ABOUT Behind Mujer de Piedra is Mariola Fernandez, Master Degree in Art Education (EQF7) who is working as a teacher in the GDE department in Dar Al Uloom University, Riyadh, KSA. She is a multidisciplinary artist, sometimes painter and illustrator, sometime was graphic designer or used multimedia for animation and made web site products as well. This portfolio has selected one side of her skills to show some illustrations made in the last two years as a part of a new sort of experiencies through the ink drawings.
Responsible, innovative, team worker, well organized and positive. As Senior designer, as well as academic staff member, is aware of its duties being a commintent instructor within the last five years. As senior designer have successfully worked on large-scale projects involving big teams to single-person custom project dealing with different types of clients, companies and brands or government projects in Spain. As Master Degree in Art Education (EQF7) has carried out personal projects as visual artist, from painting, illustration to conceptual art. Self-motivated, able to take the initiative, usually find creative solutions to existing or potential problems having practiced along a extense professional career with 20 years’ worked from different types of design projects: webs, graphics, advertising, 2D illustrations, animation to a current work as graphic and digital design educator. Mariola Fernandez is Master Degree in Art Education as per the European Qualification Framework raised to Level 7. Furthermore, during the last two years is developing the research of the thesis related to the dissertation topic, “Female Saudi Contemporary Artists: Visual Arts as a process of social change.” through the Department of Geography and History of Art located in the Spanish National Distance University UNED in Spain. Living in Riyadh nowadays, is working as Lecturer and Teacher Assistant within the Graphic Design Department of the College of Architectural Engineering and Digital Design in Dar Al Uloom University in KSA.