The LIU – October 2021

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Oct 2021

A newsletter of Zion Hill Baptist Church

THE LIU (pronounced LEE-UU)

Harvesting Good Health b) Sleep in a dark, quiet environment; c) Limit use of electronics before bed; and d) Avoid alcohol and large meals before bed. 2. Cope with Loss. Give yourself permission to grieve and recognize that how we grieve is unique to the individual. To cope with loss: a) Express your feelings, whether by talking to others or singing, journaling, writing a poem, etc.; b) Draw comfort from your faith and seek out support from family and friends; c) Preserve memories; and d) Seek out therapy or grief counseling. 3. Strengthen social connections. Social connections influence our wellbeing and


eautiful fall foliage, fresh smells of apple cinnamon, and cooler temperatures awakened our senses to the coziness of autumn. This season of fall festivals, football tailgating, and pumpkin spiced coffee, is a good time for us to change habits and focus on harvesting good health. Amid this deadly COVID 19 pandemic and despite medical advancements, it’s eye opening to hear of healthcare systems operating in crisis mode and rationing out care. One might argue that rationing of healthcare is nothing new for minority, poor and disenfranchised communities; however, the admittance still causes us to pause.

Photo by Ian Kiragu

Doing what we can to optimize our health and take care of our bodies, both physically and psychologically, is crucial. Focusing on emotional wellness is one way to harvest good health. Emotional wellness is being aware of our emotions, processing our feelings and adapting to change and difficult moments in a positive healthy way. The National Institute of Health shares the following six strategies to help improve emotional health: 1. Get Quality Sleep. Sleep helps us to focus, have quicker reflexes and process more clearly. To improve sleep: a) Go to bed and wake up around the same time;

may even lengthen life. To strengthen: a) Volunteer; b) Spend time with others and actively build stronger relationships; c) Join groups focused on your favorite hobby; and d) Take a class to learn something new. 4. Be mindful. Being mindful is being completely aware of what is happening in the present. To be more mindful: a) Practice taking deep breaths; b) Slow down; c) Take time away from phone and computer; d) Walk, focus on nature; and e) Learn to meditate. 5. Reduce stress. Chronic stress can be harmful. Learn ways to boost your resilience to help cope. To limit stress:

(continued on page 4)

An Update on Reopening the Zion Hill Campus

REAP ROLL CALL New Members September 2021

Pamela D. Gaskin Dorinda Hawkins Mechon Loundy Douglas Patterson Geraldine Patterson

CHURCH FAMILY Acknowledgments September 2021

Your kindness is deeply appreciated, gratefully acknowledged, and will always be remembered by: Frances Gipson and Family Rev. Juner Norris and Family


hile attending recent zoom meetings with brothers and sisters in the Zion Hill family, several questions have arisen regarding when we anticipate resuming our

in-person services. Here, I want to offer a brief update on our current position and some reasons for it, as well as a few thoughts on the direction of future actions. Obviously, we now continue with virtual services, primarily because of the current state of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in our immediate area, Fulton County, Georgia. For the week ending Friday, October 1, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies Fulton County’s transmission rate at “high” (the top and most dangerous level). During this week cases averaged 1,849 per day, deaths 17, and new hospitalization admissions 312. During this same period, the percentage of the eligible population (persons 12 and older) that have been fully vaccinated stands at only 32.9%. This means that over 2/3 of our fellow residents in Fulton have not been vaccinated. In the surrounding counties the vaccinations rates for those eligible range from 44.1% to 23.3%. The national vaccination rate for those eligible to receive the vaccine is 65.2%. These facts put us woefully behind in the fight against the pandemic since the top medical experts say that mass vaccination is our most effective scientific weapon. The good news, however, is that all of these numbers have improved over the past few weeks. Not only do the numbers say we should currently continue in this virtual space, also our care, concern and love for you, your family and friends points in this direction. In recent weeks (4-5) we have had several members of our Church family report coming

S.O.L.L.A.S. BLAST V Saturday, October 30, 2021 10:00 am – 12:15 pm: Adult classes via Zoom 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm: Drive-through Lunch Sunday, October 31, 2021 9:30 am – Sunday Worship Service 11:00 am – Youth and Children’s Classes via Zoom Watch Announcements for Additional Details



down with the disease, some vaccinated, some not. Some of these cases have been very serious, and we do not want to add to this difficulty while we have a viable option for staying connected, despite the fact that it is imperfect. Speaking of options, we are exploring a number of alternative ways of assembling, maybe in smaller groups, or maybe even in different settings. Please, know that we are doing all we can to get us back together safely and as soon as possible. I long to share with each of you in-person, when we can shake hands, share an embrace, and give our testimonies to one another about how we got over. I, therefore, solicit your continued prayers for open eyes and ears to the relevant data and most importantly to our kind and gracious Creator and Sustainer. Know that I always go to God on your behalf, seeking abundant blessings for you. n —Pastor Parker

Zion Hill Employment Opportunity The following position is open at Zion Hill:

Executive Assistant/ Office Manager (Full-time): The Executive Assistant/Office Manager will support the ministry goals of ZHBC through efficient operations of the church office and administrative support of the Pastor, Administration Minister and Church Leadership. S/he will manage the office staff and contractors responsible for office support. The ideal candidate is organized, patient, flexible, resourceful, tech savvy, has good written and oral communication skills and a strong commitment to excellence. Interested candidates may contact for the full job description and/or send a current resume to No phone calls, please. |


Harvesting Good Health (continued from page 1)

a) Set priorities and decide what must

mize negative feelings. To help: a) Practice

get done and what can wait; b) Learn to

gratitude; b) Forgive yourself; and c) Live

otene, potassium and fiber. Beta-car-

set boundaries and say ‘no’; c) Exercise

purposefully - guiding your life by the prin-

otene is an antioxidant and may offer

regularly; and d) Schedule regular time for

ciples that are important to you.

protection against heart disease, asth-


a relaxing activity. 6. Brighten your outlook. Hold onto positive emotions longer and appreciate good times. Develop resilience and mini-

Pumpkin – a great source of beta-car-

ma and certain cancers.

Eating healthy and remaining active helps with emotional wellness. During this season, try to incorporate a few of the fall favorite foods:


Pecans – add crunch and are full of Vitamin E to boost immunity, along with Vitamin B and magnesium to help with mood, reduce stress and lower blood pressure.


Cranberries – contain anthocyandins, which are also antioxidants that prevent bacteria from sticking to bladder wall.


Butternut Squash –full of beta-carotene that converts to Vitamin A to boost immunity and eye health.


Pears – are in season, ripen best off the tree, and are full of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium


Sweet potatoes – rich in iron, Vitamins A, C, and E. They promote good digestion, healthy skin and nails, and may even improve fertility and anemia.

While you are adding in okra, beets and maybe a few apples, be sure to get your covid vaccination if you have not received the vaccine. n —Submitted by LaJune Oliver, MD Zion Hill Health Ministry




October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast cancer affects more women than any other type of cancer and is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. African American women are disproportionately impacted, have increased exposure to carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and have the highest rates of mortality. Educate yourself about breast cancer and commit to getting screened this year. Use this time of awareness to encourage those who have breast cancer and support survivors. The American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends routine initial screening at age 45, with option to begin sooner. American women should strongly consider initial screening at age 40 for those at average risk. Remember that COVID-19 vaccination causes an immune response just like other vaccines. For routine breast screening, ie. those without symptoms, schedule breast imaging/mammogram before your first dose of COVID-19 vaccination or four to six weeks after the second dose. n |






SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2021 Gynecological Cancers Session I - 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Gynecological Cancers Session II - 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM ZOOM Link:

Nanette Cook, MD

Marshaleen King, MD

Dr. Cook will discuss gynecological cancers including vulvar, vaginal, cervical, uterine and ovarian cancers. She will also discuss the racial disparities in the incidence, treatment, and survival of these cancers in African American women vs our White counterparts. Dr. Cook is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She lives and practices in Smyrna, GA and is the proud mother of two teenage daughters.

Pulmonary Cancers - Session I - 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Pulmonary Cancers - Session II - 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM ZOOM Link:

Jettie Burnett, MD

Speaker: Marshaleen King, MD The presentation will provide an overview of lung cancer. Topics included are, the causes of lung cancer, preventive strategies, lung cancer screening, diagnostic measures, treatment options and factors impacting lung cancer therapy. Dr. King is a board certified Pulmonary and Critical Care physician. She serves as Adjunct Associate Professor at Morehouse School of Medicine and is on staff at Wellstar Health System. Question & Comments Facilitator: Jettie Burnett, MD Dr. Jettie Burnett is a physician specializing in diseases and surgery of the eye. She trained at Vassar College, Johns Hopkins and Harvard Universities and is a longtime member if the Zion Hill Health Ministry.

Cancer in Seniors Session I - 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Cancer in Seniors Session II - 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM ZOOM Link:

LaJune Oliver, MD

Speaker: LaJune Oliver, MD More than 2/3 of all new cancers are diagnosed in adults aged 60 and older. We will explore prevention and early detection tips of common cancers in seniors. Dr. LaJune Oliver is a board-certified Family Medicine physician and Obesity Medicine specialist with The Southeast Permanente Medical Group. Dr. Oliver received her Doctor of Medicine degree from Medical College of Georgia and completed her residency at Emory University School of Medicine. |


Virtual Children's Church and Teen Chapel OCTOBER SUNDAY CLASSES: 10/10 and 10/17 Virtual Children’s Church and Teen Chapel are now held on second and third Sundays! If you have already registered your youth, please use the same link to access your child’s class. New registrants use either of the below links:



AGES: 4 - 6

AGES: 7 - 9

AGES: 10 - 12

AGES 13 - 18



Volunteer with Us! “Train a child the way he should go and make sure you also go the same way.”

–African Proverb


f we take a moment and look around us, the young voices we hear at Zion Hill may sound like a lesson that we have taught. When we see our young people wear their high school and collegial colors, we may feel pride because they followed in our footsteps. If you have ever been a part of our Christian Education opportunities, whether with S.O.L.L.A.S. or with Children’s Church and Teen Chapel, then you know that your time, love and investment are not in vain. Zion Hill Family, the Youth and Children’s Ministry is inviting all Christian Educators (past and those who have a fervent desire) to volunteer with us. There is a true need for more teachers in all age groups for Children’s Church and Teen Chapel. The truth is that we have more young people than volunteers. Truthfully, we always have. As

we are increasing our meeting sessions to twice a month, your participation is valuable and needed. Additionally, we are encouraging participation with our youth and children’s quarterly classes for S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast. We have a lot of areas where your volunteerism is needed as it concerns our young people, and those announcements will come. This appeal is for your consideration as it pertains to foundational Bible Study and application. Our young people LOVE God. We are inviting you to be a part of this Ministry. We are inviting you to continue positively impacting our young people, so that they are able to continue making positive contributions in our church, city, and wherever God leads them. n Lovingly, Min. Felisha R. Chism, Director Youth and Children’s Ministries |


Remember to Register! The Social Action Committee of East Point/College Park Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and The Zion Hill Community Action and Business Ministry (CAB) Voter Registration Team are encouraging everyone to register to vote because your vote counts. The deadline to register to vote for the U.S. General Election is Monday, October 4, 2021. The application form can be submitted online, by mail or in person. Please visit the following link for more information: or scan the QR Code (right) for the state of Georgia’s “My Voter Page” website to download a voter registration application or register online


Praise Pump, Every 2nd Tuesday. The next session is Tuesday, October 5th at 7:00 pm EDT. No registration

required. Zoom join link: n

Sound Therapy, Every 3rd Sunday. The next session is Sunday, October 17th at 7:00 pm ET. Registration

Required. Zoom Webinar Registration Link:




Church Calendar / 4th Quarter OCTOBER 5 Tuesday

Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Praise Pump, virtual, 7:30 pm

5 Tuesday COVID-19 Vaccinations, CORE, Gymnasium, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm; COVID-19 vaccinations will occur on Tuesday each week, unless otherwise announced

14 Sunday

Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 11:00 am

14 Sunday

New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm

19 Friday

IRÓ, Music and Spoken Word, Virtual, 7:00 pm

21 Sunday Worship and Atlanta University Center Awards, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice)

7 Thursday United Way Choose Healthy Life Program COVID-19 DriveThrough Testing, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Testing will continue on Thursday each week, unless otherwise announced

21 Sunday

Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, 11:00 am

21 Sunday

Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Sound Therapy, virtual, 7:00 pm

9 Saturday

24 Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study, S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast, In Recess

SIS Ministry Cancer Awareness Virtual Activity

10 Sunday SIS Ministry Observance/Women In Christ Sunday, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice) 10 Sunday

Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 11:00 am

10 Sunday

New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm

17 Sunday

Children’s Chapel, ILIFE Academy, Teen Worship, virtual, 11:00 am

17 Sunday

Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Sound Therapy, virtual, 7:00 pm

30 Saturday S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast V, Adult Classes, virtual, 10:00 am - 12:15 pm; Drive-Thru Lunch, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm 31 Sunday S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast V Sunday Worship Service, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice) 31 Sunday S.O.L.L.A.S. Blast V Youth and Children Classes, 11:00 am (Virtual only, until further notice) NOVEMBER 2 Tuesday

Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Praise Pump, virtual, 7:30 pm

9 Tuesday

Conversation with the Pastor, virtual, 7:00 pm

14 Sunday Worship and Rites of Passage Recognition, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice)

We want YOU to contribute! If your ministry has a virtual activity or news that you want mentioned, you can send an email to We welcome all ministry contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, artwork, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you. All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be submitted by the second Wednesday of each month. The LIU will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcoming issues. CORRECTIONS We attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.

DECEMBER 7 Tuesday

Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Praise Pump, virtual, 7:30 pm

12 Sunday

Annual Christmas Program, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice)

12 Sunday

The Message and the Music, 10:00 am (Virtual only until further notice)

12 Sunday

New Discipleship Orientation, virtual, 12:00 pm

18 Saturday

Vision 2022 Conference, Virtual, 12:00 pm

19 Sunday

Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Sound Therapy, virtual, 7:00 pm

25 Saturday

Christmas Day

26 Sunday

Kwanzaa Observance, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice)

31 Friday

Liberation Eve Service, 7:00 pm (Virtual only, until further notice)

JANUARY 2022 2 Sunday

Installation of Officers, 9:30 am (Virtual only, until further notice)

BIBLE for LIFE Join Pastor Parker on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm streaming live on Facebook, YouTube, and at

Series Title:

“Hope Revived (HR)”

The LIU is a publication of

Available after streaming as recordings. 2021 Theme: Hope Revived" 6175 Campbellton Road, South Fulton/Atlanta, GA 30331 Rev. Aaron L. Parker, PhD, Pastor 404-691-8025 • • email:



2021 Theme Scripture: “He who rescued us from so deadly a peril will continue to rescue us; on him we have set our hope that he will rescue us again….” (II Corinthians 1:10, NRSV)

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