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Men In Christ Sunday/Father’s Day

Men in Christ Sunday/Father’s Day was such a beautiful occasion. The morning began with the Mighty Men Usher Ministry assembled for prayer, as is our custom. However, that day was different. There was a heighted level of enthusiasm, energy, and a feeling that God was indeed blessing us in that moment in a mighty way. As the congregation began to fill the pews, it was great to see so many men wearing a gold tie, as requested. It was truly a blessing to see all the young fathers with their families in tow, which is of ut- most importance for God’s community!

Men in Christ Sunday began with the Voices of Oluwa bringing the praise, followed with a beautiful “Special Father’s Day Tribute” by Sister Corrina Bryan, a recent graduate of Georgia Southern University. Brother Charles Fanning treated the congregation to a few good jokes, bringing hearty laughter from the morning crowd.

A powerful and riveting message entitled, “The Mandate”, was delivered by The Reverend Dr. Wallis C. Baxter III, Senior Pastor of the Second Baptist Church in

District Heights, MD. Dr. Baxter is the son of our very own Deacon Wallis C Baxter, Jr. and Dr. Geneva Baxter. Two families united with Christ bringing a marvelous worship service to a close. Following worship, the men of Zion Hill received a nice Father’s Day gift from the church. What a wonderful surge of joy on Men in Christ Sunday and Father’s Day! n

— Submitted by Bro. Albert S Bynoe Jr In God, Love, and Service President of the Mighty Men Usher Ministry

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