Portfolio lan zhiyu

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(LAN Zhiyu

THE EVOLUTION Art Space SA Studio Summer Session July, 2017 Instructor: Zhang Jianing

This project aims to design an exhibition sapce, which is a customized immersive environment corresponding to exhibit instead of a standardized displaying layout in nowadays. I choose “evolution“ as the theme of exhibition. The exhibition site is located on the sea surface, because life origins from the ocean. The glass pillars displayed with biological specimens are installed on the sea surface in part according to the evolution sequence. Little holes are drilled on the dome of museum to produce starry lights, which resembles the vast universe at the new beginning. People can drive the glass balls which travel on the tracks in the sky and under the sea to experience the life evolution.

branches the origin

"Ocean is the origin of life."

"Let there be light, and there was light."


Section Rendering

Exploded View

Top View

Where were you when I laid the foundationof the earth?... When the moring stars sang together, and all the sons of God shoutedfor joy? ----Job 38:3,7

!"#$%&#' Bamboo Encoding International Design Institute of Zhejiang University & SUTD Spet. ! Dec. 2017 Instructor: Prof. Felix Raspall and Dr. Felix Amtsberg Cooperated with Li Jiaji, Hu Yuxin, Yang Yue and Huang Jiawen

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assembling parts





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!"#$%&'()*+,-'!"#$%&'+$./ 2017 i.FUTURE International Ideas Competition for Future City won 3rd prize April. 2017 Instructor: Chen Yunwen Cooprated with Wang Shiwen and Shen Yining

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people, let people start to move from a certain space

people & fuctional space

when space is fixed, people have to get out of the original space and go through fuctional space

make space and people in order, and let the space move too

circle the space and people and let them move together to satify people's demanding Top View

people cubes and fuctional space cubes meet and join together to complete the core meaning of the Moving City

When everything moves

!"#$%&'%(#&)"%*+,+-.%#!&) Kinetic Prototype: Scuba Diving Club SA Studio Autumn Session November, 2017 Instructor: Li Jingjun

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Section Rendering

Movement: Rotation in water

Movement: Fluctuation !up and down!

Inside waterface


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