1 minute read
from Themis—Spring 2023
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Points of Pride
Photo #4 described on page 45 should have been identified as Eta Beta Chapter at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer ® walk of Greater Pittsburgh.
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@zta_tulsa It’s #badgeday23!
Being an Alumnae chapter our badges mean everything to us. They are a symbol of our sisterhood, and all the memories we have gained. Peep our cute sisters, and their badges. Maybe even an honor ring or two.
@sfa_zta Happy badge day -
Our badges serve as a reminder of our love and devotion to our chapter and fraternity#betterinabadge #badgedayzta #WeAreZTA #ZTAisHome #514istheplacetobe #sfazta #sfasu #flywithpanhellenic
@tamucczta Happy National Ritual Week!
Day one • National Badge Day
This week is very special to us as we honor our chapter and show everyone how much Zeta means to us! These pins represent love and pride to be in Zeta Tau Alpha. This family is forever!
@aug_zta Happy #badgeday23 !
We wear our badge proudly over our heart as it represents something bigger than ourselves, connecting us with Zetas all across the world. It serves as a reminder of our love and commitment to our fraternity and chapter.