Zhan Shi_Resume

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ZHANSHI I nt er i orDes i gn

ht t ps : / / i s s uu. c om/ z ha ns hi 26/ doc s / z ha n_ s hi


SavannahCol l egeofAr tandDes i gn( SCAD) |S avannah,GA

Mas t erofF i neAr t si nI nt er i orDes i gn Ex pect edGr aduat i onMay2020

F uz houUni ver s i t y|F uj i an,Chi na

Bachel orofF i neAr t si nEnvi r onment alDes i gn,J une2017


J une2019-Augus t2019


S ept ember2019-November2019

J ul y2018-Augus t2018

I nt er i orDes i gnI nt er n -Des i gnHub

I nt er i orDes i gnI nt er n -Huz houUr banPl anni ngand Des i gnRes ear chI ns t i t ut i on

Z hej i ang,Chi na

Col l egeT eachi ngAs s i s t ant -S avannahCol l egeofAr t andDes i gn

Z hej i ang,Chi na

S avannah,GA

Par t i ci pat edi nr et ai l des i gnpr oj ect sand wor kpl acedes i gnpr oj ect . -Res pons i bl ef orconcept s ,model i ngwi t h S ket chUp,F F &Es el ect i on,pr oduci ng ar chi t ect ur al det ai l sandf l oorpl ansi n CAD.

Commer ci al s paceandr es i dent i al s pace des i gn. Res pons i bl ef ormodel i ngwi t hS ket chUp. Pr oducedRender i ngswi t hVr ayand3ds Max .

Wor kedasat eachi ngas s i s t antf or i nt er i orunder gr aduat ecaps t one s t udi ocl as s . Communi cat edandpr ovi ded s ugges t i onsf ors t udent s ’r es ear ch

Communi cat edwi t ht her ender i ng depar t mentt opr oduceper s pect i ves .

Pr oducedcons t r uct i ondr awi ngswi t h CAD.

anddes i gn. Pr ovi deds of t war el ect ur esf or s t udent s .


SOF T WARE Aut oCAD S ket chUp AdobeS ui t e Revi t

I nvol vement

SCADI nt er i orDes i gnOr gani z at i on( I DO)member( 2018Pr es ent ) SCADSer vemember( 2017Pr es ent )

3dsMax L umi on Rhi no Mi cr os of tS ui t e

DESI GN MoodBoar d F F &ES el ect i on HandDr awi ng

SCADSer ve|Vol unt eer( 10/ 2019) S CADS ERVES i l verBi r t hdayBoxEvent .Madebi r t hdayboxf ors eni orci t i z ens . SCADSer ve|Vol unt eer( 05/ 2019) Vol unt eerwi t hKi dsCaf eMi ni onPops i cl eEvent s .Madebookmar kswi t hchi l dr enat Gar r i s onS chool ofAr t s . SCADSer ve|Vol unt eer( 11/ 2017) Wentt ot heMemor i al Hos pi t al t omakepaperf l ower sf ort hecancerpat i ent s . F uz houUni ver s i t y|St udentl eader s hi p( 05/ 2016) Hel pedt hepr of es s ort oor gani z et heof f campusex hi bi t i onofcommer ci al s pace des i gncour s e. F uz houUni ver s i t y|St udentl eader s hi p( 05/ 2015) Hel pedt hepr of es s ort oor gani z et heof f campusex hi bi t i onofar chi t ect ur al s pace combi nat or i al t heor ycour s e.

Achi evement s

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