May 2020
A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church
THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)
Unstoppable: Faith That Won’t Quit “Un” – Commonly-used English prefix meaning, “Not” “Stop” – When an action and/or situation comes to an end. “pAble” – Able, we can think and perform a task given to our hands.
n Sunday, April 26, 2020, the Youth and Children of Zion Hill ministered through their first virtual Sensational Sunday Worship Experience. What does it mean to have Unstoppable Faith that Won’t Quit? Envisioned by our Youth Coordinator, Sis. Elisa Tory Dixon, Unstoppable Faith is a liberative and practical theology that is intergenerational. Intended to be both inspiring and interactive, the Youth and Children reminded us that God made us to rock, live, serve, shine, give, love and praise. They reminded us that “I Am” made us as God’s children created by God’s Hands.
Differently – being rich, magical, bold, powerful and strong. We are God’s richest and finest creations. “What’s in the Word?” Bible Trivia gave us a fun “family game night” during Sunday morning worship! We hilariously competed with guessing the right answers of some of the Bible’s toughest questions! We listened to the Chennault Family’s heartfelt testimony of being Unstoppable. Like many families, they, too, are navigating around restrictions with graduation; as well as with educating and working from home. We heard fun, Unstoppable health tips from Dr. Kathi Earles-Ross. We received incredible
encouragement from Bro. Johnnie L. Jenkins with having Unstoppable Faith like superheroes that encounter challenges but keep going to achieve what God has called us to do. Our Zion Hill Youth Dancers inspired us to move in our Unstoppable Faith. As if we were not already inspired to go even higher with being Unstoppable, our Generation 8 Choir with representation from Azizi Choir, ended our Sensational Sunday Worship with, “This Little Light of Mine.” Each singer bringing testimony on how he or she are going to let their lights shine. Our hosts, Cleo and Sidney Wynn left us with these words found in Romans 8, “Who or What is separating us from the love of God?” As the Youth and Children affirmed and we leave with you, “Nothing shall separate us from the Love of God because our faith is Unstoppable.” Special thanks and appreciation to Pastor Parker and Sister Shelia Parker, Youth Leaders, Youth Creative Team and Volunteers, Guest Contributors, Parents and our Amazing Youth and Children of Zion Hill! n —Submitted in Love and Service, Minister Felisha R. Chism Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries
When “Thank You” Is Not Enough
REAP ROLL CALL New Members April 2020 Brother Reuben Davis Brother George Gandy Sister Jordan Gandy Sister Rita Gandy Sister Cheryl Johnson
n aThursday, April 16, 2020 I got a call from Pensacola, Florida, that my brother, Priestley F. Parker, Jr., was desperately ill. Leaving on that same day by automobile,
I arrived in Pensacola around 10:30 pm that evening. The next morning, Friday, the assisted living facility, where my brother had lived for the past several weeks, allowed me to visit him under some very strict guidelines that included bringing my brother out of his room into a small chapel. Our time together, which spanned about 90 minutes, was quite moving, even though he uttered no words during the entire period. I talked, we sat, we held hands, I rubbed his shoulder and forehead, we prayed, and because of a previous phone conversation a couple of weeks earlier, I sensed that he was now, indeed, ready to make his transition. I said to him, “Everything is alright and if you want to go now, you can.” In that quiet and tender moment, I saw a single tear roll down the right cheek from my brother’s eye; then, another welled up into his left eye. We sat for a little while longer, after which the attending nurses came, and I left. On the following Saturday morning around 8:30 am, I got the call that my brother had passed away. He was the first of seven siblings to go from this temporary life to life eternal. Since the Zion Hill Church Family has found out about this experience there has been a virtual outpouring of expressions of kindness, care, concern, and prayers that have been nothing short of overwhelming. The cards, handwritten notes, calls, texts, emails,
Acknowledgements April 2020 Your kind expressions of sympathy are deeply appreciated, gratefully acknowledged, and will always be remembered by the families of: Sister Earnestine Searcy and Deaconess Sadie Howard Sis. Bernice Jennings & Family Sis. Darlene Jackson Ellis Sis. Sandra Baylis & Family
gifts – all signifying loving presence – warmed our hearts and minds, and truly elevated our spirits. Your unsolicited acts of generosity have served as a mighty force of encouragement to me and my family, and has humbled us greatly. Therefore, to say “thank you” is truly not enough. It is woefully insufficient to express the deep and abiding gratitude for all that you have done during this tender season of bereavement. Nevertheless, we say just that, “Thank you,” inadequate though it may be. Through your willing lights, the face of God Almighty has shined upon us and given us peace. May this same God, who still provides divine consolation in our greatest periods of need, keep you and profusely bless you with what is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing and commendable (Philippians 4:8).
With tremendously grateful hearts, —Pastor Aaron L. Parker, Sister Shelia Parker, Larry, Asha, Laila, and the entire Parker Family
We’re in this together: Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Our Community The global medical crisis caused by the novel COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented in our modern lifetime. There is still much to learn about this virus and the scientific landscape is changing rapidly. Although more data is needed to fully understand the prevalence of this disease, it is clear that illness and death rates of COVID-19 are disproportionately higher in African Americans and other minority groups.
hile comorbid conditions linked to COVID-19, such as hypertension and diabetes, are higher in black communities, the disparity extends beyond health care conditions. It brings awareness to inequitable access to health care, institutional racism noted in housing and employment, limited health literacy and inadequate community resources. We must remain vigilant in educating ourselves about COVID-19 disease, sharing information about community aid, and providing to others in need. It also requires us to hold our political leaders accountable and ensure that our community receives accurate information and has adequate access to testing and treatment options. With sheltering in place restrictions lifting, what is recommended?
COVID-19 infection is still very active in our community and state. n A void going out as much as possible! n I f you must go out, be sure to cover your mouth and nose with a cloth covering or mask. n C ontinue to social distance. Allow 6 feet between yourself and others. That’s about two (2) arm’s length apart. n W ash your hands often. n C lean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, counter tops, keyboards, bathroom/kitchen surfaces, TV remotes, etc.
Avoid non-essential travel
What symptoms might suggest that I have COVID-19 infection? Individuals
with COVID-19 may have a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. n n n n n n n n
ough C Shortness of breathing, difficulty breathing Fever/Chills Repeated shaking with chills Body aches/muscle pain Persistent headache Sore throat New loss of smell or taste
In addition, GI symptoms of diarrhea and nausea are becoming more common. Some individuals with COVID-19 are asymptomatic. For that reason, it is important to cover your mouth and nose while out to unknowingly prevent spread to others. When should I seek medical attention?
Most mild symptoms can be managed at home with daily monitoring of temperature and symptom changes. It is still advisable to contact your primary care physician by phone to make them aware of your symptoms. Seek immediate care if you have trouble
breathing (difficulty talking in complete sentences, more winded with sitting or activity), persistent pain or pressure in your chest, increased weakness, confusion or changes to mental status, difficulty staying awake, or numbness/tingling of extremities. Are there other health care recommendations? Individuals over age 65 and
those with certain chronic medical conditions regardless of age, such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, obesity, are more at risk for developing COVID-19 infection. n Make sure that you are taking your daily medications. Do what you can to improve and keep your chronic medical conditions under good control. n Stay hydrated and incorporate physical activity such as walking, yoga, or chair exercises. n Get adequate sleep. Take a break from the news. Stay connected with others. n If you are experiencing health care concerns not related to COVID 19, do not delay in seeking medical attention needed. —Sis. LaJune Oliver, MD, Zion Hill Health Ministry
Sources:; |
JOY FOR LIFE Seniors Ministry invites all seniors to share their GREATEST LIFE LESSONS
ur JOY for Life Seniors Ministry is planning to get on the move as soon as the church is open, and we can safely gather so that we can feel safe and comfortable in our classes. In the meantime, we are excited to issue a challenge to Joy for Life participants and all Zion Hill seniors (age 55+). In our day-to-day interaction, we have been blessed by sharing verbally our life lessons. Would not it be great to capture some of these pearls of wisdom? One of the goals of JOY for Life is to capture the WISDOM OF THE ELDERS and place this wisdom in a bound volume to share with younger people in our church family, our own families and indeed with each other. The question we need to ask our-
selves is "What is the most valuable lesson we have learned in our lives that we wish younger people to know about?" I know you have made or thought of advice: “Child, just keep on living” or “You think you know everything but let me share my experience.” While we are staying in and have more
time on our hands, please start to jot down your ideas. Everyone will receive credit for his/her words of wisdom unless you want to be anonymous. You can email your words of wisdom to or mail to JOY for Life, Zion Hill Baptist, 6175 Campbellton Road, SW, Atlanta, GA 30331. We would like to receive this by May 22, 2020. If we are blessed to receive a good response, we would like to place this in our church history archives. n Let us know if there are questions, by calling the church office 404-6918025. God bless you and keep you! —Deacon Pat Smith
Love and Service in the midst of a Pandemic
he need to serve others can be easily overlooked when there is a national shelter-in-place order, due to a world pandemic. Reaching out to those in need while balancing the necessities of social distancing is challenging, however, Love will always find a way. The Sounds of Zion (SOZ) Choir is committed to serving in outreach to The Nicholas House as it has been over years past. “Nicholas House is an Atlanta Shelter that provides housing to homeless families regardless of family makeup. They provide temporary housing while addressing the root causes of family homelessness so a family may never be homeless again.” For the month of April, The SOZ Choir served in a tangible way by making a special outreach delivery to the Nicholas House. The residents received lunch, care of Subway Sandwiches, with all the trimmings, chips, a beverage, and dessert. The following letter of gratitude was sent by Sis. Stephanie Fielder, Administrative Assistant at Nicholas House. Much gratitude goes out to Sis. Pat George our outreach coordinator, and fellow choir members who assisted in keeping our commitment to serving others in their greatest time of need. n —Min. Arnetta Montgomery Sounds of Zion Choir
April 20, 2020
Dear Friends of Nicholas House,
“Your service helps to ease
On behalf of all of us at Nicholas House, thank you for providing lunch for our families on April 18, 2020. Your contribution (valued at $______) makes a huge difference. Meals for homeless kids and their parents is an opportunity for them to bond with one another. Your service helps to ease the worries of parents eager to provide normalcy for their children during this unsettling time of transition. It also reminds them that they are not alone on their journey and surrounded by a loving community. Because of your continued support, we help families address the root causes of their homelessness through case management and wraparound services tailored to their individual and family needs.
the worries of parents eager to provide normalcy for their children during this unsettling time of transition”
We invite you to click here for a quick anonymous survey about your experience.
The needs of homeless children and parents continue through the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. As the virus makes an economic impact, many vulnerable families may have job losses or cutbacks that will increase demands for our services in the future. We are committed to our mission to help homeless families be self-sufficient. This vital work is only possible with your generous support.
We are grateful for your generosity, your trust, but most importantly, your commitment to our mission. If you’d like to serve with us again or have any questions about your volunteer experience, feel free to call me at (404) 622-0793 or email me at Please follow our progress, continued impact and updates on our COVID-19 response at, on Facebook and Instagram. Again, thank you for caring about our families!
Stephanie Fielder Nicholas House Admin.
Stephanie Fielder Stephanie Fielder Administrative Assistant This letter serves as a tax receipt for your donation. No goods or services were provided by Nicholas House Inc. in exchange for this gift. Mail: PO Box 15577 Atlanta, GA 30333 | 830 Boulevard, SE Atlanta, GA 30312 | P: 404-622-0793 F: 404-622-0388 250 Georgia Avenue Atlanta, GA 30312 | P: 404-633-8386 | F: 404-633-0297 Nicholas House, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation Tax ID #58-1762614 Dial 711 Georgia Relay (Deaf or Hard of Hearing) to connect to 404-622-0793 Visit us online at
Please submit the following: • name and photo • name of parent or guardian • the school from which you are graduating • any awards or acknowledgements • the school to which you plan to attend and • intended major
All submissions are due to
no later than 6pm May 27, 2020
ZHBC 2020 Photography Ministry The ZHBC Photography Ministry extends Greetings and Salutations to our ZHBC Family
uring these most extreme and trying of times, our Ministry is conforming to the direction and guidance set forth by Pastor Parker. As Ministry leader, I’ve ensured that all correspondence has been disseminated in a timely manner. I have also received positive feedback relative to the online Worship services, Bible for Life and conversations with Pastor Parker. Our Ministry is preparing to utilize this time to conduct an online assessment amongst ourselves. We will create an agenda to review YTD reflections, ensuring that we are in compliance with the 2020 ZHBC Mission statement and to address and reflect upon our 2020 objectives: n
entoring of our ZHBC membership is a value added M service that we can provide; this can include simple cell phone camera, point and shoot or SLR guidance and education in the Art of Photography. Welcoming our teens, young adults through our seniors.
Ensuring that we are capturing the best of our ZHBC Family…2020 reflections!
Address and ensure that we will be prepared to execute ZHBC calendar once we return back on the ZH campus
Just a Ministry communication to ensure wellness and a general concern during these the most trying of times!
During the 1st Quarter of 2020, the ZHBC Photography Ministry has captured and submitted to the ZH office about 1500 photo opts…also noting that Bro. Mike Newnan is periodically assisting the ZH Media Ministry. In closing, wishing you and yours safe passage during these extraordinary times. May God’s Grace shield and protect! n —Respectfully, Brother Ronald Coleman ZHBC Photography Ministry |
One Bright Spot…
ednesday April 22, 2020 marked 50 years since Earth Day was launched when 10% of the U.S. population took to the streets to protest environmental degradation. Over the years an entire world-wide environmental movement has evolved. This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only has our nation been unable to publicly celebrate, but nations across the globe have also cancelled their planned gatherings and activities. Although we were not able to come together in large numbers to acknowledge the work that has been and will be done to combat climate change, global warming, pollution, poor water and air quality and other related conditions that plague our world, we should not let that dampen our spirit and weaken our resolve because there was one positive note in all of this. According to an article on one of the unintended benefits of the Pandemic shutdowns is that in some cities the social distancing and travel restrictions have resulted in “cleaner air and clearer water”. In places such as China, Italy as well as the United States, “satellite observations have shown that the temporary measures have also driven significant decreases in harmful emissions”.
Let that give us pause as we “shelter-in-place”. As a society, more importantly as believers who feel it’s our responsibility to cherish and protect God’s earth, and as parents who find ourselves in “teacher” mode who ought to feel the need to share this charge with our children to ensure another 50+ years of environmental stewardship, can we continue to find ways to decrease our personal carbon footprints and lessen our collective greenhouse emissions? Once we are able to move about again, perhaps we should try! n —Sis. Sandra Baylis Planet Preservers Ministry
Top 10 Tips for Improving Your Video Streaming Quality
ion Hill Baptist Church and the Media Ministry are pleased to be able to offer streaming of our services to our church family and other viewers during this critical time. The amount of bandwidth that is being used globally is unprecedented and has caused both internet and streaming providers to work overtime. While your video streaming experience will ultimately depend on the speed and strength of your internet connection, here are a few tips that can help improve your video streaming quality:
1. Limit the number of ongoing tasks for the streaming item. This simply means ensuring that you aren't downloading programs or keeping unnecessary programs (or even tabs in your browser) open while streaming. For example, you should close any background programs (e.g., Skype, Steam, web browsers, etc.) that you aren't explicitly using while streaming video. If your computer, phone, or console is currently downloading items, consider waiting for the downloads to finish (or pausing them) while streaming. 2. Temporarily disable other Internet connections. If other computers, phones, and so on are using your Internet connection while you stream, you're sharing the connection with those items as well. To minimize the number of "distractions" for the network, turn off the Internet connections for as many other items in the house as possible. If your streaming item is the only thing connected to the Internet, your streaming quality and speed should improve. 3. Stream during a low-activity time. When other people who use your Internet connection stream, download, or otherwise take up significant portions of the connection, your streaming quality will suffer. Try to stream video during times at which others aren't doing so. Pay attention to popular streaming times in your geographical area as well, since use during post-work hours on weekdays can slow down the overall Internet speed in the area. 4. Check your Internet speed. You should know the approximate download speed in megabits per second (mbp/s) for which you're paying your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the Internet speed test proves that you aren't reaching something close to that speed, you can call your ISP to address the problem. If
your download speed matches or comes close to the advertised download speed, the issue is most likely on your end rather than the ISP's. Go to to check your internet speed. 5.Reset your router if necessary. If you've never reset your home network in the time that you've had it, doing so will likely have a positive impact on your Internet speed. Restarting the network, also known as "power-cycling", clears the network's cache. Resetting the router itself restores the network to its default settings, but also removes any connected phones, tablets, computers, and other items from the network. 6. Establish a line of sight between your router and your streaming item. The more obstacles there are between your streaming item and your router, the worse your streaming experience will be. If possible, make sure that your router has an unimpeded path to your streaming item. If this isn't possible, try to minimize the number of electrical or solid items between the router and your streaming item. If you use Ethernet, skip this step. 7. Use Ethernet instead of wireless Internet. If you use a wireless signal from your router to connect to the Internet, try using a physical connection instead.
Not only does this increase your connection speed and consistency, it also prevents your streaming item from dropping the connection (unless your router goes offline) and negates any obstacles between the streaming item and the router.If possible, use a shielded Ethernet cable if your router is across the room from (or in a different room than) the streaming item. Doing so will minimize the chances of damaging the cable. 8. Use your router's 5 GHz channel instead of the 2.4 GHz channel. If your router is a "dual-band" model, you'll have two different types of channel: 2.4 GHz, and 5.0 GHz. The 2.4 channel is more commonly used than the 5.0 channel, so try using the 5.0 to limit the number of connections that you have to share. Most routers that have two channels will provide you with two Wi-Fi networks when you go to connect to them; the 5.0 channel's name is usually a variation of the regular Wi-Fi channel's name. Keep in mind that 5.0 channels allow for faster Wi-Fi but do not have the same range as 2.4 channels, meaning that your streaming item will have to be closer to the router. 9. Adjust your streaming service's quality. Unfortunately, you may have to compromise on quality to get the video streaming consistency that you want. Most streaming services and video players have a quality setting (typically indicated by a gear icon) that you can adjust from "HD" (or anything including "720p" and up) to "SD" (or "480p" and down). 10. Talk to your internet service provider if you are still not able to receive the quality of video streaming that you desire. —Gloria Jean Williams Certified Technology Specialist Media Ministry
Reference: Wikipedia |
Join us for virtual services Sunday Worship Service at 9:30 am EDT Wednesday Bible for Life at 7:00 pm EDT
Join us on either of the following live streaming platforms: n
Livestreaming: http://zionhillbaptistchurch.
Facebook Live: zhbcatl/
YouTube: (search for ZHBCATL zionhill)
ZHBC zionhill
Is Christ Lord and Savior of your life? Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NRSV) Admit your need for Him. “...since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23 NRSV) Recognize His love for you. “But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NRSV) Place your faith in Jesus and invite Him into your life. “...because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9 NRSV) Pray a prayer of repentance and faith. For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13 NRSV)
We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues. CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections. The LIU is a publication of
6175 Campbellton Road, Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 •
The 2020 L.H. Williams Education Fund, Elliott Thompson Scholarship, and other scholarships application process is now open through June 29, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. EST. Please contact the church office at for more information.