Jan 2022
A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church
THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)
Zion Hill Family, Habari Gani? What's the News? Kwanzaa Time! It's Kwanzaa Time!
wanzaa is a 7-day celebration of the African American family, community and culture from December 26th - January 1st. Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Dr Maulana Karenga, making 2021 the 55th observance. During Kwanzaa the African American community unites in celebration and observance of our heritage and achievement; reverence for the the Creator and creation; commemoration of the past and recommitment to cultural ideals. We pause to celebrate and encourage our families and our communities. We emphasize
self love and appreciation for our children and the future they will embody. In our observance of Kwanzaa, each of the 7 days focuses on one of the 7 core principles and values, the Nguzo Saba. Dec 26: Umoja (unity); Dec 27: Kujichagulia (self determination); Dec 28: Ujima (collective work and responsibility); Dec 29: Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics); Dec 30: Nia (Purpose); Dec 31: Kuumba (Creativity); Jan 1: Imani (Faith). During these times of COVID pandemic conditions we are not able to gather
in community groups, yet due to technological advances we are able to gather virtually. Sunday Dec 26, 2021, ONI, the Zion Hill Young Adult Ministry, virtually presented Zion Hill's annual Kwanzaa celebration, led by Brother Simeon Hendricks. As we enter 2022 we are encouraged to incorporate the Nguzo Saba (7 principles) into our daily lives, into our family circles, into our community building. We must begin the New Year focused on our Faith. "We've come this far by Faith, leaning on the Lord and He's never failed us yet." Strive for discipline, dedication and achievement in all you do. Dare struggle and sacrifice and gain the strength that comes from this. Build where you are and dare leave a legacy that will last as long as the sun shines and the water flows. Practice daily Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Imani. May the wisdom of the ancestors always walk with us. May the year's end meet us laughing and stronger. May our children honor us by following our example in love and struggle. At the end of next year, may we sit again together, in larger numbers, with greater achievement and closer to liberation and a higher level of human life. HARAMBEE! HARAMBEE! HARAMBEE! HARAMBEE! HARAMBEE! HARAMBEE! HARAMBEE! —Submitted by Sis. Sandi Abbo
A Word of Thanksgiving We thank each of you for your many expressions of thoughtfulness and wellwishes sent our way in this season celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Hearing from you by card, letter, electronically, and in person added beautiful blessings to our lives, especially during these times of social distancing and virtual worshipping. It demonstrated to us your concern for our wellbeing and we highly cherish that concern, taking nothing for granted in a world where kindness is sometimes scarce. We continue to pray that God’s sufficient grace and abounding love will sustain and prosper you now and in the days to come. —Pastor and Mrs. Parker Larry, Asha and Laila
The Sesquicentennial
REAP ROLL CALL New Members December 2021
Dr. Sennie G. Smith
n 2022 we celebrate 150 years of Zion Hill’s uninterrupted witness to the liberating and sustaining power of God in Christ Jesus. From the brush harbor gathering of a few
dedicated and determined ex-slaves in 1872 to meeting virtually today, we, as a body of believers, have withstood the test of time because of our faith in a gracious and able Creator and Provider. In our Vision 2022 Church Conference we set forth as a theme for this momentous year a single, simple, yet powerful concept: STILL (Standing Tall in Lasting Love). However, the word “still” itself has meaning sturdy enough to function as a guide for our praise, worship and work during this milestone observance. After a century and a half of peril and power, trouble and triumph, hardship and hallelujahs, while benefiting tremendously from the stalwart legacy of our spiritual, God-fearing ancestors, we still stand, still love, and still serve.
However, the word “still” itself has meaning sturdy enough to function as a guide for our praise, worship and work during this milestone observance. As a scriptural foundation for this theme, we chose Psalm 92:12-15 – “The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap, showing that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” (New Revised Standard Version) Like strong, healthy trees, Zion Hill still produces fruit that contributes to the perpetuation of God’s Beloved Community, even after 15 decades of existence. Our production, however, does not originate of our own accord; rather, it emerges from the empowering grace of the impeccably righteous God, our Solid Rock. Throughout the year, we will deal with this and related biblical texts. Furthermore, we are planning a number of activities that commemorate this important moment in the life of this Church Family. We look forward to sharing in this high time of praise, fellowship, remembrance and inspiration. — Pastor Parker
Greater Days Ahead –
Pray. Meditate. Study. Exercise.
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.” —2 Corinthians 4:16-18
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Greetings Zion Hill Church Family,
s another year is upon us, we must remember both the triumphs and struggles that we faced as a community in 2021 and 2020. While 2020 was a year of uncertainty and discomfort, in 2021 the world saw its turning point with vaccinations and a decrease in COVID patients. Newly vaccinated, this summer we were able to safely reunite with friends and family for celebrations like graduations, Bar-BQues, birthday celebrations, and more. Sadly, there were far too many of us who were unable to reunite with all of our loved ones due to the nearly million American lives lost to COVID-19. Suffering was experienced across the community not only from the loss of lives but the separation of families,
loss of employment, closure of businesses, delays in weddings, and even complete change in learning styles and structures. But 2021 also led to new opportunities like career changes, entrepreneurial pursuits, families grew, people engaged with their future plans in the present, and college students like myself were able to make the most of this unprecedented experience. As a college student, the year 2021 was a mix of an online Spring semester and (finally) an in-person Fall semester. After a year of remote and online classes, even the dreadful early morning lectures, messy communal showers, and subpar dining food translated into dreams come true! With all the excitement in my mind about being a “real” college student, I misjudged the adjustments to returning
to in-person learning. By the time the Fall 2021 semester had rolled around, it had felt like almost two years had gone by since I had sat in a real classroom. There was no more rolling out of bed five minutes before logging into my 8 am lecture or spending my days in my sweatpants; instead, I had to wake and rise with enough time to think about my outfit before walking to my morning lecture hall that was ten minutes from my dorm. It would be an untruth to say that this past semester was easy as pie for me because it was not; however, I will say that I appreciate my first in-person semester because I was able to connect with my professors, meet more of my peers, develop friendships, and explore more about college life that didn’t seem possible when we were remote. The year 2022 represents a blank slate that we define. It can either be another 365 days that we watch pass us by or one that we redesign into a new state of normalcy. From all the stresses and disappointments of 2021, I have learned that life takes from you as much it gives and that through it all, the ups, the downs, and the turn-arounds…it is important to value one’s self, family, and community. I encourage everyone to put themselves before the pain, the pressure, and the disappointments. Call on God as your source of reassurance. Your guide. Your strength. Pray. Meditate. Study. Exercise. Treat you…well. When you feel exhausted, take the time to rest, restore, and recharge so that you can face the next day stronger than the last. With the love and support that we offer to one another, we will have a healthy, happy, and successful 2022! n —Submitted by Malana Mullen Youth & Children’s Ministry College Connect ZHBC@zionhill.org |
Seeing where we are within the
Covid-19 Pandemic An update on the Covid-19 Pandemic From the
hen the advent of the symptoms and the actual illness of Covid19 were conclusively identified by scientists and dedicated researchers, many Americans were surprised to learn about the protean (changing) complications of the Covid-19 disease in 2020. Now that the pathway of treating this Covid-19 disease has gone, not only from the associated preventive measures for combatting this pandemic, but also to the development and the actual vaccination of some of the American population, our scientists and medical professionals including those in the arena of public health, faith, and politics are sounding the alarm as to why we need to be tested, and vaccinated with the available vaccines. With this brief introduction in mind, I will present- below, 1) some of the highlights of where we are with respect to how many Americans have received at least one dose of one of the major vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines; 2) what age groups and which vaccines are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); 3) which vaccines are approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and 4) which vaccines or drugs have only Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from
the FDA. In addition, I want to define some of the “terms” which have emerged from the duration and complications of the Covid-19 pandemic, such as “breakthrough” and “long haulers.” Furthermore, I will emphasize the importance of getting tested and obtaining a vaccination with one of the major vaccines in the current climate of the recent predominance of the omicron variant over the delta variant of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
to 11 years old? The Pfizer vaccine and
the Moderna have been approved for ages 12 years old to 17 years old. In the age group 5 years of age to 11 years of age, which vaccines have been approved? The Pfizer vaccine has been approved for this age group. The new omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus, which was first identified in the country of South Africa in 2021, has now been identified in the State of Georgia
A “breakthrough” is defined as one who has been previously vaccinated with one of the FDA and CDC approved vaccines, but this individual still tests positive for the Covid-19 virus. I know that many of our members want to know, “Are we there yet?” I can fervently state with valid evidence that we have not arrived to the end or permanent control of this Covid-19 pandemic. What are the current major vaccines?
The answer is Pfizer, Moderna, and the Johnson and Johnson vaccines. Which age groups and which vaccines have been FDA and CDC approved for vaccinations in children aged 5 years
and in many states in the United States today. This omicron variant, according to Anthony Fauci, M.D., Director, National Institutes of Health’s Division of Infectious Diseases and Allergy, is now the predominant variant of the Covid-19 virus in the U.S. This omicron variant is 2 to 3 times more transmissible than the Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus. In addition, the infection associated with the “omicron” variant of the corona virus is milder in its manifestation compared to the “delta” variant. In the midst of this omicron variant
of the corona virus, now more than ever, is the time for non-vaccinated eligible persons to obtain one of the major vaccines. While “breakthroughs” can occur and have been documented, those with prior vaccinations are less likely to be hospitalized and die of the complications of the Covid-19 illness. A “breakthrough” is defined as one who has been previously vaccinated with one of the FDA and CDC approved vaccines, but this individual still tests positive for the Covid-19 virus. The symptoms usually are mild with a cough or a lowgrade fever, which usually does not require hospitalizations. On the other hand, the “long haulers” are those individuals who have been previously vaccinated by one of the major FDA approved vaccines but continue to have some residual symptoms of their previous disease- a mild cough, sometimes a headache, and some chest discomfort- while not requiring hospitalization usually occurring several months post discharge from the hospitals for successful treatment of the actual Covid-19 Illness. In epitome, I have covered some of the salient facts regarding the current status of the Covid -19 Illness. The wearing of the masks, washing one’s hands for twenty seconds with soap and water, and when one has to cough- cough into one sleeve or elbow, and practice social distancing are still recommended in public places and when one is not certain about the vaccination status of friends or unknown acquaintances. In the spirit of deep concern for the health and well-being of all of the Zion Hill Baptist Church family and our community, this article is written for your benefit n
STILL Standing as a Community
Back-To-School Days August 2019
ere We Are—twenty-two months later, January 2022 and we are STILL standing as a community. We praise God for keeping us in the midst of this ongoing pandemic, our financial breakdowns and breakthroughs, our relationship melt downs and build ups, and our health challenges and victories. S.O.L.L.A.S.–The School Of Love, Learning And Service is preparing for an exciting year as we seek to meet and support the spiritual and emotional needs of the community. Our facilitators are preparing to engage in trending, life-oriented topics that broaden our perspectives and extend our faith every Saturday before the 3rd Sunday each month.
You will have the choice of three Adult Classes. Our first virtual session is Saturday, January 15th at 10AM and January facilitators are Rev. Kathy Kneeland, Elder George Fishburne and the Marriage Relationship team. The weekly Wednesday Noon Day Traditional Bible Study, taught diligently by Sis. Nealean Austin and Dea. Reda Pierre will continue as scheduled. Our Youth will join together on the 3rd Sunday at 11AM for their Youth & Children S.O.L.L.A.S. sessions. As we strive to promote Christian Education in our church community, we strongly encourage you to email the church office at zhbc@zionhill.org with your suggestions and questions. Keep your eyes open for the upcoming links to the sessions. Yes, here we are, “Standing Tall In Lasting Love” as we flourish in the courts of our God. n — Submitted by Min. Galetha Thompson
Compliments and blessings to all during this holiday season! To Friends and family in the Way, Dr. Wilkes — Submitted by Dea. Shelby R. Wilkes, M.D.,MBA, Chair Zion Hill Baptist Church Health Ministry ZHBC@zionhill.org |
Greater Days Ahead –
Capture the Good Times
am back home from college, another semester down and a very rough one since a bad car accident in the summer. I am feeling better day by day, had a great semester, college work was hard, juggling therapy and classes. Professors will be professors, covid is alive and I’m wearing my mask and vaccinated, and others are not vaccinated and not being safe. Another strain has been introduced and we are still trying to survive from this one with shots and now a booster shot. The world is not the same, and reality and life as it was is not the same. This is now the new norm. It is the holiday season and the season of giving, community service and donating. But also, a time to reflect on yourself and others, checking on family and helping ones in need. Next year is coming quicker than you know it, December is already here, and the month is blowing away. But I would be remiss if I did not, “Thank God for being here!” The joy and happiness I will spread to everyone that comes near me will shine bright like a diamond. As we are about to embark into a new year, here are kind words to follow and go by: Enjoy your family, I have a big one and l love each one of them. Let them know they are thought of and appreciated often. Don’t take them for granted. Capture the good times, focus on what’s important and
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learn from the negative memories. As you get older, you realize who your friends are. I am in college now and sometimes they pretend to be your friends for all types of reasons. The lesson for that is “Never dwell on one obstacle too long, for tomorrow is another day.” Stay encouraged, watch all words being said for they become habits. Words are powerful and can sometimes be hurtful, but you get the strength to turn those words into actions. Those actions will turn into character, power, and destiny to succeed and eliminate when needed.
Aspirations are set where every you go. These are the goals that you set for yourself to achieve in life. Encourage yourself, talk through what you want to do, don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Your best cheerleaders are the ones that are always happy for you, making you think harder and strive for more. You know who they are and go back to them and tell them how far you got, so they can push you more! It could be your parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, a teacher, a friend, a professor, but someone you value and appreciate. Set goals for the future and put forth the effort in the present to reach those goals. I wrote my goals out my senior year in high school and have that same paper with me now in college, my junior year, and have been checking off all the goals so far. I am thankful for all that is instilled in me. God has made a way for me to be grateful. I am thankful for getting rest when needed and taking care of my mind and body. I am thankful for being kind, always smiling, and working things out. I am thankful for not giving up and to avoid negativity. I am thankful for being me. Love yourself, pray often and God will never steer you wrong. Be encouraged, be thoughtful and “Greater Days” will follow. n — Submitted by Zahria Austin Youth & Children’s Ministry College Connect
Love transcends COVID restrictions Season Greetings from the SIS Women’s Ministry! In keeping with the Zion Hill motto, “Living to Love and Loving to Serve” members of SIS delivered purple lap blankets for each resident of SUMMERSET Assisted Living. Each blanket was beautifully embroidered by SISter Jeri Griffin ‘ZHBC/SIS’.
Encouraging Community and Connection
fter several months of tuning in to ZHBCATL via YouTube for Sunday services, Wednesday night Bible studies, Conversation with the Pastor and Encouraging Words, my sister and I were very eager to become a part of it. We were welcomed with a personal call from Pastor Parker, one of the first things he said to us was, “Do you NEED anything?” Living out of state limits our ability to fully participate in ministries of interest, but the church has provided many ways for us to feel connected. When the trial in-person service was announced (December 12, 2021), we said we would be first
in-line to get in the doors! During our visit, we were greeted by happy people. It was endearing! Pastor walked us around and we saw God’s plan in action. EVERYTHING needed to support members was located right there! It was truly amazing to EXPERIENCE in person all we’d observed and experienced virtually for months. We look forward to being part of ZHBCATL in whatever way we can. We thank you for opening your arms and hearts to receive us. n — Submitted by Sis. Pamela Gaskin and Sis. Dorinda Hawkins, North Carolina
ZHBC@zionhill.org |
Greater Days Ahead –
Pandemic Growing Pains
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I was truly crushed when I found out I would not be physically walking across the stage at my high school graduation.
t was March 2020, when the pandemic first began and my family and everyone living in the United States' lives would change for an indefinite period. The world had just announced the start of a global pandemic and no one took it seriously until every important place that we had to attend everyday started shutting down due to new social distancing restrictions. Before I knew it, my high school was closed for weeks and no one knew when we would return. I was a high school senior eager to finish the school year so I could receive my diploma. I was excited that phase one of my education endeavors would finally be over. My high school graduation day was going to be such an important day in my life because I would be ending a chapter and beginning another important one. I never would have thought in a million years that my senior year of high school would have been cut short because of a global pandemic. When all of my senior activities started getting canceled and major events were being postponed, I knew it was worsening instead of improving. I was truly crushed when I found out I would not be
physically walking across the stage at my high school graduation. I was a young woman who was stuck with the thoughts of not being able to ceremoniously collect my diploma. However, my parents and big sister continued to give me kind words of encouragement, which brought some positivity. This was a very impactful experience because my family also felt the sadness and pain and did everything they could to be supportive. They continued to be positive even though it was a big accomplishment that was only allowed recognition in a virtual platform. My sister had just recently graduated from high school and college so I had a conversation with her about how she would have felt if she was not physically able to walk across the stage to receive her diploma. She was honest in our discussion about how hard it must be not to graduate in-person. Throughout this whole pandemic, I have been able to grow stronger and appreciate the relationship with my parents and big sister. As a whole, my life has become more of a challenge because there was a world
crisis and we have had to get through the unknown and deal with circumstances that were not initially clear. Importantly, going through this situation has pushed me to work harder in life and always shoot for my goals. My parents have told me that if I stay consistent with whatever I do, success will come out in the end, even when many obstacles arise. During my high school tenure, teachers told me that this would be the most important period that I would go through to succeed in the next phases of my adult life. As 2021 closes, I realize more that my disrupted experience as a high school senior during the pandemic—canceled events or major activities revised into virtual affairs—helped me grow as a person. From learning who my real friends are to being able to develop a closer relationship with my family. From March 2020 through now has opened my eyes and taught me to be consistent in everything I do and work to accomplish my goals. Pursuing my undergraduate degree and working through learning to be independent is exactly what I need to be successful in life. As times get better for the world because of the vaccine, I am more aware that the pandemic has offered important life lessons for me and others. These uncertain times have led me to search for my inner self to conquer the stresses that I can’t control. Now I realize that all I can do is stay positive and complete everything to the best of my ability for survival. Most importantly, I believe I have been able to thrive so far in college because the pandemic brought so much inner peace that allows me to remain strong mentally. n —Submitted by Kelsey Lawrence Youth & Children’s Ministry College Connect
Church Calendar / January 2022 1
Saturday Outreach Effort (first Saturday every month, unless otherwise noted)
Sunday 9:30 am, Observance of the Lord’s Supper (every First Sunday), virtual until further notice, 150th Anniversary Presentation
Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm
Wednesday Bible for Life, virtual every Wednesday at 7:00 pm, until further notice – Special 150th Anniversary Series
Saturday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm
Sunday 9:30 am, Installation of Officers and Rededication of Staff, virtual Sunday | 12:00 pm,
New Discipleship Orientation Session, virtual (every 2nd Sunday unless otherwise specified) 13
Ministry Leaders’ Workshop at 6:30 pm, virtual
Saturday 10:00 am, School of Love Learning and Service (SOLLAS) Saturday, virtual every Saturday before the third Sunday of the month unless otherwise specified
Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm
Saturday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am—4:00 pm
We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to zhbc@zionhill.org. We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues.
BIBLE for LIFE Join Pastor Parker on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm streaming live on Facebook, YouTube, and at https://boxcast.tv/channel/glwvkeoykzdo7l8oqmae
Series Title:
“STILL (Standing Tall in Lasting Love”
CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections. The LIU is a publication of
Available after streaming as recordings. 2022 Theme: “STILL”
6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • www.zionhill.org • email: zhbc@zionhill.org
2022 Theme Scripture: “The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap, showing that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” —(Psalm 92:12-15, NRSV)