of birth or death, and honor past Grand Basilei by holding ceremonies at their gravesites.

Zeta inducted three honorary members were inducted in 2017 - Rhona Bennett, actress, singer and entrepreneur; Dr. Anita Hill, Esq., attorney and educator; Cynthia James, author, speaker and life coach; and Professor Dr. Laurie Jean Cannady. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 49



It seems like only yesterday that I had the great honor of escorting Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, as she began her amazing journey as International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Since that time, Dr. Wright propelled the great organization to new, remarkable heights.

During my tenure as International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., it was my absolute privilege to serve with her and share the cover of the 2012 Fall/Winter issue of The Crescent Magazine. She truly exemplified the fundamental meaning of the Sigma-Zeta bond. As this memorable journey ends, congratulations and best wishes. Jimmy Hammock 33rd International President Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.





During the Wright Administration, initiatives were outlined to increase the Sorority’s focus on recruitment, reclamation and retention, all while maintaining a personal touch.

Scarlet H. Black National First Anti-Basileus 2012-2014

Membership is the driving force of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Therefore, it is important that we understand all facets of what drives a well-rounded member: how she was introduced to Zeta; how she was treated in Zeta; and, if necessary, how she was brought back home to Zeta. First and foremost, it was important to effectuate the office of the National First Anti-Basileus as outlined in the Sorority’s governing documents. This involved careful scrutiny of each packet submitted to ensure we followed our membership guidelines. In revamping the Membership Intake Process, we reviewed feedback provided by the Sisterhood, and integrated it into the process. This was followed by meticulous training of the membership to ensure adequate knowledge of the new process on all levels of the Sorority. We also reviewed Sorority feedback in the development of the Sorority’s Finer Women Don’t Haze initiative, which noted a need for an aggressive anti-hazing initiative to combat the pervasive culture that affects our membership emotionally as individuals and financially as a whole. I have been honored to serve as the National First Anti Basileus, the chair of the Membership Intake Process Revision Committee and Director of the Finer Women Don’t Haze initiative. As we journey to Centennial, we must continue to be Member Focused and Member Driven.

Valerie Hollingsworth-Baker National First Anti-Basileus 2014-2018

As I look back on the past four years I have served as National First Anti-Basileus, I must say I have been blessed to be elected for two terms by the sisterhood. As the officer in charge of membership, I often felt the weight of this important position on my shoulders. However, with the support, faith, and assistance of my sisters, I am proud of the groundbreaking work we accomplished during my time in office. I set out to create a membership theme that would resonate with the sisterhood and came up with the simplest, but most impactful of phrases, “Membership is Key.” This continuing refrain has been paramount in my thoughts and actions, as I set about creating new and meaningful membership initiatives, campaigns and establishing our membership brand. As an officer your main goal should be to leave the operational function of your position in a better state than you found it. One should always look to enhance the position and not look to tear down what someone else prior to you has accomplished, because that is counterproductive, and the organization suffers. Most importantly, my primary goal has, and will continue to be, to ensure that all members across the country and abroad receive the Customer Service Excellence they so richly deserve from this officer. It has been an exciting time and intensely busy, but through it all, it was a wonderful experience that I shall not soon forget.



Sisters - We Want You Back!: 2013 Reclamation Campaign

You Matter Because Membership is Key: 2016 International Membership Month

Transition Your Talents: Undergraduate to Graduate

Focusing on the 3 R’s: Recruitment, Retention and Reclamation Over the course of six years, the office of the National First AntiBasileus developed initiatives to increase recruitment, reclamation and retention.

Brain Teasers,” “Know Your History” questions of the day and Zeta Times Crossword Puzzles. More than 2,300 Sorors have participated in the last three years.



During National Membership Month, chapters were encouraged to increase overall membership growth by 25 percent by recruitment, reclamation and retention; design membership plans focusing on those goals; and devote time to discuss the membership plan to see if enhancements were needed. Chapters were also encouraged to submit photos and effective membership strategies.

With January 16 beginning the reclamation period in Zeta, the office of the National First-Anti Basileus continued to focus on bringing members back home to Zeta. Inactive members were encouraged to contact local chapters or submit their contact information via the national website.

“As we move towards the sorority’s Centennial Celebration of 100 years of service in 2020, the membership growth of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority needs to reflect this phenomenal milestone in the sorority’s history and Zeta’s light will continue to shine,” said Soror Black.

NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP MONTH (2014-2017) The designated month activities included specially designed Membership Clinics; spotlighting chapter best practices for implementation of the 3 R’s; informative dialog; weekly recognitions to ignite us to do more in our local chapters; “Zeta 52 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

TRANSITIONING YOUR TALENTS The “Transitioning Your Talents” initiative was designed to encourage undergraduates to transition into graduate chapters. A specially designed, customized “Congratulatory Letter” and commemorative graphic was sent to newly graduated Sorors who filled out a Transition Survey. At the 2016 Grand Boulé Awards Banquet, National First AntiBasileus Hollingsworth-Baker debuted a “Transition your Talents” iMovie highlighting 50 new graduates who successfully transitioned into Graduate chapters. “Promoting transition is extremely important for our organization to continue to grow and flourish and this first-time effort was well received by the membership,” said Soror Hollingsworth-Baker.


Enhancing the Overall Membership Intake Process In 2012, Grand Basileus Wright commissioned a committee to review and revise the Membership Intake Process, which had not been revised since 1990. Once the process was approved by the National Executive Board on October 6, 2012, National First AntiBasileus Black trained all regional and state directors in the new process before the process was launched at ZOL 2013. More than 1,000 members were trained during the conference. During this time, the first National MIP Registry and the first National Registry for Legacies were established. In 2016, an MIP Addendum was created by National First AntiBasileus Hollingsworth-Baker to address recurring questions and to clarify concerns members have submitted over a two-year period. The MIP addendum included standardized answers to the 90-day Course of Study review questions as a special added feature. The Addendum was presented to the National Executive

Board and adopted on September 8, 2016. In 2016, MIP Applications/ Forms were converted to PDF fillable. This first step was designed to make the document format more user-friendly and less time-consuming. Phases One and Two were rolled out to the membership in October 2016, and included the new MIP Financial Forms A and B, two membership supply order forms, the evaluation form, the invitation to membership (Graduate and Undergraduate) and the Legacy and Non-Legacy interview letters. The final set of 19 forms were successfully converted as of February 1, 2018.

Finer Women Don’t Haze Website

Zeta Takes a Stand: Finer Women Don’t Haze In 2012, the National Action Network, led by Sigma Brother Rev. Al Sharpton, began a partnership with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated to address the mental, physical and financial effects of hazing on the organizations and the membership. Soror Black was tasked by Grand Basileus Wright to develop and implement an anti-hazing initiative for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated which was to launch during the National Anti-Hazing Prevention Week in September 2012.

On September 6, 2012, The Finer Women Don’t Haze (FWDH) Campaign was launched as the Sorority’s response to a call of action against hazing. The initiative is an ongoing program to address the issue of hazing within the sorority and society as a whole. To reinforce the initiative, the Soror Black partnered with the National Trustees to develop t-shirts and pins that were purchased by the members. Proceeds from the items went toward renovations of International Headquarters.



The Keys to Membership News Brief Finer Women Don’t Haze Newsletter

Keeping Zeta in the Know: Communication with the Sisterhood SPECIALIZED WEBINARS The office of the National First Anti-Basileus began holding specialized webinars to communicate one on one with the sisterhood. The “4th Wednesdays with the National First Anti-Basileus” (Soror Black) and “30 Minute Thursdays” (Soror Hollingsworth-Baker) allowed the sisterhood to answer questions on various topics, including recruitment and reclamation campaigns; anti-hazing efforts and steps in conflict resolution.

by Soror Hollingsworth-Baker to obtain an assessment from the sisterhood on the services provided to the sisterhood. The survey was disseminated to the sisterhood at year end for two consecutive years. “The National First Anti-Basileus received excellent feedback, which was used to continually improve the customer service excellence our membership so richly deserves,” said Soror Hollingsworth-Baker.

NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP NEWS BRIEF CUSTOMIZED LETTERS Customized letters have been sent to the newly inducted and reclaimed members. In the last two years, customized welcome, greetings and holiday letters were also sent to undergraduate advisors and MIP Coordinators. According to Soror HollingsworthBaker, “Over 7,000 letters were sent over a two-year period. This personal outreach from the National First Anti-Basileus was well received by our new and existing members.”

NATIONAL FIRST-ANTI BASILEUS REPORT CARD Your Voice Matters: A National Report Card Survey was created


Beginning in 2015, The Keys to Membership news briefs were sent to the sisterhood via the organization’s Dove Notes e-newsletter. The brief included statistics regarding Zeta’s membership; additional information about the Sorority’s membership initiatives; and spotlights on members, chapters, states and regions.

FINER WOMEN DON’T HAZE NEWSLETTER The Finer Women Don’t Haze newsletter was developed to address various topics, including mental health; chapter, state and region anti-hazing efforts; and hazing from a legal perspective. The newsletter also highlighted chapters, states and regions who have taken on the Finer Women Don’t Haze mantra.

Zeta Amicae head to see International Headquarters during ZOL 2017


Blazing New Paths of Friendship DONNIE FAYE HULL National Director of Amicae Affairs

Planned and implemented Zeta Amicae Leadership and Empowerment Retreat at ZOL in 2013, 2015 and 2017; 175 Amicae and sponsors attended the Retreats and Trainings;

This has been an amazing six years of love, friendship and service with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and the Amicae working together. It is exciting to reflect on the many activities, projects, and programs we have been involved in together as we “Blaze New Paths with our Treasured Friends.” We are happy to celebrate together as we reflect and highlight our accomplishments as we continued to preserve the legacy of love, friendship and service.

Launched Zeta Amicae Journey to the Centennial with a party at ZOL;

Contributed $15,000 to 2020 Centennial, with contributions still being collected;

Revised and updated the Zeta Amicae Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines;

Amicae donated $1,000 and 56 Fresh Start Bags to Central Union Mission, a homeless shelter for women and men in the DC area during the 2017 Zeta Amicae Leadership and Empowerment Retreat in Washington, DC;

Published and distributed via email six Zeta Amicae in Action Newsletters;

Let us celebrate our accomplishments:

Emailed cards for all occasions to Amicae and Sponsors;

Implemented leadership training for auxiliary sponsors – more 2,000 sponsors were trained;

Published and distributed via email the Official Zeta Amicae Workbook for the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Grand Boulés;

Chartered and reactivated 42 Amicae auxiliaries;

First international sponsor trainings in the Eastern Region and the Pacific Region;

Published and distributed the Zeta Amicae Planner for the 2016 Grand Boulé;

Chartered our first international Zeta Amicae Auxiliary in Brussels, Belgium;

Held 13 outstanding Regional Zeta Amicae Conferences in conjunction with the Zeta Phi Beta Regional Leadership Conferences and Board Meetings;

Chartered our first Amicae Auxiliary in the U.S. Virgin Islands;

Numerous State Zeta Amicae Conferences, 2013- 2018;

Donnie Faye Hull National Director of Amicae Affairs



Grand Wright with Zeta Amicae at the 2017 Pacific Regional Conference

Zeta Amicae Queen Contest at the 2018 South Carolina State Conference

Implemented the Friend Lullelia Walker Harrison Service Award, Friend Mary Breaux Wright Friendship Award, Amica Mary Frances Hinton Signature Program Award, and Zeta Amicae Legacy Club;

Published a Zeta Amicae Brochure with a theme, vision, mission, goals, and objectives to unify the Amicae and to ensure cohesiveness with a goal of every auxiliary operating in the same way using the SOP as the guide;

2017 Year of the Auxiliaries – Chapters throughout Zetadom celebrated the Year of the Amicae by planning special programs and activities to honor and recognize the Auxiliaries in a very special way. (Mu Zeta Chapter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Soror Melba Wilson, Basileus, had monthly celebrations as they honored and recognized the members of the Zeta Amicae of Baton Rouge, Louisiana);

Conducted a survey for Zeta Amicae and Auxiliary Sponsors. Training components were developed based on the results of the survey; and

Many Amicae Auxiliaries participated with their sponsoring chapters with the Day of Service in their respective communities.

Through the spirit of friendship, sisterhood, teamwork and cooperation, we have engaged each auxiliary on the quest for excellence with the vision and mission of serving and bringing value to others while blazing new paths for the future as we embrace and implement programs, projects, and activities of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Thank you for six wonderful years.


The Zeta Amicae of Laurinburg, NC chartered with the largest number of new Amicae members to date (26)

• • • • • • • • • •

Soror Donnie Faye Hull, National Director of Amicae Affairs Soror Reneé S. Byrd, National Co-Director of Amicae Affairs Soror Wanda Cromartie-Jones, Atlantic Region Soror Valerie Sinclai, Eastern Region Soror Rozella Campbell, Great Lakes Region Soror Cynthia Saddler, Midwestern Region Soror Sonja Wilson, Pacific Region Soror Bobbie White, South Central Region Soror Linda Murray, Southeastern Region Soror Regina Holmes, Southern Region

Zeta Youth visit the Department of the Interior during ZOL 2017

From Girls to Pearls

ZETA YOUTH: DENESE WOLFF-HILLIARD, ED.D National Director of Youth Affiliates

From Girls to Pearls: ZYA the Zeta Way Unique among the Divine Nine, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is the only Black Greek organization with three youth groups organized to meet the needs of girls from kindergartner through high school. We train our youth to be leaders in their schools, communities, and in Zeta so that they will be better prepared as strong female leaders. From 2012-2018, the Zeta Youth Denese Wolff-Hilliard National Director Affiliates underwent changes to of Youth Affiliates strengthen our program, revitalize training components, and reenergize our image in the community.

Strength That Comes From Unity (The Archonette Code) STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, AND PROCESS In 2012, the clarion call for Zeta Youth Affiliates was consistency and uniformity. Under the leadership of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, Sorors A. Renee Goodwin, Royetta Perry, and I were asked to review the ZYA program to examine how youth are groomed for leadership in their schools, community, and Zeta. This charge propelled ZYA into a new direction. Working in concert with the ZYA Regional Coordinators, we revitalized criteria for sponsoring chapters; established a certification process

for youth advisors; standardized ZYA forms, handbooks, and procedures; created two new ZYA documents; and warehoused all materials in the ZYA Dropbox. Our first order of business involved updating the National Youth Affiliate Advisors’ Manual; the National Youth Contest Information Guide; and the Archonette, Amicette, and Pearlette Member Handbooks. A comprehensive review of the ZYA documents revealed that the Pearlettes did not have a national flower or scripture. Therefore, we added the English Blue Bell as the national Pearlette flower and Proverbs 22:6 NIV as the Pearlette scripture. As part of the new ZYA brand, we had the logos updated and retired all other insignia previously associated with youth affiliates. After revising and updating our documents, we launched a training program for Sorors to become youth advisors. ZYA advisors, co-advisors, and committee members must be financial, certified, mentored, and approved in order to work with our youth. Since 2014, when certification training began, we have trained approximately 3,000 Sorors as youth advisors. Mentorship was a new concept added to the certification process, and it spurred the ZYA team to develop the Zeta Youth Affiliate Leadership Academy Curriculum, a manual of youth activities. Volume I of the curriculum was published in 2014. The certification process and standardized documents strengthened our program, but they did not indicate how many youth sponsored by the chapters. Therefore, we devised a data collection system. In January and May, we capture the names of chapters who sponsor youth, the number of youth in each club,


BLAZING NEW PATHS - AUXILIARIES and the demographics of the youth advisors. Not only have we catalogued those who have been trained as youth advisors, but we also produced a national database of ZYA statistics.

Start Children Off the Way They Should Go (The Pearlette Prayer) SOCIAL JUSTICE ENGAGEMENT Training ZYA in the Zeta Way required youth advisors to provided experiences for our youth that concern social engagement, community partnership activities, and leadership development. Helping our youth understand their roles as leaders involves introducing youth to the social justice concerns facing Black women. In October 2015, the Spring Valley High School incident served as a catalyst for youth advisors to inform our youth about successfully interacting with law enforcement. From December 2015 through May 2016, the #OurGirls Empowerment Program allowed ZYA to discuss controversial issues from multiple perspectives. The interactive forums and workshops provided opportunities for our future leaders to develop reasoned arguments by taking a stand on a topic and defending their opinion with evidence. Zeta Youth Affiliates throughout Zeta participated in the #OurGirls Empowerment Program through forums, workshops, and letter-writing campaigns. Ever vigilant, youth advisors took advantage of other social justice opportunities. In May 2016, the History Channel aired the new ROOTS miniseries, and our youth broadened their knowledge of Black history, slavery in America, and the strength Black women displayed establishing a foundation for future generations of Blacks in America. Using the ROOTS Sunday Toolkit, youth advisors facilitated discussions about the miniseries. At the start of 2017, youth advisors scheduled movie dates for youth clubs to view the much-anticipated “Hidden Figures.” Using the ZYA Hidden Figures Activity Guide, youth advisors facilitated discussions about the movie and helped our youth identify social change issues in their communities. Activities like these continuously broadened our youths’ experiences and helped them recognize and address social injustices in their respective communities. STEM AND ADDITIONAL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES In 2015, the sorority’s partnership with U.S. Fish and Wildlife afforded our youth opportunities to visit refuge centers and fisheries. The nature visits provided interesting and entertaining sources of exercise and exposed youth to additional STEM career opportunities. During the first year of this partnership, 13 chapters, many of them sponsoring youth clubs, visited one or more of the 500 refuge centers nationwide. Youth advisors regularly took advantage of other opportunities to expose our youth to other careers. For instance, during March 2016, a cadre of youth, ages 9 through 16, participated in round-table discussions with women leaders at the Smithsonian Institute during Museum Day Live! at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Zeta’s youth were also trained for leadership roles through 58 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

state and regional conferences. To assist youth advisors with planning conferences, the ZYA team created the National Youth Affiliates Conference Planning Manual. Although youth state and regional conferences were exciting events, a truly historic youth experience occurred when 12 youth attended the ZOL 2017 Conference in Washington, D.C. Participating in their own leadership development track, the youth interacted with Zeta content experts; attended a Tea Party etiquette lesson with Grand Basileus Wright; toured International Headquarters; and departed with a special commemorative stamp, pen, and keychain. The two iconic experiences were a visit to the Department of Interior where our youth met with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife leadership team and a tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. As a culminating leadership activity, Archonettes and Amicettes were invited to submit a community service article for the Centennial Service Anthology. Not only did the Archonettes have an opportunity to be published, but, by submitting an article, they were automatically entered into the Rising Leader Award Contest, an honor that will be bestowed on one outstanding Archonette at the 2018 Grand Boulé.

Establishing Our Place of Service in the Community (The Amicette Code) Community Service: All three youth affiliates were required to participate in three Z-HOPE workshops and at least one community service activity. Youth advisors wove in Z-HOPE workshops by inviting guest speakers to youth affiliate meetings, chaperoning youth to corporate offices to witness female leaders in action, and guiding youth to spearhead their own entrepreneurial ideas. Because youth advisors take the community service requirement seriously, Zeta’s150 youth clubs fed the homeless, marched for babies, collected wigs for cancer warriors, gathered toys for hospitalized children, and provided toiletries to women’s shelters. As part of the 2018 contribution to Zeta’s HOPE for St. Jude, youth clubs donated Medical Teaching Dolls, which are used to explain the surgical procedure to young patients. Zeta Youth Affiliates donated countless hours of community service each year. At Boulé, sponsoring chapters are recognized for teaching their future leaders how to give back to the community the Zeta Way.

Aspiring to Help Others As We Pass (The Archonette Code) The new direction for ZYA began in 2012 with Soror A. Renee Goodwin at the helm as National Director of Youth Affiliates. Because youth advisors embrace the Goose Philosophy and gather strength from one another, I rotated into the lead position in 2015 to continue my predecessor’s success. In 2016, Soror Tamara D. Harris, former National Director of Youth Affiliates, joined our team. As our terms of office end, the ZYA team will store our training records with Firmex Marketing, a central repository for sorority documents. Working as a cohesive unit these past five years has helped Zeta youth advisors standardized ZYA procedures and resources, certify Sorors to work with youth, and provide the sisterhood with a better understanding of Zeta Youth Affiliates.

ZOL 2013 was the largest program to date, with more than 1,100 Zetas participating.


Expanding the Leadership Vision experiences for current and aspiring leaders interested in developing, building and/or enhancing their leadership skills.

CHERYL RAIGNS BROWN Chair, 2017 Zeta Organizational Leadership In Fall 2012, International Grand Basileus Wright appointed eight Sorors from various regions and professional backgrounds to the ZOL Steering Committee. For continuity, Grand Wright also appointed two former chairpersons as consultants. Our objectives were to: •

Structure components and criteria for the implementation of a comprehensive leadership certification program;

ZOL 2013: BREAKING RECORDS The committee began its planning for ZOL 2013, to train 500 of Zeta’s leaders in small groups of 50. However, Sorors were excited about attending ZOL and, within a week, registration increased from 500 to over 1,000. The committee quickly regrouped and changed the methodology from small classroom style to large group training that provided both certification and “Zeta Training” to accommodate Sorors’ needs. In addition, State Directors, Undergraduates, Amicae, Amicae sponsors, and Amicae coordinators received training. Some highlights of ZOL 2013: Cheryl Raigns Brown

Record breaking attendance at the first ZOL outside of Washington, DC (held in Indianapolis, IN)

Monitor and evaluate the ZOL Certification Program in an organized manner, which allows for modifications and/or changes, as indicated.

Inspirational speech by Keynote Speaker Dr. Wendy Coleman

Expose current and aspiring leaders to the leadership tools of the trade and the behavior modifications necessary to become effective leaders at all levels of the sorority, within affiliate organizations, in their communities, and in their religious and professional organizations; and

Develop and conduct comprehensive leadership training

In the fall of 2014, the committee began planning for ZOL 2015. Recognizing that our front line Sorors were interested in additional training, the committee added the Basilei Institute to the track. The target audiences were Chapter Basilei, First, Second, and Third Anti-Basilei, Sorors aspiring to become a Basileus, and Sorors interested in becoming more effective leaders. During ZOL 2015,

Chair, 2017 Zeta Organizational Leadership



BLAZING NEW PATHS - LEADERSHIP TRAINING 355 Sorors received ZOL training; 103 Sorors received Basilei Institute Training; 71 Amicae, Amicae Sponsors, and Amicae Coordinators were trained; and 54 undergraduates were trained. The National ZOL Steering Committee introduced the ZOL Renewal Pilot Program, which was designed for up to 50 Sorors from ZOL 2005 and 2007. ZOL Renewal is a reaffirmation of commitment to leadership development through experiences designed to: •

Build upon, recharge, and expand existing knowledge;

Replenish knowledge to include current policies, practices, and procedures; and

Enhance leadership knowledge, skills, and performance.

Forty-two Sorors completed the eight-month pilot webinarbased program. Grouped into nine teams, Sorors completed a book journey on FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results by Stephen Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen.

Upon successful completion of all ZOL requirements, each Soror received a certificate and a specially designed pin at the 2016 Grand Boulé. Some highlights of Z0L 2015 were: •

Addition of the State Director Training

Addition of the Amicae and Amicae Coordinators and Sponsors Training

Addition of the Undergraduate Retreat Training

Zeta Amicae Centennial Launch Party

Keynote speaker Dr. Elmira Mangum, Former President of Florida A&M University

Official Zeta Pinning of Honorary Member U.S. Rep. Donna Edwards, who served as the Luncheon Speaker

Inaugural Basilei Institute

ZOL 2017: YEAR OF THE AUXILIARIES ZOL 2017 was held in July in Washington, DC. Since Grand Basileus Wright proclaimed 2017 the Year of the Auxiliaries, ZYA@ZOL was introduced. Registration for ZOL 2017 consisted of 264 graduate ZOL registrants, 30 undergraduate ZOL registrants, 21 State Directors, 205 Basilei Institute registrants, 29 undergraduate retreat registrants, 41 Zeta Amicae, and 12 Archonettes and Amicettes. The 2017 Basilei Institute training was conducted virtually, which allowed Sorors to receive quality training without having to pay expenses for travel and accommodations. Registrants were required to pay an administrative fee, participate in nine webinars, and attend on-site training culminating at the 2018 Grand Boulé. Training was offered to current Chapter Basilei, and space permitting, to Sorors wishing to pursue a Basilei position. Sorors 60 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

The 2017 ZOL Leadership Steering Committee

will receive on-site training and their Certificates of Completion at the 2018 Grand Boulé. Two of the highlights of the ZOL 2017 Conference were: •

Amicae community service project

Zeta Youth Affiliates’ meeting with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife leadership team at the Department of Interior

ZYA@ZOL: Twelve Archonettes and Amicettes participated in interactive leadership development sessions and cultural experiences that support the Zeta Youth Auxiliary curriculum. The workshops and cultural experiences involved a DC Tour at night, an etiquette lesson, a private visit to the Department of Interior, and a tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Workshop sessions included Women in Science and leadership development. The Zeta Amicae Auxiliaries selected Central Union Mission in Washington, D.C. as the Z-HOPE project for the 2017 National Amicae Retreat held during ZOL. The Amicae donated $1,000 and 56 Fresh Start Bags. Each Fresh Start bag contained at least 20 toiletry items and included a Bible verse or words of encouragement on an index card. Grand Basileus Wright presented the check and Fresh Start Bags to Wanda Spence from Central Union Mission. In keeping with Zeta’s rich history of being first, ZOL has established some firsts of its own. As the sorority’s longest leadership training, the firsts and accomplishments include: •

Introduced Adobe Connect platform for training

Held the conference outside of Washington, DC

Held an Undergraduate Retreat and included specific tracks for the auxiliaries: Amicae and Youth

Hosted off-site cultural tours to the African American Museum of History and Culture

Implemented electronic payment and registration process

Used an online application for conference agenda and documents (now several Regions have adopted this device)

Enhanced the online registration component

Hosted tours of our newly rebuilt International Headquarters


Received funding from AARP and sponsorship from Zeta National Educational Foundation

Used leadership assessment as a training and book reviews to promote leadership growth

Engaged keynote speakers to motivate registrants

Involved external consultants and experts (Tate and Tryon, Bryan Cave and Holmes Murphy) in training

Conducted webinars specifically for our Asian Pacific Sorors to include attendance from International Sorors

Housed data with a central repository for Sorors certified in 2013 and 2015

The ZOL Steering Committee would like to thank AARP for their continuous support and sponsorship. We would also like to thank the Regional and State Directors, the Zeta National Educational Foundation and Sorors who assisted during the expansion of ZOL. On behalf of those who served on the ZOL committee under Grand Wright, I thank her for her visionary leadership and congratulate all who participated in the ZOL programs.

ZOL 2013 CERTIFICATIONS Andrea Aarons Tracy Abbott Julie Agosto Trudy Aldridge T’ykeyah Alexander Whitley Alexander Astrid Alfred-Greer Krista Allen-Samders Chandra Allgood-Foster Cicely Alston Donna Anderson Onitta Anderson-Parker Deanna Andrews JuTun Andrews-King Brittany Aron Tonya Ashford Nina Bailey Katrina Banks Ulanda Barkley Victoria Belin Sameea Bell Jenelsia Belt Tunesia Benard Chandra Berry-Owens Janette Bishop Morgan Blount Angelynn Bolden Avis Bolling Debra Booker Judy Booker Amber Boram Lawander Bradley-Bey Dione Branch Pecolia Bransford Evelyn Bray Carmela Bright-Phillips Monique Brock

Erika Brown Janice Brown Kesha Brown Keva Brown Mecca Brown Nui Brown Stacy Brown Stephanie Brown Crystal Brown-Jenkins Jelana Bryan Anissa Buckner Leslie Buckner Jaclyn Buford Tonya Bunch Brandy Bush Brenda Butler Jamie Butler Martha Butler Irisellena Calder Wanda Calvin-Claiborne Cierra Campbell Kortney Carr LaDonna Carr Nancy Carr Mel Causey Sandy Chambers-Collins Rita Chandler DeAnna Chestnut Shirley Chevalier Cheryl Christie Nichole Churchwell Pamela Clanton Aisha Clarke Kindra Clay Sonya Clayton Tiffany Clemmons Sheila Clifton

Dionne Colbert-Mitchell Natasha Lynn Collier Ramona Collins Alexis Conde Carmelia Coney Beverly Cook Stacey Cook-Bey Dana Copeland Carolyn Corbin Marie Cornwall Eleasha Counts Stephanie Cox LaClaudelle Craft So Juan Crenshaw Wanda Cromartie-Jones Shallena Crowder Monica Dabney Keesha Dancy Iana Daniels Charlisa Davis Jennifer Davis Kinakenease Davis Cynthia Dawkins-Terrell Angela Dawson-Milton Trycennia Dean-Motley Sheila Dease Dinkins Vitalis Dennis Tjwana Dennis-Jenkins Ramonda Dillard Jill Dingle Tiffanie Dixon Chauntine Dorame Bille Dorn Anita Dowell Keisha Driskell Jackelah Dubose Zshalondra Dufur

Cynthia Dunbar Sandrena Durr Shawnta Eaton-Leschig Sheryl Edelen A. Carolyn Edge Sheryl Edwards Jessica Elmore Audrey Evans Deborah Evans Janice Evans Barbara Evans-Cunnigham Schellie Fanfan Charmain Faulk Tiffini Ferdinand Colleen Ferguson Quanda Finch Shelonda Finch Angela Fleming Genea Flowers Lashana Flowers Carnelia Fondren Stacey Forte-Dupre Delisa Foster Mary Foster Brittney Fox Lissa Francois-Pruitt Este Frazier Jocastra Frazier Charlene Gamboa Lisa Gambrell-Burns Toccarra Gartin Sylvannah Gates Neffie Gatewood Tamicha Gerton LaVita Gill Lisa Gillette Felecia Gipson



ZOL 2013 CERTIFICATIONS ShaRhonda Gipson Christina Givens Kimberly Glover Mattie Glover Erica Goldston Louise Gooch Janielle Gooden Stephanie Granberry Rachel Graves Alicia Gray T’keyeah Gray Wanda Gray Alexis Greaves Colleen Green Gayle Green Harriet Green Jorelle Green-Smith Felicia Greggs-Mcrae Symona Gregory Danielle Griffin April Groggins Melissa Guidry Traci Guinn Buckley Vivian Hall Stephanie Hall-Jones Carla Hamilton Sheryl Hamilton Zandra Hamilton Sonja Hamlin Belinda Harden-Johnson Barbara Hardy Bernadette Harris Constance Harris Jessie Harris Tanya Harrison Latisha Hawkins Amanda Haynes Rebecca Heath-Brown Levora-Angel Henry Chari Heron Yvonne Hicks Latosha Higgins Patricia Hill Jeane Hines Latasha Hinton Jessica Holden Myrtis Holder Tyler Holliman Bridgette Howard Courtney Howard Carol Howie

Joyce Huff Adrian Hunt Isimeme Ikharebha Alicia Jackson Ava Jackson Brittani Jackson Celestine Jackson Gina Jackson Linda Jackson Rebecca Jackson Sheila Jackson Tamra Jackson Malinda Jackson-James Rhonda Jacobs Tracy A. Jacobs Twylah Jenkins Cortina Jennings Yvette Jimenez (Ridley) Michelle Joachim Alicia Johnson Amber Johnson Angela Reed Johnson Danne Johnson Denise Johnson Falon Johnson Khadijah Johnson Nicole Johnson Rebecca Johnson Sarecia Johnson Susan Johnson Leilani Johnson-Ross Beverly Jolly Lakesha Jones Meagan Jones Melissa Jones Monica Jones Nakita Jones Rauchelle Jones Robin Jones Shawntelle Jones Tamika Jones Wanda Jones Lynda Jones-Johnson Jaleesa Joy Paula Kay Margaret Keel Detra Kelly-Newton Genevie Kelsey Thomas Kristina Keys Beatrice King Shyvon Lacy


Michelle Lanier Kiana Lawhorn Monica Leak Ladara Lee Alexis Leslie Sylvia Lewis Bridget Lewis-Burgess Kimberly Lissade Tara Lockett Madeline Lockhart Cynthia Logan Gayle Lyke Lolita Mack Latonia Mack-Mullen Gloria Magwood Chandel Marion-Brown Caleen Markland Vivian Marvray Danielle May Lorita Mayo Shauna Mayo Valerie Mays Iva McBride Leevie McCaleb Ila McCall Adrienne McDay Asli McDonald Joanne McDougal Patterson Janet McElrath Shannon McGuire-Lee Michelle Mcintosh Katherine Mcmurtrey Gale Midgette Jasmine Miles Kali Miller Kristal Miller Milika Miller Nichole Miller-Smith Anna Mills Donniele Mills Keisha Milton Dionne Mitchell Pamla Mitchell Monica Mogbo Clovis Moodie Carlitta Moore Dana Moore Deanne Moore Evelyn Moore Nikita Moore Marcella Morgan

Vanessa Morgan Marguerite Morgan-Cargo Sherri Morris Cheneta Morrison Meta Morrison F. Renee Morrison Maxine Moses-Adams Tonya Muhammad Shellisa Multrie Linda Murray Tamara Nance Urayna Nance Brittany Nash Deitra Neely Halfreda Nelson Nadia Nelson Emma Newberg Tiffany Newsome Cynitra Oliver Michelle Oliver Shanel Oliver Erica Orr Tenesha Overby Marissa Owens Nina Owens-Nichols Letha Page Vera Palmer China Pankey Faye Parker Linda Parker-Cooks Joanette Payne Grace Pearson Betty Peeples Samantha Perry Brenda Phillips Ashley Pinkerton Tonya Plunkett Rosalyn Pope Tanya Poyser Amber Pratcher Nikki Purvis Trenace Pyles Karyn Quick Jacquelyn Ragin Rosalind Ragland Pamelia Readus Darlene Reyes Brenda Reynolds Sabrina Rhymes Jasmine Rice Patricia Richards


ZOL 2013 CERTIFICATIONS Alice Richardson Joneice Ridgeway Gabrielle Riggins Deanna Riley Latischa Riley ChiQuia Roberson Carmelita Roberts Candice Robinson Edwetta Robinson Felicia Robinson Qiana Robinson Nettie Robinson-Logan Shawnte Rothschild Natascha Roy Lashonda Royal Michelle Russell Cynthia Sampey Kathy Sanders LaToya Sanders Vanessa Sanders Carolyn Saterfield Georessica Saul Vanessa Sauveur Cherelle Saxon Autumn Scherzer Andrea Scott Alessa Searcy Jocellyn Seawood Jayne Semexant Ceskina Sewell

Patricia Shaw Barbara Sidney Valerie Sinclair Jamie Sinnah-Yovonie Sheena Slade-Walker Carmen Smith Elisha Smith Gina Smith Gwendolyn Smith Jaynene Smith Laquita Smith LaRita Smith Porsche Reyna Smith Shirley Smith Titessa Smith Wanda Smith Angela Smith Kimberly Snell Aleemah Spence Patricia Spencer Papillon Spinks Virna Springer Chenita Starks Veronica Straws-Malone Kathy Tatum Latanya Tatum Lorraine Tatum Charlotte Taylor Karen Taylor-Abby Vickie Taylor-Epps

Kimberly Tetterton Latia Thomas Tanill Thomas Tinisha Thomas Vonselle Thomas Tracey Thomison-Duke Patricia Thompson Undrane Tisdale Jacquelyn Toles-Remmer Wilma Toombs Patricia Tripp Qwynn Trotter Jelaqua Tucker Vanessa Turner Melissa Tyson Miranda Tyson Jacqueline Waiters Cassandra Walker Krishna Walker Tara Walkup Lisa Wallace Patrice Ward B. Malika Warner Tiffany Warren Julliaynne Washington Angela Waters Lorna Watkins Georgette Weatherspoon Alicia Webb Daria Weddington

Tamara West Kimberly Whitaker Bobbie White Ileana Wilburg Dana Wilkerson-Lynch Cindy William-January Cyshell Williams Greta Williams Janelle Williams Leigh-Ann Williams Rhonda Williams Robin Williams Tammy Williams Candice Williams-Hickman Theresa Willis Brenda Wilson Delores Wilson Phyllis Wilson Leslie Wilson-Smith Edlena Wofford Deborah Woodly Adrienne Woods Mwanisha Woods Jennifer Wright Carla Wyatt Tiffany Yancey Frances Young Kimberly Young

ZOL 2015 CERTIFICATIONS Valerie L. Acham Sade Adams Robin Adams-Massenburg Georgette Albury Nandi Alexander Jessica Allen Regina Allen Quajalyn Amos Cynthia Anderson Valarie Anderson Ingrid Armstrong-Doweary Gloria Bailey Esther S. A. Bailey-Young Kelley Baker Francine Bamberg Tonya Banks Ashley Barnes Hattie Barnes

Latessa Bayonne Susieann Beavers-Harris Sandra Belcher Patricia Belton-Bates Ernestine Bethea Ginger Beverly Lametric Bishop Takisha Black Regina Booker Selina Boone Joanne Botsoe Tanesha Boulder Ruth Bowen Jasmine Branch Natalie Brannon Teresa Broady Marsha Brookins Marquetta Broome Burks

Heather Brown Josalyn Bryant Shirley Bryant Andrea Buckley Brooke Burks Christine Burnett Kamisha Busby Michelle Busby Melisa Bush Rena Butler Nicole Butler-Talley Shanethea Calaway Kathleen Caldwell Regina Caldwell Rhonda Calloway Christie Cargill Wa’Kisha Carter Ayanna Castro

Kalilah Catlett Sheila Caudle Meilana Charles Letitia Cherry Colleen Clark Inez Clark-Bowles Tiffany Clemmons Faryal Clouden Vanessa Cole Tiffany Coleman Jacqueline Coley Alkiesha Collins Nakki Collins Erlinda Colon Clementine Cone Niambi Cook Tomasina Cook Robbin Cooper



ZOL 2015 CERTIFICATIONS Tanisha Coppage Ida Crawford Mercidee Curry Fern Danztler Shante C. Dash Taryn Davila-Webster Elaine Davis Maxine Davis Sheila Davis Tatyana Davis Leshaia Davis-Johnson Denise Davis-Smith Tracy DeBose Jennifer Delatour Sheronika Denson Alicia Dickson Sherrelle Diggs Ukamaka Dike Christelle Dorcil Racquel Douglas Jessica Duncan Monica Dunn Nadia Eaddy Jhone Egerton Kimberly Elliott Natasha Ellis Nikki Eubanks Pamela Evans Dana Farrakhan Taquanta Feely Unika Felton-Mack Sherley Fields Nancy Watkins Flanagan Maudilynn Fontenette Cherie Foster Deidre Foster Goetti Francois Tonya Freeman Dionne Frost Inger Frye Violet Furdge Marlo Gantt Tamara Gardner Alice Garrett A’Dia Gaskins Charlotte Ghoston Demeatrice Gibbons LaCrystal Godwin Cynthia Gonzales Siobhan Goree Jerri Govan-Brengettcy

Ayris Granby Carol Grant Debra Grant Rayonee Grant Adriana Green Lucille Green Natasha Green-Reynolds Ramona Greer Miranda Griffin Cherryl Gwinn Rosalind Hale Sylmoneyvesta Hall Vanessa Hamilton Helaire Hamilton Mitchell Roslyn Hannibal-Booker Stacy Harper-Avilla Candice Harrell Brittany Harris Kimberly Harris Mary Harris Amystique Harris Church Nicole Hart Marissa Harvey Patrice Harvey Rokichia Haywood Tracy Ann Heard CaShonda Henderson Prudence Henderson Serelda Herbin Simone Heyward Diana Hilaire Abeni Hill Devonna Hobson Leslie Hodges-Jackson Gwendolyn Hogans Candyce Holland Willette Hollinger Tracy Holmes Stacy Humes LaCrystal Huskey Christmas Hutchinson Reva Hutto Kay Idlette Kourtney Igbo Connie Irvin Kittilea Jackson Wyann Jackson Christina Jacobs Jasmine James Gesica Jarrett Brittany Johnson


LaTasha Johnson Mariah Johnson Nicolette Johnson Sarah Johnson Tamara Johnson Tina Johnson Tonia Johnson- Alston Sherry Johnson Hicks Margaret Johnson- Rolle Amber Jones Djenaba Jones Dorothy Jones Gionne Jones Jennifer M. Jones Jessica Jones Jocelyn Jones Meshael Jones Monica Jones Natasha Jones Ramona Jones Shantia Jones Ashely Kemp Kareesa Keys Karen King Katy Kolasinski Khadija Laing Bridgette Larkin-Perkins Mary Lawrence Lisa Lee Lois Lee Cynthia Lilly Harriett S. Littlepage Latrice Love-Cooper Kimberly Lyons Pamela Lyons Mendy Mack Alexis Maisonet Olayinka Majekodunmi Sharri Mapp Elizabeth Marlin Quiana Martin Knikira Marvray Janice Maxwell Kim Mayfield Tira Mays Felecia McClain-Sturdivant Chrischeryl McDaniel Monica McEaddy Tonya McKenzie Lenae McKinnon Krystle Melvin

Violet Mensah Tonia Miller Sheria Mitchell Dorothy Moore Wanda Moore Valerie Morgan Sheray Morrison Joyce Murphy Zakkiyyah Nazeeh Jeanie Nelson Reathea Nesbitt Jaszmiauna Nesmith Candice Northern Kate Ofikuru Sanaria Okongor Arshena Overton Brandi Owens Connie Page Lavonia Page Contessa Paige Brenda Palmer Lindsey Parker Collin Parker Lashley Shavonne Perry Johnesha Person Ellen Peterson S. Renee Phillips Cherline Pierre Sherda Pierre Sandra Pitts Kimberly Pope Michele Posey-Johnson Dezzarayi Powell Kimberly Preston Tameika Ramseur Eleanor Randolph Shari Rankin Charlene Richardson Irene Richardson Lydia Richardson Nicole Roberts Janetta Roberts-Owens Linda Robinson Nieja Robinson Chelsea Roden Renee Rodgers Treva Ross-Sanders ToWanda Samuel Valarie Satterwhite Anita Saunders Monigo Saygbay-Hallie


ZOL 2015 CERTIFICATIONS Lashelle Scott Sharon Scott Tiffany Scott Leah Selvy Cinnamon Sheffield Kya Simmons Sabrina Simon-Chambliss Shanton Simpson Alexis Smith Doris Smith Euphemia Smith Kayla Smith Kiedi Smith Sonia Smith Cleo Spartley Cherie Speller Bridgette Spencer Arayna Spratley Mary J. Square Bria Staten-Favors

Sukeena Stephens Christine Stringer Latrecia Stubbs Tiara Swain La’Shelle Tatum Anita Taylor Mae Taylor Veronica Taylor Kei’Shawn Tention Donte Thomas Minnie Thomas Tiffani Thomas Bianca Thongchua LaNise Thrasher Ronique Tinker Erin Tolbert Shelia Traylor Annetta Trice Patricia M. Twitty Ireisha Vaughn

Shamekia Vickers Brittany Walker Eryka Wallace LaTonya Ward Brittany Washington Kenya Washington Toni Washington-Knight Faith Watson Ligeia Watson Shringalah Webb Champelli Wells Pamela Wells-Johnson Veronica White Joan White Victoria Chandraia Whitted Erica Wiggins Juanita Wilchie Awayne Williams Berrnestine Williams Charlotte Williams

Christine Williams Dannitria Williams Helen Williams Hillary Williams Patricia Williams Tanya Williams Ulysses Williams Ursula Y. Williams Anita Wilson Lauren Tamara Wilson Eboni Winford Demishia Wright Kimberley Wright Kristeena Wright Tiffany Wright G. Joanne Yarde Jasmine Young Veronique ZimmermanBrown

ZOL 2017 CERTIFICATIONS Deborah Adams Janine Adelaja Demisha Allen DeLores Allison Terry Alston Frenchette Anderson Lisa Anderson Tiffany Ard Lucille Bacon Nikisha Bailey Marijia Bailey Leah Bailey Langston Jina Ballenger LeQuandra Banks-Hale Athena Bannister Da’Shalyn Barnes Kortnee Barnett Curtisia Battle Buffy Bennett Charise Bennett Glenda Beverly Brittany Bilbrew Wanzette Bilbrew Samantha Binion Lezlie Blair Sabrina Boges-Krull De’ja Boler

Angela Bonham Tanyika Bonner Ryushique Bonner Orga Boone Michelle Boone-Thornton Tina Brannon Taneen Brinson Karen Brisby Brandi Brown Laniel Brown Marcia Brown Rochelle Brown Johanna Brown Yvonne Brown Vivia Brown-Cormier Aliya Browne Leela Bryant Carmelita Bullock Lisa Burns ZaTascha Burton Jovan Cameron Susan Cameron Wanda Carr Tanya Carriere Kalisha Carrington Debra J. Carroll Cassandra Carson

Quiana Chambers Angela Childs-Kindred Yvette Clark-Blake Deneen Clarke Katrina Cole Kareen Coleman Shamayne Coles Kea Collis-Lucas Julia Colter Toska Cooper Cristine Cox Tiffany Cox Rickeshia Cox LaGail Crews-Lowe Erin Cribbs Arnette Crocker Tyechia Culmer Shereese Curbeam Estell Darby Sheila Davis DeLisa Dawkins Heather DeLeon Channon Dillard Rosetter Dirden Angela Doggett Laporsha Dortch Kim Doss-Patterson

Patrice Dowling Detra Duncan Audrey Duncan Hampton Laronda Echols Shayla Edwards Giselle Edwards-Williams Deanna Eley Portia Ellis Renee Felton Pullen Candis Fields Jacqueline Fields Smith Christina Finley Linda Flowers Velynka Flunder NaQuisha Ford Donna Foster Magolin Franklin Lou Frazier-Brown Tina Fulcher Natasha Fuller Angie Gamble Erica Gardner Alisha Garner Dickerson Brenda Gates Trenicia Gerald Vesta Godwin Clark Janiece Golden



ZOL 2017 CERTIFICATIONS Susette Gooden Sharlina Goveia Nyoka Gracey Monica Green Beverly Greene Pamela Gutter Zanthresa Hampton Hatasha Hanley Marilyn Harden Lynette Harper Tyisha Harper Lynette N. Harris Erika Harris Geneva Harris Kaela Harris Rosanna Hawkins-Shields Deirdre Hendersen Shawand Hicks-Seals Tiara Hobbs Jonia Holley Vallie Holloway Kescia Holmes Lisa Hope Letitia Hopkins Tanay Hudson Shukura Huggins Sonya Hughes Kamika Hughes Tracy Hughes Robin Hunter Buskey Latoya Jeeter Andrea Jenkins Harriett Jenkins Pamela Johannes Zinnia Johnson Kathy Johnson Eugenia Johnson Tycoria Johnson Breshauna Johnson Sha’Terra Johnson-Fairley Pawn Johnson-Hunter Teresa Jones Lauren Jones Lee Shelia Jones Williams Bethesda Kearney Tajmah Kelley LaWanda Kelly Robilyn Key Sharon Kisling Cynthia Knight Sydney Knowles

Tanisha Leonard Alexandra Lewis Georgia Louis Kimberly Mackey Alisa Y. Mahaffey Chenise Malone Edith Mason Elise Mason Nicoll Matthews Victoria May Tia Maypray Jimmi McAlister LaKesa McClain Krystle McClain Alanna McClary Tamiah McCoy Briana McDaniel Taashaylaray McDuffie Rosemary McGee Denise McKinney Jalanna McNab Cheryl McPherson Tieryaa Metcalf-Fields Sharlene Minus Kassandre Monsanto Kaisha Moore Rose Marie Moore Robin Moore Katrina Moore Belser Kimberly Morris Darkesha Moton Brenda Mount Elisia Mukes Karla Munden TaMirra Nelson Earline Nelson Charlotte Nichols Leticia Nicholson Cameria Norwood Darcell Norwood-Baugh Odessa Ochoa Barbara Okeke Eunice Orji Charne’ Owens Kenya Pace Vedia Page Cynthia Parker Charlesetta Parker Cierra Parker Lena Payton-Webb LaTanya Pender


Nicole Pennington Arianna Pereras Dorrell Perry Kiaya Perry Hali Peterson Katrina Pillow Eurica Pinthieve Shantya Plater LeNora Ponzo Michelle Pope Sherry Pope Arneda Powell Cathy Price Shavon Pritchett Quinnetta Quinn Karen Raine Sonya Randolph Lacey Ranson-Hudson Jessica Revere Tamika Riddick LaRonda Ringold Gaylen Rivers Crystal Rivers Glynis Rivers Catherine Roberts Virginia Roberts Sandra Rodrignez Monique Rolle Nicole Rouse Willye Rowland Samantha Saine Ashley Salter Waltoria Sankey Una Satchell Jenkins Ivy Scott Briana Scott Shronda Service Roberta Shannon Darlene Shelton Latrina Sherman Tanaysha Smith Jasmine Smith Yashika Smith Jovaunda Smith Jessica Smith Theresa Smith Alison Smith ReGina Smithwick Ashley Spence Dawn Spicer Catrina Springer

Dannette Stevenson Ashley Steward Angelique Stoney-Siplin Nakia Sturrup Victoria Sutherland Jerri Sutton Mecca Tanksley Suzette N. Tate-Creekmore Roberta Taylor Gloria Taylor-Neal Zakisha Thomas Naomi Thomas Latricia Thomas Lynese Thomas Tarsha Thompson Daphne Thompson Kina Triggs Teresa Tucker Chanta Virden Walton Tammy Waddy Chantelle Walker T. Candice Walton McGee Tyeis Washington Dottery Washington Mary Washington Tiara Washington Konate Crystal Lynn Watts Kaitlin West SunSurraye Westbrook D’nae Wetstone Jasmine White Desiree M. Whitehead Desiree Whitehead Michele Williams Christina Williams Ashley Williams Keisha Williams Joyce Williams Robinson Melba Wilsom Burma Wilson Y. Michelle WilsonMerriwether Deniesha Witt Terri Woodford Antoinetta Wooley Andrea Wright Gayle Young

In 2017, Zeta Phi Beta held the first National Executive Board Meeting Z-HOPE project. Members donated $6,000 and more than 3,000 items to The Bridge at Fair Park, an adult day care facility in Dallas, Texas.


New Heights

In July 2014, Dr. Nell Williams Ingram ran unopposed and was elected as the 28th Chairman of the National Executive Board. In 2016, she was reelected to the office of Chair, running again unopposed. Dr. Ingram was not new to leadership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. She has served as National 2nd Anti-Basileus, Chairman of the Regional Directors, Southern Regional Director, Chair Dr. Nell Williams Ingram and Co-Chair of Zeta Organizational 2014-2018 Chair Leadership Program, West Texas National Executive Board State Director, Board of Managers of the National Educational Foundation, Basileus of her chapter and many other local and regional offices. A retired school administrator, Dr. Ingram welcomed the new board members in the transitional board meeting and challenged each board member to establish goals. One of her goals was to increase the board’s leadership skill sets. During the past four years, she has offered training such as: Legal Responsibilities of a Board (several topics), Risk Management Overview, Interactions with International Headquarters, Zeta Insurance Overview, Firmex Overview, Roles and Responsibilities of National Officers, and Parliamentary Procedures.

POLICIES/MANUALS APPROVED Under this administration, the board has approved the following policies/manuals: •

Personnel Manual (served as one of the editors);

Amicae Handbook (served as one of the editors);

MIP Addendum;

Financial Procedures Manual (served as one of the editors);

State Directors Manual;

Undergraduate Academic Probation/GPA Requirement, Complaint and Discipline Policy (served on a subcommittee);

14th Edition of the National Handbook (served as one of the editors); and

Risk Management Policy; and

ZOL Standard Operating Procedures Manual.

NATIONAL EVENTS The Chair represented Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated at several national functions: •

National Council of Negro Women, Washington, DC (presented in a Roundtable with other partners of NCNW);

Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (presented in 2014- 2016 with representatives of the Divine Nine; served THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 67


Installation of the 2016-2018 National Executive Board at the 2016 Grand Boulé in Orlando, Florida

as a team leader on the Program Committee in 2017); •

St. Jude’s Annual Meeting

National Association of School Personnel Administrators (served on committee with Vice Presidents of Student Affairs and leaders in Greek Life organizations); and

Omega Psi Phi National Convention, 2016 (brought greetings on behalf of the Grand Basileus Wright).

Dr. Ingram served as the administrator over the Adobe Connect system and managed the scheduling and layout design of all the webinars. Since 2013, Dr. Ingram has managed more than 800 webinars that impacted more than 23,800 Sorors. In addition, Dr. Ingram: •

Collaborated with the National Nominating Committee to deliver nine campaign forums for the 2018 Grand Boulé Campaign Forums, providing training for National Nominating Committee members and ensuring candidates were trained on using Adobe and webcams;

Created surveys for various national initiatives for four years in Survey Monkey;

Managed the demographic information submitted via Survey Monkey to develop database for email distributions;

Appointed the search committee for the National Executive Director and served on the final selection interview panel;

Managed interviews for the interior design team through Adobe Connect;

Provided leadership training at various regional conferences;

Participated in yearly meetings with the International Grand Basileus and the Legal Counsel;

Proposed the webinar series with the Campus Greek Life Professionals; collaborated with the International Grand Basileus, National Legal Counsel, National Director of Risk Management and the National Director of Undergraduate Advisors. Facilitated the registration process and moderated the sessions; and

Ensured that audit and financial information were presented to the National Executive Board each year.

CONCLAVE 2015 AND 2017 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated hosted the Phi Beta Fraternity, Incorporated General Board Dinner in 2015 and 2017 during their National Conclaves. Chair Ingram, along with Brother Daryl Anderson (2015) and Brother Sam Walthour (2017), organized the event which was enjoyed by all. National Executive Board members attending Conclave and local chapters were invited.

CONTRACTS AND VENDORS As Chair of the Board, this officer has to co-sign all contracts of the sorority. During a four-year period, 70 contracts and more than 120 vendor agreements (new and renewals) were signed. The expenses of the International Grand Basileus were approved by this officer as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws.

DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS Sorors who have faced disciplinary actions are afforded the opportunity to appeal actions (provided they appeal within the appropriate timelines). One of the duties of the Chairman of the Board has been to chair the three-member Hearing Panel.

OTHER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES As if the Chair did not have her hands full, she served as a Consultant on the Zeta Organizational Leadership Program Steering Committee. The ZOL team planned and orchestrated the 2015 and 2017 cohorts, coordinated the workshops at 2016 Grand Boulé and served as host for all webinars. In 2017, Dr. Ingram coordinated the Basilei Virtual Institute.


The four years as Chairman of the National Executive Board have been an invaluable experience for this officer as she BLAZED NEW PATHS and took this office to a new level.


The Pathway to Excellence ROSLYN HANNIBAL-BOOKER Chair, Zeta National Educational Foundation Zeta National Educational Foundation, Inc. has been growing, expanding, and evolving. The 2016-2018 board has brought Z-NEF to new heights by instituting contemporary approaches that assure success. The vision of Z-NEF chair, Roslyn Hannibal-Booker is to advance Z-NEF on an aggressive pursuit for a “Pathway to Excellence”. The overarching approach, Pathway to Roslyn Hannibal-Booker Excellence, is both a strategy and Chair, Zeta National an inspirational goal that focuses on Educational Foundation building strong relationships with the Sorority, the scholars, funders and the communities Z-NEF serves. Underlying this theme is the understanding that a thriving and vibrant foundation - with solid internal infrastructure, positive mission outcomes and financial prosperity – is the linchpin of a rising sisterhood poised to usher in Centennial and beyond. This year Z-NEF focused on strategies centered on innovation, collaboration and metrics in the areas of: • Administration • Financial Management • Communications and Marketing • Fundraising and Grant Research • Scholarship Management • Community Education and Research Programs • Partnership with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Sorors to conduct quarterly internal audits. The audit team was comprised of a representative from each region appointed by the Regional Director. COMMUNICATIONS: For the first time, Z-NEF is now engaging in social media. Our social media reach began with Facebook and we have a growing audience of Sorors and friends. FUNDRAISING AND GRANT RESEARCH: Z-NEF is excited about the re-establishment of a signature fundraising effort at the 2018 Boulé’ in New Orleans. We are proud to present personalized second-line umbrellas in royal blue and white for Zetas, and light blue for our Amicae friends. Under the current leadership Z-NEF begun participation in Amazon Smile which allowed donors to conveniently shop on-line and support the Foundation. SCHOLARSHIP MANAGEMENT: Z-NEF established a systematic procedure for strategic 360 degree follow-up with Z-NEF scholarship recipients. Z-NEF Regional Liaisons were provided the contact information of students who were awarded scholarships and are attending school in their areas. This allowed local chapters and/or regions to find creative avenues to forge relationships with Z-NEF scholarship winners. Some of the engagement included an invitation to and recognition at Sorority events. In addition, each awardee received a specially designed Z-NEF medallion. PARTNERSHIP WITH ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC.: Z-NEF marched boldly to strengthening our partnership with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Zeta Organizational Leadership (ZOL), and youth affiliates by granting $2,000 to support activates at the 2017 ZOL Leadership Conference. Z-NEF has made tremendous steps and successful actions to significantly increase its reach. The Board of Managers are extremely grateful for Grand Basileus Wright for her support and continuous efforts to fostering a strong partnership with Z-NEF.

ADMINISTRATION: The focus was to assure compliance with current Foundation by-laws, incorporate smart business practices and utilize technology. One of the accomplishments under this strategy included the disseminating of financial and scholarship reports reflecting analytical data. Z-NEF provided data not only on the number of scholarships awarded, but also the number of scholarship applications received broken down by Zeta geographical region; and the number of scholarships awarded to students by Zeta geographical region based on the college attending. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Z-NEF took a bold and inclusive approach to enhancing financial management and reporting with a focus on the refinement of existing successful strategies, transparent reporting, and implementation of non-profit accounting systems. To accomplish this task, Z-NEF utilized

Board of Managers of the Zeta National Educational Foundation THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 69

North Carolina

Licensed to


During the Wright Administration, states secured speciality license plates. In addition to providing funds for scholarships and other endeavors, the plates serve as additional marketing for the Sorority.


U.S. Virgin Islands

Ohio Georgia


International Grand Basileus Wright and Past International Grand Basileus Barbara West Carpenter Lead the 2015 Southern Region Centennial Kickoff

Centennial 2020

Our Journey Continues JORIE GOINS Co-Director, Centennial Commission Communications “EPIC,” Past International Grand Basileus Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte said with certainty when describing her dreams for Centennial.

The Sisterhood focused on global service initiatives in 2017. Throughout the year, Zeta Phi Beta made strides toward providing world class, wide-reaching service with the launch of the Zeta Service Management System. Using this database, Sorors can log hours of community service online. The goal is to record 20 million hours by 2020.

Since the official launch of the Centennial Countdown in 2015, the Sisterhood continues the journey to 2020. With each passing year, the principles of the Sorority Jylla Moore Tearte, Ph.D. remain at the forefront of our 20th International Grand Basileus minds with a commitment to 2020 Centennial Commission Chair the fundamental goal of the Centennial, to Honor our Founders.

While Past Grand Tearte, who also serves as Chair of the Centennial Commission, acknowledges the loftiness of this goal, the more important piece is tracking the service endeavors of chapters from New York to the Middle East. “Whether we get to 19 million or 20 million, the significance is that we do service across the world–Zeta’s service management system– will probably last us for many years to come in terms of calculating and really understanding globally, the service that we provide to our communities.”

Official Centennial launch parties commemorated 2015 as the year of Finer Womanhood. The Houston, Texas inaugural event introduced passport stamping for Sorors to mark their progress toward 2020. In 2016, the Sisterhood recognized the principle of Scholarship with a printed anthology featuring words of wisdom from undergraduate and graduate Sorors, and a “hat and gloves” Finer Womanhood tea where Cheryl Walker Robertson presented a course on etiquette.

The year 2018 revolves around Sisterhood: The heart of it all! As the Sorority prepares for the penultimate Boulé in New Orleans, Louisiana, finding new ways to show sisterhood while preparing for Centennial, both logistically and in terms of output and initiatives, is an ever-pressing goal. The Sisterhood Circle Centennial initiative sparked creative engagement by groups of five Sorors who focus on unique experiences. Sorors have mastered the traditional afternoon teas while honoring women who have impacted their community. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 71

BLAZING NEW PATHS - CENTENNIAL 2020 Past Grand Tearte takes her responsibility to be sisterly personally as the daughter, sister and mother of Sorors. In particular, Past Grand Tearte’s relationship with her own sister, Soror Maxine Yvette Moore Allen, heavily influences her approach to sisterhood on a larger scale. Past Grand Tearte said this closeness is something she wishes to “replicate–in a genuine manner to other women.” She hopes events like the Sisterhood Teas, Sisterhood Circles and the mentorship program, the latter two of which are being helmed by Soror Michelle Russell (DZZ - District Heights, Md.) will reinforce bonds between Sorors while forging new connections. For Soror Michelle Russell, taking charge of the Centennial Sisterhood Circles and mentorship initiative allowed her to face a problem she’d noticed in her years as a Zeta head-on. “The premise for this activity stemmed from my personal experience of being inactive for 18 years as I raised my family,” Soror Russell said. “I noticed that Sorors did not branch out to meet or mingle with Sorors who were not in their Soror circle or chapter. I thought this would be a great opportunity for Sorors to leverage their skills, talents, and contacts for the betterment of the Sisterhood by doing something different.” Leadership of the mentorship program also fulfills a promise Soror Russell made to Past Grand Tearte years before. “I had to personally apologize to her for not completing a task that was given to me when she was Grand,” Russell said. “That task was to initiate a mentoring program. [Past Grand] Jylla said ‘life happens’ and took my phone number because she had a plan.”

In addition to the mentorship program, the plan also involved Russell serving on a team of five members who created a National Sisterhood Circle. Now, Russell worries less about the lack of networking amongst Sorors–especially for herself. “The opportunity to participate and help shape the Sisterhood Circle quarterly webinars has been so rewarding. The webinars have given me nuggets for life,” Russell said.

International Grand Basileus Wright and Past International Grand Basileus Tearte join with Zeta Leaders in presenting Zeta’s $250,000 Donation to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture 72 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

To Past Grand Tearte, this type of bond is the essence of the principle of Sisterhood. “That is what Sisterhood should be about –finding those women who, whether you’re blood or whether you’re bonded by Zeta, you just have that deep connection,” she said. The Sisterhood is also endeavoring to leave what they are calling “lasting footprints” - mementos and indicators of Zeta and our unshakeable Sisterhood that will survive beyond the official close of Centennial. Since 2015, the Centennial Commission boasts a $250,000 donation to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture that also resulted in the Sorority’s name being engraved on the wall of the museum. “We are a part of building that museum. That’s different than just having a party in D.C.” Past Grand Tearte and the rest of the Centennial Commission continue to seek opportunities for Zeta to make her mark on the communities that were instrumental in the Sorority reaching 100 years and set the stage for future Sorors. The Centennial Commission established the Founders’ Endowed Scholarship Fund scholarship at Howard University to honor the Sorority’s Founders and the university where it all began. “The focus on STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math] students as recipients of the endowed Founders’ Scholarship is exhilarating,” said Soror Marjay D. Anderson, Ph.D., a Founders’ Society Visionary and charter founding donor to the scholarship fund. “Contributions to the promotion of an intellectual environment of academic excellence continue to be noteworthy, currently and in the future.” The Commission is also pursuing opportunities for commemorative monuments at Zeta Phi Beta’s Washington D.C. headquarters and on the campus of Howard University. The monuments, bronze busts and statues will pay homage to our Founders Arizona Cleaver Stemons, Pearl Anna Neal, Myrtle Tyler Faithful, Viola Tyler Goings and Fannie Pettie Watts. “It’s going to be a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity to experience a Centennial,” Past Grand Tearte said, adding, “But what do we leave for generations to come after June 28th of 2020?” As with anything, Sisterhood and permanent impressions don’t come free. As Zeta passes the halfway point of the “Countdown to Centennial,” financing the Centennial is never far from the Commission’s mind. According to Soror Arlene Taylor, the Centennial Finance Director, the Commission currently works on a very substantial budget while receiving contributions from Sorors

The Journey to Centennial Website

to the 2020 Visionary Campaign Fund at various donor levels at various donor levels ranging from $250 to $10,000 (Charter, Lead, Heritage, Estate, Legend, Circle of Pearls, and Founders’ Society). Among these contributors is Soror Dorothy Franks King (Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter, Pontiac, MI), whose donation made her the Centennial’s first Dorothy Franks King Founders’ Society Donor, the First Founders’ Society Donor Lambda Rho Zeta - Pontiac, MI highest level donor. Soror King says beyond the donation, she is most proud of being a Dove, 50 plus years of service as of December 2017. Sorors Taylor and Anderson also echo this sentiment but want Sorors to understand that Centennial will give them a return on their investment. “I do believe that the closer we get to Centennial, more Sorors will get on board, get excited and say ‘okay, here’s my contribution, I’m ready to go to Centennial, I’m ready to help,’” Soror Taylor said. “Sorors should know that the Centennial celebration is an important milestone. And, that the founding precepts – Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood are timeless and priceless.” Soror Anderson said. Admittedly, mobilizing the Sisterhood to get involved and THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 73

BLAZING NEW PATHS - CENTENNIAL 2020 donate has been a time-consuming task, the Centennial Commission remains driven to plan an unprecedented, love-filled celebration that speaks to all Sorors and propels us into the next century. “I just want to hug Sorors – I want us to revel in being together with the Blue and White Family, our partners and our sponsors”, Past Grand Tearte said emphatically. “That energy will position us to leave Washington with an even stronger commitment to greater service in our communities, globally.” For more information about the Centennial Commission and its’ activities, please visit www. zphib2020.com. To make a donation to the Founders’ Endowed Scholarship Fund, visit www. zphib2020.com/endowedscholarship. Dr. Tearte with Soror Jorie Goins, Centennial Commission Communications Co-Director Founders’ Day Dinner in Abu Dhabi, 2017

Soror Arlene Taylor, far left, with her Sisterhood Circle and the Second Collectible Necklace in The Finer Collection.

MAJOR CENTENNIAL INITIATIVES 2020 Visionaries Funding Campaign Sisterhood Circles The Centennial Academy reFINERy The Zeta 100 Global Service Management System 20 Million Hours of Service 2019: Year of the Blue and White Family Campus Reunions and Plot Renovations Women’s Empowerment Symposiums Centennial Expo 74 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018


Sorors Krystle McClain and Tynia Hopkins at the Sisterhood Tea in Tokyo with Past President Tearte

Triumphant Soror Frances E. Faithful, daughter of Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful and niece of Founder Viola Tyler Goings, was an avid supporter of the Centennial. She is pictured with her cousin, Michael Tyler.

CENTENNIAL COLLECTIBLES Founders’ Society and Circle of Pearls Pin 2020 Visionary Pin Annual Charm for the 2020 Visionary Pin The Finer Collection with Cerese Jewelry Founders’ Centennial Legacy Sculpture Centennial Official Licensed Catalog

HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS (RELEASED) Blue and White Passports 2015 Year In Review Faith of our Founders Devotional Finer Womanhood Anthology 2016 Year in Review Scholarship Anthology 2017 Year In Review and Service Anthology

CENTENNIAL SPONSORS (As of December 20, 2017) Award Concepts Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated Cerese Jewelry AARP From the Rough Productions memberplanet

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND MAJOR DONORS Tearte Family Foundation Dr. Marjay D. Anderson Karla D. Munden Melissa Walton-Jones Smithfield Foods Saniah Johnson Kathleen Thomas Mary A. T. Tillman, M.D. Charbet M. Duckett THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 75


AwesomeATLANTIC REGION Serving Zeta is a lifetime commitment. Serving our sisterhood as the Atlantic Regional Director and the Region’s Chairman of the Board during the Wright Administration has been one of the joys of my life. It is my personal pleasure to serve directly with three international chapters and one auxiliary; and with the eight women that have led our states as State Directors within the Atlantic Region over the past six years—Team Atlantic! Believing that you must lead by example, I have supported all fundraising initiatives of our sorority: National Educational Foundation; Trustees; FWDH; Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons birthplace and gravesite; Founders Pearl Anna Neal, Fannie Pettie Watts, and the Tyler Sisters projects. I am a Founders’ Society Visionary for our Centennial and attended each Zeta Organizational Leadership Conference (presenter), Undergraduate Retreat (panelist), Basilei Institute, Zeta Day on the Hill (facilitator, speaker); as well as supported the programs of our partners March of Dimes, St. Jude, American Cancer Society, Women Veterans ROCK, AARP (phone bank), U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and worked for Election Protection. I am blessed to serve with the Sorors, Amicae and Youth of the region that join me every step of this journey as they participate in the full breadth of Zeta’s varied programs. Whether it was representing the sorority on “The Today Show,” at the Voter Empowerment Workshop during the Democratic National Convention, the National Council of Negro Women Annual Affiliates Meeting or the Alpha Phi Alpha National Convention, I thank International Grand Basileus Wright for allowing me to represent her and our sorority in those moments, for her support of the splendid work of our region; and her extraordinary representation of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated throughout the world.

LEADERSHIP: Building … Blazing … Living … HERE!

Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. Atlantic Regional Director 2012-2018

NY Sorors at the Today Show for March of Dimes


Delaware: Martha Sims-Wilson, 2012–2018

Maryland: Danielle R. Green, 2012–2018

New Jersey: Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq., 2010–2016; Anjanette Highsmith, 2016–2018

New York: Shanell L. Robinson, 2012–2016; Nilda E. Rivera, Esq., 2016–2018

Pennsylvania: Barbara A. Cousar, 2012–2018

Tri-State (CT, MA, RI): Annette Draper-Moore, 2012–2018

We are the home region to three of our five Founders and eight of the 24 women who have held the office of International Grand Basileus. Over 2,400 Zeta members strong, we have 283 Life Members; 13 Golden Life Members; one Platinum Life Member and 101 Diamond Life Members. We lean on the wisdom of our 73 Zeta Doves. We have 185 Amicae and 504 Youth among our Blue and White family. We are the home of the first graduate chapter, Alpha Zeta of Baltimore, Maryland, and the home region of the Arizona Cleaver Stemons House in Philadelphia, PA and

the Zeta Center for Active and Healthy Aging in Baltimore. The region featured 46 undergraduate chapters on the Finer Women Don’t Haze Honor Roll. We are the only region to have growth in both Zetas and Amicae membership every year during this administration. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 77

ATLANTIC REGION Here’s a glimpse of the excellence of the Amazing, Astounding and Awesome Atlantic Region since August 2012:


Record Breaking Attendance at Atlantic Region Leadership Conference 2013, Buffalo, NY, then…

Record Breaking Attendance at Atlantic Region Leadership Conference 2015, Philadelphia, PA, then…

Record Breaking Attendance at Atlantic Region Leadership Conference 2017, Atlantic City, NJ!

Chartered Alpha Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter in England, 2014;

Chartered Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter in Belgium, 2014;

Chartered the First International Amicae Auxiliary, Zeta Amicae of Brussels, Belgium in 2016;

Held a Mercedes Benz raffle during Boulé 2014;

Designed the Plaque of Gratitude denoting major contributors to the Arizona Cleaver Stemons monument. The plaque is the first to hang in our newly rebuilt international headquarters;

2017 ARLC Atlantic Region Charter Legacy Club was formed. 213 Zeta legacies; 61 Zeta-Amicae legacies; and 16 Amicae legacies were inducted in the Atlantic Region Legacy Club as charter members. Each category received a special legacy stole. Each received the charter member legacy pin;

Sorors of Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta of Belgium

Created a slide show salute to Grand Wright; and

Video greeting by the Regional Director welcoming visitors to the regional website.

Atlantic Region Demographics surveys in 2015 and 2017;


Atlantic Region Military survey in 2017;

Chartered 19 Chapters;

Utilized an international feed for International Chapters to participate at the ARLC 2013 and 2015;

Chartered 5 Auxiliaries;

Utilization of an app for the 2015 ARLC, 2016 AR Executive Board Meeting and the 2017 ARLC allowing the region to be environmentally conscious and to afford each attendee to have all reports and records at their fingertips for years to come;

Reactivated 13 Chapters;

Reactivated 4 Auxiliaries;

Increase in membership every year – Zetas;

Increase in membership every year – Amicae;

Membership has increased by 25 percent since 2012; and

2012–2014: Home of the largest graduate chapter in Zeta, Alpha Zeta, Baltimore, MD

Adopted the Atlantic Region Standard Operating Procedures Manual;

ARLC Inspirational Breakfast Cruise in 2015;

Honored our military Sorors and Amicae at 2017 ARLC with a branch-specific thank you keepsake;

Welcome Reception for our attendees held at St John Outlet on the eve of the 57th ARLC;

ARLC Amicae Fashion Show held during the 2017 Amicae luncheon;


Over $2 million in charitable contributions;

Adopt-A-School essay contest with Highgate Height Elementary School, Buffalo, NY - Prizes were awarded to three creative students: First Place – MacBook Pro; Second Place – iPad Mini; and Third Place – a Nook;

Proclamation: Zeta Day in Buffalo, NY, October 11, 201;3

2013: $6,000 donation to Friends of the Elderly in Buffalo, NY;

Proclamation: Zeta Day in Philadelphia, PA, October 8, 2015;

Proclamation: Zeta Day in Atlantic City, NJ, October 14, 2017;

2015: $3,500 donation to Center in the Park, Philadelphia, PA; 650 cell phones Verizon HopeLine;

Implemented and executed an emergency check-in plan;

Instituted a regional reclamation challenge to all Zetas to bring back 100 percent of their line sisters (pre-1990) or intake class (post 1990);

2016: Collected 7,123 items and 129 royal blue duffel bags with care cards to Child, Inc., a domestic violence center; Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition and American Cancer Society. With donations from the chapters and auxiliaries the region collected 320 wigs;



2017: Donations from the states, chapters, and Amicae auxiliaries the Region presented the Boys and Girls Club of Atlantic City, a total contribution of $10,000; and

Aggregate scholarships of approximately $201,000


Regional unveiling of the Organizing Founder and Grand Basileus Emerita Arizona Cleaver Stemons in conjunction with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Joined by national officers and Soror Frances Faithful, Sorors, Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and Amicae witnessed the fruition of the fundraising initiative to erect a lasting monument as tribute to Founder Stemons. General donors received gloves and a lapel pin. Higher donors were listed on the Plaque of Gratitude which now hangs at our headquarters;

2016 Atlantic Region Undergraduate Retreat

members and voting delegates; •

Most new Life Members;

Most Diamond Life Members;

Centennial Diamond Donor;

Supporter, Arizona Cleaver Stemons project in Hannibal, MO;

Almost $600,000 toward the Capital Campaign;

Supporter, Fannie Pettie Watts project in Georgia;

Donation of Georgian Fretwork Cabinet to Headquarters;

Supporter, Tyler Sisters project in Ohio;

Amicae contribution to Centennial of $2,110;

Supporter, Pearl Anna Neal project in North Carolina;

Zeta Day on the Hill: Most Attendees, 2012-present;

Publication of first edition of the Atlantic Region History Book;

Created keepsake honoring all past Amicae presidents;

Blue Hat Society Luncheon raised over $5200 for the National Educational Foundation; and

Created keepsake honoring all past Atlantic Regional Directors;

Dove Induction at every leadership conference with a custom scarf as keepsake;

Zeta Organizational Leadership Conference participation: 61 certified in 2013; 72 certified in 2015 and 78 registered in 2017.

Dove and Amicae lounges at 2017 ARLC; and


Atlantic Region Resolution issued for each Triumphant Sorors and Amicae.

Convened initial day of training for undergraduate advisor, youth affiliate and Amicae sponsor certification on June 6 - 7, 2014; 306 attendees;

Trained 534 Undergraduate Advisor certification; 377 Youth Affiliate Sponsor certification; and 343 Amicae Sponsor certifications;

Implemented a successful plan to reactivate undergraduate chapters;

Increased Amicae membership through chartering new auxiliaries and inducting new members;

Increased Zeta participation in Amicae specific training;

Increased Amicae conference attendance;

Instituted C.A.P. - Critical Action Planning format for every chapter within the region to achieve uniform, consistent processing of goals for the greatest impact;

Successful bank recovery in 2014-2015;

Held three regional conferences;


Held five regional executive board meetings;

Convened regional conference in tandem with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity state conferences in 2013 and in 2015;


Life Members awarded three regional conference registrations to undergraduates in 2013;

Sponsored registrations for six undergraduates to attend Boulé 2014;

Sponsored registrations for four undergraduates to attend Zeta Organizational Leadership 2017;

Sponsored two youth for the National Youth Retreat during ZOL 2017 including travel, lodging and registration;

Held an Undergraduate Retreat with 168 registrants in 2016 to culminate the Year of the Undergraduate;

Career fairs during 2013 ARLC with The Loft and Sam’s; and

170 Archonettes, 188 Amicettes, 146 Pearlettes.

Most Boulé 2014 Registrants in all categories: registrants, life



Had 147 Sorors inducted into the Myrtle and Viola Tyler Legacy Club as charter members during Boulé 2016;

Corporate Sponsorships for Atlantic Region Leadership Conferences;

Publication of the region’s newsletter, Atlantic Advance, twice a year; and

Unique, fashionable, functional conference bags for Zetas and Amicae.


Third Largest Region, 2012-present;

Most New Life Members;

Most Diamond Life Members;

First place, 2013 March for Babies Top Fundraising Region;

2013: ncreased M4B Undergraduate participation by 20 percent;

Third place, percent of size FWDH 2014;

First place, FWDH Initiative 2014;

March of Dimes – First Place 2014;

March of Dimes – Top Fundraising Region 2015;

2014: Most Improved Region;

Winner, 2014 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer;

Winner, 2015 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer;

Winner, 2015 Zeta Prematurity Awareness ZPAP Challenge vs. the Great Lakes Region;

Third place, Largest Number of Graduate Members; and

Second place, Most Reclaimed Members, 2013 - 2016.


Jacqueline Lemon-Denton (NY), National Second Anti-Basileus

Alexis Maisonet (NJ), National Undergraduate Member at Large

2014–2016 •

Amicae at the 2017 Atlantic Regional Conference

2016 – 2018 •

Jacqueline Lemon-Denton, National Trustee (NY)

Ireisha Vaughn (NJ), National Undergraduate Representative to the National Nominating Committee

Thank you to the Atlantic Region Amicae Presidents with whom I have been blessed to serve: Amica Sheila Etheridge ,2012 – 2013; Amica Wanda G. Bryant-Ison, 2013–2017; and Amica Gail Black, 2017–present ... and to all of the Atlantic Region Amicae elected officers that have served. Thank you to the 61 Atlantic Region appointed officers that have served since 2012. Thank you to those that served in elected regional offices during this administration: •

Secretary: Janice M T Johnson (DE), 2012-2017; Kimberlyn Faulkner (MD), 2017–present

Asst. Secretary: Katherine Gilmore Richardson (PA), 20122013; Kimberlyn Faulkner (MD), 2013-2017

Treasurer: Krystal Brown (MD), 2012-2014; Carol Santos (Tri), 2014-2015; Andrea Jack (PA), 2015-2017; Tamra Jackson, CPA (MD), April 2017–present

Financial Secretary: Lauwana Martin (NJ), 2012-2013; Crystal Wright Johnson (NY), 2013-2017; Andrea Wright (NY), 2017-present

Parliamentarian: Loraine Richardson McCray (NY), 2012-2015; Beverly S. Tatham, Esq. (NY), 2015-present

Atlantic Region Representative to the National Nominating Committee: Nilda E. Rivera, Esq. (NY), 2012-2015; Oredola Edwards (NY), 2015-present

Dawn Kemp (MD), National Educational Foundation, Financial Secretary

2014–2018 •

Valerie M. C. Hollingsworth-Baker (NY), National First AntiBasileus 2014-2016; re-elected 2016-2018

Roslyn Hannibal-Booker (MD) ,National Educational Foundation, Vice Chairman, 2014-2016; Chairman, 2016-2018

Sieta Achampong (PA) National Educational Foundation, Treasurer 2014-2016; 2016-2018


Atlantic RegionDELAWARE It has been my esteemed privilege and pleasure serving the sisterhood as the Delaware State Director since August 2012. I thank our International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this capacity, and Atlantic Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. for leading our region with excellence. Like many of us, Delaware has a few nicknames. Delaware is commonly referred to as the First State, because it was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Diamond State is another, given by President Thomas Jefferson because he described Delaware as a “jewel” among states due to its strategic location on the Eastern seaboard. My favorite is the “Small Wonder.” We may be small, but we are mighty! While we may only boast five chapters, Epsilon Rho Zeta, Theta Zeta Zeta, Upsilon, Chi Theta and Omega Omicron, we are doing big things! The First State has four Stork’s Nests, six youth auxiliary groups, and two Amicae Auxiliaries – the Zeta Amicae of Wilmington and the Zeta Amicae of Dover. The Sorors, Amicae and Youth of Delaware truly live by our principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and live the guiding standard of Finer Womanhood daily. I could not be more proud of the many accomplishments of our chapters and auxiliaries in the First State.

Martha Sims-Wilson Delaware State Director 2012-2018

Thank you Sorors, Amicae and Youth of the state of Delaware for always making the First State Finer! It has been my pleasure to serve you.


First Althea W. Armstrong Scholarship recipients selected – While the state scholarship was established under the previous administration, the first scholarships were awarded to Diana Wilson and Lauren Low in 2014. The state has completed successful fundraisers to keep the scholarship account replenished.


Anniversaries Celebrated – During the Wright Administration, Epsilon Rho Zeta Chapter celebrated 60 years of Service at a beautiful black-tie gala in September 2015. Theta Zeta Zeta Chapter celebrated its 40th anniversary with a Prayer Breakfast in April 2016 with our own International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright as the featured speaker.

Global Day of Service 2017 – On Monday, January 16, 2017, the State of Delaware participated in the Global Day of Service through a School Supply and Book distribution for the Whatcoat Village Apartments (a low-income housing facility) and surrounding communities. All chapters donated school supplies and books and the state supplied backpacks for students in the community. We collaborated with Whatcoat

Zeta Global Day of Service 2017

United Methodist Church and distributed the items from the church. •

Delaware Diamonds – In December 2017, the Delaware Diamonds Club was established. This club recognizes


DELAWARE Delaware members in good standing with 25 years or more service to the sisterhood. Members receive a pin and certificate. The name was selected based on one of Delaware’s many nicknames, the Diamond State.


In April 2013, the State of Delaware held its first separate conference for our Auxiliaries. This is significant, because it was planned before it became the practice of the sisterhood under the Wright Administration. This was done as the State Director’s response to the many Sorors who expressed their concern that while they love working with the youth and the Amicae, they missed attending the Zeta business meetings. We held our first Statewide Auxiliary Conference on April 20, 2013.

In August 2015, we held our first Statewide retreat. It was a day of fun designed to strengthen the sisterhood with a presentation on the Six Secrets to Celebrate Sisterhood with Dr. Doris Griffin. We painted our house by the side of the road with Dr. Eboni Bell, I Dream in Color Art.

Finer Women Don’t Haze – Delaware is proud of our 100 percent membership of the FWDH Honor Roll for our Undergraduate chapters.

Founders’ Day Observances - We had three statewide Founders’ Day Services during this administration. The first was held in 2013 at the University of Delaware and featured speakers Soror Althea W. Armstrong and Soror Sahirah Hameed. After the program we rededicated ourselves to the sisterhood. In 2015, we worshiped together at Trinity A.M.E. Church in Middletown, DE and donated funds to the church’s food pantry as a Z-HOPE project. For 2017, we worshiped at Whatcoat United Methodist Church, where we would distribute school supplies the next day for our Global Day of Service, and fellowshipped after.

Financially Finer – Part of Finer Womanhood is the ability to handle business. The state of Delaware has experienced exponential growth in its finances during this administration. Sorors dug deep and found a way to increase our assessments, participated in fundraisers and made fiscally sound decisions in spending. We have experienced nearly 1,000 percent increase in our finances.

2014 Boulé Award of Excellence: First Place for Publications in category 1-15 Chapters

Reactivation of Omega Omicron – On November 11, 2016 the Omega Omicron Chapter at Wesley College in Dover, Delaware was re-chartered after nearly 15 years of dormancy. This was especially significant given that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was the first Divine Nine Sorority to charter on Wesley’s campus. The reactivation of Omega Omicron also meant that for the first time, all five chapters are active, and all Amicae auxiliaries and all youth auxiliaries are all functioning at the same time, marking a historic time in the State of Delaware.

2014 Boulé Award of Excellence: Boulé Awards of Excellence: Second Place for Social Media in the category of 1-15 chapters

2017 Atlantic Region Leadership Conference Awards: Highest Percentage of Chapter Participation for Day of Service

2017 Atlantic Region Leadership Conference Awards: Most Stork’s Nests based on percentage

2017 Atlantic Region Leadership Conference Awards: 2016 Top State Most Improved State for the March for Babies

In the Spring of 2016, Delaware experienced record breaking growth for our state with 23 new members between February and March 2017. Under the Wright Administration, Delaware has experienced a 51.13 percent increase in growth.


2013 Delaware Auxiliary Conference


2017 Delaware Founders’ Day Celebration

In March 2015 the State rented out a local theater and hosted a Movie night during Finer Womanhood month.


Atlantic RegionMARYLAND Being a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated for 23 years, the memories that have been made and milestones that have been reached in our organization continue to ignite my love; passion; and zeal for our great and beloved sisterhood. Thursday, August 2, 2012, was a night that changed my life in Zeta as I was announced by International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright to be the 10th Director for the State of Maryland. Thank you International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright for being “A Leader’s Leader” by putting your trust and confidence in me to facilitate, organize, oversee and run the State of Maryland as needed to ensure that we are and continue “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths!” You are truly a jewel in Zeta’s crown. To the captain of Team Atlantic and 16th Atlantic Region Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., thank you for your guidance, support, direction and wisdom. You have emphasized the importance of Zetas being prominent leaders both in and outside of the Sisterhood and for Zeta being the “called too and called on” premier women’s organization. I have been blessed to be a part of leading and developing Zeta’s rich history, legacy and advancement as the 10th Maryland State Director. I have also been privileged to serve our sisterhood as the organizer, manager and moderator of Zeta’s International Tele-Town Hall Meetings and am recognized as the “Voice of Zeta” who introduced this communication medium to the sorority. Enhancing and developing our state organization has been a rewarding process, and I enjoy seeing our growth and plans for the future. Here, in the Old Line State, WE are Making Maryland MARVELOUS, the Atlantic Region AWESOME and Zeta Finer! Be Blessed and ETJ ... Enjoy The Journey!

Danielle R. Green Maryland State Director 2012-2018

SCHOLARSHIP The State of Maryland has provided an opportunity to advance education and learning whether academically or professionally for our membership, as well as, young people in the communities we impact and serve. •

Conducted our Royal Blue Glam Awards and Scholarship Luncheon in 2013

Provided more than $30,000 to graduating high school seniors and Zetas who are pursuing degrees though our Maryland State Issie Jenkins Scholarship Fund

Provide the Maryland State Undergraduate Highest GPA Award annually at our Maryland State Leadership Conferences

Highlight all Sorors, Amicae and Youth during graduation session for their academic accomplishments

Provided two ZOL scholarships to Undergraduate Sorors

Provided assistance to Undergraduate Sorors for Boulé

Over 85 percent of our Zeta Membership has more than one certification; over 50 percent has three of the four trainings

Donation of Funds and Items to Fisher House

active members of their communities which has left lasting and positive impacts on within society. •

Produced a PSA to Get Out The Vote that circulated on YouTube and Maryland Public Television in 2012

Sponsored the 33rd and 34th Women’s Legislative Briefing hosted by the Montgomery Co. Commission for Women

Zeta Day in Annapolis with Governor Martin O’Malley and Zeta’s Social Action Director Krysta Jones in 2013

SERVICE The State of Maryland has engaged in community service that has provided Sorors, Amicae and Youth opportunities to become



Conducted a joint Anti-Hazing Forum and Webinar with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.- State of Maryland at two campus locations simultaneously in 2012

Sponsored a Maryland State Social in conjunction with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in 2013; collected baby items to “feather” the six Stork’s Nest sponsored by local chapters

Statewide participation in the 2013 and 2014 Baltimore Women’s Classic (BWC) for cancer races; raised $36,911

Hosted for Zeta National Because We Care Forum with Black Women’s Agenda and AARP in 2014

The State of Maryland was a co-sponsor for the 2nd Annual Heels 4 Healing Fundraiser Walk, which raises funds and awareness for local organizations that support women’s health and wellness.

Mobilized to provide toiletries and groceries for seniors during Baltimore riots that erupted due to the Freddie Gray case in 2015; met with clergy and community leaders to partner and provide resources and services; collaborated with the Young Professionals of the Baltimore Urban League to provide socio-emotional support, counseling, and forums for young people to express their concerns regarding the case and riots; and conducted Baltimore Clean-Up activities and participated in the Baltimore Peace Rally. 2012-2017 Z-HOPE Totals: Impact measured by attendance over 300,000; donated funds over $225,000; donated items over 115,000

Maryland at 2016 Zeta Day on the Hill

Reactivated Tau Omega Zeta Chapter; chartered Beta Alpha Beta Zeta Chapter, Beta Alpha Sigma Zeta and Beta Alpha Tau Zeta Chapters

Chartered Mu Upsilon (McDaniel College), 1st NPHC organization chartered on the campus and the charter members’ membership fees were sponsored by McDaniel College and received special recognition from the College President; reactivated Upsilon Mu Chapter (Towson University), Eta Beta Chapter (University of Maryland Eastern Shore,), Omicron Gamma Chapter (Bowie State University), Gamma Chapter (Morgan State University), Lambda Iota Chapter (Frostburg State University)

Reactivated Zeta Amicae of Montgomery County in 2012; chartered Zeta Amicae of Glen Burnie, Zeta Amicae of Towson, Zeta Amicae of Ft. Washington in 2017

SISTERHOOD & FINER WOMANHOOD The bonds, connections, fellowship and enhancement we have experienced collectively have equipped us to be a stronger and tighter unit that is well informed and engaged in the Work of Zeta, as well as the Social Aspects of Zeta. •

In 2013, introduced the Maryland State Hall of Fame Awards, Mary E. Fields Basilei Leadership Awards, Maryland State Dove Pin to recognize Sorors with 50+ years of service in the sorority, Chapter and Auxiliary of the Year Awards with criteria requirements and scoring rubrics; conducted service projects during the conference weekend; made a promotion video, sponsored and broadcast by Comcast Cable through their network for our Elder Care Service Project at the Zeta Center for Active and Healthy Aging; reintroduced Youth Affiliate Programming, with over 50 in attendance Hosted our 2014 MDSLC on the Eastern Shore of Maryland for first time in 20+ years; partnered with the Federal Bureau of Investigations to provide job opportunities for Sorors to be recruited and conduct on-site interviews for the bureau.

Increase in Zeta and Amicae Membership Every Year: Graduate Chapter Growth/Expansion has increased by 29 percent - from 14 chapters to 18 chapters; undergraduate Chapter Growth/ Expansion has increased by 200 percent - from two to seven chapters; Amicae Growth/Expansion has increased by 200 percent - from two auxiliaries to six auxiliaries. 84 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

AWARDS 2014 Grand Boulé: 1st Place - March for Babies (Top Number of Paid Walkers 201, Top Funds Raised $31,696); 1st Place - Social Media, Publications; 2nd Place - Website 2016 Grand Boulé: 3rd Place - Top Z-HOPE State 55th Atlantic Regional Conference, 2013: Most New Members, Most Members, Most Reclaimed Members, Finer Women Don’t Haze, Most Stork’s Nest, Highest March for Babies Support 56th Atlantic Regional Conference, 2015: Highest National Educational Foundation Support, Highest March for Babies Support, Most Stork’s Nest, Most New Members tied with New Jersey, Most Reclaimed Members - First Place 57th Atlantic Regional Conference, 2017: Adopt-A-School Award, Day of Service - Most Chapters Participating, Most Chapters Chartered, Most Amicae Auxiliaries Chartered, Largest Contribution to the 1734 Registry, Most Contributions to Military Appreciations, Highest Amount Raised for March for Babies, Most Contributions to St. Jude’s, Most Stork’s Nest, Most New Members, Most Reclaimed Members, Highest Attendance at Zeta Day on the Hill, Largest Delegation for 56th Atlantic Regional Conference, Most Amicae Auxiliaries Chartered Since 2012

Atlantic RegionNEW JERSEY It is an honor and privilege to serve the Sisterhood under the leadership of Madame Grand Wright as the 13th and 14th New Jersey State Directors. New Jersey is thankful for the continued support and guidance of the Atlantic Regional Director, Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. We stand on the shoulders of the Past State Directors that have laid the foundation for Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.

Anjanette Highsmith New Jersey State Director 2016-2018

We are proud of New Jersey’s accomplishments, some of which are listed below. The year 2018 is an exciting year for New Jersey because we are celebrating our 70th Anniversary! Soror Alexzina Brown had a vision to charter a chapter in New Jersey. As a result, Gamma Nu Zeta, the Mother Pearl Chapter of New Jersey, was chartered on March 26, 1948. One chapter has grown into 14 Graduate Chapters, 14 Undergraduate Chapters, 9 Amicae Auxiliaries and over 15 Youth Affiliates. New Jersey continues to Build on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths!


Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq., 2010-2016 Anjanette Highsmith, 20162018


The State of New Jersey New Jersey Founders’ Day Celebration established the Dr. Deborah Cannon Wolfe Life Members • Other Scholarships: Chapters and Amicae Auxiliaries Scholarship Award in 2012. donated $880 to the National Educational Foundation Scholarships are granted at the State Executive Board at the 2016 Atlantic Region Executive Board Meeting Meeting and the State Leadership Conference. General State scholarships are also granted at the State Executive Board SERVICE Meeting and State Leadership Conference. National Initiatives: Every year Chapters and Affiliates throughout Established a National Centennial Initiative at the 2016 State the State volunteer, walk and/or raise funds to support our Leadership Conference to donate $15,000 to the Centennial National Initiatives. Fund. The balance will fund five Undergraduate members and will be awarded April 2020. As of November 27, 2017, $16,809.49 has been raised towards this fund.

Scholarship Donation for Founders’ Day Observance: Each year, the Sorors, Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, Amicae and Youth worship together in honor of Founders’ Day. The State makes a donation to the church towards their scholarship Fund. • 2013: $2,765 to Shiloh Baptist Church, Trenton, NJ • 2014: $2,300 to Tabernacle Baptist Church • 2015: $2,956 to Shiloh Baptist Church, Plainfield, NJ • 2016: $2,515 to Franklin St. John United Methodist Church • 2017: $2,225 to Tabernacle Baptist Church

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks • 2012: $12,992.79 • 2013: $24,957.65 • 2014: $19,923.04 • 2015: $16,619 • 2016: $17,583.67 • 2017: $21,310 March of Dimes Walks • 2014: $12,297.87



2016: $14,890.08 2017: More than $13,000

Currently, New Jersey has two Stork’s Nest that are sponsored by Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter and Zeta Delta Zeta Chapter

Overall donations made to St. Jude is over $3,000

Z-HOPE • The State sponsored a baby shower and collected diapers, bottles, blankets and other items for the Stork’s Nest • 13 Chapters participated in the National Day of Service on January 20, 2017 • 2014 State Elder Care Initiative: 992 pair of socks and 57 lap blankets donated to Volunteers of America, Camden, NJ • 2015 State Winter Z-HOPE Initiative: 117 scarves, 263 hats and 270 pair of gloves donated to the YMCA of Elizabeth, NJ • 2016 State Leadership Conference Z-HOPE Elder Care Initiative collected 3,530 oral care items for Project Smile • Collected 14,49 hats, scarves, socks and blankets for the Aging Disability Center at the 2017 New Jersey State Executive Board Meeting

SISTERHOOD New Jersey has contributed to the expansion and strengthening of the Sisterhood through recruitment, reclamation, retention and training. This includes monthly Z-Lessons Embellishments Newsletters; an annual Day of Training (established 2013); New Jersey Standard Operating Procedures; workshops at the 2015 and 2017 State Executive Board meetings; a basilei workshop at the 2017 Executive Board Meeting; and a Financial Risk Management Webinar facilitated by Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq., National Director of Risk Management. We also sponsored two undergraduates to attend 2015 ZOL Conference. Charters • Alpha Alpha Chi Zeta Chapter, chartered July 21, 2015 • Beta Alpha Rho Zeta Chapter, chartered November 18, 2016 • Kappa Upsilon Chapter, Ramapo College • Zeta Amicae of Jersey City • Zeta Amicae of Middle/Southern Middlesex County • Expansion of Upsilon Tau Chapter to include St. Peter’s College Reactivations • Phi Mu Chapter, Stockton University • Theta Omicron Chapter, Rutgers University Camden • Gamma Kappa Chapter, Rutgers University reactivated with intake Class of 18 • Zeta Amicae of Camden

• •

• •

Mary Breaux Wright, Atlantic Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., and Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq. at their Finer Womanhood Luncheon Zeta Day at New Jersey State Capitol in September 2015 Nine Undergraduate Chapters were listed on the New Jersey Finer Women Don’t Haze Honor Roll: Theta Omicron, Phi Mu, Upsilon Tau, Xi Iota, Chi Alpha, Kappa Upsilon, Rho Theta, Psi Pi and Theta Sigma Hosted the 2016 Atlantic Region Undergraduate Retreat Hosted the 57th Atlantic Region Leadership Conference

AWARDS New Jersey’s service and dedication has been recognized at the National and Regional Level. First Place, Talk, Text, Action Idea Social Action contest Boulé 2014 • Third Place, March for Babies Top Number of Paid Walkers (80); Second Place, March for Babies Top Funds Raised ($14,190); Second Place, Amicae Auxiliaries (9); Second Place Publications Boulé 2016 American Cancer Society Awards • 2014 Top State in Atlantic Region: $23,432.62; • 2015 Top State in Atlantic Region: $16,190 Atlantic Region Leadership Conference 2015 Most New Members; Third Place Most Reclaimed; Most Amicae Members; Most Amicae Auxiliaries American Cancer Society Awards • 2014 Top State: $23,432.62; 2015 Top State: $16,619 Atlantic Region Executive Board Meeting 2016 • March of Dimes 2015 Top State: Most Improved Atlantic Region Leadership Conference 2017 • Most Golden Life Members, Most Platinum Life Members, Most Reclaimed, Most Chapters Reactivated • 12 Graduate Chapters, eight Undergraduate Chapters and five Amicae Auxiliaries received awards

Legacy • 50 Zeta/Zeta; 16 Zeta/Amicae; 8 Amicae/Amicae • 40 Life Members, three Golden Life Members, 19 Diamond Life Members

FINER WOMANHOOD New Jersey has and will always keep it Finer! • 2014 Zeta Delta Zeta honored International Grand Basileus 86 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

New Jersey Sorors with Soror Anita Hill, Esq.

Atlantic Region NEW YORK New York State is proud of the many accomplishments that have been made during Soror Mary Breaux Wright’s administration from 2012 until the present. We have worked together to fulfill her vision of us as leaders in the community, living up to our ideals of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. We have championed her call that “A good Zeta is a wellinformed Zeta” and strived to attain higher levels of knowledge academically, professionally and within Zeta. Our focus on reclamation, recruitment and membership intake has helped us to grow steadily over the years and to increase our chapters, as well as Life Member and Diamond Life Member numbers dramatically. We consistently have the highest numbers of Sorors and chapters in attendance at conferences and are represented in leadership positions on every level. We look forward to continuing and improving upon this achievement as we close out the last year of the Wright Administration. Thank you, Madame Grand Wright for your leadership, your service and for your willingness to allow us to serve during your administration. This period in our organization will surely go down as historic and unparalleled. It’s been a pleasure serving with you as we look toward our Centennial Celebration!


Shanelle L. Robinson, 2012-2016 Nilda E. Rivera, Esq., 2016-2018

Below are just a few of the many great things that the Sorors, Amicae and Youth of New York State have accomplished during the Wright administration:


NYS has awarded over $3,000 in academic scholarships. Chapters in NYS have awarded over $100,000 in academic scholarships. Over twenty Sorors have earned doctoral degrees and one has been awarded an honorary doctorate degree NYS chapters have donated to the National Educational Foundation

SERVICE We maintain our spirit of service as we continue to work with our youth and our community partners. Our dedication to our partnership with the March of Dimes has propelled us to a position where we are listed among the top ten fundraising teams for the NYC March for Babies Walk, beating out even a few financial service companies! We have raised over $151,000 since 2013 and $282,816 since 2002! #Sisters Thrive Initiative - an effort launching by First Lady of

Nilda E. Rivera, Esq. New York State Director 2016-2018

New York City, Chirlane McCray, to address mental health stigma and wellness within the African-American community. This historic launch marks the first time a major city has addressed mental health under the leadership of black women-led service organizations March of Dimes March for Babies Manhattan Walks • $10,007 raised in 2012 • $11,829 raised in 2013 • $16,750 raised in 2014 • $16,977 raised in 2015 • $30,983 raised in 2016 • $36,778 raised in 2017 Z-HOPE: Chapters and auxiliaries have participated in various Z-HOPE initiatives since 2012, including: • • • • • • • • •

Partnering with the Department of Aging and volunteering in their Senior Walk event Domestic Violence workshops Donating health packs to women in the military Donating items for the Z-Pack it Up program Raising money for and walking in the Breast Cancer Walk Celebrating Kwanzaa with New York communities Donating clothes to Dress for Success Working with the Board of Elections and Election Protection to safeguard elections Donating $2,757 to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 87

NEW YORK • • • • •

during the Zetas Saving Our Children fundraising campaign Five Stork’s Nests established in the State MLK and Zeta Global Day of Service Painting and repairing schools and libraries Assisted in cleaning community parks and playgrounds NYS Global Day of Service Project - donating blankets to Care for the Homeless and other homeless service agencies

SISTERHOOD Membership is on the rise in NYS with over 600 Sorors, including 100 Life Members, two Golden Life Members, 45 Diamond Life Members and 18 Zeta Doves. Chapter and Auxiliary Charters and Reactivations: • Zeta Amicae of Syracuse – March 2013 • Zeta Amicae of Buffalo – April 30, 2016 • Alpha Alpha Upsilon Zeta – May 25, 2015 • Alpha Alpha Omega Zeta - September 25, 2015

FINER WOMANHOOD Finer Women Don’t Haze Honor Roll includes six undergraduate chapters: • Zeta Iota - SUNY at Geneseo • Zeta Kappa - LIU C.W Post • Theta Kappa - Stony Brook University • Chi Lambda - Rochester, NY Metro • Epsilon Nu - SUNY Albany


• • •

Hosted annual Get Engaged panel discussions at the NYS Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators Annual Legislative Conference Held voter registration drives across the state Actively involved in workshops geared to encourage women to get involved in politics Several NYS Sorors/officers have become members of the National Association of Parliamentarians and have chartered the first unit of the organization in Manhattan, the Parliamentarians of Metro New York. Three NYS Sorors (two

NYS officers) have achieved the highest credentialing in the National Association of Parliamentarians and are Professional Registered Parliamentarians New York State has had representation at Zeta Day on the Hill every year since 2012, with 45 participating in 2016

AWARDS 2015 March of Dimes National Challenge ZФB Awards 5th Place - Sigma Nu Zeta 2015 Top Youth Auxiliaries Raising $500 or more • First Place: $1,055, Sigma Kappa Zeta Amicette Club • Fourth Place: $675, Sigma Kappa Zeta Pearlette Club • Fifth Place: $655 Kappa Epsilon Zeta Archonettes 2015 Top “Champions for Babies,” tied - $3,235 Jenell Stewart, Sigma Nu Zeta Amicae of Rochester, NY 1-4 – Third Place 2016 March of Dimes March for Babies Top State Registered Fundraising Walkers: 212 walkers, $37,391, nine auxiliaries New York State Top Teams • PZZ Amicettes - 17 walkers, $1,574.19 • 1st place Sigma Nu Zeta – $10,019.79 • 2nd Place Delta Mu Zeta - $3,200.23 • 2nd Place SKZ Pearlette Club $1,391.50 • 3rd place SKZ Amicette Club $659.15 • 4th place Delta Mu Zeta, $6,805.68 2017 Atlantic Regional Conference • Most Life Members • Most Diamond Life Members • State with Largest Voting Strength at 2016 Grand Boulé • Largest Delegation at the 2015 Atlantic Regional Executive Board Meeting • Most Contributions for the 2017 Regional Fundraiser

New York Zetas at NYC Votes Call Bank

Zeta Doves with State Director at 2017 Founders’ Day Celebration 88 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Atlantic Region PENNSYLVANIA Serving as a State Director is an honor and a privilege. When I was initially appointed, I had some anxieties about the journey of State Director. I was about to enter into unchartered territory, even though I knew I had the skills for the position and that God had ordained my footsteps for the position. Therefore, I did not accept Grand Wright’s appointment lightly and I thank her for this wonderful opportunity. I would be remiss if I did not thank Atlantic Regional Director, Janet Y. Bivins, my family, Zeta mentors and circle of friends for their love, support and correction during my journey as State Director. When you are in a leadership position, it is extremely crucial and important to have “Sistah” State Directors that understand your journey. It is a blessing to have women who pray with and for you, and who are on the sidelines cheering you on, even when you sometimes doubt yourself. In the role of a State Director, you have to make tough decisions that are right for your State. If your decisions: 1) Do not conflict with Zeta’s governing documents, 2) Do not cause physical harm, 3) Are carried out with good intentions, and 4) Allow you to sleep at night, then you know you have made the right decisions! There are not enough pages to capture and depict all of the hard work and countless hours of dedication that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does as they uphold Zeta’s principles of scholarship, service, sisterhood and the idea of Finer Womanhood in their respective communities and at the same time, “building upon our principles while blazing new paths!”

Barbara A. Cousar Pennsylvania State Director 2012-2018

I have learned that my “village” (Executive Board, Basilei, and Appointed Officers) has so much to teach each other. And me! Thank you for being the pulse and heartbeat of the Captivating Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

SCHOLARSHIP Gift of Opportunity! Through the dedication, time and talents of the Sorors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the State awarded over $7,000 is scholarship dollars to qualified high school female seniors (accepted at a college within Pennsylvania) and to matriculating undergraduates and graduate Sorors in a Pennsylvania chapter. Currently, there are two categories for scholarship awards: •

Arizona Cleaver Stemons Scholarship (female expected to graduate from high school in the spring and enter a 4yr college/university in the fall). Barbara Bradley Younge Memorial Scholarship (undergraduate and graduate Sorors).

There is an application and vetting process for each award and the scholarship committee selects the recipients based upon the criteria established for each award. The scholarships exposed them to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and several became members of the sorority after going to college. The Gift of Opportunity is receiving written communication from former high school

scholarship recipients about their journey to Zeta due to receiving a scholarship from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This gift keeps on giving and is an investment in our illustrious organization. In addition to awarding financial academic scholarships to undergraduates, the State also provided financial assistance to our undergraduates to attend ZOL in 2015 and 2017. Through the State’s Life Members support, we were able to pay registration fee for undergraduates to attend State Leadership Conferences. Lastly, under Grand Wright’s administration, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania received its 501c (3) status.

SERVICE Serving Our Sisterhood while we serve others – It’s a Way of Life! I thank the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who during Grand Wright’s Administration assisted the State in successfully completing the following service events: •

Social Action: Zeta Day at the State Capital (advocating for Elder Care rights).

Adopt A School: Book bag, clothing, and food donation to an elementary/middle school.


PENNSYLVANIA Below are a few of the activities that the State executed for membership and sisterhood bonding: •

Painting with a Twist (reclamation and retention).

Recruitment and Reclamation Membership Challenge (waive State chapter tax for the graduate chapter with the most reclaimed Sorors, and the undergraduate chapter with the most new members!).

Zeta Roundup (games, workshops and update Sorors on happenings within the Sisterhood).

Founders’ Day - Zetas Night Out Across (Sorors shared their memories of how they celebrated using real time social media platforms: Facebook, Facetime, Twitter and Instagram).

Chartering of Gamma Alpha Beta Zeta Chapter (Abington, PA), 2017

Zeta National Partnership: Clean-up day at the John Heinz National Wildlife at Tinicum.

Inspirational Explosion (concert featuring Grammy Award Winning Artist - Bishop Hezekiah Walker. Grand Wright was in the area and attended the concert).

Perpetual Care: The preservation and maintenance of Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons’ memorial monument – Eden Cemetery. This project is a great opportunity for PA undergraduate chapters to bridge the gap, as well as, strengthen sisterhood bonds by working as a “team” to ensure that Founder Stemons’ memorial monument is properly cared for. The State and the undergraduates complete this task monthly. The 12th Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Barbara A. Henderson gives leadership to this project and works closely with the undergraduates in ensuring that the perpetual care is completed.

The hard work of the Local Chapter First Anti-Basilei “paid off,” as many chapters reported growth due to the various reclamation activities and events hosted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Virtuous Women! A virtuous woman is one who is not perfect, but who exhibits moral excellence, respectful, courageous, honest and does her best to ensure that she upholds Zeta’s governing documents at all times. During Finer Womanhood Observance, it is a privilege to visit chapters across the State as they celebrate and recognize Finer Womanhood.

Zeta National Partnership: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Tours: Collaborated with MOD to provide an opportunity for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Zetas and Amicae to tour a NICU throughout hospitals in areas (Abington, Erie, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh), where chapters are located. The tours provide the sisterhood a chance to see and meet the dedicated doctors, nurses and other staff members who take care of the babies and families that we raise funds for through the various MOD events. Elder Care: $1,000 donation to a short-term, sub-acute care and long-term skilled nursing care facility for older adults at the Simpson House.

SISTERHOOD These Women’s Work Paid Off! In support of assisting chapters grow their membership, the State implemented a 4 R (Recruitment, Reclamation, Retention and Reactivation) Team whose main focus was centered around providing technical services for First Anti Basilei of the local chapters. The services consisted of hosting webinars relevant to membership. For example, Reclaiming Sorors: For the Love of Zeta! We reached across State lines and connected with the First Anti-Basileus (Denise Davis Smith) of New Jersey’s Omega Mu Zeta. Omega Mu Zeta chartered with eight members and in a short time, the chapter grew rapidly due to reclamation. Soror Davis Smith shared best practices with Pennsylvania Sorors.



AWARDS For The Action Taker! Below are a few of the awards bestowed upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under Grand Wright’s Administration: • Capital Campaign: $79,000 (highest capital campaign support - Regional) • Most chapters reactivated (Regional) • Most chapters on the FWDH Honor Roll (National) • Most undergraduate chapters (Regional) • Most donations to the Z-NEF (Regional) • March for Babies (Top Funds Raised - National) • Social Media Award (National) • March for Babies (Top Number of Paid Walkers – National)

Chartering of Psi Upsilon Chapter, LaSalle University, 2016

Atlantic Region TRI-STATE When I think of my journey as a State Director, and in looking back over the last five plus years, I recall starting my third term as Chapter Basileus in May 2012. With strong encouragement from Sorors in and outside of the Tri-State, I applied for the position of State Director sometime in July. In August 2012, as I sat and listened as Grand Wright announced her State and Regional Appointees on her conference call. When she announced my name, my first reaction was to gasp, gulp and take a deep breath. I then asked myself “What have you gotten yourself into?” “Are you sure you can make a difference?” “Can you successfully apply your years of leadership experience and be an effective servant leader and representative for your Sorors of the Tri-State?” I then prayed; I continue to pray. Being State Director has afforded me the opportunity to serve my community in a greater capacity and to train other Sorors, with whom I have bonded and developed meaningful relationships. I will be forever and especially thankful and humbled by the outpouring of Sisterly Love and support from Sorors when my father passed in 2016.

Annette Draper-Moore Tri-State State Director (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island) 2012-2018

Having the opportunity to serve my three states, and to get to better know our Sorors has been a very rewarding and humbling experience. I am so very, very Zeta proud of what the Tri-State chapters/Sorors have accomplished over the last few years. (Our accomplishments as a Tri-State are outlined below.) Because of their hard work and consistent effort, the Tri-State has grown in numbers and in chapters and our exposure and influence has broadened! Their dedication, zeal, and Zeta love are overwhelming. To them, I extend a HUGE Thank You! We didn’t get here overnight, though. I am honored to stand on the shoulders of those who preceded me as Tri-State Director (or individual State Directors until we joined together in 1986). I hope they are and will continue to be proud of the legacy they left and the growth in MA, CT and RI in the last few years. In closing, I would be remiss if I did not thank Grand Wright for her faith and trust in me as well as her vision and love for Zeta and Madame Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins for her guidance and support.

SCHOLARSHIP Encouraging and Supporting Excellence: The Doris A. Henries Banks Scholarship is awarded every other year and has been awarded to three Sorors over the past five plus years. We celebrate scholarship by recognizing and awarding undergraduates and undergraduates with the highest GPA at each conference. We also congratulate and highlight graduating Sorors in our eNewsletter, the Tri-State P.E.A.R.L., with pictures submitted by the graduates (both undergraduate and graduate Sorors). ZOL: The Tri-State sponsored an undergraduate to attend ZOL 2015.

SERVICE Giving Back to Our Communities: Over the last several years, Tri-

State Sorors have continued to make an effort to enhance the service provided to our communities. Each year, in conjunction with our Leadership Conference, we include a community service project as well as a Z-HOPE component. We have made donations to: • 2013 TSLC – Women of Color Aids Council of Boston, MA • 2013 – Tri-State “Supporting Sisters Who Serve”. Care packages sent to Tri-State Sorors who were deployed • 2014 TSLC: Charlesgate Homes Senior Residence, Providence, RI • 2015 TSLC – Interval House (Domestic Violence), Hartford, CT We have completed community service projects at: • 2014 TSLC – Arts and Crafts with the senior residents, and a Zeta Gospel Sing-A-Long • 2016 TSLC – Games and activities with the senior residents at New Bridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life, Dedham, MA THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 91


2016 Tri-State Leadership Conference

2017 TSLC – Metro PCS Family Fun Zone, at the Parade working the children’s booth

We have also held a Tri-State Day at the Connecticut Capitol where we dined with legislators and discussed upcoming local legislation and local issues impacting our elderly.

• • •

Arizona Cleaver Stemons’ headstone 1734 National Registry We are currently raising the funds, over time, and will make a substantial donation, in 2019, to be recognized as a 2020 Visionary.

FINER WOMANHOOD SISTERHOOD Tri-State: Three States – One Sisterhood: The Tri-State has made a concerted effort toward increasing membership in both Undergraduate and Graduate Chapters, and coming together to get to know and celebrate one another. We have also been very successful in expanding the reach of Zeta in the Tri-State, as follows: • Membership increased by more than 24 percent • Five chapters were chartered (three undergraduate and two graduate) • Successfully hosted and facilitated a Sigma/Zeta Joint Undergraduate Retreat • Life membership increased by 17.5 percent, including three Diamond Life Members • We celebrated with our first Zeta Dove – Soror Beverly Cardoza (Kappa Phi Zeta Chapter, RI) • Reclaimed over 20 Sorors • Successfully held Tri-State Founders Day events with representation from all three states in an effort to strengthen the sisterly bond between the three states and chapters • Facilitated a “Supporting Our Sisters Who Serve” initiative where chapters/Sorors from the Tri-State sent boxes of items to our Sorors who were deployed • On the Friday evening of each Tri-State Leadership Conference, we host a social event for Sorors to “hang out” with one another • We are currently working on a Tri-State Undergraduate Fun Day” for the 2017- 2018 Sorority Year to promote more unity and sisterhood amongst the undergraduates in all three states • The Tri-State has also made donations to several initiatives and S.O.S. in the last few years, including but not limited to: • Capital Campaign 92 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Setting the Example: During the last few years, the Tri-State has honored the one Soror who exemplifies Finer Womanhood and stands out from the rest as she does so. She is celebrated at our Leadership Conferences. We have also attempted to have chapters name someone from their chapters who they feel epitomizes Finer Womanhood. Those Sorors were also celebrated at the Conferences. Tri-State Awardees, thus far, are: • Soror Vivian Balcom (Kappa Phi Zeta Chapter, RI) • Soror Karen Gatison (Phi Delta Zeta Chapter, CT)

AWARDS 57th Atlantic Region Leadership Conference • Largest Contribution to the Capital Campaign • Most Chapters Chartered Since 2012 2014 Grand Boulé – Amicae Award

2015 Tri-State Zeta/Sigma Undergraduate Retreat


All proceeds from the fundraiser benefit children throughout Central Maryland who live at or below the Federal Poverty Level, so that they can attend Y programs which keeps them engaged and provides a safe environment. The young ladies participated in the bowling for babies, March of Dimes walks as well as the Susan B. Komen breast cancer walk just to name a few. On May 6, 2017 the Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Archonettes sponsored by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Alpha Zeta Chapter met at the Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore, Maryland. We cooked and served breakfast to the patients and their families. The patients are children who have a medical condition that requires them to stay under medical surveillance. The young ladies understood that the patients are children just like them but need extra care and they wanted to help.



Alpha Zeta Chapter Celebrates 95 years in 2018: On November 16, 1923, Five phenomenal Zeta women from Morgan State University, Sorors Iradelle Bond Williams, Nellie A. Buchanan, Florence Purviance, Ethel Thompson, and Jeanette Johnson Moore (Laws), who understood the importance of continuing our promotion of Scholarship, Community Service, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood beyond the college campus. Their efforts established, Alpha Zeta Chapter, the first graduate chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. on November 16, 1923. On November 3, 2018, the ladies of Alpha Zeta Chapter will celebrate 95 years of their vision and service to the city of Baltimore -- 1920’s style! This momentous occasion will celebrate our years of service as well as raise funds for our Myrtle Tyler Faithful Fund. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for our programs, community initiatives and scholarship. The members of Alpha Zeta Chapter were pleased to award eleven scholarships to ten outstanding 2017 high school graduates of both public and private schools in the Baltimore Metropolitan area; and one ongoing four-year book award to a college junior. The scholarship committee completed its work by conducting its scholarship process. The process includes marketing the Myrtle Tyler Faithful Scholarship (MTFF) by sending out announcements to school systems in Maryland; on social media and on Alpha Zeta Chapter’s web site. More than 75 Applications were received by a specified due date, screened and scored according to an approved criteria. Applicants were then contacted and scheduled for an interview. Interviews were conducted at the Zeta Center over the course of two evenings and the committee recommended the following students to receive a $1,000 scholarship each. The Myrtle Tyler Faithful Fund (MTFF), the Chapter’s 501(c)3 entity administers the scholarship program of the Chapter.

Serving the Community the Zeta Way: Standing on the principle of Service, the dedicated Sorors of the Delta Zeta Zeta (DZZ) Chapter of Prince George’s County, Maryland, are making tremendous strides in the communities in which they serve. Over the past 6 years, the chapter has developed several tailored services for various constituents, including infants, young girls, teen parents, and seniors.

The young ladies of the Alpha Zeta Youth Auxiliary had an eventful year participating in quite a few community service projects. They have helped to raise monetary donations for the “Y” annual mini turkey trot at Waverly Elementary School in Baltimore by helping the students to make Christmas tree ornaments for monetary donations. Together they were able to help raise $200.

In support of the National Elder Care Initiative, the chapter adopted two senior centers, the Marlton Senior Center and The Willows & Evergreen Senior Community. Annually, DZZ participates in the “Seniors Prom,” a chance to cater to our elders with a fabulous dinner as they relive their glory years. DZZ members also host monthly “Seniors On The Net” with residents



ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS where they demonstrate social media best practices, tablet and phone troubleshooting, as well as media management. Finally, DZZ hosts an annual Christmas Wrapping Party to celebrate the holidays with a night of games and wrapping presents. In addition, DZZ offers a unique Stork’s Nest. The “Mobile” Nest supports the Teen Parenting Program of Prince George’s County Public Schools, providing greater coverage with rotating locations, providing real-time support to the expectant parents (both mother and father). The Chapter established the its annual Daddy Daughter Dance in November 2014, to create a space of love and positivity between Black Fathers and their daughters to showcase the beauty of Black fatherhood. This dance plays a major role in teaching young girls about love, respect, and the importance of nurturing a father – daughter bond; in addition to providing a model for strong, healthy relationships. Not to exclude anyone, the chapter partners with the Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma (Zeta Chi Sigma Chapter) to provide escorts for young ladies that may not have a father figure that is able to attend. Attendance at the event has grown exponentially as more fathers’ look forward to attending and being that “perfect first date.” As zealous Sorors, we will remain dedicated in our service in hopes of creating better communities for all people to live for many years to come.  LAMBDA GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, HOWARD COUNTY, MD For over 35 years, Lambda Gamma Zeta Chapter has served Howard County, MD by providing scholarships for deserving African-American high school seniors, promoting political awareness, and supporting local civic organizations. The theme of expansion is apparent in our last six years of scholarship, service, sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. The chapter has nearly tripled in size by initiating nine new Sorors into the Sisterhood, bringing fifteen reclaimed Sorors home to Zeta, and welcoming six transferring Sorors to the chapter. In addition, LGZ established three new signature programs to support Z-HOPE initiatives in the community: A Pretty & Polished Affair, Breakfast on the Go, and Zetas and Elders Engaging (Z.E.N.).

beyond high school recipients and now includes scholarships for women of color attending Howard Community College in Columbia, MD. LGZ has awarded over $15,000 in scholarships over the last six years! Through expansion and commitment, Lambda Gamma Zeta Chapter continues to focus its vision on being S.E.E.N - Serving, Engaging, and Empowering Those in Need. 

In 2016, LGZ received a County Proclamation for 35 years of service dedicated to the Howard County community. To round off such a momentous year, LGZ received the Prosperous Pearl Chapter of the Year Award and the Chapter Basileus received the Mary E. Fields Leadership Award for Basileus of the Year at the MD State Leadership Conference. In 2017, LGZ expanded its service to the youth in the community by welcoming its first initiates into the Pearlette and Amicette youth organizations.


LGZ’s expansion doesn’t stop there. The W. Ruth Conway Scholarship, named in honor of one of LGZ’s charter members and Zeta Dove with seventy years of uninterrupted service, expanded

In the months leading up to its 15th anniversary, Sigma Psi Zeta Chapter of Prince George’s County, Maryland charted a number of major milestones at the Atlantic Regional Leadership Conference


ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS in Atlantic City, New Jersey in October 2017. The chapter, which was chartered on December 4, 2002, inducted ten new members at the fall conference. The induction ceremony was presided over by International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright; Atlantic Region Director Janet Y. Bivins, Esq.; Maryland State Director Danielle R. Green; and chapter Basileus Jasmine N. White. After the induction of the chapter’s newest members, the chapter chartered its Amicae auxiliary, the Zeta Amicae of Fort Washington, with a ceremony that included two new Amicae members. A community presentation of the new members and Amicae auxiliary was held a week later. Sigma Psi Zeta chapter has been successful in utilizing social media to promote the principles of Zeta and their own chapter campaigns like creating and sharing inspirational memes for “Motivational Mondays” and “Coming Home to Zeta,” which highlighted reclaimed Sorors. The chapter had their very own “break the internet” moment when they unveiled their highglamour, finer photoshoot pictures in celebration of their 15 years of service. The chapter commemorated its anniversary on December 2, 2017 with a celebration in Prince George’s County. Since its chartering, the chapter has been actively engaged in the community, providing over $2,000 in scholarships annually, raising funds for March of Dimes through Skate for Babies and collecting pajamas and new books for their partnership with the Pajama Program. 

Delta Zeta Chapter, Laurel Maryland decided to examine the fight for social justice from a unique vantage point. In partnership with the Prince George’s County Chapter of the NAACP, the chapter sponsored Women in a New Movement: Visible and Unsung. The community forum, which served to fulfill Grand Wright’s Get Engaged call to action, featured a critical conversation about women’s impact and roles in the 21st Century fight for justice. The chapter hosted a conversation about race with law enforcement, faith-based leaders and community members which was facilitated by Soror Malica Fleming and Atlantic Region Social Action Coordinator, Teraleen Campbell. Panelists included members of law enforcement and other community leaders in addition to Sorors, Rev. Dr. Jalene Chase-Sands, Krysta Jones, Founder of the Virginia Leadership Institute. Each provided valuable insight to attendees based upon their respective areas of expertise. Attendees, many of whom were women, shared their concerns for the men in their lives. Concerns were cited about interactions between African Americans and police. As wives, mothers, daughters and sisters there is grave concern for loved ones. Women like Rosa Parks and Sandra Bland were discussed pertaining to their contributions to the movement. Attendees engaged in robust discussion on matters such as body cameras, improved training, diversity in the law enforcement workforce, and community policing. Among the most wide-ranging concerns in the discussion was policing and what happens at the local level. Attendees wanted to know the possibility of identifying and bridging the relationship gaps between the law enforcement community and citizens. Another significant topic question posed was why don’t good cops speak out against the bad cops. Panelists were open in responding. As the evening concluded, panelists shared that the willingness of society to honestly examine this issue must be the first step in combating injustice. The forum concluded on a positive note with panelists and community members agreeing that additional conversations such as this need to occur in order to move toward change and positive results.  BETA ALPHA SIGMA ZETA CHAPTER, FREDERICK COUNTY, MD

TAU DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, LAUREL, MD Women in a New Movement: Visible and Unsung: As members of a Community Conscious, Action Oriented Organization, who are concerned about racial inequities in America, the ladies of Tau

Beta Alpha Sigma Zeta (BASZ) chapter was chartered on Sunday, November 20, 2016. The chartering ceremony was officiated by Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., Atlantic Regional Director and Danielle R. Green, Maryland State Director. The charter members are Juana Anderson, Sandra Belcher, Jeanine Salifou, Tiffanie Stevenson, Linda Thompson, and Cinthia Wright are committed to providing their time, talents and service to enhance the quality of life and level of community support for all residents of Frederick County, MD by uplifting the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.


ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS of Carroll County, MD have partnered together to volunteer as registration staff and participate in the March for Babies with the March of Dimes. •

In April 2018, BASZ held its first fundraising event, Painting for Preemies Sip n’ Paint in honor of March of Dimes’ 80th Anniversary and Zeta’s 45 years of partnership with March of Dimes. There was an 80’s theme with outfits, music, and an artistic tribute to Mr. Purple himself, PRINCE. 


Awards/Accomplishments:In October 2017, BASZ was awarded with the Atlantic Region Model Chapter Award for a Graduate Chapter with 10 or fewer members. BASZ reclaimed Sorors Robin Dove and Malkiyah Goldberg in the 2017-2018 sorority year. In February 2018, BASZ inducted Sorors Emma Ashford and Donna Hamilton, the chapter’s first two new members into our beloved sorority. Jeanine Salifou, BASZ Basileus, was the guest speaker at the Frederick County Commission for Women meeting highlighting our illustrious sorority. BASZ has committed to being a part of the reactivation of the NPHC of Greater Frederick area. Since BASZ has chartered, the chapter has provided community support in various ways from playing games with seniors in assisted living, donating personal hygiene products to Frederick Rescue Mission and Frederick County Public School system, participated in the breast cancer walk, adopted a family for Christmas, and have participated in both the Minority Health Fair and the African-American Family & Community History Fair. Community Events Highlights: •

BASZ held its first event in April 2017, Meet the Zetas – Finer Community Program, which was their introduction to the community and the opportunity to connect with other community and civic organizations in Frederick County. The community program highlighted Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., introduction of Charter members, greetings and presentations from the National Pan Hellenic Council members and our sorority’s current partners, and networking with light refreshments.

In November 2017, BASZ participated in Voters Registration Training with other Divine Nine sororities with the Frederick County Board of Elections. Also, have supported the Frederick County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in their reenactment of the historical Women’s Suffrage Parade on March 3, 2018.

Since April 2017, BASZ and Pi Omicron Zeta (POZ) chapter


On November 20, 2016, ten dynamic members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., chartered Beta Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter (BATZ) in Baltimore County, Maryland. The charter members of this chapter wanted to bring the Zeta brand of service to the needy communities of Baltimore County. Within a year, BATZ Chapter has more than doubled membership and now boasts a membership of 23 members who have all reclaimed or transferred into the chapter. From the beginning, the charter members decided that they wanted the main focus of the chapter to be on sisterhood. To attain this goal, BATZ Chapter has convened monthly bonding events such as their Finer Womanhood Pajama & Pearls Party, Sushi Rolling with Sorors, Bonding with Brushes, Art Museum outings and many more. This commitment to sisterhood has resulted in many Sorors becoming active in Zeta again. BATZ Chapter has solidified several partnerships to achieve their community service objectives in the most needed areas of Baltimore County including Future Care North Point Nursing Home, Eastside Emergency Shelter, the VA Medical Center and others. The chapter has held many community service activities including a toiletry drive in which over 500 items were collected for families, Storybook Project in which over 100 books were collected for the Jessup Correctional Institution, Elder Care activities and participating in all National Zeta Programs. In addition to outside partnerships, BATZ Chapter has also executed several chapter fundraising efforts including a now annual Shop & Slots Bus Trip, Crab Fest and other revenue generating campaigns.

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS The chapter has been represented at state and regional business events including the Atlantic Regional Conference, Maryland State Conference, Zeta Day on the Hill and many more. The Chapter is eager to participate in the upcoming Boulé, which will be the Chapter’s first since chartering. Chapter members also received education at several embellishment sessions presented by the chapter such as Event Management, Zeta Protocol, Budgeting, Parliamentary Procedure and other educational sessions. Beta Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter is a blossoming chapter that has hit the ground running in Baltimore County and looks forward to fostering the legacy of Zeta in their community. 

support of the events and her efforts to secure funding for the celebration. This celebration coincided with the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) 50th anniversary. On Sunday, the celebration concluded with alumni, family and friends attending a church service at John Wesley United Methodist Church located in Baltimore. The Pastor was Soror Laressa Smith-Horne – a former advisor to Theta Eta. A donation was presented to the church. Theta Eta was chartered on the campus of the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) on April 24, 1976. It was the second sorority to be established on the campus. The charter line consisted of 18 ladies. The sponsoring chapter is Alpha Zeta Chapter, the first graduate chapter in the sorority. Theta Eta remains the only chapter sponsored by Alpha Zeta that is located on a non-HBCU campus and at an Honors university. Presently, Theta Eta Chapter is in the process of reactivation. 


THETA ETA CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY Theta Eta Chapter Alumni Celebrates 40th Year: Theta Eta alumni celebrated the chapter’s 40th anniversary. The celebration was held June 24-26, 2016. The events were planned by former members of both Theta Eta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and Zeta Upsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. (Both chapters jointly celebrated 40 years.) On Friday, June 24th, the celebration began with a Meet & Greet held in the law offices of Sigma Brother Gary Brooks. It included an excellent buffet and fellowship. The evening concluded with Sorors being serenaded by Sigma Brother Calvin Baker singing “You Are So Beautiful to Me.” On Saturday morning, June 25th, alumni from both chapters participated in a community clean-up and later made a financial donation to the Cold Stream-Homestead-Montebello Community. That evening, a Dinner Dance was held in the Forest Park Golf Course Clubhouse. Attendees enjoyed a full course meal, historical video, music and dance. Also in attendance were current members of Zeta Upsilon Chapter and the local Beta Club of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Congratulatory greetings were extended by Soror Stanyell OdomDirector of Alumni Affairs. The group acknowledged Soror Odom’s

BETA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, PHILADELPHIA, PA Beta Delta Zeta Chapter (Philadelphia, PA) continues its proud tradition of premier service in the Philadelphia community. Among our most recent accomplishments were the following: BDZ’S own Soror Monique Wakefield and Soror Lateefah Lucky appeared as guests on THE CHEW! If you missed it, catch the episode on On Demand, Hulu, or abc.com! •

BDZ was among the March of Dimes top ten fundraisers in Pennsylvania. A total of 291 teams participated this past Spring and BDZ placed 10th in the 2017 March for Babies walk! In the past 8 years, BDZ has raised nearly $42,000 for the March of Dimes!

BDZ continues to honor our veterans by participating in ‘Women Veterans ROCK’. In October of 2016 and 2017, BDZ partnered with the Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) to donate toiletries, host Bingo game days with the Vets, and participated in the Wreaths Across America initiative at the Mt. Moriah Cemetery in the Cobbs Creek section of Philadelphia.

Kid Summit continues to be one of Beta Delta Zeta Chapter’s THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 97

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS signature community service programs. For 26 years BDZ Chapter has hosted a free day of educational, informational, and recreational activities for more than nearly 8000 children and their families in the Philadelphia community. Additionally, as the first graduate chapter in Pennsylvania and the graduate chapter of Founder and Grand Basileus Emerita Arizona Cleaver Stemons, the chapter is in the planning process for its milestone 75th Anniversary Celebration! 

undergraduates of Theta Lambda chapter have initiated 15 new members. We have also brought a record number of Sorors back home to Zeta. EOZ recently brought members together for a day at the new National Museum for African American History in Washington DC. SCHOLARSHIP: Since 2012, EOZ has awarded over $9,000 in scholarships to deserving high school students pursing higher education. EOZ has also adopted Caln Elementary School in Coatesville, PA. We distributed over 50 books bags with supplies and held a presentation on Anti-Bullying in school. 

EPSILON OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, CHESTER COUNTY, PA Epsilon Omega Zeta (EOZ) Chapter has continued to build on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths in Chester County, PA. Founded May 4, 1958, EOZ chapter’s service area is home to Zeta’s first national service project, the Coatesville Project. Soror Esther Peyton organized the Sorority’s first national service project which aided children of miners in Pennsylvania. The Coatesville Project was promoted under the leadership of International Grand Basileus, Violette N. Anderson. Soror Gertrude Hamm worked for 5 weeks directing handcraft and leisure time activity programs for women and girls. The Coatesville Project left a lasting legacy and feelings of warmth for Zeta on the members of the Coatesville, PA community. SERVICE: In keeping with this legacy of Service, EOZ chapter has worked hard to forge new partnerships in Coatesville with organizations like the Friends Association of West Chester and adopting a highway in Coatesville. Recently, EOZ chapter partnered with the CYI for the 2017 Coatesville Make a Difference Day. The chapter members and undergraduates of Theta Lambda chapter volunteered their time and talents to ensure the youth of Coatesville had a great day. The chapter also partnered with Habitat for Humanity ReStore to refresh merchandise, clean and rearrange furniture to be sold to benefit the construction of Habitat homes in Chester County PA. SISTERHOOD: Under the leadership of Soror Sharon Barkley (Basileus 2012-2014) and Soror Olivia Miller, Basileus (2014-present), EOZ is working hard to foster sisterly love, bring Sorors home to Zeta and welcome new members to our Sisterhood. Since 2012, Epsilon Omega Zeta has initiated nine new members. Our 98 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

LAMBDA LAMBDA ZETA CHAPTER, PITTSBURGH, PA Lambda Lambda Zeta in Pittsburgh, PA is known for their service to the community through community service programs, scholarships, social action and sisterhood. Since 2012 we have hosted a Christmas Party for teen mothers providing the meal and toys for the children. Honored our veterans by hosting a Bingo with the Vets events where the Veterans could win cash prizes and gift cards. Volunteered on Thanksgiving morning packing dinner for senior citizens, the homeless and less fortunate members of our community. We have hit the pavement for Get Out the Vote events to register people in our community to vote. We have provided coats for children in the winter and packed care packages for victims of Hurricane Harvey. We have raised money for the March of Dimes and American Cancer Society. Lambda Lambda Zeta has also hosted Sisterhood Circles and celebrated our Founders’ with an annual Founders’ Day Luncheon where we give a scholarship to a young lady from the community. We also chartered an Amicae Auxiliary. With Lambda Lambda Zeta assistance our Amicae auxiliary has provided book bags full of school supplies to a local school and sent underprivileged children to camp. As you can see Lambda Lambda Zeta legacy is to serve the community of Pittsburgh through community service programs, scholarship, social action and sisterhood. That’s our Legacy! 

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS on the community. Upon chartering, AAOZ, became the first three letter chapter in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The chapter was branded with the tagline Awesomely Amazing through its efforts to provide Awesomely Amazing examples of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood to these areas.

NU SIGMA ZETA CHAPTER, HARRISBURG, PA The Nu Sigma Zeta Chapter celebrated 30 years serving the community of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. On October 27-29, 2017, the chapter hosted an anniversary weekend of celebratory activities where the commencement event was to return to the location of the chartering ceremony held in 1987. Esteemed guests of the Anniversary Gala that followed were the International Grand Basileus, Atlantic Regional Director and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Director (see picture). Over the last 30 years, the Nu Sigma Zeta Chapter has participated in several philanthropic events including an annual scholarship brunch that was renamed to honor of our own Triumphant Soror Lisa Waller. The chapter could not be as successful without the help, support, and love of their undergraduate chapters (Rho Tau, Epsilon Eta, Epsilon Upsilon, and Omega Rho), the Amicae of Harrisburg and all of their youth auxiliaries. Lastly, the support of Phi Beta Sigma, Theta Omicron Sigma Chapter has enhanced the presence and impact of Blue and White in the Pennsylvania Capital! 

Leaning on the principles of Zeta, scholarship and service are at the forefront of the chapter. AAOZ held its first scholarship luncheon May 2017, and presented over $5,000.00 in scholarships to worthy graduating high school students. In addition to participating in the national programs, such as March of Dimes, AAOZ has established partnerships with several local institutions. A few being, Mercy Nazareth Hospital, where we provided wigs and hats to cancer patients; Senior Care of Northeast, with events of caroling, games and art activities; and lastly, Second Baptist Church of Doylestown as volunteers for their MLK day of service. AAOZ has also collected and donated toiletries to veteran seniors and victims of human trafficking, participated in coat/prom drives and community baby showers. AAOZ quickly grew with the influx of reclaiming and transferring Sorors, allowing numbers to more than double within the first year. The chapter’s motto, I Love My Sisters, is why no time was wasted taking on the responsibilities of ushering in new members. The Spring of 2016, brought 6 Sorors also Spring of 2017, added 3 more and since induction each enthusiastic and work ready Soror has served effortlessly to the chapter, state and region. The Sorors of Alpha Alpha Omicron Zeta live to do the work of Zeta. They huddle together on the windiest of days to keep their Zeta light bright, both individually and as a chapter. AAOZ looks forward to continuing to give all that they are to the community as that is the commitment of a Zeta! 


ALPHA ALPHA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA AND BUCKS COUNTY, PA On the eve of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated’s 95th anniversary, January 15, 2015, 11 women’s dreams of providing service to Northeast Philadelphia and the Bucks County areas were realized. The chartering of Alpha Alpha Omicron Zeta was a labor of love, and though small, had already made a lasting impact

CHI RHO ZETA CHAPTER, SICKLERVILLE, NJ Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Chi Rho Zeta Chapter’s mission is to carry out the programmatic thrust of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. We faithfully donated to the American Cancer society: Making THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 99

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS Strides Against Breast Cancer, and March of Dimes. We gave money to the Haitian fund, the water wells needed in Ghana, West Africa, and sent kits to assist women giving birth in rural villages in Africa totally over $400.

For the past 10 years, we donate 100 bags of toiletries to an Adult Day Center for residents in need and on Thanksgiving, we serve food to the seniors along with our Amicae.

Since our chartering, we have been very active in our community. From 2012 to the present we have given over 36 scholarships to deserving high school seniors entering four year colleges/ universities. We provided filled new backpacks to Sicklerville children and Sorors have read stories to elementary school children, during Read Across American and Black History month. In February 2014 we sponsored the story of Henry Box Brown and purchased 30 books of his journey for students at H. B. Wilson School. In 2015 we were able to donate and support a Black History Spelling Bee competition at a local elementary school. For many years prepared breakfast for the parents at the Ronald McDonald’s House, donated needed items to the local Women’s Shelters. We also gave gift cards & food baskets to families, and participated in Christmas charity events. We think of others on Thanksgiving Day by donating money and time to help get meals to families in motels in South Jersey and Delaware. Directly, three years past, we delivered to motels in the Sicklerville area.

In 2017 we were the only NJ chapter that embraced Zeta’s partnership with the National Wildlife Refuge and participated in Zeta’s Day of Refuge with a visit to the Great Swamp with our youth affiliates.

We definitely remember our elders by funding household bingo activities and seminars, by Soror M. Johnson, monthly for the past four years. Furthermore ,we had voters’ registration drives, and have taken part in the Prematurity Awareness Programs. Our lovely Archonettes group has been active since 2014.

In 2017, our undergraduate chapter Gamma Kappa, Rutgers University, reactivated with 18 Sorors, having the largest intake in NJ history! We are proud of their many achievements!


Annually, we hold a Community Health Fair to provide access to medical screenings. The event has expanded to a local park due to the abundance of participants. More residents have access and it has allowed us to include activities specifically for children. “Sisterly Outings” and “Founders’ Sister Circles” are the highlight of our monthly meetings. They help build and strengthen the bond amongst our Sorors. During Finer Womanhood Month 2017, our chapter highlighted each Soror with their picture and brief bio on their accomplishments. This created a greater interest in our chapter and membership. As a chapter we are on the road to Centennial with 70% participation as Visionaries!

We are also excited to announce that chapter member Dhalia Vartresse was elected Mayor of Hillside in December 2017 and our current NJ State Director, Anjanette Highsmith, is the fourth member of our chapter to hold that position! Yes, HOZ IS taking it to the Next Level! 

ETA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, PLAINFIELD, NJ Eta Omicron Zeta has been providing service to Union and Middlesex Counties since 1972 and we continue to provide service locally and globally! We have received awards on the State and Regional levels for: Social Action, March for Babies, Z-HOPE Awards for programming and Elder Care, Model Chapter and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer award for funds raised. We have donated and shipped over 100 pairs of shoes to the Shoes for Liberia Organization for Liberians in need. Also, while in Abu Dhabi, chapter members participated in the global service project for Founders’ Day 2017. 100 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

GAMMA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, NEWARK, NJ Gamma Omicron Zeta turns 65 this year! In March 2018 Gamma Omicron Zeta Chapter serving Essex County NJ Area turned 65 years old. One of the largest chapters in New Jersey with a current roster of 60 members, Gamma Omicron Zeta chapter has continuously served the Essex County and surrounding

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS communities. Since their inception Gamma Omicron Zeta has helped expand Zeta in Northern NJ by chartering and sponsoring 4 undergraduate chapter (Psi Lambda, Beta Nu, Xi Iota, and Psi Pi), the Newark Orange Amicae Chapter, and 3 youth auxiliary groups. Throughout their 65 years Gamma Omicron can won several State, Regional, and National awards and supported several National and Local organizations include March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, and the Donna T. Darien Sickle Foundation. In addition to their work with community organizations throughout their 65 years Gamma Omicron Zeta has awarded over $50,000 in scholarships to High school seniors and honored numerous notable figures from the Essex County New Jersey area such Tiffany Aliche ‘The Budgetnista’, Mildred Crump, and NJ Senator Cory Booker. This year as they celebrate their 65th year Gamma Omicron Zeta will honor their six living past Basilei Marguerite Terrell, Paquita Henderson (also past New Jersey State Director), Sharon PearceMoses, Alledine Goines, Shelly Freytas, and Salaine Atkins-Little. A Historical Journey for NJ Zetas: In February 2017, the ladies of Gamma Omicron Zeta Chapter and the Youth Auxiliary made their first of hopefully many trips to visit the New African American History Museum in Washington D.C. Realizing the historical significance of the opening of the museum the chapter chartered a bus to take Sorors, youth, and their families for a day to visit the museum as see this piece of history up close. While visiting the museum Sorors had the opportunity to meet up with other Zetas from around the country, view Zeta Phi Beta on the Donor’s wall, and visit other historical locations such as the Washington Monument. Thanks to the work of Gamma Omicron Zeta members ,the youth were able to learn about their history and the impact African Americans have had shaping our country.

Home programming. The third and final segment featured Second Anti Basileus Trina Goodwin, Committee Chair Monica Townsend and Youth Adviser Ayesha Patrick. Respectively, they discussed our Scholarship Committee which awarded $11,000 in awards during 2016, the Social Action Committee which raised voting awareness throughout Middlesex County, NJ and our vibrant Youth mentoring activities. We were happy to raise awareness for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and highlight Omega Mu Zeta Chapter’s contributions to the community through this televised news show viewed by over 1.8 million viewers throughout New Jersey. 

 OMEGA MU ZETA CHAPTER, MIDDLESEX, NJ Omega Mu Zeta Chapter recently celebrated our five-year anniversary of providing service, education and excellence to the community. Omega Mu Zeta Chapter recently (11/21/17) taped a News 12, twenty-one (21) minute “Spotlight” feature. News 12 is a New Jersey based television station which highlights local information throughout the state. News anchor Della Crews interviewed five members of our chapter in three distinct segments. The first segment featured Basileus Janelle Williams who’s love of Zeta was passionately displayed as she shared the history of the sorority as well as our chapter’s five year anniversary. The next segment featured First Anti Basileus Linda Robinson and Z-HOPE Committee Member Teresa Wright -Johnson, who discussed our expanding membership of 50+ Sorors, and Z-HOPE community service initiatives such as our Elder Care, Heart Health and Veterans

RHO TAU ZETA CHAPTER, PASSAIC, MORRIS AND BERGEN COUNTIES, NJ As the second millennium drew to a close in 1999, then Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Valerie Hollingsworth, set to ignite explosive growth for Zeta in the northeast. These expansion patterns headed to New Jersey and its third largest city, Paterson, to continue the great legacy of the sorority.


ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS The Renowned Rho Tau Zeta Chapter was chartered April 14, 2000, and serves two-million residents of Passaic, Bergen and Morris counties. Nearly 40 Sorors built the PTZ brand on Zeta’s principles for almost 20 years. This celebrated, forerunning chapter of influential, compassionate professionals serve as exemplary models for others to follow. The heritage of the Sorority is vibrant in the community as Rho Tau Zeta serves, corporately and individually. Their local spectrum of service benefits our elders, youth, and all generations in between, while mirroring Zeta’s international initiatives. The chapter’s support of national partners, such as the March of Dimes, in addition to local alliances, like the Paterson NAACP, Jersey Cares, public school districts, senior citizen centers, and others, continue to leave an indelible mark on their service area. As these Sorors solidify the chapter’s legacy, the work flourishes. During the past six years, Sorors have performed over 300 hours of community service, raised more than $15,000 in scholarship funds and partnered with nearly 20 local organizations to further Zeta’s mission. A notable accomplishment the recent collaboration with their undergraduate chapter, Theta Sigma, and William Paterson University’s Distinguished Lecturer Series. Together they hosted Soror Anita Hill, famed civil and women’s rights activist, for a lecture on reimagining equality for inclusive communities in a post-Obama America. Understanding the essentials of legacy-building, the current leadership of Rho Tau Zeta is strategically planning for generations of Sorors to come. Their laser-focus to refine Zeta’s brand and grow the Sorority with quality, professional women who live the principles established by our founders continues to power the chapter forward. The long-term vision for PTZ includes up-leveling its community presence, boosting youth activities, and supporting the expansion of the Sorority so Morris County can establish, and sustain, its own chapter. Learn more about Rho Tau Zeta at www.PATERSONZETAS.org.  ALPHA ALPHA CHI ZETA CHAPTER, MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ Adding to Zeta’s legacy is the 13th Graduate Chapter and the first four-lettered chapter, Alpha Alpha Chi Zeta, chartered on July 21, 2015 to service the Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Since their charter AAXZ has immersed themselves through scholarship, enhancing communities by focusing on the sorority’s principles, fostering the spirit of sisterhood and promoting the idea of Finer Womanhood. AAXZ has awarded a total of ten scholarships over two years to high school females to assist with a portion of their financial costs. AAXZ’s community involvement has far exceeded their expectations. Within two years of existence the chapter has partnered with multiple organizations impacting families, communities and other Greeks. Some of their partnerships include Neptune Day - a day of fun, entertainment, information 102 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

and fellowship; The Center in Asbury Park-annual Candlelight Walk and Memorial Service for World Aids Day; Lunch Break-community center that services those in need by supplying food and clothing; Trunk or Treat - community event hosted by McDonald’s to safely distribute candy and goodies to children for Halloween; National Pan-Hellenic Council - collaboration with other Divine Nine organizations to advocate and support the advancement of Greek life within the community; Food Bank - service center that provides food for those in need; Monmouth Care Center - nursing facility where assistance within the Recreation Department allows for chapter members to donate to those without and assist with activities throughout the year. These partnerships brought forth recognition and AAXZ was the recipient of the 2016 Community Engagement Award presented by Township of Neptune. AAXZ extends their partnerships with some of their annual programs: Bowling Night- fundraiser event with a local bowling alley where friends, family, Greeks and members of the community come have fun, dance and bowl for a cause to assist with the chapter’s scholarship fund; Breast Cancer Awareness-walk for a cause at annual walk in Point Pleasant Beach along with donating funds raised by the chapter in the amount of $6,771 for 2017. AAXZ also excelled in their ability to raise funds for March for Babies over two years, where the chapter was awarded 2017 Jersey Shore March for Babies Top Community Team.  GAMMA KAPPA CHAPTER, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The Glooooorious Gamma Kappa Chapter at Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick is back and in full action! This fall, Gamma Kappa collected over 300 bookbags, shoes, and books for the Haitian American Caucus School in Crois-Des-Bouquet, Haiti. This drive provided sweet relief to their students who walk miles to get to school every day but don’t have proper footwear and helped restore the library destroyed in recent hurricanes. In addition, Gamma Kappa collected and shipped clothes to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Maria survivors in September. On October 1st, 2017 the Glooooorious Gamma Kappa chapter at Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick held their annual Tree Rededication Ceremony.

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS chapter was given the Spirit of Martin Luther King award in 2015. Recognized for its hard work on the campus and community level, the Psi Pi Chapter was awarded as the Greek Organization of the Year award in 2016. In addition to its many accolades, the chapter maintains the highest cumulative GPA in the United Greek Council and has the fourth highest GPA out of all 25 Greek Organizations in the Seton Hall Community. The Sorors of the Psi Pi Chapter exemplify the principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood all for their love of Zeta.

This tree was initially planted in memorial for the victims of the Atlanta Child Murders from 1979-1981 making Gamma Kappa the first chapter to recognize the horrific acts of hatred. It became a chapter tradition to decorate and rededicate their tree to various different causes annually throughout the years. This fall the tree was dedicated to the victims of the white nationalist Nazi rally at the University of Virginia in August 2017. This cause was selected to stand in solidarity with students who feel unsafe at their respective colleges because of racism and terrorism being tolerated on their campus. In addition, this cause was utilized to send a message to spread tolerance and unity in such a dark and turbulent time in modern United States history. Guests were invited to tie their own ribbon on the tree and to dedicate it to causes of their own including breast cancer awareness, xenophobia, and ALS victims. It was a glorious event that touched many hearts in the New Brunswick community.  PSI PI CHAPTER, SETON HALL UNIVERSITY The legacy of the Psi Pi Chapter at Seton Hall University has grown through the past six years. With community service and events, the women have strived to make a positive impact on the community. Collaborations include the Seton Hall Division of Volunteer Efforts, Hillside Foodbank, and Brookhaven Nursing Home. The Psi Pi chapter also hosts yearly events to benefit the March of Dimes including Loving the BlueZ (2013-2015), Royal Revue (2016), and the Blue and White Ball (2017). The Psi Pi Chapter is also proud of their members’ passion for Zeta. The sponsoring graduate chapter, Gamma Omicron Zeta Chapter of Essex County, NJ has recognized several Psi Pi members as their Undergraduate of the Year. Awardees include Soror Alexis Mobley (Maisonet) in 2012, Soror Nakeisha Vanterpool in 2014, Soror Monique McDonald in 2015, and Soror Ireisha Vaughn in 2017. Furthering their work for Zeta, Soror Alexis Mobley (Maisonet) served as the National Undergraduate Member-at-Large from 2012-2014 and Soror Ireisha Vaughn is the current Undergraduate Representative to the National Nominating Committee and the Chairman of the Undergraduate Council for the Atlantic Region. In 2012, they were presented with the Servant Leadership award for their community service. In 2013, they received the Outstanding Multicultural Greek Council Chapter award. Highlighted for its work in uplifting the message of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, the

 UPSILON TAU CHAPTER, NEW JERSEY CITY UNIVERSITY/ SAINT PETER’S UNIVERSITY The Upsilon Tau chapter was chartered on April 25, 2011, on the campus of New Jersey City University by five young, enthusiastic, women eager to achieve the highest ideals of Zeta. As a chapter, we focused on scholastic achievement and ongoing community service projects to positively impact and influence individuals within our community. Since 2012, our chapter has participated and registered for the Breast Cancer Walk and March of Dimes Walk. Furthermore, we have donated over two thousand dollars the foundations as well as St. Jude’s Research. Our chapter has made remarkable impacts on students lives at Jersey City public schools, Elder Care facilities, homeless, and other shelters. The Upsilon Tau chapter has continued to focus on exemplifying the principles of our organization and ensuring that faculty, students, and alumni are aware of the purpose of Zeta. Our influence allowed Saint Peter’s University, an institution that does not recognize Greek life prior to our acceptance of prospective women for intake in the Spring of 2013. Our chapter has received countless awards including, but not limited to, Undergraduate Chapter of the Year (2012), Finer Women Don’t Haze (2017), and a Community Service Award from the State of New Jersey (2014). Presently, the chapter is in the process of engaging more inspired young ladies to become Archonettes at local Jersey City schools. Encouraging the students, to further their education in an institution and eventually become a member of our illustrious organization. Aside from Archonettes, the chapter is continuously THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 103

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS Our Adopt-A-School Committee hosted a Teacher Appreciation Day breakfast at the Law Enforcement and Public Safety High School. The chapter established a library for the students in the special education program at the school named in honor of one of our Archonettes, Lena Franklin.

searching for ongoing community service projects and develop ideas to become an award-winning chapter aside from local, state, and regional, but nationally. The legacy Upsilon Tau chapter has developed is to not allow our Zeta light to dim after our undergraduate years, but to pursue the work of Zeta afterward, and establish ourselves to put in great work for the organization and the chapter. 


DELTA BETA ZETA CHAPTER, QUEENS, NY The members of the Delta Beta Zeta Chapter (Queens, New York) have put words into action and have blazed new paths of service to the Southeast Queens community. We have expanded our Stork’s Nest program opening our second nest in Far Rockaway. Over thirty expectant mothers as well as the city councilman attended our community baby shower. The entire event was taped by the local cable news station and reported on by the Far Rockaway newspaper. April for DBZ is Violette Anderson Month. Annually, our chapter holds a workshop covering topics such as legal advice for seniors, information for those seeking assistance in immigration matters, and how to handle confrontations with law enforcement personnel. This is an annual event sponsored by the chapter to keep Past Grand Violette Anderson, Esquire’s legacy alive. 104 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

We invited Joi Gordon, the CEO of Dress for Success, and she kicked off our 2016 Finer Womanhood celebration. We won third place for our Elder Care initiative at the 2014 Boulé. We also won third place for Z-HOPE at the 2016 Boulé. We are also proud of raising funds for the March of Dimes and Living Beyond Breast Cancer. And, each December, we work with our Phi Beta Sigma Brothers and Lebanon Masonic Lodge to ensure that children and families have Christmas gifts, food and clothing.  GAMMA XI ZETA CHAPTER, WHITE PLAINS, NY The ladies of Gamma Xi Zeta Chapter strive to live up to the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Motto: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. We stand on the shoulders of our Charter Members. We aim to follow the examples of service and zeal for the Sisterhood, as they did 68 years ago. In our attempt to serve with zeal, we participated in two walks this past fall: the Alzheimer’s Walk for Life and Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk. We are active members of the National Pan Hellenic Council of Westchester. In October 2016, the Pan Hellenic Council hosted a Greek Forum to address issues impacting the African American Community. The issues discussed were education, policing and housing. One of Gamma Xi Zeta’s Sorors’ was a featured speaker on the panel and addressed the issues of education in the current climate in which we live and how it impacts our children of color. Our Archonette and Amicette Youth groups followed Gamma Xi Zeta in the pursuit of abundant service with a collection of Halloween candy (and magazines) to send to Treats 4 Our Troops, bringing joy and showing appreciation for their service to our Country. The Youth

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS members participated in a program, Spaghetti & STEM, where they were encouraged to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. We are committed to working on the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. National Programs and initiatives. To that end, we work closely with the March of Dimes. In November, we hosted a baby shower for young mothers to be. Many young mothers are in need of baby items such as layettes, clothing, bottles, diapers as well as support and encouragement to finish school.

“Memory Walk”, and Veterans’ Toiletry Donation. Some local projects include “Warm Hands/Warm Hearts” - a collection of caps, scarves, & gloves donated to pre-selected classrooms in the city, co-sponsorship of Councilman Demone Smith’s annual citywide Easter Egg Hunt and co-sponsorship of the hospitality tent at the city’s annual Juneteenth celebration. Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter has also provided community workshops that inform women about Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence – exemplifying its motto: SERVICE – It’s what we do!

The Chapter has received numerous awards over the years for service to the residents of the Westchester County and beyond. In 2016 we were honored for service to Abbott House, an agency that cares for neglected and dependent children, by the Omega Psi Phi, Inc., Omicron Iota Chapter, Westchester County Executive Robert Astorino. The blessings continued as Westchester County Legislator, Lyndon Williams honored our Gamma Xi Zeta Chapter by designating December 29, 2016 as Gamma Xi Zeta Day in Westchester County. Our Chapter’s name was highlighted in Blue and White on the scrolling marquee at the County Center the entire day! Service is important to the ladies of Gamma Xi Zeta and carrying on in the tradition of our Five Pearls as well as our Charting Sorors we look forward to 2017 as we go out and service the community.

In 2016 Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter implemented Sister Nights. Once a month an activity is planned where Sorors get together for some sisterly bonding. These events and activities are open to all area Zetas whether financial or not. It has proven to be a viable piece in reclamation & retention, as well as strengthening the bonds of Sisterhood. The chapter continues to devote time to being Finer! Activities focusing on appropriate dress, language, and behavior are included in programming for youth, Amicae & Zetas, alike; always remembering: someone is always watching what Zeta does, so strive to be the examples for others to follow! 




Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter of Buffalo, NY was charter in April 1981. The chapter boasts its sponsorship of Omicron Mu Chapter and all four auxiliaries of “Sweet” Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Since the chapter’s establishment, members have worked hard in the community, upholding the founding principles of the sorority.

Kappa Xi Zeta was chartered on January 1981, in Syracuse, NY. Over the last 35 years we have committed ourselves to addressing the needs and gaps of services for marginalized and disenfranchised groups throughout Onondaga County. Between the years 20122017 we have increased membership by 50 percent. In addition, we have developed working partnerships with a number of not-for- profit agencies such as the The Syracuse Neighborhood Violence Network, the Samaritan Center, Crouse Hospital, the International League of Muslim Women, Inc., Mother’s Against Gun Violence (MAGV), the Trauma Response Team, Team A.N.G.E.L. (Avoid. Negative. Garbage. Enjoy. Life), and Street Addiction, Inc. an organization that provides respite and rehabilitation to the street and gang culture.

Each year the chapter hosts a Scholarship themed ball. Todate, Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter has given out over $20,000 in scholarships to young women pursuing a college education. Buffalo Zetas are proud to say that to-date everyone awarded a scholarship has completed their degree program! The chapter takes pride in its’ annual Community Service commitments. National partnerships include: MOD’s “March for Babies”, American Cancer Society’s “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer”, Prematurity Awareness’“Coins Add Up”, Alzheimer’s

In 2017, Kappa Xi Zeta hosted its first “Blue Carpet Affair” which helped raise funds for our Finer Womanhood Scholarship. In 2016, in an effort to raise community awareness as to the number of THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 105

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS African American babies born premature, during the month of November, Kappa Xi Zeta, collected preemie and newborn clothes and delivered the items the families in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Crouse Hospital. Additional highlights overs the past five years include, the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. national initiative “Adopt-A-School” for a local elementary school, a food and clothes drive for the homeless hosted by the IBEW Union and MAGV, community outreach, the Diving Nine Walk-A-Thon, the Making Strides Breast Cancer walk, and the March for Babies Walk-A-Thon. The next three years will be even more Blutiful and dynamic for the Kaptivating Ladies of Kappa Xi Zeta. We look forward to sharing our journey as we enter into Centennial with other women of our Sisterhood. 

OMICRON EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, ALBANY, NY Since 2012, Omicron Epsilon Zeta Chapter has made an immeasurable difference in the lives of those who reside in the Capital District. Through growing community partnerships with the Northeastern Regional Food Bank, St. Catherine’s Center for Children, Drake Manor & Idlewild Terrace Senior Apartments, Well Source Development and the League of Women Voters, our Chapter will continue to make Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. proud. With increased membership through Reclamation and new initiates, we have grown by an estimated 42 percent. We have adopted initiatives to assist Sorors in transitioning into a Graduate chapter and are building a strengthened relationship with our sponsored Undergraduates. We will continue to create space to bond and strengthen the Zeta foundation that we rest upon. We are paving the way as an example to our Youth Affiliates by demonstrating through every interaction what it means to be Finer!!! It is our goal to beam in the light of Zeta, to continue in the legacy set before us, and always do God’s work!!!

of our sorority’s principles of Service, Scholarship, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood, these trailblazing Sorors jumpstarted a wide range of service in the name of Zeta. The members of Psi Omega Zeta Chapter have committed ourselves to continuing to empower and uplift the Rochester and surrounding communities, by our unwavering drive of promoting unquestionable and relevant changes in areas effecting Women, Youth, Seniors, and Men. Our chapter has organized and assisted with Service projects alongside numerous community agencies and established partnerships such as: The Mental Health Association of Rochester, NY; Salvation Army of Rochester, NY; The Ronald McDonald House; Various service projects and events with The Office of the Mayor Lovely Warren; International Walks, Social Action Causes and Drives; and in March 2012, we established “The Mary Breaux Wright Elder Care Service Initiative” to name a few. Scholarship has and always will be a priority for our organization and our chapter, so it is appropriate that we have established a self-named chapter scholarship and recently, a scholarship for a Triumphant Soror Patrice Bianca Cummings. Additionally, we have participated in the HBCU College Fair; and we proudly support and are the sponsoring graduate chapter for Zeta Iota, the local undergraduate chapter in SUNY Geneseo. The Sisterhood that exists within our chapter is phenomenally, genuine and we are happy that because of the numerous projects, services, and partnerships that we have established, we have grown from 10 members to 26 members within the last 6 years of our chartering. We know that sisterhood starts at home, so we have established “Sistah Nites”; yearly BondFires; and activities with our Blue and White Family in Rochester, and the Divine Nine\ organizations in the Upstate New York area. We continue to exhibit our sorority’s noble concept of Finer Womanhood, because we remain true to sustaining our sorority’s principles. Our Five Founders set the foundation for our sorority, and our Sorors of Prodigious Sorors Psi Omega Zeta Chapter will continue to “Take Steps Towards A Brighter Future” in the communities in which we serve.

  PSI OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, ROCHESTER, NY RHO OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, GREAT NECK, NY Psi Omega Zeta Chapter was chartered in Rochester, New York in June 2011. Driven by the belief of “Taking Steps Towards a Brighter Future”, 10 women embarked on a journey that was never heard of, chartering a second Graduate Chapter in the “small” city of Rochester, NY. These Sorors spread the word of Zeta even farther than its reach in Rochester. Under the auspices 106 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Rho Omega Zeta Chapter, located on the North Shore of Long Island, NY, had a wonderful year in Zeta! As we travel toward our Centennial, we would like to share our journey in our 2017 Global Year of Service.

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS On Monday, January 16, 2017 we participated in the Founders’ Day/ 2017 Day of Service by packing blankets, personal items and school supplies for those in need. Rho Omega Zeta also participated in the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian American Legislative Caucus weekend in upstate New York in February, as well as the “Think Nationally, Act Locally” Community forum for the NYS Social Action Day of Service in April. In August, we packed school supplies and participated in a Stand Together Vigil after the Charlottesville rally and in October, we walked for breast cancer awareness, and co-hosted the “Understanding the NYS Court System” in Long Island. We held our Prematurity Awareness at House of Judah and celebrated Kwanzaa at the Long Island Children’s Museum. This year, Soror Valerie M. Cartright, Esq. was re-elected to her third term as Councilwoman for the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County, and was also honored by AKA for Women in Politics. Soror Andrea DeLoney was a Hidden Figures Award recipient this year at the Venettes Cultural Workshop and was honored as a Trailblazer in Political Awareness and Involvement by Delta Sigma Theta. Soror Loraine Richardson McCray was honored at Assemblyman Phil Ramos’ Annual Education Leadership and Service Awards Breakfast by Healthfirst in May. She also welcomed her legacy, Soror Lea Keriece McCray, in November at George Mason University, Zeta Omicron Chapter. Soror Marjorie Ulysse, Esq. became partner in her law firm, Phillips and Associates in New York City, Soror Gretchen Cotton Rodney was elected as a Trustee for the Longwood Library, Soror Jennifer Martin, Esq. passed the New York State bar exam, and Soror Adrienne Galvani was promoted to Detective in the NYPD. Rho Omega Zeta Sorors serve our communities and are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Him through Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., as we journey to Centennial!

 SIGMA KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, BROOKLYN, NY In recognition of the Year of the Auxiliary, Sigma Kappa Zeta Chapter has chosen to highlight the many accomplishment of our youth auxiliaries during the last five years. We are proud of our youth auxiliaries groups which continue to demonstrate the legacy of our sorority’s principles as they develop into the women and leaders of the future.

From the inception of the youth auxiliary in SKZ our youth have reached milestones at each level. The last 5 years have been exceptionally successful in growth and programming. The Pearlette Club holds an annual science fair where the girls enhance their knowledge of science and technology by researching and creating an age appropriate STEM based project. Previous projects included exploration of the senses and creating 3D models of virtual reality. Our Amicette Club focuses on civic responsibility, by hosting annual community service initiatives that raise awareness amongst their peers and raise monies for various charities such as autism, breast cancer and suicide prevention. The Archonette Club hosts a biennial oratorical competition during Black History Month which requires participants to research, prepare and deliver a four minute speech on a current event issue. This competition prepares our young ladies to overcome their fears and to become eloquent orators. Our youth program leaves a lasting impression on our club members. This past summer, one of our Amicettes and Archonettes attended the first ZOL summit in Washington DC where they participated in leadership development, educational enrichment, social change and cultural awareness workshops. We are extremely proud that some of our youth members have decided to become members of our beloved sisterhood and even come full circle to make Sigma Kappa Zeta their Zeta home. Sigma Kappa Zeta provides our youth auxiliary members with the necessary tools to become thought leaders, change agents and future Zetas who will lead the charge in helping other people excel.  ALPHA ALPHA OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, SOUTHERN WESTCHESTER/WEST BRONX, NY Alpha Alpha Omega Zeta Chapter is proud of the positive impact THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 107

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS Kitchen at St. Frances A.M.E. Zion Church in Port Chester. We enjoy working with Abbott House; creating and donating items for the gift baskets and helping to host the Annual Holiday party for the foster parents and children has become a chapter highlight.  GAMMA UPSILON CHAPTER, PACE UNIVERSITY (PLV CAMPUS)

that we have made serving Southern Westchester, and the West Bronx. Our chapter members have worked diligently since our chartering on September 25, 2015, at Hofstra University. We adopted a school in the Bronx in the spring of 2017:The Women’s Academy of Excellence. It is the first all-girls’ public high school to open in the Bronx in more than 30 years. Affectionately called, The WAE, the mission of the school is to create a community of lifelong learners, where students’ intellectual curiosity and creativity is nurtured, and their developmental needs are met. Our newly established 501c3 Corporation, AAOZ Foundation, Inc, will serve to support our scholarship, Stork’s Nest Programs and community service initiatives. A very successful Sunset Soirée, was held in July 2016 at Beckwith Pointe, New Rochelle, to benefit our Scholarship Fund, and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. We have supported the March of Dimes, by raising awareness and funds of over $5,000. We have also participated in the Zeta Prematurity Awareness Program consistently since 2015 by observing Prematurity Awareness Sunday at Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church Mt. Vernon, NY.

Glamorous Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was chartered at Pace University on April 3, 2012 by six young ladies: Joanne Williams, Adriana Miller, Kayla Turner, Alexandria Tribble, Megan Haye and Zarinah Scott. Dr. Cheryl Burton of Alpha Alpha Omega Zeta Chapter was instrumental in getting the chapter chartered. She served as the first Grad Advisor to the chapter. Soror Dorothy Shaw of Alpha Alpha Omega Zeta Chapter is currently serving in this role. The Chapter is an undergraduate chapter solely affiliated with the Pace University Pleasantville Campus. Their philanthropy is Juvenile Diabetes. Soror Ashney Mills is a senior with a 3.4 GPA and is serving as the Chapter Basileus. Please help us congratulate our new Sorors Chelsea Clouden (Junior), Anisa Bartholomew (Senior), Kahya Wright (Junior) and Adrianna Lawrence (Junior), Fall 2017. The cumulative GPA for the Fall 2017 Intake class was a 3.46. We are very proud of our Sorors for making Scholarship their priority. A special thank you to our National First Anti-Basileus Soror Valerie HollingsworthBaker for officiating the Ceremony. It was truly an honor have you swear in the new members. Thank you to Soror Coben of Sorority Girl Graphics for your beautiful masks and the shield! #Sisterhood

Our membership includes veterans of the Armed Services, while some of our members have family members currently serving, or retired from service. Service initiatives include donations of toiletry gift bags and hosting Game Day at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center (BX, NY). We partnered with Granby’s Funeral Service Inc. this year to honor our nation’s veterans with a bus trip to Calverton National Cemetery on Memorial Day. We paid homage and placed a US Flag at each gravesite. We have partnered with the NAACP -New Rochelle Branch in celebration of Jubilee Sunday observing the emancipation of Slaves, as well as in their public forums. We have partnered with Sister-to-Sister International, Inc. and have actively participated at their Annual Girl Power Conference at Mercy College, in Dobbs Ferry. We partnered with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Westchester Alumnae Chapter, in raising $1,000.00 in donations presented to the ZanaAfrica Foundation, Inc., which provides sanitary pads, reproductive health education and selfempowerment resources for schoolgirls in Kenya. We have been serving the needs of the homeless and needy through the Soup 108 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 ZETA IOTA CHAPTER, SUNY GENESEO The Zealously Invigorating Zeta Iota Chapter was chartered on Saturday, April 21, 1979 on the campus of the State University of New York College of Arts and Sciences at Geneseo. We are the first undergraduate chapter in the upstate New York area. In

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS to provide local high school students the chance at a free prom dress. The response from these services lead to them becoming services to be completed annually. 


the spring of 2012 Zeta Iota was revived due to the unwavering efforts of four women, the late Soror Patrice Cummings, Soror Cecoria Hardy, Soror Le’shanda Miller, and Soror Alanna Kaplan. Our chapter has a rich history in student leadership, currently holding positions as President of the Black Student Union and Vice President of Multicultural Organizations. Our service projects include our Annual March of Dimes Benefit Concert, Cards 4 KidZ where we get the Geneseo community to make cards for sick children in hospitals, the School Supply Drive, PadZ R’ Rad our women’s menstruation product drive, our business clothing drive for Rose Residence, and the Blue Allure Fashion Show where we present our four principle awards and book scholarship. We are a small but powerful chapter of Zealously Invigorating women. 

From Baby Steps to Finer Footprints: Since chartering in March 2015, Alpha Alpha Rho Zeta Chapter has wholeheartedly supported the ideals of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. National partnerships are the cornerstone. Thus far, alliances include the March of Dimes, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, the Lupus Foundation of America and the American Cancer Society. Finer footprints have been etched throughout lower Fairfield County underscoring our efforts to adopt-a-school, collect supplies for veterans, cook and serve at a local homeless shelter, March for Babies, preserve fish and wildlife, spread prematurity awareness, and Make Strides in Greater Waterbury. In addition, hand in hand with our brothers, the men of Delta Iota Sigma Chapter, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., we embraced sisterly love in support of one of our own by participating in the 2017 Walk to End Lupus Now. Due to our enthusiasm, fundraising efforts and commitment to the cause, Team Dove Love for the Cure was honored to be front and center leading the walk just as the purple ribbon was cut by regional representatives of the Lupus Foundation. The year 2017 was an amazing year for the chapter. In just six months, hard work and determination garnered over $6,000 in funds to support finding cures for diseases that negatively impact our community. Sorors were formally honored throughout Connecticut. Accolades were extended by a local church, as well as, other Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma chapters. Our current basileus was also selected as one of 100 Women of Color who serve as positive role models in their communities. Moving forward, we will continue to plant the seeds originally sown by those who came before us. What’s next? Our goal is to establish and award the very first Alpha Alpha Rho Zeta Scholarship. Like us on Facebook (@aarhoz), follow us on Instagram (@AARhoZ_ZPhiB) and most importantly ... Watch. Us. Work!

ZETA AMICAE OF BUFFALO, NY On March 6, 2016 six women joined together to become the first members inducted into the Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Buffalo sponsored by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Kappa Upsilon Zeta chapter. Chartered April 30, 2016 in Albany, NY, these ladies became a part of Zeta Amicae history. The Cinderella Experience was their first Z-HOPE service which sponsored a high school student, nominated by their school counselor, who was experiencing financial difficulties. This student was provided full expense coverage for their hair, makeup, gown, prom admission and transportation. In additional, a dress drive was established THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 109



we, along with the community, show off our theatrical skills. In Stuttgart and Wiesbaden, we’ve held a Joint Founders’ Day event and volunteered to man tables and games at the annual Girls Scout Roundup. In 2016, the chapter participated in the European Chapter Retreat for a day of education and chapter management. To celebrate Founders’ Day, we always travel outside of Germany. We traveled to Dubai, Rome, and England. During our Rome trip, we had the opportunity to prepare and serve meals to those less fortunate with Project Rome – Tiburtina over a two-day period.  ALPHA ALPHA ETA ZETA CHAPTER, ENGLAND

MU THETA ZETA CHAPTER, GERMANY Since 2012, the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Mu Theta Zeta chapter have continued serving several military communities within a 120-mile radius, as well as, Rome, Italy, since its chartering in 1983. In the Kaiserslautern Military Community, we collect and donate clothes to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center NICU in recognition of Prematurity Awareness Day. Until 2016, we hosted an Annual Scholarship Ball. In 2014, we also had the pleasure of our Regional Director, Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., serve as guest speaker during our Scholarship Ball. She socialized with several members of our local NPHC and sat with our scholarship recipients during the ball. Although we haven’t held the ball in a year, we still award $4,500 in tuition and book scholarships during a private dinner. Two of our favorite events include serving our veterans and Wounded Warriors. Giving thanks to our military veterans, we purchase their drinks at a local Java Café. Showing the wounded warriors of the USO that we care, we cook and serve them a home cooked meal in November. We were even included in the local USO commercial! Since 2012, we’ve been supporting the Special Olympics with military students from around European footprint! We work with the high schools in promoting our scholarships during College Night; working the booster club snack window during athletic events; and participating in the annual Dr. Seuss event. Every spring, we look forward to hosting Bowl for Babies and our Finer Womanhood Tea. Our three social events are also held in the Kaiserslautern Community. The annual joint Blue and White Picnic with the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. – Iota Gamma Sigma Chapter is held during the month of May. Our Annual White Party marks the end of the summer while the Murder Mystery Dinner in the winter is a wonderful time where 110 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

On March 9, 2014, members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. decided to bring the legacy and principles of our founders to the United Kingdom. Immediately Alpha Alpha Eta Zeta started to make its presence felt within the surrounding area by donating time and resources to the local community. During the first months of conception the chapter participated in a clothing drive for school children in Libya, supported already established organizations such as the African Heritage Association at events that promoted cultural awareness, and when members of the local air force community died in a crash we provided support to the relief teams by way of water and snacks to help them as they processed the scene. The 2014-2015 fiscal year was our first full Zeta year as a chapter. During this year we donated school items to the local elementary school, honored five veterans with an appreciation ceremony where we gave them certificates thanking them for their service during Veterans’ Week, and participated in the Race for Life 5K race where we were able to raise over £200.00 for the Race for Life cancer charity. In the 2015-2016 Zeta year the chapter held its first ever Breast Cancer Awareness Masquerade Ball, we once again showed appreciation to our veterans by awarding 5 members of the community with certificates of Appreciation, and we donated toiletries to a local church initiative.

ATLANTIC REGION CHAPTERS In 2016-2017 We hosted the first European Chapter Retreat. For two days the members of the UK, Germany, and Belgium chapters came together for sisterly bonding in the name of Zeta. We also held our second Breast Cancer Awareness Masquerade ball, saying thanks to our veterans by giving members of the military vouchers for drinks at the local Starbucks, and shipping care packages full of girl scouts cookies to our Armed Forces stationed around the world. The Alpha Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter also awarded the first chapter scholarship to two deserving high school students totaling in $1,000 in May 2017. We look forward to continuing to build on the legacy of our past as we Blaze New Paths in England.  ALPHA ALPHA THETA ZETA CHAPTER, BELGIUM History was made on March 12, 2014 when the Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was chartered. Although the Alpha Alpha Theta Zeta chapter is the third chapter to be charted in Europe, it is the first the first National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organization to charter in Belgium. Since its chartering, AATZ has supported Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. initiatives on all levels. As such, the chapter has taken part in numerous activities in the Benelux Community and beyond. Most events take place on the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and Chievres Air Base military communities. SHAPE is an international community comprised of the 29 NATO countries and Partners of Peace in Belgium. The American population is only a small member of this vast group, and the African American population is even smaller. Despite some of the challenges, the chapter has taken part in a number of Z-HOPE and community service activities and has fostered a number of partnerships including USA Girl Scouts Overseas Council, Joint Top 3 Enlisted Club, SHAPE American High School, SHAPE American Middle School IC3, United States Army BOSS Program and Andrews Federal Credit Union.

Partnered with the Benelux Gospel Service Share-A-Meal program, in which community members were solicited to adopt 150 needy Belgian families for the holidays.

AATZ adopted 10 elderly families

Raised over $300 and filled 10 boxes with food and comfort items to present to the families.

Hosted an African Market Bazar with 16 vendors from throughout Belgium

Served as community partner at the 2017 Back to School in Brussels hosted by the Joint Top 3 and donated backpacks and school supplies.

AATZ Holiday Adopt A Shelter: Donated 6 bags of gently worn close to a local batters women’s shelter. Provided Christmas candy and toys for the children.

Despite high turnover, we have brought in seven new Sorors since chartering:

Awarded over $2,500 in scholarships

Fall 2014 - Ashanti Carter, Robin Dean and Adwana Blocker

Partnered with Andrews Federal Credit Union to host financial awareness workshops

Fall 2015 - Meaghan Davis, Monique Ontiveros and Khadijah Mitchell-Oleh

Hosted three Bowling for Babies Events donating over $1,000 to the March of Dimes

Fall 2016 - Brandy Perkins

Partnered with European Sister Chapters for European Retreat

In 2017, we reclaimed Soror Briana Stuart. She is also a member of the Centennial Commission.

Hosted the first Zumba with the Zetas Community Wellness Fair with 10 community partners present who provided health and healthcare information and on the spot services to the local community sponsored by Andrews Federal Credit Union

Raised over $300 to fill 10 boxes of food and comfort items that were donated to elderly Belgian families

The only international chapter to be featured in the We Are Zeta Rally Cry video featured at the end of Boulé 2014.

Raised $200 for Make-A-Wish and walked more than 300 laps

In 2016, AATZ made history again by chartering the FIRST International Amicae Auxiliary, Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Brussels, Belgium! The Benelux community has taken notice, and we plan to build on our successes by repeating the programs that went well. Additionally, we will continue work to support the National programs so we can expand the work of Zeta in Belgium and beyond! THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 111

ElectrifyingEASTERN REGION On August 3, 2012, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, 24th International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., appointed T. Diane Surgeon, Esq. to be Regional Director of the Eastern Region. Under the august leadership of Grand Wright and inspired by the Grand’s theme, “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths,” Regional Director Surgeon enthusiastically began the intentional journey of directing and leading the Eastern Region to a bigger stage.

During this Administration, the Eastern Region Where It All Began, as named and proclaimed by Eastern Regional Director Surgeon, has served our sisterhood, communities and indeed our world from a position of substantial and sustained power and influence. Substantial financial stability of the region was established. Z-HOPE projects were embraced and enhanced. And, resounding support of national initiatives has been demonstrated! Under the fabulous leadership of International Grand Basileus Wright, Eastern Regional Director Surgeon, State Directors, Chapter Basilei, Regional Leadership Coordinators, Amicae Auxiliary Presidents, and Zeta Male Network, significant accomplishments have been made in the Eastern Region with the mission – Everyone Exceeding Extraordinary Expectations Everyday.

T. Diane Surgeon Eastern Regional Director 2012-2018

SYNERGY Regional Director Surgeon leads the Eastern Region with synergy, mobilizing the leadership team to produce combined outcomes that are greater than the effect of individual efforts. The phenomenal State Directors were key to the success of the Eastern Region: District of Columbia – Donna Jordan; North Carolina – LaKeshia Holley; Virginia – Amelia Hunt; and West Virginia - Janet Boyd (August 2012-July 2014), Dr. Kristeena Wright (August 2014-July 2016), Toska Cooper (August 2016-August 2017), and Dr. Laurice Morton (August 2017-July 2018). A varied array of talented Regional Appointees was extremely vital to the substantial membership growth and impactful service programs and projects experienced. The compelling blueprint for the work of the Region began with the annual Long Range Strategic Planning Retreats with the State Directors and other key regional leaders. Planning culminated during annual leadership conferences held in VA Beach, VA (2013), Durham, NC (2014), Hampton, VA (2015), Charleston, WV (2016), Charlotte/Concord, NC (2017), and Norfolk, VA (2018).

SUPPORT OF NATIONAL INITIATIVES Founder Pearl Anna Neal: Under the leadership of International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, the Eastern Region was thrilled to plan and implement the celebrations and recognitions of our Founder Pearl Anna Neal which culminated at the 72nd Eastern Regional Leadership Conference (2017). Chapters and Sorors participated in events and programs to learn more about Founder Neal, including Pearl-Essence Sister-Friend Teas and a Founder Pearl Anna Neal Scavenger Hunt. The region also unveiled multiple tributes to Founder Neal. 112 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Past Directors of the Eastern Region

Our International Headquarters: While the region did not have the money to help fund the mortgage payoff and renovations, Regional Director Surgeon knew the region, which was the home to our International Headquarters, had to step up and make a difference. The Eastern Region 1920 Campaign led by Sorors Chanel Alford Campbell and Shavonne Perry and other Sorors was overwhelmingly supported throughout the region. At the 2014 Boulé, the region proudly presented the Grand with a check for $50,000 for International Headquarters, twice the amount pledged. Supporting the Upgrade 1734 Registry Campaign: The Eastern Region purchased the large entrance chandelier and portrait of Founder Pearl Anna Neal; and the District of Columbia, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia made special purchases. A large number of graduate and undergraduate chapters, Amicae Auxiliaries, individual Sorors and Amicae made purchases in the Upgrade 1734 Registry to help furnish our newly rebuilt house. The Eastern Region is especially proud of its 51 New Life Members and 28 New Diamond Life Members who contributed over $200,000

EASTERN REGION to our International Headquarters. We are 1734 because we are the Eastern Region Where It All Began! New Membership Intake Process (MIP): Early in this Administration, Grand Wright sought to revise the Membership Intake Process (MIP). Nancy Watkins Flanagan (Alpha Phi Zeta/Richmond, VA) represented the Eastern Region on the national MIP Review Committee. When the revised procedures were approved by the National Executive Board (January 2013), the region’s very own Omega Nu chapter (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) was the first chapter to be approved under the new MIP guidelines. Membership: Following the lead of Dr. Wright to increase membership by 25 percent, aggressive membership growth campaigns were launched in the Eastern Region, including Strive for Five, Strive for Five Plus Five, Perfect 10 and Fabulous 15! Membership expanded on all fronts – chapters, Sorors, auxiliaries, Amicae, and youth! Regional Director Surgeon accomplished aggressive membership growth during this administration, by chartering new or reactivated chapters and Amicae Auxiliaries. A total 24 Graduate and Undergraduate Chapters and 20 new or reactivated Amicae Auxiliaries. We are especially proud of Phi Kappa Zeta (Woodbridge, VA) with the largest graduate intake (21) in Eastern Region history. The Eastern Region was proud to be the first of the Divine Nine organizations to charter in the Middle East with the chartering of Alpha Alpha Lambda Zeta in Abu Dhabi, UAE (2014), the Eastern Region’s first international chapter. Of special note is the historic chartering of the sorority’s first four-letter chapter, Alpha Alpha Alpha Zeta in Fredericksburg, VA (May 2013). In November 2016, International Grand Basileus Dr. Wright and Regional Director Surgeon chartered Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Laurinburg, NC. Sponsored by Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter with 26 new members, Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Laurinburg, NC became the largest Amicae Auxiliary chartering in Zeta’s history. Elected Officers: During this administration, the Eastern Region had several Sorors elected to national offices, including Dr. Alice Garrett – 2014 National Educational Foundation, serving as the Foundation Chair of the Board and three Sorors elected to the National Executive Board in 2016 – Soror Jamye Bridges National Grammateus, Soror La’Ketha Prioleau National Phylacter, and Soror Karen Gipson National Graduate Member-at-Large. March of Dimes: Supporting the 41-year old partnership with the March of Dimes is vitally important for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and the Eastern Region made incredible strides during March for Babies. States, Chapters and Sorors were honored and recognized at each Eastern Regional Leadership Conference where we raised over $39,173. In 2014, the region supported the March of Dimes via 62 Active March for Babies Teams and 14 Stork’s Nests. Scholarships: During this Administration, chapters in the Eastern Region raised and awarded over $125,000.00 in scholarships to

82nd Airborne All-American Chorus at 2017 Eastern Regional Conference

deserving students. At the Regional Leadership Conference, the Region awards the Esther Peyton Scholarship to an undergraduate Soror for exemplary academic success. In addition, the Eastern Region Blue Hat Society was launched at the 71st Eastern Regional Leadership Conference. The brainchild of Regional Director Surgeon and Dr. Alice Garrett, the Eastern Region Blue Hat Society is a new fundraising initiative in support of the Zeta National Educational Foundation (Z-NEF) and other regional programs and services designated by the Region. At the initial launch, the Eastern Region Blue Hat Society event raised $12,000 and it was donated to the Z-NEF. An additional donation to Z-NEF of $3,000 was made during 2018 for a total $15,000 donated during the Wright Administration. Adopt A School: Thirty-seven schools have been formally adopted in the Eastern Region with hundreds of hours of volunteer service provided and thousands of dollars given to the schools for the support of the students and teachers. Elder Care: Grand Wright’s Signature Program, the National Elder Care Initiative, is very important to the Eastern Regional Director Surgeon, as the appointed National Elder Care Director. The Eastern Region enthusiastically embraced and supported this Initiative with the adoption and support of over 85 adult day care centers, elder care programs and senior centers. First Place Awards of Excellence in Elder Care were presented to Sigma Xi Zeta Chapter Morrisville, NC in 2014 and Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter in Richmond VA in 2016. Virginia Soror Stevalynn Adams designed the beautiful trademark ZetaCARESTM which depicts Zeta’s commitment to caregivers and care recipients. Operation Homefront: The Region donated over $6,000. EASTERN REGION HONORS American Cancer Society Campaign: The Region donated over 500 new wigs to the American Cancer Society with Regional Coordinator Soror Danielle May. Eastern Region Dove Club: Chartered at the 2018 Eastern Regional Conference by Regional Director T. Diane Surgeon. Archonette Honored: Archonette Jakayla Meekins was admitted to Norfolk State University on the spot at the college tour during the 2018 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference. She will attend NSU this fall. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 113


2017 Eastern Region Hall of Fame: Soror Madie Bell (North Carolina) - Regional Life Member Coordinator and Retired Educator; Soror Kathleen Thomas (District of Columbia) Retired Educator; Soror Marie Cowan (North Carolina) - Retired Educator and Community Advocate; Dr. Verna Reynolds Sellers, MD (Virginia) - Medical Doctor and Community Advocate; Soror Barbara Pierce (North Carolina) - Retired from NC Department of Public Safety and Community Advocate

2018 Eastern Region Hall of Fame: Dr. Sonya Armstrong (West Virginia) - Professor and Fulbright Scholar; Rev. Rhoda Nixon (District of Columbia) - Author, Co-Chartered Zeta Amicae of Washington; Dr. Elva Hunt (Virginia) – Retired Educator and Administrator and State Officer; Soror Vivian Henderson, Esq. (Virginia) - Legal Trailblazer and Prosecutor and Regional Officer; and Soror Valerie Sinclair (North Carolina) – Successful Business Entrepreneur and Regional Officer

Honoring the service of our Sorors was a focus throughout the tenure of Eastern Regional Director Surgeon. Awards for legacy, longevity, and outstanding service motivated Sorors in the Eastern Region to excel. Legacy: The Eastern Region Legacy Club, started in 2008, by Triumphant Past Regional Director Bettye Murchison was reactivated. In addition, we established and launched the new Zeta-Amicae Legacy Club and the Amicae Legacy Club in two beautiful Inaugural Induction Ceremonies. Longevity: During each Eastern Regional Leadership Conference, Director Surgeon recognized and honored Sorors for reaching membership benchmarks. Several new milestones were created and added during this Administration. Service Milestone Awards, original pins designed by Regional Director Surgeon, were presented to Zeta Love, Zeta Light, Zeta Angel, Zeta Rose, Zeta Star, Zeta Pearl and Zeta Dove for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 years of service, respectively. During the March 2018, ERLC, the region enthusiastically voted to continue the service milestone recognition awards in perpetuity for both Sorors and Amicae. Outstanding Service: The Eastern Region is especially proud of our Eastern Region Hall of Fame inductees: •

2013 Eastern Region Hall of Fame: Triumphant Soror Millie Veasey 8th Past Eastern Regional Director (NC) - World War II Veteran; Triumphant Soror Betty Murchison 16th Past Eastern Regional Director (NC) - Educator; Soror Marilyn Brooks, 13th Past Eastern Regional Director (VA) - College Administration; Soror Yvonne Miller – State Senator (VA), posthumously; and Soror Dorothy Colson (NC), Retired College Administration 2014 Eastern Region Hall of Fame: Soror Melissa Barnes (Virginia),1 5th Eastern Regional Director and College Administrator; Soror Ellis Jones Hodges (District of Columbia), 11th Eastern Regional Director and Minister; Soror Marjay D. Anderson (District of Columbia) – Past National Appointee and College Professor at Howard University; Soror Pricilla Leazer (North Carolina) – Educator; and Soror Eloise Melvin (North Carolina), 14th Eastern Regional Director and Judicial Administrator

2015 Eastern Region Hall of Fame: Soror Karen Gipson (North Carolina); Dr. Alice Garrett (North Carolina) - Retired Educator; Soror Kim Sawyer (Virginia), Project Manager; Soror T. Diane Surgeon, Esq. (North Carolina) - 19th Eastern Regional Director and Entrepreneur; and Soror Nancy Watkins Flanagan (Virginia) - Retired Human Relations Manager

2016 Eastern Region Hall of Fame: Soror Marian V. Barnwell (Virginia) – Regional Tamias and CPA; Soror Joan Bridges (North Carolina); Soror Esther Dunnegan (North Carolina) – Retired Educator and Regional Appointee; Soror Quanda Finch (Virginia) – Veteran; and Soror Lynette Smith (District of Columbia) – Past DC State Director and Past Regional Appointee


In 2014, we were so honored to pay a Special Tribute to Past Eastern Regional Director Soror Millie D. Veasey and Ms. Christine Stewart, our first African American Legacy Award Recipients - recognized for courageous, brave service in WWII. The following year (2015), we paid tribute and homage to two additional outstanding African American Legacy Award Recipients: Dr. Martha Dawson recognized for pioneering efforts in education and Major Wallace Arnold recognized for courageous, brave military service. In September 2016, the “She’s So Electrifying Stellar Performer Recognition Program” was established and launched by Regional Director Surgeon. Zetas, Amicae and Youth are recognized monthly between September and June by Chapter Basilei and posted on the Eastern Region’s website. Each year since the Program began, nominees have been posted to the Eastern Region’s website. During the Eastern Regional Leadership Conferences, state winners were announced from all nominees posted and Regional “Stellar Performers of the Year” selected from the state winners. At the 2017 ERLC, the following Regional Winners were honored as “Stellar Performers of the Year”: Undergraduate - Samone Oates-Bullock (NC, Lota Omega Chapter); Graduate - Stevalynn Adams (VA, Beta Theta Zeta Chapter); Amica - Joan Johnson (DC); Amicette - Camryn Hack (DC, Omicron Phi Zeta); and Archonette - Najal Blanding (DC, Omicron Phi Zeta). At the 2018 ERLC, the following persons were recognized as “Stellar Performers of the

Eastern Region 70th Anniversary Gala

EASTERN REGION Year”: Graduate - Fredricka Sinclair (NC, Alpha Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter); Undergraduate - Melissa Lawrence (DC, Xi Sigma Chapter / George Washington University); Amica - Mable Lewis (VA, Zeta Amicae of Newport News); Pearlette - Zoe Jones (DC, Omicron Phi Zeta Chapter); Amicette - Maniya Whitehurst (VA, Alpha Beta Zeta Chapter); Archonette - Sheena Dean (NC, Sigma Xi Zeta Chapter).

DEVELOPMENT OF SORORS Membership has its privileges and its responsibilities! Recognizing that we are only as strong as our members, Regional Director Surgeon institutionalized strategies to mentor and develop the leadership skills of Sorors. Precedence was set in the Eastern Region when the following four new sustaining leadership groups were launched: •

Eastern Region Undergraduate Leadership Council (ULC) provides a forum for undergraduates to share information, received clarification, and practice leadership roles. Aleta Harper and Shari Mapp serve as the ULC’s first advisors.

Eastern Region Chapter Basilei Council provides a forum for the Region’s chapter basilei to receive support, clarification and emphasis on important topics via monthly webinars and/or conference calls. Chanel Alford-Campbell and Esther Dunnegan served as Council Chairs during this administration. Each Basileus received a custom-designed pin.

Eastern Region Life Member Ambassador Program (LMAP) provides a unique and innovative opportunity for strengthening the sisterhood and connectivity between our Life Member Graduate Sorors and our Undergraduate Sorors. This new initiative fosters greater understanding and appreciation for different perspectives. Life Members and Mentees are encouraged to contact each other at least twice monthly. Soror Madie Bell serves as LMAP’s first Coordinator.

Eastern Region Amicae Council of Presidents provides a forum for the Region’s Amicae Auxiliary Presidents to receive support, clarification and emphasis on topics via monthly conference calls with the Regional Director and her team. This initiative is strengthening the relationship between Zeta and Amicae leadership!

During the March 2018, ERLC, the region enthusiastically voted to continue these leadership development tracks in perpetuity. In August 2017, Regional Director Surgeon hosted the first ever Eastern Regional Leadership Academy for Chapter Basilei, Amicae Presidents and a Life Members Symposium. This specialized leadership training opportunity featured workshops with small group sessions, role-playing and other interactive workshops. The Academy had nearly 100 registered attendees and was enjoyed by all participants. For career cultivation, Professional Networking sessions were held at conferences, mentors were assigned, and professional workshops were facilitated. Topics include human resources and CPR certification. Recognizing the value of networking, the

Professional and Business Networking Group was established bringing together Zeta professionals and business owners (Sisters Helping Sisters) to support each other as they build and climb in their careers and businesses. Beginning with the 2014 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference, Undergraduate Career Summits were conducted. They included Job Fairs as well as career preparation and development workshops. In 2014, the Job Fair included employers from the North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park - the world’s largest research park. In 2015, the Job Fair focused on careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and used a “speed dating format which allowed Sorors to meet with employers such as the VA Department of Transportation, US Department of Personnel Management and the US Navy. The Eastern region’s Zeta Entrepreneur Academic Leadership program (ZEAL) was launched in 2014 by Regional Director Surgeon. Our ZEAL program was indeed a hit. Our little CEOs marketed the youth’s newly established business. Self-packaged Z-Nuts were “sold out” before the youth left the room. The Youth donated half of the proceeds to the region’s 1920 Fundraising Campaign. In 2015, our youth enjoyed the opportunity to tour Hampton University and its first African American Art Museum. Nearly 70 youth attended the ERLC and they benefited from this educational and cultural exposure. Continuing the college exposure tradition, in 2018, the region’s youth toured Norfolk State University. While on tour, an Archonette applied for admission. We are Zeta-proud to announce that she was accepted and credits Zeta for her college preparation. For better health, the “Let’s Move!” Challenge was undertaken. Sorors kept logs of their eating and exercise habits for several months leading up to the Eastern Regional Leadership Conference. Improvement was shown!

JOURNEY TO CENTENNIAL The Eastern Region hosted the first Regional Centennial Launch Party at the March 2015 70th Eastern Regional Commemorative Leadership Conference. We featured our Passport Centennial Stamping with International Grand Basileus Dr. Wright, Regional Director Surgeon and all of the living Past Eastern Regional Directors – who were all in attendance at a Regional Conference for the first time ever. We also had our 70th Eastern Regional History Book Signing and Journey to Centennial Banner Signing. Several Centennial Events including Passport Signing were held at each of the state conferences. A special Journey to Centennial Celebration was held in March 2017 to honor the memory of Founder Pearl Anna Neal. The Eastern Region was one of the first regions to be a fully paid Diamond Visionary Region and all of our states are strong centennial supporters: District of Columbia (Centennial Silver Visionary State), North Carolina and Commonwealth of Virginia (Centennial Diamond Visionary States) and West Virginia (Centennial Crystal Visionary State).


Eastern Region DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA I have been humbled by the appointment of International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Dr. Mary Breaux Wright. It has been a rewarding experience leading a team of outstanding Zeta and Amicae in the District of Columbia. I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity to serve in this position. I truly hope the members of DC believe I have served them well as their State Director. I am so proud of all DC has accomplished including achieving 100 percent financial and active chapters and auxiliary.

Donna Jordan District of Columbia State Director 2012-2018


The Zeta chapters of the District of Columbia raised approximately $60,000 in scholarship since 2012

DC made a $500 donation to the Z-NEF in support of the 72nd ERLC Blue Hat Society

All Undergraduate chapters maintained or exceeded mandatory GPA requirements


District of Columbia Sorors

Drive with CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield, longtime partner March of Dimes and DC State Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Mystic’s fans donated 19,541 diapers to support DC Area Stork’s Nests, July 25, 2014

DC participated in the Global Day of Service 2017. DC has also participated multiple years in the AARP Feeding Seniors event on Capitol Hill. Participation in several National Programs and Partnerships includes:

Implemented Z-HOPE programs and over 7,500 points earned

NAACP - 411 campaign participation on National Day of Service, January 18, 2016 in the vicinity of the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial

Adopted five Elder Care facilities and two schools


Held annual Zeta Prematurity Awareness Programs (ZPAP)

Maintained a Stork’s Nest with satellite sites for classes

Enhanced Social Media by launching a state website, and Twitter account

Participated collectively and annually in Military Appreciation with Zeta chapters and Amicae Auxiliary; donated over $500 to Women Veteran’s ROCK

1734 Campaign – DC State contributed over $5,000 and purchased an item for the renovated house

Midwestern Region - Honoring the Life and Legacy of Founder and President Emeritus Arizona L. Cleaver Stemons, gave a $500 donation for her Headstone (Atlantic Region)

Alpha Chapter donation of $100 for Hannibal, Missouri marker

Raised and donated over $25,000 to March of Dimes March For Babies (DC state chapters and Amicae Auxiliary)

Participated in the Annual Washington, DC Mystics Diaper



$300 Donation to Founder Pearl Anna Neal Gratitude Plaque (Eastern)

$300 donation to the Tyler Sisters Memorial Foundation (Great Lakes)

I had the esteem honor of representing Grand Wright for the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Women’s Suffrage March Re-enactment in March 2013.

Reactivated Kappa Alpha Chapter on April 9, 2015

Started the annual Sisters and Friends fall event

DC has welcomed members to annual and biennial events - Zeta Day on the Hill, Military Appreciation Week and Zeta Organizational Leadership (ZOL)


Developed and awarded the first ever DC State Five Pearl Excellence Chapter awards for the Graduate and Undergraduate chapters who excel in Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, Finer Womanhood and Membership

District of Columbia Youth Auxiliary Members

Eastern Region Stellar Award winners: Amicette Camryn Hack, Archonette Najal Blanding and Amica Joan Johnson

2016 – At the invitation of the International Grand Basileus, attended the First United States of Women Summit in Washington, DC, June 15, 2016

2016 - 71st Eastern Region Leadership Conference 2016: Sigma Pi, First Place in Z-HOPE; American University Fraternity and Sorority Leader of the Year 2016, Maxine Davis

For the 2014 National Executive Board meeting in Washington, DC, the District of Columbia presented members of the National Executive Board with royal blue and white scarves with the new Zeta Seal. The scarves became a popular item and at the 2014 Grand Boulé, the Grand made them a part of Regional Director and State Director official wardrobe. The scarf was also featured in Macy’s department store during Boulé.

Boulé 2016 Myrtle and Viola Tyler Legacy Club: 14 inaugural members: Dr. Marjay D. Anderson, Arayna Spratley, Dawn Young-Johns, Donna Woodhouse Jordan, Glenda Cousar, Ingrid Armstrong-Doweary, Marcia Exum, Sandra IngramJohnson, Neller Johnson, Elizabeth Reeves, Patricia Thomas, Kathleen Thomas, L. Veronica Nelson and Yvette KinchelowSmith

Omicron Phi Zeta Chapter (Graduate) recognition

Led the 2014 Grand Boulé conference bag stuffing and registration assistance which contributed to the savings of $60,000

Boulé 2014 – Zeta Amicae of Washington, DC Certificate of Excellence, 2nd Place Z-HOPE Award (Auxiliary Size 1-4)

2013 - 69th ERLC: Beta Zeta Chapter Top Teams (Graduate) DC, Xi Sigma Top Teams (Undergraduate), 2nd Place Z-HOPE, Sigma Pi, (Undergraduate)


Eastern Region Hall of Fame inductees – Dr. Marjay D. Anderson, Lynette R.F. Smith, Ellis Jones Hodges and Kathleen Thomas, (Beta Zeta chapter)

2017 - 72nd Eastern Regional Leadership Conference (ERLC), Inaugural Image Award recipient, Renee Pullen and Outstanding LM Award, Pamela Lewis Regional Chaplain Omicron Phi Zeta Chapter

MOD First Place, Z-HOPE, Sigma Pi chapter and Alpha chapter (3rd Place) (Undergraduate)

DC State Eastern Region Stellar Award Recipients

Certificate of Recognition: Amicette Camryn Hack and Archonette Najal Blanding (Omicron Phi Zeta Chapter Youth Auxiliary), Amica Joan Johnson, Zeta Amica of Washington D.C., Undergraduate LaShonette Schjang and Graduate Renee Pullen

Community Service in the DC Area


Eastern Region NORTH CAROLINA It is indeed an honor to serve our sisterhood as the North Carolina State Director in the administration of International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright. I am extremely proud of the dedication and commitment North Carolina chapters and auxiliaries have to moving the organization forward. We are increasing membership, embracing initiatives, enhancing leadership, making history, and developing personal and professional opportunities. This demonstrates that we are truly Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths. It is so rewarding and exciting to meet and work with Sorors, Amicae and Youth around the State. You all are a source of inspiration and motivation. Together, we are focusing on being proactive, progressive, polished, and positive. What an amazing time to be a part of the awesomeness! Additionally, I share in the enthusiasm and optimism as we set sights on an even brighter and more promising future with unwavering support of scholarship; the desire to render service to our communities; an unbreakable bond of sisterhood; and dedication to Finer Womanhood. We know that when God is in it, there is no limit. I am confident that we will continue in our quest of “Making it Finer in North Carolina.” May God continue to bestow his blessing and favor upon Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Thank you for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime to serve!

LaKeshia M. Holley North Carolina State Director 2012-2018


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2017 North Carolina State Leadership Conference: Awarded inaugural State of North Carolina Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to the Undergraduate member with the highest grade point average State donations to the Zeta National Educational Foundation North Carolina State Leadership Conferences (2013, 2015 and 2017) – Awards presented to Undergraduate Sorors with the highest grade point average and Undergraduate Chapters with the highest grade point average North Carolina Undergraduate, Advisors, and Youth Retreats (2013 and 2016) – Recognition of Youth with Honor Roll Recognitions, Oratorical Competition winners, and Spelling Bee Competition winners 2017 North Carolina State Leadership Conferences Recognition of Youth making the Honor Roll; Oratorical Competition winners, and Spelling Bee Competition winners The North Carolina Zeta License Plate distribution started in September 2017 from the NC Division of Motor Vehicles. A portion of the license plate registration fee will be refunded back to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., State of North Carolina and earmarked for scholarships State Leadership Conference recognitions: Chapters and Auxiliaries that present scholarships; 501.c.3 Foundation recognitions; and Chapters that sponsor Blue Revue Programs and/or Debutante Balls


North Carolina Sorors


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• •

2013 North Carolina State Leadership Conference service projects: State Z-HOPE Project (Meals on Wheels - monetary donations) and Life Members Project (Adult Day Center – monetary donations) (October) Participation in the Gathering of Women at the NC General Assembly (May 2013) 2015 North Carolina State Leadership Conference service projects: State Z-HOPE / Elder Care Project (Adult Day Health Program – monetary donation) and Life Members Project (Adopt-A-School for a local elementary school – monetary donations) (October 2015) Statewide participation in the Global Day of Service (January 2016) Participation in the Inaugural Divine Nine Legislative Day


(May 2016) and 2nd Annual Divine Nine Legislative Day (May 2017) 2017 North Carolina State Leadership Conference Service Projects: Life Members Adopt-A-School Project (local elementary school – donations of school supplies); Elder Care State Project (adult day care center – donations of personal care items); Joint Zeta / Sigma Adopt-A-School onsite initiative (group conversations and demonstration of positive aspects of Greek Life) (October 2017)


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North Carolina Zeta Amicae and Sponsors Empowerment Retreat (December 2015) Chapter Basilei, Undergraduate Advisors and Amicae Presidents Retreat (workshops on leadership, strategic and intensive planning (September 2016) Geographical Areas host annual Founders’ Day Programs/ Events Operation Card Drop – State Director sends cards to individual Sorors/Amicae for care and courtesy State Leadership Conference recognitions: Life Members, Zeta Doves, Military Sorors/Amicae, and Educators State Leadership Conferences -- Zeta and Amicae Friendship Breakfast and Program State Leadership Conferences -- Joint Zeta and Amicae Necrology Ceremony Zeta Boot Camp (provides support and strategies to strengthen chapter management and membership growth). We are extending this program to include Zeta Amicae Auxiliaries State contribution to the International Headquarters 1734 Initiative and state contribution of $21,986.91 to the International Headquarters burning of the mortgage State contribution to memorials of Founders: Stemons (Atlantic and Midwestern Regional projects); Neal (Eastern Regional project); Tyler Sisters (Great Lakes Regional project); and Watts (Southeastern Regional project) Recognition plaques presented to past State Directors for outstanding commitment, dedication and leadership Supported the campaigns of national candidates from North Carolina Memorialized Triumphant Sorors and Amicae, including two past North Carolina State Directors: Soror Juanita B. Penn (10th NC State Director) and Soror Bettye A. Murchison (Past National Trustee, 16th Eastern Regional Director, 11th NC State Director) Contributed to S.O.S – Hurricane Matthew Relief (November 2016)


Geographical Areas host annual Finer Womanhood Observances/Events State Leadership Conference recognitions: Life Member of the Year, Graduate Soror of the Year, Undergraduate Soror of the Year, Amica of the Year, and the Precious Pearl Award Undergraduate Retreat recognitions: Outstanding Undergraduate Soror

Recognizing 10th NC State Director Juanita B. Penn

Fun and fashionable time at conferences and retreats with trophy awards presented for the Finest blue shoes, blue purse, and Zeta scarf/outfit competitions

STATE AWARDS AND HONORS 2014 Grand Boulé Awards • Award of Excellence - March for Babies (Top Funds Raised), 3rd place, 31+ Category (Raised $22,465) • Award of Excellence - March for Babies (Top Number of Paid Walkers), 3rd place,31+ Category (120 paid walkers) • 1st Place, Largest Number of New Members by State (20132014) • 2nd Place, Number of New Members by State (2012-2013) • Award of Excellence, MIP Certification (Number Certified), 1st Place (628 Certified) • Award of Excellence, MIP Certification (Number of Workshops), 2nd Place (10 workshops presented) • Award of Excellence, Amicae Auxiliaries – 2nd Place, 31+ Category (with 17 Auxiliaries) 2016 Grand Boulé Awards • Membership Award Certificate of Acknowledgment 2nd Place for recruiting the largest single intake for an Undergraduate Chapter Other National Awards • 2013 Finer Women Don’t Haze Initiative, 3rd place • 2014 Finer Women Don’t Haze Initiative, 3rd place Eastern Region Awards – March for Babies • 2012 Most Funds Raised ($20,679) • 2012 Top Registered Fundraising Walkers (89 Walkers) • 2013 Top State Registered Fundraising Walkers (120 Walkers) • 2014 Top States Most Funds Raised ($29,739) • 2014 Most Improved State • 2014 Top State Registered Fundraising Walkers (157 Walkers) • 2015 Top State Registered Fundraising Walkers (182 Walkers) • 2015 Top State Most Funds Raised ($32,786) • 2016 Top State Most Funds Raised ($42,899) • 2016 Top State Registered Fundraising Walkers (218 Walkers) THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 119

Eastern Region


After over 27 years of service to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, the Electrifying Eastern Region and the Commonwealth of Virginia, I truly value and appreciate the opportunity to serve as State Director. This assignment has proven both challenging and rewarding. I am proud of our tremendous membership growth, successful chapter and auxiliary programming, excellent participation in national and regional initiatives and exceptional accomplishments of individual Sorors, Amicae and Youth. Membership remains my personal Zeta passion, therefore the opportunity to welcome new Sorors into the sisterhood, new Amicae into the family, as well as new chapters/auxiliaries, has been the most rewarding aspect of service as state director. I experienced true joy and excitement each time I receive a membership approval notice, especially when it represented a significant milestone for the chapter. With 16 new and reactivated chapters and record-setting membership inductions/presentations, Virginia’s chapters and auxiliaries have kept me quite busy! The Commonwealth of Virginia has surely blazed new paths during the Wright administration. Committed to serve as Torchbearers of a Legacy of Excellence, Virginia will vibrantly, victoriously continue to march toward our centennial in 2020.

Amelia M. Hunt Virginia State Director 2012-2018

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated – Commonwealth of Virginia committed to Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths under the leadership of International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, Eastern Regional Director, T. Diane Surgeon, Esq. and State Director, Amelia L. Hunt. Over the past six years our Sorors, Zeta Amicae, Youth Affiliates and Male Network members have diligently and tirelessly implemented national, regional and state programs and initiatives with excellence and enthusiasm. We sought to demonstrate our commitment to true Scholarship, dedicated Service, genuine Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood while proving that Virginia IS for Zetas! The rich diversity and strong heritage of the Commonwealth of Virginia perfectly mirrors that of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Virginia’s 8.4 million residents live in some of America’s oldest and most storied communities. Our land stretches from the Atlantic Ocean at Virginia Beach (longest US beach) on the eastern coast to the coal-mining territory of the Appalachian Plateau in the west. In between, one can discover everything from a thriving shipbuilding industry and rich farmlands to wondrous caves and caverns and thrilling ski slopes. Virginia serves as home to the Pentagon, several large military installations, CIA headquarters in Langley and the FBI training facility at Quantico. Englishmen established the first permanent U.S. settlement at Jamestown, Richmond became


2014 Zeta Day at the Capitol

the capital of the confederacy and Nat Turner led the largest and deadliest slave rebellion in U.S. history in Southampton County. The vibrant, historic Commonwealth of Virginia serves as home to 25 graduate and 15 undergraduate chapters, 10 Zeta Amicae auxiliaries and over 20 youth affiliate groups. Highlights of our 2012-2018 accomplishments include: •

More than 60 percent growth in Zeta membership

Rho Nu Chapter (Old Dominion University) conducted largest PWI intake ever in Zeta – 21 initiates

Phi Kappa Zeta Chapter conducted largest graduate intake

VIRGINIA ever in Eastern Region – 16 initiates •

First legacies under new MIP legacy policy inducted through Rho Alpha Chapter (Hampton University)

Chartered six new graduate chapters: •

Omega Phi Zeta – Charlottesville

Omega Chi Zeta – Christiansburg

Alpha Alpha Alpha Zeta – Fredericksburg

Beta Alpha Omicron Zeta – Chesapeake

Beta Alpha Pi Zeta – Accomack/Northampton

Gamma Alpha Southampton




Chartering of Alpha Alpha Alpha Zeta, the Sorority’s first four-letter graduate chapter

(Newport News/Hampton), Alpha Phi Zeta (Richmond) and Alpha Omega Zeta (Petersburg) celebrated 75th charter anniversaries

Chartered seven new Amicae auxiliaries: •

Zeta Amicae of Woodbridge

Zeta Amicae of Fairfax

Zeta Amicae of Portsmouth

Zeta Amicae of Manassas

Zeta Amicae of Virginia Beach


Zeta Amicae of Chesapeake

Zeta Amicae of Accomack/Northampton

Rho Alpha Chapter (Hampton University) featured in a national Walgreens Red-Nose Day campaign

Hosted the 68th, 70th and 73rd Eastern Regional Leadership Conferences

Held largest ever Commonwealth of Virginia Leadership Conference

757 Steppers back-to-back Boulé Stroll-off Champions

Commonwealth of Virginia contributed $20,000 towards HQ renovations

Virginia purchased HQ reception desk chair and lamp for Upgrade 1734 Campaign

Commonwealth of Virginia: Diamond Centennial Visionary State

Reactivated three undergraduate chapters: •

Tau Lambda Chapter (Radford University)

Xi Lambda Chapter (College of William & Mary)

Phi Xi Chapter (Christopher Newport University)


Initiated monthly CoVER (Commonwealth of Virginia Embellishment & Resource) Training Webinars


Over $30,000 raised for March for Babies: recognized at 2016 Boulé as the Most Improved State

Virginia Zeta Day at the Capitol held annually for 32 years

Coordinated statewide Elder Care project

Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter presented with Virginia Senate Resolution recognizing 75 years of service

Established the Yvonne B. Miller Trailblazer Award presented during VA Zeta Day at the Capitol


Chartered Zeta’s first four-letter graduate chapter, Alpha Alpha Alpha Zeta – Fredericksburg

Nu Chapter (Virginia Union University) celebrated 90th charter Anniversary

Phi Chapter (Virginia State University) celebrated 85th charter anniversary

Omega Zeta (Roanoke), Alpha Beta Zeta

Rho Alpha Chapter (Hampton University) featured in Walgreens’ 2016 Red-Nose Day campaign


Eastern Region WEST VIRGINIA During the Administration of Madame Grand, Dr. Mary B. Wright, the state was under the direction of Soror Janet Boyd (2012-2014). State Director Boyd was able to reactivate the Theta Zeta Chapter and conducted the largest state meeting under the Wright administration. Under the leadership of Regional Director Surgeon, WV had its first Sister to Sister reunion hosted by State Director Boyd. In 2014, the state was under the direction of Soror Kristeena Wright (2014-2015). Soror Wright was able to charter the Alpha Alpha Xi Zeta Chapter, in Charleston WV. She was also the host State Director for the 2015 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference, which was held in Charleston, WV. In 2016, Soror Toska Cooper (2016-2017) was appointed as State Director of WV. Soror Cooper was instrumental in reactivating the Eta Omicron Chapter in Morgantown, WV. In 2017, Dr. Laurice Morton (2017-present) was appointed State Director of WV. In a short amount of time, she was able to charter the first Amicae Auxiliary for the state, Zeta Amicae of Bluefield WV. Membership for the state increased from 17 Sorors to 20 (and counting). Implementation and participation with national programs increased state wide. In the past five years, the state of WV has experienced growth and loss but our love of Zeta has never wavered. Iota Phi Chapter (Fairmont State University – Fairmont, WV) was the first NPHC organization chartered on the campus when chartered on April 13, 2018.

Dr. Laurice Morton West Virginia State Director 2017-2018

The sun may not always shine in West Virginia, but the light of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated continues to shine in the hearts of every Zeta in the great state of West Virginia.

Eta Omicron Chapter, West Virginia University

Zeta Amicae of Bluefield, WV



and Finer Womanhood within the chapter and throughout the DC Area community. That is Why We Love OPhiZ, are proud of what we have accomplished, and remain eager to see what the future holds. 

OMICRON PHI ZETA CHAPTER, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA “Those that don’t got it, can’t show it. Those that got it, can’t hide it.” -Zora Neale Hurston The Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Opulent Omicron Phi Zeta Chapter in the Electrifying Eastern Region can’t hide how proud we are of the projects in which we have been engaged, the lives we have touched, and the ways we have supported ZPhiB’s national programs and initiatives over the last six years. Omicron Phi Zeta Chapter Sorors spent countless hours in service to the community including Elder Care Initiatives that reached hundreds of elders in the Washington DC area through card-writing campaigns, game nights and door decoration efforts. We have reached youth in the DC area through the Annual Beautification Days, sponsoring Prom Dress drives, Safety Workshops and College Fairs. We also help to shape youth through the management of very active and award-winning youth auxiliary groups and the planning of an annual Mother-Daughter Tea. Because it makes no sense to re-invent the wheel, we regularly supported other organizations’ service projects like We Feed Our People, Project Giveback So Others Might Eat. The bridges that we built between OPhiZ Chapter and other service- oriented organization helped to strengthen the bond between Greek and non-Greek service organizations in the DC metro area and enhances our connection to the community we serve. While our social action efforts began with our charter in 1994, after Get Engaged was launched in 2015 OPhiZ stepped up its efforts to engage the community on important topics. This resulted in street marketing campaigns to provide pocket-sized guides to youth on what to do when interacting with law enforcement; a video on Black Images in Media including a viewing and discussion on the topic; and collaborations with other Washington, DC area Zeta chapters on Police and Community Relations Forums. OPhiZ is a multi-generational chapter that prides itself on meeting and elevating the standards of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love

SIGMA PI CHAPTER, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Sigma Pi Chapter’s legacy is one of much growth and attainment. Since 2013, the chapter has quadrupled its size. Only having two members in 2013, the chapter currently stands firmly on eight members. During this time span, the chapter functioned strongly as a city-wide chapter gathering members from American, Georgetown, and Trinity Washington Universities. Sigma Pi Chapter has successfully inducted eighteen new members since 2013 and among these, eight from American, one from Georgetown, and nine from Trinity. Indeed, the legacy continues. The chapter embodies the organization’s four principles in a manner worthy of imitation. Scholarship - The chapter was recognized at the 2017 DC State Conferences for having the Undergraduate Soror with the Highest GPA - Soror KiAsia Anderson, Trinity Washington University Alumna, Class of 2017 graduating summa cum laude. Service - Each year the chapter enhances its community service initiatives earning an array of Z-HOPE points that ultimately culminated into the chapter’s recognition as a First place winner in Z-HOPE at the 2017 DC State Conference and March of Dimes Top Finalist at the 2017 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference. Our chapter has also contributed to the Stork’s Nest, the Capital Area Food Bank, the New York Avenue Men’s Homeless Shelter and the Washington Home and Hospice Center are a few service projects the chapter undertook. Sisterhood - With Soror Kimoy Taylor as the Sisterhood Coordinator the chapter remembers to not always focus on the “business” aspect of Zeta. We have included monthly outings with our chapter brothers, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Beta Beta Theta Chapter, that entail restaurant or movie outings. Finer Womanhood - Sigma Pi Chapter is an exemplary chapter at THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 123

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS American University. The chapter continually ranks among the most highly achieving organizations, is verbally rewarded among peers for hosting wonderful events, and is highly esteemed in the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office. Sigma Pi Chapter members are proud to be just that, Sigma Pi Chapter, to represent the sisterhood as the Founders intended back in 1920. 

XI SIGMA CHAPTER, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, DC Within the past six years, the X-Quisite Xi Sigma Chapter has worked to leave a lasting impression not only at The George Washington University, but in Zeta as a whole. Since 2012 our chapter has brought in five amazing intakes groups that have done amazing work both in Zeta and on our campus. During the 2013 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference, our chapter received an award for top undergraduate team walking for March of Dimes after raising $330. During the 2014 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference, we earned the Second Place Z-HOPE Award. Then, at the 2017 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference we earned the Third Place Z-HOPE Award. Bringing it back to our own college campus, we have current and past members of our chapter who also served in key leadership positions in our community such as Vice President of the Multicultural Greek Council from 2013 to 2014, Choir Director and Chaplain for the Voice Gospel Choir from 2015 to 2017, members of the Pre-Law Fraternity Pi Alpha Delta, as well as the Pre-Med Fraternity Delta Epsilon Mu, and many more. We have held and will continue signature programs at GW and in the DC area that remind people of our chapter’s legacy of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and the ideal of Finer Womanhood that our five most Honorable and Triumphant Founders began in 1920.  ZETA AMICAE OF WASHINGTON, DC Zeta Amicae of Washington, DC has been and continues to be a valuable asset to the Zetas in the District of Columbia for 69 years. From day one this auxiliary has upheld the Zeta principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. 124 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

The Amicae has actively supported all Zeta national and local initiatives and still continue to support the Stork’s Nest, March of Dimes and Walk for Babies. We have created hand-made bags stuffed with personal care items for men and women at Carroll Manor Nursing Home, Washington, DC. The auxiliary has earned multiple Z-HOPE awards at the local, regional and at national Zeta conferences. We even have our name on a water well in Ghana, West Africa in a community we supported with children’s books, school supplies and medical aids earning us Z-HOPE International points annually for several years. When the floods destroyed New Orleans, the auxiliary raised and sent $100 dollars monthly for over a year to support their Amicae sisters and their families that were affected. During September of 2017, the Amicae joined the Zetas on Zeta Day on the Hill; and also joined the Zetas in the AARP Food for Seniors activity completing 100 bags of food. During the month of November 2017, the Amicae participated in their annual Prematurity Awareness event at a local church in Washington, DC, and the Amicae held an elegant Sister Friend Tea was held with an emphasis on member recruitment. 

- NORTH CAROLINA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, RALEIGH, NC Omicron Zeta (OZ) Chapter of Raleigh, NC is a staunch supporter of our national motto: “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths”. We continue to support our core and legacy programs while implementing new initiatives. Following is a capsule of a few of the happenings within Omicron Zeta from 2012 to the present: Blue Revue Scholarship Initiative: OZ celebrated 70 years of awarding hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to help young ladies attend higher education institutions. A crown jewel was the celebration of OZ’s 80th Anniversary in


2015. This semi-formal affair, under the leadership of Soror Sheryl Morton, recognized OZ’s 80 magnanimous years of Service, Scholarship, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. After a lengthy hiatus, the Archonette Club was reinstated thanks primarily to Soror Joyce Wilson’s conscientiousness. A monthly initiative honors OZ’s senior Sorors for their years of Zeta service. The culminating activity in 2017 was a Senior Tea. Sorors Veronica Bell, Mazie Lewis, Yasmin Morton-Moses, Esq., Dr. Vera Palmer, Dr. Amelia Williams, and Joyce Wilson happily accepted their new designation as Diamond Life Members. Accomplishments: •

Soror Millie Veasey, Past Second NC State Director, 8th Regional Director, and National Tamias was recognized with a salute from President Obama at a Military Appreciation Dinner at Fort Lee, VA for her service during WWII. Incidentally, Soror Veasey celebrated her 100th birthday in January 2018.

Soror Wanda Poole was honored by her OZ Sorors for 70 years of continuous service to Zeta.

Dr. Vera Palmer and Soror Sheryl Palmer Morton are the only biological sisters to serve as Basileus of Omicron Zeta Chapter during this era.

Service the BNZ Way: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is well-known for their service to the community. The Beta Nu Zeta Chapter has upheld this principle throughout our 72 years. Each year we strive to serve our community while adopting any new national initiatives. We operate a Stork’s Nest program, with the local YMCA and Woman’s Hospital. We adopted an at-risk school for the Adopted-A-School initiative. With our Debutantes, we do a Prematurity Awareness program. We walk with Sisters Network door-to-door Breast Cancer Awareness Walk, Elder Abuse Awareness Walk, and March of Dimes Walk. And we can’t leave out our Military Appreciation Program; we package toiletries for both male and female veterans as well as help out with The Family Programs at the 422th Battalion. On January 16, 2017, the Day of Service to honor our Founders, Beta Nu Zeta Chapter in Greensboro, NC decided to have each chapter we sponsor, open their service projects up to everyone and we all work to get the job done. Beta Nu Zeta Chapter purchased and donated toiletry items to Clara’s House Women’s Shelter and cooked and served a meal at The Servant Center. Chi Gamma Chapter packed and distributed lunches for the homeless in the Bennett College area. Omega Nu Chapter packed and distributed lunches for the homeless in the UNCG College area. Zeta Alpha Chapter participated with the Scarves4Warmth project, making and decorating scarves for the homeless using fabric and old sweaters. The scarf project was a new and memorable one for us. We brought fabric and monetary donations. We cut clothing into pieces, cut out hearts, sewed pieces together to make the scarves, and hand-sewed at least one heart to each scarf for the finishing touch. During the event we had approximately 50 Zetas and Zeta Amica working on the project. We made over 25 scarves during the three-hour time period. Members served at more than one project. After a day full of service we celebrated with a Founders’ Day Celebration at Bennett College.

Zeta-Sigma Joint Activities: •

Membership Intake Celebration: Under the leadership of Basileus Sherry Haith-Clanton and First Anti-Basileus Yasmin Morton-Moses, Esq. and Eta Sigma Chapter, we celebrated our first joint Zeta/Sigma Membership Celebration. A husbandwife team (Powell and Chevar Williams) joined the Blue and White Family in December 2016 and were among the honorees.

Omicron Zeta and Eta Sigma refurbished the computer lab at a local community center with updated computers and chairs.

Omicron Zeta Chapter continues to be an integral part of the Greater Raleigh, NC area through our many services, scholarships and final womanhood activities. 

 CHI XI ZETA CHAPTER, CLAYTON, NC The Chi Xi Zeta Chapter of Clayton, NC is proud to build a legacy of genuine care for our community. As the first chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in Johnston County, we heard the call of THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 125

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS character and high moral standing. The Roanoke Chowan area is not large in population; therefore, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. creates opportunities (with this one of many events) to provide scholarships to worthy young contestants and helps them meet financial obligations at their colleges and universities. With high recommendations, required grade point averages, and ambitions to attend colleges, the contestants compete to raise the most money. This competitive spirit fosters the desire among families, friends, and community to come together, work diligently, and teach a work ethic to the contestants that the harder one works to attain a goal, the more successful the outcome. Five young people vied for the title. They included: service and responded. Our partnership with Harbor, Inc. allows us to stand prepared to help victims of domestic violence. As an organization, elderly persons have a special place in our heart; we regularly host Bingo nights and wellness education events at The Clayton Center for Active Aging. Additionally, our March of Dimes efforts serve a worthy, twofold purpose: 1) to raise awareness and funds and 2) to offer wholesome, family-oriented activities. One example was our recent Splashing 4 Babies Aqua Zumba event. We also have a keen focus on the youth. The chapter’s Read Into the Future Book Scholarship provides an opportunity for a deserving graduating senior or college freshman to receive financial assistance for academic resources. Our youth affiliates are thriving and have no shortage of ways to reach the girls in our area. Chi Xi Zeta Chapter is delighted to have active Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Archonettes. Our youth affiliates brought home two Stellar Youth of the Year Awards for North Carolina. At the 2017 NC State Conference, they were the recipient of several honor roll awards, first place spelling bee, first place oratorical, and second place in the Z-HOPE competition for their donations to the Mount Zion Senior Center. The youth have also donated toys to the Duke Children’s Hospital and food to the New Bethel Baptist Church Food Ministry. More recently, in August 2017 they volunteered their time during the Johnston County Back to School Bash and they handed out backpacks to the community youth who attended. Our Archonettes presented a fashion and talent show at our latest Finer Womanhood Luncheon. This stellar event also included a catered lunch and vendors fair that received rave reviews. Chi Xi Zeta Chapter is building a legacy of genuine care and active, relevant service to the community; we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Thomas Bradley, a student at C. S. Brown High Stem School whose hobbies and interests include working with youth and computers. He is an active member of the HCHS Marching Band and plans to attend college and major in Computer Science.

Gregory Cross, II attends school at Gaithersburg High School in Gaithersburg, MD. Swimming and playing basket are his hobbies. Upon graduating from high school, Gregory’s future plans are to attend college.

Dazia Horton, a student at Hertford County High School, is involved in dance (ballet, tap, jazz, and pointe), and cheerleading. She desires to attend college and become a licensed marriage and family therapist.

Jamera Williams, a student at Roanoke Valley Early College High School whose interests and hobbies include dancing, shopping, and socializing with friends. Her plans are to attend college and major in Criminal Justice.

Destiny Dudley, a student at Hertford County High School, loves basketball and computers. She plans to attend college and major in Computer Science


 ETA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, SHELBY, NC DELTA PI ZETA CHAPTER, AHOSKIE, NC In keeping with the principle of scholarship and the ideal of Finer Womanhood, the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority of Ahoskie, the Roanoke Chowan Graduate Chapter, celebrated one of their scholarship programs, The Blue Revue, on May 31, 2014, at the Hobson R. Reynolds Elk National Shrine in Winton, NC. The Blue Revue biannual event presents eligible young contestants of outstanding 126 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Originally chartered October 6, 1969 and re-chartered June 2, 2013 after an 11-year hiatus, the “Extraordinary” Eta Delta Zeta chapter of Shelby, NC perseveres in providing service to Cleveland County and the surrounding area. Saturday, March 18, 2017, at Palmer Grove Baptist Church’s Family Life Center, we held a very informative and well received Finer

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS Womanhood Program to address the importance of empowering attendees to reach their potential. This year’s theme, “Celebrating the Finer Woman in You,” centered on mental, physical and spiritual health issues to improve the quality of life for residents of the community. Our first speaker was Linda Page, MA, LPCA, BSN, Faith Community Health Ministry Coordinator with Cleveland Carolinas Medical System. Her area was Mental Health Empowerment. She emphasized how, although mental health has a stigma to being discussed in our communities, that there is no shame in an individual admitting that they need help. A good place to get help is their primary care physician. Our second speaker was Tiffany Williams-Crank, MPH, Cancer Program Development Specialist with the Levine Cancer Institute, Carolinas Healthcare System Cleveland, specializing in Health Education. Her area was Health Empowerment and her topic was Reducing Cancer and Chronic Disease Risk for Women. She covered the importance physical activity, proper nutrition, getting regular physicals and mammograms and cancer and chronic disease prevention. Our final speaker was Amia Briscoe, MA, LPC, independent Counselor and Psychotherapist, specializing in Trauma and PTSD, Depression, and Family Conflict. Her area was Spiritual Empowerment. Professionally she spoke in general about helping clients work through personal issues that may impede their ability to positively handle life’s challenges and achieve wholeness. Sunday, November 26, 2017 the chapter held its Prematurity Awareness Program at First Baptist Church Lawndale, NC. We shared important information from the March of Dimes and how prematurity affects families in North Carolina. Over 200 people were present. Several members had firsthand experience with prematurity and expressed appreciation for the program. We strive to uphold Zeta’s principles and continue to work toward membership growth, expanding Z-HOPE programs, community partnerships, and making Shelby and the surrounding areas Finer  GAMMA UPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, FAYETTEVILLE, NC The Gamma Upsilon Zeta Chapter provides continuous service to the Fayetteville, North Carolina community of Cumberland County areas. Of the numerous efforts within the community our most prized initiatives are the Friends of Cancer sponsorship, our Adult Day Health Care Center and Operation Inasmuch projects. The Cape Fear Valley Friends of the Cancer Center was organized to provide support to cancer patients within our community. Our annual sponsorship includes the Cancer Walk as well as participation and volunteerism which assist with bill payments, transportation to and from doctor’s’ visits and any other needs to aid in and show love towards those dealing with cancer. Through the Elder Care Initiative we visit weekly with the Cape

Fear Adult Day Care and Health Center. We also host Fourth of July Celebrations as well as provide Christmas Stockings to all the residents annually. During our weekly visits we provide hand massages, play games, and provide enjoyable conversations to the residents. The ladies of the Gamma Upsilon Zeta Chapter have also assisted Operation Inasmuch, a Christian nonprofit organization that provides hot breakfast and human, health and educational services to the community. Our monetary donations have aided in providing food as well as to assist with the building of the Lodge. The Lodge was built to provide a place where the family members can progress from homelessness to life with a purpose. Beyond our three treasured projects the Gamma Upsilon Zeta Chapter also provides meals to needy families during the holiday season, give back to the youth in various mentorship capacities, and assist with donor drives for Bone Marrow matches. We have also held joint Founders’ Day events with local Zeta chapters as well as local chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Through it all we also participate with our undergraduates, the Omega Beta Chapter (Fayetteville State University) and the Omega Upsilon Chapter (Campbell University), in their various projects in the community.  LAMBDA ETA ZETA CHAPTER, LUMBERTON, NC Lambda Eta Zeta Chapter of Lumberton is proud of its service and community partnerships. We are pleased to provide programming in support of the sorority’s objectives. Our signature fundraising program is the Kiddie Blue and White Revue. We have delivered assistance to the community in providing over twenty thousand dollars in scholarships since 2013 to deserving students, awareness and educational programming to the community, and support THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 127

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS at Senior Services, Incorporated in Winston-Salem, NC. Telephone calls are made to conduct wellness checks of homebound elders, two days each week for a total of five hours, all twelve months of the year. Additionally, we serve as volunteers for the Annual Triad Elder Abuse Awareness Month and Walk during the month of June. Our Adopt-A-School educational initiative involves activities that includes administrative office assistance, mentoring, tutoring, and assisting young ladies at East Forsyth Middle School in Kernersville, NC. These activities occur from October through May of the school year. However, some mentoring activities are maintained over the summer. services to our adopted school. Lambda Eta Zeta has consistently supported financially and physically to the Sorority’s initiatives March of Dimes, St. Jude’s and the National Education Foundation. Our community was much affected by Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Most notable was the immediate response of the Sorors of Lambda Eta Zeta. They went to work, including those who were impacted themselves. They opened their homes and businesses to those in need, worked in centers and disaster aid stations, and provided emotional, financial, and physical support. The Sorors worked both collectively and individually to provide assistance in every way. In short, they showed their Zeta hearts.

We have continued our partnership with the March of Dimes. Activities include donating funds, developing and designing fund raising strategies, and assisting with registration for the annual March for Babies. We also participate in the annual March for Babies Walk. We maintain an ongoing partnership with the Pan-Hellenic Council. We engage by volunteering alongside our brother and sister organizations to support and provide community service (i.e., workshops, seminars, discussions, health fairs and other personal and social programs and projects), just to name a few.

To increase our community impact, the chapter collaborates with our auxiliaries, the Amicae of Lumberton and Zeta Youth. We also advise an undergraduate chapter, Pi Lambda Chapter on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, NC. The chapter works hard to foster sisterhood. We celebrate each other’s successes and encourage each other in mind, body and spirit. Lambda Eta Zeta Chapter looks forward to continued service to our community in the pursuits of promoting improved academic opportunities, sharing of time and resources, and empowerment of our community. We envision continued sisterly love within the chapter and sorority, and continued exemplification of Finer Womanhood. 




Nu Tau Zeta Chapter Sorors have worked hard these past five years to fulfill the principle of service in our community. Some of our endeavors have included Stork’s Nest activities. We have supported the Salvation Army through the Red Kettle Campaign in Kernersville, NC, as well as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service by volunteering to help maintain the oldest black cemetery, Odd Fellows, in Winston Salem, NC.

The Dovely Ladies of Pi Kappa Zeta Chapter were reignited on October 3, 2013 in Burlington, NC. Sorors are actively engaged in the community through service at Blakey Hall Senior Center in Elon, NC, the Burlington 5K Tata Trot, Toys for Tots, and the March of Dimes walk. In October 2017, PKZ was granted a portion of Graham Hopedale Road in Mebane, NC as a part of the Adopt a Highway Cleanup Program. Two of our signature events are the Back to Blue Brunch and Denim and PearlZ. These events engage interested women and reclaimed Sorors.

Nu Tau Zeta Chapter has been fulfilling Zeta’s National Elder Care Initiative by providing cognitive stimulation, socialization and other quality of life activities for “seasoned citizens” at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Senior Life Enrichment Center in Winston-Salem, NC. Activities are conducted monthly, ten months of the year. A second Elder Care Initiative is the Telephone Reassurance Program 128 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

On May 6, 2017, Pi Kappa Zeta Chapter welcomed two new Sorors as members of our Alpha Class. Pi Kappa Zeta Chapter is the advising chapter for the Xi Omicron Chapter at Elon University. The Dovely Sorors are making an “Oh So Finer” presence in the

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS the community who make a difference in the lives of other people through their own philanthropic initiative. These initiatives rise out of a personal desire from the Dove Award recipient. Some of the past recipients have been breast cancer survivors, educators, radio host, business owners, CEOs, lawyers, members of the Divine Nine and most recently the Mayor of Greenville. To support the various causes, the chapter has participated in community walks and volunteered time and items. Financial donations have helped support the various cause missions and visions. Due to support of the community, State Farm Insurance, Dove United Counseling, PLLC., First Citizens Bank, East Carolina Dermatology, WBIS 106.9 LPFM, and Paparazzi have supported this event with donations and it is well known and supported within the community of Greenville, North Carolina. Burlington, NC area. The Finer Women of Pi Kappa Zeta Chapter are marching towards Centennial by growing through Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood.




RHO ZETA ZETA CHAPTER, GREENVILLE, NC Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Rho Zeta Zeta Chapter has a signature event called “A Finer Focus” each year. This event is organized to bring awareness to various topics that have plagued our community. Some of the topics have been breast cancer, domestic violence, Alzheimer’s, depression and homelessness. The topics of focus are submitted by the attendees of the prior year’s affair and the chapter decided on the actual focus for the event. During the affair there is an expert from the designated awareness who is the keynote speaker. The keynote speaker delivers relevant and pertinent information to the community that might be overlooked or not emphasized otherwise. The information is informative and useful. Materials are disbursed and the attendees have the opportunity to share this information throughout the community to continue with awareness. This information allows for community members to connect with agencies or organizations to provide assistance and or support. During this affair, the chapter spotlights members of the community that received the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Rho Zeta Zeta Chapter’s Dove Award. This award is presented to members of

Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter continues to be trailblazers in the state of North Carolina and the Cary community. In 2017, SRZ celebrated “15 years of Finer” which included our First “Sapphire and Pearls Scholarship Gala” and the “Capital City Dance Explosion”. Both events were held in conjunction with our 501(c)3, The Finer Womanhood Foundation of North Carolina. The epitome of Finer Womanhood and Scholarship were on display at the Gala as we celebrated our Charter Members and presented $1,000 to our scholarship winner. The “Capital City Dance Explosion” showcased youth majorette dance teams from the surrounding area while raising money for our scholarship. When it comes to service the chapter has been hard at work supporting the Cary community in many ways. We celebrated our 10th year participating in the NCDOT Adopt-A-Highway program, where we clean our 2-mile stretch of road on a quarterly basis. Through the “Adopt-A-Spot” program, we maintain the outside of the community garden by planting flowers and edibles for residents to harvest as they pass by. This town partnership is highlighted with our name on signage outside the gate to the garden. In 2017, our chapter joined the Cary Chamber of Commerce as part of our strategic plan to make sure we leave a lasting impact in our town in addition to our support of Grand Wright’s initiatives Adopt-A-School and Elder Care. Our Elder Care residents have been an absolute delight to work with over the last four years; THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 129

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS sometimes it is hard to tell who is more excited for our monthly time together.

ever had in history, the chapter paid tribute to the three chiefs living in the area. Each discussed how they broke the glass ceiling, their role as chief, and ways the community could support them.

The ultimate service highlight for Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter is the March of Dimes, March for Babies. We have been the top fundraising and walking team over the last few years for the state of North Carolina. We are led by our very own Maryam Lynch-Tate, Zeta National Co-chair for the March of Dimes, whose enthusiasm for this cause has become contagious throughout our chapter.

Although the chapter works hard, it also finds time to play and strengthen the bond of sisterhood among members through monthly Finer Fellowships. Chapter members truly embody the principles the organization was founded upon and “it’s [always] a great day to be a Zeta in Sigma Xi Zeta.”



SIGMA XI ZETA CHAPTER, MORRISVILLE, NC Sigma Xi Zeta believes that “Blazing New Paths” is more than mere words; it’s an avenue for incubating new ideas and for implementing programs based on community needs. Since its inception, the chapter has continued to pave the way and make an impact on the Morrisville community. Long before the implementation of Adopt-A-School and Elder Care, Sigma Xi Zeta was championing these causes. Through annual supply drives, the chapter has donated over $5,000 in materials to students and schools in need and has provided meals and snacks to teachers and administrators, recognizing them for all they do. The chapter has also adopted the “Over and Under Club” of Morrisville which provides an avenue for seniors to remain active and socialize with one another. Other Elder Care programs include hosting game nights at various assisted living facilities and the chapter’s signature “Circle of Elders” which recognizes women ages 70 years and older who have given true meaning to the word “service” to their communities, families, and professions. An area of recent focus has been the establishment of chapter auxiliaries. In 2012, the chapter was the first in North Carolina and the Eastern Region to establish a Zeta Male Network. In 2013, the chapter established Zeta Amicae and expanded the youth program to include Amicettes. These groups continue to grow and be supportive of chapter programs while also implementing their own projects. Sigma Xi Zeta has also focused on social action through GET ENGAGED. This year, the chapter celebrated its 15th anniversary with a purpose by honoring African-American women police chiefs. After recognizing that NC had the highest number it has 130 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

UPSILON XI ZETA CHAPTER, PLYMOUTH, NC One of our favorite Adopt a School projects is called Zeta Zeal. Teachers at two of our local elementary schools, Pines and Creswell, nominate students who have displayed good behavior and made positive contributions. We select three students per school each month. Our project starts in September and it ends in May. This is our third year. Jacqueline Maloney, the Principal at Pines Elementary stated, “The thought of ‘Caught Being Good’ and being rewarded with academic gifts, games, and a sense of worth means a lot to staff and students alike. It’s a message that hard work does pay off! I am honored to have the Zetas join us again for the 2017-2018 school year.” Sorors chat with the winners and encourage them to continue their efforts. Students want to know when the ladies in blue will return again. This project has generated lots of rewarding comments about Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and our chapter.  ZETA CHI ZETA CHAPTER, GOLDSBORO, NC Zeta Chi Zeta Chapter was chartered on April 15, 1967 in Zeta Chi Zeta Chapter was chartered on April 15, 1967 in Goldsboro, NC. The chapter celebrated a momentous occasion this year, our 50th Anniversary. A luncheon was held to honor our charter members and Zeta Doves. In the last fifty years Zeta Chi Zeta Chapter has served the local community through programs that have provided care to our elderly, tutoring and mentorship to


students, assistance to our veterans, and financial support for March of Dimes. In the past four years, our chapter has participated in Zeta’s Z-HOPE programs. These include: •

Adopt-A-School: Served as proctors and mentors and donated school supplies.

Our Elder Care Program began in 2013, by assisting local residents at Assistance Living with fellowship and fun. We sponsored an Affordable Care Act program.

We have participated in the March of Dimes Walk for the past three years and our Youth Auxiliary sponsored a March of Dimes Mall-a-thon.

The Zeta Chi Zeta Educational Scholarship was established in 2014 and in our first year four $500 scholarships were awarded to deserving seniors. For The National Military Inactive, Women Veteran Rock was held at a local Veteran Home and donated items were presented. On St. Jude Day of Hope our Sorors attended church service and we have donated $1,400 to St. Jude Hospital for the care of children over the past two years.

The Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter was chartered July 19, 2015 with 13 members. Since the chartering the chapter has accomplished many milestones. The Chapter has served the community by implementing several Z-HOPE programs such as Adopt A School, Elder Care, Voter Registration, Military Appreciation Week, Prematurity Awareness and many more. The Get-Engaged program has been an excellent opportunity for Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter to become oriented and involved in community activities in the Scotland, Richmond, and Hoke counties. The chapter has established two Signature Programs, The Voices of Thunder (2015) which honored five local ministers for their service to the community and the Little Miss Blue Revue in 2016 with area contestants. Within the two years the chapter has awarded six scholarships to high school seniors. Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter is proud to have chartered the largest Amicae Auxiliary in the history of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., chartering on November 26, 2016 with 26 members. The chapter has also formed all three youth auxiliaries. Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter is proud to have grown from 13 members to the current 21 members in two years and continues to actively strive to recruit new members. Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter has received awards at the state and regional levels for the accomplishments in areas of Z-HOPE programs for 2015 and 2016 and has Sorors that have been recognized with awards from the State and Regional levels. Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter made history on November 26, 2016, but there is room for this ‘Elite’ chapter to continue growing, making history and “Building on the Principles of Zeta, while Blazing New Paths.”

The Youth Auxiliary, Archonettes and Amicettes, have attended Zeta Youth Retreats. The Youth have held several book giveaways, sponsored programs at assisted living home and provided family gift baskets during the holidays. For scholarship we hold Miss Blue Revue and Miss Jr. Blue Revue Pageant every two years. Contestants are presented to society and funds are raised for college scholarships. In the past four years, our chapter has grown by 11 new Sorors and five reclaims; and 20 Sorors were inducted into Zeta Legacy. Sorors have been certified in the Membership Intake Process, and the Youth and Amicae Sponsor Training. We are very proud of our five Octogenarians (Sorors 80 years of age plus). Zeta Chi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. will continue to be a source of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood to our community and Sorority. We believe our achievements are imperative to our mission of building on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths. 

 LAMBDA MU CHAPTER, EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY, GREENVILLE, NC Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Lambda Mu Chapter has never failed to be extremely active on East Carolina University’s campus, exemplifying all of Zeta’s principles. Reflecting on Lambda Mu Chapter’s overall excellence, we have always been succeeding and are getting better. In 2012 Sorors participated in March of Dimes Walk for Babies, 5th Street clean up, and held a Zeta car wash to raise money for the chapter. We held programs such as “Why So Blue” that raised THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 131

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS MU OMICRON CHAPTER, APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY, BOONE, NC The Mu Omicron Chapter at Appalachian State University was rechartered on November 13, 2015 by six women. Since then we have won six awards for our programming and service to the campus, and our Basileus has won two awards for her leadership in the Greek community. From the Student Organization and Leadership Award, selected from all campus clubs and organizations, we won the Best New Organization on Campus Award (2016), the Leaders in Action Award (2017), and the Out of the Box Award (2017). From the Office of Multicultural Student Development, we won the Commitment to Community Service Award in spring of 2017. From the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life we were awarded the Community Impact Award (2016) and NPHC Sorority of the Year in the fall of 2017. awareness for depression and “Sister Talk” which helped ECU students become more aware of HIV/AIDS. From 2013 to the present day, Lambda Mu Chapter has held a plethora of events. “Real tipZy” emphasized the awareness of drug and alcohol abuse and “LightZ OUT” featured a self-defense and boxing seminar. By utilizing school resources and community partners we are allowed to serve weekly at Third Street Academy School for Boys teaching them the history of stepping. We also raised using “Oh So Sweet TreatZ” bake sale profits for March of Dimes. Honoring our first principle, Scholarship, Lambda Mu Chapter has consecutively been awarded highest GPA in NPHC. During Zeta Week this semester, we held events like “ViZion Board” and utilized a guest speaker from ECU Career Services to talk to students about a plan after college. Lambda Mu Chapter never hesitates to encourage Greek unity in ECU’s National Pan-Hellenic Council. The chapter has collaborated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Eta Mu Chapter for Study Zone educational program, and with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Eta Nu Chapter for “Black & Blue” domestic awareness program.

We are proud of these awards because they reflect our commitment to service, education, and the spirit of Finer Womanhood. We were named Best New Organization on Campus after only our first semester of work for our programming during our first Finer Womanhood Week, and our outstanding number of community service hours. We have held many events in the semesters since, including several Prematurity Awareness Weeks with the recurring events of a “Cutest Baby Contest,” and “Bowling for Babies” to raise money for March of Dimes. We hosted a viewing and dialogue on a short natural hair documentary, “You Can Touch My Hair,” and have had several donation drives for local women and family shelters, and military veterans. Our collaborations with other organizations include an NPHC Voter’s Rights program, a bake sale with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, “Zumba with the Zetas” with Zeta Tau Alpha Chapter, and a program on mental health in the African American community with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. In the last two years, we have had two graduate Sorors and have brought in ten new members. We have been grateful to see them continue in the legacy of hard work and international programming that our six re-chartering members began.

To embrace our sisterhood, the chapter has held potlucks, Blue and White socials, dinner parties and more. We have also held and participated in numerous ECU yard showcases and have Sorors who have consecutively won university step shows. Lambda Mu Chapter Basileus M’Kyla Walker states, “The chapter continues to be proactive and makes a tremendous difference on ECU’s campus by uplifting others and continuing to serve the community of Greenville. Every year chapter members present creative ideas and plans to spread our impact to others. I see the chapter not only focusing in the Greenville area, but making a difference in the Eastern Region and expanding beyond.”  132 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 OMEGA NU CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA GREENSBORO, GREENSBORO, NC Omega Nu Chapter was chartered on the campus of University of North Carolina at Greensboro on March 15, 1989. Within our

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.” Acts 20:35 NIV Our membership includes President Angelia Adam, Vice President Vinnetta Queen, Historian Daniella Dixon, Parliamentarian Alberta Prince, Treasurer Rhonda Tue, Secretary Vanessa Ruffin, Helen Floyd, Buffy Griffin, Kitty Holliman, Talmasha Turner, Ramona Conley, and Shandra Blocker. We are proud to announce that one of our members, Buffy Griffin, has been elected to serve as NC State Amicae Parliamentarian. ZAC is proud of our present and upcoming annual events as we continue to serve. Events include Sisterhood Rainbow Tea, Bowling for Babies (March of Dimes) 50/50 raffle, Anniversary Luncheon, donations to various non-profits and other organizations, and book drives. Our goal was to collect 40 new or gently used books; we collected over 150. Our first donation of books was to the Fred Wilson Elementary School, Kannapolis, NC.

sisterhood we pride ourselves on all of Zeta’s principles, but the one that we are highlighting is Service. In early 2017 we revived our Adopt-A-Street on Aycock Street. This street is located next to our university and it is also the street that our former chapter members originally adopted. Twice every month on Saturday mornings, we clean our Adopt-A-Street so that we maintain a safer and cleaner environment for the city of Greensboro and our college community. 

ZETA AMICAE OF CHARLOTTE, NC Zeta Amicae of Charlotte, NC (ZAC) auxiliary was established in 1978. In 2018 we will be celebrating our 40th year of serving our community. Zeta Amicae of Charlotte has grown from nine to 12 members in the past year and is looking forward to more growth in the future. We love and appreciate our community. ZAC Auxiliary’s motto is “International Service, International Celebration” and our scripture is, “In everything I did, I showed

Additional activities include Z-HOPE Coat drive with coats donated to Steve’s Coats, Prematurity Awareness Sunday, a donation of 40 items to Friend Nikita Lindsay for her annual Haiti mission trip, and 40 shoe boxes with personal care items donated to a shelter or program for children and women. ZAC has so much more to do as we serve others. 

ZETA AMICAE OF LAURINBURG, NC The Zeta Amicae of Laurinburg, NC was chartered as the largest auxiliary in the history of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. on November 26, 2016 with 26 members. Since the beginning of our existence the auxiliary has served the community through several community service programs, both independently and in conjunction with their sponsoring chapter Alpha Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. of Laurinburg, NC. The Zeta Amicae of Laurinburg, NC have participated in Highway THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 133

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS Beautification, Adopt A School, Elder Care; and, they held their first scholarship fundraiser, “Baby Boy In Blue Pageant”. The Zeta Amicae of Laurinburg are extremely excited about being able to offer two scholarships for deserving high school students with plans to attend a community college. The Zeta Amicae of Laurinburg, NC, are serving the community and are making a difference to others. We are proud to be a part of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and look forward to serving our community by providing Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. Recently, two of our members, Amica Christal Johnson and Amica Tatianna Peyton, were recognized by the Eastern Region’s “She’s So Electrifying” Stellar Performing Recognition Program.

(2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018), and Outstanding Graduate Chapter, Commonwealth of Virginia (2013 – 2016).


SMART goals were driven by national initiatives and we implemented all prongs of the Elder Care, adopted JL Francis Elementary School, raised funds for “the House”, and honored Veterans through Operation Homefront (2013), etc. Other initiatives supported include Wild Life, March of Dimes, St. Jude’s and Stork’s Nest. Team APhiZ hosted three Cotillions (2012-2017) for proceeds toward college scholarships for young ladies. Service is what we do!


The chapter thrives because its members excel! During this Administration nine members were inducted in the National Legacy Club, Boulé 2016; two, Eastern Region Hall of Fame; four, Eastern Region Stellar Performers; and, approximately fifteen, ZOL-certified. Team APhiZ includes the 13th Eastern Regional Director (Soror Marilyn A. Brooks), Diamond Life Members, Life Members, Regional Officers and Appointees, and State Officers and Appointees. One member served on the National MIP Review Committee (2012-2013).

Through its accomplishments, the chapter lives Grand Wright’s belief that “A Good Zeta is a Well-Informed Zeta.” Thank you to Eastern Regional Director T. Diane Surgeon, Esq., and State Director Amelia Hunt for their guidance and support! “Building on the Principles of Zeta,” we commit to being “Premier” as we move toward Centennial and beyond.  ALPHA PHI ZETA CHAPTER, RICHMOND, VA Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter Turns Platinum: During the administration of International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter turned 75 years old. With the vision of being a Premier Chapter in Zeta by meeting or exceeding all national goals, Alpha Phi Zeta aged well! Since its 1942 chartering, Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter has served Richmond, VA (RVA) intentionally! Four phenomenal Basilei inspired achievement during Dr. Wright’s Administration: Delquency Capers (2012-2013), Nancy Watkins Flanagan (20132015), Tiffany Coleman (2015-2016), and Violet Mensah (20172018). Toward becoming a “Premier Chapter: Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths,” membership peaked in 2014 to 65 financial members (25 percent growth). Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter is diverse, ranging from 21 to 90 years old, including the chapter’s only living Charter Member Soror Olivia Jones. Continually achieving its vision, Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter (Team APhiZ) was recognized on all levels of Zeta during this Administration: Boulé 1st Place Outstanding Support of Elder Care (2016), Eastern Region Outstanding Graduate Chapter 134 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

BETA THETA ZETA CHAPTER, NORFOLK, VA The women of the Beta Theta Zeta Chapter have been serving the people and communities in Norfolk, Virginia for over 73 years while upholding the principles of our illustrious sorority Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. During the last six years our chapter, along with our Auxiliaries, Amicae, Archonettes and Pearlettes, have supported the sorority’s national initiatives by raising over $10,000 for the March for Babies Walks and over $3000 for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, donating wigs to the American Cancer Society, supporting our military – active and retired, visiting and participating in interactive games and craft time with the elderly, providing school supplies and mentoring at the local elementary school, and sponsoring a Stork’s Nest. We have volunteered time and resources preparing

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS Thanksgiving food baskets, doing quarterly clean-ups for the Norfolk Keep Clean Adopt-A-Spot program, prepared casseroles for the United Way Southampton Roads Agencies, and stuffed and delivered Christmas stockings for The Salvation Army. We stay engaged through Social Action programs such as Zeta Day at the Chapter and by co-hosting a program, “Bridging the Gap Between the Community and Law Enforcement” with the local Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated, Beta Sigma Chapter. During the 2016-2017 year, the Chapter was proud to honor one of our dear triumphant chapter Sorors by presenting the inaugural “Senator Yvonne B. Miller: Walking in Her Footsteps Scholarship.” Soror Yvonne B. Miller was a life member and was a trailblazer by being the first African-American female to be elected to both the House and Senate in Virginia. Her commitment to the sorority’s principles and the community, especially the youth, reflected in every walk of her life. The chapter awarded two $500 scholarships to local high school female seniors who exemplified high scholastic achievement and the true meaning of giving back to her community. We will continue this effort annually. In celebrating true Sisterhood, we support each other through our annual retreats and sisterly outings that promote fun, laughter and fellowship. We also partner with our local Zeta and Sigma chapters to celebrate Founders’ Day and host an annual Blue and White cookout. 

awareness through our national March of Dimes partnership. The chapter executes many of its Z-HOPE initiatives through its 501(c)3 foundation, Helping Alexandria Virginians Excel (H.A.V.E.). The Nu Xi Zeta H.A.V.E. Foundation has sponsored multiple programs including a STEM program facilitated by Best Buy Geek Squad to engage teenage youth. The workshops included video gaming, digital photography, rocketry, and robotics. The foundation has also awarded over $50,000 in college scholarships since its inception in 2011. Other service projects include: Read Across America in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, which promoted literacy for hundreds of youth in the Alexandria area; the “Last Saturday Food Distribution Program” in partnership with nonprofit ALIVE! to donate food to those in need; conducting resume writing and financial literacy workshops for Community Lodgings; and The Carpenter’s Shelter, non-profits dedicated to helping families overcome homelessness. At its biennial luncheon, Nu Xi Zeta Honors, the chapter raises money for its programs and awards its scholarship recipients while recognizing outstanding community leaders. Past recipients include Ms. Lavern Chatman, philanthropist and former Northern Virginia Urban League President and CEO, former Alexandria Mayor Mr. Bill Euille, and Mr. Earl Stafford, well known entrepreneur and philanthropist. The Nu Xi Zeta Chapter continues to honor and partner with individuals and organizations to serve and leave a lasting legacy in the Alexandria, Virginia community. 

NU XI ZETA CHAPTER, ALEXANDRIA, VA Over the past 30 years, the Nu Xi Zeta Chapter in Alexandria, Virginia has focused on community outreach to fight hunger and support the elderly, promoting health and literacy, awarding scholarships, STEM learning, and professional development. To provide a greater voice for these communities, the chapter utilizes the GET ENGAGED (TM) program to educate our community on key issues and engage with elected officials. Under the leadership of International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Wright, in partnership with AARP, we presented a caregiver worship as a part of the National Elder Care initiative with Eastern Regional Director and National Program Director T. Diane Surgeon, Esq. in attendance. The chapter also consistently promotes prematurity

OMEGA PHI ZETA CHAPTER, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA Chartered May 18, 2013, the service minded sisters of Omega Phi Zeta Chapter shared our talents through meaningful ways in the community. One project was Adopt-A-Street. Participates are THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 135

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS required to adopt for a minimum of two years, review safety and other guidelines, and have approved application on file with the Public Service Division. A second project was the Daughters of Zion Cemetery which has been neglected for years. Daughters of Zion Cemetery was established in 1873 by the Daughters of Zion, a charitable organization of African-American women, in response to the segregated burial policies of the adjacent Oakwood Cemetery. Omega Phi Zeta Chapter did not adopt the cemetery itself but focused attention on the adjacent street and enhanced the entrance to both sides of the narrow roadway leading to the cemetery. The project triggered attention and a marker was established in 2015. Additional projects along with continual chapter growth have led to the emergence of true sisterhood among Omega Phi Zeta Chapter members. 

During the past six years, OTZ Sorors and Youth Affiliates have remained one of the top March of Dimes fundraising chapters in the Eastern Region. OTZ has raised over $20,000 over the last three years and placed first in the Eastern Region in 2015 and 2016 and third Nationally in Zeta in 2016 at the Boulé. OTZ salutes and honors our military via Military Appreciation Month with a food drive for military families and we have adopted a military family for the holidays; we also contribute to Women Veterans ROCK! yearly. Last Year on the Zeta Day of Service the Chapter collected over 400 pounds of food for a local food pantry. The Chapter has partnered with the American Cancer Society in the collection of wigs; made monthly food distributions for the needy; cooked and served the homeless at the Eleanor Kennedy Shelter, and we have helped to pack and deliver food with Project Give Back yearly. OTZ will continue to leave our mark as we engage and make a difference in Fairfax County. 

OMICRON THETA ZETA CHAPTER, FAIRFAX, VA PHI KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, WOODBRIDGE, VA Omicron Theta Zeta (OTZ) Chapter has been on a mission to create partnerships that impact lives in Fairfax County Virginia since its founding. The Chapter has held annual health fairs and awarded over $30,000 in scholarships over the past six years. OTZ has worked closely with local community organizations and implemented service and social action projects that mirror our national initiatives. Currently, OTZ operates the only Stork’s Nest in Northern VA and has partnered with The League of Women Voters in sponsoring Meet the Candidates Forums and voter registration drives. In 2012 OTZ adopted Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School. The Chapter and Amicae have participated in Read-AcrossAmerica, tutored numerous students in math and reading, and we have donated new books, school supplies, and winter coats to students in need. In 2014 OTZ Sorors took first place in the Eastern Region for the Sunday of Hope Campaign raising funds for St. Jude’s Hospital. OTZ conducted a Go4Fit seminar for senior citizens, offered seminars that assists seniors in organizing financial and medical documents, and facilitated a senior citizens panel discussion.


When Phi Kappa Zeta Chapter was charted in 2007, its members never imagined just how fast it would excel in growth and accomplishments. Our focus is always on embracing Recruitment, Reclamation and Retention to improve chapter and auxiliary membership. Over the past five years we have increased Zeta membership by inducting 26 new members, and activating our Archonettes and Amicae auxiliaries. We are proud to announce that we are celebrating ten years of service in the Woodbridge community. As leaders in the community, we accepted the charge to “GET ENGAGED.” Never tiring in our efforts, we want the Woodbridge community to know and remember Phi Kappa Zeta Chapter is here to serve and uplift the community by setting our standards to never accept anything less than our principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Over the years, we have had many successes and are proud of our collaboration. This collaboration helps bridge the gaps and strengthen relationships to enhance better communications. Our Z-HOPE initiatives includes partnering with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington to provide free CPR training for 300

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS families in Woodbridge. Each participant was provided a free CPR kit to take home to train their families. PKZ partnered with the National Coalition of 100 Black Women and provided 13 informational workshops on diabetes and the importance of getting colonoscopies. PKZ has donated over $20,000 to March for Babies. Other notable highlights include: •

2015 Women’s Expo event that highlighted businesses own by women and provided another way for women business to network.

Road to College Workshop that provided parents and students information and tools needed to navigate through the college application process.

Scholarship Workshops that provided young ladies who applied for Phi Kappa Zeta Chapter’s scholarship activities in experience of essay writing and community service involvement.

Donated over $2,500 to Prince William Literacy Volunteers. All funds went towards buying supplies needed to continue to their work in the community.

Paid over $30,000 in Scholarships funds.

As we move forward, it is our goal to bring about change in Woodbridge, Virginia. 

months for our homeless population, SDZ began its annual Sock Drive in 2013. The Chapter has partnered with Richmond Department of Social Services, Homeless Point of Entry and FeedMore to distribute donated socks to those in need. On average 300 pairs of socks are collected yearly. In 2015 SDZ held the first Youth Leadership Conference. Youth from Henrico and Northern Virginia Chapters participated in workshops on public speaking, healthy eating, entrepreneurship, and a fitness workout. On March 18, 2016, SDZ celebrated its 15th chartering anniversary. Since 2012 we have initiated 13 new members into the sisterhood. This year on our chartering date we held a Women’s Empowerment Workshop in recognition of Finer Womanhood Month with speakers discussing mental, financial, and physical wellness. In 2016 SDZ sought to honor Soror Darlene Laverne Hamilton, an exemplary champion for children, by establishing a scholarship fund in her name. Triumphant Soror Hamilton was born on January 16, 1965 and entered eternal rest on March 12, 2004. Darlene graduated from Henrico High School and was an alumna of James Madison University. Triumphant Soror Hamilton was active in her home church of Mt. Vernon Baptist as a member, choir director and youth leader. She worked tirelessly for the United Way, Friends Association for Children, and was of a dear member of Sigma Delta Zeta Chapter. The D.L. Hamilton Memorial Scholarship awards up to $500 in book scholarships to local graduating high school seniors from Henrico County Public Schools who will be matriculating at a college or university. This scholarship operates in partnership with the National Education Foundation. 

SIGMA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, HENRICO, VA Dating back to 2012, Sigma Delta Zeta Chapter in Henrico, Virginia has embarked on a mission to live out our principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. SDZ has built several partnerships to serve the community: Richmond and Henrico’s Adopt A Street program, supporting families at the Ronald McDonald House, fundraising annually for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and March for Babies walks, and participating in NPHC Metro Richmond’s Adopt A Street and Habitat ReStore clean ups. As the risk for hypothermia to extremities rises in the winter

UPSILON EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, LAWRENCEVILLE, VA Upsilon Epsilon Zeta Chapter is composed of women who come together for the greater purpose of the three counties we proudly service - Brunswick, Mecklenburg and Greensville. We are a smaller Chapter; however, we make our numbers count. Service and Scholarship have been the forefront of our community activities. In support of the Zeta Elder Care Initiative the chapter has THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 137

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS partnered with Southside Senior Citizens Center and sponsored Nutritional and Fraud Prevention workshops. In addition, the chapter’s Blue Hat Program focused on the sorority’s ideal of Finer Womanhood and “Get Fit, Stay Fit” activities. Wearing blue hats, the seniors were looking finer while getting fit. A group fitness instructor demonstrated “Get Fit” exercises that seniors could do sitting down or standing up. Each participant received a souvenir bag and certificate of participation. The chapter’s Wigs for Awareness campaign has been successful due to wig donations from local beauty stores, hairstylists, chapter members and monetary donations from a local church. What makes the chapter members excited about this initiative is that community members are thrilled to donate wigs in support. Throughout the year, the chapter participates in community service activities including Prematurity and Breast Cancer Awareness, Heart Health Month, Military Appreciation Week, Z-Pack It Up, MLK Walk, sponsoring of Thanksgiving and Christmas families, Bingo Night and “Dimes for Doves” collection of coins in support of the March of Dimes. Annually, Upsilon Epsilon Zeta Chapter awards $1500 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors from the area pursuing a college degree. The chapter takes delight in their youth groups as we mentor and encourage young girls to follow in our footsteps. Upsilon Epsilon Zeta Chapter’s catchphrase is, “I say YEZ to Zeta, because the work of Zeta is never done.” Upsilon Epsilon Zeta Chapter will continue “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths.” We are a chapter never tiring in our efforts to serve the community.

who had the privilege of being part of Zeta’s history. Since AAAZ chartering we have been blazing paths and have become a strong force within the Planning District 16 community. AAAZ has impacted Zeta and the community by partnering with Hope House of Virginia (delivering toiletries and kitchen supplies) and volunteering at the Hope House’s first annual Bags of Hope silent and live auction; participating in Back- to-School book bag and school supply book-drive for students in need through the Healthy Families of Rappahannock Area; the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Walk; moderating a candidates’ forum with Stafford NAACP; and registering voters for the 2016 Presidential elections. We participated in the national March of Dimes Prematurity Campaign initiatives for Premature Babies by raising thousands of dollars toward this charity, and we raised funds for Wigs for Awareness and Wreath Across America. AAAZ partnered with VDOT through Adopt-A-Highway Program and acquired a two mile stretch of highway with our sign in keeping Virginia beautiful. In addition, we participated in our National Elder Care Initiatives by assisting patients at Bickford Assisted Living facility, Poets Walk Fredericksburg Memory Care facility, and the Annual Baron “Deuce” P. Run Against Teen Violence community event (5K Run/Walk). AAAZ supported the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank community service program by stuffing boxes for the less fortunate. We also initiated Zetas That Pray Together Sisterhood event in which we come together to worship at each member’s church or other community churches. Our chapter takes pride in all that we do for Zeta. We will continue to make a positive impact and vow to continue the tradition and work of our Five Founding Pearls for the love of Zeta! 

 BETA ALPHA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, CHESAPEAKE, VA On October 16, 2016, 13 FINER Women committed to “Build on the Principles of Zeta, While Blazing New Paths” serving the citizens of Chesapeake, Virginia.

ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER, FREDERICKSBURG, VA Alpha Alpha Alpha Zeta (AAAZ) Chapter of Fredericksburg, VA was chartered on September 21, 2013, as Zeta’s first four-letter chapter at our International Headquarters in the electrifying Eastern Region. Sorors Sukeena Stephens, Krysta Jones, Mary Dickey, Thelma Smith and Jessica Stringer were the five “Finer” professional women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, 138 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Since that time, this graduate chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has continuously helped other people excel through mind, body, and spirit implementing our organization’s Z-HOPE initiative. We have donated, collected and delivered children’s books for the JCA Foundation, regularly provided food for the homeless, provided toiletries to assist homeless veteran’s, partnered with the Chesapeake’s Sheriff ’s Department to deliver food to seniors, partnered with Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia to stuff over 500 bags for the attendees of the Art of Healthy Aging Expo, provided monthly activities for the residents of Lighthouse Pointe Assisted Living Facility, provided gifts and singing for the residents of Carrington Place, hosted Voter Registration Drives, provided supplies and packed the truck for hurricane relief, hosted two “Breast Cancer Conversation” events, participated in the Bra-HaHa, raised funds and walked for the Out of Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention, One Walk to Fund a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes

EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS RHO NU CHAPTER, OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY, NORFOLK, VA Rho Nu Chapter continues to hold the principles of Zeta high. We have been dedicated to our true cause since 1987. We have multiple annual programs that hold a special place in our hearts. Our “Double Cup Me” event was started in 2012 in memory of Soror Kiera Stanley’s mother. During this event, we have educated and licensed speakers discuss breast cancer and how to detect it. Another annual program is “Speak Up & Reach Out.” This is a suicide awareness program in which we have speakers discuss and share information on detecting the signs of suicide and improving mental health. A third program is “PerceptionZ.” During this program we elaborate on the dangers and effects of believing common misconceptions and stereotypes. Also, each year we have multiple events and tables to raise awareness for March of Dimes. We ranked nine out of 31 Greek letter organizations in the grade report for Spring 2017. Multiple Sorors have received awards and scholarships in 2017. We continue to strive for academic success.

and the March for Babies. We were the top Zeta chapter for fundraising in Hampton Roads. Additionally, for two years we have hosted Prematurity Awareness observances at three Chesapeake churches while also honoring those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.  GAMMA ALPHA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, FRANKLIN/ SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VA Our chapter was officially chartered during the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Leadership Conference on November 18, 2017. Our charter members include (l-r): Sorors Yamika Bennett, Mindy Purvis, Marchelle Williams, Carla Morrow, Tennielle Brown, and Suzette Thomas. Collectively and professionally we serve our community in the fields of agriculture, education, mental health, and social work. We are ready to work!

Rho Nu Chapter collected over 450 books in 2016 for the literacy development program in the Slave Castle Children’s Library, Cape Coast, Ghana. We continuously participate in community clean ups and breast cancer walks in an effort to positively affect our community. We hosted a wig donation drive for the entire month of October 2017 to collect wigs for the American Cancer Society. Also, we partnered with Omega Phi Beta, United Way, and ODU to raise monetary donations for hurricane relief. Rho Nu Chapter has received numerous awards over the last few years. In 2014 we won the NPHC Outstanding Chapter of the Year Award at the Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards. At the State Conference in Fall 2015, we received First place Z-HOPE, Second place Outstanding Undergraduate Chapter, and the Strive for Five Undergraduate Award. In Spring 2016 at the Eastern Regional Conference, we received first place for most money raised by an undergraduate chapter in our region for MOD. Also, we received second place for most money raised out of all undergraduate chapters for MOD.



EASTERN REGION CHAPTERS We have been on a roll with stepshows! We won the Stomp Fest at William & Mary in Fall 2015 and Fall 2016. We are also the defending champions for ODU’s Homecoming Stepshow, winning in Fall 2016. Rho Nu Chapter continues to strive for greatness. We will always hold our Zeta light high.

April 2016 - The Amicae raised funds for the March for Babies held April 30.

Amica Virginia Powell was one of the 2016 Exemplar Awards Honorees for Servant Leadership.

April 2017 – Amica Ancetria Ward was one of the 2017 Exemplar Awards Honorees for Servant Leadership.

September 2016 - Twenty-five book bags were donated by Zeta Amicae of Portsmouth to Crestwood Intermediate School (CWI), Chesapeake, VA.

November 2016 - Amicae participated in the Turkey Give Away Event. Amicae participated in Crestwood Elementary School’s Adopt-A-School project by donating seven loaves of bread from each member.

February 2017 - Amicae made a $25 donation to the chapter for the Chapter’s Soul Food Event. The Zeta Amicae of Portsmouth, VA continues to serve the community and support Zeta initiatives.




ZETA AMICAE OF PORTSMOUTH, VA On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, the chartering ceremony for the Zeta Amicae of Portsmouth was held at the home of Amica Jeanette Williams, Norfolk, VA. A celebratory reception was held immediately following the ceremony. The ceremony was conducted by Eastern Region Director T. Diane Surgeon, Esq. and State Director Amelia Hunt McIntyre. The Auxiliary was recognized as a newly chartered auxiliary during the March 2015 Eastern Region Leadership Conference, Hampton, VA. The Zeta Amicae regularly participates in Z-HOPE activities and fundraisers and assists with the scholarship efforts of our chapter, Zeta Pi Zeta Chapter, Portsmouth VA. Our Amicae remain active by supporting Zeta Pi Zeta Chapter in attending conferences at the State and Regional levels and in social action. Our presence and service to the community is highlighted in the following: •

January 2016 - The Zeta Amicae of Portsmouth/Chesapeake contributed 25 pairs of socks for the Holiday Z-HOPE project at Bells Residential and Pruden Place and Amica Virginia Powell attended.

The Amicae collaborated with the Archonettes for the 2016 “Redeem The Dream Step Show” by volunteering for the event and hosting the 50/50 raffle as a fundraiser where they raised $42.

March 2016 - Amicae submitted the $25 donation from the Zeta Amicae of Portsmouth to Z-NEF.


THETA ZETA CHAPTER, BLUEFIELD, WV The Theta Zeta Chapter was reactivated in 2012 under the guidance of Soror Janet Boyd, who work tirelessly to reactive and restore the chapters in WV. The chapter was able to reactivate with 5 members, and membership has grown to 7 (currently). In 2016 the chapter sponsored its first undergraduate chapter, Eta Omicron of Morgantown, WV. We were also able to participate in several National initiatives- March of Dimes, Women Veterans ROCK, and Relay for Life. In 2017, under the direction of Soror Dr. Laurice Morton, the chapter was able to sponsor its first Amicae Auxiliary for WV- Zeta Amicae of Bluefield, WV. This year we had the largest participation with our Prematurity Awareness project; spreading information to over 80 people around the Bluefield, WV and VA region. Our chapter is growing, and our willingness to grow in Zeta shines in our great works that we have done in the community.

GreaterGREAT LAKES REGION As an undergraduate, Soror Michelle Porter Norman always dreamed of being the Great Lakes Regional Director. Appointed Regional Director on August 2, 2012 and then suffering a stroke on September 20, 2012, her dream almost ended. By the grace and blessing of God Almighty and with the confidence and support of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, a dream became a reality. Thank you Grand Wright for having faith, making a dream come true and allowing a great Soror to serve the GREATEST region as its leader. She was then elevated to Chair of the Regional Directors in July 2014 - a very distinct honor. Greater & Greatness are the defining words of this region. The birthplace of two of our five Founders, this region is often referred to as the heart and soul of Zeta. The states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin collectively led a movement in 2012 by uniting to rally behind a visionary leader in Soror Mary Breaux Wright as she began her administration “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths.” A passionate leader, Regional Director Porter Norman motivated, mentored and inspired her region with the tag line “We are not the largest region, we are not the smallest region, but we are the GREATEST region.” This became the rallying cry for this administration.

Michelle Porter Norman Great Lakes Regional Director 2012-2018 Chair, Regional Directors 2014-2018

From GREAT to the GREATEST, the Great Lakes Region has accomplished so much during the WRIGHT Administration. As the region to set it off, the Great Lakes Region started the “Burn the Mortgage Campaign” at their 2013 regional conference when Soror LaDonna Carr said, “I smell something burning” and the campaign was off to the races. During the 2013 ZOL in Indianapolis - the first to ever be held outside of Washington, DC, the region presented Grand Basileus Wright with a check for $20,000 ... again setting an example for others to follow. Special thanks to the team of State Directors for their hard work, sacrifices and commitment to the region. Much appreciation to the elected officers and the regional appointees who also played a part in the region’s success. Great Lakes Regional and State Directors


Illinois: Connie V. Pugh, 2012-2018

Ohio: LaRita MJ Smith, 2012-2018

Indiana: Susan D. Johnson, Ph.D., 2012-2016; Janice Nichols, 2016-2018

Wisconsin: Milika Miller, 2012-2018

Kentucky: Keisha D. Smith, 2012-2018


Michigan: Elner Bailey Taylor, 2012-2014; Tonia Jenkins, 2014-2018

Omega Pi Zeta, Evanston (IL), November 9, 2012

Alpha Alpha Delta Zeta, Beloit (WI), November 9, 2013

Minnesota: Bernadette D. Harrell, Ph.D., 2012-2018

Alpha Alpha Iota Zeta, Murray (KY), March 29, 2014


GREAT LAKES REGION Great Lakes Region Zeta Amicae

Alpha Alpha Mu Zeta, Kenton County (KY), September 13, 2014

Zeta Amicae of Sturdevant, WI

Zeta Amicae of Cleveland, OH

Pi Upsilon, Georgetown College, Georgetown (KY), November 9, 2014

Zeta Amicae of Dolton, IL

Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta, Aurora (IL); April 2, 2015

Zeta Amicae of Columbus, OH

Alpha Phi, University of Illinois at Springfield (IL), April 9, 2016

Zeta Amicae of Fort Wayne, IN

Beta Alpha Xi Zeta, Louisville (KY), September 3, 2016


Gamma Alpha Zeta Zeta, Mt Pleasant, MI, February 24, 2018

Awarded over $30,000 in scholarships

Theta Phi, University of Michigan at Dearborn, March 10, 2018

Contributed $10,000 to the Z-NEF

Mu Phi Chapter, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, April 22, 2018

Established the Frances E. Faithful Legacy Scholarship

Sponsored two undergraduates, 2014 Boulé, Washington, DC


Sponsored eight undergraduates, 2016 Boulé in Orlando, FL

Beta Epsilon, Ohio University (OH), Spring 2013

Sponsored eight undergraduates, 2018 Boulé in New Orleans, LA

Tau Nu, Ball State University (IN), Spring 2014

Sponsored four undergraduates, 2013 ZOL in Indianapolis, IN

Mu Lambda, Eastern Kentucky University (KY), Spring 2014

Sponsored four undergraduates, 2015 ZOL in Washington, DC

Tau Delta, Western Michigan University (MI), Spring 2014

Sponsored four undergraduates, 2017 ZOL in Washington, DC

Lambda Epsilon, Illinois State University (IL), Spring 2015

Alpha Rho, Northern Kentucky University (KY), Fall 2014


Delta Pi, Morehead University (KY), Spring 2015

Gamma Epsilon, Wilberforce University (OH), Spring 2015

Contributed over $35,000 and 10,000 items to 20 agencies at five regional conferences

Xi Gamma, Ohio State University (OH),; Spring 2015

Highest donor region to the Women Veterans ROCK Partnership in 2017

Sigma Pi Zeta, Detroit, MI, Fall 2016

Iota Theta, Indiana State University (IN), Spring 2016

Contributed financial support to the House Pantry at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN

Eta Iota, University of Wisconsin at Madison (WI), Fall 2016

Pi Delta, Eastern Michigan University (MI), Spring 2017

Beta Eta, University of Cincinnati (OH),Spring 2017

Nu Xi, Aurora University (IL), Fall 2017


Zeta Amicae of Indianapolis, IN


Zeta Amicae of Warrensville Heights, OH



Contributed $500 to the Z-NEF in the name and memory of Margaret Breaux, mother of Grand Wright

Contributed $250 to the Z-NEF in the name and memory of Joyce Underwood, mother of Past Grand Underwood

Contributed financial support to the Great Lakes Region SOS fund in support of the Flint, MI Water Drive

Contributed financial support to the Atlantic Region SOS fund in support of Hurricane Sandy


Edited the headstone of the 8th National Grand Basileus Violette Anderson to include years of life

Dedication of the Tyler Sisters Memorial on April 6, 2018 in Springfield, OH in conjunction with the 84th regional conference in Dayton, IL

Gratitude Plaque erected at International Headquarters for all donors to the Tyler Sisters Memorial Project


Contributed financial support to the Eastern Region SOS fund in support of Hurricane Matthew

Contributed financial support to the Southern Region due to the flooding in Louisiana in 2016

Contributed financial support to the Southern Region SOS fund in support of Hurricane Harvey

Contributed financial support to the Southeastern Region SOS fund in support of Hurricane Irma

• •

Hosted a spectacular 2020 GLR Centennial Launch Party

Established a $35,000 restricted account for 2020 Centennial

Home region to the 20th Past Grand Basileus Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte and 2020 Centennial Commission Chair

First region to pay $10,000 centennial visionary pledge

Home of the first Soror to pay $10,000 visionary pledge (Dorothy Franks King, Lambda Rho Zeta, Pontiac, MI)

Home of the first chapter to pay $10,000 centennial visionary pledge - Eta Chi Zeta, Joliet, IL

Home of the second chapter to pay $10,000 visionary pledge - Tau Psi Zeta, Alsip, IL

Home of the First Amicae Auxiliary to pay $10,000 visionary pledge


Developed a new regional website

Contributed financial support to Past Eastern Regional Director Tuwanna McNeely due to home fire

Established online payment of dues, regional conferences and trainings

Contributed financial support to Soror Shaketra Dorsey of IL due to home fire

Highest attendance (1,138) at any regional conference in Zeta’s History, 2016 in Louisville, KY

Highest Graduate Intake of new members: Tau Psi Zeta Chapter, Alsip, IL with 24 (Fall 2017 Nu Class)


Upgrade 1734 registry contributor of the blue cabinet on first floor

Contributed to Atlantic and Midwestern Regions’ memorial projects in honor of Founder Stemons

Contributed to Eastern Region’s memorial project in honor of Founder Neal

Contributed to Southeastern Region memorial project in honor of Founder Watts

Secured license plates for two states: Illinois and Ohio

Purchased a headstone for the 11th National Grand Basileus Blanche Thompson

Ribbon Cutting of the Tyler Sisters Memorial in Springfield, OH



Home region to the 2nd largest chapter in the sorority: Tau Psi Zeta, Alsip, IL


2013 - Indianapolis, IN (Iota Zeta); attendance:765

2014 - Cleveland, OH (Nu Theta Zeta); attendance 635

2015 - Rosemont, IL (Tau Psi Zeta); attendance 777

2016 - Louisville, KY (Eta Zeta); attendance 1138

2017 - Dearborn, MI (Zeta Nu Zeta); attendance 980

2018 - Dayton, OH (Hosted by Regional Executive Board and Regional Appointees); attendance 780


14th - Lizzie G. Miller (KY),1980-1986

15th - Vera M. Paul (IL), 1986-1990

16th - Annye P. Roberts (MI), 1990-1992

17th - Doris McAdams Stokes (OH), 1992-1996*

18th - Norma Cox Dartis (IN), 1996-2002*

19th - Ira Smith Ebbs (KY), 2002-2006

20th - Daisy L. Davis (MI), 2006-2008

21st - Alice F. Craft (IL), 2008-2010

22nd - Cynthia A. McCoy (IL), 2010-2012

* Past Chair of the Regional Directors NATIONAL ELECTED OFFICERS •

Anjylla Foster (OH), National Third Anti-Basileus, 2012-2014

Brunhilda Williams-Curington (KY), National Phylacter, 20122016

Brenda R. Reed, National Trustee (MI), 2014-2018

Patricia E. Jones (OH), National Graduate Member-at-Large, 2012-2016

Andrea Buckley (MI), Undergraduate Member-at-Large, 20162018

Shirley Stansberry, Ph.D. (MI), Graduate Member to the Executive Committee, 2012-2014

Tamara Manning Gordon (OH), Graduate Member to the Executive Committee, 2016-2018

Jessica Holden (IL), Undergraduate Representative to the National Nominating Committee, 2012-2014

Symona Gregory (OH), Undergraduate Representative to the National Nominating Committee ,2014-2016

Evelyn L. Byrdsong, (IL), Z-NEF Board of Managers, 2012-2014

Patricia E. Jones, (OH), Z-NEF Board of Managers, 2016-2020

As you can see, the Great Lakes Region is committed to enriching and empowering our members and our communities. Through initiatives and partnerships, such as Elder Care, Women Veterans 144 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Top Regional Donor - Women Veterans ROCK

ROCK, Adopt-a-School and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the region has enriched Z-HOPE projects with renewed passion. They continue to support our long standing partnerships with the March of Dimes and the American Cancer Society. The Great Lakes Region will continue to provide valuable service to our communities. During 2012-2018, we said goodbye to some GREAT women who served proudly in leadership throughout the seven states: Triumphant Sorors Frances E. Faithful, Judge Willie Whiting, Amber Pratcher, Janet K. Bell, Barbara Banks-Hayes, Marie Clifton, Jean Woodard, Bobbie Smith, Avil Harris, Elayne Wheeler, Willa Mae Garnett, Ina Purdy and someone very dear to the Regional Director, Soror Sandra K. Adams, who was her pledge grandmother. Their memory will continue to live in the thoughts and hearts of so many in the sisterhood. Now, as WE look toward the future, this region will remain united and focused on our founding principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. The region continues to groom and mentor future leaders as evident in electing 3 undergraduates to the National Executive Board. The region is seeking to secure license plates for the states of Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan. The region is also exploring the opportunity to charter an international chapter in Canada. A vision became a plan and that plan became a reality. Our thanks and congratulations to the Great Lakes Region for a successful administration under the leadership of Grand Wright, Regional Director Porter Norman and the entire team who served from 2012-18. These accomplishments were possible because it was straight from the heart during the WRIGHT TIME!

Great Lakes Region ILLINOIS It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as the Illinois State Director. Looking back on the last six years, I am filled with gratitude from the support received as I led the Illustrious State of Illinois. I stand on the shoulders of the 14 remarkable Associate and State Directors who served before me. I am grateful for the appointment by International Grand Basileus Breaux Wright and the opportunity to serve in the Wright Administration. As I leave this role, I have left a legacy of providing learning and educational opportunities to the state constituents in creating the Illinois State Leadership Academy, Chapter Basilei Council, hosting various educational/health and wellness workshops, and most importantly creating and awarding scholarships to deserving scholars. Connie V. Pugh Illinois State Director 2012-2018

The state will continue to prosper and foster under our state’s mantra, “A Legacy of Leaders.”


Created the “M. Ann Prendergast Scholarship” for the Archonette affiliates as a means to assist and support them with their college expenses.

Created the “Isabel C. Taylor Memorial Scholarship,” a revolving scholarship for local area students based upon the location of the leadership conference.

The state awarded $10,000 to scholarship recipients and approximately $2,000 to the Zeta National Educational Foundation. Chartering of Alpha Phi Chapter, University of Illinois Springfield


Served on the Planning Team for the AARP Black Women’s Agenda Event held at the Woodson Regional Library (Chicago). International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright and all of the Regional Directors were in attendance.

The state provided holiday cheer as Sorors, Amicae, Youth Affiliates, family, and friends across the state participated in the Twelve Days of Service Event in December. Hundreds of volunteers participated in the statewide service initiative during the past four years.


Hosted a Stork’s Nest Exposition at the YMCA of Chicago. The Stork’s Nest Coordinators facilitated a series of workshops for expecting mothers. The women also received literature from community partners in attendance at the exposition.

The state distributed nearly 10,000 school supply items and book bags to underprivileged students in the Chicagoland area during the last four years. The Annual School Supply

Dissemination Events took place during the Bud Billiken Back to School Parade.

Hosted the Blue and White Weekend in conjunction with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated (Chicago). The weekend of activities included a Meet and Greet, Youth Forum, School Supply Drive and Dissemination, Worship Service and Barbecue.

Created the Illinois State Leadership Academy as a means to provide training and development to Sorors, Zeta Amicae, and Youth Affiliates. The workshop topics included Parliamentary Procedures; New and Reclaimed Members; Putting the FUN in Fundraising; Protocol; Dressing the Finer Woman in You; Healthy Living; Estate and Will Planning; and Event Planning to name a few.



Held the Illinois State Leadership Academy’s Summer Workshop Series (August 2012, June 2013-2018) and the Illinois State Leadership Academy’s Winter Workshop Series (February 2013-2018).

Held the First Youth Affiliates Retreat (Champaign) geared toward providing bonding and learning opportunities for the Youth Affiliates.

Planned and facilitated the Illinois-Wisconsin Undergraduate Retreat at Northwestern University (Evanston).

Spearheaded the efforts for the state to become a Centennial Commission Diamond Donor Contributor ($10,000 level).

Submitted paperwork to the Secretary of State for the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated State License Plates; thereafter, the state has received approximately $5,000 each year to provide training and development workshops and other essential services to communities across the state.

Created the Chapter Basilei Council as a means to provide a resource of experienced Sorors to assist chapter leaders.

Created a State Undergraduate Advisory Committee to serve as a resource for Undergraduate Sorors.

Held three Chapter Basilei Retreats as a means of provide training, development, and bonding opportunities for chapter leaders.

Created the History Preservation Team to research and preserve the history of the state.

Illinois Undergraduates at the Roaring 20s Reception

University (Normal) and Nu Xi Chapter at Aurora University (Aurora). •

Created the Legal Advisory Council, Financial Advisory Committee, and Contract Negotiation Team in order to ensure protocols and procedures are in alignment with the rules and regulations governing the sorority and state.

Hosted an “Elegant Evening of Blue” Centennial Kick-Off Reception (Naperville) featuring Centennial Chairman and Past International Grand Basileus Jylla Moore Tearte; Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman, Past State Director M. Ann Prendergast, Past State Director Carolyn E. Wilson, Past State Director Marietta Bailey, Past State Director Linda W. Edwards, Past State Director Earnestine Martin, Past State Director Renee Byrd, and Past State Director Barbara Banks Hayes. The oldest living Past State Director, M. Ann Prendergast (age 92) lead the ribbon cutting event and stamped passports late into the night.

Hosted the “Golden Affair 50th Anniversary Gala Reception” celebrating the 50th Annual Illinois State Leadership Conference (Macomb).

Coordinated the Statewide Global Day of Service Event, as well as, the Global Day of Service Tele-Town Hall Event.

Hosted the “Roaring Twenties” Centennial Reception (Rockford).

Participated in the Get Engaged “Reality TV-Watch Party Chicago” Event, voicing concern relative to the issues related to the perception of African-Americans as televised on Reality Television.

Held two Statewide Founders’ Day events with hundreds in attendance to celebrate Our Pearls.

Hosted six successful state leadership conferences, with two of them recording the highest number of registered attendees to date within the state (Tinley Park and East St. Louis).

Hosted International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright at the 2013 Illinois State Leadership Conference (East St. Louis).


Chartered Omega Pi Zeta Chapter (Evanston), Alpha Phi Chapter (Springfield) and Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter (Aurora).

Reactivated Lambda Epsilon Chapter at Illinois State


Illlinois Centennial Celebration Ribbon Cutting 146 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Awarded $7,000 from the Bon Ton Company for a grant written for the seven Chicagoland Area Stork’s Nests.

Received numerous awards for the state’s participation in March of Dimes Events.

Great Lakes Region INDIANA I was very humbled when I learned that the Sorors of the great State of Indiana considered me a potential choice for the position of State Director. To know they were willing to put their trust in my leadership was an immense honor. Years later, that possibility became a reality when I was appointed by Grand Wright to pick up the mantle left by Soror Susan Johnson’s departure from the State Director role. I am grateful for the confidence bestowed upon me to serve the sisterhood on this level. It has been an awesome privilege to continue moving Zeta forward with a Finer group of leaders blazing trails in Indiana, the Great Lakes Region, and Zeta worldwide!

Janice Nichols Indiana State Director 2016-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Indiana Sorors awarded over $20,000 in scholarships to high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate Sorors and raised funds for UNCF. Examples of the creative ways members supported scholarship development: •

Annual Caribbean Scholarship Dinners

Biennial Murder Mystery Events

Zeta Lent

Women’s History and Scholarship Programs

Youth Step Down

Costume Party

Scholarship Bowling

Trivia Night

Zeta Male Pageant

Woman of the Year Competition

Indiana Sorors and Representative André Carson at Bust Unveiling for Triumphant Soror Julia Carson

Sorors also achieved recognition for scholarly accomplishments: •

Highest Individual GPA

Most Improved Chapter

1st Place Chapter, Highest GPA for NPHC organizations

2nd Place Chapter, Highest GPA for NPHC organizations

SPREADING Z-HOPE IN THE HOOSIER STATE A great way to help build a strong community is to be of service. Indiana Zetas Help Other People Excel with a variety of impactful programming and community partnerships. During our Leadership conferences, organizations are selected to receive support from across the State. Each year, the focus is on three areas: women, seniors, and the military. Collaboration is key to spreading Z-HOPE in the State of Indiana. Chapters have developed partnerships throughout the State to educate their communities on health, ancestry, self-care, activism, and voting. Sorors participated in activities, raised funds and collected items to help local agencies, in their efforts to support those in need, with various programs: •




Back 2 School Backpack Event

Coat Drive

Shoe Drive

Feed the Hungry

McMiracle on 38th St.

Zeta Apollo

Serving meals to residents at Homeless Centers

Black Barbershop Initiative

Health Screenings

Rock for Babies

Be the Change You Wish to See

What Now Townhall

Carson exhibited the spirit of Z-HOPE through her interest in issues affecting children, working Americans, gun safety, health and nutrition. Sorors were in attendance to honor her memory during the unveiling.

FINER WOMANHOOD NEVER GOES OUT OF STYLE! During Finer Womanhood Observation period, Indiana Sorors celebrated with teas and luncheons and other activities. These events celebrated Finer women in Zeta and the communities we serve. •

Women’s History Month Luncheon honoring 12 women

“From Zeta, With Love” honoring women in the military

Week of Wellness

SheRoes Finer Womanhood Celebration

African American Exhibit Program

Girls to Pearls Etiquette Tea

OUR SISTER, OUR REPRESENTATIVE Triumphant Soror Julia Carson, Indiana’s first African American and first woman from Indianapolis elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, was immortalized with a bronze bust at the Indiana State House in Indianapolis on January 16, 2014. She served from 1997 until her passing in December 2007. Soror

MIP Training Hosted by Mu Tau Zeta Chapter

Grand Wright and Soror Mercedes Jones, Outstanding 2016 Boulé Undergraduate Transition in Indiana Leadership Dr. Susan Johnson to Soror Janice Nichols 148 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Great Lakes Region KENTUCKY August 2, 2012 marked a historical occasion as International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright held a Town Hall to introduce the Regional and State Directors appointed for the WRIGHT Administration. The Grand’s announcement included my name, Soror Keisha D. Smith, as the newly appointed Kentucky State Director. It was and is my distinct honor and privilege to be among the leaders blazing the trails during this time with an everlasting impact on the days to come. Thank you, Grand Wright, for a journey like no other!

The Kentucky State Association

Keisha Smith Kentucky State Director 2012-2018 Here are the key accomplishments of Soror Keisha D. Smith, Kentucky State Director, and the Kentucky State Association from 2012-2018: •

Chartered Kentucky’s first fourlettered graduate chapter and the first and only NPHC graduate chapter: Alpha Alpha Iota Zeta Chapter, Murray, March 29, 2014 •

Initiated Kappa Lambda Zeta Chapter’s Zeta Youth Auxiliaries, Lexington, Fall 2013

Reinstated Kentucky State Association Scholarship, 2012

Kentucky was selected by Grand Wright to visit for the 2013 Kentucky State Association Retreat and Leadership Conference, Murray State University, Murray

Located gravesite for Triumphant Soror Fannie R. Givens, 7th Grand Basileus, 2015

Mu Lambda Chapter, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, November 8, 2013

Delivered Centennial Launch Party and Special Interview with Soror Lizzie G. Miller, 14th Great Lakes Regional Director and Past Kentucky State Director, Georgetown College, November 20 – 21, 2015

Alpha Rho Chapter, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, November 14, 2014

Host State for the largest (1,138) regional leadership conference in Zeta, Louisville, 2016

Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte, 20th International Grand Basileus and Centennial Commissioner, was the special guest for the 2016 Kentucky State Association Retreat and Leadership Conference, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights

Instituted and launched Kentucky Legacy Club, 2016

Chartered the first chapters of the Sorority fiscal year: •

Alpha Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter, Kenton County, September 13, 2014

Beta Alpha Xi Zeta Chapter, Louisville, September 3, 2016 (32 Charter Members)

Chartered the first African-American Greek Lettered Sorority and only NPHC Organization •

Pi Upsilon Chapter, Georgetown College, Georgetown, November 9, 2014

Reinstated the following Undergraduate Chapters: • • • •

Delta Pi Chapter, Morehead State University, Morehead, April 12, 2015

Reinstated Eta Zeta Chapter’s Zeta Youth Auxiliaries, Louisville, Fall 2013


KENTUCKY Kentucky State Leadership Conference, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights

Kentucky donated $100 to the Triumphant Soror Alberta O. Jones Scholarship, First Kentucky Female Prosecutor

Kentucky donated $1,000 for the Journey to Centennial, 2016

Kentucky was identified as a premier state for Zeta Phi Beta and the Centennial’s Global Day of Service

Donated to the Founders Gratitude Plaques for Soror Arizona C. Stemons (Midwestern), Soror Pearl A. Neal (Eastern), Soror Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings (Great Lakes), Soror Fannie P. Watts (Southeastern)

All ten undergraduate chapters donated $25 each to the 1734 Upgrade Registry Initiative

Highest State Conferences Attendance: 120 (2013), 130 (2014), 126 (2015), 130 (2016), and 151 (2017)

State Director Smith and the Zeta Youth Affiliates

Soror Lizzie G. Miller, 14th Great Lakes Regional Director and Past Kentucky State Director

Chartering of Alpha Alpha Iota Zeta Chapter, First Four-Letter Chapter in Kentucky


Great Lakes Region MICHIGAN It’s truly been an honor to serve as the Michigan State Director in the “WRIGHT ADMINISTRATION” for the past four years. It was an exciting experience and my humble pleasure to serve the sisterhood in this capacity. By keeping the oath and upholding our founding principles at all times in every circumstance, made the position of State Director a very rewarding experience. I enjoyed working with Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman and my Sister State Directors. The Michigan State Organization (MSO) many achievements could not have been accomplished without the assistance of the entire “TEAM MSO.” Our work has been nothing short of outstanding!

Tonia Jenkins Michigan State Director 2014-2018


Elner Taylor 2012-2014 Tonia Jenkins 2014-2018

SCHOLARSHIP The Michigan State Organization believes in awarding scholarships to the Michigan Sorors and recognizing high academic achievements. Every year during the Wright Administration the majority of chapters joined together to make a State donation towards the National Education Foundation (Z-NEF).

Michigan Sorors, Amicae and Youth at the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge

The MSO, along with the following chapters, contributed to the Z-NEF together: Zeta Beta Zeta, Zeta Nu Zeta, Zeta Omega Zeta, Eta Lambda Zeta, Lambda Rho Zeta, Theta Rho Zeta, Kappa Rho Zeta, Rho Theta Zeta, Rho Delta Zeta, Upsilon Psi Zeta, Pi Gamma Zeta, Sigma Pi Zeta, and Theta Delta.

the past six years we supported all new partnership programs. All chapters continuously address and support community issues such as providing funding to process the back log of rap kits in Wayne County, donating over 3,000 feminine hygiene products to Orchard Children’s Foster Care Service, collecting shoes and hygiene products for Veterans, and the Flint Water Crisis led by Past State Director Elner Taylor.

Over $12,000 was given to Graduate and Undergraduate Sorors in Michigan

Collectively with the Michigan State Organization, all Michigan Chapters completed the following:

Undergraduates with high academic achievements were awarded gift cards for dinner and added to the State Directors honor roll

Adopted a School

Donated to Women Veterans ROCK

Donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital


Donated to all SOS Disaster Relief efforts

Michigan embraced and enacted Grand Wright’s programmatic thrust. All chapters in Michigan adopted a nursing home. Over

Embraced Elder Care THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 151


Donated over 1,000 wigs to American Cancer Society

Embraced U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services

Doubled our contributions towards March of Dimes

Life Members served food to the homeless at Detroit Rescue Mission and Forgotten Harvest with the assistance of Soror Trycennia Dean Motley

Embraced “Zetas Have Heart” at the start of all conferences

Embraced the Black Women’s Agenda “Because We Care” (Forum hosted in Detroit 2015)

Holiday Gala for Michigan Sorors and Amicae Over 70


Promoted GOTV (Get Out The Vote)

ZETA Day at the Capital

Selected to host the GET ENGAGED Reality TV Check Watch Party and Forum (Detroit 2015)

Supporting chapter and Amicae Auxiliary events throughout the entire State of Michigan

Social Media visibility for all chapters and Amicae auxiliaries with the help of my phenomenal PR Team (Sonya Randolph, Katrina Cole, Regina McMullen, and Kamaria Taylor)

Developed key partnerships with General Motors, who presented workshops as well as offered Sorors career possibilities with the corporation

Michigan Black Caucus Legislature Summit

SISTERHOOD After the announcement of my appointment as State Director, I planned the first Basilei Retreat in Michigan to rally my team! The retreat had a football theme with a pep rally. All chapter Basilei were introduced and cheered on by other Sorors who wanted to attend the retreat. The pep rally included mini announcements on budget preparation and March of Dimes contributions from previous years. Then we played Four Quarters (Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood). All workshops held during the Four Quarters were presented by past Basilei. As State Director, I believe it is important to bond, have fun, agree, disagree, and execute the national programmatic thrust with a plan, while celebrating the accomplishments of the entire team (Chapters, Amicae Auxiliaries and Youth Affiliates). Throughout this administration, opportunities were created for Sorors to learn and grow in the State of Michigan. This was achieved by addressing everyone that is a part of the Michigan State Organization through the following activities: •

Basilei Retreats (2014- Present)

Undergrad Retreats (2012-2017)

MSO University (2012-2014) Soror Elner Taylor

Embellishment Day (2014- Present)- Special fun day with mini interactive workshops and icebreakers for New and Reclaim members

Youth Roundup (ZAAP Day), 2012-2014

Holiday Gala for Sorors and Amicae over 70


FINER WOMANHOOD All chapters in the State of Michigan celebrate Finer Womanhood. Chapters recognize an outstanding individual from the community that exemplifies the ideal of Finer Womanhood. Every year during the State Leadership Conference two Basileus (Grad and Undergrad), Amicae President, Chapter and Auxiliary are recognized, not only exemplifying the ideals of Finer Womanhood, but also implementing our National programmatic thrust.


2015 Basilei of the Year - Linda Parker Cook (LRZ), Gwendolyn Morgan (Theta Delta), and Chapter of the Year - Zeta Omega Zeta

2016 Basileus of the Year - Dalexius Walker (RTZ), Chapter of the Year - Lambda Rho Zeta, Undergrad Chapter of the Year - Theta Delta, Amicae President of the Year - Sandra Wimbley

2017 Chapter of the Year - Sigma Kappa, Auxiliary of the Year - Oak Park, Basileus of the Year Lynese Thomas (ZNZ), Chapter of the Year - Rho Theta Zeta, and Lambda Rho Zeta

Over the past six years, the Michigan State Organization received recognition for our contributions toward service projects and numerous awards from leadership conferences on the National and Regional Level. The MSO is a Visionary Donor. We are proud to have made this $10,000 donation toward our Centennial Celebration. The Michigan State Organization continuous to exemplify and hold true to the ideals and purpose of Scholarships, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.

Great Lakes Region MINNESOTA I became a member of this wonderful sisterhood on March 18, 2000. I was initiated in Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter in Minneapolis, MN. At the present time, I am a charter member of Sigma Beta Zeta Chapter in Roseville, MN. In addition, I am a Zeta Legacy, Diamond Life Member, and Zeta Organizational Leadership (ZOL) certified. I am honored to serve in this capacity and represent my state, “The Land of 10,000 Lakes.” It has truly been an honor serving as the Minnesota State Director these past six years under the dynastic leadership of Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, International Grand Basileus and Soror Michelle Porter Norman, Great Lakes Regional Director.

Bernadette D. Harrell, Ph.D Minnesota State Director 2012-2018

Looking back over the six years as the Minnesota State Director, I am so proud of the accomplishments of the Minnesota State Organization. Although Minnesota is smaller in regards to the number of chapters and membership in this great sorority, we make our numbers count. I have learned more about Zeta and its legacy. This experience has been a phenomenal journey and one that I will never forget. The bonds that were created with the other Great Lakes State Directors and Sorors in my state will be forever cherished. As we continue to make strides in expanding our state, we continue to hold the light of Zeta high and let it shine.


Highest State Conference Attendance: 26

Kappa Pi University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus outstanding recruitment for new members and Greek Advisor of the Year.

Minnesota State Organization volunteered with the UNCF Empower Me Tour and Mask Ball.

In 2015, the Minnesota State Organization created their first website.

In 2015, we were the Most Improved State for the March of Dimes.

Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter Minneapolis, MN is the oldest chapter in Minnesota and they celebrated 38 years.

Kappa Pi Citywide Chapter, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus Minneapolis, MN celebrated the second oldest chapter celebrated 20 years.

Sigma Beta Zeta Chapter Roseville, MN celebrated 17 years as a chapter.

The Minnesota State Organization volunteered at the Historically Black Colleges and Universities College Fair.

Governor Mark Dayton gave the Minnesota State Organization a Proclamation on October 18, 2014 as Zeta Phi Beta Day.

Sigma Beta Zeta Chapter Global Day of Service January 16, 2017 Cook for Kids Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery.

Minnesota State Organization participated in National PanHellenic Counsel Black Greek Week.

The Minnesota State Organization actively participated in Feed My Starving Children in Minneapolis in conjunction with NPHC. Packed 121 boxes of food equals 26,136 meals, which feeds 72 children a year.

Increased conference attendance at Great Lakes Regional Conferences.

The Minnesota State Organization participated in Get Engaged Voting on November 8, 2016.

March of Dimes Walk, Monticello, MN



Kappa Pi and Sigma Beta Zeta Chapters, Stampede Champions, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

chapter members coming together as women and centering in/on how to build strong chapters with emphasis on respect.

MEMBERSHIP The Minnesota State Organization is growing. We increased membership through reclaimed Sorors, new members through the MIP process and transfers from other states. We are very proud to have Diamond Life members, Life members, Legacies and Doves. Kappa Pi Citywide Chapter, University of Minnesota Twin Cities had it is largest intake class to date. They brought in 8 new members. Sigma Beta Zeta graduate chapter Roseville, MN numbers increased to 20 financial chapter members.


In recognition of all of the hard work and leadership of chapter members of the Minnesota State Organization accomplishments, the Trailblazer Award was established. The award was first presented at our annual state leadership conference in 2013 to Soror Naomi Carter, Soror Fannie Harrell in 2014, Soror Charmaine Light in 2015, Soror Ronnisha Gates Dukes in 2016, and Soror Amber Jones was presented the award in 2017.

Our undergraduate chapter Kappa Pi received the local state award for having the most Z-HOPE points.

The Minnesota State Organization financially helped our undergraduate members of Kappa Pi chapter attend Boulé and ZOL. In 2016, the Minnesota State Organization had the highest number of financial members in this state’s history, with 36 financial members. In making sure we are on the same page, the Minnesota State Organization Handbook was developed. Keeping up with Chapter news and accomplishments, the Minnesota State Organization Newsletter was revived.

The Minnesota State Organization worshiped together on Founders’ Day and enjoyed brunch at a local restaurant.


As part of our “Journey to Centennial 2020” we held a Launch Party on October 2, 2015. As part of the event, Sorors brought their Passports to collect stamps.

For the Minnesota State Organization, the first chapter Basilei and advisor retreat was established and the first undergraduate retreat was established. We focused on


Centennial Launch Party, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Great Lakes Region OHIO The State of Ohio, birthplace of Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings, has been treasure of Zeta that I have truly been honored to serve. Since August 2012, the Ohio State Organization, under the Wright Administration, has improved statewide communication, increased empowerment at all levels and grown in our respective communities. Service to the sisterhood has been a privilege that I have not taken lightly. State Directors work for the individual members of their state as well as those up the protocol chain they report to. This office has truly stretched and developed me, as a Zeta and a woman. Sorors have worked with me, challenged me, lifted me, and most importantly PRAYED FOR ME so that the work of Zeta is done in FINER fashion. My greatest joy has been seeing so many chapter Basilei and officers take on higher leadership opportunities and express interest in leadership opportunities because of the collaborative spirit of this administration.

LaRita MJ Smith Ohio State Director 2012-2018

My prayer for Zeta is that the next State Director and leadership team FAR exceed this one in every possible category. Even greater growth, even larger conference attendance, more elected and appointed officers at all levels, more scholarships, more auxiliary members, more new members, and more community impact. On our Journey to the Centennial, Ohio is not just blazing new paths, but doing it as a sisterhood just like our Founding sisters did from the beginning.

WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY GRANTED GRAND WRIGHT A HONORARY DOCTORATE It was in the great state of Ohio where International Grand Mary Breaux Wright became a doctor. On May 7, 2016, she received an Honorary Doctorate of Economic Justice and Social Sciences from Wilberforce University in Xenia, Ohio. The honor was bestowed upon Grand Wright by our Soror, Dr. Algeania Warren Freeman, who served as president of Wilberforce University. Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman presented the university with $2,500 in scholarship funding on behalf of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, from both the region and state.

OSO SERVES OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES During our state conferences, we have donated thousands of items as well as contributed financially to the following organizations: Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio, LincolnCrawford Care Center of Cincinnati and the Greater Cincinnati YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter, the Elizabeth New Life Center in Dayton, Norma Herr Women’s Center in Cleveland and the Family Violence Prevention Center in Xenia. Across the state, Sorors continue to participate with the March of Dimes Walk for Babies and raise funding. Our chapters continue to serve their local communities wherever they are called THE OHIO SISTERHOOD GROWS AS CHAPTERS RETURN, SORORS JOIN The Wright Administration proved to be an exciting time as

Grand Wright receives Honorary Degree from Wilberforce University (with Triumphant Soror Frances Faithful)

three undergraduate chapters returned to campus in Ohio. In March 2015, Xi Gamma returned to the campus of The Ohio State University. During that same time, Wilberforce University witnessed the rebirth of Gamma Epsilon. In March 2017, University of Cincinnati welcomed back the Sorors of Beta Eta. The state of Ohio also made a notable addition to its graduate rosters when Soror Helen Robinson, the granddaughter of Phi Beta Sigma Founder Leonard F. Morse, was initiated through Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter with Grand Wright in attendance. We THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 155


Ohio Delegation at the 2014 Great Lakes Regional Conference

were also able to grow the Zeta family through the creation of the Amicae of Warrensville Heights, as well as the reactivation of the Amicae of Columbus.

OHIO STATE ORGANIZATION HOSTS GRAND WRIGHT FOR 2015 OSO STATE CONFERENCE In October 2015, Grand Mary Breaux Wright attended the Ohio State Leadership Conference. During the conference, we held a Centennial Launch party where seven of our past eight living state directors were in attendance.

OHIO HOSTS FIRST STATEWIDE FOUNDERS’ DAY On January 21, 2017, the Ohio State Organization held its first statewide Founders’ Day Brunch in Columbus. Sorors traveled near and far for an event that not only recognized our founders, but recognized our Sorors for the work they performed in their communities. To honor our founders, Phi Beta Sigma member Bro. Michael Tyler spoke on life as a legacy as he is the great nephew of

Helen Robinson, granddaughter of Phi Beta Sigma Founder Leonard F. Morse, joins Zeta 156 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Triumphant Founders Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings. Other members of Triumphant Founders’ Faithful and Goings were in attendance as well. Soror Helen Robinson, the granddaughter of Most Honorable Phi Beta Sigma Founder Leonard F. Morse, also spoke on the weight of being related to a founder. Wig and monetary donations were collected for the American Cancer Society’s Wigs for Awareness campaign and Soror Patricia Jones, a cancer survivor, served as our keynote speaker.

AWARDS As the heart of Zeta and the home of two founders, it is no wonder that Ohio Sorors found themselves in leadership positions on the national and regional level. Soror Patricia Jones served as National Graduate Member-At-Large and currently serves on the National Education Foundation. Soror Tamara Manning Gordon currently serves as the Graduate Member to the National Executive Committee.

Ohio Sorors place a wreath at gravesite of Founder Viola Tyler Goings for Founders’ Day 2018

Great Lakes Region WISCONSIN Serving as the Wisconsin State Director has been one of the most rewarding and humbling journeys of my life. It has allowed me to grow in ways that have changed me both professionally and personally. I have long known that the balance of sisterhood and business is a tenuous one. Learning how to walk that balance is a skill set that is applicable in almost any situation and will stay with me forever. Most importantly, this role provided me with the opportunity to promote and encourage the awesome work of the Sorors of Wisconsin. I knew that the service and leadership potential in Wisconsin was on par with any other state. The size of the state does not affect the impact of the Sorors on the Sisterhood or the community it serves. That is demonstrated through all that was accomplished these past years.

Milika Miller Wisconsin State Director 2012-2018

Thank you to International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright for allowing me to serve under her leadership. Thank you to Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman for her ever present love, support and guidance. Thank you to the Sorors of the Wisconsin State Organization for your support, assistance and the work you do in the name of Zeta every day. Thank you to my husband Antoine and our children, Mason, Aniyah, Lucas and Abrielle, for all of your understanding. The pleasure has been all mine.

SCHOLARSHIP The members of the Wisconsin State Organization have a deep commitment to the principle of Scholarship. It shows in our Members excel in their undergraduate and graduate studies on their respective campuses. It is demonstrated when our members complete their degrees and advance in their chosen careers. Chapters have supported young people within their communities pursue higher education by proving scholarship opportunities. •

Kappa Beta Zeta Chapter, Milwaukee, WI has provided more than $8,000 in scholarships since 2012 through its Zeta Charity Fund.

SERVICE Above everything else, service is what we do. During the past five Wisconsin State Leadership Conferences, members have donated hundreds of dollars and thousands of items to agencies throughout the state. This is on top of the service being done by chapters on their campuses and within their communities. In 2015, the first statewide service initiative was completed and Wisconsin continues its long-term commitment to Stork’s Nest. The Wisconsin State Organization also fully embraced the elder care initiative, having all chapters fully implementing the program within the first year. •

Opened a two new Storks’ Nests in Milwaukee: MCFI in August 2012 and Lisbon Avenue Health Center in July 2017

Held Presented Prematurity Awareness Sunday event in 2014

2016 Joint Phi Beta Sigma-Zeta Phi Beta State of Wisconsin Conference

with Grand Wright and Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor to nearly 500 congregants. •

In 2015, Stork’s Nest was the charity of choice of the Women’s Leadership Group of the United Way of Greater Milwaukee THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 157

WISCONSIN and Waukesha County. The state’s six nests were the recipients of more than 7,000 diapers. •

The first statewide service initiative was Purses with a Purpose. More than 100 purses and 1,800 items were collected and presented to the Cathedral Center in Milwaukee.

In 2016, the second statewide initiative benefited the American Cancer Society through Wigs for Awareness. More than 50 wigs were connected.

SISTERHOOD Members are what make this Sisterhood work. Therefore the growth and development of the members was a major goal during this administration. That involved growing the Sisterhood though chartering and increased membership. There was also a desire to increase the number of Sorors attending State, Regional and National conferences and holding offices on all levels. •

Chartered Alpha Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter, Beloit, WI on November 11, 2013. It is the first four letter chapter in the Great Lakes Region and the first and only NPHC organization officially organized in that city.

Chartering of Alpha Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter, First Four-Letter Chapter in the Great Lakes Region

Hosted joint Wisconsin State Leadership Conference with our Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for three consecutive years from 2014 to 2016.

Hosted International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright during the 2014 Wisconsin State Leadership Conference.

Kicked off Journey to Centennial in 2015

Silver Level Visionary contributor to Centennial

Donated $75 to Upgrade 1734

Membership increased by 20 percent from 2011-2012 financial year to the end of 2016-2017 year.

Donated to Tyler Sisters Memorial

State Leadership Conference attendance increased by 74 percent from the 2011 conference through the 2017 conference.

Implemented a paperless conference in 2013

State finances increased by more than three times over the term of the administration, 2012 to 2017.

Held the first Illinois/Wisconsin Undergraduate Retreat in February 2017

Implemented paperless state leadership conference.

The Wisconsin State Organization held one position on the National Executive Board Member from 2015 to 2016 in the office of the Undergraduate to National Nominating Committee.

The Wisconsin State Organization held at least two offices on Great Lakes Regional Executive Board (beyond WI State Representative) every year from 2012-13 sorority year to present in the offices of Regional Editor, Tamias, Tamias Grammateus and Grammateus.

Hosted State Leadership Conferences in every city where a chapter is located.

Hosted statewide trainings via Adobe Connect


2014 and 2016 Great Lakes Regional Conference: Most Improved State for March for Babies

2014: Only state in the region with 100 percent implementation of Elder Care

2016 Grand Boulé: Sigma Alpha Zeta won 3rd place for funds raised for American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

2016 Great Lakes Regional Conference: Nu Iota Zeta took 1st Place in March of Dimes fundraising

FINER WOMANHOOD The women of Zeta are held to a level of expectation that others are not. Finer Womanhood is about living beyond what is expected. The Wisconsin State Organization lived up to that standard by improving organizational operations, trying new things and answering the call of Zeta whenever possible. •

Donated $500 during the 2013 Great Lakes Regional Conference to the burning of Zeta’s mortgage


2014 Prematurity Awareness Sunday Event with International Grand Basileus Wright and Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor


Dr. Tearte gave a thought provoking speech and challenged everyone in the room to think about our lasting legacies and turn them into tangibles that matter. Her speech was also fun, as the crowd was instructed to be AMAZING by giving ourselves kudos and self-love. While dining, attendees were treated to a fashion show by three different fashion houses. On display were outfits for petite, average and plus-size women; a unisex line that infused African and Western styles and for the young men, a pop/urban cultured T-shirt line.

ZETA ZETA CHAPTER, DOLTON, IL Zeta Zeta Chapter is comprised of 41 Sorors, seasoned and new, who collaboratively support and uphold the principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood! Zeta Zeta Chapter has excelled in programming through effective chapter management and a strong commitment to the community. Volunteer activities are monthly with various community organizations that relate to international goals and programs of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The chapter has adopted and volunteers with numerous organizations over the past six (6) years, Zeta Zeta chapter has participated in a variety of activities including the Breast Cancer Awareness Walks,Sickle Cell Awareness events and developed partnerships with Gift of Hope and Tissue Donation Network and the March of Dimes. However the Elder Care Initiative, specifically in association with the Dorchester Senior Living Center and Retirement Home, is one of our Signature programs.

Our scholarship recipients included an Ohio State Universitybound senior with a 5.08/5.0 GPA and a Princeton Universitybound senior with a 4.6/5.0. Dr. Tearte was so impressed with one of our recipients that she matched our scholarship award monies on the spot! Our Community awardees were presented to the Executive Director of the Joliet Community Center and a fifty (50)-year employee of the Joliet Boys and Girls Club. We also made a special presentation and five hundred ($500) dollar donation to the March of Dimes. As a surprise to some chapter members and our guests, Zeta’s 23rd International Grand Basileus, Soror Sheryl Underwood also attended and gave a quick impromptu comedic performance. Past Grand Underwood also invited every Soror in attendance to her “Sisters in Service” event which occurred later that month at the Peninsula Hotel in Downtown Chicago. Needless to say, the members of Eta Chi Zeta felt that our inaugural event was fantastic.

The Dorchester Senior Living Center and Retirement Home is located in Dolton, Illinois and houses roughly thirty (30) seniors. The chapter and the Amicae of Dolton, attend and assist the seniors once a month, with various activities including arts, crafts and bingo. We also fellowship with them during their birthdays, Christmas, Veteran’s Day, Easter and the Thanksgiving Holidays. The seniors look forward to our visits and we feel truly blessed to spend time with them. This experience is a constant reminder that without them our Zeta light would not exist! Zeta Zeta loves the seniors because service is what we do! 




Celebrating You: An Inaugural Event: Saturday, May 6, 2017 was the date for Eta Chi Zeta’s inaugural Centennial signature event, Celebrating You: Scholarship and Community Awards Luncheon.

The Mu Eta Zeta Graduate Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was chartered on June 16, 1983 in the city of Carbondale, Illinois. Sorors of the Mu Eta Zeta chapter have promoted the ideals of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. for over 30 years. The Mu Eta Zeta chapter is small in numbers but mighty in our service to the community. We have averaged 18 members of the chapter

We were honored to have Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte, 20th International Grand Basileus and 2020 Centennial Chair be our guest speaker!


GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS women from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. We actively serve our community through participation in a wide variety of programs and projects supporting the National initiatives of the Sorority:

and completed projects in every area of Zeta that we possibly could complete. Mu Eta Zeta has been active in Elder Care, Stork’s Nest, Prematurity Awareness, Adopt-A-School, Breast Cancer Awareness, Founders’ Day Observance and Military Initiatives. The Zeta Amicae of Carbondale is a group of extraordinary women! Our Amicae are women who love to give back to the community and are recognized at every level. Our Youth Auxiliary has been active and initially were small in our first round of members in the Zeta Youth Affiliates program. Our current Youth Auxiliaries are growing and thriving groups. The Mu Eta Zeta Chapter is the sponsor of the Mu Delta undergraduate chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. The Mu Eta Zeta chapter has taken several steps to improve the relationship by having training and development and chapter retreats. Locally, we had activities throughout the fiscal year that geared our bonding with the Undergraduates toward leadership, teamwork, Finer Womanhood, academics and other topics that were necessary for our growth and development. The Mu Eta Zeta Chapter has fostered many local partnerships and collaborations with other campus and community organizations (American Heart Association, Hemimegalencephaly (HME), Black Graduate Greek Council of Southern Illinois (ext. of Graduate NPHC), African American Museum and Eurma C. Hayes Community Center, Lupus Foundation Walk and Aids WALK of Southern Illinois). Lastly, Mu Eta Zeta chapter has been able to award $2,500 in scholarships (five $500 awards) to local high school graduating seniors. The fundraising efforts of the chapter were well received and we look forward to keeping the tradition of giving out FIVE scholarships - Five for the Founders!

Elder Care Initiative – Omega Pi Zeta supports the Ebenezer Primm Tower Senior Center providing monthly visits and engaging activities to its residents.

Adopt-A-School – Omega Pi Zeta currently partners with the Walker School to support its Walker Day and other school initiatives. The chapter also supports along with other Chicagoland Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma Chapters the Bud Billiken Back to School Parade giving students much needed school supplies.

GET ENGAGED – Omega Pi Zeta partners with the NAACP to conduct voter registration drives and support voter advocacy in the Evanston/North Shore Community.

Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel): •

Omega Pi Zeta supports the city of Evanston by adopting Mason Park and working, in conjunction with the City of Evanston, to clean and refresh park grounds each year.

The Chapter awards several academic scholarships to deserving students in the Evanston/North Shore area.

We also support the YWCA Evanston Women’s Shelter and Ricky Byrdsong Memorial Race Against Hate. We assist the Just Harvest Soup Kitchen to provide underserved Rogers Park/Evanston citizens with hot meals.

We provide engaging activities to families of hospitalized children at the Ronald McDonald House.

As the sorority moves toward its centennial, the members of Omega Pi Zeta strive to retain our sorority’s original zest for excellence, service, scholarship and Finer Womanhood.

 OMEGA PI ZETA CHAPTER, EVANSTON, IL Five years ago, on November 9, 2012, eight dedicated women with a vision came together to form a new chapter, Omega Pi Zeta. This group of professional women whose main purpose is to uphold the founding principles of Sisterhood, Service, Scholarship, and Finer Womanhood throughout the City of Evanston, IL and its surrounding northern communities. Omega Pi Zeta is a graduate chapter consisting of college educated 160 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 SIGMA PHI ZETA CHAPTER, WAUKEGAN, IL Being the “Premier Service Organization on the North Shore” is a goal set for the Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., for many years.

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS TAZ has flourished from 10 Sorors to 36 Sorors. Rejuvenated with purpose TAZ decided that two annual fundraisers and service projects would no longer suffice. We needed to do more and we did by creating the Scholarship Fashion Show which helped our annual fundraising to multiply from $3,000 to $14,000.

So much in fact that this northern Illinois chapter located in Waukegan, IL continues to accept the challenges, striving to be the most impactful through our community service throughout the world. One of the many challenges we faced this year as a country was the hurricane disaster in Puerto Rico. The hurricane brought swift and devastating damages to the island leaving many of the residents homeless and in need of basic need items.

The years have passed but our mission is still not complete. To GET ENGAGED, TAZ developed partnerships with Brighter Behavior Women’s Recovery Home, Glenshire Nursing Home for Elder Care, Shoe Heals and Santa’s Disaster Relief. While we are a small chapter we have worked hard and secured an $8,000 grant from Nationally Accredited Mercy Hospital to assist with Stork’s Nest, we have contributed over 1,000 toiletries to the Veterans of Foreign Wars 311. TAZ has held Prematurity Awareness Workshops, sent over 30 wigs for Breast Cancer Awareness and has raised close to $10,000 for the March of Dimes. Our efforts in our community of Richton Park, Illinois has grown to donating Thanksgiving dinner boxes to 20 families, participation in the Holiday Train Express yearly and packing Christmas boxes with the Richton Park Food Pantry. TAZ has adopted a culture of inclusion, innovation, growth and style which allows individual talents to flourish while coming together for the greater good, which is truly TAZStyle!

The Puerto Rican Society of Waukegan quickly reached out to the Lake County area seeking assistance for their families and friends on the island. Sigma Phi Zeta accepted the challenge and started immediately collecting items, which included toiletries, batteries, flashlights, baby necessities, non-perishables and monetary donations. We will continue to partner with this society and support this cause as the hardship continues on the island, even as of today. As the Premier Service Organization on the North Shore, we will continue to blaze paths to 2020 by serving our communities through our key partnerships: Elder Care, March of Dimes, The Chocolate Chip Association, Vista Hospital and Waukegan Township.  TAU ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER, RICHTON PARK, IL A Finer Legacy TAZStyle: Evolution can be defined as the process of moving from simple to complex. To evolve is to maintain a presence in an ever changing world and be successful; Tau Alpha Zeta (TAZ) has done just that and more with style. The journey from 2012 until now has been revolutionary for TAZ Chapter in many positive ways. TAZ has evolved while still maintaining the legacy and founding principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated. TAZ founded in 2003, while not in the infancy stage in 2012, was revitalized and inspired by International Grand Basileus Wright to enhance membership and as a chapter get out and do more to show others the work of Zeta. “Building on the founding principles” and the “Blaze New Paths” mantra became a movement for TAZ. Beginning with sisterhood in mind, the membership of

 TAU PSI ZETA CHAPTER, ALSIP, IL Since its inception with 20 charter members in September 2004, Tau Psi Zeta (TPZ) Chapter has strived to personify the motto, “The Pearl Zone ... Sisterhood at its Finest!” TPZ continues to work diligently to foster provocative programs and innovative events that exemplify the founding principles of this incomparable organization. TPZ organizes/participates in approximately two service projects per month during the sorority year. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 161

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS Zeta and unique stories about themselves. The spotlights included stories about Legacy, Reclamation, Role Model, Professional Growth and Recruitment. This series received great attention on social media and we look forward to future #FinerSpotlights. Sisterhood: TXZ conducts annual events and activities aimed at building stronger bonds and relationships. For the past five years, we commenced Finer Womanhood month with attending service at one of the Sorority member’s church, followed by brunch. The day is filled with great praise, conversation and laughter!

January 30, 2016: TPZ, along with its auxiliaries (Youth, Amicae), the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (Chi Lambda Lambda, Rho Gamma Gamma, Omicron Mu Mu, Rho Mu Mu Chapters), and The Uplift Foundation joined forces for the Chicago Water Drive for Flint, Michigan at Hyde Park Career Academy. TPZ donated, collected and sorted cases and pallets of water for the residents of Flint affected by the crisis. When the donations exceeded the resources, members of TPZ solicited additional truck and drivers and paid for travel costs to ensure a successful project. January 16, 2017: On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Founders’ Day, and the Global Day of Service, TPZ participated in 3 separate service projects to launch the Centennial Year of Service. TPZ, Amicae and Youth worked together to make blankets for NICU infants with the March of Dimes, beautify schools with City Year, and serve meals to the less fortunate with Turkey Chop. The 2017 Global Day of Service brought out over 100 Sorors, Friends, Youth and Guests and logged 436 hours of service - what a day! On November 11, 2017, an international collaboration was born as TPZ set sail on its first Sisterhood Cruise with family, friends and Sorors from Rho Iota Zeta Chapter of Mendenhall, MS. In the midst of the fun, TPZ and RIZ answered the call of service by partnering with Theta Epsilon Zeta Chapter in Nassau, Bahamas for their 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Food and Clothing Drive at the Prevailing Church of God in Christ. Along with serving dinners, Sorors helped the community with donations of clothes, shoes and toiletries for the poverty-stricken area. Both TPZ and RIZ donated $1,000 each to the Nassau chapter to assist with their community endeavors.

The annual chapter retreat has evolved over the years and has always focused on bonding and growing a stronger, more cohesive chapter. We framed our Retreat activities around opportunities for enhancing Sorors’ personal confidence and selfesteem, the building of trust and support, the encouragement of effective communication and develop transferable teamwork skills. Our 2017 retreat theme was communication and included activities that provided insight into areas where we could improve individually and collectively. We left the retreat with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to each other and Zeta. Service: Tau Xi Zeta prides herself on serving the west side of Chicago and surrounding areas. During Military Appreciation Week, Tau Xi Zeta collects and donates over 100 items to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans and donates and prepares breakfast for Veterans and their families at Hines Hospital – Fisher House. Through our adopt-a-school partnership with North Lawndale College Prep High School, the chapter has provided school supplies, presented scholarship and financial aid workshops, and hosted the Fairy Godmother Dress Shoppe, a prom dress giveaway program. Young ladies from Chicago enjoyed selecting their prom gowns, shoes and accessories. Scholarship: We were pleased to host the inaugural Rise Up Scholarship Poetry Slam in March 2017, where students from North Lawndale performed their original poetry. Following a series of writing and presentation workshops, Tau Xi Zeta presented four students with scholarships.

 TAU XI ZETA CHAPTER, FOREST PARK, ILLINOIS Finer Womanhood: Finer Womanhood Month 2017 was an exciting time for Tau Xi Zeta as we introduced our #FinerSpotlight series. This series allowed chapter members to share their love for 162 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018


GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS on 50 Years of service in this illustrious organization on June 20, 2016. As we reflected on the past, we paid homage to the fifty-seven women who chartered this glorious chapter on June 20, 1966. Through these women, Zeta Tau Zeta has continued its commitment to the founding principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Responding to the present by continuing, through Zeta Tau Zeta White Rose Foundation, to focus on the betterment of our youth, our consistent commitment of awarding scholarships to qualified young women has been impressionable.

XI MU ZETA CHAPTER, MARKHAM, IL Xi Mu Zeta Chapter members uphold the legacy of our twentytwo charter members by working towards common goals with our members, friends, and youth affiliates. Our community conscious, action-oriented events uplift women and children primarily in the South Suburban Chicagoland area of Markham, Illinois. We partner with local organizations to support and engage the community through these service initiatives that address domestic violence, prenatal health, physical health & fitness, youth programming and so much more. Our annual signature Z-HOPE program, “Women’s Shopping Day,” is for women and children displaced due to domestic violence. The women are given a variety of toiletries, hygiene products and other essentials. During the winter holiday season, Xi Mu Zeta spreads cheer by hosting a party at the Family Rescue Shelter for the children. Additionally, we serve dinners and distribute toys during “Markham’s Winter Wonderland” as well as to the families we adopt for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Xi Mu Zeta Chapter and The Pearl Foundation™ host an annual Essence of Zeta Finer Womanhood Luncheon. Over the past 5 years, the program has awarded over $35,000 in scholarship and book award monies to college-bound youth who are wellrounded and excel in academics. During our Essence of Zeta Finer Womanhood Awards Luncheon, recipients are recognized in the following categories such as: Zeta Zeal, Community Partner, Woman of the Year, Trailblazer of the Year, Brotherhood of the Year, Amicae of the Year, and our very own, Zeta of the Year. Xi Mu Zeta prides herself on providing premier service initiatives that enrich the community. The blutiful ladies of “The Premier Graduate Chapter” will continue to remain a supportive force based in the Markham community for years to come. 

As we began our celebratory mark on 50 years we chartered a bus in 2015 for the Chicagoland Sorors to be afforded the opportunity to visit the historical Birch Haven Cottage in Idlewild, Michigan. There, we fellowshipped with Sorors and toured the bequeathed property of Triumphant Soror Violette Anderson. We gave $13,000 in scholarships and book awards in 2016 to high school young ladies and Sorors to assist with funding their education. We have also reclaimed many Sorors back to the fold of Zeta. In addition, Zeta Tau Zeta continues to mentor our undergraduate chapter Alpha Alpha, as well as those young ladies in our Youth Auxiliaries and working side by side with our Amicae of Chicago Auxiliary. For outstanding Service in the State of Illinois for Z-HOPE, Zeta Tau Zeta Chapter and Amicae Auxiliary were awarded 3rd Place, and all three of our Youth Auxiliary groups were awarded 2nd Place each. As the oldest graduate Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated in the State of Illinois, we are rejoicing for our future. Zeta Tau Zeta continues to embrace our community and stand on the foundation of our rich history and legacy.

 ALPHA ALPHA SIGMA ZETA CHAPTER, AURORA, IL Under the esteemed leadership of Mary Breaux Wright, Grand Basileus, Michelle Porter Norman, Great Lakes Regional Director and Connie V. Pugh, Illinois State Director, Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter was chartered on April 2, 2015 in the city of Aurora, Illinois. Seven trailblazing Sorors worked diligently with organizational leaders in the Chicagoland southwest suburbs to bring it to fruition. The official charter was presented at the 2015 Great Lakes Regional conference by Soror Frances Faithful.

ZETA TAU ZETA CHAPTER, CHICAGO, IL 50 Years of Service: Zeta Tau Zeta Reflecting on the Past, Responding to the Present, Rejoicing for the Future. With an elegant evening Gala celebration, Zeta Tau Zeta commemorated

The chosen slogan for the chapter was, “Sisters Blazing New Paths”. The seven Sorors included: Chamus Burnside-Savazzini (Basileus), Ramona Walton-Fykes (First Anti-Basileus), Deborah Chima (Second Anti-Basileus), Shaunise Thomas (Third Anti-Basileus), THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 163


Anna Willis-Jordan (Grammateus), Joyce Sprowl (Tamias) and Jenea Smith (Phylacter and Tamias Grammateus). Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta became the first NPHC organization to charter in the city of Aurora, IL. In the first two years, Sorors worked hard to recruit and reclaim those who were interested. The chapter continued to grow and within the first two years, grew to 18 members. In the first fiscal year, the Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter accomplished the following: •

Official recognition from the Mayor of Aurora

Adopted Herget Middle School (Aurora), Ecumenical Adult Day Center (Naperville) and Heritage Woods Retirement Facility (Bolingbrook)

Only NPHC organization to serve at the first Juneteenth celebration hosted by the City of Bolingbrook

Recognized during the Aurora School District 129 Board meeting and presented with a Distinguished Service award

Volunteered with March of Dimes and both East and West Aurora Back-to-School events

Sorors not only served locally but actively participated in the following State of Illinois events: •

2015 Blue and White Weekend in conjunction with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated

2016 Boulé Centennial committee

State of Illinois Special Events and Scholarship committees

In 2017, the chapter successfully reactivated the Nu Xi chapter on the campus of Aurora University. On October 28, 2017, five undergraduates were inducted: Alicia Bolden, Samantha Cooper, Ebony Sims, Courtney Wall, and Dearra Williams. Soror Deborah Chima spearheaded the reactivation process.  LAMBDA EPSILON CHAPTER, ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY, IL Reactivated in 2015, the Lambda Epsilon Chapter at Illinois State University in Normal, IL has grown and succeeded. Nearly 30 164 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

women have joined the chapter, so the tradition of excellence is thriving. In 2016, the chapter hosted its first founders’ weekend celebration on campus in 3 years and over 60 alumni Sorors were in attendance. The chapter continues to host this celebration and celebrated its 45th anniversary in January 2018. At the 2016 Great Lakes Regional Conference in Louisville, KY, the chapter was awarded the “UG Chapter of the Year” award and the C&J Dove award. At that same conference chapter member Tyrianna Jones received the “New Member of the Year” award. Basileus Gaylen Rivers currently serves as Illinois State Undergraduate Member-atLarge and Great Lakes Regional Undergraduate Member-at-Large. On campus the chapter exemplifies Finer Womanhood through programming and stellar academics. This chapter holds dear the understanding that “LE is Forever.”

 ZETA AMICAE AUXILIARY OF MARKHAM, IL The Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Markham was chartered on June 28, 2011. The charter members were Sheiliae Edwards, Michelle Butler, Sabrina Moore, Arica Williams and Jametta Ware. Since that time, our membership has grown to 15 women who share the love of Zeta in Scholarship, Finer Womanhood, Sisterhood and Service. In 2014 we honored our first Amica of the Year by naming our second President, Ms. Jametta Ware. We have held offices on the State level, as Financial Secretary, 2nd Vice President, and currently with the positions of Vice President, Financial Secretary and Parliamentarian. We have also held positions on the Great Lakes Regional Level as well in the offices of Vice President. We have won various awards within the category of Z-HOPE and Service. We were also a part of the Great Lakes Region Amicae that raised $5,000 towards the Centennial! Our many fundraisers included a 50/50 Raffle during Xi Mu Zeta Chapter/The Pearl Foundation Bowling for Babies which benefits the March of Dimes and Stork’s Nest. We also have had Dining for Dollars at Chile’s and our first All White Party which celebrated our end of year and debuted our fifth anniversary stamp! We have participated in many of the National Initiatives projects such as Women Rock where we have donated over $400 within the last two years; we also served the veterans at the Jesse Brown VA Hospital on Veterans’ Day; we participated in Prematurity Awareness hosting the event at the Historic Stone Temple Church in Chicago. We have stood against Cancer in the Southland Coalition Breast Cancer Awareness Forum and walked in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS all was truly overwhelming. Thanks to all those who attended and each was given a gift to say thank you. Spring 1987 was a great time to join Zeta. We are all looking forward to Dove status in another 20 years. 

- INDIANA We have attended every conference including the Amicae Retreat held this year in Washington, DC. We contributed to every donation during all conferences and the Tyler Sisters Project! Our members have received scholarships on the Great Lakes Regional Conference and the State of Illinois. Not only have they received scholarships, they take scholarship seriously, as most of the members are enrolled in school in order to make the transition from A.A. to B.A. or B.S. as well as to the land of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. These women of Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Markham are ready, able and willing to lead this auxiliary into the Centennial and the next millennia! 

ETA UPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, FORT WAYNE, IN Making a Difference By Impacting Fort Wayne: Over the last six years, the Sorors of Eta Upsilon Zeta Chapter have continued to build on Zeta’s principles in the City of Fort Wayne, IN and our community is the better for it. In our city, of the Divine Nine, Zeta Phi Beta is known for leadership, hard work and contributions. Our Women’s History Month Celebration has been held each March for the last five years and has aligned with the National Women’s History Month theme. Over 35 diverse women of varied backgrounds were celebrated for their community impact and received their “flowers”. Young talent provided entertainment through the spoken word, dance teams, step teams for attendees.

ILLINOIS UG LINES FROM 1987 WE ARE 30 AND PROUD! Celebrating 30 years in the sisterhood, the following alumni members in Illinois joined together and hosted a big celebration; Lambda Epsilon at Illinois State University in Normal; Nu Delta at University of Illinois in Urbana; Mu Delta at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale; Omicron Kappa at Western Illinois University in Macomb; & Phi Delta at Bradley University in Peoria. The idea to have a joint celebration actually occurred on January 16, 2017 while participating in the Global Day of Service projects. An idea became a reality on April 1 when alumni Sorors from these chapters hosted a 30th anniversary celebration in Matteson, IL. Coming together to plan this celebration was genuinely enjoyable. The Illinois State Director at the time, Soror Marietta CL Bailey (1986-1992) was in attendance and presented with a gift. We know we were her favorites. The Great Lakes Regional Director at the time, Soror Vera M. Paul (1986-1990), was unable to attend but she was also presented with a gift. The memorabilia and memories shared by

Scholarship has been sustained through our Annual Finer Womanhood Scholarship program that has awarded over $12K in scholarships and book stipends to graduating high school students. Our new path of scholarship growth has been realized through chapter collaboration with the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Parkview Health Hospital, Fort Wayne Urban League and Women’s Health Link, Inc. Grant funding has enabled targeted education on Infant Mortality within the 46806 zip code which had 35 African American infant deaths within an eight year period. The program objective has been to provide a peer education process based on intervention to decrease the rate of infant mortality among African American adolescents and women of child bearing age. To date, the effort has served 100 students and 250 community members through seminars and health fairs. As focus shifts to youth, the annual “Santa on Tour” program collaboration with the Martin Luther King (MLK) Club provides toys, food, arts and entertainment to community youth during Christmas Holidays. HYZ members and our Youth Auxiliaries support all aspects of this program. In November 2017, HYZ reactivated the Archonette (qty 10) and Amicette (qty 17) Auxiliaries. The members engaged in serving meals to Senior THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 165

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS citizens at a local church. Members continue support of MOD, American Cancer Society, donations of Thanksgiving food baskets, worshiped together for Founders Day and adopted families during Christmas. Fort Wayne Zetas continue to “Build on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths”. 

UPSILON OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, SOUTH BEND, IN The Upsilon Omicron Zeta Chapter was chartered December 12, 2005 by five zealous women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority: Leta Covington, Janice Nichols, Krishna Walker, Joanna Wilkins and Alisse Williams. Our chapter is small in number but mighty in works. Since our inception we have been instrumental in starting a Stork’s Nest Program as well as building a strong relationship with our local March of Dimes. We give back to our community in a number of ways; one of our biggest gives is our bi-annual scholarships awarded to deserving young women going on to further their life aspirations in college. Our signature fundraising event created to fulfill our scholarship endeavors is our Murder Mystery, an evening of fun and excitement as our guest try to figure out “Who dun nit?” Additional highlights of our chapter are our youth groups; we currently have each one of the youth auxiliaries represented. YOZ is present and accounted for at numerous community events including our Annual MLK Celebration, The Breast Cancer Walk, March for Babies and Annual Chef’s Auction with March of Dimes as well as the MS Walk in memory of a fallen Soror Josie Buchanon. We have had the honor of ushering in four membership intake classes in the tenure of Upsilon Omicron Zeta. The greatness of YOZ extends beyond our local accomplishments our past Basileus and charter member Janice Nichols is currently serving as the Indiana State Director. Our leadership lineage also includes Joanna Wilkins and our current Basileus Doranna Byrd who is the most tenured Soror in our chapter working on her 33rd year in Zeta! Collectively we have attended Boulé, ZOL, Regional Leadership conferences and State Leadership conferences all in the quest to grow and learn for our beloved Zeta.

and March of Dimes to support national initiatives and programs. Here are a few highlights of the activities that we participate in annually to better serve our community. For Scholarship, our chapter has given away two book scholarships a year to a local school’s book fair so students in need can buy books to promote independent reading at home. Additionally, we team up with the local chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity for our annual A to Z Back to School Event where we donate school supplies to students in need to prepare them for the school year. For Service, our chapter assists the Mozel Sanders Foundation during the holiday season to take Thanksgiving dinner orders via phone from families in need of meals for the holidays. To support our veterans and the homeless, we collect food donations and donate them to the Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation and Gleaners Food Bank where we also help with distribution. We also participate with NPHC in a joint community service event at The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House to distribute food, words of encouragement, and fellowship with families in need. In support keeping our environment clean, we collect and recycle unwanted crayons which are donated back to schools, hospitals, arts programs, and other organizations that support our children. We collect and recycle unwanted electronics and ink cartridges to receive money to support our scholarship fund. Additionally, we participate in Keeping Indianapolis Beautiful where we clean up trash and do some gardening in a local community that needs to be beautified. For national initiatives and programs, our chapter participates in the Raphael Health Center Fair by promoting our Stork’s Nest program to bring awareness of the importance of early and regular prenatal care to increase healthy pregnancies and births. Additionally, we have raised over $10,000.00 dollars for March of Dimes since 2012 to support preventing premature births.

  UPSILON OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, FISHERS, IN LAMBDA TAU CHAPTER, DEPAUW UNIVERSITY From 2012-2017, Upsilon Omega Zeta Chapter has focused on Scholarship and Service because they are the greatest need in our community. We have also incorporated a focus on the Stork’s Nest 166 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

If we had to describe the Luxurious Lambda Tau Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in one word, we would use “Fresh.” The

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS Eta Zeta has logged over 5000 hours of service for Global Year of Service! Eta Zeta served military families, hosted Christmas parties, presented education during Prematurity Awareness Sunday and donated monies for Women Veterans ROCK. Eta Zeta continued the legacy of service, implementing the Elder Care Initiative through Active Day, a local adult day center and adopted Summerfield Nursing home, serving with Amicae.

Lambda Tau Chapter is coming into its seventh year of excellence and yet has already accomplished so much and produced so many astonishing members. Regionally, we have won Chapter of the Year, we have had multiple members be recognized as New Member at large, and have been recognized time and time again through DePauw University’s Chapter of Order of Omega. Within seven years, Lambda Tau has received over 50 awards and accolades. It is important to recognize that this chapter would not have hit the ground running if it weren’t for the distinguished members who uplifted this chapter. Although there are currently only three members active, the alumni of the Lambda Tau Chapter are continuing to build on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths. This past year three alumni in particular have done such things that would make our founders proud. Soror Shavon Mathus (DePauw ’14) took her passion for education back to her hometown of Chicago to become a principal for Great Lakes Academy. Once our only active member, Soror Taquesha Dean (DePauw ’17) received her Bachelor of Liberal Arts from DePauw University with a major in Psychology and is now in Boston working in her field and continuing the work of Zeta in a graduate chapter. Last but not least Soror Courtney Cosby (DePauw ’15) recently received her white coat and is in the pursuit of becoming a physician at Saint Louis Medical School. Even though the chapter is less than ten years old our hard work and efforts exceed beyond that.

In 2014, Eta Zeta established The Finer Pearls Foundation, which serves as charitable arm of Eta Zeta Chapter. The purpose is to provide scholarships to deserving women and be of service in the community. Fundraising efforts have provided thousands of dollars to eligible degree seeking women at an accredited institution. The Finer Pearls Foundation was the catalyst behind reactivating our Amicettes in 2014, Archonettes in 2016, and launching Pearlettes in 2017. Eta Zeta Chapter was recognized by Louisville’s Mayor Fischer, for the establishment and support of Eta Zeta Orchard, located in the city’s west end, as part of the “Squash the Beet” organic farmers market, serving as part of a Youth Violence Prevention Initiative through the Parkland Boys and Girls Club. In 2017, Eta Zeta had the honor of celebrating Trailblazers! Triumphant Soror Fannie R. Givens, 7th International Grand Basileus, Triumphant Soror Alberta O. Jones, the first female and black prosecutor in Louisville, as a hometown hero, and Soror Lizzie Miller, 14th Great Lakes Regional Director, Past Kentucky State Director celebrated 90 glorious years of life, love, and devotion to our sisterhood this year. On May 25, 2018, Eta Zeta will celebrate 90 years of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. We are strong, resilient, made to serve, Exalted, but most importantly #WeAreEtaZeta!


- KENTUCKY ETA ZETA CHAPTER, LOUISVILLE, KY In 2012, the oldest chapter in the Great Lakes region celebrated 85 years of scholarship, service, sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Eta Zeta Chapter has a legacy of; leadership, service, scholastic achievement, and pride that resonates across Louisville KY. Over the past 6 years, Eta Zeta Chapter has magnified all that Zeta stands for; enlarging territory, taking a stance, supporting our fellow Greeks, we ensure Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. is an EXALTED name within our community.

 NU BETA ZETA CHAPTER, RADCLIFF, KY Nu Beta Zeta was originally chartered in 1985, and faced a brief period of inactivity due to lack of membership. On December 16, 2011 the chapter was reactivated and continues to grow and serve the Hardin County and Fort Knox communities. Uniquely designed, Nu Beta Zeta is comprised of educators, leaders and THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 167

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS by stuffing a truck full of donated supplies and food for the local animal shelter during an event we held at Walmart. Also, we partnered with our own Xi Lambda Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma to prepare a savory and plentiful breakfast for the community of churchgoers at Frankfort’s First Christian Church. Additionally, we have spent time in a local nursing home, spending quality time with the people who live there while playing card games, painting their nails, and just enjoying one another’s company.

Active Duty Military Service members and spouses. Being a chapter with a large military representation, members are often here for only a few years before having to relocate, because of this, the chapter faces rapid turnover in membership. Regardless of this challenge Nu Beta Zeta does not hesitate to answer Zeta’s call. Since its reactivation in 2011, Nu Beta Zeta has been front and center in the Hardin County and Fort Knox Communities. A few of the chapter’s activities include mentoring 9th-12th Grade young ladies at North Hardin High School and young men at the Brother to Brother Academy; awarding academic scholarship monies to female high school seniors in Hardin County and Fort Knox; volunteering at Helmwood Senior Living Healthcare Center, our local Feeding America and at North Hardin High School by conducting mock interviews; participating in local City Council events and fundraising for March of Dimes, Relay for Life, Susan G. Komen, Run for the Red, Women Veterans ROCK, St. Jude and monthly donating to our local domestic violence shelter.

We didn’t forget about our fellow students on the illustrious Kentucky State University’s campus! Eta Alpha kicked off the 2017 academic year promoting our sorority and rendering service to our freshman on campus by helping them move into their dorms and welcoming them and their families to campus and their new journey. Succeeding move-in day, the ladies of Eta Alpha set up in various locations around campus on the first day of class providing a to-go breakfast and select school supplies free to students, encouraging academic preparedness and wishing luck for the school year. An Eta Alpha tradition is to hold the annual “Who’s Sleeping in my Bed?” event on campus for our peers. This event promotes sexual awareness and healthy relationships in college. It opens the door for discussion about topics in sexual health that are very important but often not talked about. During this event we invite established couples that can share their experiences and wisdom on relationships. Eta Alpha is anticipating and planning for an exciting 2018 year reflecting our scholarship, service, sisterly love, and Finer Womanhood!

Nu Beta Zeta celebrated over 30 years of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood by hosting a Charter Reinstatement Celebration Program on December 17, 2016 to extend homage to community leaders for their continued support of our organization. Our goal is to strengthen partnerships while building new relationships. As leaders in the community, Nu Beta Zeta accepts its charge! As the chapter grows we will continue to exemplify and demonstrate the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, throughout Hardin County and Fort Knox. We are Nu Beta Zeta!  ETA ALPHA CHAPTER, KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY The Everlasting, Eta Alpha Chapter was chartered April 20, 1935, on the campus of Kentucky State University and has continued to thrive ever since. The year of 2017 was full of rewarding service and excitement. Eta Alpha has taken the initiative to bridge the gap between community and the students of Kentucky State University, so we have spent bountiful time volunteering and strengthening our relationship with organizations in the community. We started 168 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 ZETA AMICAE OF LOUISVILLE, KY Formerly known as “Louisville Boosters,” the Zeta Amicae of Louisville, KY were established in 1949. Eta Zeta is the sponsoring chapter. The auxiliary issued two scholarships to deserving students in

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS milestones to last, while building on the principles and blazing new paths. The auxiliary thanks International Grand Basileus Wright for her love, dedication and leadership. 


2012-2013. The Grand’s elder care initiative was embraced, with the auxiliary establishing a seven-year relationship with the local Senior Rehab facility, Summerfield. The annual “Coffee Cocoa & Chit Chat Social” is a hit with Zeta friends for Finer Womanhood Week. The adopt-a-school initiative with Seneca High School keeps them busy. The girls’ youth group, community service group, Hawk Angel Tree for Christmas, and sponsoring graduating caps and gowns for seniors are part of their programs. The auxiliary received many awards/honors at the 2015 Great Lakes Regional Conference: the Oldest Auxiliary in the Region, Sponsor of the Year (Friend Cassandra Grisby), Amica of the Year (Amica Retha Beckham), and the Annye P. Scholarship Award (Amica Katrina Bailey). Amica Bailey spoke words of inspiration about blazing new paths, and coined the Great Lakes term “Be THAT 1.” Past Grand Jylla Moore Tearte was so inspired, she paid for Amica Bailey to attend 2015 ZOL! Amica Katrina Bailey was elected Great Lakes Regional Corresponding Secretary for 2015-2017 term, and appointed Ways and Means Chairperson. Amica Retha Beckham was inducted in the Legacy Club at the 2016 Boulé. In 2017, the Amicae and Zetas hosted recreational activities for residents at Active Day Adult Center for Global Day of Service. Founders’ Day was celebrated/observed at the annual Scholarship Luncheon. The auxiliary gave graduating Zeta Youth “Blessings in a Basket,” which were laundry baskets filled with collegiate items and monetary donations. The auxiliary placed third at 2017 Great Lakes Regional Conference for the regional fundraising competition. “Honorable Mention” (Amicae of the Year) was awarded to Amica Katrina Bailey.

During the Wright Administration, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Beta Omicron Zeta Chapter has worked to “Build on the Principles of Zeta while Blazing New Paths” and further our legacy of service in Detroit, Michigan since 1945. The service accomplishments of which we are most proud are being named 2013 Southeast Michigan American Heart Association Power Partner of the Year and winning first place in the 2014 Great Lakes Region Z-HOPE competition for our chapter size. More recently, BOZ worked with the Detroit Police Department and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated on the inaugural Fallen Officer Tribute Bike Ride. Our Sorors registered the riders, assisted with the balloon tributes, donated 20 cases of water, and served refreshments to the families of the fallen officers and law enforcement officers. Beta Omicron Zeta Chapter, in conjunction with the Zeta Stork’s Nest Foundation of Detroit, also partnered with the Henry Ford Health System and its Women-Inspired Neighborhood (WIN) Network to promote healthy pre-natal lifestyles and full terms births. Zeta Stork’s Nest Foundation members promoted the Nest and its services with literature and one-on-one counseling, when needed. Beta Omicron Zeta Chapter members assisted with scheduled Mind, Body and Spirit activities including “Creative Twist Painting”, “Fun Fitness”, “Fun (Healthy) Food”, and a hustle class. A speaker panel, led by the Senior Executive Vice President of Community Health & Equity and Chief Wellness/Diversity Officer (and former Beta Omicron Zeta Woman of the Year honoree) Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom, covered inspiring topics about pre-natal health, healthy eating, exercise and pre/post-natal community services. The Zeta Stork’s Nest Foundation was front and center at this event and submitted a layette package as a give-a-way for an expectant mom. Approximately 200 Detroit area families participated in this fall event. From 2012 until the present, Beta Omicron Zeta Chapter continues to uphold the founding principle of Service to the Detroit community.

The Zeta Amicae of Louisville strive to create legacies and THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 169


As a chapter we are dedicated to building on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths.  KAPPA RHO ZETA CHAPTER, HIGHLAND PARK, MI Kappa Rho Zeta Chapter in Highland Park, Michigan has been blazing new paths, while enthusiastically exemplifying the legacy of our Most Phenomenal Leader, International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright.

ETA LAMBDA ZETA CHAPTER, MT. CLEMENS, MI Eta Lambda Zeta Chapter had a lot to celebrate in 2016. On October 30, 2016, Eta Lambda Zeta celebrated 45 years of Finer Womanhood, Scholarship, Sisterhood and Service. Wives of service men who were educators chartered the chapter in 1971 on Selfridge ANG Base. Since then, Eta Lambda Zeta has been instrumental in developing and supporting initiatives for community development in Mt Clemens, MI. Eta Lambda Zeta regularly hosts events to support children, youth, women, men and seniors in Macomb County. The sorority year begin with a “Z-Pack It Up” event. Students from the community attended the back-to-school event, receiving backpacks filled with items such as pencils, folders, crayons, rulers, books and other important tools that they otherwise would be without. There were also free teeth cleaning services, and many vendors with information and complimentary materials for parents. Supporting the Elder Care initiative, Eta Lambda Zeta has adopted Lakepointe Senior Citizen Home for the past three years. Eta Lambda Zeta members have hosted Halloween parties, Valentine Day parties, and honored veterans on Veterans Day at the center by thanking them for their service and giving them flags. Eta Lambda Zeta’s signature event for the past two years has been the “Blue go Red” event, which is a healthy heart event. This event educates the community by connecting them with local health organizations such as Walk for the Beat, Beaumont Hospital, Macomb County Mental Health Department, and many more community organizations that encourage a healthy lifestyle. The first 50 attendees to this event received a healthy heart packet. The event included Zumba and hustle classes as well as healthy snacks. The highlight of the event this year was an invitation to publicize the event on Fox 2 Detroit News and 910 AM Superstation. This “Blue go Red” healthy heart event has led to weekly healthy heart hustle classes hosted by Eta Lambda Zeta. The year ended with a Christmas/Kwanzaa celebration for the children at Oxford Square. This is an annual event that allows Eta Lambda Zeta to help children learn about their culture while celebrating their heritage and receiving a special Christmas gift. 170 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

We continue to contribute to various organizations and initiatives that make an impact on our community. Veterans’ Rock allowed us to contribute as a part of Military Appreciation Week, pushing the Great Lakes Region in the front for the most effort on this project. Our Chapter has participated in raising money for the March of Dimes, a National Program our Grand International Basileus has been faithfully pioneering during her terms in office. We work together with our Prematurity Awareness Programs through the churches of our members supporting 45 years partnering with the March of Dimes. We take pride in our appreciation for the elders in our community with the adoption of The Villa Senior Care Center. We continue to shower them with gifts and companionship monthly and the residents truly appreciate it when Kappa Rho Zeta comes to visit. We have also been a contributor to the Henrietta Summers Senior Center in Idlewild, MI, as every year we visit Birch Haven. On our Global Day of Service, we provided families with coats for the winter and participated in Martin Luther King Day activities, showing our pride for our rich history in the Civil Rights Movement. Pathways Academy, an alternative school for girls with challenges, has benefited from our donations of baby items, books and school supplies as well as our Stork’s Nest. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas the Chapter, including the Youth and the Amicae adopt a family to shower with food and gifts.

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS Whether it is giving our youth scholarships, cleaning up our community with Adopt-A-Road, providing for young mothers through our Stork’s Nest or hosting health fairs at our neighborhood churches, Kappa Rho Zeta Chapter has continued a legacy that will always blaze an awesome path and will always be the epitome of Finer Womanhood.

RHO THETA ZETA CHAPTER, PORTAGE, MI Since 2012, Rho Theta Zeta has remained small in number as a sisterhood of service. We are committed to the production of quality work, therefore we do what is necessary in answering Zeta’s call.

 Under the leadership of the International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, our chapter has made it a point to carry out the community service initiatives that are dear to her heart. To date, we are involved in an Elder Care Imitative through our “Dovely Ladies Spa,” where we provide hand and nail care for the seniors as well as participate in various activities at Heritage Community of Kalamazoo Assisted-Living facility. At this same facility, we host an Annual Veterans Day program during the month of November where residents who are Veterans are honored through poetry and song.

RHO DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, WASHTENAW COUNTY, MI Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Rho Delta Zeta Chapter of Washtenaw County, Michigan has strived to live up to the standards set upon us by our Founders. Since 1998, we have been active participants in serving our community with a variety of programs. One of the ways we have given back to the community is through the principle service by doing service projects. For three years we committed to the state’s Adopt-A-Highway program. With this program we were responsible for cleaning up our designated two mile stretch three to four times a year. Recently we are quite active with two National initiatives - Elder Care and Adopt-ASchool. Our first Elder Care project started in December of 2013. Since that time we have built a strong relationship with Clark East Towers which is a senior housing facility. We have provided the seniors with monthly bingo games and speakers to address health concerns they may have. We have adopted two schools in our area over the past couple of years while settling on a public, Ypsilanti elementary school. We do a back to school Kid Zumba night with backpacks, provide books in March for reading month, volunteer throughout the year, and we are anticipating a Daddy Daughter in June for Father’s day 2018.

We’ve collaborated with other members of the Divine Nine to enhance the unity of greater Kalamazoo/Portage/Battle Creek by being involved in various community events. We participate in a Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event sponsored by a local non-profit agency, offer a scholarship to a graduating high school student through an annual scholarship award ceremony, health initiatives, an annual Holiday parade, Adopt-a-Senior/Family efforts, support local Breast Cancer and March of Dimes efforts through walking and fundraising, and supporting a local play company led by one of our Sorors. Throughout the last few years of service, Sorors have been spotlighted in local news and media. A local news channel from Grand Rapids spotlighted three Sorors on a journey through local activity Art Hop. These Sorors where exhibiting unique and various art expressions. Another member of our chapter was the sole interviewer for the Lee Honors College of Western Michigan University when they sponsored a visit from Sybrina Fulton, mother of slain youth Trayvon Martin. Our chapter is actively involved with the Michigan State Organization meetings and Great Lakes Regional Conferences through attendance and participation. During the 2016 MSO

We are excited to celebrate our 20 years of service to our community with our Platinum and Pearls Gala on May 5, 2018. We will honor Sorors in our chapter as well as those in the community who have helped make an impact on Washtenaw County. Our chapter is a relevant organization in our community that is strategic and impactful to the youth and families. We have significant partnerships that build the capacity of our community.  THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 171

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS meeting, our chapter received the Chapter of the Year award and Soror Dalexius Walker received Basileus of the Year award. We do a lot, with a little and we’re growing! 

CPR demonstrations by Knuckles Copeland Education; and an “Ask The Doctor’” segment by Brother Ronald Charles, MD. Additional information and pamphlets on cancer, asthma, adoption, healthy expectancy, organs donation registration, childfamily-financial services, Medicare / Medicaid assistance, market place health insurance were provided. While Soror Mary Grant, storyteller and children author, provided youth entertainment.  THETA RHO ZETA CHAPTER, LANSING, MI Theta Rho Zeta has continued to uphold the legacy of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated in the Greater Lansing Community. Upholding the principles of our dear Sorority has been evident in the chapter’s continued focus on Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.

SIGMA PI ZETA CHAPTER, DETROIT, MI A Legacy of Community Service: Since its 2016 reactivation, Sigma Pi Zeta Chapter-Detroit has been a community-focused, actionoriented chapter with an extensive footprint in the community through services to Farmington Hills Meals on Wheels, Brush Park Manor Senior Home, veteran women at John Dingell Veterans Hospital Detroit and veteran men at Michigan Veterans Foundation in Detroit, and local Adopt-A-School Programs in Detroit and Farmington Hills, Michigan. Appointed by Soror Michelle Porter-Norman, Great Lakes Regional Director to be Michigan’s Representative for the 2017 Global Day of Service 2020 Centennial Kick-off, Sigma Pi Zeta connected with the community through marketing and advertising ads. Participating in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Peace Walk and collecting cash and food donations for the Southeastern Michigan Forgotten Harvest Food Bank. Additionally, the chapter also conducted media interviews with Charlie Langton, WWJ 950 AM Radio – Fox News Chanel 2 and interviews with Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, Michigan’s 14th District and Mayor and Dr. Ken Siver, Southfield, Michigan to discuss the meaning of Dr. King’s Civil Right Movement. Continuing its community service outreach, Sigma Pi Zeta and its community partners hosted a Health Fair and “Free” Flu Clinic on November 4, 2017 at Greater Grace Temple in Detroit to serve the uninsured and underinsured. Services provided included mammogram, heart and vascular screenings by St. John Providence Hospital; “free” flu shots by Alana’s Foundation and Visiting Nursing Association; dental hygiene kits by Detroit Mercy Dental School; hearing exams by Wayne State School of Audiology; cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar body mass index, and weight screenings by the University of Michigan School of Public Health - Heart Partnering for Better Health in Detroit, Michigan State University Extension - Nutrition and Physical Activity, St. John Providence Hospital, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated, Lambda Chi Chapter and Detroit Black Nursing Association, Incorporation; 172 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Since 2013, the Chapter has held an annual Oratorical Scholarship Contest for graduating high school seniors. The scholarship contest is the chapter’s primary method of distributing scholarship funds from the annual Finer Womanhood Luncheon. In addition, to the opportunity to win a scholarship award, students are responsible for writing their own speech based upon a preselected theme. The students are rated on their delivery and strength of the argument they were able to compose. These skills are very valuable and assist the students greatly as they prepare to enter their next level of education. Since the inception of the oratorical contest over $8,000 in scholarships have been distributed to assist students in their college career. Partnerships have been an integral part of the difference Theta Rho Zeta strives to make in the Greater Lansing Community. The Chapter has partnered with multiple organizations through the years including the March of Dimes, Eastside Community Action Center, Haven House, Women’s Center of Greater Lansing and Sensations Memory Care Center. Theta Rho Zeta has volunteered countless hours to elder care initiatives through Sensations with a standing monthly visit. During the visit, Sorors have sing-alongs, play games, create crafts, been a listening ear or warm caring smile to the residents. Additionally, Theta Rho Zeta has partnered with the Southside Community Center to provide a Back to School Health Fair annually

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS to underserved residents of the Greater Lansing Community. During the health fair residents are able to obtain information that brings awareness and receive blood pressure screenings. Additionally, youth have been able to receive sports physicals free of charge through partnerships Theta Rho Zeta Chapter has created with local physicians. The above are just a few of the many ways Theta Rho Zeta is leaving the legacy of our sorority in the Greater Lansing Community. Additionally, we held a Girls Summit with over 100 high school girls in attendance, Personal Branding Workshops, fulfilled community organizations’ wish list, and much more. Like the man on the side of the road, we strive to be a friend to man. Please join us as we continue to provide sisterly love, compassion and promote the principles of Zeta as we continue our journey. When Zeta calls: We answer! 

a priority and is the bedrock of all we do. Efforts in fundraising have made it possible for us to bless the youth in our community and our Archonettes with scholarships for college. We also take pride in being able to contribute to the National Education Fund and other worthy causes locally and nationally. Our members know how necessary fundraising is and through the years we have raised the bar in this area. Much has been learned, gained, and achieved over the last six years. We are looking forward to growing our beloved sorority and chapter in the years to come. #SisterhoodFirst  ZETA NU ZETA CHAPTER, INKSTER, MI Year after year, Zeta Nu Zeta Sorors work tirelessly to provide service within the Inkster, Michigan community. Over the past six years our chapter has diligently sowed seeds of service to strengthen our legacy! Three times each year, our chapter, our undergraduate Sorors, and our Amicae and Youth auxiliaries work under the Michigan Adopt-A-Highway Program in Inkster, performing highway clean up as our ongoing commitment.

UPSILON PSI ZETA CHAPTER, OAK PARK, MI Upsilon Psi Zeta Chapter, Oak Park, Michigan celebrated its sixyear Charterversary in 2012. Hard work and dedication to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated kept us focused. In the years since, we have increased our sisterhood and celebrated our 10-year Charterversary. Other accomplishments of note are receiving state, regional, and national 1st place awards for Z-HOPE, as well as recognition for exemplary work with national initiatives. Our youth groups are active, receiving state awards for outstanding members and our Amicae have been honored for their community service participation at all tiers. Since 2012 many members have held officer positions at the state and regional level and continue to do so today. We also make attending meetings a priority locally, in the region and nationally. Participating in the business of Zeta has been and will continue to be a part of the chapter’s commitment to its duties. We love a road trip together and meeting our Sorors near and far. Upsilon Psi Zeta Chapter, Oak Park, Michigan works tirelessly to uphold the founding principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, but Sisterhood is a principle we hold dear to our hearts. We are always working to support members of the chapter and sorority to enrich themselves. Time dedicated to bonding is

Continuing since 2012, ZNZ has an established laborious partnership with the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan (NKFM), enabling us to present numerous seminars/workshops each year like Bodyworks, Vagina Monologues, Path Diabetes and Domestic Violence. Other initiatives are the annual College Fair, and the “Love Shouldn’t Hurt” Teen Dating Violence Series. We’ve supported Mother’s Pantry, and held an Elder Care Christmas party and Prematurity Awareness programs at Peoples Community Baptist and St. Clements Churches. In 2012, we held our Second Annual Health Expo focused on seniors. We partnered with SWAP in 2014 for an Affordable Care Information Workshop and with JOLP for a College Fair. Sorors also presented books and Christmas gifts to Daly Elementary School. In 2015, ZNZ focused on Getting Engaged, and holding seminars such as the Breast Cancer Awareness Workshop while continuing traditions of participating in March of Dimes March for Babies, American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and Making Strides for Breast Cancer, and the Inkster Task Force and Alzheimer’s Walks. Sorors attended Mix 92.3 Pink Gala & SWAP’s Annual Celebration/ Fundraiser. Sorors actively participated in attending various luncheons/receptions/social engagements for other Divine Nine organizations in 2016. We handed out water during the Flint Water Crisis and held seminars on topics such as Human Trafficking and Love Shouldn’t Hurt, focusing on domestic violence awareness. We adopted Inkster Prep Academy School, hosted our first Wildlife tour, and re-opened our Stork’s Nest. In 2017 we hosted the annual Michigan State Organization’s (MSO) Founders’ Day Luncheon, Great Lakes Regional Conference, and THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 173

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS look forward to another 50 years together serving Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated! Many of our members were honored with awards or special recognitions within Zeta and the Saginaw community. We are so fortunate to have many accomplished sisters. Our Youth Auxiliaries have been very active serving and participating in various events. One of the many projects they participated in was making blankets for Military Appreciation Day and presenting them to local Veterans. A great way to teach our youth to serve those who have served our country. While always busy attending and coordinating events for Zeta many years, we hope to continue serving our Sisterhood through Service, Scholarship and Finer Womanhood!  the MSO 50th Anniversary Leadership Conference. We also cohosted Zeta Hospitality Night at Conclave. Even doing all this, ZNZ made time to participate in the Global Day of Service and celebrate ourselves, introducing the world to #bluegirlMAGIC, black girl magic at its Finest!  ZETA OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, SAGINAW, MI The Zeta Omega Zeta Chapter have been extremely busy over the past several years within Saginaw, Michigan and beyond. Our chapter represents six counties and we are always ready to serve when Zeta calls! We have hosted, served and made a difference at an array of events including marches/walks, mobile food pantries, a foster closet, a diaper alliance, and award ceremonies. With 2017 being our chapter’s 50th Anniversary, we were busy planning and hosting over 500 guests at our Finer Womanhood celebration. Past Grand Basileus Sheryl Underwood was our special guest speaker along with our charter members with many of them being Doves. Along with the chapter celebrating 50 years, our Amicae chapter also celebrated their 50th Anniversary. We are so proud of our Friends and their accomplishments with the city of Saginaw. We

GAMMA DELTA CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN-ANN ARBOR Since 2012, Gamma Delta has enjoyed a legacy of being known as women who work hard across the board: from bringing in five intake class, to experiencing four consecutive step show wins, and establishing numerous staple events. Over the last six years, we have worked tirelessly exemplifying our organization’s ideal of service while continuously building upon the foundation of previous programs to better serve our campus community. Here at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, one of our annual and staple programs, Home Away From Home has been one of our most effective and distinct events. As community-conscious women, we recognized that the short break for Thanksgiving made it difficult for many students of color who live out-of-state to afford a trip home for the holidays and often don’t have a chance to enjoy the community or food like their in-state peers. Our response was to take action and create an event to address that


GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS need where we would provide a meal, free of charge, in a way that is culturally comforting and familiar to our black students. Featuring Thanksgiving “staples” such as macaroni and cheese and candied yams, we provide a safe space where students can not only enjoy delicious food but good company on a campus that can often feel isolating for our black student population. We traditionally collect donations for varying charities as a way of encouraging students to give back, and try to maximize our community impact.

Our chapter has also participated with monetary donations to the Tyler Sister Memorial Fund, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority’s 1734 Project, Women’s Veteran’s ROCK Initiative, American Cancer Society Wig Drive, US Fish and Wildlife Refuge and Toiletries for Veterans. Nu Nu Chapter focuses on exemplifying the true meaning of Scholarship, Service, and Sisterhood while blazing new paths, and setting trends to be the BEST!

Throughout the years the dinner has evolved, from dishes provided by the chapter to larger collaborations with University of Michigan’s multicultural departments, yet has maintained the same dedication to serving students on our campus. Annually, we receive feedback from students explaining how they felt at home during the event and a little better about being away from their family during the holidays. Year after year, students show up in larger capacities and walk away feeling emotionally and physically full-a compliment to our mark on campus and the legacy we continue to build upon.



NU NU, OAKLAND UNIVERSITY, MI Exemplifying Greatness in the Great Lakes Region: Nu Nu Chapter was chartered on the campus of Oakland University on April 25th, 1987 by ten illustrious, trendsetting women. From 2012-2016, the chapter’s presence has been maintained on campus and now has become the premier sorority by inducting back-to-back members in 2017. The new members are Nezerena Graves and Leah Drew followed by Zakia Ali-James, Kessia Graves, Jasmine Buckley, Mackenzie Russ-Jones, Kiera Parkman, Ch’nel Skelton, and Dezirae Robinson. These members hit the ground running by blazing paths of scholastic achievement through various organizations and currently holds the highest GPA for all Divine Nine organizations on campus.


Zeta Amicae of Oak Park, Michigan was chartered on February 19, 2011 by Amicae Angela Cobb, Jacinda Brooks, Jonetta Smith, Lakesia Thompson-Thrasher, and Sandra Wimbley who believed in reaching and rendering invaluable services to our sponsoring Chapter Upsilon Psi Zeta and respective communities. We are committed to upholding the principles, values and standards of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated while helping other people excel. We have attended State, Regional and National conferences where we received invaluable training on Z-HOPE activities, fundraisers, local and national partnerships. We’ve attended Founders’ Day events and supported our Friends Scholarships to noteworthy college students. Our resilience, enthusiasm, and commitment to community service, with only 12 Amicae members (many whom are legacies and now a Zeta) has led to notable accomplishments and accolades including Michigan State Organization Auxiliary of the Year in 2017. We’ve also received 3rd Place Z-HOPE National Award 2016, Zeta Amicae Auxiliary President of the Year 2015, Zeta Amicae of the Year 2017, awards for donations to Wigs for Awareness 2015, 2016, 2017, 1st Place Z-HOPE Award 2016, 2017, Certificate of Appreciation from Wreaths Across America 2015, 2016, Amicae Auxiliary of the Year 2017, Award of Excellence -The National Elder Care Initiative 2017, Certificate of Participation-Zeta Day at the Refuge-by MSO, Award of Recognition with the most Z-HOPE Projects 2017-by GLR, Award of Recognition Top in Fundraising 2017, Award of Recognition with the Most New Members 2017, letters of recognition from Chapter 154 Vietnam Veterans of America, Sara’s Place, Genesis House I, Southeastern Michigan Veterans Stand Down, Inc., West Oaks Rehab and Hartford Presbyterian Villages of Michigan, New Mt. Sinai MBC of Detroit, AmeriCorps of Detroit, Oakdale Tabernacle Church, Clinton Grove

Community service resides as the staple of their hearts and actions daily. Chapter members actively partner with Quality of Life Adult Daycare, which involves engaging in artistic projects with the elderly weekly; Pontiac Academy of Excellence; “Blessings in a Backpack,” which involves the preparation of meals for children of need in Pontiac, MI; and the Safe Sleep Awareness Initiative (Stork’s Nest), in conjunction with our sponsoring graduate chapter, Lambda Rho Zeta.


GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS Cemetery Association, Macedonia Baptist Church, Tim Hortons of Highland Park, Gleaners of Detroit, Forgotten Harvest of Southeast Michigan, Coalitions of Temporary Shelter, Children Hospital of Michigan and CURIS Enterprises. We will continue to work with our Friends and community leaders bonding a friendship that will last forever and anticipating a future of assisting in communities, helping those in need “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths.” 


gave scholarships over the past several years to deserving young women through our Effie McKerson Scholarship. The Chapter has also committed itself to reconnecting with our Fraternity Brothers, of Phi Beta Sigma, Incorporated. It has and continues to produce great collaborative efforts. We have marched in a community parade, supported our Brothers with their scholarship fundraising effort and they have supported us in our fundraising and scholarship fundraiser efforts as well. Iota Zeta Zeta has been encouraging its Chapter Members to spread their wings and look into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated opportunities on the State Level and we are proud to share the IZZ Chapter has a Soror serving as MN State Tamias. IZZ has also made purposeful steps to become more involved with our Divine Nine Colleagues. We celebrated with Sigma Gamma Rho at their Founders’ Day Brunch and as the year wraps up we will donate decorations, a Christmas tree, and decorate Santa’s workshop for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated who do a Meet -n- Greet with Santa at a Recreation Center in our community. It was an opportunity presented to us by one of our Chapter Members and we were thrilled to do it! Our year will end on an extremely strong note as we welcome an Emmy-Award Winner, a Cum Laude Graduate, and a Young Woman who chose Uniqueness over popularity to the IZZ Chapter. These three Women will only strengthen and compliment the Women we currently have in the Chapter. In closing, our deliberate and calculated efforts are exciting our Members and Re-energizing the Sorors who have taken some time away from Zeta. Our Chapter Looks Forward to the Future Because We Are Destined To Fly On The Wings of Doves!

Zeta Amicae of Saginaw is proud to have been nurtured to the ideals of Finer Womanhood by our sponsors, Zeta Omega Zeta Chapter of Saginaw, MI. We have faithfully sponsored a Single Parent Scholarship every other year. We host the NAACP informational meeting every February. Saginaw Amicae has partnered with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority in an annual Read in Chain supporting African American authors ( across America). We are excited as our sponsors has given us total support as we have enhanced our membership. We honor outstanding citizens in and in our surrounding communities with our Celebration of Service. We’ve adopted a day care, donate 50-75 lbs. of chicken and can goods to the Good Neighbors Mission. We are blessed to celebrate our 50th Anniversary! 





The Iota Zeta Zeta (IZZ) Chapter has been very intentional with Reclamation Activities. We have held social and volunteer events that have allowed us to reconnect with our Non Financial Sorors and Reinvigorate their interest in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Through this effort we have Reclaimed several Non Financial Sorors. We awarded a very deserving Woman from our community with the First IZZ Finer Woman Award as well as

Sigma Beta Zeta chapter has carried our Sorority’s principles strong and has experienced tremendous growth under the Wright administration. In 2012, Dr. Bernadette Harrell, a member of our chapter, became our Minnesota State Director, and we commend her on a successful tenure. These past six years, we have continued to execute our core Service priorities, including Elder Care, Making Strides for Breast Cancer, March of Dimes, and more. In 2016, we


GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS E. Lang assumed her position. The chapter has grown from 10 members in 2011 to 37 members in 2017. Chapter members’ enthusiasm and energy account for the increase in new and reclaimed members and chapter growth has been channeled into dynamic programs. Scholarship has always been our primary focus; since the 1940s, the chapter has awarded scholarships to senior high graduates. Annually, the chapter hosts a tea or lunch which serves as a scholarship fundraiser and an annual Finer Womanhood month activity. In 2016, we kicked off another successful fundraiser, Blue Spoken Word and Sound that features regional artists and musicians. raised $800 during our March for Babies campaign—the most our chapter raised in one year. In 2017, we began our Adopta-School partnership with Bethune Elementary in Minneapolis, where we donated 290 books to students for them to take home and promote literacy outside the school setting. Sigma Beta Zeta is the sponsoring graduate chapter to Kappa Pi, the only undergraduate chapter in Minnesota. Their growth has been inspiring, and we are proud to support and mentor these amazing young women. In 2014, they welcomed the largest intake class of their chapter and the state, welcoming eight new members. Their members are leaders on campus and are model young women. We have welcomed Kappa Pi graduates into Sigma Beta Zeta, and they are taking leadership positions in the chapter and state. Sigma Beta Zeta has also began a new tradition with the Finer Womanhood Prayer Brunch, beginning in March 2016. We welcome female keynote speakers and community leaders to be honored for their service in the Twin Cities community.

Service is a major focus major area. The chapter partners with the Lincoln-Crawford Care Center to implement Elder Care initiatives. And, we are half-way to our centennial goal of donating 5,000 towels to the YWCA Domestic Violence Center. Annually too, we come together as family – Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter, Beta Eta Chapter and chapter Amicae and Archonettes – to fill shoeboxes with gifts for Operation Christmas Child and walk in the Midwest Black Family Reunion parade, and Making Strides against Breast Cancer and the March of Dimes March for Babies initiatives. We also serve as volunteers at Crayons to Computers, WCET and the Cincinnati Association of Black Universities and Colleges recruitment fair. We make donations to Sorority initiatives such as Women Veterans ROCK and for the Great Lakes Region’s and State of Ohio’s annual service projects. Looking forward, in 2018, the chapter will celebrate its 75th anniversary with a gala dinner dance. The chapter will also launch its much-anticipated Beta Zeta Zeta Education Foundation, Inc, a nonprofit organization to further enhance our scholarship efforts. Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter is seeing how far we can go and right now, there is no end in sight!

Finally, we’re grateful for the growth of our Sisterhood. Since 2012, our chapter has grown in diverse and beautiful ways. In addition to welcoming Sorors from Kappa Pi, we welcomed our second intake class in chapter history this year. This fiscal year, we are ecstatic to have 20 financial Sorors, including reclaiming three Sorors. We are also excited to celebrate Soror Fannie Harrell, past Minnesota State Director and past Basileus, as she becomes a Zeta Dove this year! As we journey to Centennial, Sigma Beta Zeta strives to blaze new paths and create a community of Sorors who lovingly support each other and are committed to the work of Zeta. 

- OHIO –


BETA ZETA ZETA CHAPTER, CINCINNATI, OH The prevailing yet unspoken theme of Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter, Cincinnati, Ohio, has been, “Let’s see how far we can go!” Extraordinary growth, outstanding programs and solid plans for the future sum up our activities since 2012 when Basileus Abbie

Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter honors their past Basileus and Dove, Soror Ora Sims with 100 hours of Community Service for her 100th birthday. As Soror Sims 100th birthday was fastly approaching in May of 2017, Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter wanted to honor her the way she would want to be honored. Soror Sims family THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 177

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS Soror Bertha Brown, 59 years; Soror Priscilla Sumpter, 67 years; and Soror Christabel Bradford, 52 years (preceded in death prior to the anniversary). Phi Beta Sigma Chapter President Michael Brown and Nu Theta Zeta Chapter Basileus, Wendy Horn brought greetings and well wishes to the Chapter in honor of their 70 years.  GAMMA ZETA ZETA CHAPTER, COLUMBUS, OH

was giving her a Grand Birthday party and in lieu of gifts Soror Sims had asked her guests to donate to the Greater Cleveland Food Bank. Upon Soror Sims request Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter decided to complete 100 hours of community service at the Greater Cleveland Food Bank and present her with a memory book and a Zeta pin. Soror Gina Jackson, Basileus attended the Birthday celebration and was ask by Soror Sims daughters to do a presentation on behalf of the Chapter. Soror Jackson stated that when Soror Sims attends a meeting she is met with lots of love and given the most honorable respect - “when Soror Sims speaks, all Sorors listen.” Soror Jackson presented Soror Sims with a memory book of her life and times as a Zeta, a certificate of commitment for 100 hours of community service, and then pinned Soror Sims with a Zeta pin on behalf of the Chapter. Soror Sims is known for saying “a Zeta always serves the community” and Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter strives to keep the legacy of service alive. Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter stood by their commitment and was able to complete their 100 hours of service in October of 2017. Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter celebrated its Chapter anniversary at their 70th Anniversary Sapphire Jubilee held on October 1, 2016. The celebration began with a meet and greet Friday evening. The chapter gathered with their brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and their Amicae Auxiliary. On Saturday the Chapter’s celebration took place with live entertainment by “Spirit Plus Band” and a three-course plated meal. The evening consisted of a welcome by Soror Louise Gooch, the reading of the Chapter History by Soror Kelli Pierson-Zellous and the reading of past and present Basilei along with a moment of silence by Soror Sarah Edding. The Chapter was honored to have in attendance State Director Madam LaRita Smith. Madam State Director Smith, Chapter Basileus Jackson, along with past Chapter Basileus Andrea Aarons-Payne, did a special presentation honoring the chapter’s five Doves. The Doves were presented with a blue beveled glass plaque honoring their dedicated years of service to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter. Honorees were as follows, Soror Lula Kennedy, 50 years; Soror Ora Sims, 52 years; 178 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Over the last six years, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter of Columbus, Ohio has achieved great things together and have continued to build on our strong presence. As the largest graduate chapter in Ohio, we have inducted 18 Sorors, continued Archonette membership between 10-18 members, and reactivated our Amicae chapter. During the reactivation, we welcomed Friend Trina N. Snow—great niece of honorable founders Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings. Our Amicae are active in the community and support many of our chapter endeavors, such as our “From Girls to Pearls” program and Community Baby Shower. With all hands on deck, partnered with our Education Foundation, we are entering our 11th year of “From Girls to Pearls”; a rites of passage program that enhances the knowledge of female adolescents of color. Reinforcing the lesson of “my body is my temple”, the young ladies attend charm school, ballroom dance, and realize their special purpose: Honor God, family, community and themselves. Stronger together, Gamma Zeta Zeta has continued collaborative efforts with various organizations. We recently partnered with CDC Headstart and Celebrate One for our 4th annual Community Baby Shower, a lunch and learn event where families leave with baby items free of charge. This event has quickly grown, serving 94 families this year, a substantial increase from 25 families last year. Also, our Z-HOPE committee along with featured sponsors ADAMH Board of Franklin County, Mental Health America of Franklin County and more, held “Breaking the Blues” Community Health Fair which emphasized the community need to address mental health issues. Gamma Zeta Zeta will be celebrating 75 years of service, scholarship, sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. This auspicious

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS occasion will be held September 8, 2018 at the Columbus Hilton Easton Grand ballroom. We’ve planned a glorious night of entertainment as we view our past, visit our present and give vision to the future. We welcome all sisters and friends of Zeta to be a part of this milestone with us! 

natural hair in the workplace. Since its inception, the program has grown to include a focus on cosmetics and reached more than 100 members of the Central Ohio community. In February 2017, the chapter hosted Finer Girls Rock, a girls empowerment program focused on STEM careers, personal identity and self defense, attended by about 20 girls. The chapter also grew during this time. While all four classes of new members brought in from 2012-2017 hold a special place in Sigma Iota Zeta’s history, the 2016 intake class brought a special notoriety. On October 2, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta welcomed Helen Robinson, the granddaughter of Phi Beta Sigma Founder Leonard F. Morse, with International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright in attendance at the ceremony. A reception was held to commemorate the event which was attended by the 27th and 29th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, Carter G. Womack, members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Beta Omicron Sigma chapter, and Bro. Michael Tyler, the great-grandnephew of Triumphant Founders Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings. Sigma Iota Zeta also grew the sisterhood by serving as an advising chapter and reactivating Gamma Epsilon at Wilberforce University. Following the call of the Wright Administration, Sigma Iota Zeta has spent the past six years blazing new paths in Central Ohio and beyond with a steadfast focus on scholarship, service, sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.  BETA ETA CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI, OH

SIGMA IOTA ZETA CHAPTER, REYNOLDSBURG, OH The Wright Administration proved to be a righteous time for Sigma Iota Zeta as the chapter embraced innovative programming and experienced unprecedented growth.

The Beta Eta Chapter, sponsored by Beta Zeta Zeta Chapter, is back on the campus of The University of Cincinnati! The charter was reinstated March 2017. Five courageous, energetic phenomenal women were inducted into the awesome sisterhood of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Zeta’s history on UC’s campus dates back to 1939 when Sigma Alpha was chartered but became inactive. Beta Zeta Zeta began to organize another chapter on The University of Cincinnati’s campus. On April 12, 1975, the first initial charter was issued in the name of Beta Eta by Dr. Janice G Kissner, the 17th National Grand Basileus. Our journey continues as we strive to

With recently appointed Ohio State Director LaRita MJ Smith, Sigma Iota Zeta kicked off the 2012-2013 sorority year by hosting a successful Ohio State Leadership Conference in Worthington, Ohio. SIZ’s work on the state level did not end there as several members have served on the state executive board and on committees. Always focused on service, Sigma Iota Zeta found fresh ways to commemorate Finer Womanhood and serve the community. In February 2015, Sigma Iota Zeta unveiled the Natural Hair Symposium. The inaugural program included workshops on natural hair maintenance and Divine Nine panelists discussing THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 179

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS promote the sorority’s ideals of Scholarship, Sisterhood, Service and Finer Womanhood on our campus and in our community. On February 25, 2017 the “Blutiful” Beta Eta Chapter at the University of Cincinnati was re-chartered. As new Zetas, there was the mission to break down barriers on campus and shine light on overlooked topics. Within the past year of reinstatement Beta Eta has accomplished many things, from programming to campus involvement, as the chapter exemplifies what it means to be finer. Beta Eta hosted a number of programs, with the most memorable being a ribbon giveaway and a rap battle. During Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness month, many student organizations promoted Breast Cancer Awareness. However, Beta Eta felt that Domestic Violence Awareness should not go unnoticed. As a result, Beta Eta hosted a purple ribbon giveaway in support of all those affected by domestic violence. Each ribbon was paired with a statistic and a hotline to call for support. During the giveaway students, faculty, and staff commended the chapter on their work and the attention they were bringing to domestic violence. To further promote Zeta’s goals, Beta Eta hosted a rap battle, “Dropz Mic”. Students were provided with Zeta’s National Programs/ Initiates with supporting facts about each and were tasked with the creation of a rap, using the facts, and a performance. The event was a huge success and the Chapter was able to educate their campus on Get Engaged, the Elder Care Initiative, and the Stork’s Nest project. To support inclusion, Beta Eta participated in a “Cross the Line” retreat where sororities from differing councils came together and discussed inclusion, race, gender, sexual identities and ways the campus could increase awareness and bridge gaps. From the networking and exposure of the retreat Beta Eta’s Chapter Basileus was tapped into the Rho Lambda Honorary Society and our Chapter Grammateus was tapped into UC’s Fraternal Values Society. The chapter strives to also extend their reach to the whole campus community. Members hold Resident Advisor, Student Government and mentorship positions. Beta Eta continues to build a better campus and community. The chapter looks forward to the coming semesters and everything it has to offer!  ZETA AMICAE OF CINCINNATI, OH As we continue to support our “Sister Friends” of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc with community service our journey has been rewarding. Our community health fair was and is a life saving annual event. It is always a blessing to hear from the community on how beneficial the Cincinnati Amicae Health fair was to them, from getting early prostrate diagnosis to eating healthy. As we continue to add new Amicae to the auxiliary, we are looking 180 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

forward to branching out in more communities to be of great service.  ZETA AMICAE OF DAYTON, OH Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Dayton, Ohio. Amazing Amicae 42 years strong. Our current members are: Sharon D. Moore (P), Janice L. Brown (VP), Sumothia “Pat” Howard (Sec/Chap), Geneva Core (Trea), Juanita Lattimore (oldest member), Cynthia Fisher and Katherine Fogt Thompson. Our Milestones: Both Amica Brown and Amica Moore have served as State and Regional Officers. Amica Brown is currently the Zeta Amicae Ohio State President and the Great Lakes Regional Treasurer. Amica Moore is the current Zeta Amicae Ohio State Chaplain. Since 2012 we have received twenty 1st place awards for our Chapter Report, six 2nd place awards for Journals, two Z-HOPE 1st place awards, one 2nd place Signature Project Award for Adopt a School at the 2014 Boulé. Amica of Year 2013 at the Ohio State Organization Conference was Amica Sumothia “Pat” Howard, 2017 Ohio State Organization Conference Amica of Year was Amica Janice L. Brown. Amica Janice L. Brown was elected the Zeta Amicae Great Lakes Regional President in 2012 and served for two terms. Amica Janice L. Brown and Sharon D. Moore attended the first ZOL Amica Workshop in July 2013 in Indianapolis, IN along with Sponsor Friend Theolanda Harewood. Amica Brown attended the 2012 and 2014 Boulé.

GREAT LAKES REGION CHAPTERS During the 2014 Boulé, International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright and National Director of Amicae Affairs Donnie Faye Hull conducted the first Amicae Legacy Induction Ceremony. Legacy pins and certificates were received for Amica Janice L. Brown (daughter) and Amica Juanita E. Lattimore (mother). Amica Janice L. Brown was the keynote speaker at the Zeta Amicae of Saginaw’s “Celebration of Service” Community Service & Scholarship Banquet held in October 2014. During the 2017 Great Lakes Regional Conference the Auxiliary received a Milestone Certificate for 40 years of Amicae Service, Support of Most National Initiatives, and Z-NEF Auxiliary Contributor. The Auxiliary celebrated 42 years on July 29, 2017. Our guest was Friend Rozella Campbell, Zeta Amicae Regional Coordinator, Zeta Amicae of Cincinnati, Ohio, and our sponsoring chapter Delta Phi Zeta and sponsor Celeste Pickett. We honored our Triumphant Sponsor Theolanda Harewood. “Be A Friend, Be of Service” 

- WISCONSIN – KAPPA BETA ZETA CHAPTER, MILWAUKEE, WI Kappa Beta Zeta. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Silver Centennial Donor. Home of Effortless Sisterhood. Life Members. Local elected

Officers. Regional elected and appointed officers. National appointed officers. six Storks Nests. Three undergraduate chapters. Youth groups. Over $8,000 awarded in scholarship money. State leadership conferences. Regional conferences. National conferences. ZOL certified. Sigma Centennial Celebrations. March for Babies. Elder Care. Zeta Prematurity Month. Voter education. Greek unity. Z-HOPE. Get engaged. Scholarship. Service. Sisterhood. Finer Womanhood. Kappa Beta Zeta does it ALL. Our Founders. Trail blazers. KBZ trail blazing. Our journey to Centennial. Amazing.


Magnifi cent MIDWESTERN REGION Thank you to my outstanding State Directors for all your hard work and dedication to your states and the Midwestern Region! Special thanks to the past State Directors: Soror Bethany Bledsoe (KS), Soror Jeana Hines (MO), Soror Janet Johnson (IA), and Kimberly Ward (NE). Thank you, Sorors of the Midwestern Region, for all your love and support during my tenure. “Team works makes the dream work” - with our team work, the region made history in Zeta with fantastic firsts in Zeta, outstanding growth, and recognition. Samantha Hughes Midwestern Regional Director 2012-2018

Zetas at the 2017 Midwestern Regional Conference 2017-2018 Midwestern Region State Directors Left to Right: Soror Barbara Okeke (IA), Soror Curtisia Battle(OK), Soror Alex Lewis (KS), RD Soror Samantha Hughes, Soror Shukura Huggins(NE), Soror Gloria Magwood (CO-WY), Soror Porsche Elkins (MO).

Amicae at the 2017 Midwestern Regional Conference 182 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Zeta and Amicae Legacies

MIDWESTERN REGION Street Christian Church. In 2014, we joined the Douglas School Reunion in their dedication of Douglas school monument, and introduced Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. to Douglas Alumni. We followed shortly with “Zeta Day in Hannibal,” in 2015. Zeta Day in Hannibal offered a Zeta Retreat to Zetas all over the country to enjoy and explore Hannibal. In 2016, we hosted “Zeta Day 2.0,” and took the entire Regional Conference delegation to Hannibal, MO. We dedicated a park pavilion and storyboard, and unveiled the renaming of Willow Street Park to Douglass School/Arizona Cleaver Stemons Park.

FIRSTS IN ZETADOM! We were the first region to commemorate the birthplace of a founder. In 2013, we began our journey to bring Zeta home to the Birthplace of Founder and President Emeritus Arizona Cleaver Stemons, in Hannibal, Missouri. We met with owner of the only African American Museum in Hannibal, Jim’s Journey, and attended church on the grounds of Douglass school at Willow

Most recently, in 2017, founder Stemons has been recognized by Missouri Highway 36 Heritage Alliance, as part of “Missouri Highway 36 - The Way of American Genius.” The Way of American Genius is Missouri’s stretch of Highway 36, home of geniuses such as JC Penney, Mark Twain, Walt Disney, the guys who invented sliced bread, and the Pony Express. Please access her information, titled Forging a Path for AfricanAmerican Women: Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons at https:// www.americangeniushighway.com/2016/09/forging-a-path-forafrican-american-women-arizona-leedonia-cleaver-stemons.

MIDWESTERN REGION CHARTER LEGACY CLUB In 2017, the Midwestern Region chartered the first official Zeta and Amicae Legacy Club, with 75 Sorors and 14 Amicae.


MIDWESTERN REGION Soror Alex Lewis, Kansas State Director, and Regional Director Hughes attended the Delta Chapter’s Centennial Celebration, which also recognized Phi Beta Sigma Founder Charles I. Brown, the Founder of Delta Chapter at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. Kansas State is also the home of the first Delta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.


Theta Iota


University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

Omicron Omicron


Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO



Lambda Upsilon

New Charter, 1 NPHC organization on campus

University of Dubuque, Dubuque, IA

Zeta Phi

New Charter, 1st NPHC organization on campus

Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA


Tau Omicron


Southeast MO State University, Cape Girardeau, MO

Eta Upsilon

New Charter, 1st NPHC organization on campus

Missouri Valley College, Marshall, MO


Eta Pi


Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Eta Xi Zeta Amicae Auxiliary

Reactivation Sponsoring Chapter

Ardmore, Ok

Midwest City, OK

Xi Nu Zeta

Zeta Youth Auxiliary Archonettes

Xi Nu Zeta

Stork’s Nest ReͲestablished

Langston, Ok

Beta Phi Zeta

Wichita, KS

Sigma Zeta


Midwestern Region COLORADO/WYOMING When I was appointed to the position of State Director for Colorado/Wyoming in 2012, it was a very scary moment but very rewarding. Being appointed to the position of State Director gave me something to commit to and the determination to succeed. I want to thank Dr. Mary B. Wright for allowing me to be a part of the “Wright Team.” Thank you for your guidance, leadership, support and understanding. Under your administration, I have become a more informed Zeta, a better leader, and most of all, a better Soror. I also want to thank Regional Director Samantha Hughes and my fellow State Directors for their support and friendship. My biggest support came from the State of Colorado and my friend Dr. Shirley Stansberry. I appreciate the support and encouragement from each Soror, Amica and brother of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Although I endured many challenges, it was a great six years. It has been a great experience and I thank you Madame Grand Wright, for allowing me to be a part of your administration.

Gloria Magwood Colorado/Wyoming State Director 2012-2018


Participated in Race for The Cure

I participated in various community service projects within my six years. One of my first incentives as State Director was to donate toiletries to the USO. I was a volunteer at the USO and saw the need for the toiletries for our troops. It has become our yearly project at State Meeting ever since. As State Director, I have encouraged and supported all Z-HOPE Projects.

Participated in March for Babies with the March of Dimes

Supported the American Cancer Society by donating wigs and scarves

Humbly supported Wreaths Across America, participated and brought wreaths

Participated at the Christmas Party and Caroling at our National Veterans Hospital

Proudly worked on the committee for the Arizona Cleaver Stemons Project

Attended the Joint Founders’ Day Program with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Volunteered at Orchard Park Nursing Home, our monthly visit

Some of the activities the Colorado/Wyoming Zetas participated in are: •

• •

Supported our Amicae and Youth Auxiliaries when they work with the Ronald Mc Donald House to feed and support the families that live there Served with Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter on yearly projects such as feeding the homeless at our local churches Donated time with Xi Kappa Zeta at the Rocky Mountain Food Bank

Volunteered for both campaigns to elect President Barack Obama (September - November)

Participated at Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Attended the Prematurity Awareness Program at a church service

Participated with No Child Left Behind/Arapahoe County Social Services

Attended the Meeting with Denver Mayor Michael Hancock - Improving Racial Issues in our Community

Attended Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s 100th Anniversary

SISTERHOOD Over the past six years, the State of Colorado has experienced tremendous growth. Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter and Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter have worked diligently to increase their membership. Although they are not a military chapter, Xi Kappa Zeta sometimes experiences a lot of military Sorors transferring in and out of state. The state has worked very hard at bringing our Sorors back home during the reclamation period. In 2017, we saw our biggest growth. With the support of Soror Shelly Eweka, we worked tirelessly to reinstate and reactivate two chapters, and Soror Cordelia Smith helped in the new charter for University of Colorado, in Colorado Springs, CO. The state has THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 185

COLORADO/WYOMING also established four Sisterhood Circle groups and we have several Visionaries. •

Reinstated Colorado State University at Fort Collins, CO (2017)

Reactivated University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO (2017)

Charter approved for University of Colorado, in Colorado, Springs, CO (2017)

Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter, Colorado Springs, CO, chartered its first Youth Groups, Archonettes, Amicettes and Pearlettes (2017)

Interest meeting and Tabling at the University of Colorado, in Colorado, Springs, CO

Interest meeting at University of Colorado, Boulder, CO


Reclamation - 15 percent increase each year

Transfers for 2016/2017 - four transfers

New Members - 15 percent increase each year

The Denver Amicae - One new member in 2017

The greatest reward I have accomplished as State Director of Colorado/Wyoming is witnessing the growth and maturity of the states of Colorado/Wyoming. Collectively, Zeta Zeta Zeta and Xi Kappa Zeta Chapters came together to educate their members and participate on the local, state, regional, and national levels. The chapters recognized Sorors for their outstanding deeds at the local and state levels.

FINER WOMANHOOD When we think of a Finer Woman, we think of a Zeta Woman. Finer Womanhood can mean different things to different people. To me, it is someone that holds herself to high standards. She is one that carries herself always as a lady, she has high morals, integrity and values. She always upholds the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. As a Finer Woman, I will: •

Always try to have a positive attitude

Continue to educate myself (State and Regional conference, Boulé, Webinars, National Executive Board Meeting, and State Director Retreat)

Be willing to Learn

Implement Leadership Development Workshops

Support our Finer Womanhood Program

Be a team player

Express the importance of “Finer Women Don’t Haze”

SCHOLARSHIP Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter (Denver, CO) awards financial aid to students to further their education. For the past three years, the chapter has been able to award three scholarships to deserving students. The scholarships are based on our fundraising projects and contributions from our Z-Community Foundation, 501(c)3. Beginning in 2017, the state offers a scholarship to support our undergraduates for leadership conferences. •

They must live in the Denver Metropolitan Area.

They must have at least a 2.5 GPA grade point average.


They have to submit an application.

Scholarships are based on various criteria.

Some of the awards and certificates received: STATE DIRECTOR: • Community Service Award - Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter • Community Service Award - Arapahoe County Child Care; Denver, CO • Outstanding Sorority Sister of the Year- Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. • Trainer for Undergraduates and Amicae • ZOL Certified • MIP Certified XI KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER • Chapter of the Year • Most Dedicated Soror, Soror Detra Duncan • Zeta of the Year, Soror Cordelia Smith ZETA ZETA ZETA CHAPTER • Fourth Place, Top Regional Fundraising Teams - 2016 • First Place, Scrapbook/Regionals • First Place, March of Dimes, Raised the Most Individually Soror Margaret Neal • 2016 Veterans Toiletry Drive • A Dove Above Award – Soror Shelly Eweka AMICAE • First Place, Scrapbook/Regionals • Amica Wanda Bryant - Amicae of the Year/State • Amica Shirley Robinson - Amicae Award/Regional

Midwestern Region IOWA As State Director, my vision for the state of Iowa is to continue to grow the state and make a lasting impact on the youth of color in our various communities. Sorors in the state of Iowa, continue our state’s mission of volunteering and providing quality community programs for over 30 years. We actively engage in March of Dimes, Wigs for Awareness, serving meals and collecting hygiene items for homeless Veterans and women. Zetas reaching out and giving back to the community is the pillar of what holds our state together and we continue moving forward. We are small BUT MIGHTY in the Midwestern Region. Barbara Okeke Iowa State Director 2012-2018

Sixty-six years after the organization of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC, the first graduate chapter was chartered in Des Moines, Iowa. Nu Mu Zeta Chapter was chartered in October 1986 at Corinthian Baptist Church by Soror Ersaline Porchia, Midwestern Regional Director, Kansas City, KS. Soror Porchia presided over the chapter until a State Director was recommended to the International Grand Basileus for approval. Soror Heidi Lu served as the first Basileus of Nu Mu Zeta Chapter. After the organization of Nu Mu Zeta in Des Moines, Zetas begin to grow in Iowa. First, there was the chartering of Pi Kappa Chapter on the campus of the University of Iowa, with Soror Danielle Conrad as the Basileus. Upsilon Nu Chapter was chartered on the campus of Iowa State University with Soror Carlyn Wood as Basileus. On May 21, 1995, Pi Delta Zeta Chapter was chartered in Iowa City, IA with Soror Hariri Rose Thomas serving as Basileus. Xi Pi Zeta Chapter was organized in Davenport, IA. Waterloo, IA saw the organization of Tau Zeta Zeta Chapter.

Iowa Zetas with Regional Director Hughes and State Director Okeke

Iowa Zetas work very diligently to exemplify the tenets of Finer Womanhood, Scholarship, Service and the spirit of Sisterly Love. Iowa’s Zetas are known for their community projects involving service to young people, elderly and veterans through Z-HOPE, our outreach service program. Nu Mu Zeta’s community service includes: •

Dance lessons and reading programs at Evelyn K. Davis Learning Academy

Elder Care at the Rose

Stork’s Nest assistance by providing for clients’ needs, as



Iowa Sorors and Their Awards

today’s educational component for Stork’s Nest participants may require translated material and/or bilingual tutors •

Wigs for Cancer Survivors

Personal toiletries for our Veteran’s Hospital

Participated in yearly Back-to-School Bashes

Supported Parent University at Martin L. King School

Donated to Drake University, Department of Fine Arts for young children studying violin

Active in the African American Community Partners for Social Action, Political, Educational and Community Issues

Held the first annual Zeta Jazz and Blues Revue to raise money for an Irene Myles Scholarship for students majoring in music. Irene Myles was a former Des Moines, IA blues singer.

Our beloved Zeta Dove is Soror Frances Hawthorne. She became a Zeta in 1947 at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO. Soror Hawthorne’s life consists of doing extensive community service without seeking rest or asking for any reward. Soror Hawthorne’s Fine Arts background helped her to develop the Edmunds Elementary Academy as Principal. She also wrote African Americans in Iowa: A Chronicle of Contributions from 1830-1992. Soror Hawthorne was named YWCA Woman of Achievement, and in 1993 she was named Outstanding Education Graduate by Drake University. Another outstanding Zeta is Soror Veola Perry. She received the


Life Time Achievement in Dance; Heroes of the Heartland from the Red Cross Agency; and President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award. Soror Marlene Doby, former principal at Martin L. King School, was given the “Make A Difference Legacy Award” at the MLK Breakfast at Drake University. Soror Joyce Bruce was named outstanding alumnus of Des Moines Area Community College and Dynamic Woman by Friends of Forest Avenue Library. Soror Maya Brown organized the first SOCA fundraiser in Des Moines, which was organized to help Caribbean Disaster Relief. In 2011, Xi Pi Zeta became the first chapter in the state of Iowa to start a Zeta Youth Auxiliary. Their five Archonettes attended the 2015 Midwestern Regional Conference and had the opportunity to meet International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright. The state of Iowa has always followed the footsteps of the Sorority by being a state full of firsts. •

The Lambda Upsilon Chapter, chartered May 2, 2013, was the first Sorority to be a part of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and to grace the University of Dubuque’s campus.

Zeta Phi Chapter, chartered March 31, 2017 with seven beautiful young women, is the first NPHC Fraternity or Sorority to service the Coe College Campus.

Midwestern RegionKANSAS My time as State Director of Kansas has definitely been a part of history to remember. I have learned more than I ever thought possible about myself, and about Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, in these last three years. In the last six years, I have experienced tremendous growth – both in my personal life and in Zeta. I have become more involved, attending multiple Boulés – including my first – and more conferences. My knowledge of and commitment to Zeta has increased tenfold. I am more business and goal oriented, and my desire to develop fellow Sorors to have this same desire to see the success and importance of Zeta has grown. I am a strong advocate of coaching and development. As a leader, my goal is to promote strong leadership skills and a sense of pride, teamwork and sisterhood that can only lead to individual growth. Individual growth is a definite asset for any member of Zeta Phi Beta, as it promotes organizational growth. Serving the State of Kansas, in the Magnificent Midwest Region, I’ve definitely seen that hard work and dedication is everything. We are small in numbers, but big and mighty in heart. I have seen members come together, take on extra tasks/duties – sometimes even doubling up – all in the name of Zeta, and specifically out of desire to see the State of Kansas grow and succeed. I am very happy that I answered the call of Zeta, in August 2015, and am grateful for the opportunity that Zeta has provided me in my role as State Director. In my 21 years of serving Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, I can truly say that the last six years have been the most rewarding.

Alexandra Lewis Kansas State Director 2015-2018

STATE DIRECTORS Bethany Sherman: 2012–2015 Alexandra Lewis: 2015–2018

SCHOLARSHIP Kansas Sorors do not lack in the area of scholarship, as our main principle. Undergraduate chapters are consistently leading their respective campuses in top academics and leadership in the Greek community, and achieving over a 90 percent graduation rate. At least 40 percent of graduate members are working towards, or have gained, graduate degrees. If they are not seeking graduate degrees, they are working in the education field. It is evident that Kansas takes pride in honoring this principle of Zeta Phi Beta. •

Expanded State Leadership Conferences: In 2012, Kansas State Leadership Conferences were expanded from one to two days, allowing more time to focus on sisterhood, fellowship and undergraduate training and development.

Gave more than $5,000 in high school and undergraduate scholarships.

Omega Theta, Psi Tau and Mu Nu undergraduate chapters

2017 Kansas State Meeting

leading Greek organizations on respective campuses in outstanding leadership and academic awards and recognition.

SERVICE The state of Kansas participates in many different forms of community service, with the National initiatives of Zeta Phi Beta front and center. Yearly participation in Prematurity Awareness, Military Appreciation, Elder Care, March of Dimes, St. Jude, Breast Cancer Awareness, various Z-HOPE activities keeps the small state of Kansas, and its approximately 75 members busy. In addition THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 189

KANSAS to the national initiatives, each chapter has also made significant impacts and built strong relationships within their communities and campuses, raising awareness and supporting efforts such as domestic violence, women’s empowerment, political awareness, homeless shelters, and family advocacy. •

Alpha Epsilon Zeta established the first Pearls in the Wild group in Kansas – Partnering with Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge, AEZ celebrated their first “Day in the Wilderness” on May 20, 2017.

Elder Care Initiative Support – Each graduate chapter has adopted regular support of the Elder Care Initiative, spending time in local nursing homes/assisted living facilities. Even undergraduate chapters have embraced this initiative, through volunteer activities with various facilities and even maintaining relationships and service to individual elders in the community.

SISTERHOOD Being such a small state, the love and commitment we have, not only for Zeta, but for each other, as sisters, is hard to hide. We stay connected and encouraged, and it is this sisterhood that makes it easier for us to attract others to our organization, even in a demographical area that is not the easiest to grow. Our close proximity allows us to support each other’s events and milestones – both as a sisterhood, and on individual level. It also allows us to give that extra sisterly love to our undergraduate chapters, where their numbers are even smaller on the campuses of PWI institutions. •

Pi Sigma was the first African American sorority on the campus of Baker University, in Ottawa, KS. The chapter celebrated its 10 year anniversary, Dec 2016.

In 2012, State Director Maryman doubled the number of active chapters in Kansas, increasing from 4 chapters in 2006, to 8 chapters in 2012.

In 2017, Kansas was proud to have 90 percent attendance of undergraduate members in attendance for the 2017 Midwestern Regional Leadership Conference.

Continued ground work to recharter Gamma Omicron chapter at Washburn University, in Topeka, KS.

Omega Theta Chapter, University of Kansas 190 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Paperless Transactions – beginning in 2014, Kansas began transitioning to paperless format, with the goal for all transactions to happen online. The first of transitioning began with online conference registration, in 2014. As of 2017, the state has fully transitioned to online processing, including payment of dues.

FINER WOMANHOOD Wherever we go and whatever we do, always remember you are a representation of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Excelling in academics, dedicated to serving the community, embracing and encouraging fellow Sorors as true sisters – how can we posture ourselves as anything other than Finer Women? Our dedication and hard work to Zeta, to the Midwestern Region, to Kansas and to our local chapters, makes us stand out above the crowd. And not only do we know we exemplify Finer Womanhood, others cannot help but acknowledge it as well. •

Soror J’Vonnah Maryman was honored at the Sigma Gamma Rho 31st Annual Image Awards Scholarship Banquet, 2016.

Eight members were inducted into the charter of the Midwest Region Legacy Club in 2017.

Alpha Epsilon Zeta celebrated their 77th Anniversary in February 8, 2016, during an annual area-wide Founders’ Day celebration.

Soror Jerusha Matthews was crowned Miss Black and Gold, December 2015.

Midwestern Region MISSOURI From Founder Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons, to African-American businesswoman Annie Minerva Turnbo Malone, Missouri has always produced PHInomenal women! The past six years have brought growth and innovation to the state of Missouri. Members have engaged at the state, regional, and national levels. Past Midwestern Regional Director Soror Antoinette “Toni” Gordon (2016–2018, Chair of National Trustees) and Melissa Walton-Jones (2014-2016, Graduate Member to the Executive Committee) served as nationally elected officers.

Porsche Elkins Missouri State Director 2017-2018

International Grand Basileus Wright traveled to Missouri during January 2015, to support the Greater Kansas City Metro Founders Day Celebration community service efforts. Members came together to get “Engaged” to support the Giving the Basics community service event. Volunteers sorted and organized 21,000 hygiene products for distribution in the community. Giving the Basics distributes to more than 65 pantry locations and 186 schools in 14+ school districts, making the basics accessible to 220,000 people monthly. Sorority members traveled to Hannibal, Missouri to spend the weekend of August 7-9, 2015 commemorating the life and legacy of Founder Stemons. Born in Pike County, Missouri, Founder Stemons was educated in the public schools of Hannibal, Missouri. On August 8, 2015, led by International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, Midwestern Regional Director, Samantha Hughes, and Missouri State Director (2012-2016), Jeana Hines, Sorors marched down Broadway in Hannibal, to honor a PHInomenal woman! “Zeta Day in Hannibal”, Co-Chair, Soror Porsche Elkins explained to the Hannibal Courier “Zetas requested the park’s name be changed to honor Founder Stemons, the request was approved by the Willow Street Christian Church and Hannibal Parks and Recreation. During the ceremony, Andy Dorian and Mary Lynne Richards of the Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department were honored for

2017 Missouri State Meeting

helping to bring the vision to fruition. Hannibal Mayor Pro Tem, Kevin Knickerbocker, presented Mary Breaux Wright with the Key to the City. The renamed park includes playground equipment, a paved basketball court, playing field and picnic pavilion. Smith went on to share, that the sorority had also adopted nearby Eugene Field Elementary School, providing funds and school supplies to Willow Street Christian Church’s Helping Hands tutoring program. Members also enjoyed the exhibit celebrating Founder Stemons at Jim’s Journey - Huck Finn Freedom Center (Hannibal African-American Museum) coordinated by community member Faye Dant. In September 2015, Undergraduate Sorors of Tau Omicron Chapter at Southeast Missouri State University removed graffiti from the Cape Girardeau’s Riverfront Park floodwall. Like our Sorors around the world, Missouri Undergrads are committed to the sorority’s precept of Service! Much like the 1945 Boulé, also hosted by the State of Missouri, the 2016 Midwestern Regional Leadership conference was historic in many ways. The 2016 Midwestern Regional Conference was THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 191

MISSOURI hosted by Eta Zeta Zeta (Kansas City, Missouri) and Upsilon Zeta Zeta (Grandview, Missouri) Chapters. Diamond Life Member Norma Collins (HZZ) and Soror Tracy Abbott (YZZ) served as Regional CoMarshals. As part of the conference, members were bussed to Hannibal, Missouri for the ribbon cutting of the Douglass School/ Arizona Cleaver Stemons Park and Pavilion. During the ceremony, the historical marker commemorating the life and legacy of Founder Stemons was unveiled. Sorors throughout “Zetadom” donated to the cause, helping to fund the marker and pavilion. February 2016 was difficult for many in the state of Missouri, as members said goodbye to a treasured “Zeta Dove.” Triumphant Soror Edwina Lindsey was a member of Xi Zeta Chapter (St. Louis, Missouri) for over 65 years. Lindsey served as Xi Zeta Chapter’s 21st Basileus and Missouri State Director. She also served the sorority in various capacities at the local, state, and national levels including National Trustee. Soror Lindsey was a huge enthusiast of the Stork’s Nest and Zeta’s youth groups; she supported each auxiliary until her health would no longer allow it. Soror Lindsey was laid to rest on Wednesday, February 3, 2016. In March 2016, Soror Tamara Pitts, Missouri State Tamias Grammateus and member of Theta Nu Zeta Chapter (Jefferson City, Missouri), was recognized by the Missouri Department of Transportation-Aviation for her continued diligence. This was the third year in a row that Soror Pitts was recognized for her hard work and dedication. In 2017, the torch of Zeta was passed to Soror Porsche R. Elkins as she was named Missouri State Director. Elkins is the daughter of Soror Kassandra Pearson-Smith (Eta Iota Zeta Chapter - Fall 1978). In 2017, Soror Elkins and her leadership team coordinated the largest State Meeting in Missouri’s history, hosting a delegation of 93 Sorors. The 2017 meeting was held in Columbia, Missouri on the University of Missouri - Columbia campus. Soror Elkins attended the January 2018, National Executive Board Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, is registered for the 2018 Boulé’ and will be attending in July.

Grand Wright received the Key to the City of Hannibal, MO from Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Knickerbocker during Zeta Day in Hannibal, honoring Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons

Soror Nia Smith (Xi Zeta Chapter - St. Louis, Missouri) was awarded Teacher of the Year in February 2017. Soror Smith is the African American History teacher at Central Middle School in the Riverview Gardens School District. During the fall of 2017, Soror Marnese Kris Jackson helped to coordinate the NAACP Missouri State Conference. The Just Energy Press Conference and Roundtable was held October 11th at the NAACP St. Louis branch. The Missouri State Conference assesses energy policy through a civil rights lens.

Midwestern Undergraduates with Grand Wright at the marker for Founder Stemons in Hannibal, MO


Midwestern Region NEBRASKA Nebraska is a state whose heart is drawn to the philanthropic spirit that aids the communities scattered amongst the rural towns and city landscapes. Three chapters, over the past six years have dedicated themselves to the ideals on which our sorority stands: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Serving as Nebraska’s State Director has put me in a position of constant learning and enlightenment. This role in state leadership, is a great charge that allows for collaboration and a dedication to the sisterhood, rich in leadership and innovation. 2017 Nebraska State Conference

Shukura Huggins Nebraska State Director 2016-2018

On October 2013, State Director Soror Kimberly Ward launched Nebraska’s statewide newsletter, the Zeta ConNEction, highlighting the members and chapter happenings and accomplishments between Omaha and Lincoln. With three Zeta Doves and three Life Members residing in the state within the sole graduate chapter, Beta Psi Zeta; the two undergraduate chapters, Tau Alpha (Omaha, 1939) and Phi Iota (Lincoln, 1980), sponsored by Beta Psi Zeta chapter, boasts a young talent in the leadership of our undergraduate Sorors. In 2015, the Beta Psi Zeta Chapter celebrated its Stork’s Nest Program, and the 20 years of continuous service since its implementation. August of 2015 marked a celebrated time in the Midwestern Region, “Zeta Day in Hannibal,” a nod to the rich history brewing in the middle of the country, the heartbeat of the nation. State Director, Kimberly Ward and two members from the Beta Psi Zeta chapter, Soror Sabrina McClurge and Soror Toni Monette worked diligently with the planning for Zeta Day in Hannibal. Following the celebration of Zetas coming together in Hannibal, Nebraska’s graduate members were able to witness their chapter name on display for the ribbon cutting of the Douglass School/Arizona

Cleaver Stemons Park and Pavilion on the historical marker commemorating the life and legacy of Founder Stemons. On January 16, 2016, the Beta Psi Zeta Chapter not only celebrated 96 years since our sorority’s inception, but the chapter also inducted military Sorors: Soror Markeisha Dorsey and Soror Chandra White, stationed in Minot, North Dakota, making financial Sorors through Nebraska in the state of North Dakota. In 2016, the Zetas of Nebraska Step Team, comprised of members from the Phi Iota, Tau Alpha, and Beta Psi Zeta chapters, was recognized for 10 continuous years of participation in the annual Black Student Union step showcase at South Dakota State University. In July of 2016, the role of Zeta’s state leadership in Nebraska was passed to Soror Shukura Huggins, as she was named Nebraska THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 193

NEBRASKA State Director. Soror Kimberly Ward served under International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, from 2012-2016 as Nebraska State Director.

The undergraduate chapters, Phi Iota (University of NebraskaLincoln), and Tau Alpha, (Omaha Citywide), have given a variety of annual events on various campuses within the state. Some include:

On Sunday, August 27 at 10:20 a.m., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated’s Nebraska chapters were invited to worship with First Presbyterian Church in Bellevue, Nebraska. The First Presbyterian Church served as church home to our Triumphant Soror Marie Dorsey. Soror Dorsey has a memorial scholarship in her name after her years of donating financially to the sorority. The scholarship is given to a young lady with legacy ties to the organization. Even after Soror Dorsey’s passing on May 16, 2015 at age 87, with more than 50+ years of dedicated unbroken service to Zeta, the church still donates to one of Soror Dorsey’s passions in Zeta, the Stork’s Nest Program.

A roundtable called Conversations of Womanhood, which highlights hot topics, current events and relevant happenings for discussion

Feeding the hungry through Meals on Wheels Programs

Promoting literacy in schools

Helping to support the Omaha based Stork’s Nest program through baby shower donation events.

The ideal of Scholarship is a great focus through the locally-based Nebraska Sigma Zeta Education Foundation, which produces scholarships for Omaha’s high school scholars and young women leaders of tomorrow. In 2017, Beta Psi Zeta Chapter formally adopted two Omaha elementary schools, Howard Kennedy Elementary and Belvedere Elementary.

At the 2017 Midwestern Regional Conference, the Zetas of Nebraska’s Amicae were recognized at the conference in Denver, Colorado with the crowning of Amica Gwen Watson as the Amicae Queen, and Amica Barbara Burton as the Amica of the Year.

A Walk in Support of the Stork’s Nest Program

During the 2017 Midwestern Regional Conference, Amica Gwen Watson was crowned Amicae Queen, and Amica Barbara Burton was named Amica of the Year.

Recipients of Scholarships from the Nebraska Sigma Zeta Education Foundation


Midwestern Region OKLAHOMA “We are driven by action, not words. Scholarship started it all, Service drives our ambition, Sisterhood holds it all together, and Finer Womanhood Keeps Us looking good. We are the Great state of Oklahoma, where Zeta is moving forward in the Magnificent region of the Midwest.”

Curtisia Battle Oklahoma State Director 2016-2018

We will never forget our legacy that began in 1927, as we continue to move forward because we know the best is yet to come.

The State of Oklahoma is currently comprised of nine active chapters: Beta Phi Zeta (Langston), Chi Zeta (Oklahoma City), Eta Xi Zeta (Ardmore), Phi Beta Zeta (Tulsa), Zeta Epsilon Zeta (Lawton), Xi Nu Zeta (Midwest City), Eta Pi (Oklahoma State University, Still water), Lambda Alpha (Langston University, Langston), and Theta Mu (Oklahoma University, Norman). We are also the home to one youth auxiliary and two Amicae auxiliaries. The first chapter in what was later renamed as the Midwestern Region of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Pi Chapter, was chartered in Tulsa, OK in 1927. Oklahoma’s growth was and is full of surprises with Zetas who have made history all around the world. • •

Clara Shepard Luper was nationally named the Mother of Civil Rights in Oklahoma/Educator. Dr. Sylvia Lewis, past National Executive Director and educator, was the first black to be on the University of Oklahoma’s Board of Regents.

NAACP Youth Council in Oklahoma City during the sit-in at Katz Drug Store on August 19, 1958; she was the daughter of Clara Luper. •

Alma Washington was also a member of the NAACP Youth Council during the sit-in at Katz Drug Store.

E. Juanita Tate served as National First Anti Basileus.

Gwendolyn L. Tate served as National Grammateus.

Evelyn LaRue Pittman was the founder of the Pittman choir and the first black Oklahoman to study at the School of Julliard School of Music. She wrote “Freedom Child,” an opera about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and took the traveling Oklahoma Pittman choir to China and other countries in the 1970s.

Oklahoma chapters are known for our hospitality and passion to serve. •

Received Regional site designation from Department of Veteran Affairs for our Veterans Day program and recognition of our Military Men and Women

Evelyn Nephews was the first black female mayor of Guthrie, Oklahoma

Shirley Darrell was the first black woman to be elected as the county commissioner in Oklahoma.

Participated in and supported the annual March of Dimes March for Babies walk in OKC, and Stillwater

Amos Yeager, a past Midwestern Regional Director, has a community center named after her in the town of Boynton.

Volunteered at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Prematurity Awareness at various churches,

Conducted toiletry drives, and fundraisers for Wreaths Across America

Active Stork’s Nest programs

Christmas with the Zetas and Blue Santa for children and nursing homes of Logan County

• •

Mattie Jeltz, philanthropist and educator, has a senior citizen community center named after her and her husband and a swimming center located in the inner city for youth to learn how to swim. Marilyn Luper Hildreth was the youngest member of the



Miss Cotillion/Mister Beautillion Scholarship Pageant


Salvation Army – Stand Down for Veterans

Midwestern Region Graduate Chapter of the Year

Literacy Night – Hawthorne Elementary

Regional Z-HOPE Award for Prematurity Awareness

Tutoring/volunteering and handing out school supplies to chapters with adopted schools

Regional Z-HOPE Award for Women Veterans ROCK Initiative

Regional Award for successfully serving a Local Stork’s Nest

Visited the Payne County Youth Shelter and participated in many outdoor activities with the children residing in the facility

Received Regional site designation from Department of Veterans Affairs for Veterans Day

Participated in a Breast Cancer awareness tabling event. Provided informational pamphlets, snacks, bracelets and ribbon pins


Past Midwestern Region Graduate Chapter of the Year

Regional award for successfully serving a local Stork’s Nest

In addition, Oklahoma chapters continue to award scholarships; host Finer Womanhood luncheons recognition banquets; participate in statewide projects; and attend key meetings and conferences.

Regional award for serving in the Wreaths for our Military Initiatives

Regional Recognition for Amicae of the Year Award, given at the 80th Celebration

Oklahoma continues to lead the way, set trends, and make big accomplishments. Here are just a few of the accolades our State has received.

Lillian Marigny recognized as Past Midwestern Region Director



Midwestern Region Highest GPA

Midwestern Region Undergraduate of the Year three times of the last five years

Most State Z-HOPE Projects Completed

Regional Z-HOPE Award for Prematurity Awareness

Langston University Leadership Organization of the Year

Regional Z-HOPE Award for Wigs for Awareness

Langston University Sorority of the Year, twice

Regional Z-HOPE Award for Women Veterans ROCK Initiative

Regional Z-HOPE Award for Women Veterans ROCK Initiatives

Midwest City Mayor names Xi Nu Zeta Day on the chapter’s charter day every year.

Keisha Driskell serves as National Trustee, and also served on the MIP revision committee


Zeta Doves in the State of Oklahoma have received numerous recognition throughout the years.


XI PI ZETA CHAPTER, DAVENPORT, IA Big Things are happening in Davenport, Iowa!!! Since 2012, Xi Pi Zeta Chapter has sponsored multiple annual signature events. XPZ Sorors give their time and talents at the March of Dimes of Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa, collecting over 35 wigs for Wigs for Awareness. Black Girls Who Rock honors unsung area high school Seniors and Women in the community whose hard work, often times go unnoticed. We also began the first Youth Auxiliary in the State of Iowa, chartered an undergraduate chapter at the University of Dubuque, and more than doubled our membership. As our chapter continues to grow, we will continue to make our Founders proud by being Zealous Finer Women! ALPHA EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, KANSAS CITY, KS Xi Pi Zeta Chapter in Davenport, Iowa has continued their efforts of volunteering in the Quad Cities Community for over 29 years. XPZ Chapter remains active in our community by annually volunteering at events hosted by the Dr. ML King Jr. Center: Summer Fest and Parade, serving Thanksgiving meals to over 900 people, and our annual Children’s Christmas Party. We collected numerous hygiene items for homeless Veterans and women, and participate at the annual Juneteenth Celebration. We adopted Mid City High School in Davenport. In 2017 we proudly hosted a Grandparent Tea, a time of relaxation for Grandparents as they enjoyed good food and talent preformed by our youth. The Grandparents were given information on healthcare, how to be active at any age and the benefits of education. XPZ Sorors are doing big things in our community as well. Soror Camellia Austin was named the State of Iowa, Zeta of the year for 2016. Soror Janet Johnson was selected as the Citizen of the year in 2012, NAACP Image Award Honoree and became the first Black President of the Friends of Trinity at United Point Hospital in 2016, where she was then asked to serve an unprecedented second term. Soror Toni Thomas became the State of Iowa Youth Advisory Trainer in 2016, named the State of Iowa Zeta of the year in 2017 and the recipient of the 2017 Phenomenal Woman Award presented by Quad City Women in Action. In 2011 XPZ was the first chapter in Iowa to sponsor Youth Auxiliaries. We now have active participation in all three youth auxiliaries. Since 2012 XPZ has inducted seven new Sorors bring our 2017 chapter roll to 14. Xi Pi Zeta Chapter represents the Midwestern Region where we are small but MIGHTY! 

On Saturday, May 20, 2017, Alpha Epsilon Zeta participated in its first official “Pearls in the Wild” event. The committee members were: Soror Helen Beteet (Chair), Soror Frenchette Anderson, Soror Constance McFadden, and Soror Carolyn Weatherspoon. The event was held at the Marais des Cygnes National Wild Life Refuge in Pleasanton, KS. The event consisted of an audio-visual presentation, guided tour via walking trail, interactive exploration, and a trek through the wet lands. In an effort to leave our foot print, we participated in the restoration of prairie flowers essential to the Monarch annual migration from South America. The hike that took participants from the prairie, forest areas, and Marais des Cygne river was lead by the refuge manager, Patrick Martin. Attendees included Zetas, Sigmas (Alpha Delta Sigma Chapter), family, and youth. The group also completed a service project of planning over 100 milk thistle plants in the prairie area. These plants help feed the monarch butterflies as they fly to the north. An educational component regarding the butterfly migration and protection of natural resources was a part of the half-day event. Chapter organizer Soror Helen Beteet was interviewed and quoted in the US Fish and Wildlife Refuge Summer News, Summer 2017. We are looking forward to returning with a larger group in 2018. We also had the honor of being featured in the 2017 Summer Edition of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service News as representatives of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. 


MIDWESTERN REGION CHAPTERS been growing, moving and celebrating milestones in the St. Louis Metropolitan area. In 2012, Xi Zeta launched its annual Sickle Cell Awareness Month Blood Drive, which brings awareness to this disease that affects hundreds of people just in the St. Louis. In addition, Xi Zeta has hosted multiple Zumba with the Zeta events, which is a fun way to bring awareness to the need to exercise on a regular basis! Other events include hosting fundraising efforts for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Diabetes Association. The Xi Zeta Chapter was honored to celebrate the re-opening of their Stork’s Nest, which was established in 2016, in a new location. The Chapter also, hosted a Reception welcoming the Founding Executive Director of the National Blues Museum to the St. Louis area in 2015. CHI DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, LAWRENCE/TOPEKA, KS Chi Delta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. can be found amidst the rolling hills and meandering plains of the Great State of Kansas. Chartered August 2, 2008 at the University of Kansas, the Finer Women of Chi Delta Zeta are preparing for their 10th Anniversary.

Xi Zeta was voted Midwestern Region Chapter of the year for 2014 2015 at the 73rd Midwestern Regional Conference. They celebrated 80 years of service in the St. Louis area with International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, while simultaneously celebrating Grand Basileus Wright’s receiving the Dred Scott Freedom Award from the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation back in 2015.

Service is a biweekly occurrence for Chi Delta Zeta Chapter with the distinction of Sorors living in nine different cities, and five areas: 1) Fort Riley/Junction City/Manhattan, 2) Topeka, 3) Lawrence, 4) Kansas City, KS, and 5) Kansas City, MO. This makes for a variety of interests and strengths.

Last year Xi Zeta members were able to assist in the re-election of Soror Darleen Green as Comptroller of the City of St. Louis in April 2017. Xi Zeta members are proud of the community that we serve and look forward to continued service with increased presence, activism, and support!

Along with an upcoming private screening of Black Panther with proceeds going to our Blue Hope Scholarship Fund, Chi Delta Zeta presented hygiene bags to Harvesters to help the homeless. Sorors ushered for the Brown v. Topeka Board of Education Museum on the National Day of Service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Founders Day was a simultaneous celebration in the five areas of Chi Delta Zeta. Sorors invited inactive Zetas, Sigmas, friends and children as we celebrated our 98th Year of Service. Growth has come to Chi Delta Zeta with a 50 percent increase in membership, and a wealth of quality women with thoughts of excellence through service. Chi Delta Zeta advises the Omega Theta Chapter at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, with plans to reactivate Gamma Omicron at Washburn University, Topeka, KS. Preparations for our Zeta Centennial in 2020 are underway. We are “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths!” We are Chi Delta Zeta! 

- MISSOURI XI ZETA CHAPTER, ST. LOUIS, MO Since its chartering date in 1935, the Xi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., which is located in St. Louis, Missouri, has 198 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018


MIDWESTERN REGION CHAPTERS a Kansas City based, not for profit, girl’s outreach program and residential facility for girls. To date, Omega Iota Zeta Chapter has donated more than $3,000 and 100 hours of service through this event. The chapter looks forward to this event each year and plans to continue its support of local community girls in need, through The House of Restoration. 


OMEGA IOTA ZETA CHAPTER, KANSAS CITY, MO On March 16, 2012, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., expanded and gained new ground by the chartering of Omega Iota Zeta (ΩIZ) Chapter in Kansas City, Missouri! Zeta Phi Beta Sorority has always been important in the Kansas City community, and Omega Iota Zeta Chapter has continued to expand on the sorority’s exemplary record as “A Community-Conscious, Action-Oriented Organization.” While Kansas City is home to some very affluent African-Americans, disparities in social services throughout the metro area still exist. ΩIZ came together with the intention of enhancing the quality of life for the residents of Kansas City, Missouri through service and outreach, while exemplifying the ideals of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., - Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. The Chapter promotes and implements the national programs of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and supports local community programming that aligns with the sorority’s signature programmatic thrust, Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel, through Mind, Body, and Spirit). This has been instrumental in the chapter being highly visible since it was chartered.

The Chi Zeta Chapter was chartered in Oklahoma City in 1936 by five dynamic women: Soror Henrietta Foster, Soror Lola Greer, Soror Mattie Jeltz, Soror Clara McFall, and Soror Annie Moore, under the leadership of Soror E. Juanita Tate, affectionately referred to as Dean of the Region. Over the last 81 years, we have contributed to the state and region as a group of Trailblazers. We were the first of the Divine Nine in OKC; the Oklahoma City Amicae date back to 1949; Chi Zeta hosted the 1972 Boulé and our Stork’s Nest began in 1974. We are early “club women” (Soror Anne E. Moore - a charter member of The Links Incorporated - OKC Chapter), international musicians (Soror Mattie Jeltz and Soror Evelyn LaRue Pittman), Civil Rights Leaders (Soror Clara Luper), teachers, mathematicians (Soror Lola B. Greer), women of faith (Soror Thelma Young), integrationists (Soror Opaline Watkins), politicians (Soror Freddy Williams and Soror Shirley Darrell), orators, lawyers (Soror Alma Washington), University administrators (Soror Sylvia Lewis), friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, and grandmothers. In addition, Soror Lillian Marigny served as Midwest Regional Director and worked tirelessly for our sorority on all levels. The Chi Zeta Chapter became a socially-conscious, communitybased organization before that phrase came into being. Chi Zeta holds two life memberships in the NAACP. We embody service in all forms, at all levels. Our photograph is from our August 2017 workshop. This photograph was selected to demonstrate the vibrancy of an

Specifically, every year since 2012, the chapter has been a major sponsor of the Celebration of Women, Arts, and Jazz Concert. This event highlights the accomplishments of local Kansas City women in business, and community related arts. The concert features an all-women’s vocal group, ReZound, comprised of all Zeta Women, including our own, Immediate Past Basileus and Past National Graduate to the Executive Committee, Soror Melissa WaltonJones. Other Sorors who are members of the group include Soror DaVoya Marshall, Soror Kami Woodard, Soror Leigh Gibbs, and Soror Mallory McCoy. Soror Ira Wright is a saxophonist in the band! Proceeds from this event benefit The House of Restoration,


MIDWESTERN REGION CHAPTERS 81-year old chapter that is engaged in Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. We have members from their late 20s into their 70s. We are a home for all members regardless of age, class, race, religious preference, and sexual orientation. Our chapter exemplifies longevity, vibrancy, and strength. We have the capacity to work hard and we play hard. Learn more about us at www.chizetachapter.weebly.com. 

 XI NU ZETA CHAPTER, MIDWEST CITY, OK The Xi Nu Zeta Chapter has conducted several meaningful projects over its 28 year existence, but the one project that the chapter holds dearest to heart is Pajamas, Books, & Joy or PB&J for short. For the past ten years, Xi Nu Zeta has visited ten local Oklahoma City elementary schools and has worked with educators to visit and speak with new readers in Kindergarten and 1st grades. Upon the chapter’s visit to the schools, Xi Nu Zeta speaks to the students about the importance of reading, how it can spark one’s imagination, excite students to achieve their goals, and make them better students. Over the years, the chapter has invited special guests such as local television news anchors, the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. and others to come and join the PB&J effort. Special guests have either read stories to the children, allowed selected children to read to them, or the special guests have entertained the children through song or step shows. Whatever the program layout, the theme is always the same: READ EACH AND EVERYDAY!

PHI BETA ZETA CHAPTER, TULSA, OK The Phi Beta Zeta Chapter in Tulsa, Oklahoma has been thriving and upholding the legacy of the great work Zeta has done in the Tulsa community. As the birthplace of what is now the Midwestern region, from the Pi Chapter (1st chapter in the region) chartered in Tulsa in 1927, to the Alpha Iota Zeta Chapter chartered in 1945, which had a long-standing presence of community action in Tulsa, the Phi Beta Zeta chapter was started in 2007. The chartering of Phi Beta Zeta brought the great organization of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. back to Tulsa, birthed on the foundation of the many Sorors that had contributed to the wonderful city. We were honored to host our International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, for our Oklahoma state meeting held in Tulsa in 2014 and then served as the host city for the 73rd Midwestern Region Leadership Conference, jointly held with the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Southwestern Regional Conference. Building Legacies Upon Excellence Foundation, Inc. (B.L.U.E. Foundation) was started in 2015. The purpose of the foundation is to inspire change, impact across generations, and strengthen our community. A grand B.L.U.E. Holiday Soirée was held in 2015 that raised funds and awarded a scholarship to a female high school senior and a female matriculating through college. The year 2017 has been a busy year from our Finer Women in Service Luncheon, to the celebration of the chapter’s 10th year anniversary on April 17, 2017 and the induction of four new graduate members in Nov. 2017. The chapter is looking forward to accomplishing chapter goals to meet the needs of our community.


At the close of the program, Xi Nu Zeta will give each student a new set of pajamas, a new book, and a healthy after-school snack to take home with them. Library card applications and printed materials are also provided for parents and guardians to help aid our new readers at home, as they begin their journey into the world of reading. We want them to become comfortable reading aloud in front of others. Xi Nu Zeta is delighted to have touched the lives of over 1,000 Oklahoma City students since the inception of this program. Xi Nu Zeta is very proud of this initiative, and the legacy of education that this program provides Oklahoma City children.

PhenomenalPACIFIC REGION For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be in a sorority. My sister Kimberly started the legacy in our family, and my younger brother, Aaron, is a Sigma. A true blue and white family. I wanted to become a Zeta because I saw sisterhood, service and empathy in the women of Zeta. That coupled with an upbringing that centered on the needs of community and family were all virtues I saw in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. On December 15, 1986, I, alongside Renee Rodgers, became a part of the sisterhood. Ever since I have worked alongside the best sisters you could ask for. I have had the honor to come after some of my best friends. Having the privilege to serve the Pacific Region since 2014 has been - well there are no words. I said yes to Grand Wright because I believed that I could be of service to the sisterhood and, more importantly, the Pacific Region. We are now two years to our centennial and I believe the Region has positioned itself to have unprecedented growth and continue the service our community. I have traveled to all of the state meetings since coming into office, I have firsthand seen the dedication, creativity, passion and hard work that has made the Pacific Region truly phenomenal. Every milestone that the states and chapters have accomplished has been their work and I have just been blessed to be a part.

Natalie Dillard-Brannon Pacific Regional Director 2014-2018

To the Pacific Region, thank you for the continued support of your region, state and chapters. You have heard me say for the last four years because it’s true, you have changed the human condition.

REGIONAL DIRECTORS Natalie D. Brannon, 2014-2018 Nui Brown, 2012-2014

HAWAII Alicia Johnson, 2012-2014 Keva R. Brown, 2014-2018

ARIZONA Aretha Scott, 2012-2018

NEW MEXICO Janina Wiggins, 2012-2016 Latasha Johnson, 2016-2018

ASIAN-PACIFIC Jaynene Smith, 2012-2014 Barbara Ann Mark, 2014-2016 Natasha Fuller, 2016-2018

NEVADA Kali Miller, 2016-2018 Kenya Henderson, 2012-2016

NORTH CALIFORNIA Raymia Lewis, 2012-2014 Zakkiyyah Nazeeh, 2014-2018

OREGON Jocelyn Edel, 2012-2014 Wilhelmina Proby, 2014-2018

SOUTH CALIFORNIA Yvette Clark, 2012-2014 Sharmar L. Walker, 2014-2018

WASHINGTON/ALASKA Shamone Allen-Stephenson, 2012-2014 Jeanie F. Nelson, 2014-2018

REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Since the inception of the Western Region in 1933 and the Pacific Region in 1945 amazing women have laid the foundation which allowed me to take the torch and continue to take the Pacific Region to new heights. Two short years away from our Centennial, the Pacific Region is positioned to have over 1,000 members by 2020!

National 2nd Anti-Basileus, Bibliana Bovery, and National Tamias, Diane Fisher, were re-elected in 2016, meaning two elected officers are from the second smallest Region in Zeta.

The region chartered the Pacific Region Legacy Club during 47th Pacific Regional conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The region finished the 2017 sorority year with 838 members



The Pacific Region purchased the two shields, one of which hangs over the fireplace in the office of the International Grand Basileus at International Headquarters, in support of the Upgrade 1734 initiative. During the 2017 Pacific Regional Conference, the delegation voted to become a Diamond Level Donor for the 2020 Centennial campaign. The $10,000 donation will be presented during the 2018 Boulé.

The Nu Tau Chapter has focused on serving the homeless population in the local city of Albuquerque. The service event, #HashTagLunchbag, was held monthly in the community. This event involved making lunches including a sandwich, fruit, chips, granola bar, water, and a positive message to share. The chapter also passed out care packages including socks, toothbrushes and toothpaste, snacks, and water. In addition to this service event, Nu Tau hosted events to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS and sexual health, as well as domestic violence prevention. The chapter is also home of Miss Black New Mexico 2017, Shyla Lavalle-Bolden.

Region Holds First Regional Undergraduate Retreat The Pacific Region held its first Regional Undergraduate Retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 11, 2017. The event, led by the State Directors of the Pacific Region, focused on preparing undergraduates for leadership in the region and sorority. We had over 40 attendees from every state where we have active undergraduate chapters. The future of our region will be the result of how we prepare our undergraduates to carry the torch.

Pacific Region’s 2017 Undergraduate Chapter of the Year: Nu Tau, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque


Pacific Region’s 2017 Graduate Chapter of the Year: Omega Rho Zeta, Marana, Arizona

Omega Rho Zeta Chapter was chartered in Marana, AZ on December 1, 2012. Beginning with our five charter members, Omega Rho Zeta has grown to a membership of 29 Sorors. The chapter sponsors the following: •

Tucson Unified School District Legacy of Excellence (LOE) African American Student Scholarship Fund Silent Auction: the chapter has raised nearly $25,000 in five years towards the fund;

Hats Off to Sisterhood Luncheon “Strengthening Our Sisters:” Chapter Scholarship Fundraiser;

Zeta Male Network: Raised $1,500 towards the Legacy of Excellence Scholarship Fund;

Silver Horizons Elder Care Initiative;

VA Baby Baskets: Donated diaper bags filled with baby needs, including bottles, diapers, clothing and blankets to the Women’s Clinic at the Southern Arizona VA Hospital;

Zeta Prematurity Awareness Program: Grace Temple Missionary Baptist Church; and

The chapter also participates in Wigs for Awareness and the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon.


Pacific Region Legacy Club Induction

47th Pacific Regional Conference Makes History The 2017 Pacific Regional conference was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico and hosted by the three chapters of the State. These chapters are small but mighty and pulled together and hosted the region in phenomenal style. During the conference, the Pacific Region’s Legacy Club was chartered and inducted more than 80 members. Having a Legacy club at the regional level allowed for Sorors to participate and celebrate their family legacy, even if they are unable to attend Boulé. The Pacific Region Amicae are led by their Regional Coordinator, Sonja Wilson. The Amicae are a valuable asset to the Zeta family and the communities we serve. “The Year of the Amicae”

culminated during the 47th Pacific Regional Conference, where the phenomenal Amicae were acknowledged. Grand Wright allowed the honor of a standing ovation for the lovely Amicae and they were showered with gifts. With the Regional Conference being hosted in Albuquerque the Region has held a Regional meeting in every state in the Pacific Region, including the historic Asian Pacific Regional Executive Board Meeting in April 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. This was a challenge due to the land mass the region covers and states where the population in which we serve is small. Our growth is contributed to the hard work of every chapter and active Zeta in the region.

Grand Wright with the Pacific Region’s “Dream Team” The Amicae were honored at the 47th Pacific Regional Conference THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 203

Pacific Region


It has been an honor and privilege to service as State Director of the Grand Canyon state, Arizona! This was truly a dream come true and I enjoyed putting my talents, skills and ideas to work to build a stronger sisterhood in the state of Arizona. I was very pleased to accept the position of Arizona State Director in August of 2012, and very thankful to receive an opportunity to serve Zeta in a new and different capacity. I must admit that my then 27 years of Zeta experience and leadership skills did not fully prepare me to blaze a State Director path. But I was fortunate to receive the sisterly guidance and support from my state, Regional Directors, Sorors Nui Brown and Natalie Dillard Brannon, Sister State Directors of the Pacific Region (affectionately known as the Dream Team) , our International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright and National Executive Board. The foresight to develop training tracks exclusively for State Directors, webinars, the State Director National teams and a State Director Handbook gave many of us new State Directors the tools needed to effectively lead and serve our states. Again, I am truly grateful. With the support of all my Arizona Sorors, we will continue to move forward in scholarship and service, through sisterly love and Finer Womanhood. I want to extend a special ‘Thank you’ to our past State Directors, Soror Marqueta McSwain (2011-2012) and Soror Kimberly Thomas (20022011) for blazing new trails that have helped Arizona come to light in the eyes of our region.

Aretha Scott Arizona State Director 2012-2018

In the Grand Canyon State, our illustrious organization is represented by a group of ladies that enrich the various communities they serve. These six chapters, including Graduate Chapters Chi Alpha Zeta of Surprise, Delta Gamma Zeta of Phoenix, Omega Rho Zeta of Marana and Omicron Zeta Zeta of Tucson, and Undergraduate Chapters Pi Xi of University of Arizona, Tucson and Kappa Iota of Arizona State University, Tempe, apply a variety of professional and personal talents that lend a rich diversity to our sisterhood. We are committed to excellence, and want to share Arizona’s Zeta World with you.

SCHOLARSHIP Arizona Zetas are dedicated to learning. We commend students and educators, both zetas and non-zetas, who accept the challenges of learning and possesses the zeal to achieve their dreams. Our accomplishments are noted as follows: •

Arizona chapters have donated over $5,000 in scholarship funds to worthy students throughout the state.

Zeta Male Network of Marana, Arizona raised and donated over $1400 to Omega Rho Zeta Scholarship fund.

Tiffany White is the first African American woman to graduate from Michigan State University with a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife and the first and only African-American, female Falconer in the country.

Between 2014 and 2017, 20 Arizona Sorors graduated with various Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate’s degrees.


SERVICE As a community-conscious, action-oriented organization, our goals and objectives are to continue to focus on national and regional initiatives, membership, and energizing the state through branding, collaborating with community organizations, and showcasing our talents throughout the state. As State Director: •

Participated in the Zeta World Service with Central Arizona Zetas, Sigmas and Amicae at the Rio Salado Park;

Participated in the NPHC Voters’ information and Candidates’ Forum with members from Chi Alpha Zeta and Delta Gamma Zeta Chapters;


Zeta Amicae of Surprise, AZ Chartered June 25, 2015

Celebrated the Delta Gamma Zeta Stork’s Nest’s seventh year in serving the Phoenix community. This Stork’s Nest is the only Nest in the state of Arizona;

Incorporated the Pack Rat Entertainment for Education Sisters in Service event at the 2017 Arizona State Leadership Conference reception. This public event celebrated the Sororities of the NPHC and was hosted by Dr. Sheryl P. Underwood, 23rd International Grand Basileus; and

Presented the St. Jude’s Sunday of Hope National Initiative to the congregation of First Institutional Baptist Church (two services).

Establish a State Pin to present to current and new members;

Hosted our International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright at the 2016 Arizona State Leadership Conference and our 23rd International Grand Basileus Dr. Sheryl P. Underwood at the 2017 Arizona State Leadership Conference; and

State provided monetary sponsorships for Undergraduates to attend the Regional Undergraduate retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada and Black Leadership Summit in Flagstaff, Arizona.

AWARDS/RECOGNITION Arizona Zetas, Amicae and Zeta Male Network celebrated our success as members, chapters, and auxiliaries within the state, regional and national sisterhood. •

Pi Xi Chapter was ranked #1 among all USFC Organizations in fall 2014. Recipient of the UA Order of Omega Excellence in Diversity Awareness and Programming, 2016; Recipient of the UA Order of Omega Outstanding Community Service, 2016, UA Chapter of Excellence 2014, 2015, 2016;

Arizona Zetas received a proclamation from Arizona State Representative Reginald Bolding in 2015;

Soror Patricia Spencer was the 2013 and 2014 recipient of the Undergraduate Advisor of the Year Award from the University of Arizona’s Greek Board;

Omega Rho Zeta Chapter: Pacific Regional Chapter of the Year, 2017;

Zeta Amicae of Surprise named Amicae Auxiliary of the Year in Pacific Region, 2017 and received the Top Team Award, AZ March of Dimes 2016;

Amica Jeanett Robinson was honored with the Distinguished Pearl Award - Amicae by Pacific Region, 2017;

Presented a special award to Zeta Male Network of Marana for their continuous contributions and support, 2016;

SISTERHOOD During the first year, chapters were asked to increase chapter size by 15 percent through recruitment, reclamation and retention and to sponsor one auxiliary. Chapters were dedicated to this charge with great diligence and purpose, and increased financial membership within their State increased state membership by more than 20 percent for FYs 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, and 25 percent in 2016-2017, taking the state from 19 financial members in 2012 to 80 financial members in 2017! Other phenomenal accomplishments in Sisterhood are: •

Chartered New Graduate Chapter: Omega Rho Zeta Chapter, of Marana, Arizona. December 2, 2012;

Presented a special award to Zeta Amicae of Surprise, for their continuous contributions and support, 2017; and

New Auxiliary: Zeta Male Network sponsor by Omega Rho Zeta of Marana, AZ, 2014. Still active with seven members;

New Amicae Charter: Amicae of Surprise, June 25, 2015, sponsored by Chi Alpha Zeta Chapter of Surprise, Arizona;

Omega Rho Zeta Chapter won the Pueblo-Festivo Step Show. The grand prize was $1,500 and a new car for International Headquarters.

Reinstated Undergraduate Chapter: Kappa Iota at Arizona State University after a six-year absence; December 1, 2017;

Establishment of the Sister-2-Sister initiative for reclamation: each chapter member contact two inactive/unfinancial members bi-weekly; and

Conducted MIP training and certification to 95 percent of the financial members in the state.

Kappa Iota Chapter Arizona State University Rechartered December 2, 2017

FINER WOMANHOOD Arizona increased community involvement and partnerships throughout the state and the sisterhood. •

Established an annual Statewide fundraiser – Flat out Finer Since1920 rollable flats; THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 205

Pacific RegionASIAN PACIFIC It has been a pleasure to serve as the Asian Pacific State Director of the Awesome Asian Pacific State. The membership is comprised of both active and retired military personnel from the Army and Navy as well as Army, Marine, Navy spouses and civilian teachers. The state has grown dramatically over the last six years with a total of 55 active members in the state in 2017. Each chapter increased membership well over 20 percent last year.

Jaynene K. Smith Asian Pacific State Director 2012-2014

Barbara Ann Mack Asian Pacific State Director 2014-2016

We continue to uphold the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. through Natasha D. Fuller continued service to our local communities Asian Pacific State Director and scholarships given to high school 2016-2018 seniors from each chapter yearly.


Chartered a Graduate Chapter in Okinawa, Japan;

Established Good-Neighbor partnership with Host Nation Orphanages (2012);

Established State Website/expanded Social Media presence;

Addressed unique issues affecting chapters in the Asian-Pacific State with International Headquarters;

Incorporated technology to conduct meetings and training to geographically dispersed chapters;

Hosted Grand Wright at the annual Blue and White Ball, Seoul ROK (February 16, 2013);

Established partnership with Evergreen House, a residential home for single mothers;

Held first state meeting in Tokyo, Japan (2014) attended by Regional Director and Regional Tamias;

Donated 31 wigs to American Cancer Society/Wigs for Awareness;

Co-hosted Relay for Life, with over $6,275 raised for the American Cancer Society ;

Hosted Grand Wright and Past International Grand Basileus Sheryl Underwood at Pacific Regional Executive Board Meeting and APS State conference in Tokyo, Japan, April 2016;


2017 Asian-Pacific State Conference Okinawa, Japan

Conducted an International Women of Color project - “Books for Africa/Belgium;” and

Hosted first State conference in Okinawa, Japan, April 2016.


Pi Eta Zeta Chapter South Korea

Omega Theta Zeta Chapter Okinawa, Japan

Members of the Asian Pacific State attend ZOL 2017 in Washington, DC

Phi Eta Zeta Chapter Tokyo, Japan


PacificCALIFORNIA Region - NORTH Joining Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was one of the best decisions I have made for myself. I have been a member of other organizations and did not get the experience of sisterhood or accomplishing what I had hoped to get from the other organizations. When I became a member of Iota Delta Zeta Chapter, Hayward in 1996, I know I made the right choice. It has been an honor to be the Northern California State Director under the leadership of Madam Grand Wright. I have had the opportunity to meet Sorors from around the country and provided educational training to the Sisterhood. Making the connections and doing the work of Zeta has given me a sense of accomplishment. Northern California’s membership is growing and each chapter is committed to increasing and approaching the surrounding community’s needs with an idea of making the lives of women, young women, and girls better. I am the recipient of the Women of Distinction 2017, Global Leadership Award in Health Care Services, presented by Celebrating Women International. Being a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has given me a sound base, knowledge of our communities needs, and taught me how to express Sisterly Love. Thank you Grand Wright for trusting me to do the Work of Zeta.



I had the opportunity to serve under the Wright Administration with Soror Raynia Lewis. Soror Lewis’ tenure was from August 2012-August 2014, where she paved the way and raised the bar for the sisterhood in the Great State of California. We thank her for her leadership and dedication!

We Continue to Grow!

SCHOLARSHIP Paving the Way for Underserved Students: Each year the chapters in the Northern California area provide scholarships to deserving students in the Bay Area. Scholarships range from $200 to $1,000. Contributions are solicited from companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Walmart just to name a few. In addition to corporate funding, chapters host brunches, teas, galas, step shows and a host of other events to raise the needed funds for their scholarship programs. The chapters’ goals are to support deserving students as they work toward achieving their educational goals.

Membership growth is one of each chapter’s goals to increase their membership by five percent each Sorority Year. Chapters are having Induction Ceremonies with four and five new graduate members at a time. In 2016 we charted a new undergraduate chapter at the University of California Santa Cruz with seven new Sorors.


In 2016, Dr. Evelyn Wesley was the keynote speaker hosted by National Council of Negro Women and was given an award for her work in the community.

In 2016, Ms. Debra Watkins was honored by Xi Zeta Zeta Chapter, San Jose with the community Service Award.

In 2015, Ms. Mason was the recipient of the Community Service Award presented by Iota Delta Zeta Chapter, Hayward for her work with her non-profit organizations that provide services to Veterans.

SERVICE And the winner is: Chapters in the Northern area are very competitive and when it comes to acquiring Z-HOPE points we are the ones to win. At the 2017 Pacific Leadership Conference, chapters won first, second, and third place for the highest Z-HOPE points. Chapters are actively involved in initiatives such as Wild Life, Elder Care, Adopt-A-School, Storks Nest, March of Dimes, and Get Engaged.


Zakkiyyah Nazeeh No. California State Director 2014-2018


Soror Monet’ Ware of Tau Mu Chapter at California State University, Hayward was presented with the Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year award at the 2015 California State Leadership Meeting.


State Director Nazeeh with members of the Zeta Youth Auxiliaries

Soror Kathleen Hinkson of Zeta Nu at California State University, San Francisco was presented with the Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year award at the 2016 California State Leadership Meeting.

Soror Taeana Stephens of Nu Mu at the University of California, Davis was presented with the Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year award at the 2017 California State Leadership Meeting.

In 2017, at the 33rd California State Meeting, the Outstanding Youth Award was presented to the Archonette in Xi Zeta Zeta Chapter’s ZYA.

In 2017, during the 47th Pacific Regional Leadership Conference, first place for the Outstanding Graduate Chapter of the Year was awarded to Xi Zeta Zeta Chapter, San Jose; second place was awarded to Delta Delta Zeta Chapter, San Francisco.

Sorors visit the California State House

Undergraduates with State Director Nazeeh THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 209

PacificCALIFORNIA Region - SOUTH It has been my distinct honor to serve the sisterhood in the capacity of State Director for the past four years under Grand Wright’s administration. I have learned so much from the Sorors in the Great State of California and I have had the opportunity to build lasting relationships. I ran across an example in preparing to write this statement of the story that was shared in the first chapter of Luke (in the Bible), which describes the sisterhood between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her cousin Elisabeth. One could imagine that Mary (as a young woman) felt an incredible sense of responsibility to bear alone when she was informed that she would be the one charged with the mission of being the mother of the Son of God. Then the Lord provided her with someone to share it with, her cousin Elisabeth. These two women had an incredible bond through their miraculous pregnancies allowing them the opportunity to talk with one another, empathize with each other, and overall support each other through their pregnancies. California is unique in that there are two State Directors (Northern and Southern) appointed to lead the sisterhood. Together, Soror Zakkiyyah Nazeeh and I have formed an unbreakable bond similar to that of Mary and Elisabeth. We have been there for one another the way that sisters should be with the ultimate goal of functioning as one for the greater good of the state; sharing the philosophy that “We are Better Together.”

STATE DIRECTORS Soror Yvette F. Clark held the position of Southern California State Director from August 2012-August 2014. During her administration, chapters actively increased new membership, reclaimed inactive Sorors, and retained existing members. Zeta’s presence was reintroduced on the campus of California State University (CSU), Northridge with Omega Kappa. There were increased numbers in Life Membership and Life Membership upgrades. Additionally, auxiliaries increased their visual presence with chartering of Nu Omicron Zeta Chapter’s Pearlettes with six new members on November 9, 2013, Phi Theta Zeta Chapter’s Amicettes and Archonettes on December 21, 2013. Soror Clark held MIP trainings, Basilei retreats, presided over the 30th Annual California State Meeting in Los Angeles in January 2014, and supported Delta Rho at UC Santa Barbara as they planned and hosted the undergraduate retreat. Her leadership and dedication is appreciated!

Soror Tori Correia of Mu Pi received the Finer Womanhood Scholarship at the 2015 California State Leadership Meeting.

Soror Britani Bell, Mu Pi, received the Fall 2016 GoToro award for obtaining a 4.0.

Soror Dominique Brown of Nu Lambda Chapter at the University of California Los Angeles, received the Finer Womanhood Scholarship at the 2016 California State Leadership Meeting.

Omega Kappa Chapter was recognized as having the highest GPA among the NPHC organizations and the highest Women’s Average in 2017 at CSU, Northridge.

Gamma Lambda Chapter was recognized on the campus of the University of Southern California with the chapter of Academic Excellence award. They were also recognized by the NPHC for Academic Excellence.

The Amicae of Long Beach established a youth scholarship in honor of their first president, Marilyn Jones Jasper.

The Amicae of Los Angeles gave a $500 scholarship in 2016.

SCHOLARSHIP The State of California is all about raising money to support the principle of scholarship. To date, more than $49,000 has been raised by our graduate chapters, and our undergraduates have achieved academic excellence on their respective campuses. •

Mu Pi Chapter was recognized as the Greek Organization with the highest GPA as a chapter out of 16 organizations at CSU, Dominguez Hills in 2015. That same year, Soror Teresa Payne and Soror Tori Correia received the Personal Perseverance Award from the President and Soror Alaa Gerais was named Cum Laude, Class of 2015.


Shamar L. Walker So. California State Director 2014-2018

SERVICE Chapters have participated in an array of Z-HOPE programs totaling over 200 programs to date: • Re-opening of the Los Angeles Stork’s Nest Program; • Donating school uniforms to benefit homeless students; • Donating blankets, food and toiletries to the homeless; • Toys for Watts and Amicae Shoebox of Love; • Making thank you cards for senior Veterans; • Making baskets for premature babies;


Sorors of Southern California

• • • •

Donating Thanksgiving baskets to needy families; Elder Care activities at Windsor Terrace Healthcare Center; Wigs for Awareness and Adopt-A-School; and Community Water Station.

Rancho Cucamonga for outstanding community service. •

Delta Rho Chapter was recognized as having the Most Outstanding Service of all Greek lettered organizations in 2015 on the campus of the University of Santa Barbara.

Nu Lambda was recognized in 2015 by the March of Dimes as the highest undergraduate donor.

Phi Mu Zeta Chapter was recognized by the Pacific Region as the Chapter of the Year in 2015.

Rho Eta Chapter was awarded the excellence for Civic Engagement, Friendship, and Social Chapter Award at CSU Los Angeles Standards of Excellence Greek Awards 2016.

Zeta Youth Affiliates of Long Beach received second place recognition for their March of Dimes efforts at Boulé 2016.

Soror Rhona Bennett was awarded the Philanthropist of the Year at the 2016 California State Leadership Meeting.

Soror Paige Garner of Omicron Rho Zeta was awarded the Z-NEF Scholar award at the 2016 Pacific Regional Conference.

Archonette Chase Perry of Long Beach was recognized as the Outstanding Youth of the Year at the 2016 California State Leadership Meeting.

The state finds it important to keep our sisters connected and celebrate our relationships in a finer manner. Providing opportunities for fellowship and embellishment are a top priority! • Basilei retreat 2014 hosted at CSU, Northridge; • Joint State reclamation event in 2015; • Undergraduate retreat in 2015, hosted by Gamma Lambda at University of Southern California; • Undergraduate retreat in 2016 hosted by Omega Kappa at CSU, Northridge; • Undergraduate retreat in 2017 hosted by the Southern California State Undergraduate Committee (Sorors Kiisha Arnett, Maudilynn Fontenette, Shonte Fuller, Tanita HarrisLigons, Briana McDaniel, and Brena Cooper) in Palmdale; and • Honoring our Graduates in 2017 (recognizing both undergraduate and graduate Sorors).

Beta Alpha Gamma Zeta was awarded the service award by the Antelope Valley NAACP in 2016.

Beta Alpha Theta Zeta Amicette Makaylan Watkins was featured in the San Bernardino Sun for her excellent work in the Community, October 2017.

Soror Tuandrea Beasley of Rho Eta at CSU Los Angeles was recognized as the Undergraduate of the Year at the 2017 California State Leadership Meeting.

Archonette Kiera Ware of Long Beach recognized as the Outstanding Youth of the Year at the 2017 California State Leadership Meeting.

Soror Barbara Waffer of Omega Kappa at California State University Northridge was inducted into the National Honor Society in 2017.


Alpha Psi Zeta recognized as a Centennial Diamond Donor.

SISTERHOOD The sisterhood has seen a steady growth from 2014 to present. I am pleased to announce that every chapter in Southern California has brought in new members at least once during this timeframe. Part of our growth has also included the re-chartering, reactivation, and chartering of new chapters as follows: • • • • •

Re-chartered Theta Iota Zeta Chapter, 2014, Pasadena, CA; Chartered Beta Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter, 2015, Palmdale, CA; Re-chartered Epsilon Sigma Chapter, 2015, CSU, San Bernardino; Chartered Beta Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter, 2016, Menifee, Ca; and Chartered Gamma Alpha Epsilon Zeta Chapter, 2017, Irvine/ Lake Forest, CA.

In 2017, we had the opportunity to participate in welcoming our newest Honorary Member, Soror Rhona Benett.


Pi Zeta Zeta was recognized by Immanuel Temple Church in THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 211

Pacific Region


What does it mean to serve as the State Director of Hawaii? As a military member serving in support and defense of freedom, I embraced the culture, commitment and conjuration of our local Ohana (family). I am honored to serve such a state that is rich in history and culture. The Hawaiian word for serve is Malama, meaning; to take care of, serve, to honor, protect and watch over. Since assuming my role as SD in 2014, I purposed to nest and align our efforts as the Aloha Zetas to serve, to care for, to honor, to protect and watch over our local Ohana. As the SD for a state with a military chapter, I am proud to lead the nation’s most precious resource, Service Members, as well as lead the Sorors of Hawaii. A quote by Abraham Akaka states, “Aloha is the unconditional desire to promote the true good of other people in a friendly spirit out of a sense of kinship.” As the State Director and as the Aloha Zetas we strive to promote our Principles in the spirit of Aloha, to “Have Impact’”in a positive way for our local Ohana.

Keva R. Brown Hawaii State Director 2014-2018


Eleven (11) Scholarships provided to well-deserving highschool students;

SD Brown contributed to the undergraduate education of two NSU students, helping to mitigate financial strain; and

Developed draft of the Returning Our Talents Collectively (ROTC) initiative, where alumni of the Reserve Officer Training Corps would connect to and with their alma mater in support of mentoring young cadets (undergraduates), future military leaders by giving of their time, talent and money.


Adopt-A-Family (Helping Hands for the Holidays Program) - in support of families who need assistance during the holidays;

Aloha Zetas Adopted-A-Highway in Honolulu, HI - Strategically placed on an exit to Hawaii Pacific University;

Established partnership with the Oahu Elder Care Facility;

Formally established the “Aloha Zeta Cares” project which reaches out to the islands large homeless population;

Support of the Kuwait Divine Nine helped the State of Hawaii raise $4,300 in support of March for Babies;

Established a Joint (Sigma/Zeta effort with US Fish and Wildlife Service (Kalaeloa Unit);

Partnered with Tripler Army Medical Center’s Fisher House, annual ‘Boots Over the Bridge’ Memorial Day 8k Walk/Run;

As a military chapter, Sorors remained resilient, focused and purposed to serve their country and community (despite numerous deployments, temporary duty assignments outside of Hawaii);

Regular participants in the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade. SD Brown served as Co-Grand Marshall in 2014 with fellow Hawaii SD, Bro Johnnie Davis;

Supported annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure;

Partnered with local YMCA (Kalihi Center) to educate, provide after school meals, snacks;

Supported annual Bella Project, which promotes self-

SD Brown - during deployment, developed unique, creative ways to remain #Engaged #Connected and #Inspired;


Hawaii Sorors complete Community Service

HAWAII confidence, individual beauty and diversity by providing new and virtually new prom dresses and accessories free of charge to underprivileged high school women in Hawaii; •

Annually participated in “Wreaths Across America” at Punchbowl National Cemetery;

Provided and served meals to families that stayed at the Tripler Army Medical Facility’s Fisher House;

Actively participated in NPHC Adopt-A-Highways Cleanups and Beach Cleanups;

Continuously supported their brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. with Adopt-A-Highway cleanups;

Conducted a Krispy Kreme fundraiser where part of the proceeds were donated to the American Cancer Society;

2018 Hawaii State Meeting

Participated in the NAACP Voter Sign Waving event to remind local citizens of the importance of voting;

Annually participated in the Adopt-A-School program with Waipahu High School providing supplies, assistance, community service events and can drives for the students;

Participated in Women Veterans ROCK Advocacy Campaign to raise awareness of the sacrifices and contributions made by America’s Women Veterans and Military Families;

Joined with the state of Hawaii in the fight against bleeding disorders by participating in the Hemophilia Walk;

Participated in the NAACP “Youth Day at the Park” to help create an environment where children are empowered to achieve success and shown love and caring above all else; and

Served residents meals at the Ronald McDonald House.


Immediate Past SD (IPSD) Alicia Johnson conducted the first membership intake in over five years. We (Past SD Johnson and I) collectively increased Chapter membership by 80 percent, chapter numbers highest in its 27-year history.

our Principles bind us). •

Aloha Zetas supported, celebrated fellow NPHC Greek Sisters (activities, social, spiritual).

Aloha Zetas annually participate in Zetas Go Red, supporting Women Go Red (personal investment in support of Past Chapter Basileus, Letha Page).


Held/hosted Finer Womanhood HI Tea Observances;

Conducted bonding activities as Zeta Fit fitness sessions, Escape Room Puzzles and Karaoke to continue our bond as Sorors;

Under the Zetas Have Heart initiative - SD Brown (State Captain), established 360 Finer - The Aloha Way;

Hosted the Collection of Pearlz event, which provided opportunities to highlight how we as Finer Women understand the importance of highlighting, showcasing and honoring other women who serve their communities; and

Held first ever Sister Girl Symposium (360 Finer); • I Am Not My Hair - Natural Hair Discussion; • Women of Wealth - Financial Advice; and • Her Health - Roundtable on Women’s Health Issues.

IPSD Johnson established the State’s first two youth Auxiliaries (Pearlettes and Archonettes).

IPSD Johnson conducted the first major fundraiser for the State, Macy’s Shop for a Cause, raising $2,000.

SD Brown sponsored a well-deserving Undergraduate member to attend her first Boulé.

Received Most Improved Chapter award (twice) for March for Babies;

Aloha Zetas created and developed the Collection of Pearls program which recognizes and honors local women for their commitment to helping, serving others

Recognized by the Hawaii local chapter of the NAACP for efforts in perpetuating our principles throughout the island;

Military Sorors received recognition for their scholastic and military accomplishments (internships, scholastic fellowship programs, host of military awards);


Aloha Zetas military members helped to establish, support the military’s Sisters in Service program.

Aloha Zetas conducted first major Reclamation effort (2015)

Aloha Zetas developed “Bring Back Our Region,” advocating to host a Pacific Regional meeting (an ocean divides us but

Received Second Place in the 2016 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. “Stomp the Island” step show; and

Received Second Place in the 2016 Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. “Sigma Stroll Off.” THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 213

Pacific RegionNEW MEXICO Greetings from the state of New Mexico where “Enchanting is our state, and our way.” I became State Director in 2016 and my first year has been the most challenging yet rewarding experience. During my first year of being in this position, our state hosted the 47th Pacific Region Leadership Conference. This was the first time the conference was held in the New Mexico and I am so grateful that we were able to host our Sorors of the Phenomenal Pacific Region. This feat would not have been possible without the guidance of Soror Natalie Brannon Dillard, Pacific Regional Director, my fellow Pacific Region State Directors as well as the work done by Omega Alpha Zeta chapter and Nu Tau chapter. This sorority has become one of my greatest passions. Serving in this role has been a blessing to me as it has given me more confidence in my abilities to lead as well as enhanced my leadership skills. In this role, I am able to share what I have learned over the years with the Sorors in my state as well as Sorors across our region. It is a great feeling when we are able to reach so many. I look forward to what our organization will accomplish in the coming years as we take this journey to our Centennial and beyond.


Janina Wiggins 2012-2016

LaTasha Johnson 2016-2018

LaTasha Johnson New Mexico State Director 2016-2018

#LUNCHBAG Service Project

NEW MEXICO PROJECTS SCHOLARSHIP “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela As individuals and as one we look to use what we learn from our academic education and life experiences to enhance our community. The Omega Alpha Zeta chapter has continued to make donations to the National Education Foundation and is currently working to establish two scholarships for our city’s youth. The chapter will also continue its annual school supply drive to help elementary schools in our community. In the fall of 2017, the Nu Tau chapter began hosting weekly study nights on their university campus where students on the campus come together to not only complete assignments but also receive help if needed. They previously held the highest GPA in Greek Life on their campus for three consecutive years and continue to hold a cumulative chapter GPA above 3.0.

SISTERLY SERVICE The work that we do as a sisterhood is paramount to the communities we serve. In January 2017, our state participated in the day of service. We put together a local hashtag lunchbag event where our graduate and undergraduate Sorors worked together 214 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

to make over 100 lunches to feed the homeless. After the lunches were completed, Sorors went into the community to hand out the lunches. In addition to that, we have worked with our local March of Dimes office in their efforts to raise awareness. We have

NEW MEXICO New Mexico Zetas with Grand Wright

Annual Finer Womanhood Tea

held diaper drives, volunteered at their annual NICU Christmas party at Lovelace Women’s Hospital as well as volunteered at their annual March for Babies. Other projects include: •

Thanksgiving Food Drive for Veterans;

School Supply Drive;

Sock & Glove Drive;

Donations to local Toy Drive; and

Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention event.

annual Finer Womanhood Tea that is held at a local tearoom in Albuquerque. At this event, the chapter honors a minority woman that works to improve marginalized communities in New Mexico.

OUR ENCHANTING SORORS Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has been in the state of New Mexico since 1978 when the first graduate chapter, Iota Gamma Zeta, was chartered in Albuquerque, NM. Iota Gamma Zeta was later re-chartered in Las Cruces, NM in 2003. Since 2003, New Mexico has boasted Omega Alpha Zeta chapter in Albuquerque, Nu Tau at University of New Mexico, and Kappa Tau chapter at New Mexico State University. We will keep our Zeta lights burning and continue to grow as a sisterhood in the state of New Mexico.

A TIME TO LAUGH When the Sorors of New Mexico are together, it is always full of laughter and it is these times that we really get the chance to learn more about each other. Here are a few of our sisterhood events: •

Family Feud viewing party

Game night

Pool party


Paint & Sip Night

THE LAND OF ENCHANTMENT: FINER AT ALL TIMES Finer Womanhood can be defined in so many ways. We each have our own set of ideals and attributes that help us define what it truly means to us. The Sorors of New Mexico are so unique and come from many different backgrounds. We always try to honor those differences. Omega Alpha Zeta has established an

Sorors Who Served as Miss Black New Mexico

In our state, we have had two undergraduate Sorors chosen to represent New Mexico for the Miss Black USA pageant: Soror Suyent Rodriguez, Miss Black New Mexico USA 2016 and Soror Shyla Lavalle, Miss Black New Mexico USA 2017. These Sorors uphold Finer Womanhood to the highest standard and have represented us proudly.

AWARDS At the 47th Pacific Region Leadership Conference, the Nu Tau chapter received the award for Chapter of the Year. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 215

Pacific Region


There is a saying that God does not call the equipped; He equips the called. Growing up in Las Vegas, NV I had no knowledge of Sororities. Shortly after I started college at the Georgia Institute of Technology, I attended an NPHC forum where a lone Zeta stood from the back of the room, walked to the podium, and spoke about her organization. From that point forward, I knew there was no other path for me but Zeta. The very next semester, as a second semester freshman, along with seven remarkable young women, I became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and charter member of the Glamorous Gamma Rho Chapter. After graduation, I was fortunate to be one of the Sorors to re-activate the Prevailing Pristine Pi Pi Zeta Chapter in Henderson, NV. In Pi Pi Zeta, I served as Tamias, Storks Nest Co-Chair, Z-HOPE Coordinator, Undergraduate Advisor, 3rd Anti, 1st Anti, and Basileus. I was blessed to be a part Kali Fox Miller, Esq. of Nevada’s First Annual Finer Womanhood Scholarship Banquet, Community Baby Shower, Blue Nevada State Director Celebrates Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Program, Hats, High Heels, and High Tea, Bowling for 2016-2018 Babies Tournament, and the chartering of the Mu Tau Chapter. I then served as the Executive Board Chair for the State of Nevada before being appointed as Nevada State Director in 2016. I have also started our state’s 501(c)(3), Girls to Pearls Foundation. Zeta has called me to serve in various ways; however, Zeta has always prepared me for that service. I have been privileged to attend State, Regional, and National Conferences, ZOL, and Zeta Day on the Hill. Sorors across the Pacific Region and across the world have given their time to ensure that I have received the training I need for Zeta and beyond. Zeta has equipped me and that is why I have been able to answer the call.


Kenya Henderson, 2012-2016

Kali Fox Miller, Esq., 2016-2018

Rho Pi Chapter, UNLV


On January 16, 2015, the Pi Pi Zeta Chapter chartered a Pearlette Auxiliary;

Hosted the first Pacific Region Undergraduate retreat in Las Vegas, NV on November 11, 2017;

Hosted the 2017 Pacific Region State Director Retreat in Henderson, NV; and

Conducted protocol for the 2017 Regional Director Retreat in Las Vegas, NV.


The Rho Pi Chapter, UNLV, has earned the highest GPA among all Divine Nine Organizations by obtaining a chapter GPA of 3.19. Chartered in 1998, Rho Pi is Nevada’s oldest undergraduate chapter and has worked hard to maintain strong academics while serving their community with programs on homelessness, sexual assault, and suicide prevention. The chapter also obtains grants from the school to attend conferences and Undergraduate Retreats.


Soror Nina Bailey, of the Pi Pi Zeta chapter, is Z-NEF’s 2017 Deborah Partridge Wolfe International Fellow. Soror Bailey has traveled extensively with her graduate program at George Washington University. Her experience has enriched Zeta in Nevada, the Pacific Region, and on the National Level.

In 2017, the Zeta Chapters of Nevada gave more than $5,500 in scholarships to students in pursuit of their college education. Since the beginning of the Wright administration the Zeta’s in the state of Nevada have given close to $10,000 to young women in pursuit of their college education.


In 2014, Zetas of Nevada started the Girls to Pearls Foundation a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to engage women of all

NEVADA ages in our community and create an immediate, positive impact on their lives through the shared philanthropic vision of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. •

During the 2016-2017 Sorority Year, the chapters in the State of Nevada reported a total of 5,772 Z-HOPE points. These points come from two Storks Nests, three Adopt-A-Schools, and an Elder Care initiative.

The Theta Omicron Zeta Chapter won the State Graduate Chapter Z-HOPE Award for their outstanding service volunteering at their local women’s shelter, Halloween Safe Night, Rescue Mission, Veterans Cemetery, Detention Center, and Senior Center.

The Mu Tau Chapter won the State Undergraduate Chapter Z-HOPE Award for their outstanding service at Nevada State College during their first year as an active organization. Their programs included volunteering at the Campus Food Pantry, Stockings for the Troops, and the NPHC Day of Service.

The Psi Theta Zeta Chapter provides Thanksgiving Day Dinner to the residents of the Decatur Pines Living Home each year. Psi Theta has adopted the Decatur Pines Living Home as their Elder Care Initiative.

Nevada State Meeting

Luncheon has provided over $10,000 in scholarships to high school seniors and honored Men and Women for their outstanding service to the greater Las Vegas area. •

The Psi Theta Zeta Chapter offers opportunities for members to raise additional funds to attend Zeta conferences. Many Sorors have been helped in reaching their fundraising goals.

The Pi Pi Zeta Chapter hosted a Hats, High Heels, and High Tea event at the Tea Lounge at the Mandarin Oriental in Las Vegas. The event was a great success and exemplified Finer Womanhood.

Martin Luther King Day Parade



The Theta Omicron Zeta Chapter serve as hosts at the Annual Martin Luther King Day Parade for all Zetas. Each year, this event is the largest gathering of Blue and White in the State of Nevada. The Las Vegas Archonette Club performs in the parade and has won best performance several years in a row.

In 2017, the Pi Pi Zeta and Psi Theta Zeta Chapters hosted their first Chapter Retreats. The chapters discussed the upcoming Sorority year, reviewed changes on the regional and national level, and had some good old fashioned sister time.

In 2017, all Zeta Chapters in Nevada joined with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma to host the Annual Blue and White Weekend in Las Vegas.


The Pi Pi Zeta Finer Womanhood Scholarship and Awards

Zeta of Nevada won the first ever Bowling for Babies Tournament against the Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Since its inception, the tournament has raised over $8,500 for the March for Babies.

Theta Omicron Zeta Chapter was awarded the 2017 State of Nevada Graduate Chapter of the Year and the March for Babies Fundraising Award at the 47the Annual Pacific Regional Conference.

Pi Pi Zeta Chapter has received March of Dimes grants for their Stork’s Nest two years in a row totaling over $5,000, received a sponsorship of $1,000 for its annual Community Baby Shower from Amerigroup Foundation, and received a sponsorship of $2,500 from NV Energy Grant to support its programming and scholarships efforts.

Rho Pi Chapter has received the Highest GPA of all Divine Nine Organizations for Spring 2017; 1st place in the Fraternity and Sorority Life “Party in Pida Plaza” Three Square donation competition; 1st place at the 2013 Step Show, and 1st place at Greek Week.

Mu Tau Chapter was awarded the 2017 State of Nevada Undergraduate Chapter of the Year in the same year they were recognized as an official organization on the campus of Nevada State College. Mu Tau is the first and only NPHC organization to be recognized at Nevada State. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 217

Pacific Region


It has been an honor to hold this office. The position of State Director is one of the most challenging and rewarding offices I’ve held as a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Immediately after taking office I challenged the Sorors to raise the bar, and in 2015 I created the moniker “The Outstanding State of Oregon” to celebrate our accomplishments. We made history in revamping the Oregon State Meeting program by adding an opening reception, and introducing an awards program. The Eta Phi Chapter was chartered at Portland State University, Pi Alpha Zeta reached a milestone of 20 years of service, and Youth Auxiliaries were established for the first time ever, all during my time in office. The theme of my 2017 state meeting was “Passion, Process, and Partnership” because it signifies Oregon’s journey. In my four years as the Oregon State Director, I have been more than proud of my Sisters, they have met goals and continue to strive for excellence. We live in a society where Black Greek Letter Organizations are more important than ever, particularly in a state like Oregon. In some ways it’s unfortunate that our organization is as relevant today as it was in 1920; nonetheless it’s our duty to keep the legacy of our Founders’ alive. With all we have accomplished in these last four years, I’m proud to say that the Sorors of Oregon did great work and fulfilled the charge of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.


Jocelyn Edel, 2012-2014

Wilhelmina Proby, 2014-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Oregon Dove Scholarship Pi Alpha Zeta’s Oregon Dove Scholarship was conceived in 2001 and has awarded 19 scholarships to high school seniors in Portland. In the 16 years of the scholarship, Pi Alpha Zeta has given almost $20,000 in scholarships to students in need. In the 2014-2015 sorority year, Pi Alpha Zeta began awarding two scholarships due to the success of their scholarship fundraiser, A Toast to Scholarship. This signature event envisioned by Soror Stephanie Hart-Coleman has grown significantly, allowing the chapter to meet and exceed their fundraising goals each year. In 2017 the event surpassed its goals, allowing Pi Alpha Zeta to award a $1,000 scholarship for the first time in addition to its yearly $500 and $250 scholarships.

Wilhelmina Proby Oregon State Director 2014-2018

Fish and Wildlife in recognition of our national partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Soror Jackson graduated from Oregon State University 2015, where she obtained a degree in Biology. In addition to her feature in the Dove Notes, Soror Jackson was a guest speaker on a Zeta webinar in February 2017 informing Sorors about her field. ZYA Comes to Oregon! In October 2017, Pi Alpha Zeta inducted 19 Zeta Youth Auxiliary (ZYA) members for the first time ever in the state. Under the leadership of Soror Vanessa James, Pi Alpha Zeta started two youth groups. The chapter welcomed six Pearlettes and 13 Amicettes. Since beginning the program, Sorors have hosted programs on self-esteem and volunteered with the youth at the Oregon Food Bank.

Pi Alpha Zeta honors their scholarship recipients at their annual Appreciation Gala. Sorors included the Oregon Dove Scholarship at the event as a way for them to meet the scholarship recipients and their families, and to introduce them to the sorority.

SERVICE Oregon Pearl in the Wild In January 2017, Soror Courtney Jackson of the Pi Alpha Zeta chapter was featured in the Dove Notes for her work with Oregon 218 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Rho Omicron’s 20th Anniversary

OREGON SISTERHOOD Sisterhood is what we do best. Development, growth, and sisterhood continue to be goals of the Oregon state. In 2013, Soror Jocelyn Edel reintroduced the State Retreat while she was the Oregon State Director, to foster sisterhood and education. In addition to the retreat, Soror Edel created an Oregon Zeta Facebook Group which is open to all Sorors in the state. This platform allows Sorors to communicate, share photos and develop relationships outside of meetings and programs. One of Pi Alpha Zeta’s recruitment and retention programs for Inactive Sorors, is its annual New Year’s Day Brunch, hosted by Soror Patricia Haggerty at a local restaurant every year. This event has become the go to occasion for Sorors looking to connect and reconnect with Zeta. Membership in “The Outstanding State of Oregon!” Since 2012, Oregon has grown tremendously. The first chapter in Oregon was chartered in 1994 with the second chapter established in 1995. In the 2012-2013 Sorority year, Pi Alpha Zeta had a surge of membership reclaiming four inactive Sorors who were reclaimed by chapter First Anti-Basileus Soror Cynthia Lambert, and in 2013-2014, Pi Alpha Zeta reached 17 members, a chapter record at the time. In 2014 the Xi Upsilon chapter was chartered at Oregon State University making it the first chapter to be chartered in 19 years. With those significant gains, Oregon expanded to three chapters at the end of 2014 sorority year. With the light of Zeta shining brightly, Pi Alpha Zeta and Xi Upsilon inducted new members for three uninterrupted years which again brought upon much needed growth in state. The state was challenged to continue to make growth a priority and the Eta Phi Chapter was chartered at Portland State University in 2017. This charter of eight members is the largest charter in state history. This second wave of membership brought Oregon to 28 active members at the end of the 2016-2017 sorority year, with

Eta Phi, Portland State University

two active undergraduate chapters and Pi Alpha Zeta reaching a record number of 20 members.

FINER WOMANHOOD “Oregon Zetas, Not Your Ordinary Doves” The Sorors of Oregon face a unique set of circumstances because of its youth and location, but that has never stopped them from serving their community and fulfilling the ideals of Zeta Phi Beta. In the 23 years of sisterhood, they have accomplished many things and have met many milestones. In 2014, Pi Alpha Zeta hosted the 20th anniversary of the Rho Omicron Chapter. The weekend of events included an opening reception, community service and sisterhood events. The following year, Pi Alpha Zeta hosted its 20th anniversary with a dinner honoring Sorors Abrella Luvert and Beverly Ford, Oregon’s first and second State Directors.

AWARDS In 2015, the local March of Dimes recognized Pi Alpha Zeta Chapter for raising over $1,000 for March for Babies.

Xi Upsilon, Oregon State University

Pi Alpha Zeta - A Toast to Scholarship 2017


PacifiWASHINGTON/ALASKA c Region As I celebrate my 50th year as a member of this great sorority, I am pleased to have been selected by our International Grand Basileus to lead Washington State these past four years. I represent Washington and Alaska, with all my active chapters in Washington. I have increasingly made contact with Sorors and interested women in the State of Alaska inquiring about reactivation and membership. There are Zetas in the state geographical hindrances provide barriers to reactivation of existing charters, or forming new ones. Witnessing the forward progress that the sorority has undergone over the past decades, and being in a leadership role as we continue to move forward has been challenging. I find that the approach that I used in my career, and in my dealings with people in general has helped me tremendously. Knowledge of what is right and having the integrity to do it, despite opposition makes all the difference. Washington State is a geographical challenge, with chapters being nearly three hundred miles apart. Providing oversight to the Sorors across the state, and making sure training opportunities are available to all has required strategic planning and dedication.

Jeanie Ford Nelson Washington/Alaska State Director 2014-2018


Shamone Allen-Stephenson, 2012-2014

Jeanie Ford Nelson, 2014-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships within the state are awarded by individual chapters: One chapter annually provides a scholarship to graduating Archonettes who attend a four-year institution immediately upon graduation. The presentation is made in conjunction with the Archonette making her debut at an annual community ball. The other chapters make their presentations in conjunction with National Pan-Hellenic Council award presentation events.


Each year at the State Leadership Conference, the host chapter selects a Z-HOPE project in their community. Attendees from across the state bring their donations to support this effort. Recent projects have included Make A Wish Foundation (supplying items to compliment the children’s travel), Catholic Community Services (providing items to meet daily needs of clients served by the organization), and Nativity House (providing warm weather supplies, such as coats, hats, gloves, etc., to short-term residents of this adult only shelter). Monetary donations are always an option to assist the facility. We participated in the Global Day of Service, enacted January 2017, by visiting and interacting with residents of a local Elder Care facility. We also continued one chapter’s annual MultiCultural Santa Photo event, wherein youth of all ethnicities are given the opportunity to take free pictures with Santas from diverse backgrounds.


Washington/Alaska Zetas


Membership: We reactivated one graduate chapter that had been inactive for nearly ten years. Reactivating that chapter paved the way for reactivating two undergraduate chapters that would fall under their sponsorship.

Training: We provided bi-annual Membership Intake Certification training to the membership so that all Sorors will be up to date on approved intake process and criteria.


Natural Hair Care Symposium: We supported a chapter in its signature event bringing in hair care professionals who provide direct care and instruction to members and the community, on how to care for natural hair.

Financial Planning Seminars : We provided an opportunity for Sorors and community members to learn the ins and outs of financial planning and money management skills.



- ASIAN PACIFIC PI ETA ZETA CHAPTER, SEOUL, KOREA The ladies of Pi Eta Zeta chapter have been serving the community in South Korea for years. Being an international chapter gives the Zetas an opportunity to work with diverse communities. Serving a wide variety of people brings about experiences that open doors and break down barriers. Throughout the year of 2017, the Pi Eta Zeta chapter has touched the lives of students, military families, and the local people of Korea with their dedication to service. DELTA GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, PHOENIX, AZ Scholarship: For the past 10 years the chapter has held their annual Shades of Blue scholarship fundraiser. The 2017 fundraiser featured a wild west mystery dinner theatre. In 2016 the chapter also began the Stepping Towards Success Stepper’s Ball, another Shades of Blue scholarship fundraiser, slated to be held each March. Attendees are treated to dinner and dancing. Service: Each year chapter members participate in the March of Dimes March for Babies walk and the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. The chapter hosts an annual Bowling for Babies event to support its Stork’s Nest. A grand reopening of the Stork’s Nest was held on October 22, 2017 after moving to a larger location, better equipped to serve the community. During the holiday season, several families are adopted for Thanksgiving and Christmas and the chapter participates in the Wreaths Across America event. On April 10, 2016, the chapter volunteered for the Ronald McDonald House dinner program. The program provides a home cooked meal for families when they return to the house after spending the day at the hospital or clinic. Sisterhood: In December 2017, the chapter successfully reactivated the Kappa Iota undergraduate chapter on the campus of Arizona State University. Ten young ladies were inducted for fall 2017 and three existing undergraduate members transferred into the chapter. The intake class of 10 was the largest in the history of undergraduate or graduate chapters in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The Dynamic Ladies of Delta Gamma Zeta also hosted a joint Delta Gamma Zeta and Kappa Iota Chapter reunion on April 16, 2016. Reuniting, Reclaiming, Retaining: Looking at the Past to Blaze Our Future was the theme of the night. The reunion was attended by 16 current and past members, including two charter members of Kappa Iota. Sorors enjoyed dinner, a raffle, a silent auction, and an evening of sisterly love. Finer Womanhood: The chapter received a Phenomenal Women of the Valley award from Phillips Memorial CME church in November 2016. Other awards include the Gold Standard award from Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. for work in the community, and a grant from the Ninth Episcopal District Missionary Society.

Education is an important aspect of success, so to start off the Fall 2017 school semester, the ladies of Pi Eta Zeta came together to collect and donate school supplies. The supplies were passed out at Humphreys High School on Camp Humphreys military base in Pyeongteak, South Korea. The ability to motivate and inspire these students is an experience that has enriched the chapter. During breast cancer awareness month in 2017, the Pi Eta Zeta chapter came together to spread awareness. An informational booth was set up on the Yongsan military base. The ladies offered informational booklets and lessons on self-examination methods. The evolved breast cancer awareness of the Yongsan military community has been a great reward to the Zetas. The Korean peninsula is no stranger to harsh winters. The ladies started the winter season by collecting socks, and on November 17, 2017, they gave out the socks to the homeless at Seoul Station in South Korea. Being able to serve across cultures builds relationships that brings the world closer together.


- CALIFORNIA ALPHA PSI ZETA CHAPTER, LOS ANGELES, CA Alpha Psi Zeta Chapter of Los Angeles, California hosted its First Annual Drop in Gospel Concert to raise funds for March of Dimes. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 221

PACIFIC REGION CHAPTERS The DDZ chapter consists of educated women from all walks of life with diverse backgrounds. We actively serve our community, specifically Bay View Hunters Point and the Western Addition through collaborating with a variety of community-based organizations, programs and projects. One of the partnerships DDZ is honored to celebrate annually is collaborating with the congregation of St. John Missionary Baptist Church in San Francisco for Prematurity Awareness Month.

The event was held at International Churches of Word Center & Affiliates (ICWCA) on Saturday, December 10, 2016. Chapter member, Soror Annett Guy Johnson, envisioned an event that would uplift a person’s spirit while raising money to serve the most vulnerable of our society: babies. The performers included soloist Contrella Patrick Henry, the ICWCA Music Department, Gospel rapper Big Unc, and special soloist Soror Lorraine Bolden. Soror Angela Fleming was the Mistress of Ceremonies. The program included March of Dimes representative Ms. Ramona Washington, who gave key March of Dimes statistics and the impact of each dollar raised in the needs of the organization. Ms. Pamala Graham, who had a premature child, gave a moving testimonial about the invaluable support rendered by the March of Dimes. We also had Brother Gary Hogans of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated give the guests in attendance the history of the long-standing partnership between Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and the March of Dimes. This event was the key March of Dimes fundraising effort for Alpha Psi Zeta Chapter, home of Past International Grand Basileus, Sheryl P. Underwood. The chapter 2017 fundraising goal was $5,000. When that goal was reached, Past Grand Soror Underwood issued a challenge to the chapter to raise $7,500, to which she would donate $2,500. Sorors answered the call of Zeta by surpassing that challenge raising a total of $11,359 making Alpha Psi Zeta chapter one of the top fundraising teams for 2017!  DELTA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, SAN FRANCISCO, CA On May 14, 1949, six dedicated women with a vision came together to form a chapter, the Dynamic Delta Delta Zeta (DDZ) in the beautiful city by the bay, San Francisco, CA. Elsie Atkins, Valeria Black, Eliza George, Myrtle Adams Green, Inez Henderson, and Julia Simmons-McCoy chartered the chapter. This group of professional women main purpose was to uphold the founding principles of: Sisterhood, Service, Scholarship, and Finer Womanhood through all of San Francisco and that vision continues to live today. 222 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

In the past six years, DDZ has adopted two elementary schools in San Francisco, El Dorado and John Muir Elementary. DDZ provides these communities with free school supplies, mentoring, a step group, and a girls group called “Finer Futures”, that participates in various school activities. In addition, DDZ has created and distributed annual thanksgiving baskets to families. This year, DDZ successfully launched the grand opening of the Stork’s Nest, which provides a community based prenatal health program for low-income pregnant women. Currently, DDZ is the only Northern California chapter to have an active Stork’s Nest. Through fundraising efforts, DDZ is able to raise and offer $1,500 in scholarships for seniors graduating from high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. Delta Delta Zeta continues to lead the way by upholding the founding principles and reflecting on the importance of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.

 PHI THETA ZETA CHAPTER, GARDENA, CA The Phenomenally Talented Phi Theta Zeta Chapter was chartered in Gardena, California on October 25, 2007. Our chapter strives to uphold the tenets of our beloved organization and to make a sustainable impact on our community. Our signature programs: the PEARLS Scholarship Project - Preparing Educating Advancing Refining Ladies through Service prepares young ladies with college readiness workshops. Our Z-HOPE Community Conference provides educational sessions for men, women, seniors, and youth edifying the mind, body, and spirit. PTZ’s Sisterhood Summit Spa Retreat celebrates the sanctity of sisterhood while exploring


strategies to strengthen sisterly bonds. The Miss Blue Revue/ SAPPHIRE Court rite of passage program focuses on Self-Esteem, Attitude, Power, Poise, Heritage, Integrity, Respect and Etiquette workshops. PTZ has awarded over $3,000 in scholarships to young ladies. Community service is at the heart of what we do. On January 16, 2017, Phi Theta Zeta participated in the Global Day of Service with Lambda Pi Zeta Chapter volunteering with LA Works. PTZ also served as Community Ambassadors for the Taste of Soul Family Festival and participated in the Voter Registration Drive conducted by the Los Angeles NPHC. We volunteer for Susan G. Komen and the American Cancer Society races and annually participate in the City of Gardena’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. PTZ also cohosted Zeta’s Get Engaged: Safe and Sane Town Hall Discussion with Lambda Pi Zeta Chapter. Phi Theta Zeta Chapter chaired the 2016 Joint Founders’ Day Celebration committee hosted by the Sigma Zeta Council of Southern California.

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Newport Beach, CA;

Veterans Day Celebration at Long Beach Veterans Administration;

“Toys for Watts” give away with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; and

“Spread the Warmth” Blanket Drive giving blankets on Christmas day to indigent residence of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Each February Sigma Eta Zeta hosts its annual R.O.O.T.S Scholarship (Finer Womanhood) Luncheon, where we honor women and youth in Zeta and in the community. In 2015, we honored International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright as “Zeta of the Year.” Sigma Eta Zeta chapter proudly sponsors one collegiate chapter: Delta Eta (CSU Long Beach); three Zeta Youth Affiliate Groups: Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Archonettes); and the Zeta Amicae of Long Beach. The Long Beach Zeta Youth participate in community service feeding the homeless in the downtown Long Beach. They also participate in the various chapter fundraising activities, upholding the principles of our organization. The Long Beach Amicae celebrated their sixth Anniversary in 2017. They started their year with the annual Shoebox of Love, partnering with the Lydia House (a women’s shelter in Long Beach). The project involves the Zetas, Amicae and ZYA assembling boxes, filling them with donated toiletries and decorating them with inspirational messages. For the last three years, the Amicae have awarded scholarships to youth in the Beach Cities ZYA but they strive to award future scholarships to the same population in the community.

Phi Theta Zeta partnered with East Rancho Dominguez Community Center host a toy drive. The chapter donated a television for the community center senior citizen program and provided holiday meals and gifts for an adopted family. Chapter members also participated in a monthly community advisory committee meeting held at the center. We are committed to upholding the values of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority while working diligently to make a positive impact on our community. Phi Theta Zeta received a third place award for service at the 2017 Pacific Regional Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is our pleasure to serve. 




Sigma Eta Zeta is a chapter that dares to be different. We strive to uphold the principles of this illustrious organization by implementing programs, grooming youth into women, and enhancing our community. Every October, to promote scholarship, we host an annual “Tassels for Teens Bike-a-Thon and Fitness Walk.” In the last six years, we have raised more than $6,000 from the walks for scholarships for members of Long Beach Zeta Youth and undergraduates.

Every year chapters in our sisterhood are given the opportunity to reflect, refresh and renew. As each new sorority year dawns, members welcome it by actively planning the execution of a successful and eventful year by attending annual, planning meetings. A calendar is carefully crafted by all attendees and helpful workshops are conducted to ensure proper training and the sharing of information is fulfilled. Additionally, members are encouraged to bring about new and fresh ideas that support the sisterhood’s practices of the recruitment, retention and reclamation of Sorors. It is in each new sorority year, that a Basileus

We serve the community in a variety of other ways supporting:


PACIFIC REGION CHAPTERS mothers, all possess the passion and drive to inspire change within their communities. As mothers, BATZ felt an immediate need to begin work with their own youth and in doing so, they chartered the Menifee Valley Amicettes on December 18, 2016 with five enthusiastic young girls. It was always a goal of theirs to start an auxiliary in order to spread the desire to their daughters to serve and give back to their own communities and peers.

and her executive board are diligently working for the greater good of the sisterhood we cherish so deeply. Xi Zeta Zeta Chapter has definitely gone through its growing pains in its efforts to continue a legacy birthed from Triumphant Soror Stella I. Bronson, who was always considered the “glue” for our membership. After the loss of our beloved Soror Bronson, we knew we had to reflect on the sisterly love she exemplified at all times; refresh our bonds through the teachings she so freely gave; and renew our oath, that reminded us of exactly why we continue to move forward in the best way we can. In 2014, Xi Zeta Zeta decided to try something new and host our first membership open house to our community. Through the direction of our chapter’s First Anti Basileus, we planned the marketing and strategy for the event – fliers and social media became useful tools to boast the event; home-cooked dishes were brought; and everything Zeta was displayed. It was a sheer success! Now, we proudly host an annual, membership open house where we introduce Zeta on all levels (graduate, undergraduate, and all auxiliaries) to our community.

Beta Alpha Theta Zeta’s motto is “Be the change by walking the path,” and this is exactly what they have done and continue to do. To date, both, the Menifee Valley Zetas and Amicettes have participated in a number of community service events including, but not limited to, March for Dimes, America Recycles Day, Wreaths Across America, feeding the homeless in an area that was gravely overlooked, and sent care packages to active military recipients. The ladies of Beta Alpha Theta Zeta even developed and issued their first scholarship, entitled “Words of Wisdom.” This scholarship is being offered to students at their local community college in the form of a book grant. This is just the beginning of many things these ladies will do over the course of time. Their focus is to honor the legacy of our Founders while uplifting their children and community. They are dedicated to displaying the image of positive role models and inspiring the pursuit of higher education in women and youth alike. These ladies are absolutely phenomenal! 

Xi Zeta Zeta Chapter continues to honor our past in order to foster our future, and looks forward to every new sorority year as we challenge ourselves to be better than we were yesterday. 


BETA ALPHA THETA ZETA CHAPTER, MENIFEE, CA The Menifee Valley Zetas are on the map and on the move! Beta Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter was chartered on March 30, 2016 by nine phenomenal women. These women, comprising both of active and veteran military ladies, social workers, educators and 224 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Over the last six years, the Delta Eta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has dedicated itself to service, distinction, and growth. In honor of the legacy of our founders, who too were undergraduate members, the Chapter has directed much of these services to their community, the Greater Long Beach/ Los Angeles area. With great consideration of our national initiatives, the chapter has served youth, elderly, and women in the community by offering various care packages, large food and

PACIFIC REGION CHAPTERS clothing donations, time services, and much more. Within their campus community, California State University - Long Beach, the chapter has dedicated time to students’ socialization and awareness by hosting an ample amount of events that promote cultural awareness, sex education, and self-care. Most recently, the chapter has participated in the planning of the Long Beach Step Show, the largest Step Show/fundraiser on the West Coast. This is an event the chapter brought to the university over 20 years ago. With 42 years of service, the Delta Eta Chapter has instilled in its members, past and present, that the work of Zeta does not end once you graduate, but instead, the work of Zeta lasts forever. 

placed Christmas wreaths at the grave sites of Veterans at the Los Angeles National Cemetery. Our purpose for participating in this event was to recognize the lives of men and women who gave their lives to protect our FREEDOM and our country. Finer Womanhood: Mu Pi celebrates Finer Womanhood in style. Every year we find ways to introduce students to a Finer Lifestyle. The events hosted for Finer Womanhood Week include topics that address the whole woman; mind, body and spirit: Dress for Success; Finest of Them All (Makeup Tutorials); Dovely Dining (dining etiquette). Twenty Years Finer: In 2017, our chapter turned 20 years FINER. We kicked off our celebration with a chapter photo and participated in community service on Thanksgiving Day. We then invited our friends and family to join us for a movie night on Friday and a night of celebration Saturday. Finally we closed out the weekend with a “Members Only” brunch, where we recognized our charter members, graduate advisors and other influential members. 


MU PI CHAPTER, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, DOMINGUEZ HILLS, CA On November 26, 1997 on the campus of California State University Dominguez Hills, the Majestic Mu Pi chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was chartered. Never tiring in our efforts, we have served our campus and surrounding community for 20 UNINTERRUPTED years. Scholarship/Awards/Successes • Second highest GPA among all Greek organizations; • Soror Britani Bell was recognized for earning a 4.0 GPA; • Outstanding Community Service Award by the Office of Student Life (OSL); • Recognized for TOP Performance in External Relations by OSL; • TOP Recognition for Membership Development; and • Received second place in the Overall Standards of Excellence (the OSL developed a rubric that addresses what a healthy Greek Organization should look like).

On August 28, 2008, Pi Pi Zeta Chapter was reactivated by Kaliya Arnwine, Shayleen, Hillary, Dana Hillsman, Kali Fox Miller, Marisa Turner and Carrie Willis with the mission of expanding Zeta’s reach in Henderson, Boulder City and Parhump. Since reactivation, the chapter has become known for its innovative and unique programming held by respectable, articulate, and intelligent women throughout Southern Nevada. Some of the programs and accomplishments are: •

The creation of our Finer Womanhood Scholarship and Awards Luncheon, which has provided nearly $8,000 to high school seniors and honored men and women who have provided outstanding community service in Clark County since 2009. In 2015, Pi Pi Zeta received its 1st corporate sponsorship for $2500 from NV Energy. In 2017, Pi Pi Zeta celebrated its 20th Chapter Anniversary with Past International Grand Underwood as our keynote speaker.;

Establishment of our Stork’s Nest prenatal education program in Henderson, NV in December 2008. We have been honored to partner with some outstanding community organizations

March of Dimes Walk: Mu Pi Chapter alongside other local undergraduate chapters banned together to walk 3.5 miles to support premature babies. Through this service project,we were able to raise funds and work to end premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality. Wreaths Across America: To honor our fallen Veterans, we participated in Wreaths Across America. During the event, we THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 225

PACIFIC REGION CHAPTERS to provide our clients with the services they need. Those partnerships include Family to Family of Dignity Health, Sunrise Children’s Foundation, St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, St. Jude’s Crossings, Southern Nevada Health District, HELP of Southern Nevada, and Family to Family Connections. In 2015, we established our annual community baby shower for our nest clients and their families. Since 2016 our Storks Nest program has received a corporate sponsorship from Amerigroup Foundation and grant funding from the March of Dimes totaling $14,700; •

Chartering of the Mu Tau undergraduate chapter, on March 27, 2010 (the only city-wide sorority chapter in Nevada);

Blue Celebrates Pink Breast cancer awareness program;

Bowling for Babies Tournament (with Theta Pi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.) which has raised over $8,500 for the March for Babies Walk since 2014;

Chartering the Pearlette Auxiliary to mentor girls (ages 4-8) on January 16, 2015; and

Adopt-A-School Initiative with Frank Kim Elementary School in 2016. 

workshop sponsored by the Social Sciences and Business Department in October 2017. The event provided its attendees with information on domestic violence awareness and provided additional resources for those who are a victim of, or know someone closely affected by it. The ladies also serve the community by volunteering with organizations such as Three-Square Food Bank, The Richard Steele Foundation, NSC’s Black Student Organization, Stork’s Nest and the graduate chapters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in the city of Las Vegas. Mu Tau was also the recipient of the 2017 State of Nevada Undergraduate Chapter of the Year Award.  RHO PI CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS The Radiant Rho Pi chapter has stood as a beacon of light in the city of Las Vegas since 1998. Inspired by their Five Pearls, Rho Pi has prioritized Zeta’s principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and most importantly, Finer Womanhood. Earning the title of highest GPA among all other Divine Nine organizations on the UNLV campus, Rho Pi has emphasized the importance of scholarship in a world where many are not afforded the same opportunities to go to college. The chapter recognizes the power of a good education, and makes it a priority to emphasize that knowledge is power. Rho Pi also has a heart for service. The chapter continues to bring awareness to issues such as homelessness, sexual assault, suicide prevention and many other topics that are rarely the focus of attention in society.

MU TAU CHAPTER (CITYWIDE), LAS VEGAS, NV The Magnificently Tenacious Mu Tau Chapter was chartered in Las Vegas on March 27, 2010 by Shayleen Hillary, Brittany Mann, Dominque Lockwood, Monica Falls, and Anjonet Beaupre on the campus of Nevada State College in Henderson, NV. Mu Tau Chapter is also a city-wide chapter that functions on the campus of College of Southern Nevada and the University of Phoenix. The chapter was reactivated on the campus of NSC on November 4, 2016. Mu Tau is the FIRST and ONLY National Pan-Hellenic Council Greek-Lettered Organization to be officially recognized on the campus of Nevada State College since its inception in 2010. Mu Tau Chapter strives to pave the way for future Zetas by exhibiting the pure and essential meaning of Sisterly Love, Scholarship, Service, and the epitome of Finer Womanhood. The Zetas of Mu Tau first event on campus was a domestic violence 226 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

As a diverse group of young ladies, the Radiant Rho Pi chapter embraces the very different personalities that make up their sisterhood and views this melting pot of ideas and opinions as one of its biggest strengths. The celebration of diversity makes them stronger as a chapter, and their genuine love for each other is one that is often imitated but never duplicated. Developing strong, educated women, the Radiant Rho Pi chapter truly exemplifies what it means to be Finer Women.

Unconquerable SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Servant Leadership with humility and respect – This is the maxim that stays in my heart and on my mind as I serve the Sisterhood. As a long standing member of our prestigious organization, in 1979 I vowed to be zealous in my actions, to stand for what is right, and to uphold a spirit of democracy within the Sisterhood. In serving, we must remember that no task is too large or too small. Those that serve in positions of support within our chapters, states, regions and nationally are vital to the success of our programmatic thrusts and our organization as a whole. In serving the Sisterhood, my responsibility is to lead by example, respect each member of the Blue and White family, go the extra mile, and remain humble as I lead. State Alabama Alabama Arkansas Arkansas Mississippi Tennessee

Years 2012-2014 2014-2018 2012-2014 2014-2018 2012-2018 2012-2018

State Director Vivian Dawson Marvray Calandra Jones-McDonald Mattie Glover Kathy Tatum Vanessa R. Banks Donna R. Williams

Ernestine Wilson South Central Regional Director 2014-2018


Dr. Constance Smith Hendricks, 2012-2014

Ernestine Wilson, 2014-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Each chapter and auxiliary of the South Central Region is encouraged to promote scholarship within the organization and the community. Chapters and Auxiliaries across the region hold annual Scholarship Balls and Pageants to financially support members of our Zeta Youth Auxiliaries and local high school students as they prepare for their post-secondary studies. Each state of the South Central Region offers scholarships to Sorors and/or Amicae. The South Central Region also offers two annual scholarships specifically for undergraduate Sorors, two for Sorors in graduate school, and one scholarship designated for an Amica. Sorors regularly support the United Negro College Fund; alumni efforts for high schools, colleges, and universities; and other scholarly pursuits such as book clubs, Adopt-a School, and tutoring sessions.

SERVICE The South Central Region has a long legacy of Region-wide Community Service efforts. We believe in engaging all of our

Leadership of the South Central Region

Sorors, Amicae, and Zeta Youth Affiliates in service to others. Signature Regional service projects include Bell-Ringing for the Salvation Army, Angel Tree donations, and an annual Regional Z-HOPE project addressing the needs of an agency local to our Leadership Conference site. Our states of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee also engage in Statewide Community Service projects during their annual Leadership Conferences and a Statewide Day of Service. Over the past three years, the South Central Region has donated 20,000 toiletry items and $15,000 to local agencies. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 227

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Amicae of the South Central Region

Projects which our members regularly engage include Stork’s Nests, Elder Care, March of Dimes, Military Appreciation, various Walks, Adopt-a-School, Adopt-a-Highway, St. Jude, and other projects on the Local, State, and Regional levels. On campuses across the Region, our undergraduate Sorors are making an impact by volunteering with the NPHC, Greek Council, surrounding communities, churches and other campus organizations. Additionally, the Life Members of the State and Regional levels plan a Community Service project for each Conference. The Life Members have contributed to scholarships, the wells and well upkeep in Africa, and sponsoring an undergraduate to National Conferences among other activities.

SISTERHOOD The Sorors of the South Central Region are blessed with our accomplishments celebrating our tenet of Sisterhood. We support the philanthropic efforts of our National programs and community. The South Central Region has embraced those within our region and our sisters of the blue and white family across the nation. We pray for each other, contribute to SOS appeals, celebrate the acknowledgment of each of our Founders, and rejoice with the accomplishments of our sisters near and far. Beginning with our Zeta Youth Affiliates, continuing with our undergraduate Sorors, and including our graduate Sorors and Amicae, the South Central Region involves our principle of Sisterhood in activities on the local, state, and regional levels. Zeta Youth Affiliate activities include opportunities for the youth to empower each other, love one another, and grow into intelligent and supportive young ladies. Our undergraduate Sorors unite on the local, state, and regional levels through Zeta Academies 228 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

and Retreats which focus on Zeta knowledge, the principles upon which we were found, self-love, embracing others, and business skills. Our annual soirée held during the Regional Leadership Conference is an opportunity for Conference attendees to simply enjoy one another.

FINER WOMANHOOD A Finer Woman is one who is authentic and truthful. She evaluates individuals, situations, and events intelligently. This woman brings innovative and unique concepts to the table. Her zeal is evident as she evaluates life, prepares to serve, and celebrates successes with her circle of friends, acquaintances, and associates. A finer woman is always ready with a helping hand, a fervent prayer, and class and sophistication that resonates across the ages. Whether hosting a program, attending a meeting, participating in community service efforts, socializing with the Blue & White family, or making a presence in her life outside of Zeta, the Sorors of the South Central Region exude Finer Womanhood. Our standards are high and the ideals upon which we were found serve as guidelines for our beliefs, words, and actions. Thoughtful consideration is evident in the programming for our Zeta Youth Affiliates, undergraduate and graduate Sorors, and our Amicae. The nuances of the characteristics of a finer woman are included in planning and execution of programs and events.

AWARDS 2012-2014 • Zeta Prematurity Awareness – Second place Highest Impact of Individuals Winner (415,556)


Numerous Community Service Awards

Second place, Largest number of Z-HOPE programs

Elder Care participation

Second place, Number of individuals reached

Adopt-a-School: Served the largest number of elementary schools

Adopt-a-School: Served the most students (1619)

St. Jude: Impacted most individuals (2840)

Regional Director Wilson presents a “For the Love of Zeta” Pin

2015 •

Zeta Prematurity Awareness – Highest Impact Winner

2015 Zeta Prematurity Awareness Regional Challenge Winner: South Central vs Southeastern (44,799 individuals reached)

2016 •

Second largest Region in Zeta (2,605)

Membership: Second Place for recruiting the largest number of Graduate Members (313)

Membership: Third Place for recruiting the largest number of Undergraduate Members (481)

Membership: Third Place for recruiting the highest combined total of new members (794)

Membership: Second Place for recruiting the largest single intake for an Undergraduate Chapter

Membership: Second Place for recruiting the largest single intake for a Graduate Chapter

Sorors enjoy the South Central Regional Conference



Former Regional Directors of the South Central Region

South Central Region was recognized at the 2016 Grand Boulé for ZPAP Efforts

Members of the Lambda Theta Chapter (University of Southern Mississippi) were featured in the Hattiesburg American for clean up efforts after a tornado

Sorors participate in the SCR Stroll Off


South Central Region ALABAMA It has been an honor to service the Sorority as the Alabama State Director. It has given me numerous opportunities to meet Sorors not only in my state but across the Sisterhood. The state of Alabama has grown not only in membership numbers during the Wright administration but also developed a continued culture to serve our communities.

Calandra Jones-McDonald Alabama State Director 2014-2018


Vivian Dawson Marvray, 2012-2014

Calandra Jones-McDonald, 2014-2018

SERVICE Sorors in the state of Alabama continue to provide service through the Sorority’s National initiatives, participating in Elder Care by adopting local nursing homes. There have consistently been 10-15 schools who have officially been adopted by chapters in Alabama. Wigs for Awareness has been a special project adopted by undergraduates at the University of Alabama. The undergraduates have donated over 300 wigs during the past two years. Annually at the Alabama State Leadership Conference Z-HOPE initiatives have contributed to children, veterans, homeless women and breast cancer awareness during the past four years. The state of Alabama continues with their March for Babies campaign every year.

Blue and White Day at the Alabama State House

sending Alabama’s first Undergraduate to attend ZOL 2017. During the Alabama State Leadership Conference, the “Doves” attending have a special “Power Hour” to reminisce of the days of yesteryear and plan for the future. It is hopeful the “Doves” will have a scholarship to be given during the state conference in 2018.

FINER WOMANHOOD The State of Alabama had its Inaugural Founders’ Day program in January 2017 in Birmingham, Alabama. The speaker of the hour energized those attending to celebrate Finer Womanhood and pursue personal and professional fulfillment under any circumstance with passion and vigor.

AWARDS SISTERHOOD Each year since 2014 during the Alabama State Leadership Conference, Life Members gather for a Life Member Luncheon. Not only is Life Membership celebrated, but business is handled through service and financial donations toward scholarship as well as the state Z-HOPE Project endeavors. Life Members assisted in

During Grand Wright’s Administration, Alabama implemented a Foundation for scholarships and Z-HOPE service initiatives. Scholarships from the Foundation have totaled over $10,000 given to high school and college students since its inception in 2004. The state of Alabama continues to remain in 1st place in the region with Centennial representatives. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 231


Alabama Charter Legacy Club, 2017

Inaugural Statewide Founders’ Day, 2017

2018 Alabama Amicae Retreat

Alabama ZOL Attendees, 2015


South Central Region ARKANSAS It has been an absolute honor to serve the sisterhood in the capacity of Arkansas State Director. I am thankful for the opportunity bestowed upon me by International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright. I am also grateful for the unwavering support of South Central Regional Director, Ernestine Wilson. Serving as State Director of Arkansas has afforded me the privilege of working with some of the most Amazing Zetas, Amicae, and Youth Affiliates in our organization. It has been the most rewarding experience to assist our Sorors and chapters in their growth in Zeta. My vision for Arkansas has always been One Team, One Goal. We can only be great when we’re all great. Being knowledgeable, being consistently in compliance, and being the most amazing Zeta have been my personal goals for all members.

Kathy R. Tatum Arkansas State Director 2014-2018


Mattie Glover, 2012-2014

Kathy R. Tatum, 2014-2016

SCHOLARSHIP Speaking of Scholarship in Arkansas - The Wright Administration: The State of Arkansas, our chapters, and individual members hold the principle of scholarship in the highest regard. •

All members are encouraged to be lifelong learners.

Undergraduate members with a cumulative grade point of average of 3.0-3.4 and 3.5 and above are recognized annually at the Arkansas State Leadership Conference.

Phi Theta Chapter Basileus, MyKala Wallace was the 2017 recipient of both the Arkansas State Leadership Scholarship and the South Central Region Scholarship.

Tau Chapter at Philander Smith College and Phi Theta Chapter at the University of Arkansas were recognized for highest grade point averages among Greek letter organizations.

The Arkansas Graduate Chapters provide an average of $10,000 annually in scholarships to high school and undergraduate students.

The Arkansas Leadership conference provides a $1,000 scholarship annually to a deserving undergraduate Soror.

The design-use contribution fees attained from the sale the Arkansas Zeta License plates are given as endowment funds for Arkansas’ Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

SERVICE Service is What We Do, Service is Who We Are. Understanding that our sorority was founded on the tenets of what we can do for others, the Arkansas members serve their respective communities and help others to excel. •

100 percent chapter participation in at least one Z-HOPE project;

Increased number of chapters that participated in Adopt-aSchool;

Increased number of chapters that participated in the National Elder Care Initiative;

Increased number of chapters that adopted and maintained highways in the state of Arkansas;

Arkansas chapters actively engaged in Prematurity Awareness Programs to bring attention to the alarming statistics of low and early birth rates;

Statewide service projects were held each year at the Arkansas Empowerment Summit to benefit various programs of the Arkansas March of Dimes. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 233

ARKANSAS Arkansas Youth, 2016

Community agencies in selected conference host cities were the recipients of statewide contributions at the Arkansas State Leadership Conference.

SISTERHOOD The Spirit of Sisterhood in Arkansas: Sisterhood in Arkansas has been exhibited through the spirit of love and support shown to sister chapters and auxiliaries. We are indeed our Sister’s Keeper. •

Encouraged statewide support of programs and activities of sister chapters and auxiliaries.

Facilitated an extraordinary bonding and recruitment experience via the Arkansas Empowerment Summits.

Inducted our Amazing Legacies into the 2018 ASLC Inaugural Legacy Club.

Provided opportunities to stay connected to our amazing sisterhood through social media via our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.

The Arkansas sisterhood maintained consistent communication by utilizing emails, webinars, chapter basilei recharges, online meetings, and conference calls.

Increased recognition of the sisterhood statewide with the implementation of our Arkansas Zetas License Plate Campaign.

FINER WOMANHOOD Being Finer as an Amazing Arkansas Zeta: The Arkansas zetas strive to make Finer Womanhood an integral part of our lifestyle. •

Created a new brand and marketing strategy ... Amazing Arkansas Zetas;

Encouraged excellence in all things Zeta by promoting the move from ordinary to extraordinary; and

Members participated in various forms of programs and services in recognition of Finer Womanhood.


AWARDS Arkansas Zetas received a Citation from the Arkansas House of Representatives with commendations for our vision of creating positive change and providing perpetual service to our communities. •

Accolades and Recognition received from the Arkansas Chapter of the March of Dimes;

Recognition of Chapter and Membership growth; and

Recognition and Awards to Arkansas chapters and members during the South Central Region Leadership Conferences.

South Central Region MISSISSIPPI First and foremost, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the greatest people in the entire world, the Zetas, Amicae and Youth of TEAM MISSISSIPPI! Each day you make me happy, excited, and proud; and you motivate me to Keep Rocking! Madam International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, thank you for your leadership, for your vote of confidence, and for allowing me the distinct honor of serving in the Wright Administration.

Vanessa R. Banks Mississippi State Director 2012-2018

Team Mississippi Chapter Basilei

As the Mississippi State Director, over the past six years, Vanessa R. Banks has taken the Mighty State of Mississippi to heights unseen before. An overview of these accomplishments under her administration include:


The State introduced the Statewide “Round-Up Tour,” where the State Director traveled to all corners of the State of Mississippi in an effort to reclaim and retain Sorors and Amicae through fun, food, fellowship, and motivation and express the importance of “Finer Women Observance” period.

The State Undergraduate Retreat was revived after many years with the 2016 theme of “Reigniting the Finer Woman in You” and the 2017 theme of “Generation Z: Fierce, Fabulous and Finer.” The Retreats included various topics and activities that encouraged our Undergraduate Sisters to continue to exemplify Finer Womanhood on their respective campuses, while upholding all of our founding principles.

SCHOLARSHIP The State of Mississippi has donated $7,500 to the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated National Education Foundation in addition to providing over $5,000 in scholarships each year to our graduate and undergraduate Sorors, youth, and Amicae in the State, which was initiated under this administration.


The State of Mississippi became the first state in the entire Sorority to donate to the St. Jude Initiative with a donation of $5,000, the largest donation to date.

The State of Mississippi donated hundreds of toys in addition to a monetary gift to the Blair E. Batson Children Hospital as a State Conference Z-HOPE Initiative.


The State of Mississippi has reached a financial membershipbreaking record of over 1,200 financial members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated during the 2016-2017 year.

Ten graduate chapters and five Amicae Auxiliaries have been chartered in this State during this administration.

The State of Mississippi joined forces with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated to restore a Joint State Leadership Conference for the first time in many years.

The State began contributing funding to our Amicae for operational expenses.


The State of Mississippi was recognized at the National Executive Board Meeting as a “Power State” in the Sorority.

The State of Mississippi became the first State in the entire Sorority to become a Diamond Level Centennial Contributor by contributing $10,000 to the Centennial Commission.

The State of Mississippi became the first state in the entire Sorority to donate to the St. Jude Initiative, with a donation of $5,000, the largest donation to date.

The State of Mississippi’s financial membership has increased each year.



Mississippi Zeta Roundup

Mississippi Amicae

Mississippi Youth

2017 Mississippi Undergraduate Retreat


South Central Region TENNESSEE Greetings on behalf of the Tremendous Tennessee Zetas, Amicae, and Youth! It has been a humbling privilege to have served as the 14th State Director of the tremendous State of Tennessee, and I am grateful to have been given the opportunity. I truly thank International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright for her confidence in me leading Tennessee, consisting of 30 Chapters, six Amicae Auxiliaries, and 16 Youth Affiliates. I could not have agreed to serve in a better administration to build on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths! The guidance, leadership, and support provided by South Central Regional Directors Ernestine Wilson (20142018) and Dr. Constance Hendricks (2012-2014) were superb.

Donna R. Williams Tennessee State Director 2012-2018

I am also grateful for the support of the tremendous Tennessee Executive Board, State Coordinators, Chapter Basilei, Zetas, Amicae, and Youth in supporting the national, regional, and state initiatives and goals to help move the State of Tennessee forward. Thank you for helping Tennessee be tremendous! Below is a glance of the accomplishments that we were able to achieve during the Wright Administration to help improve the communities in which we live, work, and play in Tennessee.


2017 Tennessee Day on the Hill

Tremendous Scholarly Efforts: Tennessee made great strides in the area of scholarship that will enable the state to continue to support the scholarly efforts of our members and the community. The highlights of SCHOLARSHIP are: •

$83,325 in scholarships awarded by the state and chapters, 2012-2017

19 Newly ZOL Certified members, 2012-2017

Tennessee received 501(c)3 tax-exempt Status

SERVICE Tremendous Service: Service is what we do! Tennessee provided countless hours, talent, and financial support in helping other people excel. Various agencies and many citizens across the state were the benefactors of the tremendous service provided by the Tennessee Zetas, Amicae and Youth. A snapshot of the SERVICE provided:


10 Statewide Z-HOPE Initiatives, 2012-2017

Tremendous Sisterhood: It is great to work together as a team. However, it is tremendous to work together as a sisterhood! The power that women have when they come together to work toward a common goal has no limits. Through the efforts of SISTERHOOD we accomplished:

1734 Upgrade Project Contributor, $2,500

Initiated Annual Tennessee Zetas Day on the Hill in 2016

100 percent Amicae auxiliary representation during the Tennessee State Leadership Conference for four consecutive years, 2013-2016

Alpha Eta Zeta Stork’s Nest Re-opened

Improved Chapter Reporting

100 percent Chapter representation during the Tennessee State Leadership Conference, 2013 and 2014

Improved Financial Stability of the State

Chartered Tennessee Legacy Club, January 2018

Initiated Electronic Payment System

Established Tennessee Dropbox

Purchased State Equipment to efficiently minimize expenses during conferences and trainings

Established Tennessee Zetas Facebook Page, May 2014

Established Tennessee Zetas Website www.tnzetas.org, May 2014 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 237


2016 Tennessee State Conference

East Tennessee Day of Service

Membership Growth 2012-2017, 12 percent

New Charters: one Graduate Chapter (Beta Alpha Lambda Zeta), one Undergraduate Chapter (Iota Upsilon), two Amicae Auxiliaries (Chattanooga Amicae and Clarksville Amicae), and one Undergraduate Reactivation (Sigma Xi)

New Members Inducted in Tennessee 2012-2017, 443

Reclaimed Members 2012-2017, 153

Successfully hosted two South Central Regional Leadership Conferences, 2013 and 2017

FINER WOMANHOOD Tremendously Finer: A woman who is faithful in duty, noble in character, noteworthy in deeds, and hospitable to all is a Finer Woman. A woman who embodies these traits while doing scholarly deeds, serving in her community, and supporting her sisters is a woman of a tremendous Finer Womanhood. The traits of Finer Womanhood were shown in these efforts: •

2015 Initiated Annual Statewide Founders’ Day Celebrations

Centennial Visionary State, Silver Donor

Commissioned Tennessee Pin

Designed new shirt logo

Established State Basilei Briefings


2016 Amicae Meet and Greet

AWARDS Recognition of Tremendous Efforts: Through the tremendous time and efforts of the Tennessee Zeta, Amicae, and Youth, impacts were made across Tennessee. The following AWARDS and recognitions were bestowed upon the state for the tremendous work: •

2014 Grand Boulé Award of Excellence: 1st Place, State Website (16-30 Chapter Category)

State Director Williams, along with five other Tennessee Sorors, inducted into the South Central Region Hall of Fame, June 2014

Tennessee: Highest Percentage of Members Growth State in the South Central Region, 2016

Tennessee received 2nd Place in Zeta and 1st Place in the South Central Region for the 2013 Finer Women Don’t Haze (FWDH) Fundraiser Project

Top State: Registered Fundraising Auxiliary Groups in the South Central Region for the March of Dimes, 2013-2016

Top State: Registered Fundraising Walkers in the South Central Region for the March of Dimes, 2015 and 2016



ALPHA RHO ZETA CHAPTER, MONTGOMERY, AL The 2016-2017 sorority year was very gracious and generous to Alpha Rho Zeta. From our participation in walks to raise awareness to our Annual Finer Womanhood Luncheon, APZ has been moving and shaking to make things happen within our community! However, of all the events that we were privileged and elated to be a part of, we are most proud of the celebration of our 75th Anniversary and our participation in the Safe To Sleep Initiative. On April 30, 2016, APZ celebrated 75 years of existence with a program honoring Sorors of the past and present entitled, “Celebrating Our Legends With A Splash of Elegance.” We paid homage and showed gratitude to 27 trailblazing Sorors. Each Trailblazer received a hand-crafted handkerchief stitched with an appreciative message and the date. One of our honorees also provided the current and “newer” Sorors with a charge, words of inspiration that will help us along our Zeta journey and as members of Alpha Rho Zeta.

Alpha Xi Zeta Chapter in Tuskegee, Alabama, has recorded another annual period of pride by continuing to Soar in Service. In essence, the Sorority’s founding principles served as a “Barometer for Soaring.” This is particularly true of the principle of Service. The calendar of monthly activities and events reflects such. In compliance with the Sorority’s aggressive agenda, the Chapter confirms and reports the following: Macon County Back to School Bash; Women Veterans ROCK Initiative; Worship With Pan-Hellenic Greeks; Adopt-A-School Program; Zeta Prematurity Awareness Sunday; Veterans Awareness Week; Z-HOPE Initiatives; Macon County Human Resources Christmas Cheer; Holiday Bell Ringing With Salvation Army; Joint Founders’ Day Observance; Inclusive Stork’s Nest Programs, Workshops and Donations; Monthly Tuskegee Area Diabetes Support and Participation; Annual Carver Festival Activities; Chapter’s Annual $1,000 Scholarship to local High school Senior; Collaboration With Amicae, Undergraduate Chapter and Youth Groups; and Elder Care Initiative. The Chapter was the recipient of several grants and financial support to foster its Programs of Service. More importantly, the overall program agenda is a true reflection of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. The Chapter also Soared in Service by branching out into the larger community. This was quite evident as members unanimously voted to support the bid by Leonardo-DRS for the T-100 Jet Trainer Project to be established in Tuskegee at the historical Moton Field. This is the site where the Famed Tuskegee Airmen were trained for successful combat in World War II. During the November 2017 Alabama State Leadership Conference of the State Association of Zeta, Alpha Xi Zeta Chapter sponsored a Resolution of Support for this project. The Resolution was overwhelmingly adopted by the attending delegates. There is no doubt that Alpha Xi Zeta Chapter soars in committed and dedicated service. Attorney Katy S. Campbell proudly serves as Chapter Basileus, and Dr. Elaine C. Harrington is the Chapter Epistoleus and Social Action Chair.

Alpha Rho Zeta Stork’s Nest has been very fortunate to be chosen as grantees of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) since 2015. The grant is a part of the Back to Sleep Campaign for infants. The grant provides funding to organizations throughout the country for the purpose of educating communities on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death and ways to reduce the risk of these infant deaths. Educating and giving back to our communities, continuing the legacy of our most honorable founders with fellowship and sisterly love has become the staple of Alpha Rho Zeta’s walk in Finer Womanhood. We look forward to new ventures and achievements in the 2017-2018 sorority year, and we wish all of our sisters in Zetadom a successful and filling year. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 239


Sorority, Inc. are proud of our cooperative efforts with Oakdale Elementary School, and we look forward to many future years of collaboration.   BETA UPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, DOTHAN, AL

BETA ETA ZETA CHAPTER, TUSCALOOSA, AL Beta Eta Zeta celebrated its 60th Anniversary on February 27, 2016, and an official chapter anniversary stamp was designed to commemorate this 60-year milestone. Under the inspired leadership of Basileus Mary J. Chambers-Huff, the chapter has completed countless service projects in the local area. One that has the potential to inspire numerous young people is our partnership with Oakdale Elementary School. Sorors routinely work with students, assist with supplies to the school, share in lunches on special occasions (Fall Festivals, Thanksgiving, Christmas), and offer our services in learning adventures such as Black History Month and Read Across America. In May of 2017, several Sorors from our chapter participated in Career Day at the School. Sorors Mary Chambers-Huff, Brenda Ervin, Lillie Harris, Brenda Medley, Ernestine Young, and Ava Smith helped with the logistics of the program, and guided students smoothly from room to room where a series of experts waited to share information and encourage students toward a variety of career options. Soror Tiffany Warren, a Forensic Scientist for the state of Alabama, shared her expertise on the collecting, handling, and processing of evidence. Soror Trudier Harris, renown author and Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of English at The University of Alabama, talked with students about the possibilities for career options in teaching and writing. Students were attentive, asked questions and, we hope, learned a lot. After the rotations through the rooms of various onsite experts, students shared lunch with members of the community who had come to their school. This standout event is but one of the many programs that the Sorors of BHZ have traveled to Oakdale Elementary School to support. Indeed, Soror Ervin is a regular volunteer at the school. Also, Soror Brenda Medley, who has earned accolades for leading the chapter’s Z-HOPE projects, is regularly at Oakdale Elementary as well. She has spearheaded drives to collect canned goods for holidays and other occasions, and she has participated in the school’s “American Education Week” programs. The Sorors of BHZ Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta 240 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Beta Upsilon Zeta Chapter of Dothan, Alabama, has been committed to carrying the legacy of our five founders. We are devoted to making a difference while building on the principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. The chapter has provided many hours of volunteer work, community outreach programs, scholarship support, organized charities, and promoted legislation for social and civic change. Basileus Wilfork and members believe in helping other people excel through dedicated service. The chapter has participated/sponsored the following: Wiregrass Area Pan-Hellenic Council “Meet the Candidates Forum” preceding a local election; participated by setting up a Zeta Paraphernalia display table and donating school supplies at the Unity Picnic; sponsored a Blue Revue event, “Blue & White” Soirée which proceeds enhance our scholarship fund; participated in the Sickle Cell walk; wrapped gifts at a local mall for the House of Ruth, a shelter for battered women; Bell ringers (Pearlette group also) for Salvation Army; participated in annual “Step Show” sponsored by Pan; and participated in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. events. Each year, we celebrate Founders’ Day jointly with Phi Beta Sigma. March is always the Finer Womanhood Recognition Dinner program. Attendees enjoy a meal and entertainment, and a scholarship is awarded to a deserving student of the Wiregrass area. Also awards are presented to “Zeta of the Year” and to outstanding community service people. Our “Adult Skate Night” donations are used for scholarship and can goods collected are donated to Wiregrass Food Bank. A community feeding was held at Mama Tina’s Mission House. Visits were made (along with the Pearlette group) to Extendicare Nursing Home and toiletry items were given to residents. Weekly, Sorors assist teachers and students at a local school, our “Adopt-A-School” program.


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS NU ZETA ZETA CHAPTER, PRICHARD, AL Nu Zeta Zeta Chapter has been a positive influence in Prichard and our surrounding communities in many ways. For several years, the chapter served as the official hostess for major functions in the city of Prichard including planning the inauguration for Mayor Jesse Norwood and City Council. The chapter also assisted with planning the dedication of the A.J. Cooper Building. We helped serve Thanksgiving Dinner to senior citizens in Prichard, participated in Crime Night and health fairs, prepared gifts for nursing homes and for children in St. Mary’s Home, supported Family Promise, provided meals at Ronald McDonald House, worked with the Salvation Army by serving as Bell Ringers and provided gifts for the Angel Tree, and worked in conjunction with the Mobile Baptist Sunlight District Women of which our own Nettie Curtis is President. We support the March of Dimes, United Negro College Fund and Habitat for Humanity. Along with the Prichard Fire Department, we passed out toys to underprivileged children. We provided blankets and clothing for Katrina victims. In 1999, we took the lead in organizing the first Relay for Life in the city of Prichard, and we continue to play an instrumental role in this fundraising event to fight cancer. We take strides in the Breast Cancer Walk and support the fight against Sickle Cell by giving to the national organization. The chapter has adopted Morningside Elementary School, Mobile County Middle School and Prichard Preparatory School as our partner Schools in education.

Crime! to support the Auburn-Opelika Communities. Psi Gamma Zeta also joins the Sisters Exemplifying Excellence (S.E.E.) social club at their annual Cure for All Cancers Walk. This partnership coincides with our National St. Jude and Breast Cancer Awareness initiatives, which we support wholeheartedly. Psi Gamma Zeta partners with the Greater Peace Baptist Church each year for their annual Health Fair. Service provided were health screenings, demonstrations, and virtual presentations available to the community at no cost. Psi Gamma Zeta held the first Walking in Authority Scholarship Gala on March 18, 2017. Proceeds from the event allowed the chapter to provide scholarships to Auburn High school seniors. We also presented the 2017 Zeta of the Year Award to Soror Denise P. Rogers who also serves as the chapter’s First Anti-Basileus. The ladies of Psi Gamma Zeta Chapter and the Zeta Youth Auxiliary have celebrated countless awards. Awards include 1st place awards presented to Archonettes and Amicettes, ZYA awards for participation, and Z-HOPE awards to the chapter for participation in Z-HOPE programs. In 2015 and 2016, the prestigious Zeta Hall of Fame award was presented to chapter Basileus Alexis S. Smith (2016) who has served Zeta for over 24 years and counting and is a charter member of the chapter; the award was also presented to Dr. Constance Smith-Hendricks (2015), immediate past South Central Regional Director and immediate past chapter Basileus. Our commitment to service hails from words of “The House by the Side of the Road” by Sam Walter Foss, particularly, “Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man.” It is our purpose is to assist as many people in our community in need of support, encouragement, and educational motivation in all their endeavors in life.

Nu Zeta Zeta sponsored a cooking academy, published a cookbook and held workshops on self-esteem and interviewing techniques for the Boys and Girls Club of South Alabama. Each year we support students by giving at least two scholarships - one to an Archonette and the other to a deserving youth in the community. We give annually to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF).  PSI GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, AUBURN, AL Psi Gamma Zeta (Auburn Zetas) has embraced the National “Get Engaged – Be the Change” Initiative under the leadership of our International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright. The Auburn Zetas partnered with Target Retail store #1499 on August 1, 2017 to support the community efforts in the Communities Rally Against

 ALPHA ALPHA GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, PHENIX CITY, AL Phenix City, Alabama, is just minutes away from Fort Benning, Georgia. In 2013, 11 members of the Phenix City Zetas, mostly military veterans and spouses of veterans, established the first THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 241

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS members on November 7, 2016. The chapter represents Hale County which is a rural Black Belt Region of Alabama. We saw a need to encourage youth in an area that is known for a failing school system and low national test scores. We have partnered with the local schools, churches and businesses to make a powerful impact in this rural county.

four-letter chapter in the State of Alabama with the goal of supporting those often forgotten and underserved. We stand boldly on our four founding principles: Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood. We help students succeed by providing them with school supplies, volunteering in low income schools, and providing scholarships to high school graduates. We partner with community stakeholders and host activities throughout the year to fund scholarships. Our chapter has provided more than $5,000 to local charities. We participated in National, Regional and State Z-HOPE initiatives, Breast Cancer Awareness Walks, Share the Warmth Blanket Drive, Capital Campaign Support, Relay for Life and so much more. We’re particularly proud of our efforts to make Christmas possible for the less fortunate; providing care packages for the homeless; our relationships with the residents of a local elderly care facility; and our involvement in the Hope for Autism Walk, a cause near to the hearts of Zetas who have family members diagnosed with Autism. We value sisterhood. In 2016, our Amicae Auxiliary was established. We share a special bond with these 12 women, and we challenge and equip them to be their very best as they serve our community alongside the chapter. To enhance our relationships, we hosted a pajama party and a Sisterhood Retreat, which proved to be a valuable experience for everyone. Phenix City Zetas understand the Finer Womanhood concept is unique to our sorority. We highlight standards, morals, customs, and attributes of each member. We host events to empower the women of Phenix City, including Zumba with Zetas, Painting with a Twist, a March of Dimes bowling event, and more. We believe being Finer Women is what sets us apart from other sororities, and Alpha Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter is dedicated to projecting a positive image of Zeta everywhere we go. Finer Women serve. Finer Women give. Finer Women empower. Finer Women love. Finer Women – it’s who we are!  BETA ALPHA UPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, HALE COUNTY, AL Beta Alpha Upsilon Zeta Chapter was chartered by ten zesty 242 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

The ten charter members are as follows: • Priscilla Chism: Basileus • Sandy Hopkins: First Anti Basileus • La’Keitha Bryant: Second Anti Basileus • Elaine Pugh: Third Anti Basileus • Kimberly Lavender: Grammateus • Evians Hambright: Corresponding Grammateus • Belinda Rhodes: Tamias • Cindy Jones: Tamias Grammateus • Rodgrika Quarles: Phylacter • Melinda King: Chaplain Although our chapter is only one year old, we have been busy in our community. We won second place for Z-HOPE awards at our annual Alabama State Leadership Conference held in Mobile, November 2017. Below is a list of a few of the major projects we have completed: •

Homeless Connect

Meeting the Basic Needs

Bullying/Knowing Your Worth

March of Dimes

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Early Cancer Detection

Fearless Women/Champion Men Conference


Women Veterans ROCK

Toiletries for Veterans

Veterans Parade

Prematurity Awareness Program

Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Drive

Scholarships for two High School Students (2018)

State recognized Outstanding Member: Sandy Hopkins, Alabama State Chaplin

Power Suits for Sisters, collection and donations of gently worn or new business attire to My Sister’s Closet; and Snacks of Love, which provides non-perishable snacks and care items to families spending the holidays with their loved ones in the hospital’s ICU. 



BETA ALPHA OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, ST. CLAIR COUNTY, AL The State of Alabama continued to build on the mission of expansion by chartering several graduate chapters during the 2016-2017 Sorority Year. Beta Alpha Omega Zeta Chapter received its charter on April 18, 2017 under the authority of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, South Central Regional Director Soror Ernestine Wilson, and Alabama State Director Soror Calandra Jones-McDonald. The chapter services St. Clair County. Located northeast of Birmingham, this burgeoning area is becoming a popular destination for families and professionals looking for a more relaxed living environment with close proximity to the metropolitan area.

Since 2012, the Alpha Sigma chapter has hosted multiple events, such as “Kitty Kat Chit ChatZ,” Study with the Zetas, Tea with Z, Bowling for BabieZ, Relationship GoalZ, Elder Care Community Forum and Spoken WordZ. The events noted focused on the awareness of Sexual Education, Academics, Elder Abuse, Premature Babies, and the importance of Art. In addition we participated in service projects such as the Shoals Community Soup Kitchen, Street Clean Up, Salvation Army bell ringing, Bingo with the Elderly, reading to a class and much more.  IOTA ETA CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Since 2015, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Iota Eta Chapter has teamed up annually with a variety of organizations from The University of Alabama (UA) and the community to collect donations for

The charter members are Sorors Helen R. Cunningham, Kendra Dale, Angela D. Hatchett, Rhonda E.J. Simpkins, and Chantae Williams. BAOZ is the first chapter of a Divine Nine organization to be located in St. Clair County. She immediately embraced the founding principle of Service by conducting a school supply drive during the Chartering ceremony. Collecting nearly 100 items, this event marked the beginning of a partnership with a local Mattress Firm store to provide needed items to area children in the foster care system. Since then, the chapter has focused on identifying key needs in the community and establishing relationships with area businesses and other non-profit organizations. Several projects underway designed to be recurring activities include: Cards for Elders, which sends greeting cards to residents of nursing homes; THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 243

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS the Wigs for Awareness program. During this time they have raised approximately $1600 towards the purchase of wigs that are shipped to the American Cancer Society each year. In 2015, they donated 48 wigs. In 2016, they donated 32 wigs. They have raised $627 toward the purchase of this year’s wigs. The Wigs for Awareness campaign kicked off with a weekly tabling event in the Ferguson Student Center at UA in October and November of each year. Participants were provided with sweet treats from a local bakery and pamphlets from the local American Cancer Society office as they made their donations. The Office of the Dean of Students located in Ferguson Center, also accepted wig donations on Iota Eta’s behalf. This project was made possible by the generosity of the sponsors and contributors: Donna Murphy Foster (owner of Forever Pretty Store in Moundville, AL), Zeta Phi Beta Sorority (Beta Eta Zeta Chapter), The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (The University of Alabama Chapter), Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (Beta Eta Chapter), Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority (Delta Omicron Chapter), Kevin Baynes (UA Student), Office of the Dean of Students, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Kappa Alpha Chapter). 

 ZETA AMICAE OF PHENIX CITY, AL Zeta Amicae of Phenix City, Alabama, was chartered on August 9, 2016 by five zealous women who believed in the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. The five charter members are Chrysanthemum Evans, Nicole Freeman, Frances Harper, Minnie Tate, and Tonjia Williams. Frances Harper serves as the first president. The Amicae Auxiliary has now grown to a membership of 12 ladies who often work side-by-side with our sponsoring chapter, Alpha Alpha Gamma Zeta. The Phenix City Amicae has more than doubled its membership, making us the largest auxiliary in the State of Alabama. We have supported Z-HOPE initiatives on all levels, participated in Walks for a variety of causes such as Hope for Autism and Multiple Sclerosis. We have adopted Parkwood Health Care Facility, a local assisted living facility where we visit with the residents monthly. Some of the activities include Bingo where residents win prizes, mailed greeting cards, and blessing bags. We have partnered with numerous organizations showing unity in the community with our Spread the Warmth Blanket Drive. This is where we come together and collect blankets over 2 months, and they are given to those less fortunate. This year, the blankets will be given to the SafeHouse where we will serve Christmas Dinner. In our efforts to give back to our community, we have held a variety of fundraisers which include our annual Krispy Kreme Donut Drive, the Adult Prom, March of Dimes Penny per Pin Bowling Event, and much more! Monies from these events help fund scholarships, purchase supplies for hurricane victims, and prepare hot meals for women’s shelters just to name a few.

THETA BETA CHAPTER, TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY The Theta Beta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated organized and participated in a number of events on the campus of Tuskegee University this 2017-2018 school year. The month of October comprised of a Breast cancer fundraiser called “Tutus for Tatas,” a Breast Cancer Forum, a Self-Defense class, and a Breast Cancer Walk. Throughout the rest of the semester, they collected unused toiletries and gently used clothing from Tuskegee students and donated them to shelters in the surrounding areas. In December and January, Theta Beta volunteered at a soup kitchen and gave college/life advice to a Teen Shelter in Tuskegee, AL. Other activities the Theta Beta Chapter has assisted with include packing Samaritans’ Purse Boxes, spreading the importance of voting with “Woke-Vote” Initiative, and passing out snack packs during finals. The remainder of the year, Theta Beta plans to host several community service events during their Zeta Week, including reading to children at a local school, volunteering at an animal shelter, and helping with church service. All in all, the chapter is very active! 244 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

We have been recognized for our hard work, dedication, and volunteer efforts in the past years. Since our chartering, our auxiliary was awarded the Volunteer Award from the Alabama State Association, Amica Frances Harper was named South Central Region Amica of the Year and Amica Nicole Freeman was named Alabama State Amica of the Year. We are forever providing sisterly love throughout our community upholding Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated’s values of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.



The Signature Program for Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter is their “Profile of Academic Excellence.” The chapter spotlights young ladies graduating from high school who have demonstrated achievement in the areas of academics, community service, distinction of character, and leadership. The young ladies are presented and awarded scholarships based on Essay, Recommendations, Resume, Interview and Participation. Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter, the Renowned Chapter, proudly boasts of having 22 members who are legacies, multiple members who serve on boards and are community leaders. The chapter offers classy and informative community service programs for adults and youth. This chapter is truly a community-conscious, actionoriented chapter.  ETA SIGMA ZETA CHAPTER, NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR

ALPHA MU ZETA CHAPTER, LITTLE ROCK, AR Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter has functioned in Little Rock, Arkansas, since May 18, 1940. The chapter was chartered as the Great Depression was ending and the United States was entering into World War II. Throughout the years, Sorors encountered Wars, Desegregation, Racial Tension, Jim Crow Laws, Community Upheaval, and Economic Challenges. Consequently, as the needs of the community changed, so did the actions and services of Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter. Often we tend to forget the Sorors upon whose backs the chapter was built. We tend to focus on the “Right Now” and what we have done and not what has been done throughout the years. To combat this, the chapter now celebrates senior Sorors and their accomplishments with a ‘So Sweet Senior Affair.”This event honors the seniors for all the hard work and dedication they put into the chapter to get it where it is today. This brings the youngest members just out of college and the women who have been in the sorority for 80 years together.

Eta Sigma Zeta participates in many of Grand Wright’s National Initiatives. During Military Appreciation month, Sorors donated ten thousand coupons and toiletries to Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System. Sorors participated in Wreaths Across America, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, and Angel Tree. Eta Sigma Zeta participates in the Elder Care Initiative. During the Christmas season, Sorors spread “Christmas cheer” by playing Bingo, singing Christmas carols, and making Christmas crafts with the residents of Premiere Rehabilitation Center. The chapter has adopted Amboy Elementary in North Little Rock. The Sorors volunteer at the school’s family nights and provide school supplies and any other resources the school may need. The chapter also participates in community service projects locally. Eta Sigma Zeta has adopted a street in North Little Rock and participates in the North Little Rock Shop With a Cop. During Finer Womanhood Month, Sorors fellowship with residents at Campus Towers. Eta Sigma Zeta also sponsors Amicae and three Youth Group Auxiliaries. The Zetas and the auxiliary group members participate in several Z-HOPE and community projects throughout the year. The signature program for Eta Sigma Zeta Chapter, North Little

Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter has implemented the Ms. Vibrant Woman Pageant for senior women in the community. This pageant draws attention to the accomplishments of senior women. By sharing their experience, knowledge and enthusiasm for life, senior women join the movement they dispel the myths of aging. Ms. Vibrant Woman is an exciting combination of talent and inner beauty along with individual fulfillment and elegance.


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS Rock, Arkansas, is the Miss Blue Revue Pageant. The Miss Blue Revue Pageant spotlights girls ages four through thirteen in areas of poise, interview, and talent. The purpose of the pageant is to empower, celebrate and encourage girls. Members of Eta Sigma Zeta provided several Z-HOPE workshops for the participants of the pageant. Proceeds raised from Ms. Blue Revue helps provide scholarships to deserving young ladies in the Central Arkansas area. Eta Sigma Zeta has awarded more than $50,000 in scholarships to young ladies in the Central Arkansas Area.

 TAU RHO ZETA CHAPTER, CONWAY, AR Tau Rho Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered in 2004 by five Sorors who saw a great need for a graduate chapter in Conway, AR. The charter members were Katy Evans, Angelina Durden, Michelle Edwards, Adrienne Robinson and LaToya Howard.

 The chapter with the drive from 14 Sorors, including two charter members, reinstated the chapter in March of 2017. The Tau Rho Zeta Chapter is really excited about the immense opportunities the area has for implementing initiatives and challenges under the national programs through local partnerships with health organizations and agencies; community service projects within the community through awareness of elder care, working with the local schools; future partnerships with the Phi Beta Sigma Graduate Chapter, Lambda Gamma Sigma, located in Conway; and, the opportunity to develop and establish the youth auxiliaries, as well as the Amicae auxiliary. The Tau Rho Zeta Chapter assisted with the 2017 Pine Street Back Pack program, and volunteered their services at the 10 year Soaring Wings anniversary for the Half Marathon.

OMEGA NU ZETA CHAPTER, MARION, AR Omega Nu Zeta Graduate Chapter of Marion, Arkansas started in 2013 with seven members and each year we have made positive growth leading to fourteen active present members. In spite of the numbers, the Sorors of Omega Nu Zeta worked hard to increase and maintain membership, serve our community and strive each day to let the light of Zeta shine bright in our community. Omega Nu Zeta was the 2016 Chapter of the Year for State of Arkansas. This honor was great and the hard work this chapter put in to ensure that we meet our chapter goals of meeting the needs of others through Z-HOPE and other initiatives was definitely achieved. For the past 3 years, we have won first place for the State of Arkansas for Z-HOPE. Among the many accomplishments, the chapter has hosted community workshops for the last 3 years to spread awareness throughout the community on various topics including Prematurity Awareness, Elder Care, Breast Cancer Awareness, Voters Registration, Healthy Hearts and Bullying, through Mind, Body, and Spirit served to empower people from all walks of life. Omega Nu Zeta has partnered with local churches and other organizations to provide services to help support people in the community. The ladies of Omega Nu Zeta will continue to be visible in the Marion and Crittenden County community and uphold the principles that our beloved sorority was founded upon. 246 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 XI SIGMA ZETA CHAPTER, FORREST CITY, AR Xi Sigma Zeta Chapter, established in rural Forrest City, Arkansas, and consisting of ten dedicated Sorors ages 31 to 102 years old, follows the legacy of “When Zeta Calls, We Answer.” We publicly celebrate our Founders’ Day and Finer Womanhood and support the sorority’s leadership conferences. In our steadfast legacy of supporting education, the chapter continually looks for ways to support students such as providing scholarships, showing special recognition to students for hard work on the field and in the classrooms by inviting them as special guests for refreshments at the Zeta table during homecoming tailgate activities, by sponsoring cook-out on campus, supporting


annual Back-to-School Fair giving out thousands of supplies, etc. Strongly committed to supporting education, the chapter assists in “Getting to Know the Candidates” by supporting school board candidate and also chapter member reelection, seventeen consecutive years of non-pay service thus far. In our legacy to promote safety, learning, fun and giving back to the community, annually in October, the chapter participates in community sponsored activities such as the “Trunk or Treat” which provides treats to kids in a more controlled environment, the St. Francis County Hometown Health Coalition Meet & Treat, and the Marianna Community Zumba Greet & Treat events allowing the chapter to present information regarding Z-HOPE Prostate Cancer and You’ve Got the Power to Decrease the Odds Against the Top Three Cancers Affecting Women. In November the chapter visits churches to communicate Prematurity Awareness, support military veterans, and recognize our veteran member. December is a special month. We work with the local graduate chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. to collect food and give to the local Food Pantry. The chapters create a float and proudly ride on it in the Annual Christmas parade. Working with other Greek organizations, the chapters provide traditional Christmas dinners on Christmas Eve to those who may not otherwise have a meal. And the chapters sponsor an annual Blue & White Affair second to none other. The legacy is that of Zeta and Sigma chapters working and enjoying life together.

As a chapter being represented at a Social Justice Institution, we hold a Black Lives Matter program annually to insure that the importance of black culture and the legacy of our beloved founders are sought out. We also hold a monthly program that promotes self-love and high self-esteem called Self-Esteem Matters. Our beloved founders were young, black, educated undergraduate students who decided that a legacy of greatness was to be born. With the unshakable principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood, the Tremendous Tau Chapter has become a great chapter in the state of Arkansas. 

 TAU CHAPTER, PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE The Tremendous Tau Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. was chartered March 15, 1947 on the campus of Philander Smith College. As the mother chapter of all undergraduate chapters in Arkansas, we strive for excellence in everything we do even when we are not physically representing Zeta; our main goal is to serve the people in every way we know how. From feeding the homeless, visiting the nursing home, keeping our street clean, and collecting toiletries and can goods, we hope to be a blessing to someone and their family. We participate in activities such as March of Dimes, Race for the Cure, Autism Walk and many more.

XI THETA CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK Since 2012, the X-Traordinary Xi Theta Chapter has been excelling at Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. On campus, we have been awarded trophies throughout the years for THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 247

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS the highest GPA, most participation, and awards for community service. On October 19, 2017, we celebrated our 40th Charter Day in which we painted the campus blue! Our week activities ended up serving the students of UA-Little Rock by having a paint night to relieve stress, our toy drive was an absolute success in which we donated enough toys for 50 patients at the Arkansas Children’s’ Hospital, we were able to heighten the student experience at our kickoff, and so much more. As we continue to volunteer and mentor within our community, we hope to pass on our legacy of giving back and academically excelling to our future sisters in years to come. 

awarded for their academic achievements. The youth auxiliaries also complete numerous community service projects on an annual basis such as serving at Stew Pot, Salvation Army (Bell Ringing), volunteering at Cottage Grove Nursing Home, raising money for March of Dimes, participating in the breast cancer walk, and donating items to our Stork’s Nest. They were excited to participate in a special welcome for International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary B. Wright on her visit to Jackson, Mississippi for our Joint Founders’ Day Celebration, which is held annually in conjunction with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated (Mu Sigma Chapter) and Zeta chapters in the Jackson Metropolitan area. 


ALPHA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, JACKSON, MS In May, Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter hosted its biennial Blue Revue Program. This program recognized 16 prominent local citizens (men and women) based on their work in various industries (i.e., areas of government, international business, civic duties, ministry, military, and education). Rounding out the program was a Little Mr. and Miss Blue Revue Pageant with participants between the ages of 3 and 8. On October 14, 2017, Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter hosted its 79th Founders’ Day celebration. The theme for the event was “Honoring Our Past While Embracing Our Future.” The program featured a dramatic performance chronicling the charter members journey to create the first graduate Zeta chapter in the State of Mississippi. The program also celebrated Alpha Delta Zeta’s title as the largest Zeta chapter in the State with 146 members. The celebration also included special recognition of each of the chapter’s 21 basilei, and 12 Doves and ended with the release of 79 blue and white balloons. Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter has sponsored the annual debutante presentation since 1958 as one phase of its commitment to be a community-conscious, action-oriented sorority. Its 59th Debutante Scholarship Cotillion was held on December 9, 2017. During this elegant and memorable occasion, young ladies from the Jackson metropolitan and surrounding areas are formally presented to society. Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter’s Youth Auxiliaries attended the Mississippi State Youth Leadership Conference where one of our youth was elected State Secretary and several youth were 248 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

DELTA CHI ZETA CHAPTER, LORMAN, MS Delta Chi Zeta Chapter services Jefferson, Adams, and Claiborne counties in the state of Mississippi. Delta Chi Zeta’s members have diligently worked together as a sisterly unit to give back to the community through mind, body, and spirit. On-going activities throughout the year include: Adopt-a-Highway clean-up, Annual Youth Summit, financial, food, and clothing donations to such organizations as the Stewpot and the Mississippi State Hospital. Delta Chi Zeta also hosted their own Annual Chapter Retreat, a Founders’ Day Program, a Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Candlelight Vigil, Prematurity Awareness, a monthly Elderly Care initiative at the Jefferson County Nursing Home and Natchez Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, Z-Pack-it-Up, and Angel

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS Tree Stocking Stuffers. The Chapter also gives annual Chapter and Archonette scholarships in the continuation of bonding, inspiration, support and motivation among Sorors while giving back to the community. 

Hospital in Biloxi, MS •

Kwanzaa Event

Donated canned goods and non-perishables to local food pantry

Healthy Eating Seminar

Martin Luther King Day Parade and Celebration

Archonette Club donated hygiene kits to a local Boys and Girls Club

Thanksgiving Day plate preparation at a local community center

This list is merely a snapshot of the work that Lambda Xi Zeta has put into the community and a testament of the commitment the chapter has to strengthening our community.  NU KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, VICKSBURG, MS The Nu Kappa Zeta Chapter has done numerous of things in the past six years. It was a great pleasure to join the movement for childhood cancer as we were able to donate to the campaign, Zeta’s Hope for St. Jude. Our chapter has diligently presented several scholarships to many graduating high school students within our community. And we certainly cannot forget our motor capabilities as we traveled to many homes of elderly individuals to issue dinners. That community service project was called “Meals on Wheels.” We are also often recognized for our high intake of graduate inductees over the past years.

LAMBDA XI ZETA CHAPTER, GULFPORT, MS Following in the footsteps of our founders the ladies of Lambda Xi Zeta have worked tirelessly in the community to be an example for others to follow. For the past six years this chapter has been involved in a variety of initiatives impacting the community. Through sponsorship and service, Lambda Xi has been instrumental in the following community activities: •

Raising over $300 for the Salvation Army

Adopting-A-School Program

Saving Our Brother’s and Sisters Summit

March of Dimes Walk/Fundraised

American Cancer Society/Breast Cancer Walk

Debutante Cotillion held in conjunction with Beta Xi Zeta Chapter

Donation of gently used books to the a local elementary school library

Donated goods and supplies to a local nursing home

Collected and donated over 100 items for the Veterans

The Nu Kappa Zeta Chapter has kept a close bond with our auxiliary friends as well. We have had several young ladies to join our youth auxiliary and have hosted many dinners for the Amicae. With those meetings and dinners, we were able to build our bond with those auxiliaries. We have also made it our mission to keep in direct contact with our undergraduate chapter at Alcorn State University, the Zeta Chapter. By doing so, we host a yearly picnic and invite all of our Sorors and neighboring brothers of Phi Beta Sigma to continue the growth in relations with all of our new and old members of both graduate and undergraduates. We also


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS have a chapter meeting once a month to ensure each member is thoroughly knowledgeable of all chapter business. The Nu Kappa Zeta chapter has also been a proud participant in the “March of Dimes” campaign where we were able to raise over $2000 each year. Our chapter is also known for giving back to our community. We have donated to head starts in Vicksburg by adopting a classroom and offering those students Christmas gifts as well as pizza parties. We have given a contribution of $1,000 to one of our fallen Soror’s daycare. We have also collected several toiletries for many veterans, women and men. These small contributions are only a few of the many ways we have shown our love for the community and the organization we serve. 

PI IOTA ZETA CHAPTER, STARKVILLE, MS During the 2012-2016 period, members of Pi Iota Zeta never ran on empty when “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths.” Our goals were to foster the ideals of Service, Charity, Scholarship, Civic and Cultural Endeavors, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. We were blessed with members who had the time, talent, and energy to be about the business of ZETA. The members of Pi Iota Zeta regularly attended leadership development workshops, conference calls and webinars at the local, state, regional, and national levels. Our youths have given basket/care packages to Starkville Fire department and to Starkville Manor Nursing Home, volunteered at the Starkville Humane Society, and worked with the graduate chapter at BINGO Night at Starkville Manor Nursing Home. We participated with NPHC in honoring high school graduates and gave scholarships to deserving high school seniors.

OMEGA TAU ZETA, BRANDON, MS Omega Tau Zeta Chapter chartered January 31, 2013 in Brandon, Mississippi. We started with six members and have grown in size. We have worked hard to meet our National Initiatives of the years. We have aided the local Battered Women’s shelter, adopted a local Nursing Home, and provided a scholarship in the in 2014 of $1,500. We are members of the Mississippi NPHC. We joined our Sigma Brothers for the Night out in the Park to feed and clothe the Homeless. We have collected and donated school supplies to the youth and toiletries to the military and homeless. We participate in the March of Dimes Walk and Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. We have had the Archonettes, Pearlettes, and Amicettes and working to reclaim new members. We have participated in the local parades with floats for our chapter and youth. One of our grand fundraisers is the End-of-the-Year Extravaganza. We are the only African American greek-lettered organization in the Rankin County Area. Our latest community support effort was donating supplies to the local Volunteer Fire Department, we were recognized by the local news all over the Jackson Metro Area. We are doing great things. 


Also during this period, we donated to the Louisiana Flood Victims, Casserole Kitchen and Canned Food Drive, UNCF and Z-NEF, and participated with Salvation Army Bell Ringing. Pi Iota Zeta participated in the Sisterhood Luncheon, Zeta RoundUp, Sisterhood Fellowship, and Founders’ Day Dinner Celebration. We exhibited Finer Womanhood by being hostesses at an NPHC pancake breakfast, participating in Relay for Life, and being involved with the Breast Cancer Awareness with Starkville Fire Department.  PSI BETA ZETA CHAPTER, SOUTHAVEN, MS Over the past six years, Psi Beta Zeta has left its footprint in the North Mississippi area. Our legacy of accomplishments include making groundbreaking initiatives in our community and state. Chartered in 2010, Psi Beta Zeta immediately started working in the community to establish relationships and to make our presence known and felt. In 2012, we opened our Stork’s Nest and has since serviced our community with vital information for healthy pregnancies and deliveries. In 2013 we continued

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS youth and completed Z-HOPE projects in the areas of health and wellness, youth leadership development, adult leadership, senior care, and national programs. We have partnered with the National Council of Negro Women, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, and many local churches in completing the programs. We adopted the pre-kindergarten village at Kosciusko Lower Elementary School. This year, we adopted the Silver Path Adult Day Care Center. to service the community by bringing awareness to domestic violence and autism. That year, the City of Southaven and Mayor Greg Davis made a $2,500 donation to Stork’s Nest. As the first of the Divine Nine to charter in Southaven, MS, we embraced our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, Pi Alpha Sigma Chapter, when they chartered in the area in 2014 and we have created a strong Zeta/ Sigma connection. We continue to work together at a nursing home, with Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign, and with the local library programs. Continuing to promote the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, in 2015 we established the non-profit, Precious Pearls Foundation, Incorporated, which raises funds and awareness impacting families through health, scholarship, and community unity. Psi Beta Zeta was a chartering member of the Desoto County National Pan-Hellenic Council and received 1st place in State and Regional Z-HOPE, Sapphire Division. In 2016, we kicked-off our first biennial Debutante and Cotillion with the vision of creating an avenue where high school juniors and seniors can learn the essence of womanhood and earn scholarships. In 2017, we chartered our Amicae Auxiliary as we hosted our State Leadership Conference in February. We continue to be the first of the Divine Nine in Desoto County, MS, to blaze new paths while building on the principles of service, scholarship, sisterly love, and Finer Womanhood. 

We have attended all state, regional and national conferences receiving awards and/or special recognition at each level. In 2015, we co-hosted the Mississippi State Leadership Conference. Arnita Riley served as conference marshal. At Boulé 2016, Charlotte Miller received her ZOL Pilot Renewal Certification. On the Journey to Centennial, we are leaving footprints by making contributions to all five founders memorials and donating to the Founders Scholarship Fund. Congratulations to our two visionaries – Soror Charlotte Miller (Circle of Pearls) and Soror Arnita Riley (Estate Level). Charlotte also serves as the Centennial Representative for the South Central Region. In January 2018, we hosted a Sisterhood Tea to honor twenty outstanding women including our Zeta Doves, Soror Betty Carter and Soror Florida Lusk. Our Zeta of the Year will also be announced. The youth auxiliaries have partnered with Hudson M.B. Church; Dr. Arenia C. Mallory Health Center, Cities of Lexington and Durant, Southside M.B. Church, Word of Righteousness Christian Center, Community Students Learning, William Sullivan Elementary School and William Dean Elementary School on various Z-HOPE projects. They have won many awards, certificates and trophies at the youth state and regional conferences. Our youth participated in Walk for Babies as part of the Mississippi SIDS Alliance, Inc. The Mississippi SIDS Alliance provides support to families who are or maybe touched by tragedy of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). It also supports research to help find a cure for the syndrome. The members and youth walked in honor of Dakota Farren Nalls along with Dakota’s Difference Makers.  RHO IOTA ZETA CHAPTER, MENDENHALL, MS Rho Iota Zeta continues to shine bright like a diamond! Since our inception, Rho Iota Zeta has been an unstoppable force for service in our community. We have strengthened our community partnerships with local clergy as well as businesses to assist in providing Finer services to our community.

RHO NU ZETA CHAPTER, KOSCIUSKO, MS Rho Nu Zeta Chapter had six wonderful and exciting years during our International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright’s term. We have awarded more than $10,000 in scholarships to area

We have participated in every national initiative and have written Z-HOPE programs that have been accepted by the sorority and included in the Z-HOPE manual. We have been recognized at our state meeting as the Chapter of the Year, won several Z-HOPE THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 251


awards along with all of our auxiliaries also receiving recognition. We have hosted the leadership conference and has designed the state of Mississippi Pin, T shirt and conference bags. Although we were charted in June 1999 by Cassandra Walker, Sandrena Lofton, Jo Sonya Mc Nair, Euskeha Taylor and Lillie Hardy, we now boast a membership of more than 50 financially active sisters and have increased our life membership as well. We also have our very own Dove who has more than 50 years of service to the sorority. We also have all three active youth auxiliaries and Amicae. We have seven sisters who have completed Zeta Organizational Leadership training and have three state officers. Our chapter completed its first international program in November 2017, partnering with the Chicago Sorors to continue Zetas efforts of First class service. We continue to be the only charter sorority in our county and have several first. Our reputation continues to be stellar amongst the local school district and we have been recognized for first class service. We have awarded thousands of dollars in scholarship monies to deserving young women in our community. Rho Iota Zeta fulfilling our motto “Service is What We Do.”

as one of its charter members. Since 2004, Tau Upsilon Zeta has had many ups and downs, but through it all has persevered and never stopped. Under the current leadership of Chapter Basileus Rosanna Hawkins-Shields, the chapter is growing and moving with a “Zeta purpose” on the mind! In four years, the chapter size has grown in number through not just recruitment but the steadfast efforts of reclamation and bringing Sorors home to Zeta. In just two years, the chapter has reclaimed 16 members. The chapter has reactivated all three youth auxiliaries as well as its Amicae auxiliary. Because of the “TEAM” effort and dream, the chapter has been more than visible and active in the Clinton, MS, Jackson, MS, and rural areas. Just recently, the Chapter co-hosted the 2017 Mississippi Youth Summit as well as played an integral role in the 2017 National Founders’ Day celebration where the International Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, was the guest speaker. Tau Upsilon Zeta truly believes in Service to the community. The chapter in conjunction with other organizations has assisted in projects for the Homeless, HIV/AIDS awareness, Elder Care projects, Adopt-a-School, Christian charities, Breast Cancer Awareness, Prematurity Awareness, and Alzheimer’s Awareness. This is just to name a few. Tau Upsilon Zeta Chapter believes in collaboration and unity between the Jackson-Metro Area Zetas and Sigmas and has initiated several events to strengthen the bond between the Blue and White family. Tau Upsilon Zeta has a vision of Zeta Excellence and understands that it takes a TEAM in order to make a “Zeta Difference!” 


UPSILON TAU ZETA CHAPTER, BATESVILLE, MS Upsilon Tau Zeta Chapter was chartered on Thursday, February 23, 2006 in Batesville, Mississippi. Upsilon Tau Zeta has accomplished and served the community in permanent and unique ways. Our Chapter Motto is: A Small Chapter Doing Big Things. We have a diverse group of FINER WOMEN who serve the community with passion, commitment, and dignity. TAU UPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, CLINTON, MS Tau Upsilon Zeta Chapter was birthed in 2004 by five women who felt the need of change and a bigger need of service in the Clinton, MS and greater Hinds County areas. The chapter proudly recognizes the current Mississippi State Director, Vanessa R. Banks, 252 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Upsilon Tau Zeta has dedicated countless hours and donations to the community by volunteering at the local Boys and Girls Club, Diversicare Nursing Home of Batesville, Mississippi, Adopt A Highway, reading at local schools for Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day, and orchestrating, as well as hosting Community

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS Easter Egg Hunts, Breast Cancer Awareness Programs, and annual Back-to-School Giveaways. The chapter participates in the Panola County annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. walk. Upsilon Tau Zeta acknowledges and honors our founders in a FINER way annually. Finer Womanhood Week is always a time for the chapter to give back to the community with the theme “I Love Me” by educating men, women, and youth on the importance of self-care. Annually, the chapter gives scholarships to the senior Archonettes. In January 2016, Upsilon Tau Zeta co-hosted the Youth Mississippi State Leadership Conference in Clarksdale, MS. After a noteworthy “Chat and Chew” during reclamation in the 2016-2017 Zeta Year, Upsilon Tau Zeta reclaimed six inactive members. Today the members are active and making strives for ZETA. In 2017, the chapter successfully cohosted the Mississippi State Leadership Conference in Southaven, MS. To close the 2017 calendar year, an Adopted Family will be blessed with gifts from Upsilon Tau Zeta.

Facility for Elder Care Activities such as Valentine Day Parties and Christmas Gifts for residents. Upon the Alcorn campus, AAZZ is a very active community partner. AAZZ assisted the Alcorn State University Office of Student Engagement in hosting the American Civil Liberties Union Know Your Rights Student Workshop. The chapter assisted student recruitment registration for the Alcorn State University Department of Agriculture. AAZZ also hosted a March of Dimes Prematurity walk at Alcorn Track and Field Facility. It is the chapter’s mission to continue to be servant leaders in the Port Gibson, MS community. 

Upsilon Tau Zeta is truly a Beacon of Light in Panola County. With the help of our Amicae friends and our Zeta Youth Auxiliaries, Upsilon Tau Zeta has been taking Panola County by storm since 2006, and we will CONTINUE to do BIG things as the leadership continues to build on the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. 



Beta Alpha Alpha Zeta Chapter was chartered October 6, 2015 with six members in DeKalb, Mississippi. The chapter is the only greek organization in the county. There was a great need for Zeta because of the demographics and lack of opportunities in the area. We immediately began to work. We established a March2March program in Kemper County High School, where we took young ladies that were graduating seniors and mentored them from the month of March until they Marched across the stage. We chartered all three youth auxiliaries in August of 2016 and our Amicae in February of 2017. We held our first joint service project with our youth by visiting our local nursing home, giving peppermints and cards to the residents. We served a Thanksgiving Meal to the elderly in Hattiesburg, MS, in 2016 and 2017 along with our youth and Amicae. We have participated in the Diabetes Walk, partnered with the Autism Foundation, and Relay For Life. We donated to the hurricane victims monetarily and with nonperishable items.

Alpha Alpha Zeta Zeta was chartered on February 14, 2014 by eight Zeta Chapter initiates who saw the need to give back to the Port Gibson, MS community that gave so much to them as undergraduates at Alcorn State University. AAZZ has established an Adopt-A-School Program with A.W. Watson Elementary. The chapter participates in the school’s National Read Across America Program as well as its annual local school supply drive for teachers and students. AAZZ partners with Claiborne County Senior Care

At the 2017 Mississippi Leadership Conference, BAAZ received Graduate Chapter of the Year! This is an honor that we will cherish forever. We partnered with the local schools and did an AntiBullying campaign. We have partnered with Macedonia P. B. Church to present Prematurity Awareness two years in a row. We have presented a total of five scholarships, and have made our March2March program an annual event. Because we are located in a rural area, we have provided social events for our THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 253

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS youth such as a Halloween dance for our middle school age and under youth. We were able to carry our first group of youth to their youth conference and are making preparations to do so again. We have been represented at all conferences since chartering. We are preparing to induct our second group of women into our prestigious organization. Our first intake class consisted of seven members, our second will consist of three. We started with six charter members and on October 3, 2017 we will have 21 financial members. We are Blessed! 


These activities allowed the Chapter to have some visibility in the community. In an effort to help maintain the beauty of the local community, the Chapter adopted a highway. Sorors met regularly to clean the green space surrounding the highway. The Chapter takes pride in helping to reduce environmental pollution. As a means to empower citizens to take action in local, state, and federal government activities, Sorors participated in voter registration drives. The activities annotated above are just a few accomplishments of the Pi Zeta Chapter. While 2017 may have been identified as the Global Year of Service, Pi Zeta will continue its unwavering commitment to serve and empower others in the future. It is imperative that we remain persistent in using our talents and time to ensure that a positive impact is made in our local communities. 

PI ZETA CHAPTER, NASHVILLE, TN Over the past eight years, the members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Pi Zeta Chapter in Nashville, Tennessee, have furthered their mission to promote service and social action. Pi Zeta was committed to helping others through its participation in Z-HOPE initiatives. The Chapter took part in activities that focused on the elderly, homelessness, and medical awareness. The members of Pi Zeta volunteered at a homeless shelter to prepare and serve meals. The Chapter visited a local nursing home to play bingo with the residents. Pi Zeta collected donations for breast cancer and lupus awareness prior to joining several breast cancer and lupus walks. Pi Zeta enjoyed spreading a little holiday cheer, as Sorors volunteered to be bell ringers for the Salvation Army. The Chapter also participated in Wreaths Across America, where Sorors graciously placed wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers.


MU ZETA ZETA CHAPTER, BOLIVAR, TN Mu Zeta Zeta, the local Hardemen County Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, has celebrated over 35 years of Service to the community. The journey of Mu Zeta Zeta since 2012 has been phenomenal. The steadily growing chapter has conducted

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS three intake opportunities and now has over 45 active Sorority members. Service is evident in this chapter. The active role in the community can be noticed as local Sorors consistently participate in the following events: •

Biennial scholarship banquet with yearly scholarship to graduating high school Seniors

Adopt a Highway Program with quarterly trash pick up

Back To School Drive at Whiteville Elementary School as well as Hardeman County Back to School Drive

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Loaves and Fishes

March of Dimes Activities

American Red Cross Bell Ringer during holiday

Service Programs at local nursing homes and at Jackson Memorial General Hospital

for March for Babies and raised thousands of dollars through our efforts. Lastly, we have donated toys, money, food, and personal care items through partnerships with the United Way, the Franklin Police Department, and various other organizations. In 2017, we hosted our inaugural Men of Valor Brunch, where we recognized men from our community who have exhibited a commitment to service and have made a positive impact in Williamson and Davidson County. Psi Phi Zeta members are committed to learning and growing by attending state, regional and national conferences throughout the years. Through our service, we want to leave our community better than we found it. Psi Phi Zeta: gracious and growing in Williamson County, Tennessee.  RHO ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER, HERMITAGE, TN

The ladies of Mu Zeta Zeta exemplify the founding principles of Scholarship, Sisterhood, Service, and Finer Womanhood as they constantly seek of new ways to encourage the students at their adopted school as well as support the local community in all events. 

PSI PHI ZETA CHAPTER, THOMPSON’S STATION, TN Psi Phi Zeta was chartered April 4, 2011, with seven members in a community in need of positive African American role models who live the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Psi Phi Zeta is the only Divine Nine sorority in Williamson County, TN. Our membership has grown yearly through MIP and Reclamation as we “Build on the Principles of Zeta while Blazing New Paths.”

Celebrating 20 years of fostering sisterhood and uplifting the community with innovation and class, the Rho Alpha Zeta chapter continues to build her legacy in the Music City. Rho Alpha Zeta builds a legacy of helping others through several of Z-HOPE projects. We move and raise awareness in initiatives such as March for Babies, Walk to End Lupus, Making Strides for Breast Cancer, and Prematurity Awareness. Workshops on topics like Triple Negative Breast Cancer, SIDS, and Disaster Preparedness provides the community with life-saving information. Those in need benefits from our annual Coats for Kids and Wigs for Awareness. We continue to support youth and seniors with our Adopt-a-School and Elder Care initiatives. The chapter has been recognized at the Tennessee State Leadership Conference for the highest number of Z-HOPE points. The Music City Zetas take action in Get Engaged initiatives. Get Out the Vote drives are held to empower citizens to register and to check their status through the state’s new digital platform. We also sponsor workshops about citizen’s rights, community-police relationships and women leadership in government, education, and business. The chapter has been involved in roundtable

We have partnered with local elected officials, community leaders, and other Divine Nine organizations to participate in diversity workshops, health fairs, voter registration drives and sharing information on restoration of voter’s rights. In collaboration with the Daughters of the King, an outreach ministry that feeds and clothes those in need, we have donated backpacks filled with school supplies and hygiene products for several years. Annually, we participate with Comcast Cares to give back through service in various communities. We partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Franklin, TN, and helped to clean and organize its facility and served dinner at their 2017 graduation celebration. Together with the Franklin Housing Authority, we have conducted Z-HOPE projects, such as “Grace Under Pressure,” our etiquette workshop which includes basic manners, telephone and social media dos and don’ts, and formal dining skills. We have walked many miles THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 255

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS discussions with the numerous civic organizations and with Nashville’s mayor to speak on the behalf of our communities. During such times of injustice, the Music City Zetas join the stance for justice and unity. Rho Alpha Zeta’s signature initiatives promotes scholarship, networking, and recognizing young leaders in our community. Our annual Young Gifted and Black Scholarship Brunch acknowledges the leadership, performance, and dedication of young African Americans. Two scholarships are presented to deserving high school seniors at this event. Another signature initiative is our Pearls & Bowties Social events where the community can network and enjoy various venues after a long day of work. From these events, many partnerships with the Music City Zetas have been formed. Rho Alpha Zeta continues to foster sisterhood through monthly fellowship events, Finer Womanhood month, and an annual cabin retreat. The Music City Zetas are excited about adding the Amicae and Archonettes to our legacy in 2018.

Merritt. Annually, PMZ participates in the Autism Speaks, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and the March for Babies, raising over $15,000 for these organizations over the last six years. Our dedication to service has awarded PMZ top recognition in the state of Tennessee for Z-HOPE. Additionally, in 2017 our Amicae were recognized as the number one Amicae Auxiliary in Tennessee for Z-HOPE. Our visible love of service has fostered a desire for other women to join the sisterhood. We have experienced a profound level of growth going from 16 members in 2009-2010 to as high as 46 members in 2015-2016. Currently, we are comprised of 37 Sorors, five Pearlettes, six Amicettes and three Amicae. Our annual scholarship is supported through our partnership with the Gamma Nu Chapter at Austin Peay State University. We award two scholarships to female high school seniors in our community. We collaborate with our graduate National Pan-Hellenic Council to support two additional scholarships. Rho Mu Zeta’s legacy is one of Service to our growing community.

 

RHO MU ZETA CHAPTER, CLARKSVILLE, TN The Rho Mu Zeta Chapter (PMZ) of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated serves the vibrant and growing city of Clarksville, Tennessee. Located in the fifth largest city, which is experiencing economic growth that could position it to be the fourth largest city in Tennessee, we have a unique opportunity for service. PMZ has developed strong collaborations with partners such as Manna Café Food Initiatives, Serenity House Women’s Shelter and Grace Nursing Home. Through these partnerships PMZ and Auxiliaries have provided food, clothing, and educational materials to our community, making us active participants in the Elder Care Initiative and many Z-HOPE initiatives. Rho Mu Zeta and Auxiliaries have collected and donated over 112,000 items for local and international projects. PMZ’s adopted school is Kenwood Middle School. We annually give backpacks and we are a partner in the FUELKids program. As a partner in the FUELKids program, PMZ contributes 20 food bags monthly during the school year. Rho Mu Zeta and Auxiliaries have a visible cornerstone of community support. In 2016, PMZ hosted the city’s first Stomach Cancer Awareness Walk in honor of Triumphant Soror Michelle 256 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

SIGMA CHI ZETA CHAPTER, RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN The Sigma Chi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. of Rutherford County, Tennessee, has been blazing trails and giving back to the community. For the past three sorority years, we have been Rocking Out with our female Veterans for Military Appreciation. Each year, we have created gift baskets for female military veterans who are patients or volunteers with the Murfreesboro Veterans Association in Murfreesboro, TN. In the fall of 2016, Sigma Chi Zeta hosted an appreciation luncheon, showcasing female veterans who had served within the past forty years. In October of 2017, the chapter created blue hygiene gift bags. The items included lotion, shower gels, dental kits, shavers, and much more.

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION CHAPTERS Partnering with the Undergraduate Mu Theta Chapter at Middle Tennessee State University, both chapters were able to connect with the campus and the surrounding communities for a Breast Cancer Awareness Pumpkin Painting event. Students and community parents painted pumpkins, while sharing stories of family members who were diagnosed with the disease. We had the pleasure in hearing reclaimed Soror Kim Leonard tell her story of survival and concurring the disease. In efforts of keeping our sisterly mojo, once a month, the chapter has a sisterly luncheon. These luncheons usually land us in talking about life, family, and proving that sisterhood is FINER when it’s BLUE. Sigma Chi Zeta has been highly active with the schools in Middle Tennessee. Every academic semester, the chapter donates school supplies to Rockvale Elementary. The adopted classroom at Rockvale Elementary, is the classroom of or very own Chapter Basileus, Kezlyn Sellars. Erasers seem to be a hot commodity with her classroom of 20+ kids. Rutherford Co. Zetas look forward in doing more fantastic things. Chapter information and upcoming events can be found on ‘Murfreesboro Zetas’ Facebook page, or MurfreesboroTNZeta.com.

give back to the Sorority’s national initiative, March of Dimes. The Mr. ZQ Male Scholarship Pageant is the first and only pageant made for UT men. This pageant has five segments that give the contestants the opportunity to sell themselves to the judges: opening number, introduction, personal style, talent, and formal wear/question and answer. The winner of the pageant receives a $500 scholarship and the opportunity to be involved in helping develop, set up, and host a chapter event. This year, freshman Zamir Turner took home the crown and became the 2017-2018 Mr. ZQ! In the days leading up to the event, the members and contestants sell tickets and ads and accept donations, which helps in the chapter’s donation to the March of Dimes. This year, Pi Epsilon raised over $600 for March of Dimes!  SIGMA XI CHAPTER, EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY On April 30, 1991, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated chartered the Sigma Xi Chapter at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tenn. On April 25, 2015, the Sigma Xi chapter was rechartered by seven members of the ETSU community. Since then, the chapter has welcomed seven more women into this illustrious organization who have spent their time improving themselves, their campus and their community. All members have spent their collegiate years upholding the principles and standards of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, while simultaneously juggling work, Scholarship and Service. Since rechartering, Sigma Xi has had eight members graduate, four admitted to master’s degree programs and two others have full-time jobs relating to their major fields. All members, past and current, strive for excellence when it comes to Zeta and their everyday lives. The Sigma Xi chapter raises funds for different organizations and has a strong passion for Service. Though small, the chapter makes a large impact on their campus and throughout their community and cannot wait to see the chapter expand.

 PI EPSILON CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE-KNOXVILLE The Prestigious Pi Epsilon Chapter at the University of Tennessee has made many great strides on campus. Being a vivid presence on the campus, the ladies hold several events throughout the year that highlight their chapter and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, upholding the legacies from Sorors before them and leaving legacies for Sorors after them. One of the biggest legacies the ladies will leave as a chapter is the Mr. ZQ Male Scholarship Pageant. The Mr. ZQ Male Scholarship Pageant is tailored to highlight the tremendous male presence on the University’s campus and to THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 257

Second to None REGION SOUTHEASTERN It has been my great pleasure to serve our illustrious Sisterhood, as Southeastern Regional Director, from January 2015 to the present time.

As the current Regional Director, I have sought to build upon the successes of prior Directors by working with, and through Sorors, auxiliaries, communities, friends and other leaders to ensure the continued positive movement of this phenomenal sorority, which is built on the precepts of Service, Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Finer Womanhood. We have inherited a great foundation, and during my administration, our membership and program numbers have grown exponentially. We have consistently been recognized as the largest region in Zeta, and received awards for recruiting the largest single intake of any graduate chapter; largest number of graduate members; largest number of undergraduate members; highest new member totals among graduate and undergraduate chapters, and we boast first place in support of the March of Dimes, March for Babies initiative. We anticipate exciting years ahead as we approach our Centennial year of service when I will be working with state directors, executive board and the entire membership to continue advancing the priorities set forth in our region’s strategic plan which focuses on national priorities and programs. For 97 years, Zeta has made a difference in the lives of many, in more ways, than we can ever count or can chronicle. Today, each of us bears a torch, its flame lit by Arizona, Pearl, Myrtle, Viola and Fannie, which is being passed to future generations in Zeta.

Dr. Yvonne Jefferson Barnes Southeastern Regional Director 2015-2018


Dr. Felicia Scott-Strickland, 2012-2015

Dr. Yvonne Jefferson-Barnes, 2015-2018

Fannie Pettie Watts Celebration in Savannah, GA


Karen W. Blount, Florida and the Bahama, 2012–2017 (Triumphant)

Edna McClendon, Florida and the Bahamas, 2017–2018

Shaneesa N. Ashford, Georgia, 2012-2018

Giana Gardner, South Carolina, 2012–2014

Latorsha M. Murray, South Carolina, 2014-2018

Nichole Samuel Miller, US Virgin Islands, 2012-2018

Iana Daniels, Liaison, Trinidad and Tobago, 2017-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Scholarship in Action: The Southeastern is driven by its vision, and organizational precepts. Presented here is Scholarship in Action - a commitment to forging bold, imaginative, reciprocal, and 258 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

sustained engagements with our many constituent communities, local as well as international. We construe Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated as a public good, an anchor organization positioned to play an integral role in today’s knowledge-based, global society by leveraging a precious commodity - intellectual capital - with partners from all sectors of the economy and every component of our organization: Sorors, auxiliaries, as well as public, private, and nonprofit entities. Each partner brings its strengths to the table. In doing so, we invariably find that the challenges we face locally resonate internationally. We understand that this represents an expansive definition of the role of a sorority, but it is incumbent


Celebration of Founder Fannie Pettie Watts at Savannah State University

upon all sororities and fraternities today “to reshape our historic agreement with those we serve, so that it fits the times that are emerging instead of the times that have passed.” The Southeastern Region has contributed more than $1 million in scholarships to graduate, undergraduate, Amicae and Youth Members from 2012 to the present time. Additionally, the following scholarships were contributed to or created within the Southeastern Region: •

Marion H. Shannon Scholarship, 2014

Barbara C. Moore Scholarship

National Educational Foundation, with more than $70,000 contributed, 2012-2017

Eursula Williams Award

Mary Strozier Weaver Scholarship

Dr. Eunice S. Thomas Scholarship, 2014-2015

Founder Fannie Pettie Watts Scholarship, 2017

Conducted workshops on elder care and abuse, risk management, campus recruitment, fraud prevention, moving up the ladder in Zeta , mini Basilei institutes, financial fitness, Stork’s Nests development and preparation, health and wellness issues and concerns, appropriate protocol, membership intake procedures, ceremonial guidelines, and Robert’s Rules of Order Academies

Undergraduate Sorors reign as college queens: Miss Benedict College (Columbia, SC) and Miss Voorhees College (Denmark, SC), 2017

ZOL participation by Sorors, Amicae and Youth Members, 2015 and 2017

Conducted annual regional statewide Leadership Training for Zetas, Amicae and Youth, 2015-2017

Conducted annual statewide Days of Service, 2015-2017.

Hosted statewide awareness sessions on Breast Cancer, Mental Health, and Elder Care Abuse, 2015-2017

Recognizes our youth with academic medallions for achievement, and our undergraduate achievers with certificates and scholarships.

Annual Z-Pack-it-Up Program for Teachers (U.S. Virgin Islands)


Other Scholarship Activities: •


Service Beyond Self: The Southeastern Region understands that nothing is intrinsically purer, and more inspiring, than the call to serve. The Southeastern Region from 2012 to the present has impacted over 800,000 individuals via service projects, trainings, interactive programs, engagement activities, partnerships and programs. The region has also implemented 3,000 programs and provided 100,000 in service hours during 2017. Members have provided direct and indirect assistance to individuals in the areas and programs presented below: •

Elder Care facilities: $636,482.15 contributed, 2012-2017

Conducted Undergraduate Conferences, 2015 - 2017


American Cancer Society: 5,000 plus wigs contributed, 20152017

Transported more than 50 Youth and Undergraduates for the “Refine Your Finery” Luncheon, adorned in hats and gloves, National Executive Board Session, Orlando, FL, 2016

March of Dimes March for Babies and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: $502,717.34 contributed, 2012-2017

Veteran’s Women ROCK!: $18,000 contributed, 2015-2017

Three public schools named for Sorors in Miami and Pembroke Pines, FL

Dress for Success: statewide workshops, 2012-2017



Donated to numerous organizations, including the American Red Cross, American Diabetes Association, National Council of Negro Women, National Kidney Foundation, Sparking Computing Camp, Zora Neale Hurston Festival, YMCA, Habitat for Humanity

Financial contribution to the Yvonne A. Galiber Foundation

Put Ur Feet in Pink fundraiser for the Cure Foundation (U.S. Virgin Islands)

Donations of personal care items to Lighthouse Mission for the homeless population

Support of families staying at Ronald McDonald Houses

Additional service initiatives include Sickle Cell Awareness, Operation Attack, Early Head Start, Seals on Wheels Dental Care, the Marcus Arnett Mentoring Partnership, Kawanna Outreach Program, Pink Out, and Upward Bound Pill Bottles for Africa. Zeta Youth at the Southeastern Regional Conference

SISTERHOOD Common Bonds that Empower – Leading and Serving: Serving the sisterhood is a tremendous pleasure, and the bonding that occurs is phenomenal and extraordinary. A group of women with common interests, empowering each other with a willingness to reach out to other women and girls, locally and internationally to mentor, support, educate, and train them is a part of our mission. •

Annually, at the regional level, we celebrate our Amicae with a breakfast program and crown an Amicae Queen.

We induct an outstanding Soror from each state into the Southeastern Region Hall of Fame.

The region also financially supported the attendance of youth to the Zeta Organizational Leadership Conference.

The region has supported her sister regions in their call for action following disasters, as well as aiding its own members during such times.

The region has expanded the sisterhood through the following: •

Chartered 12 new chapters and six Amicae auxiliaries

Reactivated four chapters and two Amicae auxiliaries

Chartered the first graduate chapter in Freeport, Grand Bahamas, 2016

Chartered the first African-American, Greek-letter chapter at the University of South Carolina, Bluffton, 2015.

Chartered the first International undergraduate chapter at College of the Bahamas, 2014.

Chartered the first Greek-letter chapter of any NPHC or NAPA organization in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, 2016

FINER WOMANHOOD The Zeta Heart: We distinguish ourselves as Finer Women, by our words, appearance, elegance, refinement and actions. Each state of the region, and its chapters annually conduct Finer Womanhood programs and events recognizing women of the 260 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

community for their contributions in making the place they live better for everyone. We are also the home of four Past International Grand Basilei of Zeta Phi Beta: Dr. Edith Francis, 18th International Grand Basileus; Triumphant Dr. Eunice S. Thomas, 19th International Grand Basileus, Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte, 20th International Grand Basileus, and Mrs. Barbara C. Moore, 22nd International Grand Basileus. The region is also the birthplace of American novelist, short story writer, folklorist and anthropologist, Zora Neale Hurston. The Region paid tribute to Founder Fannie Pettie Watts at Savannah State University as a part of the 83rd Leadership Conference. Founder Watts’ Portrait was unveiled, as was a plaque and interpretive sign. In attendance were International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright and members of Founder Watts’ family, including her grandson, Donald Watts. This was preceded by Zeta Day in Perry, GA, where a shadow box was presented for placement in the historic Perry Area Museum. Perry, Georgia is the birth place of Founder Watts. The Southeastern Region has instituted Community Awards Banquets at the annual Leadership Conference. In 2015, the region recognized Civil Rights Attorney Benjamin Lloyd Crump, partner of Parks and Crump Law Firm in Tallahassee, FL for his role as lead attorney in successful landmark cases which have changed jurisprudence at the Southeastern Region Leadership Conference. The Region has also recognized Gold Star Mothers during regional conferences. The following activities are conducted and/or participated in annually: •

Celebration of 50-year members: Zeta Doves (pin and flower)

Celebration of 25-year members (Pins/pendants)

Induction of our legacies (Pin, Certificate, class booklet)


Recognition of Gold Star Mothers at 2016 Southeastern Regional Conference

Statewide Finer Womanhood events, i.e., luncheons, church services, community service projects

Three 50-Year Amicae Awards, (Georgia), 2016

State Days at the Capitol/Councils

Two 25-Year Amicae Awards, (Florida), 2016

Largest contributor to the Women’s Veterans Rock initiative, 2015 and 2016

Top Region, Relay for Life, 2014 and 2015

US Virgin Islands secured its Zeta License Plate, 2016

State of Georgia secured its Zeta License Plate, 2017

ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS Zeta’s Southeastern Region has witnessed the talents of its members and experienced the benefits of their numerous contributions to their communities, states, national, international bodies, and each other. With grateful appreciation I acknowledge the members of the “Second to None” Southeastern Region in Zeta for their dedication and continuous outreach. •

100 percent participation in Z-HOPE, Elder Care and Adopta-School initiatives

portrait for International Headquarters, 2016

National Officers Elected from the SE Region, 2012-2018 •

Scarlet Black, National First Anti-Basileus

Largest Stork’s Nest Program in Zeta, 2012-2017

Vanessa Elkins Rogers, National Trustee

Largest Region in Zeta, 2012-2017

Largest Amicae regional membership in Zeta, 2012-2017

Sylmoneyvesta Hall, Undergraduate Member to the Executive Committee

2020 Visionary Region - $10,000, in 2015

Dr. JacQueline Lawton, Z-NEF Board of Managers Financial Secretary

First place for largest single intake for a graduate chapter and number of new graduate members, and combined number of new members, July 2016

Dr. Felecia Scott Strickland, Southeastern Regional Director

First place in reclamation of members, 2016

Dr. Yvonne Jefferson-Barnes, Southeastern Regional Director

Three first place scrapbook winners, 2016

Cutia Blunt, National Credentials Chair

Region with the highest March for Babies State in fundraising (Georgia), 2016

Vanessa Elkins-Rogers, Chairman, National Internal Audit Committee

Region with the first place Z-HOPE State (Florida), 2016

Region with largest membership state in Zeta (Florida/ Bahamas), 2016

Scarlet Black, Handbook Chair, National MIP Revisions Chair and Member, Z-NEF Board of Managers

Highest new member totals, graduate and undergraduate, 2016

Kendra Hatcher-King, National Director, Marketing, Public Relations and Social Action (Get EngagedTM)

Joanne McDougal Patterson, National Stork’s Nest Coordinator

Region purchased the Founder Fannie Pettie Watts portrait for International Headquarters, 2016

Jenelsia Belt, National Vendor Coordinator

States purchased the Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons

Shaneesa Ashford, National Director of Publications

National Appointed Officers from the SE Region, 2012-2018


Southeastern Region FLORIDA & THE BAHAMAS Hush! Somebody is Calling My Name

Karen W. Blount (Triumphant ) State Director, Florida and the Islands of the Bahamas August 2012 - July 2017

Karen’s time was in God’s hand and she fought the good fight until she couldn’t anymore. She served five years as the State Director of Florida and the Islands of the Bahamas. As the leader, she wanted to provide “world class” leadership to the members entrusted to her. She implemented with fidelity and integrity the precepts upon which our sorority was founded, while empowering others to use their skills to help accomplish our goals. Her tenure as State Director is defined by the statement that “Teamwork makes the Dream Work”. Karen W. Blount Florida & Bahamas State Director 2012-2017

Florida has exceeded and surpassed our goals thanks to our Florida Executive Board, Chapter Basilei, Sorors, Amicae and Youth throughout the State of Florida and the Islands of the Bahamas.

Edna O. McClendon Florida & Bahamas State Director 2017-2018


Sorors and Amicae across the state have awarded more than $500,000 in scholarships to local graduating Seniors. The State of Florida continued to award the Laura Saunders and Marion H. Shannon scholarships for high school graduates, undergraduate Sorors and graduate Sorors in the amount of $12,000 over the past five years.

During our Florida State Leadership Conference, Undergraduate Sorors and Chapters are recognized for their high scholarly average to promote and encourage high scholastic achievement.

2016 Florida Youth Conference

The state of Florida continues to host an annual Zeta Day on the Hill at Florida’s capitol in Tallahassee. Congratulations to Soror Shelli Freeland Eddie elected as the Mayor of Sarasota, Florida in 2017.


Chapters and auxiliaries across the state continue to serve their communities through our Z-HOPE projects, and Adopta-School and Elder Care initiatives.

National Programs/Donations: Increased donations to March for Babies by 10 percent per Sorority year. Increased statewide participation in Z-HOPE by 20 percent. The state and chapters received top national and regional awards.

GET ENGAGEDTM: Sorors, Amicae and Youth answered the call by promoting political education and voters registration as we embarked upon the 2012 and 2016 national elections.



The State of Florida and the Bahama Islands chartered three new graduate chapters, one undergraduate chapter and reactivated three Amicae auxiliaries.

Under Soror Blount’s leadership, she established a Transition Coordinator position as a way of communicating with our youth transitioning to college and Undergraduates moving into Graduate chapters.


The State continues to provide certification training for Membership Intake, Youth, Amicae and undergraduate Advisors. Hosting annually the Undergraduate Summit and Basilei Retreat to prevent hazing incidents, promote effective chapter management skills, refresh knowledge of National, Regional, State and local standards of operations, ongoing training of parliamentary procedures and “keeping it Finer in Florida.”

Amicae Auxiliaries: Concerted effort to “grow” Amicae auxiliaries within the state by providing additional assistance with the appointment of two State Coordinators and expanding the inclusion of Amicae in workshop sessions with the Zetas; thereby empowering them to do more with Z-HOPE initiatives and National Programs.


Founders’ Day Observance: January 16, 2016, the state of Florida hosted its first Statewide Founders’ Luncheon with more than 500 attendees. The next year (2017) the state hosted it first Joint Founders’ Day Luncheon with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., with over 700 in attendance. The Hall of Fame recognition was modified to recognize a Soror from each Geographical Area who has shown servant leadership qualities within Zeta and the community. Since 2012, Florida State Leadership Conference, in partnership with The Florida Pearls, Incorporated, has presented an Annual Miss Pearlette Pageant during the Undergraduate Academy and Youth Conference. The Miss Pearlette Pageant is designed for young girls, ages 5 through 8 years of age an opportunity to showcase their creativity and budding talents. The winner is crowned based on having the highest overall performance score in the following categories: Florida State Costume, Florida Sunshine Talent Show and Princess Wear. The pageant’s vision and success is attributed to the State Director Karen Blount and Pageant Chair Lawanda J. Williams.

2017 Florida Hall of Fame Honorees


Power House State Award: Largest state in Zeta, 2012-2017

First Place: Reclaiming 144 Inactive Sorors, 2014-2016

Largest number of new Sorors, 2014-2016

Largest Zeta Amicae Auxiliary, 2014-2016

Largest single intake for an Undergraduate Chapter: Gamma Alpha Chapter, Florida A&M University, 2014-2016

Top State in Z-HOPE, 2016

Friend Lullelia Walker Harrison 25-Year Service Award: Amicae of Temple Terrace and Manatee/Sarasota

Friend Mary Hinton Signature Award, First Place: Amicae of Ft. Lauderdale

Third Place Top Auxiliary – Amicae of Miami, FL

Top State, Relay for Life, 2014 and 2015

Largest contributor to the Women Veterans ROCK Initiative

2020 Silver Visionary State

2016 Southeastern Region Amicae Queen Contest Winner

Florida Executive Board at the 2018 State Leadership Conference THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 263

Southeastern Region GEORGIA Thank you to International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright for your confidence and your vision. I am in awe of what we as a sisterhood have been able to accomplish under your watch. You are truly Grand, and have definitely built on our principles and blazed new paths. Thank you to Southeastern Regional Directors Dr. Felicia Scott Strickland and Dr. Yvonne Jefferson Barnes for your guidance; to former Southeastern Regional Director Scarlet H. Black for your advice and steady hand; and to Georgia Chairs of the Executive Board, Cutia Blunt and Vanessa Elkins Rogers, and the former and current members of the Georgia Executive Board for your untiring service. Thank you to long-standing State Amicae Coordinator Harriet Green and Amicae Jesse Green, JoAnn Brazil and Agnes Jackson for the sisterhood as we worked to strengthen the bonds between Zetas and the Zeta Amicae of Georgia. To my Sister State Directors, I love you! To the Sorors, Amicae and Youth of Georgia, thank you for embracing our goals and carrying us to monumental heights! Thank you for your commitment to the Sisterhood and our communities! I am so ZETA PROUD to be from the GREAT State of Georgia!

Shaneesa N. Ashford Georgia State Director 2012-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Since 2012, Georgia chapters have awarded more than $180,000 in scholarships. The State’s scholarship contribution to the Zeta National Educational Foundation will be fortified by the State’s Zeta License Plate, which was approved after a 20-year effort that began under the seventh Georgia State Director, Malinda Stovall. Zeta University and State Retreats: Chapter leaders received information from State leadership in the areas of financial reporting, Z-HOPE reporting, parliamentary procedure and more. Reporting workshops are also held at each State Conference. Members have been certified in the revised Membership Intake Process and have been trained or certified as Undergraduate Advisors, Amicae Sponsors and Youth Advisors.

SERVICE In addition to participating in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Relay for Life, Military Awareness Week, Prematurity Awareness Month, Pearls in the Wild and Global Day of Service, Georgia chapters were provided multiple statewide opportunities to help our communities. Chapters have participated in more than 7,000 Z-HOPE projects, donating more than 425,000 items and thousands of dollars. Georgia is proud of these efforts, led by Georgia Z-HOPE Coordinator KinaKenease Davis, which resulted in the following: March for Babies: Since 2013, the State of Georgia has raised more than $200,000 for March for Babies. The State was recognized as the top fundraising State at the 2016 Grand Boulé and the top fundraising state in the Southeastern Region 2013-2017. Georgia added to its efforts by hosting a statewide Finer Women 5K, with proceeds benefiting the March of Dimes. 264 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Stork’s Nests: Under this administration, three Stork’s Nests were added or reopened: Atlanta (Epsilon Zeta), East Point (Kappa Iota Zeta) and Savannah (Alpha Theta Zeta). Wigs for Awareness: In 2013, Georgia’s breast cancer awareness efforts began with Showing Our Support, a bra drive for Dress for Success. That effort netted more than 350 bras. In 2014, the State began collecting wigs and scarves for the American Cancer Society. As of Fall 2017, the State of Georgia had donated more than 3,000 wigs and 900 scarves for ACS. Annual Day of Service: In 2013, the State of Georgia launched its Statewide Day of Service, now annually held on the first Saturday in November. Chapters participated in Z-HOPE and community service projects, with the majority focused on Elder Care. Social Action/Social Justice: The state encouraged chapters

GEORGIA 2015 Founders’ Day Program - Savannah, GA

to attend their local municipality meetings. The State’s efforts expanded under the direction of Social Action/Social Justice Chair Shannon McGuire-Lee, as it held two community forums on bullying and mental disorders at its state leadership conferences.

SISTERHOOD Remove the Mask, Remove the Stigma: In 2014, the state launched its focus on mental health. Through its annual “Remove the Mask, Remove the Stigma” campaign, chapters participated in internal activities and community events discussing depression, mental disorders and the stigma surrounding seeking help. EXPANSION OF THE SISTERHOOD Charters • Alpha Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter, Newnan, GA: first fourletter chapter in the Southeastern Region • Beta Alpha Chi Zeta Chapter, Dublin, GA • Zeta Amicae of Lawrenceville, GA • Zeta Amicae of Hephzibah, GA • Zeta Amicae of Covington, GA • Zeta Amicae of Hinesville, GA • Pi Nu Zeta Chapter, Milledgeville, GA (Re-Charter) Reactivations • Phi Pi Zeta Chapter, Douglasville, GA • Iota Sigma Chapter, Clayton State University


Headquarters as a part of the Upgrade 1734 initiative.

AWARDS • • • • • • •

Top March for Babies State and Fundraisers (2016 Grand Boulé) ACS Recognition, Wigs for Awareness (2016 Grand Boulé) Top Two Best Dressed Stork’s Nests (2016 Grand Boulé) Recognition for Membership, Z-HOPE, Elder Care, Communications, Social Media and Scrapbooks (2014 Grand Boulé) Top SE Region March for Babies Fundraising State (2013-2017) Recognition for Wigs for Awareness, Z-HOPE, Elder Care, Adopt-a-School and Scrapbooks 2020 Diamond Visionary State

Georgia Honorees, SE Region Hall of Fame, 2012-2017 • 2012: Haroldine Crowder (posthumously) • 2013: Fran McTier • 2014: Lois McKellar • 2015: Brenda Reynolds • 2016: Lucille Bacon • 2017: Thelma Lester State of Georgia Hall of Fame Honorees, 2013-2018 • 2013: Debra Booker and Robbie Latimore • 2014: Linda Isabel and Sarah A. White • 2015: Queenie Lawton and Chrislyn Turner • 2017: Jocasta Frazier and Thelma Lester • 2018: Vanessa Elkins-Rogers and Shaneesa N. Ashford

In September 2017, Georgia hosted Zeta Day in Perry to honor Founder Fannie Pettie Watts, who was born in Perry in 1899. The event included a recounting of Watts’ family history by Ellie Loudermilk, director of the Perry Area Historical Museum and president of the Perry Area Historical Society. Additional highlights included the unveiling of a shadowbox showcasing Founder Watts that is housed in the Perry Area Historical Museum; a donation of $3,000 given to the Perry Senior Center as a part of Grand Wright’s ZetaCARESTM Elder Care initiative; and the collection of more than 2,400 items for the U.S. Virgin Islands relief efforts. Tracee Howard, Southeastern Region Historian, was crucial in ensuring this effort was successful. Georgia joined with Florida and South Carolina to purchase the portrait of Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons for International

Grand Wright and Regional Director Barnes Reveal the Shadowbox Honoring Founder Fannie Pettie Watts at Zeta Day in Perry, GA THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 265

Southeastern SOUTHRegion CAROLINA It has truly been an honor to have been selected as the 11th South Carolina State Director. Serving has given me the opportunity to implement ideas formulated during my tenure in previous State level positions.

The Palmetto State has grown in many ways during the Wright administration. The Sorors and Amicae have been afforded an opportunity for statewide training at the beginning of each Sorority year. The State has reinstated the South Carolina Hall of Fame and instituted the Model Chapter Award Program. These honors are presented to members and chapters in each of the six areas of the State. Since 2012, membership has greatly increased, and we have chartered one chapter. We are working diligently to educate the membership about how to properly implement Z-HOPE and encouraging chapters to report their service. I have grown, as a leader, by surrounding myself with past South Carolina State Directors and my sister State Directors of the Southeastern Region. The bonds that have occurred with Sorors across the State and throughout the sisterhood have been life changing. It has been a pleasure to serve under the leadership of two dynamic Regional Directors and the International Grand Basileus. Their guidance and support has helped South Carolina grow and glow!

Latorsha M. Murray South Carolina State Director 2014-2018


Gianna S. Gardner, 2012-2014

Latorsha M. Murray, 2014-2018

SCHOLARSHIP All graduate chapters have been encouraged to give a scholarship to local recipients each year. The chapters continue to host chapter signature programs to raise funds for these efforts. Chapters host the following fundraising activities: Tots in Blue Pageants, Blue Revue Cotillion Pageants, Scholarship Galas/Balls, Scholarship Luncheons and Night of Performing Arts. The State will define the Barbara C. Moore Scholarship program through the National Educational Foundation to ensure recipients are South Carolina residents and/or attending school in the State. •

Collected $10,180 in scholarship funds through the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles License Tag Program. Funds are given annually to the National Educational Foundation.

Donated $1,000 in conjunction with the Southeastern Region to the National Educational Foundation.

Annually chapters collectively donate approximately $20,000 in scholarships to local recipients.

2017 South Carolina Blue and White Day at the Capitol

their area. Additionally, each year during the State Leadership Conference, the State gives at minimum $1,000 to a local agency serving seniors. Also, during the annual State Leadership Training, held at the start of each year, the State collects items for a State agency. •

Touched an average of 6,000 lives per year during the annual Statewide Day of Service

Donated over 600 wigs to the American Cancer Society (2015-2017)

Raised $119,904.56 for the March of Dimes through March for Babies Campaign (2012-2017)

11 Stork’s Nests assisting with educating women on proper prenatal care

SERVICE In 2015, the State instituted a statewide day of service. Chapters are encouraged to partner with their affiliates to conduct a service project within their area. This activity gives chapters an opportunity to interact and get to know each other while serving 266 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018


Z-HOPE (2014-2016): • Number of Programs: 954 • Number of People touched: 76,732 • Total Money Donated: $ 72,597.13 • Total Items Donated: 35,752

State Director Murray and Honorary Member Dr. Marlena Smalls

SISTERHOOD The State continues to work hard to maintain and increase membership. Since 2012 we have increased our membership by 79 Sorors. We have given each chapter a tangible goal and they have risen to the occasion. The first year the challenge was set, the chapters doubled the number of women brought into the Sorority through the membership Intake Process. We have supported these efforts by inviting the National First Anti Basileus to conduct a webinar, placing a Google Form on the State website and appointing a State Membership Coordinator. We award chapters for meeting and exceeding their goal. The State Director conducts workshops throughout the state for specific areas as well as individual chapters. A part of the workshop is to remind Sorors to embrace the tenet of Sisterhood, causing Sorors to realize the way we treat each other impacts our ability to serve our communities. We also: •

• •

Appointed a Membership Coordinator to aid in responding to interested women, helping chapters with strategies to recruit, retain and reclaim members. Created a membership recruitment program that rewards Sorors for bringing women into the Sorority Recruited 135 new members through the membership Intake Process during the 2015 – 2016 Sorority Year which doubled the number from the previous year

Chartered one chapter – Tau Upsilon, USC Beaufort at Bluffton

Strengthened our bond with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. by having two joint events each year

Benedict College (2014), Benedict College (2017) and Voorhees University (2017)

PALMETTO POINTS OF PRIDE The State, chapters and auxiliaries have received numerous Regional and National awards and recognitions. We are making strides to continue the legacies of excellence in our State. We are extremely proud of our Zeta Amicae Auxiliaries who continue to be recognized for their efforts with March for Babies and Z-HOPE. •

Southeastern Region Amicae Queen: 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017

Received funding for state Prematurity Awareness efforts from the March of Dimes totaling $65,600 (2012 – 2017)

Featured South Carolina’s only Honorary Member, Dr. Marlena Smalls, at the 2017 South Carolina State Leadership Conference.

Record number of state leaders attending the National Executive Board Meetings (2016, 2017)

Donated $1,000 to the United Negro College Fund (20122014)

Bronze Sponsor ($1,000) for the March of Dimes African American Achievement Luncheon (2012-2014)

Joint Statewide March of Dimes Kick-off with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (2012, 2013, 2014, 2018)

Annual Zeta Day at the Capitol event to speak with State representatives about Sorority Initiatives and receive a joint proclamation from the Senate and the House of Representatives

With the states of Florida and Georgia, purchased Fannie Pettie Watts’ portrait for International Headquarters, 2016

Chartered the 1st African-American, greek-lettered chapter at the University of South Carolina, Bluffton, 2015

FINER WOMANHOOD It is the desire of this administration to capitalize on our unique founding principle. Each training session, provided by the State Director, addresses Finer Womanhood. Chapters are encouraged to host activities during the official dates of celebration. The State hosts the day of service during this timeframe to give chapters one platform for celebration. Chapters are also encouraged to promote their chapter activities in their local media. Chapters have been featured, many times, in print and on television. The State has appointed a Social Media Coordinator and she posts information highlighting chapters, auxiliaries and members throughout the State. One major feature is Service Saturday where a chapter or auxiliary is showcased providing service to their community. •

In 2018, the State celebrated 23 years of hosting a South Carolina Statewide Founders’ Day Church Service. Members of the Sorority and Zeta Amicae preside over a Sunday morning church service at a church within the State. We have had four campus queens - Allen University (2014),


Scarlet Black, National First Anti-Basileus

Dr. JacQueline Lawton, Z-NEF Board of Managers Financial Secretary THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 267

Southeastern Region U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS In line with the mission and vision of the Wright Administration, “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths”, the State of the U.S. Virgin Islands has made significant strides and Blazed New Paths from 2012 – Present! U.S. Virgin Islands State Conference, 2016

Nichole Samuel-Miller U.S. Virgin Islands State Director 2012-2018

PREMATURITY AWARENESS EFFORTS RECOGNIZED In 2012, Governor John P. DeJohn, recognized the work and commitment of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and our partnership with the March of Dimes to educate the community on Prematurity Awareness. In doing so, the governor created an official proclamation noting weekends in November, 2012 as Prematurity Awareness Weekends on the island of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. NEW CHAPTER CHARTERED ON ISLAND OF ST. THOMAS In 2013, Omega Upsilon Zeta Chapter was chartered on the island of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Nine Zetas became charter members and began the dynamic work of providing service to the St. Thomas community. FIRST AMICAE AUXILIARY IN THE VIRGIN ISLANDS CHARTERED The Zeta Amicae of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands was officially chartered with 14 members on the island of St. Croix on February 28, 2017. History was made in May of 2017, when International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright was present to participate in the auxiliary’s chartering ceremony on the island of St. Croix. VIRGIN ISLANDS STATE LICENSE PLATE APPROVED! Sorors in the Virgin Islands are extremely elated and ready to show off their newly approved State license plate. The final design has been chosen and the first set of plates are in production and will soon be ready to make their debut! Membership: From 2012 to Present, membership in the U.S. Virgin Islands has grown significantly in both the graduate and undergraduate chapters. To date the graduate chapter members has grown to 36 members per state. The graduate chapter is 268 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

USVI’s Prematurity Awareness Display

steadily making gains and currently have interested women who are looking forward to becoming members in the Fall of 2018. Adopt-a-School: In keeping in sync with the Grand’s initiative and signature projects, Zetas officially adopted the Ricardo Richards Elementary School during the 2013-2014 school year. Zetas continue to participate in sprucing up the school annually by bringing life to the school benches, engaging in school clean-ups, and donating necessary school supplies by grade levels annually. With the partnership of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, the Ricardo Richards Elementary School has become an exciting place to learn, play, and grow! Elder Care Initiatives: As one of the signature initiatives under the Wright Administration, Zetas in the Virgin Islands have begun to blaze trails and have been the only greek-lettered organization to adopt an Elder Care facility. The Sunny Isle Housing Facility for the Aged has become part of the Nu Chi Zeta family. The members of the chapter continue to hold monthly events and workshops to enhance the quality of life for the seniors at the site. In addition to monthly Bingo games, easter egg hunts, elder-abuse workshops, alcohol awareness seminars, and coloring challenges. The Seniors at the Sunny Isle Housing facility can count on Zetas to spread love and cheer on a monthly basis!


BETA TAU ZETA CHAPTER, MIAMI, FL Beta Tau Zeta Chapter was organized on February 24, 1946 in Miami, Florida by twelve community-conscious women who sought to make a difference. Now, 72 years later, Beta Tau Zeta is the largest chapter in Florida. The charter members, Ethel Braynon Manning, Eugenia Brooks Thomas, Glendena Carey-Edwards, Alma Lucille Crawford, Ireta M. Crosby, Dorothy Johnson Jenkins McKellar, Wilhelmina Page, Lovely Roberts, Ellen Styles Willis, Theodora Carey Williams and Corinthia Wilson set the standard for academic excellence, leadership development, and philanthropic involvement within the Chapter.

Feeding the homeless in partnership with the NPHC

Donated $2,000 toward the purchase of an item for International Headquarters

Committed to $10,000 Centennial donation by 2019

Conducted voter registration, education, and get-out-thevote activities to increase Florida voter participation

Awarded $19,500 in scholarships in 2017

Sponsored and supported the Zeta Amicae of Miami events and activities.

Awards: Recognitions received between 2012 and 2017 include largest wig donation in Florida; largest March for Babies donation in Florida; largest chapter in Florida; most Visionary Donors (20162017) in Florida; Fourth place, Largest Chapter Membership (Grand Boulé 2016); Most Registered Voters, November 2016; Miami-Dade County Public Schools Adopt-A-School Service Award, 2015-2016. 

The purchase of the Zeta Community Center (ZCC) on December 17, 1994, dedicated on Sunday, June 11, 1995, under the leadership of Marietta F. Bullard, 23rd Chapter Basileus, and the 22nd Chapter Basileus Rosetta J. Vickers is a celebrated accomplishment. Its purpose is to provide services to youth and support development of positive self-esteem, life skills and academics through counseling, mentoring and tutoring. Additional Accomplishments: •

Five Miami-Dade County Public Schools named for members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, including Elementary schools Zora Neale Hurston, Laura C. Saunders, and Lenora Braynon Smith. Additional schools include Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center and Dorothy M. Wallace C.O.P.E. Center South.

Recognition as one of the top five “Power House” chapters in Florida

Increased visibility in the community through the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, “Farm Share” food distribution, Military Awareness Baby Shower, Get Engaged Social Action forums, March for Babies, Annual Finer Womanhood Community Awards Luncheon, and Zeta Cotillion

National Global Day of Service beautification project at Laura C. Saunders Elementary School, and donations to an agency that provides clothing, school supplies, and school uniforms to families

DELTA EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, WEST PALM BEACH, FL An award winning chapter in many areas, Delta Epsilon Zeta has excelled in Z-HOPE activities and youth activities! Delta Epsilon Zeta members have touched many lives with service and deeds in our local communities. Blue Revue is our Signature Project. We continue to work hard to provide deserving high students with scholarships. Notably, the chapter has awarded over $100,000 in scholarships from 2012-2017 at the Annual Blue Revue Luncheon. Delta Epsilon Zeta members devote many hours to the national initiatives. We visited and donated to our AdoptA-school, Roosevelt Male Leadership Academy and Elder Care facilities, Alzheimer’s Community Care Center and Palm Garden Rehabilitation Center. For 2 years, our youth affiliates participated in activities at the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge in Boynton Beach. Additionally, the chapter has donated more than 300 wigs to the American Cancer Society and donated over $3000 to the March for Babies campaign.


SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS In 2015, we celebrated the 100th birthday of charter member Soror Gertrude Eutsey. Another charter member, Soror Elizabeth Munnings, was inducted into the Southeastern and Florida Halls of Fame. Soror Edna McClendon was also inducted into the Florida Hall of Fame. Our annual Koffee Klatch Brunch has become a popular event for chapters far and near. It serves as a bonding opportunity for Sorors and Brothers to get to know each other more personally. We continue to work to increase our membership both by bringing new members and reclaiming inactive Sorors. During the past six years, the chapter has inducted 29 new members and reclaimed eight members. Delta Epsilon Zeta members’ zeal to march towards Centennial was energized this summer at their annual retreat as they committed to “Rewind, Review, Rededicate, Rejoice and Rejuvenate in our Love for our Sisterhood.” 

media, how to develop and maintain good self esteem, and how to conduct themselves should they be pulled over by a law enforcement officer, just to name a few. The chapter is continually on the move as it is a major part of the life of the community it serves. The Delta Eta Zeta Chapter is involved in many other projects within the community as it strives to bridge a gap between the local community through its outreach programs.  IOTA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, BELLE GLADE, FL The Iota Omicron Zeta Chapter has been extremely busy doing the business of Zeta. From social action initiatives to education and outreach, Sorors have been fully engaged in the community with an overall mission of bettering the total community. One of the biggest efforts in the community has centered around the potential loss of thousands of job opportunities in western Palm Beach County if legislation relating to a proposed environmental project - a project that had not been properly vetted by the community and was not supported by science and engineering, had been approved in the State Legislature. Not only would job losses be massive, the tax base would have been crippled causing insurmountable repair to an already-struggling community. Members of the sorority participated in and co-sponsored three community meetings explaining the proposed initiative and some Sorors participated in the Legislative process and were influential in writing Legislation that dictated that job loss would not occur due to the project.

DELTA ETA ZETA CHAPTER, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL The Delta Eta Zeta Chapter has been on the move since 2012. One of its signature events which has been a staple in the Fort Lauderdale community for the past 64 years, is the Debutante Cotillion and Master’s Ball. The cotillion supports Zeta Phi Beta’s principle of scholarship, and was the first cotillion of its kind in Broward County, FL. The scholarships assist high school seniors in the local community to pursue an education and start their endeavors in achieving a post secondary education. The Zeta Dove foundation has given out over $10,000 annually in scholarships. During the cotillion experience, the participants have the opportunity of participating in workshops that offer enrichment in dining and social etiquette, defense tactics, along with proper skin care maintenance and makeup. This is a coming of age affair for the graduating seniors in the community. Another main event that the chapter sponsors is the annual Zeta youth summit. This event is held each October and reaches out to the youth in the community to educate and build awareness on topics such as human trafficking, proper ethics on social 270 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Additionally, local Sorors partnered with a community health center to sponsor a Community Baby Shower for underprivileged expectant mothers/families. Twenty-five mothers participated in and received education materials, gifts, car seats, and other necessities to assist them in caring for their newborns. The overall goal was to educate the mothers about the importance of having a medical home/pediatrician for their newborn following their delivery. Sorors also presented their yearly Afro Arts Festival which brings

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS the community together to enjoy music, entertainment, food, fun and excitement. Zetas have hosted this festival for 20+ years and it is enjoyed by the local community as well as communities throughout the entire county. 

LAMBDA BETA ZETA CHAPTER, VERO BEACH, FL Lambda Beta Zeta Chapter is a chapter of excellence, and a standard used to measure the service rendered to communities, organizations, and families. Organized in 1982, this stellar chapter takes pride in the service given over the past 35 years. The “Vero Beach Zetas” are on the move and have become trailblazers of several signature events, including “Jeans, Stilettos and Pearls” and the classy Annual Fashion Show Extravaganza. With the support of our community, these events have provided numerous college scholarships for deserving high school seniors. The chapter’s core business and legacy is “Each One, Reach One,’” which is the driving force and catalyst behind making a difference in the lives of those served daily. Lambda Beta Zeta partners with local organizations such as American Cancer Society and provides wigs and scarves for cancer victims; private youth community centers to distribute book bags and supplies to students; local Veteran Affairs agencies to provide food and toiletries to the homeless. Area K-5 students are mentored and supported through donated educational software and equipment that increases reading and math test scores. Community families are blessed with food and toys during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. The elderly are comforted through nursing home visitations and gifts of cheer and love tokens. We do so much more as we travel abroad. The 18 (and growing) energetic, hard working and esteemed ladies are comprised of three Charter members who genuinely believe in the ideals of scholarship, service, sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. These ideals merged with their proud legacy make a winning combination! It is no surprise that their accomplishments list keep growing as they move forward in love and excellence while embracing the Sisterhood. The best is yet to come, just watch us grow!

 MU GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, HOMESTEAD, FL The legacy for Mu Gamma Zeta began May 28, 1983 in Homestead, Florida, a predominantly agricultural community. One of the early community service projects was Voters Registration. Sorors were instrumental in helping to elect the first African American Mayor of Florida City (neighboring city to Homestead). The Honorable Otis T. Wallace is and has been the mayor since 1984. Other major accomplishments include, but are not limited to, the naming of Laura C. Saunders Elementary School (named after a charter member) and the chapter’s Adopt-A-School; and Ernestine Jackson Seymore Park in Homestead (named after another charter member). On January 16, 2016, Soror Margaret Staples was inducted into Florida’s Zeta Hall of Fame. The legacy is growing under the leadership of Dr. Chemika Burkhalter, Chapter Basileus. Membership has increased from 11 to 19 in less than two years; scholarships disbursement increased to $5,000 in 2017; Adopt-A-Road in partnership with Miami-Dade County Department of Parks and Recreation started on January 16, 2017, the sorority’s global day of service; and the Zeta youth auxiliaries were featured in the local newspaper for the their inaugural tea in 2016. Youth membership has increased from 14 (2015-2016) to 40 girls (2017-2018). The Zeta Amicae of Homestead hosted the 2017 Area 6 Zeta Amicae Day. The chapter continues to sponsor the undergraduate chapter, Sigma Delta, at the University of Miami. The creation of our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/MGZofZphiB/) and posting chapter’s activities continues to generate interest in new membership and reclamation. Dr. Burkhalter is thankful for her team: Sorors Mary Smith (a Zeta Dove), Membership Chair; Anita Moore, Youth Coordinator; ZYA Advisors Shirley-Clark Brown, Latoya Connelly, Margaret Staples, Colleen Clark, and Theonie Beasley-Lindesey; Priscilla McKinnon, Scholarship Chair; Norah Garcon (new webmaster and transfer from Sigma Delta); and all members of Mu Gamma Zeta Chapter.



OMEGA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, MELBOURNE, FL The Omega Omicron Zeta Chapter has worked diligently to serve the Brevard County area, while representing and upholding the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, stepping out of the box to reach everyone, including men, women, children, and the elderly. While we may be small in number, our dedication to Zeta and the community is immeasurable!

International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright inspires members to be “servant leaders” - to get off the sidelines and into the communities they represent. It’s about rolling up our sleeves and getting to work. The Lake County Florida Zeta’s of Psi Zeta Zeta Chapter are no stranger to doing just that. In collaboration with Macedonia Church of God in Leesburg, FL, members of the chapter worked diligently together to feed families in the community each year for the holiday season. This year ,with 513 items donated by every member of the chapter, we went from 35 families to 75 families. To ensure each basket given was filled with a turkey or ham, macaroni and cheese, corn, green beans, stuffing, rice, yams, cornbread and cake, the members worked for hours to individually pack each basket. It is an awesome feeling to see the faces of the family members filled with thanks as they give you hugs.

Our Social Action/Get Engaged programming continues to bridge the gap between the community and local law enforcement. As a result, we received the Social Action Award at the 2017 Florida State Leadership Conference. We have taken an innovative approach in order to engage the younger generation about the importance of voting. By using videos and social media, we are able to emphasize the importance of voting in local elections and not just Presidential elections. Our fundraising efforts throughout the year provide us with opportunities to raise funds for scholarships, which are awarded to local high school students, and donations to March for Babies, a cause that is very near and dear to some of our Chapter members. Each year, we partner with Promiseland Church for “Care to Share”. Care to Share is a program in which hot meals are prepared and provided to individuals and families in need on Thanksgiving Day. In 2017, we provided over 600 meals! We have also implemented unique programs for Finer Womanhood Observance, such as “Pampering with a Purpose,” an event in which we provide single mothers with an evening of fellowship over a freshly prepared meal. We provide pampering with manicures and massages, health screenings, dental education, and presentations about stress relief, mental, and sexual health. All services provided are graciously donated by vendors. During the month of March, we host a Teen Summit. This summit gives teens an opportunity to come out and participate in dialogue with professionals and each other about issues and topics that relate to them. We look forward to the future as we embark on the Journey to Centennial in 2020. Five years down as a Chapter, a lifetime to go as Sisters! 272 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 UPSILON ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER, MIRAMAR/PEMBROKE PINES, FL Legacy can be defined as “anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.” Over the last six years, the Upsilon Alpha Zeta chapter (YAZ) has been Blazing NEW Paths and steadily building momentum promoting the brand of ZETA. It has been “full steam ahead,” leaving a legacy of scholarship, service, sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. SCHOLARSHIP: The chapter has left a legacy of scholarship by providing over $13,000 in academic scholarships to deserving young women who are graduating high school students from the area. Many of them were also a part of the youth auxiliary thus fostering in them a love of Zeta which they were able to take with them to college. This in turn manifest when they were invited to join this illustrious sorority. The chapter also promotes education and higher learning stressing that a college education provides options for one’s career choices and way of life. SERVICE: The legacy of service is evident by its continuous

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS American Diabetes Association and the March of Dimes.

presence in our surrounding areas. Every month one can see members of our chapter in various capacities. Whether it’s providing Thanksgiving meals or Christmas toys to students at Lenora B. Smith Elementary through our Adopt-A-School program, providing toiletries and goodie bags for the residents of our local veterans nursing home, or assisting the local citizens promote safety and awareness within the community with the National Night Out program, YAZ is always visible doing good for others. YAZ lives and breathes Z-HOPE. SISTERHOOD: It was once said that “Every sister ain’t your Soror, and every Soror ain’t your sister”. Well that latter portion couldn’t be farther from the truth. In YAZ, your Soror IS your sister. Members of YAZ realize that this is the sisterhood they chose. Over the past six years, the chapter has reclaimed inactive Sorors at an exponential rate. The chapter participates in sisterhood activities such as Sister Chews (at local restaurants), movie nights, Sisterhood Circles, and good old-fashioned get-togethers.

Some of the chapter’s current annual projects include adopt –a-school; volunteering as tutors in schools; the donation of school supplies for disadvantaged children to begin the school year; volunteering in nursing homes to assist our seniors; Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for families in need during the holidays; monthly donations to the Bethlehem Feeding Ministry; donations of wigs to the American Cancer Society to assist recovering women back into the workforce; donations of fans to Habitat for Humanity during the summer months for the elderly with no air conditioning; and the March of Dimes Walk supporting research and preventing of babies born too soon. The chapter also has participated in Military Appreciation Week benefiting Women Veterans ROCK. The members of Zeta Mu Zeta continue as our Founders to exemplify the ideals of sisterly love, Finer Womanhood, scholarship, and community service. 


Finer Womanhood: The Upsilon Alpha Zeta chapter has truly left a legacy of Finer Womanhood which envelopes all the others. It provides the framework on which these other defining legacies are built. The members take each principle to the next level. Every FINER WOMAN in the chapter makes it her job to be the best in all she does for the community to ensure that the legacy of Zeta is preserved. IOTA ETA ZETA CHAPTER, DECATUR, GA  ZETA MU ZETA CHAPTER, PALATKA, FL Zeta Mu Zeta was chartered in February 1962 as the first graduate Sorority Chapter organized in Putnam County. The eight chapter members are Rosa K. Ragsdale, Gwendolyn White, Evelyn Green, Catherine Gibson, Doris Blackshear, Ernestine Baker, Flossie Mann, and Dora Brown. These women worked untiringly to improve the image of Black women in their communities by foresting the ideas of scholarship, sisterly love, Finer Womanhood, and community service. Through the years, Zeta Mu Zeta has been involved in many community and educational programs and functions such as the Black Advisory Council to the School Board, the NAACP Organization, the African American Cultural ARTS Council, the

The Iota Eta Zeta Chapter has focused significantly on the principles of Scholarship, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. We have striven ambitiously for the advancement of women, communities and people as a whole. Over the past three decades, we have contributed to the community of Decatur, GA. Our chapter’s activities for the past six years include adopting a retirement home in Decatur, Georgia (Golden Living Center), where we volunteer our time continuously to inspire and celebrate elders with our monthly Bingo games, birthday cards, and holiday gifts. We have also participated endlessly in the March of Dimes, youth auxiliary programs, and celebrated our awesome Miss Georgia Amicae winner in 2016! Our pride remains in Scholarship and promoting academic awareness and successes for young ladies. Our scholarship program awarded $3,000 in scholarships in 2013, 2014 and 2016. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 273

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS Our scholarship brunch awarded $4,000 in scholarships in 2017. Our chapter hosts a variety of fundraisers for the scholarship fund. Among them are raffles that have included two Michael Kors bags and one set of pearls. Additionally, we raffle off gas cards and lottery tickets. We have also raised funds through a Casino Night and a Casino Trip, which have been our signature events. The actual Scholarship Tea, held in 2016, was used to raise money for the scholarship as well. We host our Scholarship Tea to celebrate our youth and honor our scholarship recipients.

County WIC (Women, Infant & Children), Greenbriar Mall, Local March of Dimes Chapter, The Walter & Andrew YMCA, Crosby Spears Highrise (Elder Care Initiative), Asa Hilliard (Adopt-a-School Initiative) and Gilgal, Inc (Z-HOPE Women) just to name a few. •

KIZ was able to support over 20 students through our scholarship endeavors, awarding $1,000 per scholarship.

KIZ continues to impact our service area through our Z-HOPE efforts. The Autism Committee submitted a proposal that was placed in the Z-HOPE Volume lll edition. We received top honors, for Z-HOPE at State, Regional and Boulé. We are also ranked as one of the top ten corporate sponsors for March for Babies for the State of Georgia. This year alone we raised $19,200. We also have the top two individual fundraisers (Soror Lois McKellar & Soror Dana Scott).

KIZ chapter highlights include honors for Best Dressed Nest, Chapter of the Year for the State of Georgia (2016 and 2018), largest graduate chapter Intake (15 members in Spring 2016), a State of Georgia Hall of Fame Inductee (Soror Thelma Lester) and Southeastern Region Hall of Fame Inductees (Soror Lois McKellar and Soror Lester).

We promote sisterhood through social events and celebrating our own personal, academic and professional accomplishments. Some examples include baby celebrations, graduations and weddings. Overall, our chapter celebrates our finer principles and a Zeal for Zeta! We are Iota Eta Zeta, Where Sisters Come to Serve! 

KIZ’s Youth and Undergraduate chapters also maintained a standard of excellence. They received recognition for Z-HOPE, Scrapbook, Oratory and Academics. 

KAPPA IOTA ZETA CHAPTER, ATLANTA, GA The administration lead by Soror McGuire-Lee (2014-2018) can be summed up in one word: Epic. Soror McGuire-Lee’s focus was Implementation, Increase and Impact. •

KIZ implemented a Sisterhood Initiative to ensure Sisterhood Connectivity.

Forty Eight ladies completed the MIP process and over 25 Sorors were reclaimed. KIZ ended 2016-2017 with a total of 136 Financial Members. Our goal is to end 2017-2018 with 150 Financial Members.

Our Youth Auxiliaries increased to 35 young ladies. We also re-activated our Amicae Charter. We currently have six new friends.

KIZ attended conferences and leadership training in record numbers. We have maintained appointed and elected leadership positions on the State, Regional and National Level.

We have increased our community presence by re-activating our Stork’s Nest in the East Point, GA community. We have also made community partnerships with Peach State, Fulton


OMICRON KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, COLLEGE PARK, GA Over the past six years, Omicron Kappa Zeta (OKZ) Chapter has positively progressed forward in the world of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Under the guidance and leadership of International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, we have built on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths! OKZ has provided thousands of dollars in scholarship funds to deserving high school seniors as they began their journey into higher learning in honor of chapter charter member Ola Hill. We have volunteered for countless hours as well as hosted numerous workshops and seminars for the College Park community to benefit the minds, bodies, and spirits

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS of women, men, youth, and our elders. Our service activities have included March for Babies, Hosea Feed the Hungry, Elder Care, Wigs for Awareness, Special Olympics, Wreaths Across America and Adopt-A-School. We’ve been able to increase our level of giving by forming partnerships with other Zeta chapters, several local businesses and the College Park Mayor and City Council. Not only have we taken the time to help those around us, but we have made sure to take time to help each other as sisters. We have continuously spent time bonding outside of the business of Zeta while remaining sophisticated and Finer. We attend plays and festivals, enjoy painting classes, and even workout together, just to name a few social outings. As we approach our organization’s Centennial, we reflect on everything we’ve accomplished proudly. Like most chapters, we’ve had our ebbs and flows, but without struggle there can be no progress. We have done more than most of our members probably ever imagined. One of our biggest accomplishments to date is the establishment of our very own 501(c) 3 foundation! We also set a new chapter record by raising over $14,000 for the March of Dimes in April 2017. We are proof that membership is about quality, not quantity. We’ve done everything we set our minds to do and we’re excited to see what 2020 and beyond has in store for us!

In January 2012, Phi Omicron Zeta became a member of the NPHC of DeKalb County. As a member of NPHC DeKalb, POZ has supported the “War on Hunger”, by making donations to the Annual Turkey Drive. Several students from Newton and Rockdale Counties have received the NPHC DeKalb annual scholarship. In January 2018, Phi Omicron Zeta assumed the presidency of NPHC of DeKalb County. In January 2017, POZ joined in with the local Zeta Chapter in Barnesville, GA to help kick off the Annual Martin Luther King Day Celebration in Barnesville, while some of the chapter members participated in the annual DeKalb County NAACP Martin Luther King, Jr. parade and celebration. POZ and our youth were asked to kick off the celebration by releasing balloons before the parade started. Each year, Phi Omicron Zeta supports the Susan G. Komen Worship in Pink with Antioch East AME Church in conjunction with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Chi Tau Omega Chapter. POZ also supports Susan G. Komen by “Painting The Church Pink” at Bethlehem Baptist Church and at Sims Chapel Baptist Church with our Amicae. 



PHI OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, CONYERS/COVINGTON, GA Phi Omicron Zeta has served Newton and Rockdale counties since March of 2008. From 2012 to 2017 Phi Omicron Zeta has awarded 11 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in Newton and Rockdale Counties. Our Stork’s Nest reopened in May of 2017 at the Bethlehem Church House to better serve the women, teen mothers, and babies in our service area. Phi Omicron Zeta increase its service to the community by adopting the local nursing home to support the national Elder Care Initiative. Since 2012, Phi Omicron Zeta has launched four auxiliaries; Zeta Amicae, Archonettes, Amicettes, and Pearlettes. Our Youth groups and Amicae has received several awards at the State and Regional Leadership Conferences.

Since its chartering in 1999, the ladies of the Rho Xi Zeta Chapter continue creating a legacy, one year at a time. Rho Xi Zeta was the 2013-2014 State of Georgia Chapter of the Year. Building upon that excellence, Rho Xi Zeta was also recognized as the 2014-2015 State of Georgia Chapter of the Year. Rho Xi Zeta’s continued growth and success would not be possible without its hardworking, highly educated chapter members. In the past five years, the remarkable Sorors of Rho Xi Zeta have built upon the foundation of Zeta Phi Beta by encouraging and supporting scholarship with the formation of the Z.E.A.L. Foundation of Georgia, embodying a spirit of service through its work in the community, strengthening the bonds of sisterly love, and exemplifying what it means to be a finer woman. As we embark upon 2020, Rho Xi Zeta will continue striving for excellence in an effort to bring its vision to fruition. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 275


preparation for the county’s bicentennial celebration, the Board of Commissioners formed a Bicentennial Advisory Committee comprised of citizen volunteers and supported by the county staff. Sigma Omicron Zeta was invited to participate and become a community partner and assist in sponsoring the Fredrick Douglass exhibit as a part of the Black History Month program during the county’s celebration.  SIGMA OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, CLAYTON COUNTY, GA The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter has established a strong legacy over the past six years. Since its charter in 2004, the chapter has consistently created and participated in varied events that exemplify Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.

SIGMA OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA The Sensational Sigma Omicron Zeta Chapter of Gwinnett County, GA celebrated 15 years of service to Gwinnett County on March 24, 2017. Sigma Omicron Zeta was the first chapter to be chartered in Gwinnett County, Georgia on March 24, 2002. Sorors celebrated their charter day with their annual fundraiser, Artistic Strokes for Scholarship. Proceeds from the fundraiser went towards Sigma Omicron Zeta’s Pearls of Excellence Scholarship. The Pearls of Excellence Scholarship provides support for a deserving, university-bound, high-school female senior from the Gwinnett County Area, who exemplifies the founding principles of the Sorority: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, and Finer Womanhood. Scholarships are awarded in honor of each of the five founders of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Omicron Zeta also proudly welcomed six new members into the sisterhood in the Spring of 2017. New members inducted into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. were Jillian Colon, Michelle Elias, Renea Mitchell, Shadell Murray, Nicollete Pinnock, and Lynn Walker. Sigma Omicron Zeta also welcomed the following four Sorors back home to Zeta: Gloria Nelson, Michelle Pettway, Alexis Jackson Walker, and Tamila Bynes. A celebratory brunch was held at Summit Chase Country Club to welcome new Sorors and welcome back our reclaiming Sorors. Sigma Omicron Zeta is proud that these women decided to reclaim their membership and to recommit themselves to doing the work of Zeta. Sigma Omicron Zeta definitely had a lot to be proud of and celebrate during the Spring of 2017. Last but not least, Sigma Omicron Zeta will participate in the Gwinnett Bicentennial Celebration in 2018. The Bicentennial will be a one-year celebration of 200 years of our county’s history. In 276 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

A few of our signature events include our annual Bowling Bash that began in 2009. This event has helped raised thousands of dollars for March of Dimes. In 2017, the chapter was able to donate $1,400 to the March of Dimes through this event. The legacy of service continues to reign supreme in Sigma Omega Zeta through our participation in the Martin Luther King Day parade as well as the Finer Women 5k. We continued to serve our community in 2017 with our participation in the Clayton County Back to School Bash and community Trunk-o-Treat events. Our sisterly collaboration with another chapter during our 2016 domestic violence awareness event epitomizes sisterly love. We also collaborated with other NPHC Sororities and Fraternities, the county commissioner, school superintendent and other organizations to bring voter awareness to teens. This event educated teens about the registration and voting process on the local, state and federal levels. The Sigma Omega Zeta Power of Word Scholarship was established in 2012. It is awarded to Clayton County high school seniors graduating with a 2.5 or better who submit an essay and letters of recommendation that demonstrate academic scholarship. In each of our signature programs and events, our founding principles ring true. We endeavor to build on our principles in the future as we continue to blaze new paths!


seniors are treated to a variety of prizes for bingo wins, and we all enjoy the time spent together. When Zeta calls, Xi Xi Zeta answers. On Sunday, January 15, 2017, Xi Xi Zeta Sorors, along with Metro Atlanta Sigmas and Zetas, assisted Hosea Feed The Hungry, a non-profit organization, prepare food to feed the hungry/homeless on MLK Jr. Day, Monday, January 16, 2017.

TAU OMICRON ZETA CHAPTER, HEPHZIBAH, GA Greetings from the Tau Omicron Zeta Chapter of Hephzibah, GA Southeastern Region! In 2013, along with the Augusta chapter, Eta Theta Zeta, we successfully hosted the 79th Southeastern Regional Conference at the Marriott Convention Center, Augusta, GA. In 2014 we celebrated out 10-year chapter anniversary! Tau Omicron Zeta’s Amicae Auxiliary of Hephzibah, GA was awarded 3rd place for Z-HOPE at the 2014 Georgia State Leadership Conference. At our 2014 Big Hats and Heels Scholarship Tea, we awarded two local high school seniors with a $500 scholarship to assist with their tuition and book needs. In 2016 we had the pleasure of co-hosting the GA Joint State Conference with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. With our partnering school, Diamond Lakes Elementary School, we hosted the 2017 History Bowl, awarding the entire 5th grade classroom with computer headphones to assist with their technological learning. Chapter Sorors also attended the 2017 ZOL training, gaining useful and imperative knowledge to share with the chapter. We are looking forward to a successful 2018 year!

On January 16, 2017, Zeta Day of Service and MLK Day of Service, Xi Xi Zeta Sorors, in partnership with Hands on Atlanta, lent a helping hand to Harland Boys and Girls Club located on Peeples Street in Atlanta, GA. The Sorors spruced up the inside and outside of the building, giving it a clean and uplifted look, and also organized the library so students can have easy access to the books. Xi Xi Zeta Sorors stay on the move, attending Zeta Day at GA State Capitol during the 2017 State Leadership Conference; Zeta Day in Perry, GA (the chapter donated 385 items for hurricane victims); Zeta University in Milledgeville, GA (the chapter donated 95 school supplies); registered voters throughout DeKalb County, GA; and engaged in community social action. Xi Xi Zeta Chapter and Amicae of Lithonia participated in Removing the Stigma of Mental Health, sponsored by Changing the Cycle Foundation, Inc., on Saturday, September 23, 2017. Xi Xi Zeta Chapter consistently gave towards Z-HOPE/National Projects by donating 20 wigs and 15 scarves; giving 100 packs of toiletries to women veterans; raising more than $500 for March for Babies through our Finer Womanhood 5K Run/Walk; and observing Prematurity Awareness Month during worship service at Hillside Chapel and Truth Center in Atlanta. On Monday, November 20, 2017, Xi Xi Zeta Sorors donated a Thanksgiving gift card and turkey to a family of five impacted by Hurricane Irma.

 Service, caring and compassion is what Xi Xi Zeta members do!  ALPHA ALPHA KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, NEWNAN, GA PINK SUNDAY IN NEWNAN: Alpha Alpha Kappa Zeta celebrated breast cancer survivors on Sunday, October 17, 2016 and Sunday, October 15, 2017 with its community partners at Jones Hill Chapel. Sorors invited Wendie Franks, RN from the Coweta County Health Department to speak to the congregation. Ms. Franks gave a demonstration on how to perform a self-examination. She also gave her personal testimony on her battle and victory over breast cancer. Other church members and friends were recognized for their courageous fight with the deadly disease. XI XI ZETA CHAPTER, LITHONIA, GA Xi Xi Zeta Chapter has been on the move spreading love to the residents of Glenwood Health & Rehabilitation Center, Decatur, GA. The chapter began serving the seniors of this community in July 2016, visiting with them every third Saturday for Bingo. The

The church assisted AAKZ with its annual Wigs for Awareness collection by donating a generous amount of wigs and monetary donations. The chapter provided the church with a beautiful reception as they were given informational pamphlets, t-shirts, ribbons and buttons. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 277

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS project allows for frequent Zumba exercise followed by a “feisty and festive” time of BINGO. Relationships with the residents let the chapter know they love the fun and uplifting interaction brought to the senior residents. Finally, the chapter is focused on reclamation. Basileus Graves and First Anti Basileus Jessie Turner listened to the chapter as it realized there are a lot of Zetas in the areas and neighboring counties wanting to “come home to Zeta.” Many have not been active since their collegiate days, but their love of Zeta has never dwindled. This initial year is dedicated to helping Sorors hold their Zeta light just a little higher. Fellowship activities, personal calls, and an opportunity to serve the community have already brought Zetas back into the fold. All 13 charter members have already paid dues ahead for the next fiscal year, raised scholarship funds, and supported the events of Phi Beta Sigma brothers and events of other Greeks. Other charter members not previously mentioned are Lena Davis, Audra Gilbert, Joh-nika Ivory, Maya Jordan, Sheila Jordan, Tecia McKay (Life Member), Margaret Pauldo (Zeta Dove), Ollie Smith (Zeta Dove), Dr. A’ndrea Wilson, and Linda Wright. Members of the Newnan/Coweta County areas were impressed with the Sorority’s efforts so much that the Newnan Time-Herald Newspaper featured the chapter in its 2017 Breast Cancer Awareness issue. The ladies of AAKZ are looking forward to hosting the event in 2018.  BETA ALPHA CHI ZETA CHAPTER, DUBLIN, GA We introduce Georgia’s second four-letter chapter! Hailing from the luckiest town in Georgia, Beta Alpha Chi Zeta Chapter is excited to bring a bit more scholarship, service, sisterly love and Finer Womanhood to Dublin, Laurens County and surrounding area. BAXZ Chapter has hit the ground running. Newly chartered at the 2017 Georgia State Conference under the leadership of International Grand Basileus Mary B. Wright, Southeastern Regional Director Dr. Yvonne Jefferson-Barnes, State Director Shaneesa Ashford and chartering Basileus, Marquetta Graves, the chapter has already established two main chapter goals: service and reclamation. Coordinating a variety of community service activities aligning with Z-HOPE and reclamation are the target goals of the chapter. Z-HOPE Coordinator Rebecca Jordan has led the chapter in aligning with the Laurens County Boys and Girls Club for healthy living and exercising games; adopting Susie Dasher Elementary as BAXZ Chapter initiates and maintains a “Little Library” community project promoting literacy in low income areas; collaborating with the State of Georgia’s hurricane relief efforts; and sponsoring two back-to-school projects (partnering with other Divine Nine sororities in the Dublin area and again with the state’s leadership conference project). Of all the service projects, the favorite of the chapter is the adoption of Southland Nursing. The elder care 278 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018


- SOUTH CAROLINA BETA BETA ZETA CHAPTER, COLUMBIA, SC In 2018, Beta Beta Zeta (BBZ) Chapter turns 77 years old and continues a tradition of dedication to the founding principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The chapter is currently led by Soror Tonia Johnson-Alston who follows a list of selfless and inspirational Basilei who forged a path of excellence. Soror Johnson-Alston states, “There are no limits to the success of BBZ”. This past year, the women of BBZ donated hundreds of hours doing the business of Zeta, from supporting hurricane victims to supporting our nation’s veterans/heroes. The ladies of BBZ did not stop; the chapter partnered with a local business to collect over 1,000 pounds of food for a local shelter. That was not enough; the chapter participated in a voter registration drive and the Women at Heart forum. Ask any member of Beta Beta Zeta and they will tell you they subscribe to the adage, “Don’t Talk About It ... Be About It.”

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS presentations were given by our local chapter member Soror Saquana Miller-Stevenson, WIC Program Manager, Florence, SC and Mr. George Gibson (chapter member spouse of Soror Evelyn Gibson and father of Soror Wanda Gibson), owner of Fitness Zone Health & Fitness Club in Lugoff, SC.

In support of this notion, the efforts of chapter were instrumental in the Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina declaring the 7th of November as Beta Beta Zeta Day. The BBZ sisterhood is strong and everlasting as evident by our beautiful Sorors Rubie Schumpter (100 years young) and Donella Wilson (107 years young). We love them and salute them! Leads by Example: • Support to National Programs/Partnerships • Relay for Life • Elder Care • HIV Awareness • Oliver Gospel Mission • Alzheimer’s Association • Special Olympics • American Cancer Society • Salvation Army • Harvest Hope • Adopt-a-Street • Adopt-a-School • Veterans Affairs • Sister Care Strives for Excellence • 2014: South Carolina Zeta Graduate Chapter of the Year • 2015: South Carolina Zeta Graduate Chapter of the Year • 2016: South Carolina Zeta Youth Auxiliaries of the Year • 2017: South Carolina Zeta Youth Auxiliaries of the Year • 2017: South Carolina Zeta Spelling Bee Winner • 2017: Youth Advisor of the Year, South Eastern Region • 2017: SC Undergraduate Model Chapter of the Year • 2017: SC Undergraduate Third Place Z-HOPE Award • 2017: SER Undergraduate March for Babies • 2017: SER 1st place, Zeta Amicae March for Babies 

 EPSILON IOTA ZETA CHAPTER, GREENVILLE, SC Epsilon Iota Zeta Chapter of Greenville, SC continues to excel by promoting the programs and initiatives on the national, regional, state and local levels. From 2012-present, Sorors of the chapter have been diligent in promoting growth in the chapter with Sorors who exemplify the finest of Finer Womanhood - 100 percent of the membership has received MIP certification and the majority of the membership is ZOL certified. Additionally, the chapter has had 80 percent representation at every Boulé, regional and state conference since it was chartered in 1954. The chapter is constantly engaged with Zeta sponsored events as well as community participation in sponsoring wellness presentations on preventing cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, bullying, prematurity awareness, domestic violence, seniors’ safety, and healthy and nutritious eating habits. Over the years, Sorors of the chapter has participated in the events and raised funds for March of Dimes, St. Jude Sunday of Hope, and Relay for Life in addition to hosting a Blue Revue and Valentine Gala to raise funds for awarding scholarships annually. Major national programs have consisted of Adopt-a-School, supplying school suppliesand clothing to families, teacher appreciation, assisting students in the classroom, donating books to children for their personal and classroom libraries and acting as resource persons

EPSILON CHI ZETA CHAPTER, FLORENCE, SC The members of Epsilon Chi Zeta Chapter held a dynamic Finer Womanhood Breakfast on April 8, 2017 at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Camden, SC. The program, A Health Body is a Happy Body: The Guide to Nutritional Eating and Exercise, focused on daily eating from the recommended food groups and demonstrations of exercises that can be accomplished without going to the gym. The outstanding THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 279

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS for classroom teachers. With the military awareness program, toiletries are donated to the Veterans’ Home and the staff is recognized. There is also monthly recognition for each veteran’s birthday! The local women’s Renewal Shelter has been adopted to provide a wholesome outlet for residents at Thanksgiving and needed personal items are donated. These items are also donated to the Homeless Period Project. Voter education and voter registration have had a special emphasis for the chapter. One of our chapter members, Soror Leola Robinson-Simpson, was elected to the State Legislature. Sorors have played an important role in assisting the NAACP with local fundraising events and put in many volunteer hours during the state NAACP conference. For the many activities and programs, such as Days of Service and Zeta Day at the Capitol, awards have been received: Z-HOPE awards, South Carolina Chapter of the Year and numerous community service awards. 

EPSILON PSI ZETA CHAPTER, GREENWOOD, SC The Epsilon Psi Zeta Chapter of Greenwood, SC, in conjunction with Delta Mu Chapter of Lander University and the Greenwood Amicae, helped promote literacy at Pinecrest Elementary School located in Greenwood, SC. We promoted literacy by providing two books to every third grade student. Our goal was to encourage students to make reading a part of their summer routine by reading at least two books and visiting the library at least one time throughout the summer. Our hope was that the activity would encourage students to become lifelong learners, develop a love of reading and encourage them to begin their own library at home. After careful review of current research and in consultation with the staff of Pinecrest, the third grade was selected. Our chapter worked with Greenwood County Library to provide information for obtaining a library card and their summer program. Books were collected during the year and each auxiliary was asked to purchase a box of books from the Scholastic Warehouse sale held in December and May. Finally after a lot of hard work, dedication and excitement, books were distributed on May 26, 2017, to five classes and 95 students. School personnel were available to assist students in selecting books that were appropriate for their reading level and interest. The program was very successful and we plan to continue this activity with second grade during the next school year. 280 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 GAMMA MU ZETA CHAPTER, SPARTANBURG, SC Since the vision became reality in 1948, Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has affected positive change in our home base of Spartanburg and surrounding areas of South Carolina. We are proud to have women in our organization who have accepted the challenge of being engaged in our society and have taken on leadership roles in politics, the arts, education, and the sciences. Indeed, they are renaissance women for our community. With that concept in mind, Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter reached back to the creativity of the Harlem Renaissance period of the 1920’s and developed one of the most creative and holistic programs for our area. On April 8, 2017, the University of South Carolina Upstate was transformed to the glorious days of the Harlem Renaissance. We reached out and tapped into the talents of local artists and business leaders to present “Harlem Renaissance and BeyondA Celebration in Poetry and Song.” The ladies of Gamma Mu Zeta and audience dressed in either 1920’s attire or in vintage Greek fashions. The evening included a fabulous fashion show to celebrate all of the various Greek organizations and various performances of music and poetry of the 1920’s. Event director and past Basileus, Debra L.J. Grant, performed selections from Langston Hughes, a youth orchestra quartet played tunes from the 1920’s and the James Brothers, a group 70 years in the industry who performed with artists such as Sam Cooke sang a medley of period pieces. The audience had the opportunity to mingle and munch on heavy appetizers throughout the evening as they watched a slide presentation of the great figures of the Harlem Renaissance period and visited vendors selling jewelry and original works of art. The evening concluded with the silent auction where the business community and generous donors provided approximately 100 items to bid upon. The proceeds benefited our scholarship fundraising efforts for the chapter. Audience members from 18 to 80 danced the night away as we reminded the Upstate of the richness of our heritage and greatness of the individuals who are in our mist today.


 IOTA LAMBDA ZETA CHAPTER, AIKEN, SC The members of Iota Lambda Zeta Chapter sponsored a Finer Womanhood Brunch on March 19, 2016 at the Aiken Municipal Conference Center. A host of supporters and sponsors joined the sorority members as they honored five history making, trailblazing leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the Aiken community.

GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, CHARLESTON, SC Gamma Zeta was chartered on May 9, 1952. For over 65 years, Gamma Zeta has worked diligently to uphold the principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Over the past six years, Gamma Zeta has grown tremendously! During the 2015-2016 sorority year, Gamma Zeta was recognized as the second largest graduate chapter in South Carolina. Gamma Zeta was featured during International Membership Month in September 2016 by the National First Anti-Basileus for our reclamation, recruitment and retention initiatives. Subsequently, during the 2016-2017 sorority year, Gamma Zeta continued to build upon its foundation and became the largest graduate chapter in South Carolina and received the Model Chapter Award. Gamma Zeta was also recognized as the only chapter in South Carolina to participate in the 2017 Global Day of Service Teleconference. On this day, the chapter, along with the Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Charleston and our Youth Affiliates, walked in the MLK Parade and partnered with Jenkins Institute to perform community service. Gamma Zeta has always prided itself in remaining active in the local community by sharing our talents with the Charleston and North Charleston communities through hours of community service. Efforts include the services provided by our Stork’s Nest and a recent partnership we have with Florence Crittenton. We are continuing to grow in many areas by receiving grants establishing a non-profit in 2015 called EPIC to assist us with our endeavors. As part of our community service efforts, in 2015, Gamma Zeta held its’ first Community Day Health Fair. There were over 600 people that came and received information from over 15 exhibitors. This event has drawn attention from all over the tri-county area and continues to grow in both community and organizational participation. Although the chapter has always given scholarships, in keeping with the principle of scholarship, Gamma Zeta held its first annual Scholarship Tea in 2015, where young ladies were awarded collegiate scholarships. The chapter has continued to hold this event annually and with impressive success!

The Finer Womanhood Award was presented to the following leaders: in Education, Mrs. Rosemary English, Chair of the Aiken County Board of Education; in Politics, Mrs. Lessie Price, Aiken City Council member; in Community Service, Ms. Donna Moore Wesby, founder and host of Education Matters, WRDW Channel 12 Television and WNRR Gospel 1380 AM Radio; in Business/ Entrepreneurship, Mrs. Thelma Robinson, owner of Busy Bee Beauty Salon and Barber Shop; and in Healthcare Services, Ms. Gail Diggs, Director of Outreach and Community Services at the Clyburn Center for Primary Care. Mrs. A’La Perle Hickman was honored for outstanding contributions to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. She served as Basileus of the first chapter chartered in the state in 1942 on the campus of South Carolina State College (now South Carolina State University). She is a charter member of this local chapter and one of the longest serving members in the state (74 years). Mrs. Marion Gary and Mrs. Bernice Sanders were surprised as Basileus Dr. Charlene Moore-Peterson, along with members of the chapter, honored them as charter members of the local chapter, which was chartered in 1979. One dozen white roses were presented to each of them. Mr. M. Denzell Moton and Mrs. Tonya Moton (mother and son), Master and Mistress of Ceremonies, presented the awards to each honoree; upon receiving the award, each addressed the audience. A portion of the funds generated from the “Finer Womanhood Brunch” will be used to support and sponsor the following programs: Stork’s Nest (in collaboration with the March of Dimes and the Clyburn Primary Health Care Center); March of Dimes March for Babies; scholarships for high school graduates; Zeta Youth Auxiliaries; and Zetas Helping Other People Excel (Z-HOPE) to provide programs that address health disparities.

We pride ourselves on upholding the principles of Zeta as we move forward to Centennial and beyond! THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 281


In closing, we leave you with a quote we strongly believe in and that summarizes our continued participation in Zeta: “Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time.”  LAMBDA EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, LANCASTER, SC Lambda Epsilon Zeta Chapter is locally known as the Six Pack with the powerful punch because of the many community activities in which they participate. Each year, the chapter participates in several local street festivals in the city, many times being the only greek-lettered organization in attendance. In many instances the participation may not be unusual, but Lambda Epsilon Zeta is a six-member chapter.

KAPPA ETA ZETA CHAPTER, CAMDEN, SC In the last six years, Kappa Eta Zeta Chapter of Camden, SC has not only increased membership by at least 75 percent, but we have excelled at participating in over 200 community service projects, averaging approximately 20-25 service projects each sorority year. In 2012, we hit the ground running by adopting two schools and beginning an elder care initiative where we continue to nurture strong relationships and partnerships in our respective communities serving youth and the elderly. Furthermore, in 2013, Kappa Eta Zeta was awarded and recognized at the Southeastern Regional Conference and South Carolina State Leadership Conference for Z-HOPE efforts with only five active members. In 2015, Kappa Eta Zeta was the first chapter in the state of South Carolina to participate in the new initiative with the U.S. Wildlife and Refugee Centers taking over 20 youths ages 4-16 to learn more about our nature’s wildlife. For our efforts, we were recognized at the 2016 Grand Boulé as one of many chapters in Zeta to support our Grand Wright’s vision of creating celebratory firsts. Presently, Kappa Eta Zeta has over 20 financially active members and continues to create a lasting legacy in the rural and metropolitan areas of Kershaw County. In the current sorority year, we have completed over 10 Z-HOPE projects spending an average of one to three hours at each event and reaching anywhere between 75-200 people per event. In summary, Kappa Eta Zeta strives to continue creating lasting impressions in Kershaw County community and surrounding areas as well as supporting and enriching the national programs and initiatives that we hold dear to our hearts. Kappa Eta Zeta is a small, but mighty chapter whose love for service, scholarship, sisterhood and Finer Womanhood shape our interactions with each other, with the community, and most importantly, with our illustrious organization.


Lambda Epsilon Zeta has adopted Clinton Elementary School. Over the years, the chapter has provided the students with backpacks filled with school supplies, held an assembly on “Stranger Danger” and the importance of reading. The chapter also provides Christmas wishes for families whose children attend the school. Snacks are provided to all students during the PASS. Honor roll students and students with perfect attendance are also recognized each year with certificates. Elder Care is also one of our continuous local Z-HOPE projects. Lambda Epsilon Zeta has adopted GoldenCare Adult Health Services. The chapter has donated basic needs items, holiday cards, and provided other services. Zeta Day of Service 2017 was spent providing makeovers for the participants of GoldenCare. In addition to providing local services, Lambda Epsilon Zeta participates in March for Babies, Prematurity Awareness Sunday, Relay for Life; donates baby items to the Lancaster Enrichment Center (resource center for teen and young mothers.); and state Z-HOPE projects. The Six Pack always find time to bond with each other by sharing meals together or just hanging out. Nevertheless, Lambda Epsilon Zeta is honoring the legacy of Zeta by providing Scholarship, Sisterly love and Finer Womanhood in Lancaster, the state of South Carolina, and the Southeastern region.


MU PI ZETA CHAPTER, BEAUFORT, SC November 19, 2017 was a very special day in the life of Mu Pi Zeta Chapter, located in “beautiful-Beaufort-by-the-sea” of the South Carolina Lowcountry. It was on this date in 1983 that our chapter’s charter was officially granted to 13 energetic women. International Grand Basileus was Dr. Edith V. Francis. Soror Virginia T. Hansberry, Southeastern Regional Director, and Soror Macon A. Gardner, South Carolina State Director, conducted the chartering ceremony. In 2017, we celebrated with a Gospel Explosion concert featuring our own Dr. Marlena Smalls and the Hallelujah Singers, and a few local artists.

MU KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, MARION, SC Since the chartering of Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter in 1983 in Marion, SC, we have continued to work hard to show people who we are and not tell them who we are. In 2005, the city council of Marion declared and signed a proclamation stating the second week of March as Zeta Week. This avenue has provided a week of intense activities to showcase what we do all year long. During Zeta Week, recognitions are given based on the founding principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated: “Zeta of the Year” – Finer Womanhood, “Community Person of the Year” – Service, “Special Zeta” – Sisterhood, and “Education Promoter” – Scholarship. Since 2012, Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter has received numerous awards nationally, regionally, statewide and locally for Z-HOPE efforts, such as Chapter of the Year, Relay for Life Most Spirited Team, Marion County Pan Hellenic Organization of the Year, and 2016 and 2017 Model Chapter of the Year for the Pee Dee Area.

Our Zeta Youth Affiliates were established on March 16, 1985 and still function. On December 12, 2003, the Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Beaufort was chartered. On April 26, 2015, the induction and charter ceremony of our Undergraduate Chapter, Tau Upsilon, was held on the campus of the University of South CarolinaBeaufort. Zeta was the first predominantly African-American sorority chartered on a USC campus, where only two sororities and two fraternities were being allowed for the first time! Our Sorors are doing well. Mu Pi Zeta Chapter serves and is supported by the Beaufort community in its entirety. We have established four Stork’s Nests throughout the county. They are in partnerships with two churches, Weslely United Methodist and Queen Chapel A.M.E., and two medical complexes of the Beaufort-Jasper-Hampton Comprehensive Health Services. At the 2014 Grand Boulé, the chapter received the Certificate of Achievement for Stork’s Nest Outstanding Operations. We partner with the Thumbs Up! after school tutorial program and support several Elder Care programs. Mu Pi Zeta Chapter has been recognized at the local, state, regional, and national levels. Some of its credits include community organizations recognitions. At the South Carolina State Leadership Conference, the chapter has received Perfect Attendance Awards and the Model Chapter Award for 2016 and 2017. Tau Upsilon, our undergraduate chapter, won the Perfect Attendance Award and Model Chapter Award in 2016. Our

The chapter has partnered with several professional, civic and social organizations and schools in Marion, Dillon and Horry Counties to improved the quality of life for the citizens in our areas. We are especially proud of our adoption of the St. James Senior Connection Program, Mullins Nursing Home, Gordon Elementary School, Marion Intermediate School, and the Distinguish Gentlemen Club of Palmetto Middle School, as well as the four major health fairs we participate in each year. Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter has worked very hard to be one of the most influential community service organization in Marion County. With all the Sorors working together, Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter will continue to grow and shine by Building on the Principles of Zeta, While Blazing New Paths. 


SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS Zeta Amicae of Beaufort continuously win awards in Z-HOPE, attendance and other areas. Our own Amica Denise Charles is the 2017 South Carolina State and Southeastern Region Amicae Queen. Our members and Amicae are very active in offices and committees throughout our state and region. 

Murray (current State Director). The chapter has 13 energetic members, which include four original members. Our dynamic leader is Soror Angela Hartwell.


The Nu Delta Zeta Chapter of Greer, Taylors and Travelers Rest, South Carolina held a day of service as part of its Blue Revue activities. For the first time in the chapter’s history, “Little Gents” were added to the biennial Blue Revue. These elementary students, ages six to nine, performed community service projects with the chapter, attended etiquette classes and experienced new activities such as ice skating. 

Rho Kappa Zeta has worked diligently on many community projects and implemented several award-winning events. The chapter distinguished itself in service to the poor, the elderly, children, the disadvantaged, disabled veterans, and college students. The chapter adopted the Magnolia Manor Elderly Facility (Bingo games and prizes); High Hills Elementary School (backpack program); the Columbia Family Shelter (meals, presents, workshops, and school supplies); participate in special programs for disabled veterans; and provide college scholarships for deserving and needy students. With great success the chapter partnered with several organizations to raise funds and deliver services. For instance, we partnered with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Moe’s Restaurant, and the Nu Omicron Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. We are very proud of our three mother-daughter legacies. They are Tameka Brown and Elaine Brown; Rosa McElveen, Racquel Brown; Loutricia Talps and Golden Talps. Compassionate members of Rho Kappa Zeta united and raised funds to aid relief victims in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other hurricane disasters. The chapter takes great pride in its efforts to help transform communities through service and cheerful giving!

PHI PHI ZETA CHAPTER, JASPER COUNTY, SC Spending time with our favorite guy at Ridgeland Nursing Center. We taught him how to play the game Trouble. He enjoyed the time we spent together. He has since passed away. We have made some great friends at the center. We visit the center often sharing gifts, cards and their activities.  RHO KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, WEST COLUMBIA, SC Rho Kappa Zeta was chartered in 1999 in West Columbia, SC. The charter members are Soror B.J. Washington and Soror Latorsha 284 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

 DELTA MU CHAPTER, LANDER UNIVERSITY On October 31, 2017, members of Delta Mu Chapter, located at Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina provided educational materials and resources to Lander students on breast cancer.

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS The chapter had a table located in the student center on campus. The table was monitored by the chapter. The information was provided by Self Memorial Hospital and included guidelines for self-checking your breasts, early detection, mammograms and the services available at the cancer center.  IOTA LAMBDA CHAPTER, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN UNIV. The Iota Lambda Chapter has both participated and hosted many events to the Charleston area over the course of the last six years. In 2014, we hosted a raffle for March of Dimes; brought awareness and took donations for Sickle Cell Anemia; we hosted “Be Positive, You’re Negative,” a health seminar with our brothers of the Pi Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma; and we participated in our school’s annual Operation Christmas Child packing party where we packed 20 boxes. In 2015, we were a part of the MLK Day parade; performed Random Acts of Kindness for the entire month of February; hosted a Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Forum; and wrapped Christmas gifts for free at Barnes & Noble. To top of the year of 2015 ,we welcomed two new members to our illustrious chapter. In spring of 2016, we had a Founders’ Day yard show on campus and welcomed four new members to our incredible sisterhood. In fall of 2016, we hosted our first Domestic Violence Forum; collaborated with Sigma Gamma Rho; and we cleaned up the women’s resident halls. In spring 2017, we did the Statewide Day of Service at Jenkins Institute for Children; held a Zeta Week with events such as the Mid-Semester Cool Off and a March of Dimes Raffle. We finished the week with a new member presentation where we introduced three new beautiful Sorors to our campus. Presently, we have hosted Meet The Doves, an opportunity for incoming freshman to come and meet our chapter; partnered with our brothers in an event we called Blue Goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness; and hosted our Domestic Violence Forum again, with it being approved as an alternative Chapel Credit for our school.

We also have had several members hold an office in the Student Government Association. Activities hosted by us have included everything from our yearly Finer Womanhood Week to vision board parties to help students visualize where they would like to see themselves in the future.  PI RHO CHAPTER, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATE, SPARTANBURG Chartered on the campus of The University of South Carolina Upstate, the Pi Rho Chapter has been “Building on the Principles of Zeta” and making an impact on our campus, as well as in the community. Scholarship: Pi Rho’s current cumulative GPA is a 3.24. Soror Alexus Eadie and Soror Hailey Upchurch made the Dean’s List the Spring 2017 Semester. Soror Imari Robinson and Soror Akeela Dendy were accepted to the Nursing Program in 2016. Soror Jabria Reid, Soror Eadie and Soror Upchurch successfully completed internships in the Fall of 2017. Service: In the Spring of 2017, Pi Rho was awarded the Fraternity & Sorority Life Service Honor Roll award for providing superior philanthropic service to the community. This award was given to the Chapter who raised an average of $150 or more for charity per member; this included financial donations as well as in-kind gifts (food drives, coat drives, etc.). Service projects that helped us receive this award include our coat and blanket drive, as well as participating in Elder Care each month at a local nursing home. Sisterhood: Since the Spring of 2012, 19 Sorors have been initiated

 KAPPA BETA CHAPTER, BENEDICT COLLEGE Since 1948, the Kaptivating Kappa Beta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has exceeded in being the epitome of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood. Since 2012, Kappa Beta has had several members become Miss Benedict College, including our first Muslim member and current Miss Benedict College, Aseelah McKee, a Spring 2017 initiate. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 285

SOUTHEASTERN REGION CHAPTERS through the Pi Rho Chapter. The Chapter’s largest intake class of seven Sorors was initiated in Spring 2016 and the newest Soror became a member in Fall 2017. Finer Womanhood: During the last week of February 2017, we presented Finer Womanhood Week to the campus. During this week we put on events that helped us serve each population in the community: children, male and female students/staff, and Sorors. For children, we hosted an event called “Art for a Cause,” where we made placemats for the children who were residing in the children’s hospital. For students and staff, we did “Finer Fitness,” where we attended a hip-hop exercise class on campus. We also had a black history jeopardy game. Lastly, we fellowshipped with Sorors while doing Elder Care that weekend. As we go through each Sorority Year, we will continue to thrive and ensure that our organization flourishes on our campus.

at the Regional Conference as the Mistress of Ceremony for the Undergraduate Luncheon. The chapter has participated in contributing 189 items to the Women’s ROCK project, and raised money for March of Dimes. They also put together a College Skills Seminar for students at Morris College in addition to other activities. The members of the Pi Theta Chapter have and are currently showing zeal, passion, determination, hard-work, and have the consistent drive to make their organization, their chapter and the local communities excel. 



PI THETA CHAPTER, MORRIS COLLEGE, SUMTER Pi Theta was chartered on the illustrious campus of Morris College on Saturday, December 10, 1977 as the first black greek-lettered sorority to be chartered on the campus. Pi Theta chapter was chartered with eleven phenomenal women, with first advisor being Dr. Beatrice Gregg-Sanders. Dr. Gregg-Sanders started the legacy of greatness being named on one of Morris College’s building, ADMS, in addition to her great contribution to the Pi Theta Chapter and community. Over the years, women of the Pi Theta chapter have gained titles as Miss Morris College, First Attendant and other wonderful achievements. The Pi Theta Chapter is under the leadership of Cheryl Williams-Mack, South Carolina Undergraduate Coordinator. Pi Theta is at its peak currently with 13 members, all excelling effectively. Currently in this chapter, these women have grown and have accomplished many goals together and individually. Some of the achievements include Spring 2017 members Johnarra Bethea and Tanisha Williams being crowned first and second attendant to Miss Morris College in Sumter, South Carolina; Jessica Harris named representative for the Southeastern Region Undergraduate Members; and Jesa’ Parker representing the Pi Theta Chapter 286 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

BETA ALPHA NU ZETA CHAPTER, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO History was made on the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago when the Beta Alpha Nu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered in June 2016. Zeta is the first of any Divine Nine organization to have a presence on the island. The chapter adopted the The Just Because Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago as one of its first service projects. The foundation is an incorporated, non-profit, Paediatric Cancer support organization established to provide emotional, practical and social support for families of children with cancer. Beta Alpha Nu Zeta has raised funds for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and March for Babies. In addition to working with a homeless ministry, the chapter has hosted training sessions on financial literacy, the importance of exercise, caregiving for the mentally ill, violence against women, retirement and stress management.

Mighty SOUTHERN REGION Over the past six years, members of the Southern Region have been “On Fire” implementing programs, projects and initiatives for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated! With high expectations from our National, Regional and State leadership, our region has grown in membership, increased service projects and expanded sisterly connections to exemplify our founding principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. We are committed to “Making Excellence a Standard.”

The pedigree of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated illustrates that the service and social change we render and advocate for within our communities is impacting and shaping persons lives for the good. We hold scholarship in the highest regard, for not only our members and auxiliaries, but with those we engage through our efforts in Zetas Helping Other People Excel. Building bonds within our sisterhood empowers and strengthens each sister individually on a personal and professional level. Finer Womanhood is a lifestyle. The women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated “Mighty” Southern Region stand on the premise of ensuring we lead a life in which our family, friends, community see the light of God and our founding principles. We will continue “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths” today, to 2020 and beyond!

Kay Jones Rosebure Southern Regional Director 2012-2018

With the re-election of President Barack Obama and the newly elected International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Soror Mary Breaux Wright of the “Mighty” Southern Region, 2012 was motivation for members of the “Mighty” Southern Region to Be Inspired, Get Engaged and Stay Connected. With 89 years of legendary heritage, we are proud to be the home of our 12th International Grand Basileus Lullelia Walker Harrison, 16th International Grand Basileus Isabel Morgan Herson, 21st International Grand Basileus, the Honorable Barbara West Carpenter, PhD and the 24th International Grand Basileus Dr. Mary Breaux Wright. The Southern Region is comprised of East Texas, West Texas and Louisiana. Our leadership team: • East Texas: Gwendolyn Oquendo • West Texas: Rhetta Washington McCoy • Louisiana: Linda York (2012-2013), Christine Stringer (20132018) To establish the foundation for the sorority year, state directors met with the regional director to collaborate and share best practices for a successful year. In 2013, the regional finance team was invited to be a part of the planning and in 2015, the Regional Amicae Executive Board, as well as the Regional Undergraduate Member-at-Large (Soror Brooke Sullivan) were included. Since 2012, the region has grown to a membership of 2,014 graduate and undergraduate Sorors, of which 190 are life members. Our auxiliaries include Zeta Amicae, Pearlettes, Amicettes, Archonettes, Gems and Gents and the Zeta Male Network. We are

Southern Region Leadership Team

comprised of 50 graduate chapters, 44 undergraduate chapters, 24 Amicae auxiliaries, and 20 chapters with youth auxiliaries. There are 11 Stork’s Nests in the Southern Region. NEW CHARTERS: • Alpha Alpha Beta Zeta Chapter, De Ridder, Louisiana, August 26, 2013 • Upsilon Upsilon Chapter, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, April 29, 2015 • Phi Upsilon Chapter, Louisiana State University-Alexandria, Louisiana, October 26, 2015 • Chi Upsilon Chapter, University of North Texas, Dallas Campus, November 10, 2015 • Gamma Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter, New Roads, Louisiana, September 16, 2017 REINSTATED CHARTERS: • Gamma Alpha Zeta Chapter, Corpus Christi, Texas, Reinstated April 9, 2014 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 287


Southern Region Zetas

• • •

Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Springhill/Cullen, Louisiana, Reinstated November 18, 2014 Upsilon Iota Chapter, University of New Orleans, Louisiana, Reinstated January 28, 2015 Omicron Eta Chapter, University of Texas Arlington, Reinstated April 25, 2017

ZETA AMICAE AUXILIARIES REACTIVATED: • Zeta Amicae of Galveston, TX • Zeta Amicae of Dallas, TX • Zeta Amicae of El Paso, TX • Zeta Amicae of Natchitoches, LA

UNDERGRADUATE LEADERSHIP RETREATS Each year our collegiate Sorors and advisors travel to campuses to participate in the Annual Undergraduate Leadership Retreat where they take advantage of an enriching experience ... stepping, strolling and engaging in workshops designed especially for them. Regional scholarships are awarded to one undergraduate from each state: East Texas, West Texas and Louisiana. Academic medals are presented for GPAs maintained 3.0 and above. Each year the National Undergraduate Member-at-Large has participated in the historic “roll call”. In 2016, Sorors enjoyed the presence of Soror Frances Faithful, the daughter of Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful and niece of Founder Viola Tyler Goings, who shared with the group special memories of the Founders. Z-HOPE projects were implemented which left Zeta footprints in the communities.

REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE/BOARD MEETING AND YOUTH RETREATS June is the culmination of the sorority year and a time when chapters and auxiliaries come together to celebrate and recognize accomplishments. The regional leadership conference and board meetings begin with a day of leadership workshops which include invaluable updates that impact chapter operations and empower members with a self directed path for development. Business sessions are filled with significant information to take chapters to a new dimension. Luncheons and special programs provide opportunities for recognition of 25 year Sorors, Zeta Doves (50 years plus) and centenarians. Special moments are shared with the induction of Legacy Club members and remembrance of our triumphant Sorors. Special salutes are made to Visionaries on the 288 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Journey to Centennial. During our conference years, Life Members present named scholarships to deserving undergraduate members and engage in special Life Member community projects. We end with our Youth Awards luncheon which includes a salute to graduating seniors. There was record-breaking attendance at the 2015 and 2017 conferences, with over 700 registered.

AMICAE LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS Each year, Zeta Amicae of the Southern Region award scholarships during their regional workshop. The scholarships are named for the First Southern Regional Director, Soror Roberta Bell Sims, 12th International Grand Basileus Lullelia Walker Harrison and Amicae Workshop initiator, Soror Hazel Forrow Wilson. Zeta Amicae have committed $5,000 to the centennial, of which $3,000 has been paid. An annual Z-HOPE project of the Zeta Amicae of the Southern Region is the presentation of backpacks to a deserving school in the community. The first Amicae Legacy Club was inducted at the 50th Anniversary Workshop with 42 charter members. Their signature scholarship fundraiser is a contest to become Ms. Zeta Amicae of the Southern Region. The first winner in 2015 was Amica Lillian Melton of Lancaster, Texas, followed by Amica Dorothy Fruge’ of Opelousas, La. In 2016 and Amica Alisha Wilson of Lancaster, Texas in 2017.

SUPPORTING OUR SISTERS In August 2016, the region experienced historic flooding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana followed by unprecedented damage in August 2017 from Hurricane Harvey in the Houston, Beaumont/ Port Arthur, Galveston and surrounding areas. Many Sorors and auxiliary members lost their homes, cars and other personal properties. A SOS (Supporting Our Sisters) fund was established by the region for both occurrences. Approximately 20 members were affected in Baton Rouge and 50 in Texas. Gift cards, monetary donations, bottled water, cleaning supplies, clothing and other needed items were distributed to members of the Blue and White Family.

AREA WORKSHOPS Area Workshops provide opportunities for chapters to hear the latest and get informed about what is trending in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Service is what we do. Z-HOPE projects were implemented at each workshop and left an impact on

SOUTHERN REGION Southern Region Amicae Legacy Club

the communities. Our focus has been to implement Elder Care projects, the signature program of our International Grand Basileus.

Area I: Area Coordinator: Osariemen Osaghae • 2012: University of Texas El Paso, El Paso, TX - Hosted by Eta Iota Zeta and Tau Iota • 2013: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX – Hosted by Omicron Omega Zeta

Area II: Area Coordinators: Gennifer Cowan (2012-2014)/Shashonah Redmond (2014-2018) • 2012: Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX – Hosted by Chi Delta and Kappa Zeta • 2013: University of Texas, Austin, TX – Hosted by Alpha Kappa Zeta For 2014-2017, Area Workshops for West Texas were combined: • 2014: Baylor University, Waco, TX – Hosted by Nu Iota and Delta Upsilon Zeta • 2015: Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX Hosted by Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Zeta • 2016: Texas A&M University-Central, Killeen, TX - Hosted by Mu Delta Zeta • 2017: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX – Hosted by Lambda Omicron and Omicron Omega Zeta Area III: Area Coordinators: Mallery Griffin (2012-2014)/Brandi Brown (2014-2018) • 2012: Wiley College, Marshall, TX – Hosted by Theta and Upsilon Zeta • 2013 and 2016: The Black Box Theatre on Texas Middle School Campus, Texarkana, TX - Hosted by Gamma Kappa Zeta • 2014: LeTourneau University, Longview, TX – Hosted by Theta Mu Zeta

2015: Stephen F. Austin University, Nacogdoches, TX - Hosted by Psi Delta and Sigma Tau Zeta 2016: Black Box Theatre on Texas Middle School Campus, Texarkana, TX - Hosted by Gamma Kappa Zeta 2017: Tyler Junior College, Tyler, TX – Hosted by Zeta Kappa Zeta

Area IV: Area Coordinators: Tressie Wilson (2012-2014)/Adrian Hunt Marshall (2014-2018) • 2012: Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX – Hosted by Omega Gamma and Epsilon Lambda Zeta • 2013: Carter G. Woodson K-8 School, Houston, TX – Hosted by Lambda Zeta • 2014: Second Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX – Hosted by Alpha Pi Zeta • 2015: Bay Area Conference Center, Friendswood, TX - Hosted by Omega Delta Zeta • 2016: Bammel Church of Christ, Houston, TX -Hosted by Phi Iota Zeta • 2017: Harper Alternative School, Houston, TX – Hosted by Omicron Gamma Zeta Area V: Area Coordinator: Elberta Griffin • 2012: Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA – Hosted by Xi Epsilon and Mu Omega Zeta • 2013: Grambling State University, Grambling, LA – Hosted by Psi Beta and Epsilon Alpha Zeta • 2014: Louisiana State University-Alexandria, Alexandria, LA – Hosted by Zeta Phi Zeta • 2015: University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, LA - Hosted by Epsilon Omicron Zeta • 2016: Church of the Living God, Shreveport, LA. – Hosted by Beta Epsilon Zeta • 2017: Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA – Hosted by Psi Beta and Epsilon Alpha Zeta THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 289

SOUTHERN REGION Area VI: Area Coordinator: Mary Carter • 2012: Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA – Hosted by Beta Alpha and Mu Zeta • 2013: University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Lafayette, LA – Hosted by Nu Epsilon Zeta • 2014: Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA – Hosted by Omicron Sigma Zeta • 2015: McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA - Hosted by Beta Kappa Zeta • 2016: Southern University New Orleans, New Orleans, LA – Hosted by Alpha Gamma Zeta • 2017: Slidell High School, Slidell, LA – Hosted by Tau Kappa Zeta


January 2013: Houston, TX – National Executive Board Meeting December 2013: National Training: Regional Trainers for Youth and Undergraduate Advisors and Amicae Sponsors January 2015: Houston, TX – National Executive Board Meeting “Journey to Centennial” Launch Party October 2016: Houston, TX - ZOL Committee Planning Meeting January 2017: Dallas, TX – National Executive Board Meeting Kick-Off of the Centennial Global Year of Service January 2018: New Orleans, LA – National Executive Board Meeting July 2018: New Orleans, LA - Grand Boulé


• • • •

Participated in Text for Babies shower sponsored by Feel Rich and Johnson & Johnson, 2012 Participated in Black Women’s Agenda Forum in Houston, TX, 2015 Capital Campaign Contribution at 2014 Grand Boulé - $26,450 ($25,000 region; $685 youth; $765 Southern Regional Directors) Upgrade 1734 Donation - $5,000 (Southern Region plus $125 Youth Auxiliaries) Centennial Contribution - $10,000 Contributions to the National Educational Foundation Supported and Contributed to Founder Projects: • Zeta Day in Hannibal, MO – Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons historical marker • Atlantic Region - Founder Stemons Headstone Project • Founder Pearl Anna Neal Gratitude Plaque • Tyler Sisters Memorial Project • Founder Fannie Pettie Watts historical marker Contributed to National Initiatives: March of Dimes, Women Veterans ROCK, Operation Homefront


• • • • • • • • •

Maintenance program for water well in Africa Contributed to Southeastern and Eastern Regions’ SOS Regional chapters contributed to the National SOS (Sisters Outreaching to Sisters) Texas Blue and White Day at the Refuge, 2016 Attended Dedication Ceremony of Texas African American History Memorial – South Lawn Texas Capitol Texas Blue and White Day at the Capitol – Austin, Texas, 2017 LA Blue and White Day at the Capitol – Baton Rouge, LA, 2017 Zeta Sigma Reaffirmation – State of Louisiana, 2017 The first statewide Sigma-Zeta Blood Drive in Louisiana


Nsombi Roberts – Inspiring Undergraduates Award

Zeta Amicae Membership • Second Place, Region – Southern Region Best Dressed Nest • Third Place - Lambda Zeta Outstanding Nests Operations • First Place - Lambda Zeta; Second Place - Mu Zeta; Third Place - Alpha Pi Zeta March of Dimes National Challenge • Second Place – Kappa Zeta; Third Place, States - Texas ZPAP Challenge Winner vs. Eastern Region Top Graduate Membership • First Place – Kappa Zeta; Third Place – Lambda Zeta Largest Graduate Intake • Third Place - Lambda Zeta Reclamation • Third Place, Region – Southern Region • Second Place, State – East Texas • First Place – Kappa Zeta; Second Place – Lambda Zeta Largest Auxiliary • First Place - Lambda Zeta; Third Place - Alpha Chi Zeta Top 5 States Membership • Second Place - Texas National Z-HOPE, Small Chapter • First Place - Sigma Tau Zeta Scrapbook • Third Place - Upsilon Nu Zeta Pearls in the Wild • Lambda Zeta; Epsilon Omicron Zeta

Southern Region THE STATE OF LOUISIANA I am proud to have served as the Louisiana State Director under the Dynamic “Wright Administration”. It has been a wonderful, humbling experience working with the large number of chapters and auxiliaries as we used each and every opportunity to positively impact the lives of women, men, youth and seniors. I am extremely appreciative of the opportunity and the hard work and commitment that lent to the success of all members. We have given, unselfishly, of our time and funds to voluntarily provide service to educate the public, assist youth, provide scholarships, support organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change; all this with the enthusiasm of being at the forefront of the ever-changing needs of society. It has been a pleasure working with the leadership on all levels of this great organization. The opportunity to meet the many members from all over – but most importantly to serve the great membership of the “Great State of Louisiana” was indeed an Honor! Christine Stringer Louisiana State Director 2013-2018

SCHOLARSHIP Louisiana increased the number of chapters providing scholarships and making an impact to scholars in the community.

SERVICE Louisiana was involved with strengthening the community and bridging social barriers by visiting and participating in capitol event, addressing key concerns and impact to the State.

existing chapters to revitalize by increasing recruiting, reclaiming, and most importantly retaining members. Utilizing to the fullest “Bringing Our Sisters Back Home” as a recruitment effort. A large number of members were inducted in the newly established/chartered Myrtle and Viola Tyler National Legacy Club.

FINER WOMANHOOD We participated in the statewide Wildlife and Fisheries Event, Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Monroe, LA, to improve appearance of historical gravesite State Involvement – fulfilling obligations in the following: •

Louisiana Statewide Blood Drive, making a difference in the lives of others, supporting the community

State of Louisiana 2020 Visionaries - Official Centennial Campaign

Contributed to Upgrade 1734

St .Jude

Capital Campaign

Supporting/Saving our Sisters Contributions

National Educational Foundation’s Lullelia W. Harrison Counseling Scholarship in memory of Margaret Breaux

SISTERHOOD Louisiana increased membership by chartering additional chapters, reactivating auxiliaries in the areas, and encouraging

Positive difference with fulfilling the requirement to ensure training was provided in areas of concentration and leadership. Louisiana was receptive to valuable training put in place to ensure policies and procedures were known, and to ensure we were conducting Zeta business in decent and orderly in accordance with established, known guidelines with uniformity throughout the state. We are excited about the training/certification provided to equip us as leaders. The move toward more standardization has been great and it has made for smoother operations. This greatly increased and enhanced the numbers of members stepping up for positions of increased responsibility and leadership. Charters enhanced the bond with fellowship by established group celebrations such as Founders’ Day Celebration and support of mentorship to Undergraduate members.

AWARDS Awards and honors received include members being crowned Miss Black Louisiana USA and graduate members receiving high accreditations with graduation. Increased number of members participating in scholarships competed among the Region for higher learning and educational opportunities. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 291


Past International Grand Basileus Dr. Barbara West Carpenter poses with Southern Region Sorors

Upsilon Mu Zeta Chapter (Tri-Parish Area, LA) attend the Area VI Workshop


Southern Region EAST TEXAS My East Texas journey as State Director began in August 2012 and it has been the best opportunity that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has offered me yet. I thank Dr. Mary Breaux Wright, International Grand Basileus, for the appointment as East Texas State Director. I further thank Our Grand for her wisdom in creating Team Arizona. I treasure every moment with my fellow state directors. I learned from my fellow state directors and I hope that they learned from me as well. Each opportunity that Team Arizona was able to meet made me a believer that we were growing in Zeta. Our role was amplified with the understanding that we were to lead our states, as directed, with the founding principles as our guide. My East Texas State Director journey‘s first step happened at Prairie View A&M University with Epsilon Lambda Zeta and Omega Gamma Chapters hosting the Area Workshop IV with over 250 Zetas and Amicae training with zeal! Since September 2012, each Area Workshop grew in width and depth for a shared understanding of our Zeta principles while meeting the demands of our sisterhood and community.

The East Texas Zetas are Pathfinders that light the way. We proudly stand on our principles and stand by to uphold Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. The East Texas Pathfinders are the Zetas and Amicae that serve their communities on “The Right Side of Texas” and share Interstate 35 as the dividing line between East and West Texas. We have served Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and the needs of our community honorably within the last six years. We proudly stand on our principles and stand by to uphold Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood.

SCHOLARSHIP East Texas Zetas uphold our scholarship principles at 11 colleges and universities and two city chapters while supporting postgraduate education for our alumnae chapters. The scholarship highlights below represent our commitment: The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (WHIHBCUs) named Wiley Junior Nateisha Choice a 2015 HBCU All-Star. Soror Choice is among 83 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students nationwide selected to be HBCU All Stars from a pool of more than 450 studentapplicants to the program. Students were selected based on their accomplishments in academics, leadership, and civic engagement. Liberty County proclaimed Friday, November 6, 2015 as Diamond White Day because of her exemplary academic achievements. Diamond White, Omega Gamma Chapter, Prairie View A&M University student graduated December 12, 2015 completing a

Gwendolyn Oquendo East Texas State Director 2012-2018

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. She graduated from college in three years and is a past recipient of the Governor Bill Daniel Scholarship and Ambassador for the Mo-to-Go Education Armadillo College Festival and Education Against Violence Program among other activities.

SERVICE Each Area Workshop highlighted the host chapter’s signature community project from Fall 2012- Fall 2017. This is representative of our commitment to the Grand’s national goals and the state goal to exploit every opportunity to serve: •

2012: Area III (Stork’s Nest; Upsilon Zeta Stork’s Nest, Marshall, TX); Area IV (Adopt-A-School; Jackson Elementary School, Hempstead, TX)

2013: Area III (Adopt-A-School: Westlawn Elementary School); Area IV (Stork’s Nest:- Sunnyside Multiservice Center and Mount Vernon Methodist Church, Houston)

2014 : Area III (Adopt-A-School: South Ward Elementary School); Area IV (Elder Care: Ella Austin Community Center)

2015: Area III (Woman (Body): American Cancer Society “Covers Of Love”); Area IV (Elder Care: Friendship Haven)

2016: Area III (Elder Care: Heritage Plaza Nursing Center); Area IV (Basic Needs: Manna Food Pantry)

2017: Area III (Elder Care: Greenbrier Nursing & Rehab and Chandler Nursing Center); Area IV (Adopt-A-School: Willowridge High School)

SISTERHOOD We initiated new members, reclaimed old members, and added THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 293

EAST TEXAS to the Southern Region experience in East Texas by sharing our community with local and visiting Sorors: •

Houston: National Executive Board --- Team Arizona (All State Directors) Dinner, January 2013

Houston: Amicae Sponsor, Undergraduate Advisor, and Youth Advisor Certification Training, December 2014

Houston: Grand Wright hosted the Regional Directors’ Retreat; East and West Texas State Directors and Houston Area Chapter Basilei provided Texas-flavored hospitality, August 2015

Houston: ZOL Committee met to plan for the upcoming training, October 2015

LaRhonda Hamilton, Gamma Kappa Zeta Chapter and Southern Region Texas Youth Coordinator, joined Tyler Junior College as a professor of criminal justice in Fall 2017.

Dr. Tammy F. Donaldson, Gamma Alpha Zeta Chapter member and Immediate Past Basileus, elected Vice President to the Corpus Christi Black Chamber of Commerce Board, 2017-2019

AWARDS The cornerstone of East Texas Zetas’ achievements include community service and the heartfelt donations made to support our National Partner, March of Dimes. •

2013: Texas, March of Dimes Southern Region Top State Fundraiser

Today’s world is significantly improved by Zetas taking their place in the community as leaders in business and education. East Texas Zetas excelled in meeting and surpassing national goals with a few highlights listed below:

2014: Texas, March of Dimes Southern Region Top State Fundraiser

2015: Texas, March of Dimes Southern Region Top State Fundraiser

2016: Texas, March of Dimes Southern Region Top State Fundraiser

2014-2016 National: First Place, Z-HOPE Award - Sigma Tau Zeta Chapter

2014-2016 National: First Place , Outstanding Operations, Stork’s Nest - Lambda Zeta Chapter

2014-2016 National: Third Place, Outstanding Operations, Stork’s Nest - Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter

2014 National: First Place, Best Dressed Nest - Lambda Zeta Chapter


Keisha Beasley, Phi Iota Zeta Chapter member and Past East Texas State Director, elected 2015-2016 President of the American Business Women’s Association – Greenspoint Chapter; selected 2015 Woman of the Year and 2015 Woman of Excellence Tressey Wilson, Past Epsilon Lambda Zeta Chapter Basileus and Area IV Coordinator, elected to serve as trustee 20162019 for the Hempstead Independent School District (ISD) Board Sha’Terra Johnson Fairley, Past Sigma Tau Zeta Chapter Basileus and Southern Region Public Relations Coordinator, joined Stephen F. Austin State University as School of Social Work professor in Fall 2016.

Undergraduates of East Texas attend an Area Workshop

Epsilon Delta Chapter - Lamar University, Beaumont, TX


Southern Region WEST TEXAS “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.”

In August 2012, I was humbled to receive the call, from International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, to serve as the next West Texas State Director of our great sisterhood. Since then, I have been on an amazing journey with the youth, Amicae and Sorors in West Texas, and I can honestly say that if I had to do it all over again, I would. I have enjoyed working with my fellow Southern Region State Directors as we collaborated on ways to move our states forward, and I am grateful to our Southern Regional Director, Kay Jones Rosebure, for allowing me to be innovative within my state. I have loved the time spent working with our Area Coordinators, Basilei and chapters. Their work, and their ability to embrace and support the sorority’s programs on all levels make them the reason that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is the Best in the West. I am forever grateful to all of the past West Texas State Directors. They have supported me with kind words, gentle guidance, prayers and lots of love throughout this journey. My walk in their footsteps was made easier because of their continued support. I truly believe that serving others is my life passion. I will never forget this opportunity to make an impact on our sisterhood, and I will continue to pay my rent of service going forward.

Rhetta Washington McCoy West Texas State Director 2012-2018


Participation in Community Missionary Baptist Church Annual College Fair

Z-NEF $500 donation in memory of Mrs. Margaret Breaux

Texas Blue and White Day at the Refuge •

Collaboration with East Texas Zetas and Texas Sigmas

Members and their youth spent a day at the Balcones Refuge in Marble Falls, TX learning about wildlife in Texas

SERVICE Zeta Family March of Dimes’ Story Spotlights • Highlighted members of West Texas that had a March of Dimes story to share Elder Care •

Instituted in 2014, this became a yearly state initiative with the State of Texas’ Adult Protective Services (APS)

Over four years, supplied four resource rooms across the state with hundreds of daily needs items for our senior and/ or disabled population

Supplied APS Community Relations Specialists with “Thinking of You” cards to be given to the clients during home visits

Blue and White Day at the Texas Capitol

Over 75 Members of the Texas Blue and White family spent a day at the Texas Capitol speaking with legislators about causes and concerns most important to us

Received recognition from both the Texas House and the Texas Senate

SISTERHOOD Quarterly Basilei Conference Call • Instituted in 2012 as a means to foster relationships among the Basilei

Texas Blue and White Day at the Capitol •

This inaugural activity was held in February 2017

West Texas Workshop

Collaboration with East Texas Zetas and Texas Sigmas

Instituted in 2014; held annually since its inception THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 295


Held annually since its inception

This initiative combined the Area I and Area II Workshops into one West Texas Workshop

Included sisterhood bonding activities that showcased the chapters in West Texas, chapter awards and recognitions, all certification training and memberled workshops

Blue and White Day at the Refuge

West Texas Virtual Basilei Retreat •

Instituted in 2015; held annually since its inception

Utilized Adobe Connect to engage the Basilei in activities and training to prepare for the upcoming sorority year

Membership “Five for the Founders” Membership Campaign • Provided incentive for each member responsible for bringing five new members to the sisterhood through recruitment and/or reclamation • Provided incentive for the chapters with the largest percentage increase 40 Percent Increase in membership • West Texas has grown from under 430 members in 2012 to over 600 to date Chartered Chi Upsilon Chapter on the campus of the University of North Texas Dallas • First Greek lettered sorority to be chartered on the campus Reinstated Omicron Eta Chapter on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington

Utilized Adobe Connect to host New Member Showcase welcoming and introducing New Members to West Texas

FINER WOMANHOOD Setup West Texas Social Media presence/footprint •

Utilized Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to highlight West Texas Zetas

Launched “WTX Zetas” Bling Boutique Items •

Showcased unity and pride among the Sorors and Amicae of West Texas

Proceeds benefited Z-NEF, Capital Campaign, Upgrade 1734, Centennial

West Texas Zetas “Celebrate Motherhood” Social Media Campaign Sorors and Amicae of West Texas



with recommitting ourselves to our beloved sisterhood, honoring our Five Pearls, our Amicae, Undergraduates and Zeta of the Year. We have programs, a celebratory luncheon and a Sit-in at a local church. We are preparing for 2018 Boulé with much anticipation and excitement. We welcome all of our Sorors to come and enjoy all that New Orleans has to offer. 

ALPHA GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER, NEW ORLEANS, LA Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter has had many successes and things to celebrate during this period. The principles upon which our sisterhood was founded are reflected in the chapter’s outreach programs of which our members contribute many volunteer hours of service to the community, provide scholarships for youth and Undergraduates, promote legislation for social change and support organized charities. In June of 2013 we held a memorable gala, “Exemplifying Love, Excellence, Purity and Strength for 75 years.” Our special honoree was our first initiated member, the Late Lucille B. Hunter. In June 2018, we will celebrate 80 amazing years of Zetadom. Many of our chapter initiatives have been successful throughout this period. Z-HOPE projects have expanded, thereby receiving recognition at Regional conferences and Boulé. We volunteer at the Making Strides for Breast cancer breakfast registering teams for the yearly October walk. We participate in the walk with our undergraduates, and volunteer the morning of the walk. We have partnered with New Orleans Solid Rock Foundation and will be assisting with their annual Toys for Tots Drive. We hosted an Elder Care summit this year focusing on the caregiver of love ones. The chapter yearly gives scholarships of $500.00 to qualified undergraduates and local high school students. To support scholarship and academics, we host an annual Buds and Blossoms presentation tea for youth ages 4-12. Our Adopt-A-School initiative has provided school supplies to a local elementary school and tutoring to underprivileged youth. Membership has grown each year through reclamation, retention and membership intake. In the last three years, we have had 29 new members participate in MIP and reclaimed 27. Our chapter has participated in Boulés, Regional conferences, Webinars and Area VI workshops, in which our current Basileus, Mary Carter, serves as the coordinator; “a Good Zeta is a well informed Zeta.” Founders’ Day and Finer Womanhood are celebrated annually

BETA KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, LAKE CHARLES, LA A Legacy of Service is the epitome of what sets Beta Kappa Zeta Chapter on fire. Located in Lake Charles, Louisiana, the chapter has risen the bar as the premier sorority by devoting countless effort and time to giving back to the local community. Since 2012, the chapter has hosted its Backpack Giveaway, Community Baby Shower, and Cotillion, annually, and are considered to the chapter’s premier service events. The Annual Backpack Giveaway was an idea pitched by Soror Kimberly Lewis of One Weak Too Strong Ministries to Beta Kappa Zeta. After further discussion, both organizations collaborated for the first Backpack Giveaway held August 2013. Since 2013, the Backpack Giveaway has continued to grow in numbers where from the first year, the chapter gave away a little over 100 backpacks to currently now giving away over 300 backpacks filled with school supplies. The chapter has received much support from the local community and expects the event to continue to grow in years to come. The Community Baby Shower is another event held annually by Beta Kappa Zeta. The Community Baby Shower is an event held to benefit Stork’s Nest where people from the community can bring items they wish to donate to the chapter’s Stork’s Nest such as blankets, diapers, wipes, baby clothes, and more. Local vendors participate in the Community Baby Shower by providing information on resources that are available to women who are mothers or are expectant mothers.


SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS The Annual Cotillion is an event hosted by the chapter to showcase youth in the community who attend the local high schools in Southwest, Louisiana. Each year, 30 plus youth are presented to the community as Debutantes and Beaus. During the months leading up to the Cotillion, the youth participate by attending workshops for personal, professional, and college preparation. Leaders in the community speak with the youth in hopes of them attaining and applying the knowledge given to them. Miss Debutante and Mr. Beau are crowned at the conclusion of Cotillion and hold their titles until the next royalty is crowned. Our Legacy of Service is everlasting, Beta Kappa Zeta Chapter.

Sibley-Montgomery and Eunice Stafford-Foster) were also Charter Members of Mu Omega Zeta Chapter. The undergraduates along with the Zeta Amicae of Natchitoches also celebrate Founders’ Day and work on Z-HOPE projects throughout the year collaboratively with Mu Omega Zeta Chapter. Soror Yalaunda Toliver-Taylor, Life Member is serving as the newly elected Basileus and is working to continue the sense of urgency to help in our community just as the past Chapter Basilei have. We pay homage to them for their leadership and seeing that Zeta’s light never goes dim in North/Central Louisiana since 1984. We also say “Thank You” to Past Chapter Basilei Dororthy McGaskey, Roxie Beck-Braxton (Triumphant Soror), Scherry Hardison, Linda Howard, Sontonia Helaire, Stephanie Sewell and Jessica Askew.

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NU EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, LAFAYETTE, LA MU OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, NATCHITOCHES, LA Mu Omega Zeta Chapter has been hard at work in their community for the past five years (2012-2017) with a focus on an increase in membership. As a result, Mu Omega Zeta Chapter has welcomed nine new members (Jessica Askew, Candice Nelson, Patricia Beaudion, Catherine Braxton, Pamela Kendricks, Cheryl Remo, Willie Mae Clark, Chasity McClendon, and Kayla Viree, two transfer members (Yalaunda Toliver-Taylor and Rolanda Martin) and reclaimed one member (Judie Barnum). These Sorors came in with a willingness to serve and let their Zeta Lights shine throughout Natchitoches Parish. Some of the community service projects they have led include the following: Relay for Life, Think Pink Sunday, Wigs for Awareness, Prematurity Awareness Sunday, Zetas Go Red, Fan Give- Away, Blanket Give-Away, Read for the Record, MLK Day of Service- Reading to the Elderly, Scholarship Awards, Adopt-A-School, Read Across America, Feed the Homeless, Voter’s Registration, Food Pantry Volunteers, and March for Babies. The members of Mu Omega Zeta serve because they care about Helping Other People Excel. Mu Omega Zeta is the sponsoring graduate chapter to Xi Epsilon Chapter at Northwestern State University and work with them each year to host the Annual Blue and White Reunion held during Homecoming Weekend. One of the highlights of the 2014 Reunion was when five of the seven charter members of Xi Epsilon: Jacqueline Strong-Griffin, Connie Levo-Howard, Josephine Johnson-Franklin, Mary Sibley-Montgomery,and Eunice Stafford -Foster came to Homecoming to be honored. They were also loved on because two of the seven Xi Epsilon Charter Members ( Mary 298 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

In the last six years, Nu Epsilon Zeta has been blazing new paths in the community. The chapter has diligently worked on our signature calendar project that helps fund scholarships to be given out at the National Pan-Hellenic Council – Lafayette Council’s annual scholarship program. Our chapter has been able to award 3 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in our community. This year marks a rewarding milestone with of our signature calendar project as it is our “30th Edition.” The chapter has continued to shine a light on women in the community through our annual Finer Womanhood program held in March. Our chapter continues to support March of Dimes at the March for Babies walk as well as raising funds to donate. As an annual service project, our chapter continues to support the Martin Luther King Jr program on Martin Luther King Day by setting up a table for March of Dimes to promote, educate, and bring awareness in the community on premature babies. As a chapter, we do fellowship together as a sisterhood for Founders’ Days, graduations, or even just because. As the sponsoring chapter of Omega Eta on University of Louisiana at Lafayette, our chapter supports them in all programs from membership to servicing the community. Recently, our chapter has co-sponsored Omega Eta’s 40 year reunion to support them in celebrating this milestone.  OMICRON SIGMA ZETA CHAPTER, BATON ROUGE, LA Omicron Sigma Zeta Chapter is “Building on the Principles of Zeta while Blazing New Paths.” We adhere to the tenets of Zeta

SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS Zeta Youth: During 2012-2016, our Amicettes and Archonettes were a vital asset representing us during the Southern Regional Youth Retreats bringing home many trophies in events ranging from Spelling Contest to Poetry. The girls were consistent in local community service with Holiday Helpers, MOD activities, and the first ever Sweetness & Swag Etiquette Workshop in 2015 drawing nearly sixty youth to the event. Scholarship: Investing in our young women is how we instill the principles of Zeta. OSZ has awarded nine additional Georgia D. Sanders scholarships to young ladies in the community since 2012.  PSI EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER, SPRINGHILL/CULLEN, LA through National initiatives as well as long-standing and new local partnerships. Membership: Since 2012, under the leadership of Past Basileus Dianna Zachary and Basileus Jean Robinson, OSZ has increased its membership by 25 percent. Additionally, several of our Sorors reached membership milestones from 25 to 52 years of uninterrupted service to Zeta. Hail to our Dove, Soror Elsenia Young. Service: Meeting needs through Z-HOPE initiatives: •

Adopted THRIVE Academy

EBRSO Back to school giveaway

GBR NPHC toy drive

Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation (Walks & Drives)

March of Dimes (PAM and MFB activities)

Volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul, St. Clare Manor Nursing Home, Holiday Helpers, OLOL Children’s Hospital, the Battered Women’s Center, the NAACP

In 2011, Psi Epsilon Zeta chapter membership was seeking chapter management and maintenance training as a newly chartered chapter. Therefore, the Sorors attended several Leadership training and certification activities across the state. The goal was and had always been to grow Zeta and make Zeta more visible in the Springhill/Cullen Community. In 2012, the chapter membership took a downward spiral due to several Sorors who were in leadership roles becoming ill and/ or relocating. As a result Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter became inactive for a period of time. In 2014, Members of Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter attended the 40 Year Anniversary of Xi Epsilon Chapter in Natchitoches, LA at their Alma Mata, Northwestern State University. They celebrated 40 years of Uninterrupted Service as an Undergraduate Chapter. It was there that the following Sorors made the decision to reclaim and become a part of Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter and committed to the reactivation of the chapter with Soror Rolanda Martin as their Chapter Basileus : Soror Cloteal West-Chembles, Regina Buford, Ruthie Malone-Jackson and LaTresha Easter. In 2015, The Ladies of Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter participated in several community activities. They participated the Springhill Black History Parade, played Bingo with the senior citizens at

In the 2015-2016 sorority year, OSZ began several first initiatives. We were able to contribute to Wigs for Awareness by sponsoring our first “Blutiful in Pink” to celebrate survivors during breast cancer awareness month. Within two years, we have tripled the number of wigs collected since its inception. We have donated and participated in the MS Walks since 2015. Also, we held our first ever Heart Health Program in February 2015 for Heart Health Month. In 2015 and 2016, we served homeless veterans of the Raven’s Outreach Center by providing them with toiletries and snacks. On January 16, 2017, in fostering our Global Day of Service, we volunteered at Woman’s Hospital NICU compiling packets. This service opportunity led to a new partnership with Woman’s Hospital.


SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS the Carrington Nursing Home, and supported a local Breast Cancer Survivor by making a monetary donation. They gathered together to celebrate the end of a great start by fellowshipping over dinner and celebrating Sorors’ Birthdays. They continued to seek training and certification by attending workshops which lead to them hosting an informational program to draw interested ladies for Membership. During the 2015- 2017 Sorority years the focus was community service and membership increase. Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter was actively involved in the Springhill/Cullen community hosting Legal Clinics, Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness Programs, Volunteering Transportation on Election Day, Giving to the March of Dimes, Collecting Wigs for Awareness, Reading to Students during Read Across America, and Volunteering with the Elderly on MLK Day of Service.

annually at the Leukemia Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk. In support of breast cancer survivors and our members who are survivors, members have visited church services to help bring awareness and show our support. Our babies are important to us so we have shared information on premature awareness to members of different church congregations. Our seniors are not forgotten. The members of the chapter enjoy volunteering at the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for our seniors. On November 30, 2017, the chapter moved forward with educating seniors as part of the Elder Care Initiative on Brain Health. Seniors at St. Charles Parish Council on Aging were presented with information on Brain Health signs and symptoms. 

In August 2017, Soror Vadeisha Williams was elected as the new Chapter Basileus. She states that “We look forward to making new strides in Zeta as we Journey to Centennial 2020 by increasing our membership, and participation in the Founders’ Day and Finer-Womanhood Observance Activities as well as attending Workshops, Regional Conference and Boulé 2018.” 


UPSILON MU ZETA CHAPTER, LAPLACE, LA The members of Upsilon Mu Zeta have spent many hours in the community volunteering and sponsoring community service events. The members are dedicated to improving the lives of children through book stipend awards given annually to graduating seniors from St. Charles, St. John and St. James Parishes. With limited resources in St. John Parish, the chapter selected Fifth Ward Elementary School to adopt and has spent numerous hours visiting the school, reading to classes, donating school supplies including back packs (Z-Pack) and donating educational tools to improve the school library. The educational tools donation was done to recognize 2017 Read Across America. The chapter is a sponsor of the annual St. John Teen Town Hall and St. Charles Youth Rally. Upsilon Mu Zeta members conducted a workshop on Combat Bullying at the St. Charles Youth Rally on August 5, 2017. We are aware of how diseases are plaguing our communities. Members of the chapter have supported and volunteered 300 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Omega Eta has been keeping the light of Zeta shining in the community and on campus. The chapter participates in activities sponsored by National Pan-Hellenic Council on UL Lafayette campus as well as supporting the other fellow Greeks of the PanHellenic and Interfraternity council on campus to show Greek unity. Our chapter supports and uplifts each other when it comes to scholarship, which has paid off as our chapter had the highest sorority GPA in spring 2016. To promote service throughout the community, the chapter has participated in a many community service projects such as Acadiana Games, March for Babies walk, and Martin Luther King Jr Program. With having Nu Epsilon Zeta chapter as our sponsoring chapter, it has been rewarding to accumulate so much support even with our chapter celebrating “40 years Finer” this year at homecoming. It has brought all of us together even more as we co-sponsored all events with Nu Epsilon Zeta. Recently, our secretary, Tia Moore, competed and was crowned the 2017 Miss Phi Beta Sigma representing Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, Iota Iota Chapter as their new queen.  XI EPSILON CHAPTER, NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY, LA Xi Epsilon Chapter was chartered on the campus of Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, LA during the Spring of 1974. It

SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS Xi Epsilon Chapter members have participated in the Annual Founders’ Day Collaborative Program each year in January with the Zeta Amicae of Natchitoches, sponsoring graduate chapter, Mu Omega Zeta Chapter (Natchitoches ,LA) and other Graduate Chapters of North Louisiana such as Chi Nu Zeta Chapter (Vidalia, LA) and Psi Epsilon Zeta Chapter (Springhill/Cullen, LA) whose charter members where once members of Xi Epsilon Chapter. This annual collaborative effort has come to be known as the North/ Central Louisiana Consortium established by Soror Yalaunda Taylor in 2016.  has had 43 years of Uninterrupted Service. Over the past six years Xi Epsilon Chapter has had 21 Sorors to graduate in the areas of Criminal Justice, Computer Information Systems, Biology, Social Work, Mathematics, Scientific Inquiry, Education, Psychology, Family Consumer Science, Nursing and Graphic Design. Of those graduates the following graduated with honors Cum Laude: Rikia Ancar in 2015, Magna Cum Laude: Rosa Tusa and Deanna Bourgeois-Potier in 2016, Angel Greer and Brittany Jackson in 2017 and Summa Cum Laude: Ebony Ford in 2014. Xi Epsilon Chapter members lead the campus Greek Life in the area of academics with the highest GPA of ALL Greek Letter Organizations 2012-2015. As a result of their good scholarly averages the following Sorors have received the Roberta BellSims Scholarship from the Southern Region: Angel Greer, Rose Tusa, Brittany Jackson and Latrice Smith. The Chapter and or its members have received numerous Awards and Honors on campus, at the state and regional level in Zeta. Several members have been pageant winners and Homecoming Court Members. There has been a membership increase of 43 members from 20132017 with each semester yielding a MIP Induction Group of 5-10 members under the leadership of JuanKeitha Jones who served as the Undergraduate Advisor. Scholarship, Service, and Leadership has always been the focus of the members of Xi Epsilon Chapter. Our members exude those qualities and have been actively visible and involved throughout the campus and community as members of other organizations such as The National Pan-Hellenic Council, The Order of Omega, Purple Jackets, Blue Key Club, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, and SGA. Xi Epsilon has established some “First” and Signature events that are unique to them in the past that are long standing such as the following: The First Annual Christmas Festival Greekshow was established in 1990 by Yalaunda Toliver-Taylor, who is now serving as the Basileus of the Sponsoring Graduate Chapter, Mu Omega Zeta Chapter. The members of Xi Epsilon have continued the tradition every fall for the past 26 years. Other “First” are the Finer Womanhood Week: Week of Service since 2014, as well as the Mr. Blue and White Pageant, Blue FuZion Stroll Off and the End of the Year Banquet since 2016.


LAMBDA ZETA CHAPTER, HOUSTON, TX Lambda Zeta Chapter, the third largest chapter in our organization, is home to Soror Mary Breaux Wright, 24th International Grand Basileus; Triumphant Soror Lullelia Walker Harrison, 12th International Grand Basileus; and Soror Kay Jones Rosebure, 19th Southern Regional Director. Chartered on March 29, 1934, Lambda Zeta Chapter, the “Premier Chapter” of the “Mighty” Southern Region, was the second graduate chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated in Texas and has a rich and illustrious history. Leadership development is a fundamental characteristic of Lambda Zeta. Chapter members have held nearly every elected position in the “Mighty” Southern Region and several National elected and appointed positions. We have produced two International Grand Basilei, four Southern Regional Directors, and two East State Directors. Lambda Zeta Chapter has a legacy of leaders. Throughout its existence, Lambda Zeta Chapter has been a leader in service to the sorority. As a new chapter in 1936, Lambda Zeta hosted the first Southern Regional Conference and the first Greek Letter National Boulé in the South in December 1937. In 1978, Lambda Zeta hosted the 58th Anniversary Leadership Conference.


SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS Having a strong community service presence in the Houston area, Lambda Zeta Chapter has sponsored four Stork Nests, organizing the first Nest in 1972 at Cullen Center. Since 2013, Lambda Zeta Chapter has received approximately $50,000 in grants to provide prenatal and incentive classes to over 100 pregnant women each year. The chapter has enjoyed a partnership with Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church since 1934 and has established and maintained many other successful partnerships and affiliates in the community. Further extending its leadership skills, Lambda Zeta Chapter sponsors four undergraduate chapters: Nu Alpha, Lambda Eta, Sigma Gamma, and Phi Epsilon. Embracing the auxiliaries, Lambda Zeta sponsored the first Amicae Auxiliary in 1948, and piloted the Archonettes in 1963 and the Pearlettes in 1993. Lambda Zeta has sponsored all three Zeta Youth Affiliates since their inceptions. As we continue “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths,” Lambda Zeta, the “Premier Chapter,” is committed to comprehensive involvement in each facet of Zeta’s history. 

hosting the Southern Region Area IV workshop and the charter of a new Undergraduate Chapter on the University of Texas at San Antonio campus. The chapter increased membership to 76 members and brought in two new members. Additionally, at the Southern Region Conference won Basileus of the Year, Undergraduate Advisor of the Year and Youth Advisor of the Year. 2016: Highlights included co-hosting a citywide Prematurity Awareness Summit, a trip to the unveiling of the African American Memorial Statue in Austin, the launch of Pearls in the Wild and the addition of seven new members. Chapter membership was 74. 2017: The chapter participated in the first Blue and White Day at the Texas Capitol and received a $7500 grant from the March of Dimes. At the 2017 Southern Regional Youth Retreat, Alpha Pi Zeta’s Youth Auxiliary won Youth Auxiliary of the Year and our Amicette and Archonette member won the opportunity to represent the Southern region at ZOL. Membership has grown since 2012 by 33 percent. The chapter also boasts numerous national, regional and state elected officers as well as several key regional appointed positions.  GAMMA OMEGA ZETA CHAPTER, HOUSTON, TX

ALPHA PI ZETA CHAPTER, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2012: The Zeta House was bought by the Alpha Pi Zeta Foundation. The chapter’s Blue Revue Scholarship fundraiser was covered by the local newspaper and the chapter’s Holiday Gala was featured on the Black Video Network. The chapter membership was 57 and had an intake class of six new members. 2013: Alpha Pi Zeta started holding their chapter meeting in the Zeta House. Alpha Pi Zeta launched its website, elder care program and went paperless. The chapter membership was 56 and had an intake class of six new members. 2014: Alpha Pi Zeta celebrated its 75th Charter Anniversary. Alpha Pi Zeta celebrated the 30th annual Zeta Phi Beta Fiesta Track Meet and added a Health Fair to the event. The chapter reactivated the Zeta Youth Auxiliary and had an intake class of seven new members. Chapter membership was 70. 2015: Some major accomplishments and achievements were 302 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

The ladies of Gamma Omega Zeta ended their 2016 – 2017 Sorority year with love for Zeta in their hearts and began their sorority year hitting the ground running. The day after successfully executing the chapter’s annual scholarship luncheon Soror Hattie Marshall was called home to be with our Lord God. Knowing how much Triumphant Soror Hattie Marshall loved Zeta, the chapter found the strength to carry on. After welcoming the new chapter board members these dynamic women began planning for sisterhood, scholarship, and fun filled events for a successful sorority year. As GOZ enters into her 70th year of service to the Houston community the Chapter retreat was packed with beneficial information for incoming and continuing members. Sorors were challenged with Zeta bylaws questions, Risk Management, and Zeta’s history. The retreat was concluded with a finer demonstration of Zeta attire. These Zetas were seen giving back to the community during their well-attended “School Supply

SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS Drive.” In addition to their donation, the Houston Public Library received a supply donation for its after-school program that services the children in the community. Those without children needing supplies benefited from the community health fair, which included AIDS testing, blood donation, healthy snacks, and a wealth of additional health information. The devastation of Hurricane Harvey affected ¼ of our Membership. The unfortunate event did not stop Sorors from showing their sisterly love and checking on one another. They quickly accessed those needing help and rallied together to lend a helping hand. Their efforts extended to a drive to support the community by collecting items to be donated to those affected. With Sorors like this, Zeta will always mean victory! To find out more about Gamma Omega Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., visit www.zpbgammaomegazeta.com.

Families were selected for Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas gift-giving. In 2014, its signature scholarship fundraising program was launched. Each year the highly successful “50 Shades of Blue” event is held and guests are feted with comedy and live music entertainment. The program has enabled annual scholarships to area students to increase from $500 to over $3,000. The Friendswood Zetas currently support many of Zetas National programs and projects, including: Z-HOPE, Elder Care (Friendship Haven and Park Manor Nursing Facilities of Friendswood), Adopta-School, Prematurity Awareness, and Military Appreciation. In 2015 they hosted the East Texas State (Region IV) Area Workshops. In 2017, a Youth Auxiliary program was introduced. Over its short life, Omega Delta Zeta has spent 2012-2017 Blazing New Paths in the Bay Area for Zeta.

  PHI PSI ZETA CHAPTER, LEWISVILLE, TX Phi Psi Zeta Chapter has served with pride, purpose and zeal in Lewisville, TX since 2008. On May 4, 2018, the chapter will celebrate its 10-year anniversary.

OMEGA DELTA ZETA CHAPTER, FRIENDSWOOD, TX On September 12, 2011, under the able guidance of its chartering Basileus Maxine Moore-Allen, 32 members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated established a chapter in Friendswood, Texas. The goals of the new chapter were to continue the principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood, while extending the image of Zeta into a previously unserved area (by Zetas) between Houston and Galveston, Texas. Current Basileus, Tondra Thompson, is building on the foundation laid. While the first year was spent organizing the chapter, in 2012 its efforts really kicked into high gear with signature programs, as well as Z-HOPE activities and scholarship funding. Since 2012, in cooperation with the Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center which provides shelter for women victims of domestic abuse (Webster, TX), the Friendswood Zetas have supported their annual “Fill-the-Truck” drive by providing invaluable assistance with loading and unloading trucks, inventory, and stocking pantries of donated food supplies to stock local “safe houses.”

Over the past six years, we have experienced substantial growth and look forward to continuing that trend. Since 2012, Phi Psi Zeta has welcomed new members through four intake classes. In addition, we have welcomed in many transfer Sorors and brought others back home to Zeta through reclamation. Our chapter is thriving with our largest membership to date - 38 Sorors. In Fall 2015, the chapter launched our initial youth auxiliary, the Amicette club. Additionally, numerous Presidential Honors Scholarships have been awarded through our 501(c)3 arm, The Phi Psi Zeta Charitable Foundation (PPZCF). We continue to “Go Green” by further utilizing technology for communication, transactions, and processes. Phi Psi Zeta has established signature programs such as College Prep 101, Wigs for Awareness, and several chapter fundraisers. We will forever endeavor to support Sorority initiatives such as Z-HOPE, Zetas Have Heart, Military Appreciation, March for Babies, and Zeta National Education Foundation. We continue to further our Zeta and leadership development by attending Area

For five consecutive years, the Friendswood Zetas have participated in the Adopt-a-Highway program of the Texas Department of Transportation. A formal road sign prominently displaying the chapter name and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated are placed at each end of the 2-mile section. Since 2012, school supplies were provided to Bay Area schools. THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 303

SOUTHERN REGION CHAPTERS Workshops and Regional/National Leadership Conferences. More to, we support the events and efforts of our sister Zeta chapters and our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, as well as other Divine Nine and community organizations. Each year we rededicate ourselves to Zeta. We want to continue to live a legacy today as an example to others, and leave a legacy for tomorrow as a standard for others to surpass. 

The chapter also volunteered for the Annual Take the Step, A Job Skills Event - The purpose of the event is to provide practical information and resources to individuals who face barriers to employment. We have also participated in Juneteenth Parade, Texas College Parade, and the Texas Rose Parade.  DELTA ALPHA CHAPTER, TEXAS COLLEGE, TYLER, TX The Delta Alpha Chapter of Texas College in Tyler, Texas was chartered in 1945 and is currently being sponsored by Zeta Kappa Zeta Chapter, Tyler, Texas. Since 2012, the following Sorors served as Basileus: Shuna Mast, 2013-2014, Bre’Anna Farlough, 2014-2017, and Samantha Suastegui, 2017 to present. Current members include Samantha Suastegui and Kayla Johnson.

ZETA KAPPA ZETA CHAPTER, TYLER, TX Zeta Kappa Zeta Chapter, Tyler, Texas was chartered on April 18, 1962. The first known Basileus was Soror Flora D. Nauls. These are the Basilei of Zeta Kappa Zeta Chapter from 2012 to present: Sandra Nauls-Mast, Rosie Taylor, Carrie Scott, and 2016-present, Dorinda Henderson. Zeta Kappa Zeta Chapter is proud of the volunteer work that each member has contributed the past five years, 2012-2017. We have volunteered and organized the following: Miss Blue Revue, Back to School Supply Drive at Walmart, Youth of the Year Program and Recognition for Outstanding High School students, Scholarships for High School Seniors, Z-HOPE for Red. The chapter has also collected coats for PATH’S (People Attempting To Help) Coats for Kids; Members Volunteered for and Help to Sponsor Women in Tyler Luncheon every year in March, where 6 to 8 Outstanding Women are recognized for their achievements; Adopt-A-Street in front of Texas College; City of Tyler Keep Tyler Beautiful; Donated Diapers and Baby Goods to PATH; participated in the Annual M.L. King March; HIV/AIDS Awareness; Worship Together for Founders’ Day at members churches; Feed the Homeless Under-the-Bridge donated toys for Christmas; Elderly Care- donated personal items for Senior Citizens at Nursing Homes; Volunteering Salvation Army feed the hungry and Bell Ringing; Annual Breast Cancer Walk in Chandler, Texas; Zeta’s Have a Heart; Black Lives Matter; March of Dimes; Black History Bowl; Blue Sunday Against Child Abuse; Purple Preemies in the Park; Literacy Council; and Wine Tasting Fundraiser. 304 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Members of Delta Alpha have volunteered along with the graduate chapter members on projects. In addition to those projects, the chapter has participated in the following: Back to School Supply Drive, Cookout on the Yard, PATH’S Coats for Kids, “How Crowded is your bed?” Panel Discussion, Think Like a Man Movie and Discussion, March of Dimes, Volunteering for PATH, Habitat for Humanity, Dinner and a Movie, Blue Sunday Against Child Abuse, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, “Survival Tips: How To Conquer Your First Year of College,” Founders’ Day Celebration with our graduate chapter, Painting with A Twist, Blue and White Cookout/Joint with Sigmas, “And the Beat Goez On – Heart Health Awareness,” a Valentine Fundraiser, and Adopt-A-Street. We also participated in the Juneteenth Parade, Texas College Parade, Rose Parade, Texas College Homecoming Convocation and Miss Texas College Coronation. National Projects have included some of the following: •

Finer Womanhood Recognition, Founders’ Day, Rededication and Necrology Service

National Education Foundation, Amicae, Stork’s Nest

March of Dimes, Z-HOPE

In Memory of

Our Triumphant Sorors, Amicae & Youth Atlantic Region DELAWARE Theta Zeta Zeta Deborah A. Briddell Blanche W. Crim Epsilon Rho Zeta Shirley Mae West Dillard  MARYLAND Alpha Zeta Helen Jean Allen Alicia Bynum Jane L. Harrison H. Louise Lassiter Mary H. Thomas Delta Zeta Zeta Virginia H. Eggleston Helen Hutchinson Geraldine Shepard-Noble Myra Witcher

Delta Omicron Zeta Paulette Ford Carole Grant

Zeta Amicae of Dover, DE Lucille Yelverton

Zeta Delta Zeta Martha A. Burnett-Epps Mary E. Singletary Evelyn White

Zeta Amicae of Montgomery Co., MD Anna Hebron

NEW YORK Delta Alpha Zeta Ramona Conchita Thompson Crosby Emma Victoria Turner Delta Beta Zeta Thelma Baker Josephine Carter

Iota Chi Zeta Janice J. Lake

Kappa Xi Zeta Jacqueline Alford

Mu Xi Zeta Rena Parker Brown

Psi Omega Zeta Patrice Cummings

Pi Omicron Zeta June Turner

Sigma Nu Zeta Carole V. Taylor

NEW JERSEY Eta Omicron Zeta Racquel Brown Shirley Cathie Johnetta Love Lillie Brown

Zeta Amicae of Greater Baltimore, MD Phyllis Early Verna Shepherd


Delta Mu Zeta Barbara Hazelwood Donette E. Poe Celina Simmons-Shannon


Zeta Amicae of Belgium Andrea Gables

Gamma Omicron Zeta Paquita W. Henderson Cleo Pringle

Eta Pi Zeta B. Brenda Joynce Janette Cora Paret

Beta Alpha Beta Zeta Mary F. Williams


Gamma Nu Zeta Susan L. Johnson Gloria J. Wilson-Wilkerson

 PENNSYLVANIA Beta Delta Zeta Bette Kathryn Few Alyce B. Stith Kappa Omega Zeta Alean Boyce  TRI-STATE Phi Delta Zeta Juliet Henderson

Zeta Amicae of Plainfield, NJ Regina Bagley-Gray Zeta Amicae of Moorestown, NJ Ida Ruth Bright Essie Geraldine M. Hamilton Zeta Amicae of Camden, NJ Sally Moses Zeta Amicae of Gloucester, NJ Dorothea Evans Lorraine Wallace Zeta Amicae of Brooklyn, NY Edna Dixson Zeta Amicae of Rochester, NY Ophelia Smith Zeta Amicae of Syracuse, NY Mildred Carter Turner Zeta Amicae of Philadelphia, PA Martina Griffin Clara Harris Naomi Jones Dorothy Killebrew Patricia Parker Charlie Mae Simmons Zeta Amicae of Providence, RI Helen Butler Dorothy Tatum


Eastern Region DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Beta Zeta Goldie Baldwin Carolyn Glover Fannie Taylor

Lambda Eta Zeta Jeanette Lewis Sadie Smith Georgia Stephens Helen Williams

Omicron Phi Zeta Theresa Drakeford

Nu Alpha Zeta Dr. Doris Clemons Lewers


Nu Tau Zeta Juanita B. Penn Dimple Warren

NORTH CAROLINA Alpha Alpha Zeta Eleanor Holmes Lula Holloway

Omicron Zeta Janie Anderson Katie Sullivan Poole Millie Dunn Veasey

Beta Lambda Zeta Thelma Porter Althea Watson

Phi Zeta Mary L. Mitchell Mary S. Williams

Beta Nu Zeta Deidre Cherie Lofton Doretha McCormick

Psi Mu Zeta Theresa Bright-Brown

Delta Zeta Almetto Alexander Grace Hill

Rho Zeta Vivienne Conley Margaret Delores Poston

Delta Pi Zeta Mildred Lassiter

Alpha Phi Zeta Lois Barnes Grace Harris Brailey Dorothy Brooks Crockett Beta Theta Zeta Fredda Somantha Bryan Grace Ausby Houchins Epsilon Kappa Zeta Alice Tyler Mabry Epsilon Theta Zeta Brendette Haden Virgie Alston Rodgers Eunice Virginia Wiggins Sigma Delta Zeta Tia Petty Rodgers  WEST VIRGINIA Theta Zeta Janet Boyd 

Rho Zeta Zeta Demetriss Barrett Tracey Vines

Zeta Amicae of Washington, DC Deloris Brooks Mary Pegues Cheryl Ryles

Sigma Xi Zeta Bettye A. Murchison

Zeta Amicae of Charlotte, NC Iris Chandler

Theta Eta Zeta Dorothy Daye

Zeta Amicae of Lumberton, NC Evelyn Easton

Zeta Chi Zeta Carolyn Buffaloe

Zeta Amicae of Winston-Salem, NC Alfreda Clawson

Alpha Gamma Sophia Latasha Humphrey Moffett

Zeta Amicae of Asheville, NC Pauline Rollinson

Chi Gamma Schandra McLeod

Zeta Amicae of Goldsboro, NC Elouise Sherard

Omicron Stephanie McNeil

Zeta Amicae of Norfolk, VA Elnora S. Branch

Delta Rho Zeta Theresa Redding Epsilon Gamma Zeta Mary Gray Bryant Erma Bulluck Wilkins Gamma Epsilon Zeta Harriet Ford Gamma Upsilon Zeta Grace Odell Beatty DeVane Jesse McKenney Elsie Nunn

Alpha Omega Zeta Lois Coleman-Ellis Pearlie Mae Thomas

Iota Nu Zeta Dr. Minnie Bess Taylor Iota Sigma Zeta Janie Mae Dillahunt Patricia Gavin Doris M. Harris Pauline Robinson


 VIRGINIA Alpha Beta Zeta Evelyn Blount Comer Sharon Ore-Foster

Zeta Amicae of Richmond, VA Louise Anderson Archonette - Omicron Phi Zeta, DC Alexandria Herndon

Great Lakes Region ILLINOIS Eta Kappa Zeta Dorothy Evans Earlie Sanders Arlena Tompkins

Delta Theta Emon Chalwell

Kappa Sigma Zeta Katherine Lawrence

Beta Alpha Xi Zeta Mary Elizabeth Marshall

Psi Psi Zeta Barbara Banks-Hayes

Zeta Alpha Zeta Charlene Beach Mary Willie Chambers Jannace Fantroy

Sigma Phi Zeta Valarie Harmon

Omega Delta Rekia Powell

 Tau Alpha Zeta Deanna Clements Tau Psi Zeta Michelle Crockett

MICHIGAN Beta Omicron Zeta Theresa Dixon

Xi Mu Zeta Janet Bell Debra Williams

Kappa Rho Zeta Ruby Delaney, Ed D. Mozella Sims-Eiland Bertha Smith

Zeta Zeta Sandra Adams

Gamma Delta Ursula Smith-Dukes

 INDIANA Amana Scott Mu Tau Zeta Francis Gilliam Amber Pratcher Sigma Theta Zeta Laura Hicks-Thomas Iota Zeta Estella Caldwell Zeta Theta Zeta Margaret Read Carrie Rutland  KENTUCKY Eta Zeta Dr. Elizabeth Camille-Davis Pallen Nubia Iota Mu Trinia Clemmons

Sigma Pi Zeta Ruth Lockhart Robin Porter Lillie Vicks Theta Rho Zeta Shirley Rodgers Marsha Small Rho Theta Zeta Cherita Montgomery Zeta Beta Zeta Bessie Evans Frances E. Faithful Connie Fraction Sybil Harris Zeta Nu Zeta Addie Faulk Earlena Vaughn Zeta Omega Zeta Minnie Longuemire Pecolia Mustapha Bobby Ann Robinson Rosa Winchester

MINNESOTA Sigma Beta Zeta Willa Mae Garnett Lou Wiley  OHIO Beta Zeta Zeta Pearl Louise Wortham Delta Phi Zeta Emily Brown Theolanda Harewood Nina McGowan Gladys Moses Gamma Delta Zeta Christabel Bradford Madeline Davis Willie Mae Jones Lorenth Morah Lovia Prince Mu Rho Zeta Dr. Charolette Burrell Gayle Walker-Ward Ruth Anderson Sigma Alpha Audrey Billingsley Upsilon Epsilon Frances Benford Helania Clark-Gordon Shatia McPherson  WISCONSIN Kappa Beta Zeta Mary Ellis Marie Thompson Sigma Alpha Zeta Ina Purdy  Zeta Amicae of Indianapolis, IN Betty Pipes Zeta Amicae Janet Hamilton Juanita Lattimore Erma Martin Dianne Meeks


In Memory of

Our Triumphant Sorors, Amicae & Youth Midwestern Region 

COLORADO Zeta Zeta Zeta Carrie Beatrice Collins Della M. R. Donna-Matthews Rebecca Lightfoot Miller

MISSOURI Eta Zeta Zeta Janice Kelly Virgie Edwards

 Xi Zeta Betty Howard

IOWA Nu Mu Zeta Paula M. Duke  KANSAS Alpha Epsilon Zeta Linda Hollinshed

OKLAHOMA Beta Phi Zeta Mary Green Queen Vick Chi Zeta Ora Pearl Moten Dr. Thelma Chambers Young


Zeta Epsilon Zeta Kathy Williams

NEBRASKA Beta Psi Zeta Ruth Watkins Velma Crumbley Darlene Townsell

Lambda Alpha Erma D. Cotton


Theta Mu Jan A. Lopez

Pacific Region CALIFORNIA Dorothy Jackson Thompson

Iota Delta Zeta Louise Jones

Xi Zeta Zeta Thadarine McIntosh LaToya N. Barnes

Alpha Psi Zeta Virginia Harris Pansy Wiley Tilley Margaret Wilson Wheeler

Lambda Pi Zeta Jessie Bryant Zelda Hutcherson Gloria Turner


Delta Delta Zeta Josephine S. Robinson Madeline Robinson

Mu Sigma Zeta Lena Smith

Epsilon Phi Zeta Laura Baxter Esther Cowrtney Catherine Boon Prater

WASHINGTON/ALASKA Eta Mu Zeta Thelma Glover Lambda Alpha Zeta Clara Lesesne

Phi Theta Zeta Marian Henderson Rho Beta Zeta Denise White

 Zeta Amicae of Oakland, CA Johnnie Edna Cole

Xi Eta Zeta Janie Franklin

He giveth His Beloved Sleep. 308 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018

South Central Region

ALABAMA Everlena Colman Johnsone Alpha Rho Zeta Esther Duncan Annie Gantt Alpha Sigma Zeta Dorothy H. Crosby Beta Eta Zeta Pearlie Duncan Beta Upsilon Zeta Dorothy Jones Delta Omega Zeta Annie Ruth Ingle Ford Hattie Penn Wall Gamma Eta Zeta Mae Nolden Pickens Lambda Delta Zeta Florence Simpson Nu Eta Zeta Katrene Willingham Xi Gamma Zeta Denice Johnson

Xi Sigma Zeta Captoria Taylor  MISSISSIPPI Archeen Rush-Larry Alpha Delta Zeta Barbara Bingham Dr. Pauline Hathorn Laura Jones Claudia Linzey Rosie Pridgen Johnson Bertina Steverson Delta Nu Zeta Sandra Irby Mildred Jordan Doris Steverson

Alpha Alpha Nu Zeta Bessie Turner Eta Sigma Zeta Alice McNutt Epsilon Zeta Zeta Juanita Cook Evelyn Hildreth Vickie Bolden Annie Peters

 TENNESSEE Alpha Eta Zeta Helen H. Bowen Fannie Canady Chenata Gill Toy Harris Chi Lambda Zeta Janeine Hall Hazel Matthews

Gamma Beta Zeta Ivory Bracey

Gamma Iota Zeta Minnie Grimes Hughley Joyce Crutcher Stovall Wilma Wiley Joyce Kirby Edwards Evalyn Spann Young

Gamma Gamma Zeta Jessie Kincaid Lurene Traynham

Nu Zeta Eunice Easley Elaine Williamson

Lambda Xi Zeta Aurabelle Caggins Shirley Thigpen

Pi Zeta Olivia Brown Ruth Dennis Hazel Rucker Martha Woods

 ARKANSAS Alpha Mu Zeta Alfreeda Marshall Evelyn Green

Zeta Upsilon Zeta Judy Autry Catherine Davis Julia Dowdy Carnella Jones-Brown Sharon Mason

Phi Lambda Zeta Felicia Walker Pi Iota Zeta Mary Ervin Cora Rice Pegues

Rho Alpha Zeta Shona Cheshel Harris Rho Mu Zeta Michelle Denise Merritt

Psi Beta Zeta Alicia Bostick


Rho Nu Zeta Sara Betty Carter

Zeta Amicae of Jackson, MS Betty Sidney

Tau Phi Zeta Sheryll Hughes-Smith


Theta Pi Zeta Jean Jennings

Nu Omega Zeta Beverly Gray Savannah Johnson

Upsilon Tau Zeta Lisa Williams-Booth

Psi Iota Zeta LaJoyce Walter Lenora Roberson

Zeta Psi Zeta Bertha Blackburn Ethel Roy Stewart

Zeta Amicae of West Point, MS Doris Burkhalter  Zeta Amicae of Greenwood, MS Betty Crigler Queen Richmond Mary Williams THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 309

Southeastern Region

FLORIDA Alpha Epsilon Zeta Angela B. Freeman Christine Knowles Beta Alpha Zeta Elizabeth Morgan Ida S. Harris Aria Peterson

Beta Tau Zeta Rosemary Braynon Theodora W. Cooper Verneka Dames Juliann Johnson Rose V. Moss Marlene Rogers Eva D. Samms Catherine Smith Beta Sigma Zeta Sarah Moore Chi Phi Zeta Virginia C. Willis Delta Epsilon Zeta Tammy W. Brown Eulabe S. Cook Iota Omicron Zeta Maxine Schoolfield Delta Eta Zeta Karen W. Blount Pearl V. Canady Evelyn J. Lewis Eta Alpha Zeta Patricia Barrett Constant B. Jennings Iota Alpha Zeta Lillian A. Balloons

Tau Zeta Louvenia E. Sailor

Theta Epsilon Zeta Andrea Sands Upsilon Alpha Zeta Regina McKinney Suzanne L. Starling Zeta Gamma Zeta Alma Bell Zeta Mu Zeta Sarah Gibson Cassandra Keenon Marjorie T. Shanks Mary Singleton Gwendolyn C. White  GEORGIA Linda Thomas Phillips Alpha Theta Zeta Johnnie Mae Spaulding Beta Omega Zeta Julia Driskell Myrtice LaMarr Eta Omega Zeta Mirian Tiller Epsilon Zeta Martha Cleveland Marva Lene Gibson Linda Scott Lorick Florence McCamey Eta Theta Zeta Jeanette R. Thurmond Kappa Iota Zeta Eloise Harris

Mu Gamma Zeta Chandler Childs Shirley Lanier Carol Ann Smith

Omicron Alpha Zeta Angeli Smith

Psi Zeta Zeta Dorothy W. Adside

Phi Chi Zeta Rejer Finklin

Tau Pi Zeta Marian Flowers Carolyn P. Hill Cecelia Martinez Carolyn Y. Wiliams-Ellis

Tau Omicron Zeta Deborah Austin



SOUTH CAROLINA Alpha Omicron Zeta Yvonne Romaine Beta Beta Zeta Fannie Phelps Adams Tecora Drake Donella Wilson Beta Pi Zeta Rose Boyd-Wells Vivian T. Cox Mary Thompson Delta Tau Zeta Anissa Capers Diane Adamson Mcmanus Josephine Cantey Nesmith Bertha Barr Sessions Epsilon Psi Zeta Eugenia Evans Gamma Zeta Mabel Coaxum Maude Frasier Elizabeth Johnson Janie Lancaster Iota Xi Zeta Mamie McClam Lambda Nu Zeta Doretha W. Jenkins Kappa Alpha Zeta Emily V. Cooper Jones Susanna Whitten Lucille G. Edwards Mu Pi Zeta Symphonia Owens Mildred D. Wilson Kathrine Edrington Lambright Upsilon Rho Zeta Louise Abel Clara Middleton  U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Nu Chi Zeta Gertrude Arnold Colleen Carter Michelle Severin Omega Upsilon Zeta Dr. Ruth Moolenaar

Zeta Amicae of Polk County, FL Rosa Brunson

Zeta Amicae of Columbus, GA Mable Turner

Zeta Amicae of Fort Pierce, FL Linda Henderson

Zeta Amicae of Savannah, GA Mildred Hicks

Zeta Amicae of Manatee/Sarasota Co., FL Elaine Brown

Zeta Amicae of Cuthbert, GA Ernestine Simmons

Zeta Amicae of West Palm Beach, FL Dorothy T. Danford

Zeta Amicae of Beaufort, SC Elaine Rivers

Southern Region LOUISIANA Alpha Gamma Zeta Marguerite Albert Marion Belton Lucille Hunter Mary Ellen Williams Helena Wright-Butler Theresa LeBlanc Shirley Brown Betty Trudeaux Jackson Myrtle Johnson Hilda Sills Beta Epsilon Zeta Lillian Mothershed Darien Shyvonne Owens Beta Kappa Zeta Mabel Robertson Mildred Sims Epsilon Alpha Zeta Inez Harris Mu Zeta Doris Marie Carter Augustine Collins Clara E. Deo Mary Edith Moody Mary Pania Oubre Ada Mae Warren-Allen Zeta Iota Zeta Gussie Austin Siglar  TEXAS Angelica Reed Alpha Chi Zeta Eleanor Holmes

Judy Rufus Alpha Kappa Zeta Justine A. Lewis Marjorie Rhone Alpha Pi Zeta Latrell Johnson Lillian Russell-Harris Alpha Tau Zeta Margie Clark-Edwards Mary Crayton Delta Psi Zeta Marcia DeLarue Delta Upsilon Zeta Emma Hardin Eta Iota Zeta Verdell Benford Eleanor Florence Mitchell O’Warner Woods Gamma Kappa Zeta Kimberly Kimbrough Ernestine Williams Gamma Omega Zeta Hattie Marshall Kappa Zeta Thelma Carey Barbara James Carey Wallace Lambda Zeta Annie Blount Dorothy Briggs Pearl Douglas Mary Duvernay

Zeta Amicae of Columbia, SC Gloria Elliott Emma Norman Loretta Moldrow Zeta Amicae of Greenville, SC Georgia Hallums Zeta Amicae of Marion, SC Eva Dell Williams Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg, SC Margaret Ruth Hardy Richardson

Audrey Edwards Daphne Hightower Chappel Shibbolethia Lewis Helen Stewart Bernadett Vailen Nu Epsilon Zeta Birdell Mouton Omega Delta Zeta Rosetta Smith Omicron Beta Zeta Esther Haywood Courtney Psi Zeta Lou Roy Upsilon Nu Zeta Maril Gates Kathy Lindley Tandra Nelson Sarah Norman Annette Robinson-Crawford Upsilon Zeta Pearlie Johnson Jerry Montgomery Gloria Dianne Thomas Zelma P. Thompson Zeta Phi Zeta Janet Thompson  Zeta Amicae of New Orleans, LA Enola Rawles Zeta Amicae of Beaumont, TX Ethel Lee Mouton Zeta Amicae of Houston, TX Anita Sheffield Francis Thomas THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018 311

Chapter Charters 2012-2018





Reactivated Chapters 2012-2018



Amicae Auxiliary Charters 2012-2018


Reactivated Amicae Auxiliaries 2012-2018




Building Bonds

During her six-year term, Grand Wright sought to build and strengthen Zeta’s relationships and partnerships - and met a few great people along the way. NPHC Leaders at the Grand Boulé Top Ladies of Distinction

NPHC Council of Presidents

Dr. Jennifer Howse, Former President of March of Dimes and Mark S. Tillman, 34th President of Alpha Phi Alpha

Grand Wright is Sworn In as Chair of NPHC Council of Presidents in 2014

Grand Wright and the 2012-2014 Regional Directors


President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden

U.S. Representative and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Brother John Lewis

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams, M.D.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell

Former U.N. Ambassador Rev. Andrew Young


Lou Gossett, Jr. Oprah Winfrey

Will Smith

Shirley Caesar

Leaders of Women’s Organizations

Ingrid Saunders Jones, National Council of Negro Women

Rev. C.T. Vivian, Civil Rights Leader




Mary, It has been an honor and a privilege for us to have taken this journey alongside you during your time as the International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. We have been able to witness your extraordinary leadership as you have transitioned Zeta Phi Beta Sorority into an exemplary sorority of the future. Your influence and foresight as International Grand Basileus has been an inspiration for many. We cannot begin to count the many times that we have met members of Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma, as well as other sororities and fraternities from around the world who have been positively impacted by your words of encouragement, time committed to the advancement of the sisterhood you passionately served and the countless amount of deeds you have undertaken. As we look at our lives, you have given us a new level of confidence that through prayerful reflection and faith in the Lord, we can perform works beyond what we can conceive as possible. You are a true Torch Bearer of the Zeta Phi Beta legacy and throughout your tenure as International Grand Basileus, you have brought the Sorority to new levels of excellence and prestige. As you transition into your next chapter of your life, we want you to know how proud we are of you. We know that GOD has tremendous plans for you as you leave this phase but for now we hope that you will enjoy training the next generation of leaders in your family! Andrew and Reid, your two grandsons, are excited to spend more time with “Mama” and are anxiously awaiting to absorb all the wisdom and knowledge you can impart on them. Your son and daughter in law, Randy and Crystal, are overwhelmed with joy to learn from your best practices on how to lead others and make changes for the advancement of our society. Finally, I am looking forward to taking a walk on a long stretch of beautiful beach with you and finding time to enjoy all that GOD has blessed us with. We love you, we adore you, and we congratulate you on a phenomenal job doing all that GOD has called you to do.

Love, James, Randy, Crystal, Andrew and Reid Wright 326 THE ARCHON MAGAZINE  SPRING/SUMMER 2018


1734 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., 20009


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