Zhang Liyuan Autism Step Singapore  Zhang Liyuan Autism gives some best treatments to eliminate autism disorder completely. Because all over the world, there is only a few organization who provides autism therapies. Autism occurs during childbirth. Many children have found genetic changes during autism. Because autism has not been shown to becaused by any infections and virus. But ASD found only in a chronic disorder. But according to research, clearly shown that all chronic disorders are caused by any one of several nutritional deficiencies. Nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and cholesterol.
Zhang Liyuan who is specialized in Autism Step in Singapore has provided special treatments for the autistic child. And he provides special training to autism’s parents so that they can give positive feedback to their child for his every moment. Autism Step Singapore, provide several types of therapy to children with autism such as physical, speech, occupational, and behavior given by Zhang Liyuan Autism. The ABA therapists recommend 25–40 hours of therapy per week starting as soon as the child is diagnosed. He suggests doing meditation every morning and evening and also gives medications by different forms of therapies to fulfill nutritional deficiencies present in autistic children. Nutritional therapy is most important for every autistic child because a proper diet developed a good brain. If Diets are rich then no needs any therapy or meditation for autism child. Source: https://medium.com/@ZhangLiyuan/zhang-liyuan-auti sm-step-singapore-autism-step-4cfeda979ea7