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Kappa Zeta Pivots Amidst the Pandemic

Kappa Zeta Pivots Amidst

the Pandemic able to adjust and use zoom and seesaw to keep their monthly meetings and activities on schedule. In support of Black entrepreneurs, Kappa Zeta created the “Black Business Crawl,” choosing various By Cinnamon Sheffield Kappa Zeta Chapter businesses and online companies to collectively patronize. During this time when so many families are in need, Kappa Zeta was able to continue working The pandemic did not deter Kappa Zeta from thriving and serving in the community. While Kappa Zeta despite the new normal. They took the business of members were cooped up in their homes, they partZeta online! They capitalized on the strength of more nered with the Stork’s Nest Charity Fund of Dallas, than 200 members and supported the motto of ONE the Amicae and youth auxiliaries and knitted more ZETA through the concept of focusing on mind, body, than 500 hats for babies, which they delivered to the and soul. Children’s Hospital in downtown Dallas. Prematurity


Fall 2020 started with a full two-day retreat totally Awareness was the focus in November; Kappa Zeta online. The committee kept more than 100 sorors provided 300 snack bags to families in the NICU’s engaged on the Zoom platform over the weekend of surrounding hospitals. Kappa Zeta provided 100 with educational sessions, games, stroll sessions, families with full meals during the Thanksgiving holicommittee promos, a scavenger hunt, and pictorial day and later provided toys, food, and gift cards to fashion shows. 50 families for Christmas through the Kappa Zeta

The Health and Wellness committee took total Angel Tree program. advantage of the virtual platform as they partnered with the committees supporting our international programs. They created a series of Health Care Talks, that covered topics such as Surviving Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence and Prematurity Awareness, which can all be found on their Kappa Zeta YouTube Kappa Zeta celebrated 100 years by collaborating with the four chapters in the area and had a weeklong Centennial Celebration. It started with a National Billboard balloon release that featured two Kappa Zeta members, followed by a morning celebration at the local radio station during the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. The chapter amazingly curated historical channel. They also held Zoom/Facebook live events items that were unveiled at the Dallas African Amerithat hosted Triple Negative Breast Cancer experts, can Museum, while receiving several proclamations and Domestic Abuse survivors and their saviors. from dignitaries within our city as well as the gov-

The Sigma and Zeta undergraduates partnered ernor’s office. They worshipped together at Shiloh and held an online summit. They spent the day dis- Missionary Baptist church and marched in the Martin cussing topics that pertained to college students and Luther King Jr. Parade, and later celebrated with the their ability to be successful students in preparation Sigmas at a “Roaring Twenties” themed gala. It was for real life situations. The youth auxiliaries were also a time to remember!

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