PORTFOLIO 2017 by Zhecong Huang
黄喆丛 1992.09.17
浙江, 温州
Tel:18267805917 E-mail:huangzhecong@hotmail.com
东 兰 渐 觉 风 光 好
中文字体 平面设计 ‘基础中文字体设计’,首先对中文字体笔画进行重新设计,之后通过所了解对汉字构成 形式,运用笔画组成文字,最后对设计的汉字进行海报排版和书籍排版。这门课程让我对 基础的平面设计有了更深入的认识。我们所说的平面美学是架构在平面规则空间中的,它 们有着一定的规律和使用法则。通过这门课也让我意识到汉字的强大和所拥有的多样性。
it was often madonna who gave the final bite to
nwod gnirob did sdoow regit nehw ohw annodam netfo saw ti ot etib lanif eht evag
Cathy and hope and we cant meet each other any more
dam tsap skcubselb eht dna pu pael dluow elttil htiw tub meht hc
both cubs were rather in hunting the bird after the third in april 2005
epoh dna yhtaC
doof saw siht taht wenk sdnah eht fo tuo ti deltserw koot llis ti RVL ta ffats emos etiuq annodam nepo yltneiciffe ot woh sacrac driht eht yb tub sdoow regit 5002
rw sbuc htob ht gnitnuh ni driht eht retfa 2 lirpa ni
英文字体 平面设计
si siht
the eurostile fontstyle is a geometric . sans-serigtype face designed by Aldo Novarese in1962.Francker is a variant based on Eurostile
The Eurostile type fontstyle is a geometric sans-seriftypeface designed by Aldo Novarese in 1962.
ohw annodam netfo saw ti ot etib lanif eht evag
nwod gnirob did sdoow regit nehw
si siht
dam tsap skcubselb eht dna pu pael dluow elttil htiw tub meht hc
tnac ew dna rehto hcae teem erom yna
it was often madonna who gave the final bite to
when tiger woods did boring down
L E R U G O VB S T I O YI ER The Eurostile type font style is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Aldo Novarese in 1962. Novarese originally made Eurostile for one of the best-known Italian foundries, Nebiolo, in Turin.
the blesbucks past mad would leap up and ch them but with little when tiger woods did boring down it was often madonna who gave the final bite to knew that this was food wrestled it out of the hands staff at LVR it sill took him and madonna quite some how to efficiently open but by the third carcas 2005 tiger woods both cubs were rather in hunting the bird after the third in april 2005 and we cant meet each other any more this is about our ending
The Eurostile type fontstyle is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Aldo Novarese in 1962.
Applications:Music Industry
Cathy and hope and we cant meet each other any more
both cubs were rather in hunting the bird after the third in april 2005
epoh dna yhtaC
knew that this was food wrestled it out of the hands staff at LVR it sill took him and madonna quite some how to efficiently open but by the third carcas 2005 tiger woods
it was often madonna who gave the final bite to
the blesbucks past mad would leap up and ch them but with little
d o o f s a w s i h t t a h t w e n k Cathy and hope sdnah eht fo tuo ti deltserw koot llis ti RVL ta ffats emos etiuq annodam nepo yltneiciffe ot woh sacrac driht eht yb tub sdoow regit 5002 the blesbucks past mad would leap up and ch them but with little when tiger woods did boring down
rehtar erew sbuc htob drib eht gnitnuh ni driht eht retfa 5002 lirpa ni
doof saw siht taht wenk sdnah eht fo tuo ti deltserw dna mih koot llis ti RVL ta ffats emos etiuq annodam nepo yltneiciffe ot woh sacrac driht eht yb tub sdoow regit 5002
ohw annodam netfo saw ti ot etib lanif eht evag
dam tsap skcubselb eht dna pu pael dluow elttil htiw tub meht hc
nwod gnirob did sdoow regit nehw
tnac ew dna rehto hcae teem erom yna
when tiger woods did boring down
epoh dna yhtaC
the blesbucks past mad would leap up and ch them but with little
Digital Media Interaction Design Interaction Design
China is the land of bosses,state-owned university bosses,even bosses and public lavatory everywhere you
The Eurostile type font style is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Aldo Novarese in 1962. Novarese originally made Eurostile for one of the best-known Italian foundries, Nebiolo, in Turin.
突出该字体的笔画特色。我所选用的字体为Eurostile,为 非衬线字体。它来自意大利,有着两个不同的作者和两个不 同的发布时间,
Music Industry Eurostile Extended has been us ed extensively in the music indu stry, where it has featured in al bum cover artwork from U2, A sh, The Supernaturals, Eminem Pendulum, and several dance c ompilations from Warner. Euro stile Extended 2 can also be se en in the cover artwork for Mar ilyn Manson's 1998 album Mec hanical Animals. It was used by Westlife on their first two albu ms, Westlife and Coast to Coa st, and is currently used by Arg entine Pop band Bandana & ele ctrotango band Tanghetto as c omplementary typography to th e band's logo. DIGITAL DESIGN MEDIA
‘书籍封面封底设计’,这本书籍的主要内容是以中国画为 主的作品赏析,我以国画笔触为元素,突出书籍的特色,通 过不同笔触在空间中的不同方向和不同质感,丰富画面。
‘信息可视化平面设计’,基于当今生活人类对手机的 依赖程度所做的大数据调查,最后对每一份数据进行可 视化设计。在此我多用了基础的图形进行数据比对,也 包含了对人体的一些基本描绘,来突出长期使用手机对 人体的脊椎的伤害,使之更加直观。大数据时代,人们 之所以需要信息可视化为的正是可以在最短时间内最快 获取正确的数据,并对数据留下直观的印象,这也正是 为什么我选择用最简单的几何图形和图表来表达数据。
网页设计 *团队作业 高更画廊
高更画廊是北京高更文化传媒有限责任公司旗下致力于艺术收藏、展览展示及 企业多元合作的中外合资的艺术机构,总部设在北京。 为了配合高更画廊每期展览的宣传海报,特意以白色为底色,突出宣传效果, 减弱人们对画廊自身的关注,这个课程仅仅持续了2周,很高兴得是最后荣幸 地被画廊选中,而如今高更画廊的网页已经又进行过几次改版。
‘Cresent’ Website Design
‘Toline Store’ Website Design
手机软件界面设计 ‘星月历’
佤族传统 祭 祀 仪 式
*团队作业 界面首页
游戏软件界面设计 ‘B with U’
经典电影翻拍 ‘十七岁的单车’ 十七岁的单车讲述的是名叫贵的小伙子从农村来到北京打工,他找到了一份快递公司的职业,骑自行车送快递 ,每单收费10元。等他挣够了600块钱,他就可以买下他特别喜欢的那辆公司借给他的银色山地自行车。贵承 受着客户经常的抱怨,努力地工作着。 就在他快要攒够钱的时候,他的自行车丢了。他跑遍了整个北京城寻找他的自行车,然后在街上,他看见一个 学生骑着它。新的车主健说这辆车是在旧货市场上买的,而贵必须要回自行车,于是两人只好设法共用这辆自 行车。 此次翻拍电影的经历,让我初步了解了电影拍摄的流程,也包含了电影美术设计,现场的灯光控制,演员调度 和场地协作,是一次非常珍贵的经历。
经典影视剧片头翻拍 ‘最后一首诗’ 动态字体设计
动态字体设计 ‘天体’
‘动态字体设计’是为中央美术学院设计学院的数码媒体系设计动态 LOGO,通过此次课程深入熟悉动态软件的操作和了解如何准确地结合 主题将动态结合文字展现内容。
动态字体设计 ‘Celine Tan’
@ Zhecong Huang 2017