The LIU – Fall Edition 2023

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Zion Hill Baptist Church, led by our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Aaron Parker, kicked off a weekend-long celebration of its 151st Anniversary on August 18-20, 2023. The theme for this celebration was “Past Power - Future Surge.” It is truly the power of God when a 151-year church history meets a transformative present

to create a surge that shapes our future.

Zion Hill has come a long way from its humble beginnings more than a century ago to be a surge of transforming power for this congregation. We were all blessed by the hallmark events that were created by the Church Anniversary Committee to celebrate 151 powerful and transformative

years of living to love and loving to serve.

When you think about it, the United States of America is 247 years old, and Zion Hill Baptist Church is 151 years old. The founders and pioneers of this church were either slaves or off springs of slaves (which makes it so phenomenal that their hearts and minds were centered on bring-

(continued on page 3)

FALL 2023 A newsletter
of Zion Hill Baptist Church
(pronounced LEE-UU)


New Members | Aug/Sept 2023

Aaliyah Allen

Grayson Barnett

Breon Barnett

Katrina Barnett

Deangelio Brown Jr.

Jacquelyn Cox

Shirley Davis

Patricia French-Johnson

Rev. Mark Gaskins

Mahea Gaskins

Mark Anthony Gaskins

Michelle Gaskins

A Word of Thanks

A Call to Prayer

Moriyah Gaskins

Parker Gibson

Evelyn Harris

Janiya Hayes

Tamara Holyfield

Pamela Jackson

Nettie Johnson

Kamren Jones-Colvin

J. Vince Marcus

H. Yvette Marcus

Jula-Aun Moseley

Ronnie Moseley

Kamisha Polk

Yolanda Ramsey


Aug/Sept 2023

Bereavement Thank You cards from:

The Robinzine Family

ZHBC Member: Sister Jean Boney

Donations were made in loving memory of the following:

Bishop Yvonne Bostic

Bro. Louis Jones

Sis. Frankye Pope

Bro. James Blackmon III

During the past several months an inordinate number of us have experienced the loss of loved ones. Whenever this occurs, we usually feel an immediate emptiness that sometimes lingers long after the initial departure. Words and even most deeds, in these tenuous and tender situations, tend to prove inadequate, for these conditions remind us that we do not have full control over our circumstances.

Nevertheless, as a body of believers we have another option, which does not rely upon our ability to solve or even sooth these destabilizing times. And that option is prayer. Prayer, among other things, is the recognition that what we cannot rectify God can. In the solemn sanctuary of authentic, heart-felt prayer, we bring those concerns that weigh heavily upon our hearts and thereby make ourselves available to partake in the healing that only the Prime Healer can bring.

I am, therefore, summoning us to a season of prayer, and we might even call it a surge of prayer, whereby we make extra special efforts to lift up one another to the God who cares for us all. By so doing we maintain and enhance our ties to the source of deliverance from all our pressing difficulties. I am urging each one of us to pray, heeding the words of the Apostle Paul who taught: “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7) n

A Brief Reminder

October is an extraordinarily busy month here at Zion Hill. While some informative and inspirational events have already taken place, others equally as vibrant and significant are rapidly approaching. Please, avail yourselves of detailed knowledge of these events in this current special edition of the LIU and in the weekly Announcements and Reminders; we look forward to seeing you at each of them. n

We extend to each of you a heart of deepest gratitude for sharing with us in the passing of First Lady Shelia Parker’s brother-in-law, James Blackmon. We sincerely appreciate the cards, texts, emails, in-person comments and most especially prayers that have done much to strengthen and encourage. —Pastor Parker, First Lady Shelia Parker, Larry, Asha and Laila

“Power Past, Future Surge”

(continued from page 1)

ing Christ to those who had been or still remained in bondage). It is hard to imagine what it was like for our ancestors who had just gotten out of slavery yet still relied on the Holy Spirit to guide them to build churches (in this case, Zion Hill Baptist Church) on a firm foundation. I know in my heart that our church founders relied on scripture to establish a church that would withstand the hands of time. I can see in my mind’s eye our ancestors reading and reciting Matthew 7: 24-25, Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock (NIV). Here we are 151-years later living and loving proof of the firm foundation they built.

The fruits of this storied past intersected with our present on Friday, August, 18, 2023 with the Talent Surge (one of our hallmark events). The Talent Surge showcased the talents of all ages at Zion Hill from music to dance, and poetry. Joshua Menifee was the anchor for this event. He kept the evening moving with wit, humor, charm, and the church history through trivia as the

talent surged forward. This movement set the stage for what was to happen at the Fellowship Surge (our second hallmark event) on Saturday, August 19, 2023.

What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the Everlasting Arms. As you entered the Fellowship Hall in the Love Center, host, hostesses, servers, and most of our members were adorned with the colors of purple, black, and white. The culinary artists had prepared an array of dishes that were served with compassion and love. As with the Talent Surge, the Fellowship Surge was inter-generational in attendance and many visitors shared this fellowship event with the Zion Hill family.

On Sunday, August 20, 2023, our culminating event, Past Power – Future Surge, was held in the sanctuary. What a Time! What a Time! Yes, we have come

this far by faith! This service was the Hallmark of God’s Grace and Mercy with great singing, history, and spiritual uplifting. During the historical moment, we recognized our 75- and 50-year members. In fact, we had one congregant who had been a member for 75+years. The Adult Spiritual Dancers and Voices of Oluwa as well as the welcome, prayer, occasion, and songs set the stage for Rev. Dr. Jawanza K. Colvin, the preacher for the Past Power - Future Surge service. We were not forewarned that we needed to buckle up for Reverend Colvin’s sermon, which he entitled, “Unaccounted Blessings.” If there was a Hall of Fame for sermons, I believe that “Unaccounted Blessings” would receive all of the votes because God most assuredly used Dr. Colvin as His vessel to prophecy and preach the Gospel to the congregants, as he shared his meaning of “Unaccounted Blessings.”

We have completed the 151st Church Anniversary celebration… We know that 151 is a sign from the Divine that our foundation is firm, and we are on the right path. Yes, we have come this far by faith! However, let us continue to move forward with faith and fortitude as we march on to our victory in the Lord. n


151st Anniversary Committee




The Zion Hill Caregivers Support Ministry Informs and Encourages Caregivers

Do you know a caregiver who represents love at its best? You may think of them as a hero available 24/7 to support the needs of their family members and friends. These same faithful caregivers often neglect their own needs and never ask for help although they may need resources, advice, encouragement or just a plain old listening ear.

The Caregivers Support Ministry recognizes the challenges facing Zion Hill members and those in the local community who provide daily in home care or care from afar for aging parents, disabled children, or other family members. The Ministry began in 2012 following a proposal from Zion Hill’s Pastor Aaron L. Parker, PhD.

Zion Hill Caregivers Ministry Mission

To provide informal peer support in a caring environment for people who provide personal care for loved ones. We offer a safe haven for sharing feelings in a confidential and faith-based setting. We also provide information and assistance with identifying helpful resources that are beneficial to family caregivers.”

Challenges The Caregivers Might Face

Some of the challenging realities that confront caregivers that may require the loving assistance of The Caregivers Support Ministry can include stressful situations such as:

n Juggling caregiving duties with responsibilities at work.

n Lack of knowledge of existing community resources.

n Providing a safe and supervised environment for family members suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s, or a lack of mobility caused by serious health challenges.

n Isolation from friends or other social encounters because of the demands of providing care.

n Burnout resulting from a lack of selfcare, which can lead to stress, anxiety,

guilt, and even a decline in personal health.

n Financial strains resulting from the healthcare needs of those in their care.

n Lack of support and assistance from other family members.

n Raising children while serving as a caregiver.

n Lack of sleep from multiple demands confronting the caregiver including refusals to cooperate from those receiving the care.

This ministry also provides ongoing services that assist caregivers; such as:

n A partnership with Caregivers Hope, Inc. to provide training, consultation, and support to family caregivers.

n Seminars, workshops and information sharing sessions.

n A Caregivers Registry that contains contact information for caregivers.

n Regular communication with caregivers via email, personal calls, etc.

n Activities for caregivers on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m.

n Bi-monthly prayer calls where Zion Hill ministers and prayer warriors pray for caregivers.

n Bi-monthly Caregiver Support Groups

led by a professional from Caregivers Hope, Inc. that bring people together who share similar experiences. Feelings are shared in a confidential and caring environment.

Even during the pandemic, Ministry members and the caregivers they support remained connected via emails, personal phone calls, and special activities conducted virtually on zoom.

Other special activities conducted by Caregivers Support over the years include prayer nights, annual fun nights, Christmas celebrations, and distribution of Scent Preservation Kits that can be used to help locate people that suffer from memory diseases that cause them to roam, wander or become lost.

If you’re a personal caregiver or know someone who is, please direct them to the Caregivers Support Ministry, because it strives to support caregivers according to the Zion Hill Motto of “Living to Love & Loving to Serve”.

For more information or to join The Zion Hill Caregivers Support Ministry, please contact the church office at: 404691-8025 or email n

— Submitted by Sis.Felecia Church | 5

Fall Season Reminder: Take your vaccines!

Vaccines Facts—Did you know?

(CDC,2019; (WHO 2019). Continued vaccination is essential to prevent the loss of individual and herd immunity required to prevent these communicable diseases. Herd immunity occurs when a large portion of a community, the herd, becomes immune to a disease. (CDC 2019, 2020) Immunization success includes diphtheria, which is now rare in the United States, but was a major health problem in years past. Similarly, polio affected thousands of children until the 1950s, when vaccinations became widespread. Today, the disease has been eliminated from most of the world.

Vaccines have significantly reduced the incident of many communicable diseases and have saved lives for over 100 years. Communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include: breathing in an airborne virus; or being bitten by an insect or contact with blood and bodily fluids.

Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from preventable diseases. By getting vaccinated, you can protect yourself and avoid spreading preventable diseases to other people in the community. Vaccines are safe and can prevent serious illnesses. It provides protection not only against the disease itself, but also against the dangerous complications that it can bring.

Concern regarding vaccine safety has been highly publicized in the media, leading to an anti-vaccine movement and

lower vaccination rates. One of the largest resistances to vaccines is for the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella).

Andrew Wakefield, a British anti-vaccine activist and colleagues reported that MMR was linked to autism, a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges that has genetic components. This was disproved and Wakefield subsequently retracted the claim. Despite multiple large studies showing no link to autism related to vaccines or their components, vaccine hesitancy remains a significant concern for parents.

The anti-vaccine movement has resulted in previously vaccine preventable diseases such as recurring measles with significant outbreaks reported in areas of poor vaccination worldwide. The World Health Organization reported a 300% increase in measles cases worldwide in 2019


Influenza Vaccine


Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough


Shingles (zoster)

Please check with Health Care Provider

Please check with Health Care Provider

Please check with Health Care Provider

Please check with Health Care Provider

Please check with Health Care Provider

To promote adequate vaccination rates, it is important to educate the public regarding the magnitude of evidence of no link between autism and MMR. Vaccine acceptance across the lifespan is of global public health importance.

Jane Tuckerman from the “Vaccine Uptake Group” offered effective approaches to combat vaccine hesitancy. One of several strategies suggested is to use “vaccine champions” to address vaccine hesitancy, alongside communication campaigns and evidence-based interpersonal communication.

Vaccine champions such as healthcare providers, community, Faith and industry leaders can be trained to discuss vaccinations, address misinformation and build confidence in vaccines. The training can be tailored and delivered for their own communities. n

References s0424-highest-measles cases-since-eliminated. html vac-specific/flu.html

Effective Approaches to Combat Vaccine Hesitancy - PubMed (;

New measles surveillance data for 2019 (



The Nursery is open, You can bring your little ones in. We accept kids infant and toddler, Boys and girls, ages three and under. Doors open fifteen minutes after nine, Bring your child on in, he or she will be fine. There is no registration form to fill out, Just sign in and get a pager, it’s easy, no doubt. We laugh, we play And celebrate holidays!


And making crafts all day long.

The kids love to play with the blocks and basketball, Ride on the cars and play in the kitchen, but that’s not all. They read books and color and slide and swing, They just love every little thing!

Everyone chips in to put away the toys, Staff, volunteers, girls and boys. And then each kid gets a snack, And they look forward to coming back! | 7

Weddings at Zion Hill Baptist Church: A Perfect Blend of Tradition and Elegance

for couples to exchange their vows. There are photos of the courtyard and chapel that give you an idea of the settings. For those seeking a more intimate ambiance, the charming chapel offers seating for one hundred guests, allowing for a cozy and meaningful ceremony. And for those who wish to embrace the beauty of the outdoors, the picturesque courtyard offers an idyllic backdrop for couples to say their "I dos". Additionally, for couples who desire a private ceremony in Pastor Parker’s office, Sister Fannie can arrange that also.

Zion Hill also offers a lovely Fellowship Hall for wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, anniversaries, or other milestone celebrations. The space will accommodate approximately five hundred guests. We have a list of Zion Hill Preferred Caterers that the couple are required to utilize for events that include meals.

At the helm of Zion Hill Baptist Church's wedding coordinator ministry is Sister Fannie Nelson. With her wealth of knowledge and infectious passion, she stands ready to guide couples (the bride or groom must be a Zion Hill member) through the process of creating a wedding day that they will cherish for a lifetime. With years of experience under her belt, Sister Fannie has been a driving force behind countless successful weddings at the church. Her expertise, warmth, and commitment to making every wedding exceptional have earned her a well-deserved reputation as a reliable and talented wedding planner.

Zion Hill Baptist Church’s Wedding Consultant Ministry began at the former location on 815 Lynhurst Drive, fostering an environment of love and celebration within the congregation. Led by the late Sister Jean Wise and Sister Fannie, the ministry truly flourished when the church transitioned to

its current location on Campbellton Road. The new setting provided the perfect canvas for love to blossom against a backdrop of architectural splendor and natural beauty.

The dedication of Zion Hill Baptist Church to ensuring every wedding is a seamless and joyous event is reflected in the meticulous wedding contract that has been carefully crafted and approved by the Wedding Coordinator and the Trustee Ministry, with final approval by Pastor Parker. This contract strikes the perfect balance between providing essential information and keeping things concise, ensuring that couples have the necessary details at their fingertips without feeling overwhelmed by excessive documentation

Zion Hill has a diverse range of stunning spaces that cater to a variety of tastes and preferences. The Sanctuary, with its awe-inspiring center aisle spanning one hundred feet, provides a grand stage

At Zion Hill Baptist Church, the focus is on making your wedding day a reflection of your unique love story. Sister Fannie, in collaboration with the bride, groom, and their own wedding coordinator, works tirelessly to ensure that every detail aligns with your vision. The dedication to personalization extends to every facet of the wedding, ensuring that each couple's journey to matrimony is as distinctive as their love.

As you embark on this remarkable journey at Zion Hill Baptist Church, it is comforting to know that you are not alone. The church's legacy of love and celebration is embodied in the countless photographs capturing the precious moments of previous weddings. These snapshots provide a glimpse into the beauty within the church and serve as a testament to the joy that radiates from every corner.

For more information about the Wedding Coordinator Ministry at Zion Hill, please contact the church office. n

— Submitted by Sis. Fannie Nelson


Kiroho Dance Ministry

Our Youth and Children’s Ministry is an integral part of the operation and growth of our church. Pastor Parker has a big heart for our children, and it shows in his interactions with them and the love he pours into them. Our Youth and Children’s Dance Ministry, now formally known as Kiroho Dance Ministry, has an interesting way of engaging the congregation and lifting the spirits of everyone.

Kiroho Dance Ministry is under the leadership of Dance Director Sis. Michelle Phalo. She has been in this position for 8 years since August 2015. She is dedicated and committed to instilling confidence, showing love, and developing an understanding of the gift of dance to the generations to come. Every ministry has individuals that helps support their mission, and Kiroho Dance Ministry is no different.

This ministry has 4 dynamic and dedicated Parent Liaisons that supports the operation of the ministry from maintaining inventory to keeping attendance and helping

the Dance Director maintain order during practice. These Parent Liaisons (pictured, clockwise ) are Kathy Fluellen, Edwina Gantt, Aiesha Reid, , and Latrice Byrd-Jones. They unselfishly give of their time and wisdom and their commitment to development of our youth and children does not go unnoticed. Sis. Phalo states she would not be able to keep this ministry afloat without the Parent Liaisons because they help keep her on track and everything organized. The Kiroho Dance Ministry is also supported by the talented Teyahni Menifee. She brings enthusiasm and high spirits when working with our youth and children dancers. She willingly provides instructional assistance alongside Sis. Phalo or in her absence.

When preparing to ministry, the Kiroho Dance Ministry usually meets on Thursdays and Saturdays for practice. A practice schedule is typically provided at least a week in advance to the first practice. Commitment to this ministry requires the same respect (punctuality, discipline,

responsibility, respectfulness and dedication) as any other activities outside of the church.

Kiroho Dance Ministry is open to all youth and children between the ages of 3-18. No formal dance experience is needed just a willingness to praise God through dance. If you’re interested in joining the Kiroho Dance Ministry, please email with the following information:

n Parent(s)/Guardian(s)’ name, email & number:

n Dancer’s name(s) & age(s):

Kiroho Dance Ministry would love the opportunity to ministry for your event, however, proper preparation is needed to deliver a soul stirring performance. If you’re interested in requesting this ministry, please email zhbcyouthministry@ or you may contact the church office for more information. n

— Submitted by Sis. Michelle Phalo | 9
Michelle Phalo Kathy Fluellen Teyahni Menifee Latrice Byrd-Jone Aiesha Reid Edwina Gantt

A Time To Heal Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

In these tumultuous times, it's undeniable that people are hurting. It's tempting to attribute all the pain and suffering we're experiencing in recent years solely to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it's important to recognize that the virus only unveiled what was lurking just beneath the surface.

In our quest for healing, we must understand that God's timing may not align with our own. When our strength begins to wane, His is just beginning. It is a timeless truth that trouble won’t last forever and while God’s answers may not come when we want them, they come when we need them most. This patience and trust in divine timing can be challenging, especially when we are in the throes of despair. However, it is precisely during these moments that our faith is tested and refined.

It is during our trials that we learn to lean on our faith most. When all seems lost, we find the strength to persevere, to keep believing, and to keep the faith. The promise of healing, of better days ahead, can be our guiding light. It is time to heal.

communities, we carry the burden of grief, loss, and uncertainty. But it's crucial to understand that we don't have to bear this weight alone. The invitation in 1 Peter 5:7-10 is a reminder that we can cast our

as the song says, “we have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, and trusting in his holy word. He never failed us yet.”

A Time to Heal

The Unveiling of Pain

Finding hope amidst pain, and suffering requires intention and focus. The free Will and Choice given to us by our creator, gives us the ability to co-create our dayto-day movement with God. Deciding to choose joy, which is a kind of medicine for the soul, is a choice. As Christians and witnesses for God and his awesome power to heal, we are charged with being the encouragers and the ones who are willing to listen intently to the struggles of others.

The Burden We Bear

The weight of these challenges can often feel overwhelming. As individuals and

cares upon the Lord. This act of surrender requires faith – faith that we are not alone in our struggles, that there is a higher power willing to shoulder our burdens.

Setting Healing in Motion

Faith is a catalyst for healing. When we believe in God's capacity to see us through even the darkest times, we set the healing process in motion. This faith isn't about instant solutions or the absence of suffering; it's about resilience, hope, and the assurance that, no matter how dire our circumstances may seem, we are not abandoned. God’s promise never to leave us or forsake us is just that, His Promise. Seeing where we have come from,

In conclusion, pain, suffering and loss is inevitable in our lives and often, it is difficult to navigate through the emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental challenges that come during a time of loss. The burdens we bear are heavy, but they need not be carried alone and this is the mission of A Time To Heal Ministry. We desire to offer a supportive presence during a time of loss, mourning and grieving.

By embracing the invitation to cast our cares upon the Lord, we set healing in motion. Through faith, we find the strength to persevere, even when our own strength falters. While God's answers may not always align with our timeline, they are always right on time.

We invite you to join us every 4th Thursday, 6:30pm in the Zion Hill Love Center for “A Time To Heal” Bereavement support group. n

Submitted by Sis.

10 | THE LIU
In our quest for healing, we must understand that God's timing may not align with our own.

Still Pitching the Plastic!

EARTHDAY 2023: The Zion Hill Planet Preservers Ministry issue a six-month challenge to the congregation to reduce or remove our daily consumption of single-use plastics. As the end of October deadline fast approaches, the Planet Preservers have decided to extend this initiative to the end of the year. We are hoping that within the provided six-month time frame, you have been able to reflect and make simple changes that can positively impact your life and the environment. During this challenge, we are aiming to light a realization and encourage a change in your daily routine.

The more we understand the negative impacts that plastic pollution has on the health of humans and ecosystems,

the more convinced we are that human attitudes and behavior toward plastics and reducing plastic pollution must change. Unfortunately, single-use plastics are so prevalent that trying to avoid them can seem hopeless but, our collective everyday actions can lessen the problem. While the large-scale sources of plastic must be addressed, along with discussions with and commitments from corporations and policy makers, we still must make a concerted effort daily to do what we can, no matter how small it may seem. Consider some of the best alternatives to plastic: Glass, stainless steel, platinum silicone (without plastic fillers), beeswax coated fabric, natural fiber cloth, wood, bamboo, paper, and cardboard. Continue the make the small

changes you have already adopted, such as: using reusable water bottles and coffee cups, cloth totes instead of plastic grocery bags, silverware instead of plastic cutlery and metal straws instead of plastic ones.

Through observation, the drastic changes in weather conditions among other things, should obviously display how humanity has failed in our obligation to care for God’s creation. As believers, we must acknowledge the carelessness and neglect of God’s gift to us, and the resulting effects. We must increase our efforts to reestablish our stewardship obligations and be the caretakers we were called to be, in whatever way we can. Alone we are one drop – together we are a river! n

— Submitted by Planet Preservers

We invite you to take the challenge and share with us online how and what you are doing to combat the plastic pollution that contributes to the climate crisis we are now facing and you could be recognized as ZHBC Planet Preservers Person(s) of the Month! Information on how to enter will follow

Please Recycle Appropriately and Responsibly!
12 | THE LIU


October 28, 2023, 10AM to 2PM

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.

Check the website of the Diversion Control Division of the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration for further information regarding law enforcement, pharmacy locations as well as proper home disposal. Let’s help keep unused drugs out of our land fills and waterways.



We ask that all interested candidates contact us via email for the full job description and/or résumé submission to

Media (Audio/Visual) Ministry Director: The Media Ministry Director will support the ministry goals of Zion Hill Baptist Church (ZHBC) and provide technical expertise and team leadership for the audio, video, and media related needs of the church. The Media Ministry Director is a visionary who is able to develop and execute a strategy to ensure that Zion Hill services and events utilize audio visual technology efficiently and effectively in order to enhance the experience of those attending virtually and in the physical space. The Director is an operational manager and serves as the Video Technician.

If any additional information is of need, please feel free to reach out to our administrative office by way of email or phone 404-691-8025.


Let’s congratulate our new staff member

Sis. Michelle Muhammad joins our Facilities team, filling our Custodial II position. Supporting the ministry goals of Zion Hill Baptist Church, Sis. Muhammad ensures the Worship Center, The Love Center and the surrounding grounds are clean and in order. Sis. Muhammad brings a committed spirit and a wealth of experience to the Zion Hill staff. Please greet and welcome Sis. Michelle wholeheartedly to Zion Hill, when you see her around the campus. | 13
Sis. Michelle Muhammad


Sunday, November 5, 2023 11:30 AM EDT

In-person & Virtual

14 | THE LIU


1 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 1 Sunday Observance of the Lord’s Supper, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 1 Sunday New Disciples Orientation Session, in-person and virtual 11:30 am 3 Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, Fulton County Board of Health, Rooms 35 and 40, 10:00 am—3:00 pm 4 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 4 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 6 Friday SIS Ministry Night of Hope – Cancer Awareness, In-person and virtual 7:00 pm 7 Saturday The Walk of Hope, Campus 7:45 am Village Day of Hope, in-person & virtual 9:00 am 8 Sunday Women in Christ Sunday: Worship Service, In-person and virtual 9:30 am 8 Sunday Youth Worship Service, in-person 9:30 am 8 Sunday Children’s Chapel, in-person 9:30 am 11 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 11 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 14 Saturday Baptism Class, in-person 10:00 am 15 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 15 Sunday Youth Worship Service, in-person 9:30 am 15 Sunday Children’s Chapel, in-person 9:30 am 15 Sunday Baptism, following Worship Service 17 Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, Fulton County Board of Health, Rooms 35 and 40, 10:00 am—3:00 pm 18 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 18 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 21 Saturday School of Love Learning and Service (S.O.L.L.A.S.) Blast, Breakfast will be served 9:00am – 9:45am Relationship Resurgence: Power Marriages and Singles Surge 10:00 am 22 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 22 Sunday Youth Worship Service, in-person 9:30 am 25 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 25 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 26 Thursday General Missionary Baptist Convention 5th District Land of Promise, in-person and virtual 7:00 PM 28 Saturday Darkness to Light Training, in-person (registration required) 9:00 am - 12 noon 28 Saturday Monthly Outreach Ministry Initiative: Atlanta Mission-The Shepherd’s Inn 12:00 noon 28 Saturday ÌRÓ: Music and Spoken Word, In-person and virtual 7:00 pm 29 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 31 Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, Fulton County Board of Health, Rooms 35 and 40, 10:00 am—3:00 pm

We want YOU to contribute!

If your ministry has an activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you.

All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues.


We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.

The LIU is a publication of


“Power Surge”


(BFL) bible study series

In-Person & Virtual

Wearing a mask is optional. BFL will still be offered via our live streaming platforms as well.




6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331

Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:


ZHBCATL zionhill

Available after streaming as recordings.

16 | THE LIU
Pastor Parker in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays at 7:00
for our

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