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He Zhu The University of Sheffield Department of Landscape (2011-2013) Yunnan University Institude of Art and Design (2006-2010)

Contents Fabricated Valley Urban Landscape Planning Experiencing Clarence Dock Site 6 Urban Landscape Design

Email julie.love@live.cn

Shi Qian River Landscape Design Project

Tel +86 13885101134

Amaranth Garden Planting Design

Publications http://issuu.com/zhuhe

Sedimentation and Continuation Planning and Design for Space Ecology Planning Scheme for Tuanshan Ancient Village

As a graduate of Landscape Architecture, I am wishing to begin my new career in this field that allow me apply my design skills and knowledge in the work to obtain experience of working and strive to enhance my design ability.

Art Work

Summary of baseline data

Fabricated Valley Urban Landscape Planning

Ciculation The current circulation only focus on the south to north, includes the A61 core Road, tram network and bus route. But in terms of west to east, just rely on few bus route, limited walking or cycling routes. Pedestrian and cycling routes around the site are scattered and incoherent, it serious affect the people who go thought the site.

Hydrology and topography

Green Network

Land use & Character:

The Don rises in the Pennines and flows for 112km eastwards. The rivers have shaped Sheffield in the past as they drove urban and industrial growth. The upper don valley is highly susceptible to flooding, as it lies at the base of a large catchment and all the water from the catchment goes through this area. The Don catchment contains 530 defences which include: raised defences, screens, culverts and wash lands. All are checked regularly to see if maintenance or repair work is needed. Regularity of checks increases where their failure would have the greatest affect. Significant changes in levels, add to the interest and diversity of the waterscape. Where industrial development has intervened, weirs have been created, the most striking of which is at Niagara. Hydrology an topography continue to shape the city today, we must manage these natural forces that play a large part in creating a thriving city.

The current surrounding green space scattered distributed around the site, and most of them are parks and gardens, which has scarcely relationship with site. Approximately a half green space has contained in site, such as high quality green spaces, Packwood Springs. However, others scattered green space exist in the site, because of business and industrial development.

Topography has been particularly important in the settlement of the site land use. Most of the existing industrial, commercial and mixed use spaces are around the river. The area east of Parkwood Road is currently a mix of grass and woodland area with a large landfill site. The site is a typical fragmented landscape area. Different land use zones within the site are disconnected with each other and also lack of connection with surrounding spaces. There are many existing industries within this area, however there are not well linked to each other and not sharing common services, utility, and byproduct resources among diverse industrial There are many vacant and misused lands within the site which have great protential to be developed.

Site boundary

Reading the terrain: - Continuous and fragmented zones of the site urban and ecological systems. - Integrated eco-system along the river and the parkwood spring woodland area. - Lack of green space within the industrial & commercial area. - Vegetation not make spaces within the industrial & commercial area - The urban context of the site is fragmented


Existing Green Network

Attractive waterfront area provides the high quality ecological environment and habitats.


Green Network strategy plan

Provide greener industry area and contribute the city, become more sustainable and regenerative area.

Future Green Network

1066-1700 Industry area


1700-1800 Industry area

1800-1900 Industry area

1900 onwards Industry area

We have learned from our baseline study is that the Upper Don valley represents as an important opportunity for economic development within the surrounding communities, Sheffield and South Yorkshire. However, there are many problems of the site for example, the existing industries and business in Upper Don Valley is isolated, the whole urban area is lack of green, many spaces within the site is inaccessible and its suffer for flooding for years. It is require strategic planning intervention to regenerate this area and make it to be a sustainable high quality urban area, especially improve the situation of existing industry and business area.

Existing Circulation Network


Circulation Strategy Plan


Green Open space provides area for people meet, relax and enjoy natural environment.

Future Circulation Network

Green spaces consisted by different vegetation layers to increase ecological value.


The development of the site industrial

Aim & objectives: Protect— Existing green space, existing habitats, industrial heritage, local resource

Improve— Reduce industry waste and pollution Improve the site accessibility Improve the provision of green spaces across the site Improve aesthetic value of the site especially along the river site Improve stormwater and ground water management

Create— Create an existing industrial network for share resources, energy and information. Develop new ‘green industry’ park (make Upper Don Valley as a flagship of Sheffield ‘green business/industry area’) Develop Renewable energy

Existing Land Use Plan

Land Use Strategy Plan



Future Land Use Plan

The redeveloped flood alleviation area improved the quality of environment with ecological wetland planting to attract people and make contribution to mix use.


Using strategic planning to optimize economic performance and minimize the environmental impacts of the site. Make the upper Don Valley to be a place for successful business, particularly for materials technology and advanced manufacturing, which is very important to local economy. It will also be a livable place for people live, relax and work. The traditional industrial character will be reinforced by high quality development and vibrant new places. Existing Hydrology Plan

Hydrology Strategy Plan

Strategy Plan Summary The whole strategy plan will around the eco-industry topic to establishes a vision for the Upper Don Valley and identifies key actions required to facilitate regeneration, investment and development, which include consideration and redevelopment of socio-economic context, strategic transportation issues and urban design and riverscape potential. It takes a fresh look at the existing situation whilst drawing together separate aspects into a common agenda for change to provide that Upper Don Valley can be use to good effect. This eco-industry industrial strategy taken sustainability into account in relation to PPS1 'Delivering Sustainable Development' to address problems with climate change, flood risk, green network and accessibility in the area then make contribution to all elements of humans.

Future Hydrology Plan

The regeneration ecological area will bring the benefits for children education and improve the quality of landscape.

The regenerate of vacant land can be advanced and more technologically, which aims to use resources rationally and encourage humans close to nature and protect the environment.

Sub site analysis:

Solar walk A green space designed to exhibit the “solar artwork�- An Art that integrates the new technologies related to collection and use of solar power designed at the research centre in the upper don valley. These works of solar art offer some resources and possibilities that have remained unnoticed until now in this field of art.

Proposed Sub-Site Strategies:

The sub site area is located on the edge of the City Centre between the River Don and besides the Parkwood spring. This area has great potential to a future eco-industry park area.

contaminated land vacant land

contaminated land

vacant land

Problems of the sub-site area: - Numbers of obsolete industrial uses and derelict sites within this area need to be reused. - The former gas works site is a large contaminated sites and the remaining gas holder is still highly visible and unsightly.

- Support existing businesses in terms of their estates, environment and operation. - Regenerate the vacant and misused area as new active industry space. - Improving the look of the gas holder make it as a eco landmark of this area.

The park aims to be an iconic work of public art visible from every corner in Sheffield in the dark, also making it an important destination on the tourist itenary.


vacant land

- Several 'niche' manufacturing companies located in unsuitable premises and the current premises also with poor quality - Access, traffic and signage of Neepsend still need to developed by rational thinking

Park Wood Spring

- The landscape is limited existing value but river is major asset

Link with Parkwood Spring and surrounding green spaces create a high value green link

- Average to poor development quality offering limited townscape value Ski Village


The sub-site area will develop to a new advanced Arboriculture & timber thinning industry Park. To increase the ecology and economy value of this area.

Parkwood Spring Business Park

Opportunities: - Planning police for this area is support develop new important business and industry development in this area.

Hillsborough Riverside Industrial Arae

B' A

The creation of a new riverside open space as a focal point for the area.

- opportunity to create a Eco-industrial network with Hillsborough Riverside Industrial area and the Parkwood Spring Business Park. -This site is in the lower flood risk area which provides opportunity to create attractive river site landscape. - Regeneration Concept encouraging the regeneration, investment and investment evident in Central Neepsend to create a vibrant new mixed employment area in the Neepsend (rejuvenated riverside). - There may even be opportunities for some live / work schemes where the quality of the public realm is significantly improved to create a more hospitable and attractive environment. - Most of the site is vacant which provides space to develop a new eco-industry park. - The quality of the heritage townscape in Neepsend provides significant opportunities for regeneration in the south of the Upper Don.

A' - Improve infrastructure, public realm and the street environment - To enhance the image and identity of the area.

Public square Environmentally sustainable investments in the ecotourism sector could produce vital benefits to Communities and provide an important and viable alternative to investments with negative biodiversity impacts. The Sheffield riverside is designed to highlight the neglected corners of Sheffield, as well as attract more visitors into the industry.

The gas mark The existing gas tub is designed to be a focal point of the site by twinning it with solar features.

Urban Landscape Design Experiencing Clarence Dock Site 6

The urban wind turbines The turbines that mark the entrance are a special brand called Eddy that harvest wind whipping in every direction and can be mounted pretty much anywhere (compared with propeller blade turbines, which generally require significant armature and lots of open space) The eco industry park planned help achieve sustainable development, with the intention of increasing economic gains and improving environmental quality. Its an industrial park in which businesses cooperate with each other and with the local community in an attempt to reduce waste and pollution, efficiently share resources (such as information, materials, water, energy, infrastructure, and natural resources).

Sustainable urban drainage system Drainage Systems are a sequence of water management practices and facilities designed to drain surface water in a manner that will provide a more sustainable approach than what has been the conventional practice of routing run-off through a pipe to a watercourse.

Section A-A' Section B-B'

vehicle Road


wind turbine

Main Entrance Building

water feature

pedestrian bridge


Tree Mound


The City of Leeds - Leeds is located in North of England, besides with Bradford, Kirklees and Wakefield. - It is the cultural, financial and commercial heart of the west Yorkshire Urban area, England.

Leeds Clarence Dock - Clarence Dock is a shopping and leisure destination in centre Leeds. - The dock of constructed for the transportation of goods and trade from and to Leeds city centre, but now developed to a modern mixed use area.

The Site 6

- The site 6 is located in the left side of Brewery Wharf, below the corn exchange and link with the city centre. - It is along the Clarence Dock Riverside and mix use of residential, retail and business.

The Design Site The site 6 is located in the left side of Brewery Wharf, below the corn exchange and link with the city centre. In the first analysis stage, throughout created a set of characters to represent local people who would routinely use site for living, work or recreation, and they are associated with one another in any relationship we choose. Then, putted these characters in a story and thought their feeling, habits and routines in daily life as much as possible. It is a unique method we ever touched that focus on people’s feelings. And in the transitional edge design (the detail design), according to the previous analysis that conducted design on a part of site, there are following models photos and Axonometric Drawing below. The whole design process is based on the methedology from earlier studies, such as ‘Experiential Landscape: an approach to people, place and space, published by Routledge, 2007’ and ‘Socially Restorative Urbanism: the theory, process and practice of experiemics’, which is due for publication in 2013.

Existing Landuse Analysis ELP Mapping Analysis for the whole site

Detail Design Site

Section A-A'

Master Plan


- Lack of gardening space - Lack of place for meeting neighbors - Lack of Children play area - Lack of community activities

Section B-B'


- Multi-functional community centre provides many kinds of community services. - CafĂŠ , roof garden provides many space for people meeting and chatting with neighbors. - Community garden increase the area ecological value and provides good opportunity for people communication & make friends especially for elder people. - Children play area provides space for children play and make friends.

Concept Plan

Section C-C'



CURRENT LAYERS Public Green Space


Guizhou Province

Shiqian is located in the west of Tongren in northeast of Guizhou Province. The maximum spacing of country from east to west is 86.6 kilometers, 47.6 kilometers from north to south, and the total area is 2173 square kilometers. County situates in the Tangshan Town, which is about 300 km distant from Guiyang City, about 221 kilometers apart from Zunyi City, and 144 kilometers from Tongren City. The city built along Longchuan River linear layout. There are a lot of ancient buildings in Old Town. These traditional architectures have decades or even centuries precipitate formation with rich varied or structure of detailed and complex forms.

Circulation Strategies The circulation strategies are in order to improve accessibility, promote more routes to solving the key issue of traffic to greatly assist regeneration of the whole site.

Due to well preserved that made these scale and pleasant cities mechanism, contains a wealth of historical and cultural resources. Shiqian as a historical and cultural city, any intricate rooflines and the combination of small-scale street patterns that could appropriately as the county's historical center landmarks.


● Remain the important transport networks through the site . ● Improve the accessibility of Longchan riverside which provide better linkages encourage the new uses for residents.

The original name of Longchuan River is Longdi river, which is a tributary of the Wu River, it is the largest river in Shiqian as well. The mainstream of Longchuan river flow through central of Shiqian within unique and beautiful scenery. One side of the part river lack of a green river corridor, and the exsiting public green space is very simple and nonfunctional.

Single Ecosystem Structure

Exposed Riverbed - This is part of upstream of river, but the river only isolated with farmland without green corridor alone River Pollution the river.

- Due to existing industries and residential area near the river, part of exposed riverbed has been polluted.

Green spaces strategies All the development of the green spaces in Shiqian aims to provide the multi-functional green spaces and make contribution to ecological development under the sustainable development policy. These new planning strategy all work for create the high quality environment for humans and habitats. ● Enhanced the connection of regional green network linking the riverscape ,farmland and woodlands area. ● Protect woodland to achieve high landscape standard and create the interactive landscape of existing environment. ● Re-naturalise green space around the river corridor to improve habitats and provide water system, which make water purification. ● Make the green connections along the riverside.


Circulation & Industrial Area





- Reduce industry waste and pollution - Improve the provision of green spaces across the site - Improve aesthetic value of the site especially along the river site - Improve the site accessibility

According from baseline data is that the Longchuan River represents as an important element for country sustainable development within the surrounding communities in Shiqian. However, there are many problems of the site for example, the existing river is polluted, the whole river corridor lack of ecologic green linkage; many spaces within the site is inaccessible. It is require strategic planning intervention to regenerate this area and make it to be a sustainable high quality area, especially improve the situation of existing river corridor.

- Create an existing green infrastructure for share resources and information. - Develop new river landscape as public recreation area. - Enhance the ecological diversity of existing river corridor

Using strategic planning to optimize ecological diversity performance and minimize the environmental impacts of the site. Enable the Longchuan River to sustainable development. In terms of current woodland anf farmland area, which is very important. It will also be an environment to connect with river green corridor. The traditional agricultural character will be reinforced by high quality development and vibrant greenspace.

● Continuous riverside walk which improved accessibility and visibility of the waterside connect the site to a wider traffic network. ● Improved access connectivity west-east linking communities with new road. Public Recreation Are Stategies Expend the existing small part of public area, especially along the river. Strengthen the quality of the public realm to make contribution to add more publc space and provide the site more sustainable and successful place that people can participate in. ● Strengthen existing functional public areas and improve the parts which need remake and reinvent to enhance the regeneration benefits. ● Redevelop the riverside area to make the site with more distinctive and prominent characteristic. ● Create a regional leisure attraction along the river corridor which has more important potential value.




- Exposed riverbed without any green space. - Lack of an ecological river corridor that purifies pollution and fortify green framework of site. - The site is located at a complex environment within big part of farmland, expending residential and commercial area and industry.


- As reducing of farmland and residential and commercial expanding in the future, river short of self-recovery will lead to ecosystems become weak and vulnerable. Before 2011

Existing Situation

Futrue (According to government strategy)

EXISTING SITUATION Industry & Commercial area


Exposed Riverbed

- The model indecates how these wetland tackle river issues in different water level. - By using ecologic systems to improve river self-renovation ability in the future. - Change original weak green river corridor to a multifunctional green river system.

Main road & Passway

Residential area


Design site analysis

Planting Design

PLANT DESIGN STRATEGY This site is part of the campus design, the key point of the site is create a attractive recreation place with open and semiprivate spaces by variety type of plants. - Use amaranth as the main colour which integrate with different texture ,shape and level . - Different seasonal interests - Low maintenance


Sedimentation and Continuation ----Planning and Design for Space Ecology Planning Scheme for Tuanshan Ancient Village

Folk houses in Tuanshan ancient village, with antique beauty and elegance and unlimited charm, have witnessed that Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas. People enjoy themselves so much that they don't want to come back when they visit these ancient folk houses and lanes. And, people can carefully taste the long history and cultural deposits of this village. You can relax your anchorless soul here for some comfort, and meanwhile, maybe you can suddenly understand about your previous and present life when sightseeing. Here, you can absolutely relax yourself and measure earth in Tuanshan ancient village by your feet, scan the beauty here by your eyes, and feel the miracle here by your soul. Every discovery here will definitely make you amazing and close.

Located in north bank of Honghe River in southwest of China, Jianshui County in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, is a beautiful historical and cultural city with rich lands and long history. Standing on a small hill, Tuanshan ancient village has completely reserved the special features and social and cultural environment of typical villages in south of Yunnan Province in 20th century, so it is also called the elegant ancient folk houses complex, Geographical Location: Tuanshan ancient village, which is located in Xizhuang Town, Jianshui County, Honghe Hani People’s Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province and is 13km away from the county town, is one of historical and cultural attractions in Jianshui County. Standing on a small hill, Tuanshan ancient village is a village with an area 15.68 hectare and farmlands 592mu. This village is next to Shiping County which is 41km away. Besides, the railway Gejiu to Bisezhai and railway Shiping are across the village. Overrall Layout Plan

Planned Area of Ancient Village

Two areas: Village landscape area and farmlands landscape area. Tuanshan ancient village, together with Wangjiazhai village, Zhongjiazhai village, Xiaoxiejiawan village and other nearby villages shall be designed as a whole. These villages shall be developed together as an integration in order to form a unified village landscape area. Two belts: Commercial landscape belt and mountains landscape belt Small-sized commercial landscape belt shall be developed through appropriate development in order to change the local status of the only single industry, and also supplement local tourism. Mountains landscape belt, as the background of this village, can make people’s sight rich and stratified, and appropriate forestation shall be carried out so as to form an ecological protection.

The original village can be regarded as a point. With the rapid development of this village, the village shall expand towards the outside, and then some new villages shall come out which can be considered as new points again in this area. Currently-used Land Graph At present, villages within this area are scattered. Based on the local conditions, all villages have expanded towards the outside. They may form an integration at one moment in the future and then the change is from village to town, and to city finally.

Classification Chart of Buildings in the Ancient Village Facade of Main Streets and Lanes

Transverse and Longitudinal Terrain of the Ancient Village

From General’s Mtansion to the facade of Folk House No.113

Transverse Section of Ancient Village Scholar’s Mansion to Family Sima’s House

Longitudinal Section of Ancient Village

Folk House No.29 to the facade of East Gate

North Gate to the facade of Upper Temple

Statistics on quality of buildings in this village

Statistics on features of buildings in this village Upper Temple to the facade of South Gate

Current Status of Spatial Combination: current space is a community which is formed and overlapped by open space enclosed by roads, rim space, and the inside living space Ideal Spatial Combination: ideal spatial combination shall be convenient, free, ecological and residencesuitable space which shall be formed by open space enclosed by roads, rim space, the inside living space, modified inside living space and increased afforestation space, together with commercial space.

Newly-built folk house

Planned Lands of the Ancient Village

Analysis Chart of Spatial Combination Mode

New-type folk houses shall be built and modified according to the construction method as the so-called “One Stamp”, and to the construction workmanship and construction elements of Tuanshan Ancient Village. By such a way, the newly-built folk house can be in harmony with the special features of the ancient village.

Functional Zoning of the Village

1 Lake and Farmlands Group 2 Family Zhang’s Garden and Surrounding Landscapes Group 3 Service Center at Entrance Group 4 Family Zhang’s Ancestral Temple and Surrounding Landscapes Group 5 Scholar’s Mansion and Surrounding Landscapes Show Group 6 Mansion with the Emperor ’s Kindness and Surrounding Residences Group:

Newly-built folk house Analysis

Analysis on Landscape Groups of the Ancient Village

Newly-built folk houses were modified on the base of so-called layout “Two Courts”

Current Pictures

Eentrence Plane After Planning

Analysis on Axes and Nodes of Landscape of the Ancient Village

Analysis on Water and Power of the Ancient Village

Use Planning of Ancient Buildings

Traffic Analysis of the Ancient Village

Analysis on Fire Fighting Facilities of the Ancient Village

Small Commercial Ring at Entrance Existing Problem: 1 Newly-built buildings by local villagers have done harm to the historical style and features of the ancient village. 2 Shops have been developed and are scattered. And, commodity in these shops are simple and unreasonable. Solution: 1 Newly-built buildings which are not in harmony with the historical style and feature of the village shall be dismantled and re-planned on the base of cultural protection. And any new buildings shall be built in terms of the historical style and features. 2 This area is positioned as commercial service area on the base of tour development. Appropriate accommodation places, restaurants, and shopping places shall be established as well in order to meet the needs of local villagers and tourists. And the area can also be supplementary to outer commercial development.

Plane Layout of the Ancient Village Artificial Landscape Lake Angling Platform Lakeside Forest Farmlands with Crisscross Footpaths Down Temple Family Zhang’s Garden Daqingshu Folk Arts and Crafts Hall Literature and Art Performance Square Upper Temple General’s Mansion Central Tree-shade Square Ecological Protection Green Belt Office

Market Square Senior Citizen Activity Center Ancestral Memorial Park Relaxation Square at West Gate Harvest Threshing Ground Mahayana Temple Lapa Well Green Lotus Pond Mansion with the Emperor’s Kindness Scholar’s Mansion Family Sima’s Mansion Battalion Commander’s House East Gate Small Commercial Ring Small Commercial Ring Baotong Mansion Parking Lot

Art work I think that not every works can be recorded luckily or saved. Maybe some of these works were abandoned without any hesitation due to the poor quality. I feel satisfied now with these works in this collection, especially the sketch about a jean whose picture is still there, which is lucky. Square Plane after Planning

My teacher likes this sketch finally after handing in. But it is a pity that I didn’t finish this sketch completely as the jean used as a model in my sketch was stolen due to the unlocked door of classroom, rather than the laziness and no time.

Square Street and Family Zhang’s Ancestral Temple Existing Problems: 1 Newly-built houses have done harm to the historical style and features of the village. 2 Ancient buildings have been used unreasonably and are damaged. 3 The surroundings is dirty and unordered Solution: 1 Newly-built buildings shall be dismantled and the previous style and features shall be recovered. 2 Damaged ancient buildings shall be repaired, and used properly. The function of Square Street as a market shall be recovered and lasted, and the surrounding buildings shall be used properly as well. 3 Public facilities shall be established, and keep the environment clean. Key Word: Reuse of Original Space.

I think that this sketch would have made me lingering about it if the jean hadn’t been stolen at that time.

The updated square, together with Upper Temple, can host banquets involving wedding parties or funerals for local villagers, and also be the public place for literature and art performance. Key Word: Public Space Providing Villagers with Service.

Literature and Art Performance Square at North Gate Existing Problems: 1 The square is old-fashioned, and the use rate is not good. 2 Greening is insufficient. 3 Leisure facilities are insufficient. Solution:

When drawing a portrait, I always feel a little worried for fear that I can’t reach the three-dimensional effect. Actually, I once developed some undesirable habits when I started to learn how to draw sketch. Sometimes I overemphasized the three-dimensional effect while sometimes I over-focused on some details. The two portraits on the left side are basically finished, but, to be frank, I’m not satisfied with them. Why I put the two portraits in this collection is to remind me of what state I was in when I drew them. I shall definitely improve them if there is a chance. It is difficult to show snowscape with color black and white. The following picture isn’t mine; it’s just a copydrawing. I like it and keep as a souvenir.

Compared with powder color, watercolor is softer than that. When drawing, water is completely mixed with paint, which is the re a s o n w hy wa te rc o l o r painting seems that there is an effect of refreshment. Besides, colorizing is completely opposite to that of powder color painting. When colorizing, the color is painted gradually from light color to deep one, so light color isn’t affected a little bit by any deep color, which forms transparency among p a p e rs . T h e refo re , t h i s watercolor painting makes me feel a sense of beauty from the light and shadow of paint and color on this painting.

Thank you for your consideration !

Name: He Zhu Tel: +86 13885101134 Mail: julie.love@live.cn Address: 7F, No.2 Beijing Rd, Guiyang,Guizhou,China Postcode: 550002

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