The LIU – July 2022

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July 2022

A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church

THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)

STILL LEARNING: “Faith and Social Justice: More Than Political Correctness” Reverend Dr. Teresa Fry Brown, Presenter


he Still Learning Adult Master Class series launched Wednesday, June 8 with a dynamic presentation by Dr. Theresa Fry Brown, Professor, Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Dr. Fry Brown addressed the topic of "Faith and Social Justice: More than Political Correctness." A servant in ministry for 40 years, Dr. Fry Brown engaged our hearts and minds in a scholarly presentation focused on Biblical and faith imperatives around justice. She noted the basis of any kind of justice is love for people because we want them to live regardless of a person's ethnicity, race,

or gender. Dr. Fry Brown began by showing a brief clip from the movie "Harriet," which for her revealed what is it like to do social justice. She explained that there are various aspects of justice we can work on explaining, "Each of us has to work on what we can work on. We each have a purpose." Dr. Fry Brown shared four Biblically-based dimensions of justice: attributive, distributive, retributive, and injustice. She said attributive justice occurs when each person is treated as an individual—justice is attributed to an individual, not a group of people. Dr. Fry Brown described

distributive justice as asking people what they need, not telling them what they need. She explained that retributive justice focuses on restoration by making right of wrong relationships. Finally, she clarified that injustice is an act of violence. Dr. Fry Brown expressed to attendees that when we understand attributive justice, distributive justice, retributive justice, and injustice then we can all be faithful and impactful workers of social justice. So how do we become those faithful workers of social justice that God desires (continued on page 3)

A Couple of Pastoral Comments

REAP ROLL CALL New Members | June 2022

Sister Austyn Bonner Sister Cheryl Marshall Sister Witma Navilus Brother Doyal Siddell Sister Lisa Thomas

CHURCH FAMILY Acknowledgments | June 2022

To the entire Staff and Zion Hill Family, “Thank you.” –Delores Ottey Your kindness and sympathy were timely and deeply appreciated. –The Lockhart Family There are not enough words to express the kindness shown to my family. Thank you so much. –Yolanda Barty & Family We extend our heartfelt thanks for the love and support during our time of loss. –Onika Davis and The Osborne Family




irst, let me urge those who still wish to attend the sesquicentennial gala entitled Still Refining to make your reservations immediately as the seating is limited and quickly being filled. Remember, this black tie affair will take place on Saturday, August 6 at the Atlanta Airport Marriot Gateway Hotel, beginning with a Purple Carpet Reception at 5:00 pm and Dinner and Delight at 6:00 pm. For those 12 and older, the cost of securing a reservation is only $10, however, we strongly encourage you to make an additional donation to assist others who would like to attend but may not have the funds, and to help defray some of the costs for the event. If you have already made your reservation and would like to make an additional contribution, just go to PayPal or Easy Tithe and appropriately indicate “Still Refining” or write “Still Refining” on your giving envelope and specify the amount. Ages 4-11 are free, but each must make a reservation. You can reserve your seat by visiting, scan the QR Code, go to the lobby of the Love Center following Sunday morning worship, or call the Church Office. Second, I am fully aware of some members’ concerns about safety during worship and at other times that we assemble on the Church Campus. The Church leadership and staff, along with our expanding security team that includes a hired security company, local, state and federal law enforcement, as well as members of our congregation experienced in law enforcement have taken these concerns very seriously and have already made, and continue to make, enhancements in this area, some of which will be visible, while others will not. You will hear and see more about these enhancements in the very near future. Rest assured that with fervent prayer, thoughtful planning, and expert advice, we intend to do all we can to keep our worship environment reverent and safe. n —Pastor Parker

Social Justice... (continued from page 1) for us to be? Dr. Fry Brown said the first thing we must do is to look at ourselves. The Bible says we have to examine ourselves so this means we should identify whom we have harmed or what we have been silent about. She shared that social justice is about relationality as referenced in the scriptures Isaiah 1:16-17 and Deuteronomy 24:19. She also explained that we run into difficulty with justice when we deny

something has happened and how easy it is to do this when it comes to racism. However, she noted that there is something called "interlocking pieces of justice" where everything is about relationship and power. The basis of social injustice is power. Hence, Dr. Fry Brown challenged each of us to think about what our passion is and what is it that we think needs to be rectified in the world. She also instructed

us that we should work where God puts us. We should speak truth to power. Pastor Parker ended by saying that change starts with all of us so we have to treat each other justly. Dr. Teresa Fry Brown's presentation truly reflected the 150 years of learning exemplified by our Church's ministry and its rich history. n —Submitted by Sis. Tammi Saddler Jones |


STILL LEARNING: “Faith and Social Justice: The Sin of White Supremacy” Reverend Dr. Wallis C. Baxter, III Presenter


e were STILL Learning on the second night of exceptional Christian education on social justice with the Rev. Dr. Wallis Baxter Pastor, III Second Baptist Church SW, District Heights, MD, who spoke on "Faith and Social Justice:The Sin of White Supremacy." His presentation was based on Psalm 139:14 which says, "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Dr. Baxter initiated a compelling dialogue with the question, "What defines Blackness?" He declared that previously, Blackness has not been defined by us, and thus, it is time for "re-imagining Blackness within the Black church." He explained that from the time Whites settled in this country, they influenced the acceptance of Blacks within the body of Christ which resulted in African Americans being viewed as the "underside of humanity." Dr. Baxter challenged us to answer three questions: n

Who or what defines you (Blacks)?


What does it mean to be Christian?


What is discipleship?

To further explore those questions, Dr. Baxter challenged us with another, "Are we practicing Christianity in White face?" He provided engaging facts concerning the origin of Christianity in Africa and Asia, which were inhabited by people of color. He also emphasized that Whites have consistently and systematically tried to "whitewash" Christianity within the United States. Dr. Baxter stated many Whites see themselves as superior to Blacks and view themselves in the role of savior rather than as fishers of men. Given their attempts to diminish Blacks within American Christianity, Dr. Baxter posed a new question, "How do we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?" (Psalm137). His answer to the question urged Blacks to "turn to the cross" and consider what Christ did for ALL mankind citing Paul who wrote, "There is neither



Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). To further his point, Dr. Baxter pointed to the Bible's focus on various cultures rather than races. Because of the Bible's cultural focus, he encouraged us to redefine ourselves based on who we are as children of God spiritually, educationally, economically, and emotionally. Dr. Baxter charged us to think about our position as Christians from the following perspectives. First, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Second, we are "earthen vessels entrusted with treasures from God" (2 Corinthians 4:7). As we consider his insightful presentation, we have three mandates: n

We must re-learn our rightful place in the body of Christ;


We must re-educate those who do not look like us;


We must do so by being definitive and defiant!

Dr. Baxter concluded by asking us to consider how we will engage in the process of being "definitive and defiant." My breakout group participated in a lively discussion about the different ways Blacks define "Black Life." We acknowledged generational differences that exist in defining what it means to be Black, noting that younger Blacks associate "Blackness" with more negative stereotypes. As we consider Dr. Baxter's mandates we must consider how we can make a difference in re-educating those of us in the Black church and how we can reach a true definition of who we are. n —Submitted by Sis. Pearl Smith, Ph.D.

STILL LEARNING: “Faith and Social Justice: The Politics of Our Faith” Reverend Timothy McDonald, III Presenter “Politics is the art of distributing the money and it is in this vein that he contends that faith and politics were very instrumental in the ministry of Jesus “Everything is about politics”


hat was the running motif of the Rev. Timothy McDonald's argument as he discussed "The Politics of Our Faith" during the final night of Zion Hill's Faith and Social Justice Master Class. Rev. McDonald said that he learned from former Mayor Maynard Jackson that politics is the art of distributing money and it is in this vein that he contends that faith and politics were very instrumental in the ministry of Jesus. It was so instrumental that it was this synergy of ideas that got Jesus crucified because as He went about "doing good," Jesus became a threat to the religious leaders of that day. He was a threat because He upset the status quo as He ushered in a new politic that says all are welcome to the table. This "new politic" was in stark opposition to the religious elite of Jesus' day who marginalized people who were less fortunate and denigrated those who were poor. Rev. McDonald advanced his argument that America is not ready for this "new politic "that Jesus initiated and modeled throughout His life and ministry. Using the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education decision as a point of departure for a new movement erupting in America, Rev. McDonald masterfully revealed the root cause of many of the social problems affecting today. The Brown decision, in essence, said that segregated education will no longer exist in the United States of America. Because of that decision, white supremacists, including right-wing evangelicals, were beside themselves ("went bananas") and set out to put things in motion that would halt the notion of equality between all citizens of this country. Rev. McDonald proposed that right-wing evan-

gelical organizations, such as The Moral Majority, The Christian Coalition, i.e., The 700 Club, and Focus on The Family, are the bedrocks upon which many of today's unjust policies and acts stand and thrive. Voter suppression laws, the rejection of the George Floyd Bill, and the senseless acts of violence against Black and Brown people are examples of attempts to eradicate any progress toward justice and equality. How then should we as the Black church and members of the "Beloved Community" respond to these and other modern-day socio-political atrocities in this country? Rev. McDonald says that, according to Micah 6.8, God requires us "to love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly with our God." He further asserted that

to be genuine followers of Jesus, we must engage in the fight against unjust policies, such as voter suppression, by using the power of the vote to take our stand. We must engage as such because that is what Jesus did and by extension, as His disciples, we are called to do. When asked, "What type of lenses do you think we should look through that would improve our plight?" Rev. McDonald that for too long the Black church has peered through the Bible from the perspective of what has been taught by the master (oppressor) through indoctrination. He said we should "look at scripture with a third world prophetic theological set of lenses wherein we see Jesus for who He is – a liberating revolutionary who treated the poor, the marginalized, and women with dignity, and who spoke truth to power." We would do well to wear those lenses so that our plight may improve in this country. n —Submitted by Rev. K. LaMarr Jones |




“Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4


e had the privilege of teaching the 6–7-year old’s what it means to “connect” and to “Re(connect)”. This was illustrated by showing interlocking rings (showing them connected, separated, and reconnected). Our bible story centered around the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). The kids really enjoyed discovering who they were, learning about different characteristics about themselves and other children in the class, and who they were as a group (community). Day 1:

Focused on “Who am I”? The students had fun decorating a cloth bag that was reflective of who they were. We introduced the story of the prodigal son focusing on the characteristics of the son. We discussed how he asked for his inheritance, how he



left home, how he squandered all his money, how he came to his senses by returning home, and how his father threw him a big celebration. The children were able to identify with some of the son’s characteristics. We concluded by teaching the children that sometimes we act out of character, and we need to reconnect as how the prodigal son reconnected with his father. Day 2:

We reviewed what we learned in day one about “Who am I”? and had the children identify one word that would describe them. Some of the words identified were grateful, intelligent, pretty, helper, exciting, special, caring, and curious. We reviewed the story of the prodigal son and identified how his older brother was the same and how he was very different. We discussed

“Who Are You”? The children identified people who were like them and people who were different from them. This was illustrated by playing a matching game. Day 3:

We had the children reenact the story of the prodigal son as we discussed who we are to each other. We talked about the interactions between all the main characters in the story. We concluded by teaching the children that we sometimes have to say “I’m sorry” when we do the wrong things. We finished the class by having the children make a bracelet for themselves and for their friends. n —Submitted by Sis.. Avis Seals, Lead Teacher Sis. Susan Dixon-Sibley Sis. Gwen Daniel .


Am I? Who Are You? Who the little children come to me, and do not stop them for it is Are We To Each Other? “Let such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14 That day I was able to learn more about Addison. We wrote down at least three things that described ourselves. After we were done writing, we gave the cards to Ms. G, who shuffled them. You were supposed to draw a card and read what the card said. Everyone else would try to guess whose card it was. We got to keep the cards in the end. Addison wrote that she was smart, crazy, intelligent, and creative. DAY THREE: "WHO ARE WE TO EACH OTHER"? —


e considered it truly an honor and a blessing to serve during STILL Learning. The girls eagerly discussed the Prodigal Son and how they identified with the story in their own lives. Our discussions incorporated games and activities to encourage them to get to know one another and work together. They made new friends, and willingly helped each other throughout the three days. From this group we discovered we had two eager writers. Therefore, we want to present the Three-Day Summary through the writings of 10-year-old Brooke Walton and 10-year-old Kendi Platt in their own words. MY EXPERIENCE IN STILL LEARNING DAY ONE: "WHO AM I"? — Written by Brooke Walton

Hi, my name is Brooke. I am 10 years old and in the 5th grade. I am here to talk about my experience in STILL Learning. On my first day, I met my teachers Ms. Z and Ms. G. They were genuinely nice and had the class play an icebreaker, so we all got to know each other. I learned about the prodigal son. I can relate to the prodigal son because I have also had times when I needed forgiveness. For example, when I disrupted

Written by Kendi Platt

my class in school, I had to apologize. The lesson I learned was no matter the mistakes you make, God always forgives you. In conclusion, my first day went very well. DAY TWO: "WHO ARE YOU"? — Written by Kendi Platt

Hello, my name is Kendi Platt. As you might have noticed. I am 10 years old and I am going to fifth grade. My STILL Learning teachers were Ms. Z and Ms. G. The first thing we did in class was introduce ourselves. This may sound easy and completely normal but there was a catch. You had to come up with an adjective that described you that started with the first letter of your first name. My adjective was “kind,” so I introduced myself as Kind Kendi. On my second day of classes, there were more introductions. Jenna had joined the class. This was very exciting. Two more people joined our class too -- Journey and Jordan, who I think were sisters. When we all had received our lessons, I pointed out to everyone that today’s lesson was the same as yesterday’s lesson just with a different title. This time, we focused on the prodigal son’s brother. In the story, the other son was upset that his father had given his brother a party although he had misbehaved while he continued to work for his father while his brother was gone.

On the last day, we spent the first couple of minutes preparing for our biggest crafting project yet. Riley opened the glitter and ribbons, five people opened and cut sparkles, while Brooke and I opened colored sticks. We quickly went through the lesson that day so we could have time for crafts. Another thing that happened that day was Ms. G’s birthday. Everybody in the class that was not preparing for crafts prepared the music. As soon as Ms. G walked in, they played “happy birthday.” Our big crafting project was to use the materials to design something that had a message on it. For example, one could say “I am creative and you are too!” My project said “I am an explorer,” which was written by using red glue and green glitter. I cut some paper in the shape of a pocket, decorated it, and put a note in it that said “and you are too!” The point was for us to explore the pocket. I added a purple background to it and some fireworks. That is when I also made the conclusion that all girls like sparkles. I had a lot of fun in those classes and I had a feeling that I would have a lot of fun the next day when we participated in STILL Playing. n —Submitted by Sis. Brooke Walton and Sis. Kendi Platt Teachers: Minister Zelda Wright and Sister Gwen Buchanan |



nights of creative classes sharing Zion Hill’s Story with our “There was a man who had two sons.” 10–12 Year-Old Males WEDNESDAY ur first night focused on sharing the meaning of God’s word with 24 young 10-12-year-old male students. Our classes were based on the Bible story of The Parable of the Prodigal Son and his brother (Luke 15: 11-32). Our lesson highlighted a few keywords in the text and provided definitions to help our students to understand the parable. Following the opening prayer, our young men exhibited enthusiasm during the lesson discussion. Multiple students responded to our requests for volunteers to read portions of the scripture. Additionally, we viewed a brief YouTube video of the Prodigal Son to help students to visualize the events surrounding the story and reinforce the lessons in the scriptures. We shared a fruitful discussion about what it means to be compassionate and forgiving. Additionally, we explained how the sin of unforgiveness is primarily rooted in selfishness. We also emphasized what happens when you make a decision to accept Christ. We wanted our students to understand that accepting Christ is an act of free will and we become adopted members of GOD’s family. The students seemed to grasp most of the key concepts related to accepting Christ. Before the close of the class, students were asked to complete their Day One assignment by answering the Who Am I question in their handout.


THURSDAY ne of our students opened the second day of class with prayer. Following our prayer, we briefly discussed the value of prayer, which included a few questions and answers. As we continued the class, one student shared his thoughts about the “Who Am I”? question assigned on the first day of class. Another student read the scripture about the Parable of the Prodigal Son to the class, which allowed us to review the key concepts of the parable. We then went through every definition that was included in the handout. Our seating arrangement was changed into a circle at Brother Murray’s suggestion to facilitate more interaction between the students. The night before the next day of class the




Holy Spirit prevailed upon me to take the class on a field trip to our Brush Harbor. Before leaving our classroom, students were advised that they needed to work on their Day Two, (Who are you?) assignment before we could visit the Brush Harbor. The Brush Harbor discussion included the history of Zion Hill Baptist Church (ZHBC) and other historical facts related to the progression of our people as a race and as a community of faith before we left to see the visual representation of Zion Hill’s History. The Brush Harbor field trip allowed us an opportunity to Reconnect with our ancestors. While we were visiting the Brush Harbor, I asked the class to take a few moments of silence to Reconnect with and thank our ancestors. The students were told that our ancestors, elders, and contemporaries were counting on them to uphold and build upon our proud legacy. Before getting back to our classroom, we ultimately decided to walk around the campus. FRIDAY e began Day Three with questions and answers about the topics of “Who Are


You”? and “Who Are We to Each Other”? We provided guidance to the students regarding the questions to help them view their answers through internal reflections of what it means to be a member (child) of GOD’S family. We allowed the class to freestyle similar to Independent Study classes in regular school once we returned from taking a group photo at the Brush Harbor. Brother Murray suggested that we play a game of “Brotherman.” We spent the remainder of the class playing Brotherman and “freestyling” our activities. Most of the parents and guardians we interacted with during sign in/out provided positive feedback concerning what their children shared with them about our class. During the three days of sharing together nearly all of our young men seemed curious, attentive and full of energy. It was a blessing to spend time interacting with them! Perhaps next year we can consider incorporating some Christian themed team building activities to make use of the youthful energy they possess. n TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! —Submitted by Bro. Michael Bazemore and Bro. Haskell Murray


and knowledgeable discussions with the 13—15 years olds “ Don’t let anyone look down on your because you are young. Instead, set an example for the believers through your speech, behavior, love, faith and purity.” 1Timothy 4:12 Thursday: "Who Are You"?

Friday: "Who Are We to Each Other"?

For Thursday night, the topic of discussion was “Who are you”? With this topic, I thought about the following question:

Over the course of STILL Learning, we centered our lesson(s) around the story of the Prodigal Son. For Friday night the lesson was “Who are we to each other”? Before I talked to the students on our final day I asked this question to myself “How have I treated others? How have others treated me since entering university”? While preparing myself to answer these questions from our youth, I realized how differently I conducted myself around others since finishing my first year away from home. I not only related to the Prodigal Son, but his older brother as well. The truth was, college/ university changes you in ways that may conflict each other at times. You can be both the prodigal son and his older brother and his father. God wants us to understand that we are all one in the same. We are all his children, quirks and all. When it came time for class, we took our final night as a chance for students to have a free for all with any questions we may have left unanswered. During this time the class also had the opportunity to make vision boards, detailing where they


What characteristics do you want people to think of when they think about you, and how do you carry yourself when you think no one is watching?

We did an exercise where the students used clues that described something about them. We learned that some were athletes, an artist, fun, energetic, friendly, etc. After reviewing the scripture, Luke 15: 11-32, “The Parable of Prodigal Son,” the group was asked if they would be the wild living younger son, the bitter older son, or the forgiving father. While many sympathized with the older son, it was concluded that we should all strive to be like the forgiving father. God’s love is forgiving and unconditional, and He portrays that to all of His children. We, as His children, should follow in those footsteps when presenting ourselves to others. —Submitted by Holley Watson

would like to see themselves. Having them make vision boards reminded me of when I was in their class and made my own vision board. Of course not everything on my vision board is accomplished but, my most important wishes have come true. To my surprise our 13-15 year olds asked some very insightful questions about the transition between high school and college life. The two biggest questions we were asked were “How do we know we’ve made the right friends”? and “How different do our parents treat us”? I found as I answered the questions students asked us, I realized changes in myself I didn’t notice. Changes in who I surrounded myself with, changes in how I treated others, how I treated myself. I hope that as Cameryn and I detailed our experiences being away at college that we inspired the youth in knowing God will always be by your side through each challenge we face. No matter the mistakes we make, how far removed we are from our faith, just as the prodigal son returned to his father we can forever be loved by God and Zion Hill. —Submitted by Zion Hill College Students |




undreds of miles away in Orlando, Florida, Disney World has been celebrating 50 years of existence. However in South Fulton, Georgia, the Zion Hill Baptist Church family continued celebrating its 150 years of existence in grand carnival style during its “STILL PLAYING” event on Saturday, June 11, 2022. This was the Finale to the three days of “STILL LEARNING”—a church-wide learning experience that featured guest “Master Teachers,” college students and teachers that engaged students from ages 2 to 92! Upon arrival on the church’s back parking area, members were asked to stop by the registration table to register themselves and their guests. Afterwards, they were given a guidebook which contained the “Map of Attractions”and Schedule for the day.



A Relaxing, Reveling, and Rejuvenating day

of food, fun and fireworks for the entire family.

As the adults or guardians perused the guidebooks, the children’s eyes full of excitement, were busy scoping out the area to see what activity they wanted to try first! There was so much to see and do. It was hard to choose! There were clowns face painting and balloon animal-making. You could grab a bag of popcorn and a snow cone too. You could ride the kiddie Ferris wheel or try the 40 ft obstacle course. The Artic Swings were oh so inviting and, so were the Turbo Tubs! The Dino Bounce House offered hours of jumping fun! If Dino was full of kids, you could try the giant pink and purple Castle Bouncer. Oh, wait someone spotted the Petting Zoo and could not wait to pet or hold a live animal or two! The kids came ready in their

swimming attire to wait their turn on the Giant Water Slide,it was so much fun they had to take a second or third, even fourth slide. Over the loud speakers, the DJ was playing our favorite Gospel tunes all day long, in the corner, some sisters could be seen doing a praise dance or two. Others waited for the “Cupid Slide” or “Wobble” and did a line dance too! Some just enjoyed the music while bobbing their head and foot tapping to the beat. When the DJ announced that it was time to eat, we all jumped to our feet, Pastor Parker led us in grace, and everyone lined up because we were so ready to eat! We had so much food that one plate just would not do—because there was hot fried fish, hot dogs, hamburgers, turkey burgers, potato salad, cole slaw, pasta

salad, baked beans, assorted chips, watermelon and ice cream! There was our famous Zion Hill punch, assorted sodas, lemonade, water and Hugs for the kids that lasted all day to quench our thirsts! The kids enjoyed taking pictures with the Stilt Walker, because they had not seen such a tall person before that day! She smiled as she continued her stroll, blowing bubbles where ever she went. The newly constructed Brush Harbor was the place to be, if entertainment was your cup of tea. There was a magician that put on some amazing shows. Rev. Gloria Wilson was the comedienne of the day, little Mylah played a musical solo on the keyboard and Avery played the cello. The Choo-Choo Train provided train rides all day long; then the horse-

drawn carriage arrived later in the day. It was such a beautiful thing when it lit up at night. The concession stands also offered cotton candy, but the funnel cake fries were a big hit! Your sweet tooth could be satisfied by either of the two. We had guest appearances from Captain America, Batman, Super Woman and Minnie Mouse! These costumed characters were all smiles as they met and greeted our guests; some even posed for a photo! Speaking of photos—there was a 360 degree photo booth where you could take an action photo, but if that wasn’t for you, you could just take a photo at the regular photo booth. There was Putt-Putt Golf, Corn Hole, card games under the deck; Hulu Hoops, a Game Tent and Game

Truck too! So much to see and so much to do! People were so excited at all they saw, some could not wait to tell the reporter what they thought: Brother Terrance and Sister Tonya Williams exclaimed, “It was so much fun for the kids, but the adults enjoyed the food!” Brother Darrell Gundy said, “It was all about the Fellowship and Food!” Sister Diane Brown Bell, exclaimed, “This is just soo nice!” Sister Chasity Taylor said “The whole day was Epic!” Some of kids said it was the Best Carnival Zion Hill had ever had! As I finished talking to the members, I looked to my right and a Food Truck appeared. (continued on page 12) |


Still Playing... (continued from page 11) A new line formed as members began to place their orders for Tacos and Nachos! All declared they were so delicious! As the rides and other attractions began to shut down, we all grabbed our chairs and moved about the parking lot searching for the perfect spot to view the fireworks show. The DJ continued to play music and when he played the song entitled, “God is Good,” the congregation began to sing in unison, praising God because we all knew that it was Him that brought us through to this present time. Pastor Parker announced that the fireworks show would soon start, so we



continued to listen to the music as we anxiously waited for the show to begin. As the DJ played “Hosanna” by Kirk Franklin, the show began with a loud boom and a bang, bursts of vibrant color soon filled the sky! Pop! Pop! Pop! went the fireworks as the congregation looked on with eyes and mouths wide open with pure amazement! There was cheering, screaming and clapping! Pure Joy was felt by all who attended and were proud to have been a part of such an “Awesome” day of celebration for our 150th Church Anniversary, “STILL PLAYING” event! Some remarked that “This was a great day of Fun, Fellowship, Food, and Relaxation”—“A well planned and

executed way to come out and enjoy ourselves after having been away from each other over the past two plus years due to the pandemic!” As the crowd dispersed, Social media outlets were flooded with pictures of the fireworks show and the entire day of festivities! “STILL PLAYING” did not disappoint. It was indeed FUN Day times 10! (as Pastor Parker promoted the event) We Praise God for Keeping and Blessing Zion Hill for the last 150 years! We look forward with great anticipation to our remaining SESQUICENTENNIAL Activities and Events! —Submitted by Sis. Pauline Anderson


A Series of Worship and Learning Services

Throughout the year


An Extraordinary Outreach Effort and Worship Service

Saturday, March 12, 2022 — Sunday, March 13, 2022

STILL SHINING A Media & Marketing Blitz

Friday, March 25, 2022 — Sunday, August 21, 2022

STILL PRAYING A Reaffirming of Prayer Power

Thursday, April 14, 2022 (Maundy Thursday)

STILL LEARNING An Engaging Learning Experience

Wednesday, June 8, 2022, Thursday, June 9, 2022, and Friday, June 10, 2022


Exciting Recreational Activities

Saturday, June 11, 2022


An Elegant Gala Event

Saturday, August 6, 2022


Motorcade to past Physical Sites Erect replica of original site (Brush Harbor)

Sunday, August 20, 2022


The Sesquicentennial Celebration in Worship

Sunday, August 21, 2022


A Theatrical Production of the Zion Hill Story

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Establishment of an Online Store and Sesquicentennial Memorabilia

Event Based


Publishing of a Zion Hill Table Book

December 2022 |



COVID-19 Vaccination for Children


he federal government is providing COVID-19 vaccines free of charge to everyone living in the United States, regardless of their immigration or health insurance status. 1. C OVID-19 vaccination for children is safe. n

Before recommending COVID-19 vaccination for children, scientists conducted clinical trials. Then, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for everyone 6 months and older.


O ngoing safety monitoring shows that COVID-19 vaccination continues to be safe for children. The known risks of COVID-19 and possible severe complications outweigh the potential risks of having a rare, adverse reaction to vaccination. Learn more about the safety of COVID-19 vaccination for children.

2. G etting vaccinated can help protect children against COVID-19 Vaccinating children can: n


P revent children from getting seriously sick if they do get COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccination continues to protect children against severe disease, including hospitalization. There is no way to tell in advance how children will be affected by COVID-19. Children with underlying medical conditions are more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. However, healthy children without underlying medical conditions can also experience severe illness.



R eported side effects are mild, temporary and like those experienced after routine vaccines. Side effects are more common after the second shot. Some children have no side effects. Learn more about potential side effects in children after COVID-19 vaccination.



COVID-19 vaccine dosage is based on age on the day of vaccination, not on a child’s size or weight. This is also true for other routinely recommended vaccines, like hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines.

5. C hildren who have already had COVID-19 should get vaccinated. n

E merging evidence indicates that people can get added protection by getting vaccinated after they have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. For children who have been infected, their next dose can be delayed 3 months from when symptoms started or, if they did not have symptoms, when they received a positive test.


I f your child tests positive for COVID-19 after getting their first shot, they should wait until their isolation period has ended before getting their second shot.

Give parents greater confidence for children to participate in childcare and school and in sports, playdates, extracurricular activities, and other group activities.

3. C hildren may have some side effects after COVID-19 vaccination.

preventive care service that should not be delayed.

4. C hildren receive a smaller dose of COVID-19 than teens and adults.

6. C hildren can safely receive other vaccines the same day they receive their COVID-19 vaccine. n

R outine vaccination is an important


If multiple vaccines are given at a single visit, each injection will be given in a different injection site, according to recommendations by age.

COVID-19 vaccines are accessible and can be found in a variety of locations.

1. Check with your child’s healthcare provider about whether they offer COVID-19 vaccination. 2. Contact your state, territorial, local, or tribal health department for more information. 3. Check your local pharmacy’s website to see if vaccination walk-ins or appointments are available for children. 4. Search, text your ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find locations near you that may be offering vaccines for children. n —Submitted by: Nita Shaffer for the Zion Hill Health Ministry References:

SIS Women's Ministry



uneteenth marks the freedom of all enslaved Black people in the U.S.A. It's also known as Freedom Day or Jubilee Day. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and read a federal order abolishing the institution of slavery in the state. Since June 19, 1865, Americans have observed and celebrated Juneteenth as Emancipation Day, a day of freedom. President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act in 2021, making it an official federal holiday. That means it's established by law, such as other holidays, including Labor Day, Memorial Day and New Year's Day. Now that it's approved, Juneteenth is the 11th federal holiday in the US. I share this excerpt from an article by Ms. Etha Robinson about the history of the tea cake in our community: "Enslaved people were allowed to cook certain things at Christmastime, and one of those recipes was a tea cake. Tea cake recipes were passed by word of mouth because our ancestors couldn’t read or write; they were forbidden from learning, of course. They didn’t have measuring cups or spoons, but they were able to create the recipes by

word of mouth with loose measurements. It is speculated they were made to emulate the European tea cake that the white women would serve. We especially integrate the tea cake into celebrations like Juneteenth because it is the celebration of the removal of an obstacle that prevented the humanity of Black Americans from enduring. It is the commemoration of a removal of a shackle that prevented people from becoming their true selves. The tea cake is symbolic of that removal and the future we hope to create." We, the women of the SIS Women's ministry, gathered virtually on Monday, June 6, 2022 in recognition and celebration of JUNETEENTH. We made and displayed 'Old Fashioned Tea Cakes'. We showed off our favorite aprons and shared the family stories behind them. We shared our 'old school / back in the day' childhood memories and stories of family and community celebrations. These memories warmed our hearts and our spirits. We laughed together and encouraged each other to press on as our beloved ancestors did. The joy of JUNETEENTH was overflowing and another positive memory of sisterhood was made. Like our beloved ancestors, the women of

the SIS Women's Ministry, stand strong together, bonded at the cross. We celebrate God's liberating power, our past victories and victories yet to come. We stand proud as daughters of Africa forging forth in today's world, proclaiming the goodness of our Lord and creating a space of love, service and support to one another. The SIS Ministry had a most joyful JUNETEENTH virtual celebration. We are committed to remembering and proudly celebrating the past while forging forward to create a brighter future for our people, in the name of Jesus. n —SISter Sandi' Abbo President of the SIS Women's Ministry

Zion Hill Family, Prepare to join the SIS Women’s Ministry as we co-host the 2022 Weekend of Hope in October with the Health Ministry. More details to come! |


The National Baptist Congress of Christian Education Experience


he 2022 National Baptist Congress of Christian Education session was held in-person in Jackson, Mississippi as well as virtually on Tuesday, June 21st through Friday, June 24th. I had the opportunity to attend the Congress as a delegate, representing Zion Hill Baptist Church, and I had an amazing experience. The classes I chose were Expanding Your Digital Footprint and Praise and Worship. Both instructors were very knowledgeable, patient and helpful. We also received additional



related information once the session was over. I learned a great deal about building a great Website and about conducting a spiritual praise and worship service. While I received the educational sessions on the internet, my soul was spiritually fed as well. As these were hybrid sessions, I truly enjoyed that we were able to also interact with the students who were on-site as well as those in the virtual space. As always, I was able to watch the late night service, which featured wonderful speakers, such

as Reverend Orlando D. Franklin, who spoke on “Desperate for Deliverance” taken from Mark 5:25, and Reverend Kenneth Davis, who spoke on “His Grace is Amazing,” Ephesians 2:8-9. All in all, it was a truly uplifting and blessed week. Thank you, Pastor Parker and the Zion Hill family for your support. n — Submitted by Sis. Jeri Griffin General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia - District 5, Women’s President

ZION HILL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The following position is open at Zion Hill: Youth and Children’s Ministry Director (Part-time): The Youth and Children’s Ministry Director will support the ministry goals of Zion Hill Baptist Church (ZHBC) and provide spiritual, relational, organizational, educational and administrative leadership for the Youth and Children’s Ministry. The Youth and Children Ministry Director shall seek to foster a strong Christian Education program through building relationships with teachers, Zion Hill Youth (children, youth and teens), parents and church leaders that strengthen the youth’s commitment to the church and growth in faith in Jesus Christ. The Director will introduce, instruct, and nurture the Youth in their Christian faith and in life, through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship, service and evangelism. The Director will seek to engage the Youth in the physical and on-line/virtual spaces in accordance with the church’s operations and guidelines. Interested candidates may contact for the full job description and/or send a current resume to

SEND MAIL TO: Zion Hill Baptist Church P.O. Box 44643 Atlanta, GA30336-5643

No phone calls, please. |


Zion Hill Writers Needed: Excellent writing skills? Able to create engaging content? Great at proofing or editing? Contact the church office at 404-691-8025 or and find out how you can use your God-given gift of communication at Zion Hill Baptist Church!



JULY 2022 Church Calendar 4

Monday | Observance of Independence Day

Campus Closed


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium

10:00 am—4:00 pm


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program

9:00 am—2:00 pm


Sunday | Virtual New Discipleship Orientation Session (every 2nd Sunday unless otherwise noted)

12:30 pm


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium

10:00 am—4:00 pm


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program

9:00 am—2:00 pm


Saturday | Virtual Adults School of Love Learning and Service (SOLLAS) (every Saturday before the third Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted)

10:00 am


Sunday | Virtual SOLLAS Youth & Children (every 3rd Sunday)

11:30 am – 12:30 pm


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium

10:00 am—4:00 pm


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program

9:00 am—2:00 pm


Saturday | Back to School Days

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm


Sunday | In-Person & Virtual Back to School Days Celebration and Scholarship Awards


Tuesday | COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, CORE, Gymnasium

10:00 am—4:00 pm


Thursday | COVID-19 Drive-through Testing Program

9:00 am—2:00 pm

9:30 am |


We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues. CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.

Join Pastor Parker in the Sanctuary on Wednesday’s at 7:00 pm for our

“Still Here”

BIBLE for LIFE (BFL) bible study series

In-Person & Virtual Remember to wear your mask and socially distance. BFL will still be offered via our live streaming platforms as well.

The LIU is a publication of


Facebook: @zhbcatl, 6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:



YouTube: ZHBCATL zionhill

Available after streaming as recordings.

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