2 minute read

What Can Medicare Do for You?

drug coverage through Medicare approved private insurance companies at a separate cost to you.

Medigap provides services for a monthly fee and works only with original Medicare.

If you are currently under Medicare, did you know that Medicare covers preventive care through annual wellness visits and offers cognitive assessments for brain health and detection of potential dementia?

If you’re 65 and over, you may already know the basics of Medicare and the health benefits provided to seniors who sign up once they reach the age to qualify. If you’re under 65, you may be unaware of what is available to you if you have a disability or if you’re suffering from end stage renal failure or ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or another incapacitating disability.

Did you know that if you have been diagnosed with renal failure or ALS, you automatically qualify for Medicare? Those were just a couple of the many valuable facts provided by Christine Williams, a representative of the Georgia Department of Aging. Williams shared the information during one of several workshops provided during the Saturday portion of the Stewardship weekend.

Every year beginning October 15-December 7, Medicare provides Open Enrollment for seniors who have reached the qualifying age or received a disability diagnosis. Medicare provides the following; however, refer to the Medicare handbook that is disseminated annually for details concerning services and benefits.

Part A covers hospitalizations.

Part B provides medical coverage at a cost. Some employers offer it as a part of their benefits; however, if you decide to drop your employer plan, you cannot return to the plan if you change your mind.

Part C known as Medicare Advantage offers services not provided by traditional Medicare such as dental, vision, hearing, fitness and prescription drugs.

Part D offers stand-alone prescription-

Are you having trouble paying for prescriptions or other health services? If you or a family member needs financial assistance, check the Medicare handbook, or contact the state for counseling or information that may help you to determine if you qualify for funds to help you to cover needs such as prescription drug costs. You must meet income and asset requirements for help. Help may also be available through the Extra Help Program which is provided through Social Security. Again, income and asset guidelines must be met to determine your eligibility.

Before closing her presentation, Williams warned participants to beware of potential scammers that call offering services or pretending to be official government agents while requesting your private information or demanding money. n —Submitted

by Sis. Felicia Church

Williams provided contact information for the following Georgia agencies for more information about available services for families and seniors:

Georgia SHIP

1-866-552-4464 Extension 4

(State Health Insurance Assistance Program) Adult Protective Services

1-866-552-4464 Extension 3

Long Term Care Ombudsman

1-866-552-4464 Extension 5

Public Guardianship Office (PGO)

1-866-552-4464 Extension 7

Aging & Disability Connection

1-866-552-4464 Extension 2 n (ADRC/No Wrong Door (NWD) n Home and Community Based Services n Senior Community Services Employment Program

Family and Children Services

1-866-552-4464 Extension 1 n Child Support Services

You can find all of the above information and more by reviewing your Medicare Handbook or by visiting the Medicare website at https://www.medicare.gov or by calling Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

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