Gao Zhenliang 3 year March portfolio

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ZHENLIANG GAO PORTFOLIO Application for Master of Architecture 3-Year MArch applicant Larch House, 109 Cambridge Court, Liverpool, L7 7EE, United Kingdom Email: TEL: +44 7563802890

From Technology to Humanity

01 “GIANT PERSPECTIVE” ROYAL DE LUXE GIANT STUDIO University of Liverpool Studio 3 Work 2016 - Autumn Tutor: Nicolas James Webb Size: 1500 sqm Individual Work

From the renaissance to the industrial revolution, architecture changed from low rised and rich decorated into efficient and high rised. This is a mircale of technology, it changes peoples’ living dimention from 2D to 3D. In this age, almost every buiding in urban dimention is like a giant for people. This lead to a situation, “How people interactive to a object in a giant scale?” The brief required to design a studio for Royal De Luxe for giant construction, custom and a perform space. It should have the ability to contain giant and let staffs can work with giant.

The Giant Show Royal de Luxe is a French mechanical marionette street theatre company. Their giant is like a giantic marionette. The show of giant is world wide famous and attact a lot of audience. In every Royal de Luxe giant show, there are so many autiences. Peopel observe giant in every possible direction and different angles, some observastions in ground level, some are in a 2-3 storage level, this different observation way give people a opportunity of observe giant in a 360 degree way.

A Comparation of Giant Scale to Human Scale Considering the interactive between giants and audience, I got a idea for the studio. The studio is all about INTERACTIVE BETWEEN HUMAN SCALE TO GIANT SCALE, human work with giant scale, audience observe giant in a giant scale.

Giant movements can influence the shape, forms and typology of studio space. Although giant is in a much more larger size than human, the scale of it still can be measured in integer times of human scale, the design conceder of studio should be in giant scale.




Visitors visit giant in ground level

Left hand

Right hand


How Staff control giant

+100 +50 0

Degree of interactive between giant and human








Visitors visit giant in different dimention

In principle, giant is maronette

+100 +50 0

Degree of interactive between giant and human


The Giant Assembly And The Method Of Operation The function of giant studio is for human operation on giant, which include assembly, manufaction, testing area and customizing. The whole operation system should consider both human scale and giant scale.

Circular column shape studio


Visitors visit giant in spiral rised level

+100 +50 0

Degree of interactive between giant and human


Create platforms in different levels






Sekelenton Construction Model

Surface panel Construction Model

Custom Construction Model

Show Preperation Model

Giant Show Stage Model


Teleport Gate This is a semi-space between two studio. After the construction of previous studio, the giant will be transported my a machine platform from this gate.


Staff-Downstairs This is a route dounstairs to the basement of the giant dumbwaiter well. It is only for construction response staff.


The whole building is in a same linear visiting sequence as the construction of giant, this left entrance is the begining of the whole visiting journey.



Visiting Start One of the main entrance of the building is designed as a giant open terrance, above has a Spiral rised stair and an open commercial platform. Customers can go up to the commercial platform by stairs or lift near by.

End of Visiting If customer visiting the whole building by a left -right sequence, the experience will ended with a great show by team Royal De Luxe, and the Exit is on the right hand, also the Exit can be a entrance for peole only interested in giant show. The whole building is about the export of sequence of construction, people visiting in linear sequence, to explore building by horizontal linear visiting, and the vertical spiral rised stair around each studio can explore vertical observation for visitors, this combination give vistors a 3D visiting experience, which give visitors completely different experience from every degree.

Giant Plug-in

Protective Panels

Show Preparation Area

Theater Audience Sitting

Right Entrance

For each studio, the giant machine platform will be fixed to the gear. The platform will be charged by the pluging down on the bottom of each dumbwaiter, in order to rise and down.

The purpose of these protective panels are for the construction safety for staffs. The panels are fixed to machine platform and will also be moved to each different studio.

For each studio, the giant machine platform will be fixed to the gear. The platform will be charged by the pluging down on the bottom of each dumbwaiter, in order to rise and down.

This is an outdoor audience sitting area. It is constructed for the giant show, people can visit here to see the most professional show by Royal De Luxe.

People can also enter to the whole building by the stairs and lifts on the right side, visitors can visit the public roof celling area, and visitors can also see the construction from different dimention by roof skyline.

GALLERY 01 Art Gallery for products about giant


GALLERY 02 Rest area

Art Gallery for products about giant

GALLERY 03 Rest area

Art Gallery for products about giant

GALLERY 04 Rest area

Art Gallery for products about giant

GALLERY 05 Rest area

Art Gallery for products about giant



Contain small shops and small cafe people can enjoy and entrertainment

Art Gallery for products about giant

PUBLIC CIRCULATION Art Gallery for products about giant











Sekelenton Construction Model

Teleport gate

Surface panel Construction Model

Teleport gate

Custom Construction Model

Teleport gate

Show Preperation Model

Teleport gate

Giant Show Stage Model

Giant Show Stage Model

PUBLIC COMMERCIAL WALKING STREET Contain small shops and small cafe people can enjoy and entrertainment

Studio 1 Section-Sekelenton Assembly

Studio 2 Section-Surfat ce Pannels Assembly

This studio is for the basic operation on the assembly sekelenton of the giant. It contains crans, cables, and other construction equipments for working for a giant scale. Each level get a entrance, workers in different level canwork on different part of giant. The whole idea is come from nuclear missile well construction.

Studio 2 is for the surface assembly of giant. This studio contains portable working unit and crans for staffs. From this studio, it shows the machine platform for giant has a different level with studio 1, if necessary, staffs can operate on platform to make it rise or down for differet level operation requiries. Machine, technology, these components represents the core of modern architecture.

Studio 3 Section-Custom Studio

Studio 4 Section-Show Preparation Studio

Studio 3 is for Staffs to work on giant costum, The cloths of giant will be made here, is also has the facilities for staff to operate on changing cloth for giant. Each giant show has different theme, it tequired a place for Staffs to make preraration for the outlook of giant.

In every Royal de Luxe giant show, staffs need a stage foe them to operate on the overall adjustment of giant. Here staffs will work on every detail about giant, and make the final preparation for the com ving show.

Studio 5 Section-Show Stage

Bird View

Here is the end of sequential visiting, customers can visit a show prepared by Royal De Luxe team. The stage contain necessary cables and electric machine for giant to move and for staffs to operate. This stage is the most compact show of how different scale interactive to eachother, the whole operation and observation is the theme of whole project.

In modern decades, high-rised urban building contain a large parts of society, but people hardly have interactive with building, stairs and lifts are only for climbed up, people still work and live in a flat 2D level. The whole purpose of this project wants to show is the possibility of a vivid interactive between giant building and human.

02 “ASYMPTOTIC” LONDON STUDENT BLOCK University of Liverpool Studio 6 Work 2017 - Autumn Tutor: Johanna Muszbek Size: N/A sqm Individual Work

“A house must be like a small city if it’s to be a real house; a city like a large house if it’s to be A real city” -Aldo Van Eyck: ‘Steps Toward a Configurative Discipline.’-1962 This project requires to build a innovative block residence for London-The north place, each living group requires 4 living units, one public share liveing space, one kitchen and a showerspace.



ASYMPTOTIC FRAME ELEMENT As the building concept called “Astymptotic�, I regular the whole space in grid, and make the axis of grid become construction element. This element gives horizontal loadbearing and vertical work as column. For the construction efficient concern, all the element will be pre-casted.



The single room from short section shows the living dimention (without thick of wall) 2.2 x 2.2

The service pipes are hidden between the mezzanine space created by each two living units. The service pipe can continuing going down to each block, and ended on the roof of original building. The seat area at the bottom of picture is the hidden centralized service space for while building.






The single room has living dimention of 2.2 x 6.7 m. The idea of this room is originally from japanese Metapolism, the simple in-site construction process really fit to this site. The whole building is like a big machine, every components has different characteristices.

FUNCTIONAL LIVING ROOM The kitchen, living room and shower space is all like single iving space, they are all pre-casted.

BIRD VIEW The bird view shows how building connected to the site. For the basic roule of studio brief, the surrounding building will not be demolished, so the building is setted on the roof part of a building. The platform in front of building is a small commercial walking street, the residence in block can get out for laundry facilities and small restaurant, also, it can help the communciation of block to public society.


The rooms will be fixed to the corner of cross beam from the 6 corners of units.

The main load bearing element is these cross pre-fabricated beam& column, four of it can create a 2.6x 2.6 M space which can fit into a living unit in the same section size, this is the basic roule of game.

Single room construction (short section)

Single room type 02-For the female

In every Royal de Luxe giant show, staffs need a stage foe them to operate on the overall adjustment of giant. Here staffs will work on every detail about giant, and make the final preparation for the comming show.

This room is a possible type for femail residents, is contain dressing mirror and big closet, which fit to femail users’ life required.

Single room type 01-Right side

Single room type 03-Social type

This is a standard living unit for a single resident, most of the furnicture is pre-fabricated and fixed with the unit, all the furnictures can satisfied people’s basic living requirements.

As previously mentioned, the furnictures in living suit can be changed and customized by the residents living there, it can make living space more personalized and fit for diferent characteristic.

Single room type 01 (left section)

Shower space for 4 people

This is the other side of the standard single unit, it contains a toilet, a study area, a media suit . All the function element can also be switched

This room is a public shower space for 4 people, each one of it can serve a 4 people unit, it contain storage area forclothing and sit.


Laundry unit

A kitchen unit for a 4 people unit.

The laundry room located on the rised walking way, it can not only serve student block, but also benefit building surrounded.

ASYMPTOTIC STUDENT BLOCK 1:50 PLAN (Ground Floor) 1. Single room 2. Living space 3. Kitchen 4. Shower space 5. Vertical moveable GYM 6. Entrance 7. Laundry 8. Rised walk way 9. Stair up 10. Skyline

ASYMPTOTIC STUDENT BLOCK 1:50 SECTION WITH CONTEXT 1. All the construction was Pre-fabricated, from cross frame to living space, which means it will shrink the in site construction time.

3. The idea of Rising commercial street cmoes from Patrick Hodgkinson’s Burnswick Center central commercial street. The block building always face to the street, which gives vivid activities and intractives for student living here.

2.Column footing sit on roof, and The gap th ere can be a space for ventilation or service pipe, just as what showed by line, pipes can be connected to exising building service, or climb on existing building facade.

4. As mentioned previously, all the room units are prefabricated, it has a potential for residents to ask for what kind of space they want, it can also be seen form this painting, these rooms’ layout and furnicture have related to residents’ characteristic and living style.

03 “NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MAN” A NURSING HOUSE FOR OLD PEOPLE Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University Studio Work 2016 - Spring Tutor: Bert de Muynck Size: 700 sqm Individual Work

“China’s senior housing industry is still in an early development stage, and market participants are experimenting with various business models.” The brief required to design a senior nursing house for Zhongtang Part - Suzhou

41.7m 8m

Design strategy






Site analysis


Since ancient times, Chinese people and the nature have a harmonious relationship The vegetation of the seasons change and the corresponding people’s changes.

The other side of the river exists a lot of infrastructure, however the situation is different for this side.


Site infrastructure 1.5m

Where idea comes from


The site adajecent to two main road, as a result the traffic accessisibility is ooptimal.


The rural population has taken up much of the population of China. In deed the mainstream of Chinese old people accustomed to the serene &elegant idyllic life.


Traffic accessibility





Bset views

In the 1960 s, China’s prevailing collective life deeply affected the elderly in China, China’s old man got used of regular planning residential landscape.

The choosen site is adjacent a river, which provide best views for senior people.


Chinese collective lifestyle





2m 42m

Context site plan

The combination

The vegetarian

The combination of the two concepts formed this building present, it is mainly based on china senior people living environment.

The choosen site is full of vegetarian, which satisfied the concept of natural feeling with senior people.

1. Restaurant 2. Nursing room 3. Staff rest room 4. Reception 5. Library 6. Single room

7. Meeting room 8. Bar 9. Restaurant 10. Nurs office 11. Doctor office 12. Washroom







Chinese natural lifestyle

+8.0m +7.0m +5.6m +4.5m

+2.0m +0.8m 0

Single room and yard

Circulation joint

Meeting room

“New Generation Senior Lifestyle� Along with the emergence of new senior-oriented businesses, plans to construct new senior housing projects are currently being developed, oftentimes at a large quasi-urban scale.

Bar joint

Bar balcony

Construction Detail Upper timber lighting well

The whole structure is developed by concrete slabs and steel frames. The basement was constructed by several groups of steel ribs which holede by concrete footings. For the ground floor, the wall structure was holded by a group of steel beam, each gap installed insulation, to avoid horizontal flipping, a steel tie was wired in the middle of column.

Concrete shell

Steel beam

Steel frame

Concrete wall slab

Ground floor level

Insulation Window frame Steel rib base

Concrete base panel base

Concrete base footing

Construction layer


Bar & Meeting room

Staff Rest Room

Nursing Room


Bar and library joint

Single room

“New Generation Senior Lifestyle� Departing from a detailed analysis of and research into existing senior housing precedents, the inhabitants of the future senior housing project represent a new generation of elderly for whom independence, self-reliance and quality of life are central conditions of daily life.


04 “GRAY SPACE� LONDON TINY REST AREA Group advice for London unused urban space 2017 - Winter Tutor: N/A Size: N/A sqm Group Work Cooperate with: Xin Wang

Urban space is always not fully used. Along with the high development of society, it appears some unnamnd gray corner in our city. To make good use of a wasted space, is one of the responsibility of architect. The brief required to design a tiny rest area for two noname corner in London.

Site A

Site B Site A Potential Gray Space The space under site a’s train beidge is a good example for the definiting for Urban gray space. The public walking way on the both side of bridge is popular and have high public useage, but the space under bridge is dark and cold. Our aim is to change this situation and make good use of it.

Site Overview London, an ancient cosmopolitan city, the buildings here are arranged closely to show a high density. With the development of the times, the new city is planned and the old city is forgotten over time. The purpose of this project is to find the forgotten gray space and make use of it.。

Site B surrounding

Bar Bar


Site A

Site B Bar


Bar Shop Shop

We analysis the surrounding infrastructure of choosen site. Both site A and B are lack of public metting area. eg. park, library.。


Site B Potential Gray Space For site B, it is a gap of two public bar, however, the gap between these two building is too empty and wasted, regards to previous definition, it is a very good potential space as “a gray space”. In order to make sure the gap can still be used as a private corridor for staff of bar, the new building can be rised up.

Hotel Site A

Bar Shop Shop Hotel

Site Surrounding Overview

Site A surrounding

Site A OutLook Model

Site B OutLook Model


1. 3. 3.


3 2. 2.



2. 1.

Plan for Site B

Plan for Site A


1. 3. 3


3. 2.




2. 1.

Overview forSite B

1. Entrance 2. Stair up 3.Reading area 4. Skyline

Overviewfor Site A

1. Entrance 2. Reading area 3.Rest area

Building Interior 01

Building Interior 02

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