The portfolio by zhang ke

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catalogue Work Ⅳ : P

Walking in the garden

13-17/Academic/With partners

2014 in Hebei United University

Pencil painting

Work Ⅲ :




The phoenix - Cultural center


2010 in Hebei United University

Work Ⅱ : P Pen painting P

Green campus

6-10/Academic/With partners

2013 in Hebei United University


All these work demonstrate my commitment to innovation and sense of social responsibility

Material model P


2012 in Hebei United University

Work Ⅰ : P






2012 in Hebei United University

The V Public Square I

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The purpose of design

The East elevation

The South elevation

The West elevation

The center of the square

The "V" public square is located at the intersection of northwest corner, it aims to provide an entertainment and leisure place for people. With the combination of grass , wood and open space,it shows a transparent vision. “V� is a symbol of victory, gives a person a kind of positive spiritual pursuit. At the same time, it is displayed in front of people in a receptive attitude, which makes people have a sense of belonging.




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Square Ⅱ design outline & analysis

Inspiration 1 The osmotic effect of two main roads on the square

V square is composed of two main roads and several relatively independent small squares which are out of the two groups of parallel lines .People can stand or sit on the several formed slopes to increase interest.It provide the best place for people's outdoor activities.

Inspiration 2 The effect of a set of parallel lines of the square

The cross of the main roads and the two groups of parallel lines forms a lot of V type squares. The symbol of victory gives people

positive energy. The large central square and the reasonable

regional division contribute to the recreation and landscape appreciation service.

Inspiration 3 Another group of parallel lines and the above 可上人绿化地面

不可上人绿化地面 硬质地面铺砖

Inspiration 4 The formation of the square

Landscape analysis




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Square â…˘

The concise and clear streamlines, grass and trees, bright and spacious visual experiences, all of above give person a kind of comfortable feeling. The wind, the sun and the grass get together. This is not just a building, but natural and real.

The wind analysis chart

The wind analysis chart

The wind analysis chart of each month

The two raised pieces of lawn on north and south bring about the recycling and alternating of the wind in summer and winter. Wind gose through small squares, gives people the most comfortable experiences in outdoor activities. The large central area is the best place to enjoy pleasant cool air.

Analysis line graph of the thermal environment




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Square Ⅳ


Perspective Ⅰ The intention of the V public square is that to make people contact with nature more conveniently. It is not just a building, but a medium or a link between people and nature. Standing on the lawn, you can enjoy the warm sunshine and breathe the fresh air. All of these are natural and beautiful. The classic combination of grass, wood and stone gives people the original outdoor experience. Placing yourself among the aquare, you will see a building which looks like a glass Pyramid.Combining with the steel frame,the glass Pyramid perfectly performance aesthetic lines.In addition,it can provide people a shelter from the rain.

Perspective Ⅱ

Green compus

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Ⅰ The possibility of choice

scope of the school main road

Metro Planning Map

Analysis of the new city axis

the first possibility

the second possibility

The four pieces of Green Center

Four pieces of land on both sides of the road

·three lands concentrate on one side of the main road ·the building and affiliated facilities are relatively concentrated ·make full use of land

·across the main road,this choice has a great impact on the surrounding traffic ·in the students' main evacuation, congestion phenomenon is easy to occur ·it is hard to save the building site and may cause repeated construction

To determine the area

Analysis of housing land


Six pieces of land including the green ones ·adjust the existing planning ·increase the difficulty of the project

Green space is located between the campus and the main road. The land is too square so that it is not conducive to the layout.


Analysis of the main road

the third possibility

green space

The green area is limited so that it is out of action.


Green compus

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BASIC SITUATION Based on the overall consideration of the campus, the function is more important than design. Because the number of the students is big and they are in different ages, planning is the key to solve the problem. Reducing the overlap of different grades students activities, not only guarantees the normal teaching order, but also reduces the campus traffic flow and improve the utilization rate of public facilities.

The green long road reduces the noise and interference to the school.

The increase of the buffer of the main road is good for traffic safety.

The increase in length is conducive to the layout of the building.

Green compus

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General layout

The underground plan

The first floor plan


The fourth floor plan




The third floor plan

teaching building


public space

The second floor plan



T he des i g n s t r a t e g y The school is divided into two areas. Each one has independent entrances. It is co n v e n i e nt t o m a n a g e m e n t . The little theatre and gymnas ium are in a separated building, wh i c h i s l o c a t e d b e t w e e n the north entrances of the two areas. It avoids the problem of t o o l o n g d i s t a n c e b e cause of the too large scale. Except to the teaching building, public teaching rooms, library and canteen are available. Administrative office bu i l d i n g , s t u d e n t s l i v i n g area, swimming pool and spor ts facilities are arranged near th e r o a d si d e a n d e n t r a n c e, which need to be connected with the outside.

Green compus

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Professional classroom

Ordinary classroom

The classroom design

The classroom layout In order to improve the efficiency of using, classrooms are arranged on both sides of the aisle. The general classrooms are on the south side and the specialized classrooms are on the north.

Facade design The solution is to use shade plates on the classrooms' roof to create a modeling looks like a "sailing", signifying that students can swim free in the ocean of knowledge.

Green compus

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Trail and drainage ditch

1-1 profile

Concrete pavement

The ultimate goal of the building is to meet the demand of people's lives. "Comfortable" architecture is the excellent architecture. Roof greening can greatly enrich students' extracurricular life.

Rely on the parapet at the trail and drainage ditch

The phoenix-Cultural center

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There is a bird in China ancient mythology.It is called" Phoenix". The building is different from the cold ordinary buildings. It rises from the ground with the slope form so that people can walk up on the roof and feel very friendly. The construction sites in a city called Tangshan, which is known as the "phoenix city" after the earthquake reconstruction.


active area reading area

Building outline is similar with two circled phoenixs.

exhibition area work area work area

Contact and through

The building in the evolution

The final look

The phoenix-Cultural center

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cultural synthesis

impression drawing

Circular + arc

the north elevation

Straight corridor

the east elevation

the south elevation

the west elevation ·the stones with glass ·combine virtual and real ·highlight the heavy and light ·close to nature

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Walking in the garden â…

The total area of the project is about 23740 square meters. This is a large city




high-grade office buildings, upscale apartments


c o m m e r c i a l building.

Walking in the garden â…Ą


We take the design as a strength in the city structure and make this place full of human style. Instead of featureless city landscape, it contains the endless possibility. At the same time it is the open space. People can arrive, can stay. It is full of fun. Commercial streets are like streams between the office and apartment. On the contrary, the buildings are like mountains surrounded by the "streams" . Its shape is simple but makes people feel a kind of rhythm.

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Walking in the garden â…˘ Airscape view â…°

It is dynamic and elegant in any angle because of its unique modeling. The building is covered by the flashing aluminum and glass on the serface to makes it bright. The smooth lines and the beautiful surroundings provide an excellent shopping environment and leisure place for people. At the same time, the rising trend of the roof contains a thriving and developing situation of the enterprise.

Airscape view â…ą

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Walking in the garden â…Ł


General layout

Apartment office plannimg

Apartment Office

Apartment detail

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Walking in the garden â…¤


The east elevation



The southern elevation "walking in the garden" The concept of "walking in the garden" is the overall design infrastructure.It puts the image of natural and sustainable development and enterable space into the building.




Pencil and pen

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Pencil sketch, can quickly record what have seen , or outline the scene which appeared from the head.

Pen drawing, can display the straight and hard lines of the building.

Pen painting, use the superposition of lines to display the relationship of light and shadow.

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I like painting and I often practise painting, not only study requirement but also my intense interests. When I see beautiful buildings in daily life, I will draw it down with lines and colors. Gouache Painting

Landscape Painting

Sketch Painting

Architectural Painting

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Model ▲ Three-Dimensional Structure ▲


The sense of spsce

New material

Modelling practice

Strength and support


Pictures of building models. Model making exercises include residential buildings, commercial bui l d i n g s , w e s t e r n s t y l e b u i l d i n g s and the Chinese traditional Hui Style architecture. Using a variety of materials,I simulate and else.

pool, stone, wood

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Other works

Flowing Curve

Cutting Geometry

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