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BAT & WIND TURBINES Wind turbines kill bats Technology update New living area
Group project Location:West Virginia, America Duration:06/2020-09/2020 Tutor:Lin Wei
Our design aimed at protecting our client, bat, from death caused by wind energy. At the ridges of West Virginia and ,human beings can get clean energy from wind turbines, while bats only get killed. We choose the Mountaineers in West Virginia as our site. Using the mortality data collected by researchers to make reasonable hypothesis, we come to solve the dilemma with a new linear pass way using ecological and technological strategies.
Ecologically, we evaluated the current situation and vegetation richness of the site, and scored each factor, getting the total score to determine the area of exclusion, buffer and corridor of the new pass way.
Technologically, The I-P-O system was arranged along the pass way to strengthen scurity for bats, as well as contribute to human-bat visual interaction.