Portfolio for graduate school [zeyu zhang]

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united kingdom




japan south korea mexico haiti sri lanka

zeyu zhang Architecture portfolio 2016

designworks________________ 01 atlanta new media center


museum of disorder


floating office


energy society





In-process thesis project___ 19

ZEYU ZHANG | CV Personal information

(+01) 404-509-3041 zzhang20@students . kennesaw . edu


Interships & social activity

Bachelor degree of urban planning NORTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY




China architecture design group intern architect | Full-time work

2014-5 --- 2014-7

storefront design --- atlanta georgia


group work

Membership & volunteer

AIAS the national society of leadership and success volunteer for marietta/cobb museum of art volunteer for simple needs. ga volunteer for cobb senior services

2014-2015 2014 2015 2015 2015


Auto cad Sketch up Photoshop indesign

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illustrator rhino

********** **********



ARCHITECTURE MODEL COMETITION---SECOND PLACE dean’s list the national society of leadership and success Finalist of fourth year pROJECT competition

2011 2013-2015 2013-2014 2014




architecture Project/arch4013

atlanta new media center fall 2014/8 weeks KSU Architecture Professor carpenter digital media & hand craft media project description: The intention is find a site that can be considered “forgotten” or “leftover” situation – an edge condition or an “in-between” such as a highway median strip or a site such. Ralph Mcgill and Peachtree Street. the project aims to provide a center for citizens to gather and communicate. the programs include: lobby, public library, auditorium, office, studio, classroom, computer room, archive, gallery. the new media center proposed a lively center for citizens without ruinning the existing building on the site, the one-way circulation gives a 360 degree panoramic view of this historical site conditions. the programs, library, auditorium, office & studios, lobby are sorted by public, semi-public, and private, the programs are applied accordingly along the linear ciculation. the cut-off part of existing building provide an interesting interaction between existing and new building’s gallery.

united state of america

georgia state


attractions site highway





sun track

possibility pedestrian density



proposed circulation car density



proposed public space






12pm proposed sloped roof for sun-shading & raincollection



2pm proposed shading panels on south side

office & studio


proposed program gallery






roof garden double roof structure

existing building public libaray

gallery courtyard entrance storage


receiption area


disabled parking lot

roof garden

control room library

existing building

second floor existing building elevators private gallery

projection room


double roof structure

public space public gallery


entrance lobby shading panels

first floor

offices kitchen archive meeting room

third floor



order regular museum

architecture Project/arch5998f

museum of disorder fall 2015/8 weeks KSU Architecture Professor buckner digital media & hand craft media

disorder museum of disorder

plain floor



multiple materials

display rule

display not in rules


closed space


mutiple colors


same object displayed


bilateral gynandromorphism

project description: The final project will encourage a design approach centered on creating unique architectural experience narrative culminating in a building in an urban context. the experience of individual oddities, will each be asked to be a part of a larger story and produced experience creating a unique narrative event.


taxidermy art

2 display in rules

the project proposes a museum containning six permanent display objects. those objects were selected from a collection because of the sense of disorder they generate, the project will have two parts, one for order, which provide a contrast version for the disorder part. the disorder sense will be applied to whole museum design, disorder material, disorder space, disorder structure..

united state of america


3 open space

georgia state

prosthetic leg

melanism atlanta


one color

5 no same object displayed

pica (disorder) site



unique experiences

tube slide connection

sketches order and disorder

analysis of proposed project

1 circulation

4 rules for display

5 gallery space

2 6


interaction with street


peachtree street ne

shading panel guyline entrance


disorder gallery order gallery public space office/ restroom 3rd street

receiption area first floor



existing brick building

site & sunpath


section perspective

floating office spring 2014/8 weeks KSU Architecture Professor shpuza digital media project description: The organization is locating one of its branches into an office building to be designed and built in the Spring Street/Fifth Street site in MidtownAtlanta. The proposed building combines a custom designed portion of 60,000 sq ft for Green Earth and an additional speculative office area according to allowable downtown FAR requirements for the site. ‘Green Earth’ Atlanta Branch will operate with a population of 60 permanent individuals and 30 additional part-time or visiting researchers. The workspaces will therefore combine 60% individual permanent workstations with 40% think-tank spaces dedicated to teamwork and exchange of ideas.



architecture Project/arch3012

sun track 8am


undergroung parking entrance



pedestrain density





united state of america


georgia state




program 4pm





possibility shading panels

underground level

galss enclosure cut/separate floors THINK TANK first level

private offices


section detail of office

core entrance

columns second level

modify floorrs

entrance/green roof

public gallery

lobby CAR CIRCULATION underground parking

shading panels

third-fifth level


section detail of green roof



Urban Project/arch4014


user group & energy

Energy Society Spring 2015/8 weeks KSU Architecture Professor hashas Group work with Jun Xu digital media

existing site condition office

project description: the project was given for a real in-process marietta area design., which aimed to provide a better living and working environment for students from three universities, people from surrounding offices, and families from near communities. the concept of this project is energy society, the street(cobb parkway street) is divided by three parts, first part, midium energy as threshold, gathering two universities and partial offices. second part, high energy as peak point, gathering two universities and most offices. third part, low energy as close, providing dormitory and family-friendly community.

1/4 mile-5 minutes living circle

georgia state






street structure marietta






game process

existing user group + energy

proposed user group + energy

medium energy

high energy

low energy






active facade

first level

upper level

master plan


medium energy

high energy

low energy

other works


photography: Erhai Lake & mt. Jade Dragon Snow

material: concrete & steel & wood

handcraft: light & shading & dome


hand drawings


in-process undergraduate thesis project/arch5017

disaster relief modular unit fall 2015 - spring 2016/16 weeks KSU Architecture Professor pittman & farooq digital media project description: This Thesis and Project proposes a universal design solution for housing disaster relief victims through the world. The research and investigation explores the development of a design construct for a self-containing and humanely sustainable modular living system[environment] conducive to providing housing[reBuilding communities in varying site conditions and natural catastrophic disasters during, and after an emergency disaster in the world. Due to the inevitable increasing occurrence of natural disasters over the world, it is necessary to provide immediate and enduring help to displaced people. Usually, emergency shelters are designed to only be used until temporary housing facilities are available. In past instances, there is typically an approximate forty-five(45) days gap between a disaster event and temporary housings. Traditionally, emergency shelters, provided by the Red Cross, varying non-governmental organizations, and other universal aid-relief programs, design and supply relief housing structures with almost entirely of material fabric with aluminum frame structures. These shelters are used until better temporary or permanent housing is replaced. During this time, any secondary disaster and climate changings may happen. Unfortunately, the initial shelter cannot adapt to those changings environmental conditions, such as flooding and aftershock coming later of earthquakes, the simple initial shelter may only solve emergency response problems, but not adaptable for future

risks. After emergency response, relief phase requires more and higher quality of supplies to ensure life but not only survival. For example, the size of shelter need to be enlarged to make sure daily activities, temporary operating rooms and classrroms need to be built, electricity need to be accessible, etc. The concept for a universal disaster relief modular system contains two(02) parts. First part for emergency response, which means from the first day of disaster to several days aftermath. For this part, the displaced people will be provided basic phisical need supplies(according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs), including food and water, emergency shelter, hygiene supplies, blankets, midicine, and etc. All those basic supplies will be pre-packaged into the portable shelter. As the most important part of the emergency response phase, the emergency shelter will be designed based on needs from all disaster types and environmental site landforms. It should be adaptable for global landforms and different disasters by its flexible and endurable structure and material, structure of the one type universal shelter should be quickly and easily to be adjusted accordingly, and it is required to be able to construct and deconstruct easily for displaced people without additional tools and instructions. The shelter should also be gave a consideration as a container for survival supplies, those supplies chould be attached and embeded to the shelter without using additional box.

The second part will be the supplies that can enhance and upgrade the first part, which should be delivered to displaced people in several days or weeks after disasters. Even though the initial emergency shelter is universal for landforms, due to the climate differneces, functional needs(such as operating room, classrooms), and possible occurence of secondary disasters or sudden climate changes aftermath, the emergency shelter need additional supplies to ensure living quality in the relief phase. Such as addtional thermal insulation for cold climate areas, mosquito net for hot weather areas, and LED light, solar panels, cooking kits, purification equipment, water storage for all all affected areas. Those addotional suuplies will be pre-packaged separatly by different climate conditions. Cold kit, hot kit, medical kit, operating kit, repaire kit, class kit, and etc.


1970 The Bhola cyclone in the Ganges, Bangladesh

1975 Yangtze River Flooding in Henan, China

1971 flooding around Hanoi, Vietnam

1976 Tanshang earthquake in Tianjin, China

1985 Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Caldas/Tolima, Colombia

1991 Mt. pinatubo in Provinces of Zambales, Tarlac and Pampanga on Luzon island, Philippines

1998 Hurricane Mitch in Florida


2003 Bam earthquake in the Kerman province of southeastern Iran

2004 Sumatra tsunami in west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia

2005 Pakistan earthquake in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake

2010 Haiti earthquake near the town of LÊogâne

2008 Peninsula hurricane in Burmese peninsula

2010 Pakistan floods, northeast pakistan

2015 Nepal earthquake in east of the district of Lamjung

Relevance of the Design Hypothesis in Literature Case study 01 Haiti Now by Thom Mayne The book consists of several different perceptions of Haiti, people-culture, natural environment, and government-history. It provides a whole background for the Haiti earthquake in 2010, including the extreme living environment, the lack of management by government, and complex social relationships. All issues above caused the difficulties during the disaster relief management. The extreme living environment mentioned in the book, for example, only 35% road coverage is important to be considered in transportation of disaster relief management, the specific of site condition determines transportation type. That means AirCargo will be faster and safer to transfer emergency supplies to Haiti affected areas. Different building types and materials are mentioned in the book with clear percentage among totals. Large Haiti population live in concrete wall and tin roof made slums, earthquake can easily destroy concrete walls and hurricane blows away the tin roof. During the 2010 earthquake, port-au-prince lost 60% of buildings, at the center of the earthquake, Leogane lost 80%. Due to the economy and natural environment conditions, Haitians have less knowlege and ability to build stable buildings and provide emergency response for disasters. The types and materials they used for buildings offer a base ground for the thesis project, for the purpose of preserving or rebuilding a similar community for displaced people, those long-term traditions should be considered into design process. From the interview of Haiti Now Studio member, Yang Ming, More details of Haitians’ living conditions were provided and the disasters made it even worse. The interview was scheduled for additional information beyond the book and more about the living conditions after the 2010 earthquake.

Some of the emergency shelter from 2010 earthquake are still in using at some places in Haiti, as the poorest country in Carribean area, the shelter are not only a emergency supply, but sometimes becoming a permanent housing. Because of the disasters, bad living conditions becomes worse. No toilets, water pollution, lake of hospitals, lack of sanitary plumbing, tents are next to another closely, people need to walk a long distance to get clean water by buckets.. These realities require shelter is not enough, food and water supplies are not enough, how to solve real life problems in the future of disaster relief should be considered in this thesis project. Such as providing water storage and collect equipemnt but not only offer bottle water; bring portable toilet as a necessity in a shelter design, it can not only be used in the disaster relief phase but future in Haiti.

Interview)agenda)including)questions)[Haiti)Now])studio)member999Yang)Ming) ) •! 15:00))))))introducing)of)the)thesis)project)and)research)development)thus)far) •! 15:10))))))observation)of)site)visit)[Haiti])) )))))))))))))))))))))))people)and)culture) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Natural)environment) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Government)and)history) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))…) •! 15:20))))))details)[food+living)space+clean)water+sanitation+medical+hygiene+others…]) Questions:))))))))))))) 1.)How)they)get)and)cook)food)if)they)live)in)shelters?)What)kind)of)grain)product)they) have)most?) )))))))))))))2.)How)was)displaced)people)living)environment)now?) 3.)Do)they)still)live)in)emergency)shelters?)Like)ADD)FULL)NAME)HERE)+)(UNHCR)) shelters)provided)on)the)2010)Haiti)Earthquake.) 4.)What)were)the)road)conditions)in)2010,)and)now…?) 5.)What)are)the)weather)conditions)in)Haiti?) 6.)How)do)they)get)clean)drinking)water?) 7.)Is)there)sanitary)plumbing)or)filtration)system)installed)to)filter)rainwater?) 8.)How)is)the)sanitation)in)Haiti,)especially)in)refugees?)How)they)deal)with)grey)and) black)or)wastewater?) 9.)How)they)solve)issues)and)problems)of)hygiene,)like)bathing,)tooth)brushing,)and) washing)face?) 10.)Do)they)have)healthcare)or)hospitals)around)the)refugees?) 11.)What)kind)of)epidemic)outbreaks)usually)happen?)Can)they)get)necessary)medicines) easily?) 12.)What)is)the)sex)structure)in)family?) 13.)What)is)the)composition)of)income)of)a)family?)How)many)people)usually)in)a) family?) 14.)Do)they)have)high)risk)of)social)problems)like)rob?)What)is)the)most)common) transportation)types?) 15.)What)is)the)most)common)community)structures?)Like)20)families)a)community)or) 100)families)a)community?) 16.)What)is)their)favorite)activities)and)where)do)these)activities)usually)happen)in)the) community?)In)a)public)space)or)someone’s)home?) 17.)What)problems)do)you)think)a)disaster)relief)shelter)should)solve?)) ) 15:50))))))suggestions)of)thesis)project) ))))))))))))))))) ) ) ) ) )


Proposed Project Nature, Context and Rationale The first issue of consideration of the universal disaster relief modular system is how those emergency supplies can be quickly prepared for transport. Therefore, the size of packages (emergency supplies and relief supplies), should be carefully decided according to the universal transportation type that usually used for emergency response. The transportation type will also be determined by the universal site conditions, the type and site selected for this project should be the one that suitable for all site conditions. The second issue for consideration will be what kind of emergency and relief supplies should be provided to those people who are displaced. The universal concept requires displaced people from the world should get supplies that specific design for them. People from Haiti, where is tropical area, will not need heater. The universal emergency supplies will satisfied what people’s basic needs, and the relief supplies will be different according to different climate zones and particular function and program needs(operating rooms, classrooms.. ) The third consideration will be how the evolvable temporary shelter works. It should have highly transportability, durability, flexibility, sustainability, recyclability, adaptability, and the shelter should be able to be packaged with other supplies in a portable size according to the universal transportation type. Moreover, the evolvable shelter should be able to updated overtime, any additives such as thermal insulation can be applied to the shelter, so it requires an easy and flexible frame that unprofessional people can figure out how to work with the shelter. Last, but not least, the modular system should be adaptable to functions that needed from affected areas, such as temporary operating rooms, classrooms, medical station. How to arrange a bunch of modular units into community will be another consideration of the system. Due to the recycle, sustainable, and universal concept, the evolvable shelter should be considered to reuse in another affected area after recycled and been cleaned from one affected area, or can be reused for homeless people.

The universal modular system will solve most problems that generated from contemporary natural disaster responses, which is the lack of toilets, short life span, and no privacy spaces, etc. First, as we see most in the affected areas, simple structured tents with thin fabric, displaced people will live in these tents until temporary housing built up. Those tents will degrade overtime and need to be replaced several times, also they are unable to be reused for any other disasters, and this causes waste. The simple tents are not adaptable for the secondary disasters, which usually occurs days after initial disasters. Therefore, those tents will cause secondary harm to displaced people. Between the emergency response and the disaster relief phase, there may have a weeks-gap or months-gap, climate changing or any other natural or man-made changings may happen, one-fold tent or shelter will not be able to respond to the complex environment. So that the disaster relief modular system seeks the evolvable system that could adapt to any conditions during the disaster relief time-period. Second, the universal disaster relief modular system concept will be also considered in the preparedness and mitigation phase of disaster relief Disaster relief Stragegy management. The coordination between government, ADD FULL NAME HERE + (NGOs) or Red Cross or any other corporations is the key of how fast, and how good the displaced people can get their needs and help.

Disaster relief management

maslow’s hierarchy of needs modified according to disaster conditions

case studies 01. ikea fla-pack refugee shelters by ikea

space size


number of people


life span

eco system


cost & weight


02. shelter box by shelterbox team

03. exo shelter by Michael McDaniel

04. origami zip by doowon suh

05. Designnobis proposes pop-up disaster relief shelter



11 3/4”



11 3/4”




1’-6” 1’-2” 1’-6”

1’-6” 1’-3”

3’-1” 4’-5”



Human scale based on average adult Top:Minimum living space Bottom: Portable toilet size


Spatial Adjacencies, Connections, Constraints and Juxtapositions The evolvable(transformable and transportable) disaster relief modular unit can be located adjacent and connected to each other according to specific requirements. The structural frame of the unit will be easier to transfer and connect by a simple joint, and the door should be lockable.

Spatial Explorations and Three dimensional Consequences Two modular units

Three modular unit

Four modular units

Connection type 01

Connection type 01

Connection type 01

Minimum living space with portable toilet

Connection type 02

Connection type 02

Connection type 02

One modular unit

Connection type 03

Connection type 03

Connection type 03

Figure17. Spatial exploration of modular units

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