Nov 2020
A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church
THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)
Our Vote is Our Voice
he Community Action Business (C.A.B.) Ministry and the Youth and Children of Zion Hill shared several weeks collaborating on the importance of voting. From powerful PSAs on registering to vote to encouraging eligible voters to vote for future generations, the messages were clear and impactful. On Sunday, October 25, 2020, the College Ministry was given the task to use their voices. After all, they are now eligible to contribute to the change we wish to see (Mahatma Gandhi). In one-minute or less, these outstanding young people explained why voting was important and why they
were participating in our upcoming election. All 10 participants covered the following areas: 1. O ur ancestors fought for our right to vote. 2. Voter suppression is real. 3. Change must come.
In this day and time, when everything is debated, our young people expressed their “made-up” minds. At a time, when being “woke” has been relegated to a justice message on a T-shirt, but not with action to vote because “it does not matter,” our young people expressed, “Enough is enough!”
If we are still debating why we should vote, our young people’s tenacity is enough to do so. We must resume thinking beyond our current circumstances and imagine the future we wish for them and ourselves to live. Voting does matter and it is our voice. Special thanks to CAB Ministry and all of our youth: Joshua, Lauren, JaKai, Joseph, Korrina, Nicholas, Owen, Michelle, Myles, Autumn, Deon and Kelsey for taking the stand, and being the change we wish to see. n Agapé, — Minister Felisha R. Chism Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries
A New Call for Prayer
REAP ROLL CALL New Members October 2020 Sister Nancy J. Lewis Brother Joseph Bond Brother Doug Daniel
know that many of you have already been praying fervently for a wide variety of concerns as we continue in this daunting, tenuous and unusual season. You have offered prayers
of both thanksgiving and supplication, realizing first that God has tremendously blessed in numerous and wonderful ways, but also that we still have a plethora of pressing issues among us. Only our Great Creator / Benefactor / Sustainer knows all of the pain, fear, anxiety, doubt and frustration that some of us face in this delicate and demanding moment in time. Nevertheless, as people of faith we confront those destructive forces with a bold reaffirmation of our trust in the One in whom we live, move and have our being. It is in this spirit of reaffirmed trust that I issue a new call for prayer. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who, right now, are facing some of life’s most imposing and unnerving challenges – challenges that test their faith so intensely that it threatens to undermine it altogether; challenges so heavy that they have slowed down the carrier’s motion to a snail’s pace or stopped it completely; challenges so overwhelming that they have left the challenged with a numbing sense of helplessness; challenges so persistent that they seem to have no end. Let us intercede on behalf of those in these desperate situations in a manner that exceeds what we have already done. We should pray for deliverance from the tenacious
Acknowledgements October 2020 Bereavements Bro. John and Sis. Veda Brown Deaconess Marilyn Carter
grip of sorrow and despondency, for the gracious hand of God to intervene and turn someone’s dark night of sadness into a brilliant sunrise of joy. We should pray for abundant showers of blessings to rain down upon the neediest among us in order to relieve their physical suffering and worry about what tomorrow will bring. We should pray for the loneliest in our immediate and extended church family that they may find genuine fellowship in a call, card, text, email, worship service, Bible study, or in a heightened awareness of the Redeemer’s tender presence. Furthermore, we should pray for this nation and the world, that righteousness, truth, justice and the Spirit of the Beloved
Sis. Angela Stewart
Community will permeate the hearts of minds of more and more people each day.
Scholarship Recipients
prayers, we petition the Grace-Giver for exactly what all of us need.
Haylley Watson Holley Watson
Most especially, however, we should pray that God’s will is done, for in this prayer of all This new call for prayer is a summons for more fervency, intensity, and conviction in our prayers. It is a request to include some additional time to pray that we might better center our lives and the lives of those for whom we place petitions to our Savior, Healer and Deliverer. I am convinced that we will all be better for it. Thank you for your continuing cooperation and commitment. n — Pastor Parker
Coping with COVID -19 Pandemic “Crisis” Fatigue
andemic , “crisis” fatigue is not a clinical diagnosis but a phenomenon identified during Covid-19. It is important that we know why fatigue happens and how to cope with it during this pandemic. With God’s help, we can be confident that we will get through it! As we consider each day, be reminded of the saying: “ Lord, for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time.” Crisis fatigue is when a stressful incident becomes enduring or chronic, according to Dr. Eric Zillmer, licensed clinical psychologist, Drexel University. “ The reason for this is that humans are not equipped to deal with extensive periods of stress over long periods of time. Our defensive systems are designed to prepare us for short bursts of emergency preparedness. This is known as fight -or - flight response. These days we are in a constant state of emergency that compels us to adapt. This creates stress and anxiety which is cumulative and may result in high levels of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. We are now about nine months into the pandemic, more than 200,000 people in the U.S. have died( the death toll in the world is already over a million). More than 7 million cases have been confirmed in this country. There is a possible 'twindemic' with the flu season approaching. This crisis situation puts the brain into panic mode. Additional stress factors, including loss of loved ones, coping with Covid and other illnesses affecting individuals and family members, the election stress, mass job loss, financial hardships, a strained health care system, civil unrest, systemic racism, concerns over children and college students attending school, parents dealing with virtual school, lack of being able to attend church, changes in routines, can lead to frustration, irritability, feelings of hopelessness and tiredness. Sign & Symptoms of Crisis Fatigue Signs and symptoms of crisis fatigue may include insomnia, oversleeping, lethargy, depression, anxiety, irritability and trouble making decisions. “If you feel that you can’t focus or your
energy levels are so low that it’s hard to get motivated to manage everyday activities or if you feel sad or overwhelmed- or if you are angry and lashing out uncharacteristically- those are signs of crisis fatigue, “ said Zillmer. These signs may not be the result of COvid-19, and may be related to other physical or mental health issues, therefore, it’s important to get a full examination to rule out other conditions.
Seven ways to Cope with Crisis Fatigue
1. C ut out the negative coping skills such as, alcohol & drug use, overspending. Find alternative to help deal with crisishelp others, engage in hobbies, recognize triggers & avoid them. 2. tick to a routine- routines and predictability are a powerful antidote to crisis because they create stability. Daily meal times, exercise, designating family & work times, school, Bible study, calls to help & encourage others, reading can help. 3. P ay attention to the story you’re telling yourself- think positive and engage in activities of spiritual and self empowering such as : keep a daily gratitude journal, read the Bible, listen to music,
motivational video, read, text or email inspirational messages to family & friends, change your mindset to positive thoughts. Schedule time for self-care - find time to recharge your battery, watch something that makes you laugh or have a few moments to yourself. Acknowledge and accept emotions- Let yourself grieve- grief is normal and it’s needed. Find ways to cope with “ good grief.” Find a Support System- within your family, friends, church members or therapy. Find the good. Be mindful that this current crisis is temporary. It too shall pass! Use this time to reflect on the good & recall how God has brought you through past experiences. Remain hopeful and know that you are not alone. n —Submitted by Lester and Beverly McCray, Ed.D.
References: https://health. mental health/ ways-to-Cope-with - Covid Fatigue- Jennifer Palisoc Https:// www. Today. com/ health/ 7 self - care tips - coping Covid-19- Crisis-Fatigue, Nicole Spector |
Eating For Your Health 5. 188 million people age 18 years or older have prediabetes. 6. 211. 2 million people aged 65 years or older have prediabetes. 7. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States (maybe underreported). The American Endocrinologist Association and numerous clinical nutritionists have guidelines for helping reduce your risk of diabetes. These guidelines include recovering insulin/leptin sensitivity, normalizing your weight, blood pressure and glucose.
As we know my Zion Hill family, it has been a lot of changes and
Severely limit or eliminate sugar and grains in your diet (especially fructose). Eat a low carbohydrate, low grain diet. Cereal grains and starches spike your insulin and converts into sugar. Eliminate or limit sugary fruit drinks and some fruits (berries: blueberries, raspberry, strawberry are the best options).
E xercise Regularly. It is absolutely an essential factor. Exercise is the fastest and most powerful way to lower your insulin and leptin resistance, doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises and strength training have been very effective when reducing risk of diabetes.
Avoid trans fats (such as potato chips, fried foods, doughnuts). Choose the good fats such as avocados, walnuts, coconut oil).
Get plenty of Omega 3- fats (from a high quality of animal based or vegetable protein or fats (cold water fish, salmon, halibut, flaxseed oil or black currant oil).
a health crisis in our nation. This year of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has really challenged Americans to change our mindsets, thoughts, habits, lifestyles, health regimens and even our diets. Even though this pandemic has been the main topic of every news channel, we can't forget other diseases that still affect our women, men and children everyday. There are diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and especially diabetes on the rise.
he Health Ministry of Zion Hill welcomes November which is known as National Diabetes month. The month of November is when most of us celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is "that" holiday filled with good comfort foods such as deep fried turkey, cakes, pies and delicious recipes. First let's share a few facts about Diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association: 1. There are 2 Types of Diabetes (a) Type I - also called juvenile diabetes; fou nd in adolescents, a chronic condition in which the
pancreas produce little or no insulin (consider autoimmune issue). (b) Type II- which develops when the body becomes resistant to insulin or when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin.
2. 34.2 million people have diabetes (10.5% of U.S. population). 3. 26.9 million people are diagnosed with Diabetes. 4. 7.3 million people will be undiagnosed (21.4% are undiagnosed in United States).
ptimize your Vitamin D levels O recent studies have revealed that getting enough vitamin D have a powerful effect on normalizing your blood pressure and even blood glucose. (a) Regular doses of Vitamin D in life have been shown to reduce the risk of developing Type I Diabetes as well. Optimize your Gut Flora- your gut is a living ecosystem, full of good and bad bacteria. You can re-seed your body of good bacteria by eating fermented foods (such as fermented vegetables, kombucha, raw kefir, natto, kimchi) or take a high quality probiotic. I ncrease your Fiber- seek to include both soluble and insoluble fiber in your daily diet such as berries,
almonds, beans, peas, green beans. Aim to include 40-50 grams of fiber in your daily regimen for every 1, 000 calories you eat. n
ddress any underlying Emotional A issues and/or stress. When you become stressed, your body secretes cortisol and glucagon, both of which affect your blood sugar levels.
et enough high quality Sleep G –– Poor sleeping habits may reduce insulin sensitivity and promote weight gain.
ydration - When you become H dehydrated, your liver will secrete a hormone that increases your blood sugar. As you hydrate, blood sugar levels lower naturally.
Monitor your fasting insulin level.
So if you are experiencing these symptoms of Type I and Type II diabetes, please make an appointment with your primary care physician or an Endocrinologist (a specialist dealing with the study of hormones/diabetes): (1) Excessive thirst (2) Tiredness (Fatigue) (3) Weight loss/gain (4) Blurred vision (5) Frequent infections (6) Extreme hunger even after eating (7) Slow healing of wounds (8) Numbness or tingling in hands/feet (9) Irritability (10) Nausea and possible vomiting. n —Prepared/written by Sis. Chantaye Carhee, D.C., Zion Hill Health Ministry References: The American Endocrinologist Association, American Diabetes Association
“Our HOPE is built on nothing less...” Prepare for
SOLLAS BLAST II Greetings in the name of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! Zion Hill Baptist Church, in keeping with our church motto: “Living to Love and Loving to Serve,” is proud to announce that we will host our second SOLLAS BLAST (SOLLAS BLAST II). Mark the dates: Friday, December 4, 2020 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm and Saturday, December 5, 2020 from 10:00am to 11:30am. SOLLAS BLAST II is a v irtual event.
SOLLAS BLAST II will offer an impactful array of virtual lessons. These lessons and interactive discussions will focus on inspiring HOPE, fortifying FAITH and fostering FELLOWSHIP! It is imperative that our church family stay connected and offer mutualaid to one another and our community during this period of high anxiety and forced physical isolation. Your active participation in SOLLAS BLAST II is what will make it beneficial!
The theme for SOLLAS BLAST II is “Confident Hope in a Season of Change.” The focus scripture is P salm 71:14 (NRSV) But I hope continually and will praise Thee yet more and more.
Online registration will commence in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye out and an ear open for forthcoming details. n — SOLLAS Ministry
2020 – 2021 Important Dates ACTIVITY
Communion Worship Service
Sunday, November 1
9:30 AM
Fulton County Board of Health COVID-19 Testing at Zion Hill
Monday, November 9, and Tuesday, November 10
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Atlanta University Center Awards
Sunday, November 15
9:30 AM
2021 Officers Due
Monday, November 16
6:00 PM
ÌRÓ, Virtual Concert
Friday, November 20
7:00 PM
SOLLAS BLAST II: Marriage and Relationships Class, and Millennials Class
Friday, December 4
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
SOLLAS BLAST II: Youth and Adult Seasonal Change Classes
Saturday, December 5
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Communion Worship Service
Sunday, December 6
9:30 AM
Fulton County Board of Health COVID-19 Testing at Zion Hill
Monday, December 7 and Tuesday, December 8
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Annual Christmas Program and Message & The Music
Sunday, December 13
9:30 AM
Christmas Day
Friday December 25
Kwanzaa Program and Worship Service
Sunday, December 27
9:30 AM
Liberation Eve Service
Thursday, December 31
New Year's Day
January 1
Annual Vision 2021 Church Conference
Saturday, January 9
12:00 PM
2021 Officer Installation
Sunday, January 10
9:30 AM
TBA –To Be Announced. *Note: All activities are virtual and may change as needed.
We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues. CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.
BIBLE for LIFE Join Pastor Parker on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm streamimg live on Facebook, YouTube, and at
Series Title:
“Seasonal Change”
The LIU is a publication of
6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:
Available after streaming as recordings.