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SOLLAS BLAST A Heralded Return

bration will be the Reverend Dr. Ralph Basui Watkins, MFA, DMin, PhD, a son of Zion Hill who is also known as “The scholar with a camera.”

Dr. Watkins is the Peachtree Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth at Columbia Seminary. According to Dr. Watkins, “His work focuses on building bridges between young adults and the church in order to develop future leaders for the twenty-first century church who work for justice.” To his credit Dr. Watkins has authored over 250 publications and presentations, two of which include “The Future of the African American Church, co-authored with Justin West,” and “Hip-Hop Redemption: Finding God in the Rhythm and the Rhyme.”

Join Zion Hill in person or virtually for the Sunday worship Service, and the Prayer, Fasting, and Praise the following Wednesday. Experience “A Surge for Service! n able to love like Christ, serve like Christ, and witness for Christ.”

SOLLAS BLAST learning opportunities occur every third Saturday of each month. A continental breakfast and fellowship period take place from 9am to 10am. Classes are conducted from 10am to 11:30am. SOLLAS BLASTs are a family affair! Please gather your family together and come out and join us on Saturday, March 18, 2023. The focus of February’s SOLLAS BLAST classes will be Financial Stewardship.

Zion Hill Baptist Church (ZHBC) is pleased to announce the long awaited return of the School of Love, Learning and Service (SOLLAS) BLAST for in person classes. January 21, 2023 marked the heralded return of SOLLAS in person learning after a multi-year hiatus due to COVID 19. Many former and some new students were in attendance. Shout out to the Culinary Ministry who welcomed our students back with a breakfast that was far from being continental!!

Pastor Parker led a combined class for adults which focused on ZHBC’s 2023 theme: POWER SURGE. Individual Children and Youth classes were held for ages two (2) through eighteen (18). Those classes also focused on ZHBC’s POWER SURGE theme.

The mission of SOLLAS is: “To seek to lead children, youth and adults to become aware of and grow in the understanding of the will of GOD as HE revealed Himself in JESUS; with this knowledge they will be

SOLLAS has a new Superintendent (Bro. Michael Bazemore) and Assistant Superintendent (Bro. Kelwin Trawick) this year. SOLLAS also has a new Advocate position which is held by Sister Cheryl Thompson Williams. The only one we are missing now is YOU!

Please make a commitment to come out and support our Christian Education efforts here at ZHBC by regularly attending monthly SOLLAS BLASTs and other Bible Studies offered weekly.


Submitted by Bro.

Michael Bazemore SOLLAS Superintendent

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