Aug 2021
A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church
THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)
Back-to-School Days 2021
his year’s virtual Back-to-School Days Rally at ZHBC was amazing and uplifting . The drumline from Pebblebrook High School as well as some youth and children made us hype and ready for the rally with their enthusiasm and the announcement of this year’s Back to School theme, “Press!” Dr. Parker’s famous roll call assisted by the musicians was a blessing to experience. Azizi and Generation 8 reminded and expressed to all of us: “Hang on” despite the different challenges
that we fill face during the school year. The highlight of the service was Minister Chism’s sermon entitled: “My Calling Is Calling Me”. The message was centered around Philippians 3:13-14 which essentially says, “Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it on my own; but this thing I do: forgetting what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus”. The biggest takeaway I personally learned from the sermon is that we can sometimes miss
our calling from becoming distracted by what others are doing. This resonated with me the most because sometimes in society some of us can easily compare ourselves to others, only to lose sight of what our mission is. The message was uplifting to hear and inspired me to keep pressing forward for the school year. Even though the rally was virtual, the atmosphere was still felt throughout the comments section. n –Submitted by Sis. Korinna Bryant
With Gratitude
REAP ROLL CALL New Members July 2021 Brother Nicolas Mays
Acknowledgments July 2021 Your kindness is deeply appreciated, gratefully acknowledged, and will always be remembered by: Sister Regina Jones Sister Debra Lee and Family
n Saturday and Sunday, July 24 and 25, we celebrated “Back to School Days” with a drive-through supplies give-away on Saturday and an enriching and encouraging worship service on Sunday. First, I humbly thank God for the opportunity to share in such festive events, but also I express deep gratitude for those leaders of our youth and children as well as some of the young people themselves for their efforts in organization, inspiration and perspiration to bring these activities to fruition. The entire church family appreciates your tremendous efforts to make this occasion, which culminated in a dynamic message from Minister Felicia Chism, an insightful and uplifting experience. On Saturday, July 31, we held our Vision 2021 Update (Semi-Annual Conference), wherein we dealt with numerous matters that pertain to the operations of the Church Body. Because of the constantly changing landscape of the pandemic-laden season through which we now travel, we had to address far more issues than normal for this mid-year meeting. However, our Church staff – Administration, Finance, Office, Facilities, Information Technology, and Security – along with our Trustee and Deacon Ministries, the Zion Hill Community Development Corporation, and real estate professionals did an outstanding job in planning, researching, organizing, and evaluating, and executing to make the meeting productive and inspiring. And thank you, Zion Hill Family, for we could not function in this manner without your continued prayers and support. You can obtain information from this meeting by contacting the church office by phone (404-691-8025) or email ( Let us continue to move forward together as we seek to live out our motto of “Living to Love and Loving to Serve.” n —Pastor Parker
SIS Ministry Gifts and Glory Virtual Tea
ur program began with a wonderful video from Sister Eleanor Posey made up of photos from the 2019 tea. The SIS Ministry Gifts and Glory Virtual Tea was spiritually motivated and empowering. Our Mistress of Ceremony was Sister Sandi Abbo, SIS Ministry President who kept everyone in high spirits and the program moving along masterfully. The opening Prayer by Minister Galetha Thompson and the closing prayer by Deacon Norma Ricks were both uplifting and spirit filled. Reverend Sherry Austin gave the reading of the scripture. We were graced with excellent music performed by “Mama’s Kitchen” which consisted of Sister Jean Bell, Sister Kimberly Howard, Sister Sherri Hudson and Sister Jenai Howard. The icing on the cake was our guest speaker whom God blessed us to have was our First Lady Sister Shelia Parker who was “through the roof ” excellent. Sister Parker, as Sister Sandi Abbo said, “really brought the heat”. She spoke on our theme of being revived and transformed with a new spiritual life. All and all, it was a very exciting and wonderful service. Many thanks to Zion Hill technology and office staff for all their help in making this program great and to Pastor Parker for allowing us to carry it through. –Submitted by The S.I.S. Ministry
REASSEMBLY POSTPONED The August 8th Church Reassembly has been postponed. Until further notice, all services will continue as virtual. Further details are forthcoming |
Staying Vigilant
What You Need to Know About the Latest COVID-19 Variants and Staying Protected These include the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7), the Beta variant (B.1.351), the Gamma variant (P.1) and the Delta variant (B.1.617.2). There has been growing concern with the Delta variant, which has been the most common variant responsible for the rise in new infections throughout the United States. Evidence suggests that it is potentially more transmissible than other variants. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the last 30 days there has been a total of 34.8 million Coronavirus cases and a total of 612,000 deaths in the U.S.
e thought that we were finally coming back to a sense of “normalcy” after going through a mandatory lock
down last year from the COVID-19 pandemic; however, as statistics show that as recent as 7/29/21, the positivity rate has tripled in the state of Georgia with a 10.9% increase. This increase is highest among unvaccinated individuals. CDC now recommends that in order to maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission. What is a variant? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a variant is one of two or more persons or things exhibiting usually slight differences. Viruses constantly change through mutation. A variant has one or more mutations that differentiate it from other variants in circulation. Variants and Their Relationship to COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) also known as the Coronavirus 2, is the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans. Multiple variants of SARS-CoV-2 have been documented in the United States. Currently, there are four main variants in the U.S. that are closely being monitored.
Am I protected from variants if I have received the COVID-19 Vaccine? COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective in preventing severe disease and death from COVID-19 infection. Evidence also suggest that these authorized vaccines work on the circulating variants. A small percentage of fully vaccinated people have become infected. In these cases, the infection tends to be mild. People who have weakened immune systems who are fully vaccinated may not be fully protected from COVID-19 and can spread the virus to others. These people should continue to take all recommended precautions for unvaccinated people until advised otherwise by their healthcare provider.
Do I Need a Booster Shot Even If I Have Been Fully Vaccinated? There have been different expert opinions about receiving a booster vaccine. Currently, the CDC and the FDA see no need for a booster shot if you have been fully vaccinated. Things You should do to protect yourself from COVID-19 n
Getting fully vaccinated with one of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines.
Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth to help protect yourself and others.
ontinue to get tested for COVID-19, especially if you C have been exposed to the virus or have symptoms.
tay 6 feet apart from others who don’t live S with you.
void crowds and poorly ventilated indoor A spaces.
ash your hands often with soap and water W or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
ear a mask indoors in public, especially if W you are in a high transmission area
The biggest way to combat the spread of this deadly virus is to be fully vaccinated. You are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after a second dose in a 2-dose series vaccine like the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine such as the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine. COVID vaccines are safe, tested, effective and available. Georgia citizens ages 12 years and older are eligible for the COVID vaccine. We can slow the spread of this deadly virus by staying vigilant and prayerfully consider making plans to get you and your family vaccinated. n —The Health Ministry |
With the postponement of the August 8th Church Reassembly, until further notice, our services will continue as virtual only. All times are based on Eastern Time Zone. The Lord’s Supper will occur every first Sunday at 9:30 am, unless otherwise noted. The Bible For Life bible study will occur every Wednesday at 7:00 pm, unless otherwise noted. This schedule is subject to change. Any necessary calendar changes will be communicated. THIRD QUARTER JULY 1 5 13 15 20 22 24 24 25 27 31 31
Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Saturday
COVID-19 Vaccinations, FCBOH, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm Office Closed for July 4 Holiday COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm Back to School Days (Drive-Through and Supplies Give-Away), 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Back to School Days Celebration and Scholarship Awards, Virtual, 9:30 a.m. COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm Vision 2021 Update (Semi-Annual Conference), virtual, 12:00 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 1:30 pm-6:00 pm
Sunday Monday Mon-Wed Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Sunday
Worship and the Lord’s Supper, Virtual, 9:30 am COVID Testing, Gymnasium, 10:00 am-2:00 pm The Reassembly Fast, 8:00 am-8:00 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Testing, Gymnasium, 4:00 pm-8:00 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Testing, Gymnasium, **New times to be announced; COVID-19 Testing will occur every Sunday during this same time, until otherwise announced. Worship, 9:30 am, Reassembly Postponed (**Virtual only) Children’s Church, Teen Chapel, Virtual, 12:00 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—2:30 pm 149th Church Anniversary Activity (Drive-Thru Parade/Prizes/Take Home Meal), 4;00 pm 149th Church Anniversary Worship Service, 9:30 am (**Virtual only) COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm; COVID-19 Vaccinations will continue on Tuesday each week, unless otherwise announced. COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm; COVID-19 Vaccinations will continue each week, unless otherwise announced. Sensational Sunday, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice)
AUGUST 1 2 2-4 3 5 7 8 8 8 10 14 14 15 17 21 22
SEPTEMBER 5 6 11 12 12 14 19 19 26
Sunday Monday Saturday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Sunday Sunday Sunday
Worship and Lord’s Supper, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Office closed for Labor Day Holiday Memorial for Zion Hill Family Members, 11:00 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 12:00 pm New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm Conversation with the Pastor, Virtual, 7:00 pm Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 12:00 pm A Celebration of Seniors, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Sensational Sunday, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice)
FOURTH QUARTER OCTOBER 9 10 10 10 17 19 24 30 31
Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Sunday Saturday Sunday
SIS Ministry Activity SIS Ministry Observance/Women In Christ Sunday, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship 12:00 pm New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 12:00 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm Sensational Sunday, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast V, Virtual, 10:00 am-12:15 pm/12:30 pm-2:00 pm, Drive-Thru Lunch S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast V Sunday, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice)
NOVEMBER 9 14 14 14 16 19 21 21 24
Tuesday Sunday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Friday Sunday Sunday Wednesday
Conversation with the Pastor, virtual, 7:00 pm Worship and Rites of Passage Recognition, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 12:00 pm New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm IRÓ, Music and Spoken Word, Virtual, 7:00 pm Worship and Atlanta University Center Awards, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, 12:00 pm Noon Day Bible Study, S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast, In Recess
DECEMBER 12 12 12 18 25 26 31
Sunday Sunday Sunday Saturday Saturday Sunday Friday
Annual Christmas Program, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) The Message and the Music, 10:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm Vision 2022 Conference, Virtual, 12:00 pm Christmas Day Kwanzaa Observance, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) Liberation Eve Service, 7:00 pm (**Virtual only, until further notice)
JANUARY 2022 2
Installation of Officers, 9:30 am (**Virtual only, until further notice) |
Weekly COVID-19 Vaccinations at Zion Hill
In partnership with CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort), Zion Hill continues to offer COVID-19 vaccinations on our campus. Two vaccine options are available: Pfizer (two doses required) – Ages 12 and up – and Johnson & Johnson (one dose required) – Ages 18 and up. Register in advance at or scan the QR code on page 5. Registration is not required. Walk-ins welcome. Vaccinations will continue weekly. Check the church calendar for dates.
Save the Date Mark your calendars and plan to join us for Zion Hill’s 149th Church Anniversary Celebration! This year’s theme is Never Ending Hope in a Never Failing God. Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful”. Festivities will begin on Saturday,
August 14th with a drive-through parade vehicle decoration contest and prepared dinner give away, beginning at 4:00 pm! Fabulous prizes will be awarded! Celebrations continue Sunday, August 15th, with Sunday worship service at 9:30am, where our guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Robert M. Franklin, Jr., former President of Morehouse College and the current James T. and Berta R. Laney Professor in Moral Leadership at Emory University Candler School of Theology. Stay tuned! |
We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues. CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.
BIBLE for LIFE Join Pastor Parker on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm streaming live on Facebook, YouTube, and at
Series Title:
“Hope Revived (HR)”
The LIU is a publication of
Available after streaming as recordings. 2021 Theme: Hope Revived" 6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:
2021 Theme Scripture: “He who rescued us from so deadly a peril will continue to rescue us; on him we have set our hope that he will rescue us again….” (II Corinthians 1:10, NRSV)