Feb 2020
A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church
THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)
Jump Right In! 2020 Ministry Fair Z
ion Hill held its annual Ministry Fair on Sunday, January 19, 2020. A host of Zion Hill members and friends made their way to the Fellowship Hall for the Fair, as leaders shared ministry information and displayed ministry images, literature, and artifacts. The Culinary Ministry even provided delicious food samples, highlighting and demonstrating their Godgiven talents to satisfy our taste buds! The Zion Hill Ministry Fair is an annual event providing members and friends the opportunity to learn about each ministry offering at the church and determine where they are able to best serve the Lord. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (Mark 10:45a NRSV) With over 75 ministries serving nearly 30 Outreach initiatives, there is plenty of servant’s work to be done at Zion Hill. Jump Right In! Please contact the church office at 404-691-8025 or zhbc@zionhill.org for information on any ministry. n
A Series of Reminders
REAP ROLL CALL New Members January 2020
Sister Deborah Ann Bailey Sister Janetta Brentley Booker invited by Vanessa Williams Brother Dwayne Anthony Carter Sister Mavis Vargie Carter Brother Douglas James Craig Curate Jr. Brother Vivian Emmanuel Remoe-Doherty Sister Lucy L. Mays-Truitt Sister Dawn Lynn Moore Sister Joellen Moore Brother Calvin Jerome Mott Sister Rebecca Louise Mott Brother Santos D'martiruos Price Brother Dennis Stroud Brother Lola Dale Grace Stroud Brother Caidon Zymio Todd Sister Ryoki Nicole Walker Sister Tynasia Wright Sister Zelda Wright
1. On February 8-9, 2020 we will have our Stewardship Weekend, organized under the
theme: “The Ant, Stewardship and Me”. Proverbs 6:6-8 provides a scriptural basis for this effort. On Saturday the 8th beginning at 10:00 a. m., we will conduct a series of seminars/workshops dealing with a wide variety of financial matters, including: n Starting a Business n Banking and Credit Management n Insurance and Retirement n Estate Planning n Taxes n Home Budgeting n Investments Additionally we will have onsite demonstrations of the new Georgia Voting Machines. These seminars/workshops are free, however, registration is required and can be done so following each Sunday Worship Service and the Bible for Life on Wednesday in the Love Center, Room 132. You may also register online at zhbcstewardship2020.eventbrite.com. 2. I also urge you to place on your calendars our first School of Love, Learning and Service (SOLLAS) Blast, March 17-21 – Tuesday-Saturday. For this first of four fami-
ly-wide learning opportunities we center classes on our annual church theme: “Seasonal Change”. Tuesday-Friday (17-20) dinner begins at 5:30 p.m., with classes ending promptly at 7:50 p.m. Saturday (21) we will gather at 10:00 a.m. with lunch at 11:45 a.m. Registration for all ages will begin very soon – see church announcements.
3. Further, let me once again call attention to our “10-for-10” effort to accelerate the pay-
ment on the Church mortgage. We have asked each member who is able to add $10 per week to his or her tithes and offerings in celebration of our worshipping and serving at the Campbellton Road location for 10 years (December 5, 2020). You may get commitment cards regarding this giving opportunity from the ushers following each Worship Service.
4. To all new members who have not attended the New Discipleship Orientation I en-
courage you to do so on the first and second Sundays of any given month following the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service in the Love Center, Room 109. To complete the orientation, you will need to attend one first Sunday session and one second Sunday session. We strongly urge you to take them in succession but if you miss one you may attend that session in the following or a later month on the Sunday you missed (first or second).
5. Finally, I want to remind us to pray for our brothers and sisters who are infirmed,
bereaved or otherwise facing some of life’s most serious challenges. As we pray for one another, we strengthen one another and ourselves, for this sacred practice calls to our remembrance the power of God to deliver from any and all difficult circumstances. n —Pastor Parker
Ministry Fair (continued)
ZHBC@zionhill.org |
Stewardship Weekend Returns to Zion Hill
or the third consecutive year, Zion Hill will host its Stewardship Weekend activities. Stewardship Weekend begins on Saturday, February 8 at 10:00 AM with financially relevant workshops for the entire family. It culminates on Sunday, February 9 with praise and worship at the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services. The workshop day focuses on sharing information that enhances our financial knowledge and strengthens our stewardship of the resources God has given us. This year’s theme, “The Ant, Stewardship and Me” Proverbs 6:6-8 (NRSV) encourages us to learn and work proactively now, so that we can reap the benefits later. Eight workshop tracks will be provided. Presenters with expertise in those areas will provide specific tips and tools to enable
us to use our resources more effectively. We may learn better ways to: build our bank accounts, manage debt, prepare for life events, understand taxes and even build a business.We may also get tips on home budgeting and investing and learn some of the secrets of the financially healthy. Workshop participants can even flow into sessions which demonstrate the new electronic voting process — complete with hands-on machines. Our children are our future so there will be financial activities dedication for them too. These eight workshop tracks will be presented during three time blocks: 10:0010:50 am, 11:00-11:50 am and 12:00-12:50 pm. After the workshops, we will enjoy a light hearty lunch and end the day with
remarks by Pastor Aaron L. Parker. Feedback from participants in previous years has indicated that the topics were timely, useful and provided new information and perspectives.We look forward to similar insights in 2020! Class sizes are limited so register today! Help us save paper by registering online at https:// zhbcstewardship2020. eventbrite.com. Got a QR code reader? Scan the code to register right from your smart phone or tablet. For more information, contact the church office at 404-691-8025. n Blessings, —Sis. Tammi Saddler Jones
MEDICAL ALERT! CORONAVIRUS – A Global Health Emergency
“Simply Put”
people who are sick. PLEASE, COVER your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue away and WASH your hands. Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces.
Exactly what is coronavirus? Coronavirus is a type of common virus that infects humans, typically leading to an upper respiratory infection. It was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China; however, there are now at least seven confirmed cases in the United States. There is an ongoing investigation to determine more about the outbreak. There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
Exactly what are the symptoms? The symptoms can include fever, cough and shortness of breath. It is believed that the symptoms will occur within 2 days to as long as 14 days after exposure. These symptoms can range from mild to severe, including death.
Exactly how is the virus transmitted? The human viruses are spread through the air by coughing and sneezing, close personal contact (including hand shaking), touching an object or surface contaminated with the virus and rarely, by fecal contamination.
Exactly what can you do to protect yourself? Be sure to always WASH your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, AVOID touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands and AVOID close contact with
Exactly what should I do if I have these symptoms? Currently there are no specific treatments for illnesses caused by the virus. If you are mildly sick, you should drink plenty of liquids and stay home and rest. Otherwise, please see your healthcare provider. Do not self-diagnose! Seek medical attention!!!! –Humbly submitted Nita Shaffer, ZH Health Ministry References: http://www.medicinenet.com and http://www.CDC.gov; Image: WebMD
Building up Our Youth through Mentorship
© 2019 Garrett Wilds
uring the months of Aug–Oct in 2019, we had the blessed opportunity to work with and mentor Zion Hill youth, Garrett Wilds, who is a high school senior graduating in May. For his senior project, he selected photography as the career path to present for a class final. As part of the mentoring sessions, he was exposed to various types of photography skill sets; from knowing what's in your bag (camera and accessories), how to use your equipment to create the perfect exposure and composition–to–basic lighting and client posing based on the assigned photography job. He also experienced, through hands-on exposure, the different photography career paths from entrepreneurial jobs such as events, family portraits, and head shots - to - commercial jobs such as food/product, architecture, real estate, and landscapes. The great concept behind the mentoring we offered was that he received shared experience from more than one professional photography, providing him different perspectives based on that photographer's experience. As the final product, he needed to deliver a PowerPoint presentation and portfolio to display his captured work (see a few of those images above), and what he learned from the experience. On a bright and early Sunday morning, three days prior
to his official presentation before his student class, Garrett presented his final project to the Photography ministry staff, allowing us to provide encouraging yet critical critiques beneficial to the success of the presentation structure and delivery. We are excited to say, through his hard work, and our supportive efforts to guide him along the journey, he received an A as his final grade. Congratulations to Garrett Wilds for his successful completion of our mentoring support, and his major accomplishment of absorbing all the information given and delivering a strong presentation to his teacher and classmates. In closing, the mentoring of our ZHBC members is a value-added service that we provide; this can include simple cell phone camera, point and shoot, or Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) guidance and education in the Art of Photography, welcoming our teens, and young adults through seniors. If you too have a curious or serious interest in photography, please contact the office to receive our contact information. Stay tuned for future Photography based workshops that will be offered to members and their family/friends. n —Bro. Mike Newman ZHBC Photography Ministry
ZHBC@zionhill.org |
S.O.L.L.A.S. Traditional Adult Class
n Wednesday at 12 noon, all Adults now have a choice of two classes. The Noon Day Bible Study continues with its Chapter by Chapter discussion of the Bible and it’s transformational power in our lives. A second class has been added and it is the engaging study of Traditional Church School lessons. These topical studies include “Honoring God”, “Justice And The Prophets”, and “Many Faces Of Wisdom.” Zion Hill is an exciting place to be on Wednesday at 12 noon, if you are searching for Seasonal Change in 2020. We look forward to seeing you and your friends and family soon for the study of God’s Word. n
Take it to heart!
he evolution of American Heart Month, also known as, Heart Health Month was formed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963 and established under the Presidential Proclamation 3566 during December 1963. In February 1964, President Johnson encouraged the people of the United States to give heed to the nationwide problem of the heart and blood vessel diseases, and to support the programs required to bring about its solution.This was a key point in American history for a more concentrated effort for dealing with a rapidly growing health problem. On January 11th, 1964, Surgeon General Luther Terry, MD proclaimed, “American Heart Month provides an important opportunity to emphasize the sharing of best practices, aligning measurements, advancing implementation strategies, and providing
Association, National Heart Foundation, Mended Hearts, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Heart Failure Society of America, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute request that we come together in the month of February to partner with each other to increase awareness of our heart health. The important areas for us to focus on during Heart Health Month are as follows:
leadership to focus on the burden of cardiovascular disease.”
Week Three – work to track your health
This collaboration with governmental, corporate, private, and nonprofit organizations has created a network to help develop best practices, educational information, and medicine to help with the advancement surrounding heart and vascular disease. Other organizations such as the American Heart
Week One – consistent physical activity:
educate each other about your daily activity, create walking clubs with your church group or neighbors, and get involved with an exercise class. Week Two – eat healthier, share healthy
recipes with friends and family, create shopping group to encourage buying healthier foods, and host potluck parties with healthy meals. stats, such as blood pressure, weight loss goals, and work out schedules.
Week Four – manage stress, sleep better,
and quit smoking together.
Week Four – focuses on managing stress
and resting which is probably the most vital and biblical foundation for living a
healthy life. Philippians 4:6-7 (EVS) says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This verse is in line with meditation and rest, which is highly recommended for a healthier lifestyle and heart health. For many of us, “PRAYER” is that highest form of meditation, which helps to reduce anxiety, stress, worry, depression, and high blood pressure. It is not by happenstance that Heart Health Month is also during Black History month, which reminds us of the struggle of African Americans, but most of all celebrates African American excellence. So on this month let us, as a people, practice that excellence by working together to bring greater awareness to cardiovascular disease such as arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, congenital heart defect, vascular dementia, and stroke. These diseases have been a heavy and costly burden for our friends and family. Finally, please take the time to research some of the organizations mentioned in the article to learn how you can be of help for Heart Health month. One way is to get involved is to wear a heart health pin during the month of February and encourage others to spread the word. Remember Zion Hill family a healthy heart produces a healthy life, Proverbs 4:23 “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.” n —Submitted by Min. Michael Martin Health Ministry
Is Christ Lord and Savior of your life? Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NRSV) Admit your need for Him. “...since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23 NRSV) Recognize His love for you. “But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NRSV) Place your faith in Jesus and invite Him into your life. “...because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9 NRSV) Pray a prayer of repentance and faith. For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13 NRSV) ZHBC@zionhill.org |
Every 4th Sunday is Sensational Sunday!!
anuary 26, 2020 marked the first Sensational Sunday of the year. Our Youth and Children’s Ministries led us with consciousness, heritage and spoke their truth. Themed around, “Reclaiming OUR Village,” each service was filled with fusions of spoken word/poetry, song, and choral readings that centered on living Kwanzaa all year long. Special thanks to our Azizi and Generation 8 Choirs, Dr. Kami Anderson and our Kwanzaa Choral Speakers and to these amazing young proclaimers: • Sisters Jermany and Taylor Elston (8 a.m.) – “It’s Time to Unify”
We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has an event or news that you want mentioned, you can leave your information in the LIU mailbox in the office. Please make sure that your article is emailed or on a flashdrive. We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues.
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Brother Jeffery Anderson, II (10:30 a.m.) – Our Kwanzaa Charge to the Village Minister Laphon T. Flood-Francis of Morehouse College (10:30 a.m.) – “Do Not Concede”
Join our Youth and Children on every 4th Sunday, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. You never know what you are going to get on Sensational Sunday! —Min. Felisha R. Chism Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry
BIBLE for LIFE Join Pastor Parker on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in The Fellowship Hall Series Title:
"Seasonal Change"
CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections. The LIU is a publication of
Do you have a church home?
6175 Campbellton Road, Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • www.zionhill.org
If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us. Come and experience the Presence of God in our services and the Love of God from our church family where we live by our motto–
“Living to Love and Loving to Serve”