The LIU –Special Edition–April 2022

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Apr 2022

A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church

THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)

Zion Hill Celebrates Sesquicentennial with Historical Outreach Event


he weekend of March 12-13, 2022 marked the beginning of the 150th year-long anniversary celebration of the founding of Zion Hill Baptist Church! Zion Hill was founded in 1872 by Reverend Robert Grant and seven former slaves. The church was located at the intersection of Glenn and Humphries streets in a brush harbor, a makeshift edifice, where Blacks could gather to worship God. Zion Hill’s motto, “Living to Love and Loving to Serve,” was introduced in l994 by

its current Pastor and visionary leader, Reverend Aaron L. Parker, Ph.D. The Church’s motto is reflected in the 150th year-long celebration, “STILL,” (Standing Tall In Lasting Love). The March 12th and 13th kickoff event was titled, “STILL Serving” and involved a massive outpouring of LOVE

by members and friends of Zion Hill as we fulfilled the needs of four different agencies within the City of South Fulton whose primary function is to provide the necessities of life to the underserved in our community. These four community agencies included The nsoro Foundation, Sheltering Arms, Solomon’s Temple, and youthSpark which were identified and contacted by the STILL Serving Committee of Zion Hill which secured a list of their needs and informed (continued on page 3)

Grateful for You


irst, I take this present opportunity to thank the nearly 900 brothers

and sisters of the Zion Hill Family for reaching out to the four selected nonprofit agencies – Sheltering Arms, The nsoro Foundation, Solomon’s Temple, Inc., youthSpark, Inc. – during the first major event celebrating our 150th Church Anniversary called “Still Serving.” The level of your generosity extended to each of these groups far exceeded expectations, and we do believe the contributions made a significant difference in the groups’ operations. We also extend a word of gratitude to the Still Serving

CHURCH FAMILY Acknowledgments | March 2022

Committee, which worked diligently to organize, collect and distribute the goods and finances that we received. Certainly the general Anniversary Committee played a major role in forming and executing this event, as well as the Church staff, which offered much

Thank you for standing with our family during our most difficult time.

—Sincerely, Sis. Regina Carr and Family

support. You can see more details about this event in related articles in this newsletter. Second, I want to thank all of you who shared expressions of appreciation for our twenty-eight years of service here at Zion Hill during the month of March. In the midst of the grand celebration of our Sesquicentennial, you took the time to send a card, a note,

Thank you so much for your prayers and acts of kindness. —Sis. Margaret Sanford and Family

a gift, a prayer to wish us well as we continue with this ministry. Please, realize that we never take such acts of kindness for granted, knowing full well that you are under no compulsion to do such. Indeed, your thoughtfulness always help to encourage and lift our spirits. We wish for you the prophetic blessing that the Apostle Paul pronounced over the Philippians after receiving a gift from them. He said, “And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (4:19) We are tremendously grateful for you.



—Pastor Aaron and Sister Shelia Parker

Historical Outreach Event... (continued from page 1) them that our congregation wanted to join with them in meeting the needs of the populations which they served. Weeks prior to the historical weekend, Pastor Parker made a heartfelt appeal to the congregation and friends of Zion Hill to assist with the organizations’ wish list by participating in a STILL Serving Drive-By Donation event in honor of Zion Hill’s Sesquicentennial Celebration. The anticipation and excitement gained momentum as the date quickly arrived for The STILL Serving Drive-By Donation event with participation across generations in support of the inaugural Sesquicentennial Celebration. The Still Serving Committee coordinated by Sister Mary Gaines and Deacon Thomas Williams together with many volunteers, church ministries and staff are highly

commended for their dedication and stellar work in implementing the impactful event. The two-day weekend event was the first of twelve Sesquicentennial STILL events that will take place throughout the 2022 year.

Blessed to STILL be a blessing: Serving in action... The culmination of the Sesquicentennial STILL Serving Event weekend was highlighted during the Sunday morning worship service on March 13th. An impactful video presentation, Still Serving: THEN and NOW, traced back Zion Hill’s history of outreach, as set forth by the early Black Church, which has been significantly expanded locally, nationally, and internationally under Pastor Parker’s leadership. The video was followed by a powerful,

inspiring, and thought-provoking sermon by Reverend Anthony Motley, Pastor of Lindsay Street Baptist Church in Atlanta. He closed his sermon by encouraging the congregation, as Paul (Acts 27:31) had appealed to the centurions, not to abandon the ship but rather stand together, loving and serving the least of these. As we follow Pastor Parker’s guidance and leadership, all glory and honor be to God, our Father, who made it ALL possible for Zion Hill to continue to serve the least among us. To show appreciation to those that participated in this event, each person received a lapel pin. n —Submitted by Sis. Mary Gaines |


STILL SERVING OUTREACH SUMMARY Total Responses: 840 (3/29/22) 1.Sheltering Arms (Last Names A - D)

Total Needed

Total Donated

Lysol Liquid Lysol Spray Touch Free Thermometers Hand Sanitizers

50 50 12 50

20 154 20 435

Pampers Unscented Baby Wipes

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

65 37 34 57 35 35 39 22 94

Pampers Newborn Diapers/Size 0 Pampers Newborn Diapers/Size 1 Pampers Swaddlers Baby Diapers /Size 2 Pampers Cruisers Baby Diapers /Size 3 Pampers Baby Diapers/Size 4 Huggies Baby Diapers/Size 5 Huggies Overnight Diapers/Size 6 Huggies Baby Wipes Natural Care Scented 2. The nsoro Foundation (Last Names E - K) Blankets (twin) Sheet sets w/pillow cases (twin) Pillows (standard) Laundry pods Single serve snacks Microwaveable cookware Backpacks Pens Mechanical pencils High lighters Pencil holder Tape & dispenser Stapler & staple remover Post-it notes



Total Needed

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Total Donated

73 145 118 149 116 63 55 142 82 155 54 129 43 782

3. Soloman's Temple Inc. (Last Names L- R)

Total Needed

Total Donated

Oatmeal-single serving packs Grits - single serving packs Cereal Cheez-Its - single serving packs Individually wrapped cookies (no peanut butter) Variety Pack Chips Fruit Snacks - single serving packs Canned Tuna Ramen Noodles Macaroni and Cheese- single serving packs Instant Mashed Potatoes 55 gallon trash bags Dawn dish detergent

75 75 75 75

166 69 70 25

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

120 54 144 194 156 73 83 28 85

Plastic Spoons & Forks

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

93 46 66 44 144 171 114 108

Laundry Pods Aluminum Foil Saran Wrap Kitchen Towels Potholders Plastic Water Pitchers Clorox Wipes 4. youthSpark Inc. (Last Names S -Z) Laundry Detergent Fabric Softener Lysol Liquid Cleaner Dishwashing Detergent Windex Clorox Spray Lysol Disinfectant Spray Awesome Multipurpose Cleaner Room Deodorizer Pine Sol Bleach

Total Needed

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Total Donated

304 150 145 37 71 66 177 135 153 118 162

Still Serving Outreach Monetary Donations (3/29/22)

Sheltering Arms $797.00 Gift nsoro Foundation $1445.00 + $150 inCards Solomon’s Temple Inc. $1590.00 youthSpark Inc. $420.00 Total:

$4252.00 |


History of Service

An extraordinary narrative – a marvelous account – a fabulous report – so describes the story of service of the 150-yearold Zion Hill Baptist Church. This captivating account began long before the congregation’s physical existence in some of the earliest expressions of African American Christianity.


mong these expressions were the activities of Black church pioneers Richard Allen and Absalom Jones, who, along with others, abruptly left the Saint George Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1787 because of blatant racial mistreatment. Thereafter, they soon formed a mutual aid society called the Free African Society, which became the foundation for the first African American Christian denomination, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. People of African descent in organizations like these pooled their meager monetary resources and offered assistance to those in their community with dire needs, such as housing, food, clothing, medical services, education, and burial expenses. This reactive and proactive form of community help became the model for succeeding generations of Black Churches. Also, among these early churches that formed before the official abolition of chattel slavery in 1863 were some that served as stations for the Underground Railroad, which provided safe havens and sustenance for slaves seeking freedom. It was into such a culture of care, concern, and responsibility for others that Zion Hill Baptist Church was born in 1872 and this family of believers has answered God’s call to serve for 150 years. In Zion Hill’s earliest period of existence, the congregation’s service arm probably only reached across the aisles of the crude brush harbor sanctuary as those former slaves themselves needed much assistance from one another just to survive.



As the Church grew, however, its outreach efforts correspondingly increased, especially in its ongoing association with the National Baptist Convention, USA, Incorporated – a national organization that traces its history back to 1880, when a group of 151 delegates from 11 churches gathered in Montgomery, Alabama, to label themselves the Baptist Foreign Mission Convention, so named because it committed to spreading the gospel on the continent of Africa as the best way to serve others. This body, in 1895, joined two other conventions, with emphases on home missions and education, to form the National Baptist Convention of the United States of America. Foreign mission, home mission and education are still foci of this body and of Zion Hill to this day.

Advancing the call to expand outreach further was set in motion with the Reverend Levi M. Terrell for nearly three decades from 1943-1971. He held a weekly radio broadcast, organized record breaking rallies, and implemented various social programs. Service to others extended far beyond the walls of Zion Hill through his extensive leadership, which included serving as President of the General Missionary Baptist State Convention and as a Vice-President of the National Baptist Convention during the presidency of the Reverend Joseph H. Jackson. These two, along with a cadre of officers, led this assembly in Home and Foreign Missions, including the purchase of a Freedom Farm in Tennessee to provide a haven for Black farmers divested of their land during the Civil Rights revolution – truly a monumental outreach effort. For the next twenty years (1972-1992), Zion Hill’s call for action led to further service under the Reverend Larry H. Williams, which included a regular Sunday morning radio ministry that spread the saving gospel to many, the continuation of the Missionary Society, the weekly

STILL Serving – An astonishing depiction that highlights the development of ZHBC act of service... On a local level, serving became more intentional and evident under the pastoral leadership of the Reverend W.W. Floyd, who during the years 1899-1916, established a Missionary Society, a church group specifically organized to care for the needs of others in the community. In this structural adjustment, Zion Hill’s commitment to assisting those in need continued and increased.

collection of a missionary offering, and the beginning of a scholarship program that promoted education on the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels. Additionally, the Church provided Thanksgiving meals for needy families. The clarion call for action has occurred for the past 28 years under the leadership of the Reverend Dr. Aaron L. Parker, and his wife, First Lady Shelia

Smith Parker. Pastor Parker embraced outreach on a structural level under the church motto: “Living to Love and Loving to Serve” and, thus, established a church wide outreach ministry called “Care to Love Outreach Ministry.” This organizational move directed virtually all of Zion Hill’s ministries to develop an outreach component through which they partnered with various community agencies to assist people in need. In the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper, June 23, 1994, shortly after he was installed as Pastor, Reverend Parker stated that one of his top priorities was to increase the church’s mission. He added, “There is no working for Christ without working in the community.” For nearly three decades Pastor Park-

er has led the church in establishing more than 45 ongoing community outreach ministries just on the local level, offering services to nursing homes, hospitals, chil-

Community matters: The foundation was laid and we’re STILL lending a hand locally... dren service agencies, health foundations, schools, and shelters. In connection with these vital community organizations, Zion Hill has provided food, clothing, shelter,

job training, employment opportunities, companionship, cheer, encouragement, and hope, the spiritual engine that propels human achievement. In 2002, the congregation became even more intentional about outreach when it agreed to form the Zion Hill Community Development Corporation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that caters to the sundry needs of residents in South Fulton County, Georgia, where to date more than 15,000 people have been variously supplied with essentials for living. Additionally, the Church annually gives educational aid to member schools of the Atlanta University Center – Morris Brown College, Clark Atlanta Universi(continued on page 9)

Historical Outreach Event... (story continued in pictures) |


Historical Outreach Event... (story continued in pictures)



History of Service... (continued from page7) ty, the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, Morehouse School of Religion, and Spelman College. When the devastating pandemic COVID-19 became prevalent in early 2020, Zion Hill, in typical service fashion, transformed into a community hub for education, testing and vaccinations with respect to the deadly disease. We are convinced that numerous lives were saved as a result of these efforts in partnership with various health and community organizations. Nationally, the congregation has provided disaster relief following hurricanes and tornadoes in Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, New Jersey and Kentucky. Further, the Church addressed the water supply crisis in Flint, Michigan, held voter registration and educational drives, petitioned United States Congress persons regarding vital legislation, and participated in several

protest demonstrations on behalf of marginalized people. Zion Hill’s reach, however, has stretched even beyond the borders of this nation into the global sphere. This body of believers has conscientiously provided aid to those suffering from disasters in Haiti, the Bahamas, Jamaica, and several African

over the past 25+ years. Zion Hill has sought diligently to answer God’s call to love and to serve. We continue this legacy still, seeking always to fulfill that commendable description of the righteous from Jesus, who asserted: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to

Three decades later and STILL answering the call to serve and be of service... nations. Following a revealing mission trip to Liberia, West Africa, the Church established an ongoing feeding program for the Mission of Hope School in Bong County, providing two meals a day for over 300 children and staff workers. To fund many of these outreach efforts, the Church established an Outreach Endowment Fund that has steadily grown

drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:35-36) In celebration of our Sesquicentennial (150-year Anniversary), we, the faithful of the Zion Hill Family wish to declare that we are “STILL Serving!” n

Video Credits "STILL Serving: THEN AND NOW" NARRATOR:

Deidra Dukes FOX 5 News Reporter

WRITERS/RESEARCHERS: Donald Barnes Deanna Edmonds Mary Gaines Pat George Mary Gilliam Sarah Haynes Beverly McCray Asha Parker Shelia Parker Avis Seals ART DIRECTORS: Aaron L. Parker, Jr. Asha Parker VIDEOGRAPHER: Michael Shane Newman VIDEO EDITORS/ SOUND DESIGNERS: Michael Shane Newman Aaron L. Parker, Jr.

STILLS, VIDEOS AND STOCK FOOTAGE COURTESY OF: Zion Hill Care2Love Ministries Zion Hill History Ministry Zion Hill Photography Ministry Various Zion Hill Outreach Ministries Individual Contributors The Library Company of Philadelphia ( – Bethel African Methodist Epicopal Church Philadelphia. Painted Portrait by Artist William L. Brenton, 1829 Wikimedia Commons - Rev. Absolam Jones Painted Portrait by Artist Raphaelle Peale, 1810 (Public Domain) Envato Elements Image and Video Galleries Storyblocks Image and Video Galleries


STILL REFINING An Elegant Gala Event

STILL SERVING An Extraordinary Outreach Effort and Worship Service

STILL STANDING Motorcade to past Physical Sites

Saturday March 12,2022 – Sunday March 13, 2022

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday August 6, 2022

Erect replica of original site (Brush Harbor) STILL SHINING A Media & Marketing Blitz

Friday, March 25,2022 – Sunday, August 21, 2022

STILL PRAISING The Sesquicentennial Celebration in Worship

Sunday, August 21, 2022 STILL PRAYING A Reaffirmation of Prayer Power

Thursday, April 14, 2022 (Maundy Thursday)

STILL REMEMBERING Publishing of a Zion Hill Table Book

Sunday, August 21, 2022 STILL LEARNING An Engaging Learning Experience n n n

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 Thursday, June 9, 2022 Friday, June 10, 2022

STILL PLAYING Exciting Recreational Activities

Saturday, June 11, 2022



STILL REPRESENTING Establishment of an On-line Store Event Based and Sesquicentennial Memorabilia STILL CREATING A Theatrical Production of the Zion Hill Story

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Resurrection and Reset


s we pass through this Lenten season and are contemplating Resurrection, it is a perfect time to think about our spiritual, physical, and mental wholeness all wrapped into one. Spring and resurrection provide a perfect time to do what some call a “health reset” and it’s never too late for one! Particularly this season as we contemplate coming out of the COVID crisis that has gripped us so relentlessly for the last two years, we are provided with an even more compelling reason to think about how we approach life going forward. Many people have observed that COVID gave them a whole new perspective on life itself,

and it's a perfect time to reevaluate, reassess and rebalance the goals and aspirations you have set for yourself considering the lessons learned during COVID. Here are a few approaches: 1. Exercise more 2. Be mindful of eating habits and make more healthy choices 3. Make time for prayer and meditation daily

Zion Hill provides us with help in all these areas. Our Athletic Ministry provides opportunities for movement and walking as we reopen. Our Sunday services and Wednesday night Bible study are only the

beginning to the deepening of our spiritual lives. We also have our daily meditations on social media regarding our “STILL” initiative with daily histories about Zion Hill giving us an opportunity to think about the spiritual path followed by so many before us in this church. In the area of healthy eating, most insurance programs and health plans provide free opportunities for nutritional counseling and assistance with maintaining a healthier diet. Also, many online programs are available, as it matters to have a community in working with these areas to change long held habits. However we do it, paying attention to all these things gives us a wonderful health reset and gets us back on our path of growing, serving, loving, and giving. n So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (CEB) — Submitted by Dr. Jettie M. Burnett Zion Hill Health Ministry |


Lenten Calendar | April 2022

In Lent, we reflect on Christ’s ministry, death, and resurrection. We slow down, and examine our internal spiritual lives as well as the way we live out our Christian faith in the world. Our faith teaches us that humans were put on this earth with the responsibility to be stewards. We also know our individual as well as collective U.S. lifestyles have led to serious harm to God’s good creation. This Lenten reflection and action guide will help individuals take time to learn, reflect, repent, ask God for forgiveness, and take concrete steps to change course.**



**Calendar inspired and partially reproduced from Creation Justice Ministries website –

Love Without Limits


he marriage and relationship class continued its examination of Love and Respect during the March edition of SOLLAS BLAST 2022. Chapter 3, “Why She Won’t Respect; Why He Won’t Love,” of the book, “Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs represented the central topic for discussion. Participants viewed two short videos. The videos highlighted the differences in the emotional needs of men and women. Men need respect and women need love. During the first discussion segment, the video presenter, Shaunti Feldhahn, stated that if given a choice, most men would give up the choice of his wife loving him over the choice of her respecting him. The Class facilitator, Vicki Smith, offered additional thoughts from a lady’s perspective on this surprising choice of most men. Sister Smith summarized thoughts from the book and other articles on why women won’t respect their man. Some reasons include hurt, frustration, and anger often

experienced by women in a marriage or relationship. Additionally, women may fail to show respect because society has conditioned us to believe respect must be earned. Despite these strong emotional feelings, Sister Smith, encouraged women to consider a biblical perspective when encountering unloving actions from men. Sister Smith discussed the components of “unconditional respect,” and concluded with this profound statement: Men need respect like they need water; “unconditional respect requires a never-ending flow of water.” During the second topic analysis segment, Deacon Tantalous A. Smith addressed the central theme of the second video; that is, how easy it is for women to not feel loved. This uncertainty of whether a man loves a woman occurs in about 80% of women according to Feldhahn, the video presenter. Similar to Sister Smith, Deacon Smith provided some thoughts from the book and other articles on

why men won’t love their woman. He intimated that men won’t love simply because they don’t feel respected. This feeling of contempt increases exponentially when women make men look bad in front of others; women frequently misinterpret the biblical meaning of “respect,” or women dismiss or fail to acknowledge a man’s primary role of providing and protection. Akin to Sister Smith’s statements of encouragement, Deacon Smith urged men to remember what the word of God commands in Ephesians 5:25-28. Biblically, he stated, men must love whether or not they receive respect from women. Men must love in spite of. Men should love when it is uncomfortable, when it is contrary to their inner being. Men should “love as Christ loved the Church.” This type of Agape love, Deacon Smith presented, requires sacrifice, sanctification, purification, purposefulness, and an understanding of the “Good News.” Deacon Smith concluded his segment by declaring a man has to love without limits, under all circumstances, and with no strings attached. Participants provided personal insightful perspectives and inspiring “Love and Respect” commentary. All received a blessing, enjoyed meaningful dialog, and left the class motivated to express more love and respect in their marriages and relationships. n —Submitted by Deacon Tantalous A. & Deaconess Vicki A. R. Smith |


The Power of Praying for your Adult Children You must stop blaming yourself. There is only one perfect parent: Our Heavenly Father. You can wholeheartedly say, “For this adult child I prayed!” You have to forgive: • your adult children for anything they may have done to hurt, disappoint, neglect or anger me, • your adult child’s other parent, • anyone in my adult child’s past whom I believe did harm to him or her in any way, and • yourself for anything in the past where you felt you could have done better as a parent.

Once that foundation is set, Omartian discussed 15 prayers adult children need.


he workshop, lead by Dr. Pearl Smith, was a discussion of the book, The Power of Praying for your Adult Children, by Stormie Omartian. Omartian approached the topic in two ways. First, she provides foundation knowledge needed by parents of adult children.

1. God can change everything. You must believe the following: • He will hear your prayers for them. • He can deliver you from any fears you have about your adult children. • He can give you and your adult children what you need when you ask for it. • No matter how big your adult child’s problem are, God is greater. • Because the love and power of God are poured out in you, your prayers for your adult children will always have power.

1. See God pour out His spirit upon them 2. Develop a heart for God, His word, and His ways 3. Grow in wisdom, discernment, and revelation 4. Find freedom, restoration, and wholeness 5. Understanding God’s purpose for their lives 6. Work successfully and have financial stability 7. Have a sound mind and a right attitude 8. Resist evil influences and destructive behavior 9. Avoid all sexual pollution and temptation 10. Experience good health and God’s healing 11. Enjoy a successful marriage and raise godly children 12. Maintain strong and fulfilling relationships 13. Be protected and survive tough times 14. Recognize their need for God 15. Walk into the future God has for them

The class was well attended, and Dr. Smith facilitated a lively discussion. Participants found the session useful and expressed a desire for a joint session comprising parents and adult children! n —Minister Galetha Thompson



Saturday, April 23, 2022 | 10AM-11AM * Special Virtual Earth Day Recognition * Dr. Na'Taki Osborne Jelks, Environmental Health Scientist, will

discuss community-based initiatives that empower low-income and communities of color to reduce exposure to environmental health hazards and improve health and quality of life.

Saturday, May 21, 2022 Dr. Joyce Brown, Certified Marriage Facilitator, will discuss "Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts" (SYMBIS). Registration will be required.

Stay tuned for more information!



Tentative 2022 Church Calendar (APRIL) APRIL

(When we return to in-person worship, this calendar will be modified and reissued) The Year of the Sesquicentennial-150 Years of Zion Hill’s Existence


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium

10:00 am—4:00 pm


Tuesday |Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Virtual Praise Pump


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program


Sunday | Virtual Palm Sunday Worship Service


Sunday | Virtual New Discipleship Orientation Session, Noon


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium


Thursday | 150th Church Anniversary ~ STILL Praying ~ Sesquicentennial Prayer Service (Maundy Thursday), A Reaffirmation of Prayer Power

7:30 pm 10:00 am—3:00 pm 9:30 am (every 2nd Sunday, unless otherwise noted) 10:00 am—4:00 pm 7:30pm


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program

10:00 am—3:00 pm


Friday | Virtual Good Friday Worship Service


Saturday | Easter Egg Drive-through


Saturday | Virtual Adults School of Love Learning and Service (SOLLAS) 10:00 am (every Saturday before the third Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted)


Sunday | Virtual Easter Program and Worship Service


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium


Tuesday | Virtual Conversation with the Pastor


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program


Sunday | Virtual Earth Day Recognition Worship Service


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium

10:00 am—4:00 pm


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program

10:00 am—3:00 pm

7:00 pm 12 noon—1:30 pm

9:30 am 10:00 am—4:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am—3:00 pm 9:30 am

SEND MAIL TO: Zion Hill Baptist Church P.O. Box 44643 Atlanta, GA30336-5643 |


We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues.

BIBLE for LIFE Join Pastor Parker on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm streaming live on Facebook, YouTube, and at

Series Title:

“STILL (Standing Tall in Lasting Love)”

CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections. The LIU is a publication of

Available after streaming as recordings. 2022 Theme: “STILL”

6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:



2022 Theme Scripture: “The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap, showing that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” —(Psalm 92:12-15, NRSV)

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