The LIU – July 2023

Page 8

Vacation Bible School 2023


When I think about our theme for Vacation Bible School 2023, “I’ve Got This! With Jesus We’re Surging” along with our theme scripture Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” -- It was a reminder that with Jesus we can find strength to do all the things He puts our hands to. Not only did we surge in strength to get things done, church members, family, friends and neighbors surged in strength to show up every night in record breaking numbers. And, we can ONLY give God the glory, honor and praise, for we are called to do the work but He is the one who gives the increase; He is the one whom by the power at work within us, is able to

accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine, therefore, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21).

I thank God for Pastor Parker and the vision God has given him regarding Vacation Bible School. I thank him for following the lead of the Holy Spirit to crank VBS up again and I was honored to serve as Superintendent. Although the planning time was short, it did not hinder God from what He was planning to accomplish for His Glory. From the planning team, to the awesome, humble teachers & volunteers, we made a commitment to give our plans over to the Lord and let Him cause

them to succeed; man can make plans but it is GOD who establishes our steps (Proverbs 16:3,9).

Thanks to each teacher who was deliberate and diligent in planning for their classes–they enjoyed working with their students just as much as the students enjoyed receiving instruction from their teachers. The youth focused on ways to tap into the strength of Jesus: On Day 1 it was all about Trusting Jesus; on Day 2they learned how to Serve Others by Praying; on Day 3- the focus was on Spending Time Wisely; and on Day 4- they learned Discipline Is Hard Work. By the time we get to Day 5, the Closing Ceremony, it’s all about sharing what they’ve learned

July 2023 A newsletter of
Zion Hill Baptist Church
(pronounced LEE-UU)
(continued on page 3)



New Members | June 2023

Shekia Bell

Brianna Brady

Michael Brady

Starr Brady

Shanti Brown

Shari Brown

Thomas Brown

Demetrius Clark

Ernest Dudley

Theresa Dudley

Brielle Edwards

Brooklyn Edwards

Chandler Gibson

Deontay Glenn

Williams H. Green

Jestean Hall

Bonnie Johnson

Willie Johnson

Gabriella Jones

Natalia Jones

Noel Nicole Ransom

Amira Reeves

Donald Reeves Jr.

Donald Reeves Sr.

J'Lyn Stegall

Cynthia Swint

Joseph Tate III

Joe'l Ward

Timothy Williams


Acknowledgments | June 2023

Bereavement Thank you Card from Gisele & Shree Sullivan

As we close out the first half of this year that has focused on the theme “Power Surge,” we note that we have experienced just that – a power surge. Evidence of such has come in numerous forms, among the most notable of which have been expanded Stewardship Day sessions, the implementation of an annual Outreach Ministry Award, rising participation in youth and children ministries, a marvelous Holy Week celebration, record registration for Vacation Bible School, and a marked increase in the number of sisters and brothers who are uniting with our Church family. All these signs and more indicate a healthy recovery from the enormously challenging days of COVID.

Ultimately, however, our present surging emerges from the kindness of an immensely gracious God, who mercifully held us together in Spirit during those menacing times we were physically apart. Indeed, the fantastic comeback we now experience is solidly rooted in the cornerstone comeback of our faith – the resurrection of Jesus the Christ.

So, for the second half of this year, I hope and pray that we will continue our surging ways, trusting that the One who has brought us thus far will continue to bless us with divine increase. And may we use that increase, regardless of the dimension of our community in which it occurs, to spread more of God’s love in this world through convincing witness and dedicated service, especially to those in dire need. n


VBS 2023 (continued from page 1)

throughout the week. During the Closing Ceremony, students shared how they were blessed during VBS 2023. Many of us were moved to tears, hearing what God had done through our teachers for our youth. I also must mention Sister Ramona Benson led the arts & crafts team giving our students opportunities to make and take h wonderful crafts pertaining to our topics each night.

The adult classes focused on the Old Testament using the theme “Just Like Us” –This was a study of Biblical Success Models for Our Community, such as patriarchs, judges, kings, and prophets to enrich our lives and empower us to inspire others. The book showed how biblical characters’ strengths, assets, liabilities, and issues are connected to many of the struggles believers and the church face today. These biblical characters challenge us to stay focused on Jesus and develop ways to work through trials and temptations and to celebrate the joy in the Lord. We heard from some of those who partici-

pated and it was evident they had a life changing experience through this study.

In closing I must give a shout out to all the many volunteers who greeted, registered, checked-in, hall monitors, runners, etc. When we ran into rough spots, you never complained, we just tweaked and kept it moving; we all realized we needed each other and I thank God for your temperament and patience with me while we navigated and allowed God to

establish our steps through this entire process. I can’t forget the awesome staff that works daily and diligently to accomplish the goals of the church—THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You are very much appreciated for assisting us throughout this process. May God continue to bless us all with His Grace, Mercy & Peace is my prayer. n | 3

A Closer Walk With God Through VBS 2023

God. His Love and respect for God was so strong that he listened to what God wanted him to be. He was so sure about what he was telling the Jews. Micah knew his values, his purpose and did not have a doubt in his mind about if he was pleasing God or even happy with his own decisions. That teaches us to trust that God is there always, helping us through every moment. The importance of praying and obeying. That God is a present God. He wants us to be faithfully present with him, too.

I knew that names have meanings. Micah means “Who Is Like God” and that “Abraham’s” name was “Abram”. But we got to thinking deeper during bible schoolthat we are not just talking about the birth certificate names. We are considering the names we don’t go by every day, but we are exposed to them enough to believe them and start labeling them as who we are. We must be cautious about what we feed our minds and be able to watch our thoughts, actions, and the words we speak to others, because they all have the power to shape the names we call ourselves and what others perceive us to be. We want these names to be loving and kind.

First, I would like to thank Pastor Parker for hosting this year’s Vacation Bible School. Thank you to Minister Wright for ensuring the program ran smoothly. Thank you to everyone that participated in making sure that this was an amazing and fulfilling experience. And last but not least thank you to Sister Wanda Cooley for being our instructor.

All of the topics we covered this week have been applicable to my life, to all of our lives and I believe we all learned something that will bring our relationship with God closer.

I read a book called “The purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren and it said “ You were made by God, for God and until you understand that life will never make sense.” That is exactly what was

taught this week. I understand we are all uniquely made. Also that it’s easy-to-use materialistic things to be more unique, or to conform to this world and let the world label what makes us unique. But its harder to answer the question of “why”. Why do I like this? Why am I agreeing to that? And God wants to make things clear to us. Through prayer and gaining knowledge about the stories in the bible. Through a relationship with Jesus. He wants to take our experiences and sharpen us, to refine us and shape us so we don’t have to question who we are, what our values are, or what we stand for. We can create a balanced life and not be moving in this direction and that one.

Carrying on, we learned that Micah was passionate about his connection to

We are constantly evolving; we are not the same person we were five years ago. We go through many transitions in life. We learned about Abraham in Genesis 12: 1-8 and moving on faith. If we say we trust God and all he says, we must put actions behind our faith. Where the mind goes, the body follows. We have to just take our hands off the rows and allow God to steer the boat. By tuning into the voice inside our mind, shutting out all the external noise, and growing in discipline by reading and applying his word to our everyday lives. It becomes easier to intentionally move on faith and be sure of our uniqueness. We can more clearly hear God’s instructions. He keeps His promise to us and He will always answer our “why.”

— Submitted by Sis. Danielle Coger


Annual Church-Wide Fun Day Picnic

After a spirit-filled week of Vacation Bible School Study for all ages, Zion Hill members, friends and guests began arriving about 11:30 a.m., on Saturday, June 10, 2023 to enjoy our Annual ChurchWide Fun Day Picnic!

Upon arrival, guests were greeted by our Registration Team and offered a name badge, if they wanted to have more casual interactions with each other.

Wearing their “Power Surge” T-shirts, the crowd grew and grew as attendees gathered on the lower-level of the parking deck to enjoy an afternoon of relaxation, fun, games, food and fellowship!

The DJ created an atmosphere of pure enjoyment as he continued to play our favorite gospel songs over the loud speakers throughout the afternoon.

As the people walked around the grounds, enjoying the scenery, taking photos, laughing and talking with each other, they also partook of the refreshments from

the Concession stand: sno cones, popcorn, cotton candy and later on funnel cake fries!

There were train rides, pony rides, a giant water slide, bounce houses to keep the young and old occupied and entertained. The game truck came and some teens escaped the heat for awhile, by going inside to play electronic games. Others continued to play with the basketball and football toss games. Putt-Putt Golf was available for those who enjoy playing golf. Some kids got to participate in sand art activities, while others had fun playing with the old-time hula hoops. Bible Bingo and horse shoes were also available too. Some adults chose card games, playing friendly games of Bid Whist!

Then, it was LunchTime! Our Beloved Pastor, Dr. Aaron L. Parker gave the Grace, and then we got our Eat On! The Culinary Ministry served a delicious fare! The Menu included: Fried Fish, hot dogs, burgers: beef, turkey and veggie; pasta salad, potato

salad, steamed broccoli, red beans and rice, cole slaw, French fries, and a variety assorted chips and a variety of sodas and beverages for the kids! And what is a picnic without plenty of ice cold watermelon slices! Later in the day, the waffle ice cream filled cones were also a big hit!

The Cake Walk game returned this year and it is always a treat to watch the youth and adults compete in a game simliar to Musical chairs, where the winner takes home a half of a homemade pound cake as the prize! There were four winners this year!

As the crowd began to dwindle down and clean up and shut down began, it was noted that this had indeed been a day of Fun! As we surge forward through the remainder of the year, we can all exclaim: “I’ve Got This! With Jesus: We’re Surging.” Praise God! n

— Submitted by Sis. Pauline Anderson | 5

Men In Christ Sunday/Father’s Day

Men in Christ Sunday/Father’s Day was such a beautiful occasion. The morning began with the Mighty Men Usher Ministry assembled for prayer, as is our custom. However, that day was different. There was a heighted level of enthusiasm, energy, and a feeling that God was indeed blessing us in that moment in a mighty way. As the congregation began to fill the pews, it was great to see so many men wearing a gold tie, as requested. It was truly a blessing to see all the young fathers with their families in tow, which is of ut-

most importance for God’s community!

Men in Christ Sunday began with the Voices of Oluwa bringing the praise, followed with a beautiful “Special Father’s Day Tribute” by Sister Corrina Bryan, a recent graduate of Georgia Southern University. Brother Charles Fanning treated the congregation to a few good jokes, bringing hearty laughter from the morning crowd.

A powerful and riveting message entitled, “The Mandate”, was delivered by The Reverend Dr. Wallis C. Baxter III, Senior Pastor of the Second Baptist Church in

District Heights, MD. Dr. Baxter is the son of our very own Deacon Wallis C Baxter, Jr. and Dr. Geneva Baxter. Two families united with Christ bringing a marvelous worship service to a close. Following worship, the men of Zion Hill received a nice Father’s Day gift from the church. What a wonderful surge of joy on Men in Christ Sunday and Father’s Day! n

— Submitted by Bro. Albert S Bynoe Jr In God, Love, and Service President of the Mighty Men Usher Ministry


Connection, Life Lessons, and Basketball Skills

In early June, Zion Hill Baptist Church and Darryl Hairston from DH Hoop Christian Basketball Program partnered together to provide an opportunity for youth aged 8-16 to learn and improve their fundamental basketball skills. Coach Hairston, a member of the church, has over 25 years of coaching experience and has mentored many players who have gone on to play in the NBA and professional teams overseas.

Upon arrival at the camp, participants were given a warm welcome by Zion Hill's staff and volunteers. Pastor Parker opened with prayer and greetings, while Coach Hairston introduced his coaching staff. The youth were enthusiastic and eager to participate in drills and exercises.

The camp featured special guests, such as Mfon Udofia, a former basketball player at Georgia Tech and assistant coach for the College Park Skyhawks, and Scott Draughn, who played for Winthrop University and the American Basketball Association. They spoke with the participants about goals, setbacks, and gave them invaluable advice on and off the court. The kids were also given the opportunity to ask questions during a Q&A session.

Despite varying skill levels, the kids worked together to improve their abilities in a supportive and safe environment. Coach Hairston mentioned that this was the best group of kids he had ever trained. During lunch breaks, the kids rested and hydrated while excitedly sharing their positive experiences. They expressed that they were having a great time playing their favorite sport and appreciated how nice the coaches were.

Moreover, the youth shared that they had learned new skills such as dribbling, layups, form shooting, defensive slides, and much more. One participant mentioned that the camp helped build their confidence and taught them determination. Overall, the partnership between Zion Hill Baptist Church and DH Hoop

Christian Basketball Program provided a valuable opportunity for youth to enhance their basketball skills and gain valuable life lessons.

According to one parent, this camp was their son's first exposure to basketball. He was impressed with the emphasis on the fundamentals of basketball and determination, all while keeping faith at the center. The parent appreciated the connections their child made with other kids his age and how they worked together to discover the fun of basketball. Additionally, they were grateful for the wise counsel and advice given beyond basketball.

Bo Carter, a member of Zion Hill, assisted Coach Hairston as a trainer for the camp. Carter was filled with excitement when given the opportunity to give back to his church family and positively influence the youth. He reflected on how he met Coach Hairston in a basketball tournament when he was just a youth, where Coach taught him lifelong skills and helped him play in AAU basketball and subsequently at Savannah State University. Coaching and mentoring young athletes has helped Carter find his place in life, and he hopes to one day have his own AAU (continued on page 12) | 7


ABOUT ZHBC Rites of Passage Program: Established in 1994, The Zion Hill Baptist Church Rites of Passage Program helps to prepare youth for adulthood. The program is composed of two groups: “KENTAKE” for young females and “ADIGUN NKOSI” for young males. The mission of this ministry is to teach some of life’s essential, character-producing lessons in the African, African American and other cultural traditions.


The 12-week program is designed for teen girls and boys ages thirteen (13) to eighteen (18). Zion Hill youth as well as youth throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area are welcome to apply.

COST: There is no cost for participation in the program.

REGISTRATION: July 2 through July 30, 2023:

The Rites of Passage program registration will begin July 2, 2023. Applications will be available in the Information Center and Church Office. Due to COVID-19 three(3)-year closure for the Rites of Passage Program, older youth ages 15-18 only will be allowed to apply to the program the first 2 weeks, then it will be opened to younger youth ages 13-14. Please see the following registration schedule by age:


15 years – 18 years

13 years – 14 years

July 2, 2023 – July 30 2023

July 16, 2023 – July 30, 2023

Registration spaces are limited. Fifty (50) applications total will be accepted for the program: 25 applications for Kentake (female group) and 25 applications for Adigun Nkosi (male group). Once the 50 spaces are filled, the registration will be closed. It is strongly advised that applicants closely review the application requirements provided with the application before applying to ensure success in the program.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Applications must be picked up, completed and submitted to the church office by 12:00 pm, Sunday, July 30, 2023.


Safety Tips for the Summer

Summer is here! The change in season allows us to spend more time engaging in outdoor activities, but unfortunately this comes at the expense of exposure to heat and other risks. Below are some tips to help you keep safe as you enjoy the summer. n

Avoiding excessive sun exposure

n protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses. Exposure to UV rays has been associated with development of photokeratitis (sunburned eyes), cataracts and several other eye conditions

n to avoid sunburn and help prevent skin cancer, protect your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen agents of SPF 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen about 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors. Sunscreen should be re-applied every 2 hours while outdoors however, when sweating or swimming it is advised that sunscreen be re-applied even sooner

n for children or persons with sensitive skin, use sunscreens with mineral or physical barriers (for example zinc oxide or titanium dioxide sunscreens) to avoid skin irritation

n avoid sunscreen in infants and toddlers under 6 months if possible

n wear light colored clothing to help reflect the sun away from the skin

n wear hats/caps to block sunrays from hitting the face

Preventing heat exhaustion or heat stroke

n stay hydrated by drinking water and other non-alcoholic beverages

n work shorter shifts between breaks if you are required to work outdoors

n wear lightweight clothing to help stay cool

n do not leave children or pets unattended in cars

n watch out for the symptoms and signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke listed below

Signs of heat exhaustion:

n headache, dizziness

n nauseas +/- vomiting

n fainting

n heart beating fast

n muscle cramps

n skin appears moist and pale

Signs of heat stroke:

n body temperature greater than 103 degrees Fahrenheit

n headache, dizziness, confusion, change in behavior (such as irrational or boisterous behavior)

n seizures

n unresponsiveness

n breathing fast

n sweating is absent and skin is flushed, dry and hot to touch

Staying hydrated

n drink enough water to keep lips from getting dry and to prevent urine from appearing dark (concentrated)

n when sweating, in addition to drinking water, drink rehydration fluids/ sports drinks that will allow you to replace electrolytes in addition to repleting fluids

n avoid drinks with high levels of sugar or caffeine because these could actually cause you to become dehydrated

n avoid excess alcohol intake

Water and swimming safety

n learn to swim and teach children to swim

n children should wear life jackets that are coast-guard approved when playing in or around water (pools, ponds, lakes, beaches)

n teach children the “life saver” technique for water safety. This involves knowing how to rotate into a floating position on your back and then paddling to safety

n teach children to avoid swimming close to pool drains or suction outlets in pools

n ensure pools are enclosed. A securely locked gated fence should surround the pool area and it is advised to get a gate alarm for the gate leading to the pool area

n remember that fountains and small ponds also put people at risk for drowning, thus ensure children are closely monitored when a fountain or pond is present at a location

Food safety

n to avoid food poisoning, do not leave perishable food out at room temperature for over 2hrs when outdoor temperatures are under 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Once outdoor temperatures are above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, it is advised to avoid leaving food at room temperature for over an hour. Food should be discarded if these time limits are exceeded

n when using barbeque grills, ensure that meat is cooked thoroughly before serving for consumption. A food thermometer should be used to ensure that meats are cooked to the correct internal/central temperature

n avoid cross-contamination by keeping raw meat and poultry away from prepared/cooked foods that are ready for consumption

Additional tips

n learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and keep a first aid kit in your car

n pre-plan safe pit-stop locations when organizing road-trips and do not drive when fatigued or tired

n use insect repellants when going on hikes to reduce the likelihood of getting illnesses spread by ticks or mosquitoes

n when planning to travel (particularly if traveling to another country), find out about health and safety risks for your destination before your trip

n ensure children wear properly fitting helmets when riding bicycles

Please visit the references below for additional information.

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://

2. Mayo Clinic. discussion/welcome-summer-with-five-summersafety-tips/and diseases-conditions/heat-stroke/symptoms-causes/ syc-20353581

3. Medstar Health. blog/7-essential-summer-safety-tips-for-all-ages

4. American Academy of Dermatology Association.

5. American Red Cross. get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-ofemergencies/summer-safety.html

6. Johns Hopkins. health/wellness-and-prevention/summer-safety

7. Cleveland Clinic. summer-safety-tips-for-kids/

8. US Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda. gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/handling-foodsafely-while-eating-outdoors

Marshaleen N. Henriques King, MD, MSc, FACP, FCCP | 9

Zion Hill Baptist Church (ZHBC) recently hosted a Juneteenth Observance presentation on June 17, 2023 as part of their School of LOVE, LEARNING AND SERVICE (SOLLAS BLAST) series of Christian Education instruction. The Juneteenth Observance featured topic of SOLLAS BLAST VI was the vision of our very own Pastor Aaron L. Parker Ph. D. The guest presenter was ZHBC’s Reverend Kevin Jackson.

The Juneteenth Observance topic was very relevant and timely given the considerable amount of mystique, confusion and perhaps deliberate misinformation that abounds regarding exactly what Juneteenth does or does not represent. Reverend Jackson did a masterful job in dissecting some of the commonly held misconceptions regarding Juneteenth.

One of the principal points the presentation addressed was the actual motivation for waging the Civil War. Many have long believed that the Civil War was

fought solely for the purpose of ending slavery. The real history, as aptly shared by Reverend Jackson, suggests otherwise. Though the abolishment of slavery did play a role in the decision to fight the Civil War, maintaining the unification of the country was the principal purpose President Lincoln hoped to achieve. Black Union Soldiers made it possible for President Lincoln to achieve that purpose!

The influence that Frederick Douglas had on President Lincoln was also prominently alluded to during Reverend Jackson’s presentation. ZHBC is actively engaged in the preservation of Black History despite attempts to diminish, misrepresent or outright erase our history. ZHBC’S SOLLAS BLASTS are one tool we regularly utilize to combat deceptive attempts to undermine our Faith in GOD and the COURAGE HE has instilled in us. Please make sure you actively support SOLLAS and help SOLLAS grow because it is our institution and we must sustain it!

Lastly, know this: the Civil War would not have been won had it not been for the GOD fearing, courageous efforts of our ancestors. The Black Union Soldiers who fought and died for this nation have often been intentionally written out of history. We are here now to set the record straight! “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ (John 8:32 KJV)

Our enslaved ancestors were not freed from slavery by the mere stroke of a pen or General Grainger arriving with what some might consider yesterday’s news. Our ancestors, guided by their spiritual beliefs, FAITH and COURAGE, FOUGHT FOR AND DIED FOR OUR FREEDOM!!!! That battle continues to this day!!!!

Please view the YouTube video by our late, noted Civil War Historian Hari Jones for a detailed expose’ on Juneteenth at: watch?v=I7__GlJuFOM. n

Submitted by The SOLLAS Staff

Truths About It!


Plastic Free July is exactly what it sounds like, “a movement to try and encourage people to use less or no plastic in the month of July. It’s a really good way for people to get involved and think about what they’re buying and to hopefully make some permanent changes to reduce the amount of plastic in their day to day lives.” (

Does that sound a little familiar?

Three months ago, the Zion Hill Planet Preservers introduced the “Pitch the Plastic” challenge to our congregation as an effort to bring awareness to just how much single-use plastic we consume on a regular basis and that there are indeed, viable alternatives.

Plastic Free July comes halfway through the six-month campaign and serves as a reminder that we are not the

only ones concerned with the devastation plastic inflicts (especially single-use plastic) upon our physical and environmental health. Plastic pollution is a global concern and corporations, governments and organizations around the world are working in earnest on large-scale levels to combat the crisis by enacting laws and taking actions to regulate, reduce and prevent plastic pollution. But small changes still add up to big differences and that’s where we as ordinary citizens but more importantly, as citizens of God’s kingdom, have an opportunity to make a positive impact. As Christians, we are obliged to reflect on nature and our human responsibility towards God’s creation. Our teaching has always addressed the obligation of Stewardship and understanding that obligation makes us accountable for managing the

environment in a way that will sustain, protect and enhance God’s handiwork.

Let this national/international month-long observation of intentionally reducing the use of plastic be your point of realization and rejuvenation. If you have not made the commitment to the “Pitch the Plastic” challenge, then please do so today! If you have made the commitment, then take this time to see how well you’re doing and promise to continue the journey. To sign the pledge, look for the QR Code on our social media sites or call the church office for further information. Our prayer is that at the end of the six months, you will find that the eco-friendly lifestyle you chose during the challenge, suits you and the earth much better. n


n Try to avoid single-use plastic as much as possible!

n Stop buying bottles of water or other bottled drinks. Use reusable water containers

n Avoid disposable coffee cups. Carry a reusable cup

n Plastic bags are the worst. Use reusable cloth or mesh totes for loose fruits and vegetables and durable canvas shopping bags for groceries.

n Refuse straws, plastic cutlery, plastic cups etc. Carry reusable metal or wood/paper straws, and request silverware and glass containers when eating out. Carry your own take-out container for leftovers. | 11

Ministry Surge

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, Pastor Parker hosted the annual mid-year meeting for the ministry leaders of the church. With the majority of the ministry leaders in attendance, Pastor Parker focused on ways to grow our ministries, factors that inhibit ministry growth and growth aids.

Ways to Grow our Ministries

1. God-Centeredness

Ministry leaders must decrease and God increase! The key to growing the ministries is for them to be God-centered. Fasting & Praying are essential to ministry surging!

We are reminded of the scripture: “But strive first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.” Matthew 6:33

2. Love is essential.

All that we do must be motivated by love. Love must be our guiding force. We must be willing to welcome new members and lovingly invite others to join. As stated in Romans 12:9-13, “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection.”

3. Welcome New Members by making personal contact. Invite members to “Come and See.”

Scripture John 1:45-46 affirms: Phillip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote: Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth, Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Phillip said to him, “Come and see.”

Highlights from the meeting:

Factors that cause trouble or inhibit ministry growth are: societal factors, attitude and apathy. As we each do a ministry check-up, let’s ask ourselves, what can we do to prioritize our ministries and minimize the effects of societal factors? It’s been said that “attitude determines our altitude” and “we can go as far as we can see.” Complainers have a negative impact on our ministries.

There is a saying:” Don’t complain about things you’re not willing to change.” To grow our ministries, we need to rid

Christian Basketball Program

basketball team.

Another former player of Coach Hairston and member of Zion Hill, Markayla Lockhart, served as a trainer for the camp as well. Markayla stated that she was excited to see a camp like this held at a church. She believes it's important for young girls to see women they can identify with on the basketball court, which helps them feel seen and safe. Markayla noted that the camp participants brought a lot of energy and came prepared to work. She also highlighted the fact that each participant had their own unique skill set that added to the program's dynamics. Markayla is grateful to Coach for helping her get into college and she will be playing as a point guard and shooting guard at East Georgia State College.

On Friday, Zion Hill’s Culinary

them of complainers!! Love is the key to surging our ministries.

Growth Aids: Prayer Surge

n Have at least one gathering solely for the purpose of praying for the ministry early in the second half of the year.

n Have an open and honest conversation on what it means to be welcoming and loving.

n To increase awareness of the various church ministries, starting Sunday July 23, in the Narthex there will be face-to -face display of ministries weekly. Four to five ministries will highlight its ministry 4-5 minutes beginning during Back to School Days. One representative will be present for the following ministries: Youth and Children, Voices of Oluwa, ONI and School of Love Learning and Service( SOLLAS)

In summary, let us pull together to serve! Rally other people! Get on the hunt for members! Outdo one another in love. Take self out and let God do the work!! n

— Submitted by Beverly McCray,

(continued from page 7)

Ministry Team provided lunch to all camp participants. As the camp came to an end, Coach Hairston gave an inspiring speech about the importance of taking next steps, continuing to work hard, and never giving up. The camp had a significant impact on the campers' lives, and it provided a valuable opportunity for them to learn more about basketball and life skills to carry with them.

Coach Hairston was glad to have the opportunity to hold this camp at Zion Hill Baptist Church. When asked why the camp was necessary, he stated that it was his way of giving back to the church and the community. Giving back, to him, is not just about tithes and offerings, but also involves sharing your talents and providing service where needed. He believes that the youth are essential and need outlets such as this

camp for growth and development.

Zion Hill Baptist Church's office staff, volunteers, medical team, security personnel, and facilities management all contributed to the success of the camp. The parents of the participants also played an essential role in ensuring their children's attendance and support. Most importantly, the youth who participated in the camp were the reason for its existence. They came prepared to work hard and demonstrated a high level of energy, contributing to the camp's triumph. This successful collaboration provided an essential opportunity for the youth at Zion Hill and in the community to connect, learn valuable life lessons and basketball skills, and to experience tons of fun while doing so. n

— Submitted by Rev. Brenton W. Cox Youth and Children’s Ministry Director

12 | THE LIU


S.O.L.L.A.S. Tuesday Bible Study: Tuesday evening School of Love, Learning and Service Bible Study, 7 PM, virtually

S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast Noon Day Bible Study: Join us for Virtual / In Person

S.O.L.L.A.S. Traditional Bible Class Noon Day Bible Study, Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon in the Executive Conference Room 109. Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom. us/j/85685031963?pwd=b2VxNXdPVE96 N2hMbkVGbTFRZW9JUT09

Noon Day Bible Study: Join Noon Day Bible Study, Wednesdays, 12:00pm, Inperson in the Fellowship Hall.

Bible For Life: Join Pastor Parker in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm for our weekly “Power Surge” bible study in-person and virtual. Experience Zion Hill at either of the following links:

Boxcast: glwvkeoykzdo7l8oqmae

Facebook: @zhbcatl, https://www.

YouTube: ZHBCATL zionhill https://www.

JOY for Life Ministry: The Seniors Program has weekly classes / activities Monday-Thursday, 9:00am – 1:00pm in the Love Center. This ministry is specially designed to engage seniors 55+ in classes and activities that promote good physical, mental and spiritual health. Registration information is available in the Love Center.

Darkness to Light Training – Register

Today! Darkness to Light (D2L) Training: D2L training is required for any adult who seeks to serve with the Youth and Children’s Ministries, Vacation Bible School, S.O.L.L.A.S. or any other activity that involves Zion Hill children of all ages. D2L training is free of charge and our next class is scheduled for Saturday, July 8, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm in Room 109. Class participants must arrive on-time and remain for the duration of the training. Register today: site/TR?fr_id=32598

The Vision 2023 Semi-Annual Church Conference will be held on Saturday, July 29, at 12:00 pm via Zoom. Advance registration is required. Click on the following link to register: https:// WN_NlhjlgkOTdaQ6CwXItz5tQ

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the conference. | 13


The Bus Ministry has resumed servicing Zion Hill members who live within close proximity to the church campus (up to 10 miles inside the perimeter from the church campus). Transportation to and from the church will be available for our Sunday Worship Service. Please contact the church office at 404.691.8025 or via email, no later than 12:00pm on Friday to add your name and contact information to the pick-up list.

Bus Drivers Needed: The Bus Ministry is a service to our members who need transportation to and from church. If you are between the ages of 35 and 70, have a valid driver’s license, and a good driving record, please consider joining the Bus Ministry. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the church office at zhbc@ or 404-691-8025.

Zion Hill Employment Opportunities:

Custodian II (Part-time): will support the ministry goals of Zion Hill Baptist Church by maintaining the cleanliness of the building and the surrounding grounds. This Facility staff member duties include cleaning areas as needed, vacuuming floors, washing windows, sanitizing restroom facilities, assisting with event setup and collecting trash to ensure the building occupants have a clean space. Interested candidates may contact zhbc@ for the full job description and/ or send a current resume to employment@ No phone calls, please.


Let’s congratulate our new staff members

Joining our Facilities team, Bro. Gregory Stewart has filled our General Laborer position. Bro. Stewart will support the ministry goals of Zion Hill Baptist Church by performing general manual labor tasks, including loading, unloading, lifting, and moving materials and assisting the Facilities team with carrying out department/ministry tasks. Bro. Stewart operates with a “high standard’ and brings a wealth of experience to the Zion Hill staff. As a member of Zion Hill, he most recently served as a Trustee and is married to Gloria Stewart.

Zion Hill welcomes Bro. Nicholas Bartley as our new Communications Coordinator. In his new role in supporting the ministry goals of the church, Bro. Bartley is responsible for the development and implementation of Zion Hill’s communication strategies and enhancing the church’s public image. An analytical decision-maker and strategic business and marketing creative with more than a decade of experience, Bro. Bartley is well-equipped and pleased to utilize his God-given gifts for service at Zion Hill. We enthusiastically welcome Bro. Bartley to our Zion Hill family. He can be reached at

14 | THE LIU
Bro. Gregory Stewart Bro. Nicholas Bartley


2 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 2 Sunday Observance of the Lord’s Supper, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 2 Sunday New Disciples Orientation Session, in-person and virtual 11:30 am 2 Sunday Rites of Passage Registration Begins 11:00 am 4 Tuesday July 4th Holiday, Campus Closed 5 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 5 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 9 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 9 Sunday Youth Worship Service, in-person 9:30 am 9 Sunday Children’s Chapel, in-person 9:30 am 11 Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, Fulton County Board of Health, Rooms 35 and 40 10:00 am—3:00 pm 12 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 12 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 15 Saturday School of Love Learning and Service (SOLLAS) Blast, youth and children included 10:00 am 16 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am 16 Sunday Youth Worship Service, in-person 9:30 am 16 Sunday Children’s Chapel, in-person 9:30 am 19 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 19 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 22 Saturday Monthly Outreach Ministry Initiative: Atlanta Mission-The Shepherd’s Inn 12:00 pm 22 Saturday Back to School Days Activity 10:00 am—2:00 pm 23 Sunday Back to School Days Celebration and Scholarship Awards: Sunday Worship 9:30 am 25 Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations/Boosters, Fulton County Board of Health, Rooms 35 and 40, 10:00 am—3:00 pm 26 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Class, in-person and virtual 12:00 pm 26 Wednesday Bible for Life, in-person and virtual 7:00 pm 29 Saturday Vision 2023 Update—Semi-Annual Conference, virtual 12:00 pm 30 Sunday Worship Service, in-person and virtual 9:30 am

We want YOU to contribute!

If your ministry has an activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you.

All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues.


We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.

The LIU is a publication of


“Power Surge”


(BFL) bible study series

In-Person & Virtual Wearing a mask is optional. BFL will still be offered via our live streaming platforms as well.




6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331

Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:


ZHBCATL zionhill

Available after streaming as recordings.

16 | THE LIU
Pastor Parker in the Sanctuary on Wednesday’s at 7:00
for our

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