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SharePoint Wiki Plus

Administration Guide

Installation & User Guide

Copyright © 2005-2009 KWizCom Corporation. All rights reserved.

Company Headquarters KWizCom 50 McIntosh Drive, Unit 109 Markham, Ontario ON L3R 9T3, Canada E-mail: Web site: Sales E-mail: Telephone: +1-905-370-0333

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Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4 Product Overview ............................................................................................. 5 Installation ......................................................................................................... 7 Software prerequisites _____________________________________________ 7 Server Requirements ................................................................................................7 Client PC Requirements ............................................................................................7 Installation Procedure ______________________________________________ 7 New Installation.........................................................................................................7 Install Wiki Plus on existing installation .................................................................8 Post Installation____________________________________________________ 9

Wiki Plus Localization .................................................................................... 11 Component Activation ................................................................................... 13 Wiki Plus Management ................................................................................... 15 Introduction ______________________________________________________ 15 The Administrator Interface _______________________________________ 15 KWizCom WikiPlus Management page ______________________________ 17 Wiki Page Permission Settings ............................................................................. 17 Updating Notification Settings .............................................................................. 18 Expiration Notification settings ............................................................................ 19 Wiki Plus Content Template List........................................................................... 20 New Wiki Plus library/site creation ________________________________ 21 Introduction............................................................................................................. 21 Create a Wiki Plus site ........................................................................................... 22 Create a Wiki Plus library ...................................................................................... 22 Manage Taxonomy scope __________________________________________ 24 Introduction............................................................................................................. 24 Wiki Plus reports __________________________________________________ 25 Migration of existing Wiki pages to Wiki Plus _______________________ 27

FAQ ................................................................................................................... 32 What is Wiki Plus? _________________________________________________ 32 What do we do with our existing wiki content? _____________________ 32 Can we change Wiki Plus graphics and deploy our company brand? __ 32 Do I have to install anything on my company's client-PCs? __________ 32

Technical Support .......................................................................................... 33 The KWizCom Web site ____________________________________________ 33 The Web Form _____________________________________________________ 33

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Introduction KWizCom SharePoint 2007 Wiki Plus is an advanced, comprehensive and complete Wiki solution for SharePoint. Its unique additional features make it the ideal tool for true crossorganization knowledge sharing. Wiki Plus is compatible with MOSS 2007 standard and enterprise editions. This Administration Guide includes the following sections: 

Product overview

Installation guide

Component activation


Managing Wiki Plus


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Product Overview True, SharePoint-based Enterprise Wiki solution. KWizCom Wiki Plus is an advanced, comprehensive and complete Wiki solution based on Microsoft SharePoint platform. Its unique additional features make it the ideal tool for true cross-organization knowledge sharing.

Wiki Plus is built on-top of MOSS 2007 infrastructure, allowing you to use all standard SharePoint features together with comprehensive Wiki capabilities.

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The advanced wiki features and the natural integration with SharePoint platform provide the most productive and cost effective tool for real collaboration and knowledge sharing across the enterprise. Wiki Plus key features include: 

Support for standard Wiki markup language

Improved content editing capabilities

Complete taxonomy solution (Web 2.0 tagging / Hierarchical

Content rating

Support for RSS feeds / Alerting / Subscriptions on wiki pages and categories

Content lifecycle management

Support for discussions on Wiki pages

Support for Printing a Wiki page

Support for Previewing a Wiki page before saving it

Advanced reporting

Wiki content template

Enable adding images, flash, movie clips, emoticons and file attachments to wiki pages – the easy way!

Support for mapping images and setting absolute position

Support for adding a source code

True SharePoint integration – it’s all standard SharePoint behind the scenes – No separate maintenance costs!


From administration point of view, KWizCom Wiki Plus is eventually a SharePoint add-on, composed of standard SharePoint modules: Features, Site and List definitions, Lists, Web parts and Content types. The next sections provide details about the installation and on-going administration and configuration tasks.

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Installation Software prerequisites Server Requirements 1. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007), SP1/SP2 Client PC Requirements 2. Windows XP SP2+, Windows Vista SP1 3. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6+ SP1/7/8 Mozilla Firefox (latest version) / Google Chrome (latest version).

Installation Procedure New Installation 1. Log in as local admin to your SharePoint server. 2. Unzip the KWizCom SharePoint Wiki Plus zip file on your WSS/SPS server. 3. Double-click the “setup.bat” file. It will install the following products by order: a. KWizCom SharePoint Tagging Feature b. KWizCom SharePoint Rating Solution c. KWizCom Wiki Plus Remark: If you already have the KWizCom SharePoint Tagging Feature or the SharePoint Rating solution installed on the server, do NOT execute the “setup.bat”. Instead, browse to the KWizCom Wiki Plus sub folder, and execute its .msi installation file. 4. When the installation process is complete it will recycle all application pools automatically.

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Install Wiki Plus on existing installation 1. Log in as local admin to your SharePoint server. 2. Remove the existing Wiki Plus installation:

3. Install Wiki Plus as described in the "New Installation" section above. 4. In order to update the existing pages' layout with the new changes made in version 1.2.50, run the upgrade utility: Go to Start -> All Programs -> KWizCom -> SharePoint WikiPlus Solution -> Upgrade Existing WikiPlus site

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Post Installation 1. After completion of the installation, a new KWizCom entry will appear in Windows Start -> All Programs -> KWizCom containing the following programs:

Wiki Export&Import these are command line utilities that enable exporting the SharePoint wiki pages and import them into Wiki Plus libraries. About SharePoint Wiki Plus Display general information about the product. Activate SharePoint Wiki Plus This utility enables you (the SharePoint Administrator) to activate the product for use. Upgrade Existing WikiPlus Solution This utility enables you (the SharePoint Administrator) to upgrade update Wiki Plus pages (if you have a Wiki Plus v1.1.00 installed) with the new version's layout (this is optional). 2. In order to activate Wiki Plus in existing site collections, you will have to activate the following site collection features by order (For mew wiki Plus installation only): a. KWizCom Tagging Feature b. KWizCom Rating Solution c. Wiki Plus Library Resources Feature

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3. For new site collections – these features will automatically become active (using stapling features).

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Wiki Plus Localization All KWizCom components use .NET localization mechanism. This means that a KWizCom component will automatically use a language resource files according to the displayed application's language (this is true for all types of components). The following steps are required in order to create a new resource file for any required language: 1. Open “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\Resources” folder. 2. Copy wikiplus.resx file and rename it to the required language, for example: wikiplus.en-US.resx 3. Open the file in any editor and translate all <value> nodes to your requested string. Example: This node represents the "Duplicate Page" toolbar menu that appears in the wiki Edit page.

<data name="editpage_toolbar_clonepage" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Duplicate Page</value> </data>

Override the <value> string with your own required string. This way you can change/translate all captions in the Wiki Plus user interface.

4. Save the file. 5. Copy the file into “App_GlobalResources” folder for each web application or run COPYBIN command using STSADM

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Component Activation KWizCom components are available for evaluation prior to purchase without any activation needed. This way you can try our components and verify that they indeed meet your needs. An evaluation version for each KWizCom component contains all features of the component's production version. The only difference is that an evaluation version is timelimited, and will operate for a period of one month.

Once you decide you wish to purchase a KWizCom component, you should follow these steps: 1. Order the component on the KWizCom website – 2. Send us the installed evaluation version's product Code (you will see the product Code on the "About" product page:

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Product Code

Please use the Activation Request web form, on KWizCom web site to send us your product code. 3. Get the component activation key – this key will be sent to you by email once your order is processed. 4. Activate your installed evaluation version click Start -> All Programs -> KWizCom -> SharePoint Wiki Plus ->

Activate SharePoint Wiki Plus

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Wiki Plus Management Introduction Wiki Plus is a MOSS 2007 add-on. The following sections describe all the administration and configuration capabilities of Wiki Plus after you have completed the installation (as described in the "Installation" chapter). The following administration topics are covered in this chapter: Topic



Covered in the "Installation" chapter

General Wiki Plus settings

Definition of Wiki Plus settings at the Site Collection level. These settings affect all Wiki Plus sites below that site collection.

Creating Wiki sites/libraries

Guidelines for various Wiki deployment scenarios and how to create new Wiki Plus sites vs. libraries.

Manage Taxonomy scope

Define the scope of shared tags/categories.

Wiki Plus reports

Wiki Plus reports are available both for site managers and for site collection managers – providing usage data at the appropriate scope.

Migrate SharePoint wiki to Wiki Plus

By using Wiki Plus Export & Import utilities you can migrate your existing SharePoint wiki libraries to Wiki Plus libraries.

The Administrator Interface After Wiki Plus is installed, it provides various administration/configuration settings available at the Site Collection level. These settings affect all Wiki Plus sites in that site collection. The Wiki Plus administrator interface is accessed via the SharePoint Site Collection administration page:

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KWizCom administration section, including links to WikiPlus administration pages.

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KWizCom WikiPlus Management page The KWizCom Management page has 4 sections: Wiki Page Permission Settings

This section is used to configure the following settings: 

Select knowledge trustee group choose a SharePoint group that will have the knowledge trustee privileges. The Knowledge Trustee group is a defined to provide special permissions to the employee/s that are in-charge of the company's knowledge management. The knowledge trustees can perform the following actions: o Redefine a page’s expiration date o Delete a page o Change the owner of a wiki page. o Create Wiki Plus page content template. For more detailed explanations about Knowledge Trustees and Content Templates please review the Wiki Plus user guide.

Edit a page rights define the default editing rights for the Wiki Plus library. At default all users who have contributor rights in a site will have also edit rights in the Wiki Plus library.

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Updating Notification Settings

Enable update notification – by checking this checkbox you allow Update notifications in the Wiki Plus sites. If you uncheck the checkbox Update notifications will be disabled.

Updating notification email subject define the notification email subject format and content. The notification email is sent to the page owner and knowledge trustee group members every time a page is updated by a user who is not the page owner.

Updating notification email body Define the notification email body format and content. You can use the following dynamic tokens: o [wiki page name] – displays the page name o [wiki page review link] – displays a link to the page in view mode o [wiki page edit link] - displays a link to the page in edit mode o [wiki page updated] – displays the date and time when the page was last updated o [wiki page updated by] – displays the name of the user who updated the page

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Expiration Notification settings

Wiki Plus provides the ability to define an expiration period for every page. When a page is about to expire Wiki Plus sends a notification email to the Knowledge Trustee group members and to the page owner/s. This administration page enables to define the following notification email settings: 

Enable life cycle – by checking this checkbox you allow Life cycle alerts in the Wiki Plus sites. If you uncheck the checkbox Life cycle alerts will be disabled.

Send notification before a wiki page is expired – choose when the notification massage will be sent to the knowledge trustees.

Email subject - define the notification email subject format and content.

Email body - define the notification email body format and content. You can use the same dynamic tokens described in the previous page.

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Wiki Plus Content Template List

Click the “WikiPlus Content Templates” link in order to create new Wiki Plus page templates. These templates can be used later whenever a new wiki page is created (displayed in the "New Wiki Page" wizard (for more details please review the Wiki Plus user guide).

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New Wiki Plus library/site creation Introduction After you set its general Wiki Plus settings in site collection level, you can start deploy Wiki Plus. You can deploy Wiki Plus in 2 ways: 

Create Wiki Plus libraries in your existing SharePoint sites (using the Wiki Plus library template).

Create new Wiki Plus site/s (using the Wiki Plus site template).

This enables you to deploy an enterprise wiki solution in various configurations: 

Team wiki – Create a Wiki Plus library in already existing team sites.

Department wiki – Create a Wiki Plus site and use the ready-to-use site template that includes Tagging capabilities, rating, wiki page discussions etc (see detailed feature description in the user guide).

Enterprise wiki – Create a site collection that includes Wiki Plus sites – one per subject. This way you can support a very large number of wiki pages. The top level site should act as an entry point, including custom web parts such as: Tag Cloud (included in Wiki plus), and “Subjects” (links to the various topics – can be simply implemented with content editor web part).

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Create a Wiki Plus site Creating a Wiki Plus site is as simple as creating any other SharePoint site. Simply select the "Wiki Plus" site template in the SharePoint's "Create site" wizard:

Create a Wiki Plus library You can add Wiki Plus functionality to existing SharePoint sites by simply creating a Wiki Plus library. In order for this Wiki Plus library template to be visible, you should activate the "WikiPlus Library Feature" site feature in the site where you want to create the Wiki Plus library:

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After you activate the "WikiPlus Library Feature" feature, you will be able to create Wiki Plus libraries in that site:

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Manage Taxonomy scope Introduction A part of the Wiki Plus solution is the KWizCom Tagging feature that enables the management of shared tags/categories by which wiki articles may later be easily found. When a user creates a wiki page he can tag the page by using the "Tags" field:

All tags that wiki authors use are collected and managed in shared tags list/s, exposed in standard Tag Cloud/Tag Index web part which can be deployed according to customer needs. As the application administrator, you can define the scope of these shared tags according to the business requirements: 

Site scope – tags that are shared only among team members in a specific team site.

Site collection scope – tags that are shared across several sites in a site collection.

When the Tagging Feature is activated in the site collection (this is one of the post installation tasks), it creates a tags list in site collection level – shared by all Wiki Plus sites in that site collection. 24 Copyright © 2005-2009 KWizCom Corporation All rights reserved.

You can create additional tags lists in various scopes for the usage of various wiki sites. For additional details about the Tagging feature management please refer to the Tagging feature user guide available in KWizCom web site: SubNodeID=522

Wiki Plus reports Wiki Plus includes 2 reports which are available in various scopes: Wiki Plus library, Wiki Plus site, entire site collection: 

Pages report – provides data on created/updated/viewed pages in a defined period of time.

Contributors report – provides data on contributors (amount of created/updated pages for each one).

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You can access these reports from the Wiki Plus library:

You can also access these views as a site administrator from the site settings page, or from the Site Collection settings page:

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In this case these reports will display results in the whole site scope (if for example in contains several Wiki Plus libraries), or in the site collection scope (in case you have several Wiki Plus sites).

Migration of existing Wiki pages to Wiki Plus Wiki Plus includes a content migration utility that enables you to export existing SharePoint wiki pages and import them into Wiki Plus libraries. If you already have a SharePoint wiki library/site deployed, you can export its content to the Wiki Plus library using the Wiki Plus content migration utility. The migration process includes 2 stages: 1. Export SharePoint wiki library pages from existing SharePoint wiki library. 2. Import these pages into the Wiki Plus library.


When you export SharePoint wiki pages into a Wiki Plus library, ALL pages from the SharePoint wiki library are copied into the target Wiki Plus library.

If the target Wiki Plus library contains some pages with the same names as the imported pages (like "Home.aspx") – they will be override by the imported pages.

Wiki page links ("[[page name]] wiki markup) will be fixed during the import process, so linked pages will stay linked as expected.

When you have images in a SharePoint wiki page then when this page is imported into WikiPlus library, the image link will stay as is (linking to the image/s at their original location).

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Wiki Export: 1. Run Wiki export utility on the SharePoint server:

2. Type Wiki library source site URL:

3. Type Wiki site URL and then the Wiki library name:

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4. Click “ENTER” to continue the process:

5. When the process is finished you will see the path where the export file is saved:

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Import the exported wiki pages to Wiki Plus library: 1. Copy your Pages.xml file to C disk (c:\Pages.xml) 2. Run Wiki Import utility:

3. Type Wiki Plus site URL:

4. Type Wiki pages library name:

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5. Click “ENTER” to continue with the import process:

6. When the import process is finished the following message will be displayed:

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FAQ What is Wiki Plus? KWizCom Wiki Plus is a complete, SharePoint-based enterprise wiki solution. Wiki Plus is fully integrated with MOSS 2007, thus provides you with enhanced wiki features together with all other SharePoint features – security, search, web part pages etc.

What do we do with our existing wiki content? No problem! You can export all existing SharePoint wiki pages and then import them into Wiki Plus libraries using a wiki to wiki plus migration utility.

Can we change Wiki Plus graphics and deploy our company brand? Sure you can! Wiki Plus exposes its style sheet and graphic files, so you can fully customize the graphic appearance.

Do I have to install anything on my company's client-PCs? No. Wiki Plus is a server installation.

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Technical Support Technical support may be obtained by using any of the following methods:

The KWizCom Web site The KWizCom website at contains the most updated valuable information, including:

 Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about our products – usability and technical questions.

 Product updates, which provide you with bug fixes and new features.

The Web Form For technical support through the Internet, please fill in our support web form on our web site. For more information on technical support, please review our support programs page.

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