Project bulletin 2013

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Project Bulletin 2013

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Project bulletin for the term: 2013

Welcome IFMSA-Egypt is a non-governmental non-profit students’ organization registered with its constitution at the Egyptian Ministry of Social solidarity under license number 3115-Alexandria. AFFILIATION: IFMSA Egypt is a member in the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, abbreviated as “IFMSA”. IFMSA is hereinafter also referred to as: the International Federation

a) Empowering medical students in using their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society. b) Providing a forum for medical students throughout Egypt to discuss topics related to individual and community health, education and science and to formulate policies from such discussions.

c) Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as projects and extracurricular training for medical students, thereby sensitizing them to other cultures and societies and their health problems. d) Providing a link between members, MISSION STATEMENT: medical students’ associations within Our mission is to offer future physiEgypt and international organizations, cians a comprehensive introduction and to encourage the cooperation to global health issues. Through our between them for the ultimate benefit programming and opportunities, we develop active, efficient and culturally of society. sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing the transnational inequalities that shape the health of our planet. OBJECTIVES: The goal of the federation is to serve society and medical students all over Egypt through its member organizations by:

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Editor on chief & Layout designing: Islam Ahmed Al-Qabas Project Support Division Director: Zeyad Hamdy Elsamadouny

Projects Support Division Team: 1-Director: Zeyad Hamdy Elsamadouny 2- Assistant: Engy Hamed 3- Training Assistant: Ahmed Mansour 4- Publications Assistant: Islam Ahmed Al-Qabas contacts: editor on chief:

Since decades, IFMSA-Egypt is trying to deliver its messages by many means to aid medical students in alot of subjects concerIslam Ahmed Al-Qabas ing their medical education and Editor on chief medical life further after graduation. The perfect dream of a future full of aware medical students contributing in society with their knowledge and skils. We are all envolved whatever our interest and capibilities in achieving this goal. For the first time all the projects done by IFMSA-Egypt is going to be supervised , monitored and directed centrally by: ( Project Support Division ). so, we can guarentee the efficiecy and overlaping between projects.

In another concept; Working in a productive enviroment like IFMSA-Egypt provide both members and students better impact, that results in better ways to deliver our goals. Finally, concedering all previous points, I hope that all may benifiet medical students all over Egypt. Thanks.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Dear IFMSA-Egypt friends, please give me the honor to present myself, My name is Zeyad Hamdy Elsamadouny, I am the IFMSA-Egypt Projects Supporting Division Director for the term 2012-2013.

the opportunity to have an overview on some of the prominent project activities and initiatives held by IFMSAEgypt.
 whether they were national projects or local initiatives from motivated Local committees.

So, some of you must have wondered, what is the Projects Supporting Division? & What it do ? 

 Well, It is the Advisory and reference body on issues related to IFMSAEgypt Projects.

It is really important to publish our work widely to spread our health message to public, introduce the global health issues to medical personals and advocating for our vision, thus achieving IFMSA-Egypt mission

And as you know, Projects are the core of IFMSA. That is why it is very important to maintain the quality of these projects. Through assessing the candidate projects, & insuring the qualifications of their National Coordinators, in order to meet the minimum criteria for IFMSA-Egypt Projects.


Also aiming to strengthen the link between IFMSA-Egypt members, IFMSA and International and Local organizations who share same interests
 Eventually, I would like to thank everyone who shared in bringing this division to light, the great projects division team and the respected PPRC members.

And then monitoring & evaluating these projects by regular reporting all Thank you. over the year to maintain their quality. That it is why it was really important to create that division, which I was honored to be the first one in charge of it. After all, IFMSA-Egypt Projects Division team is really pleased & excited to introduce to you the first issue of IFMSA-Egypt Projects Bulletin. 
 Which is a publication that gives you

Zeyad Hamdy Elsamadouny Projects Support Division Director

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Picture taken by: Muhamed Hamdi Fouad Caption by: Nada El Khateeb LC: Students’ Scientific Society “SSS” SC: SCOPH

Biking Depression Away

Depression is that complaint which may be heard about 20 times a day especially in these current conditions... It can’t be overcome by traditional means of treatment but the most effective prescription is “Modifying our life style” Can you imagine how perfect it would be “Biking” in fresh air in the magnificent nature full of enthusiasm, peace, hope& energy Biking not only helps &cures our body& mind but it inspires our souls. Simply, It’s biking depression away.... International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Drawing by:Hala fahmy

email: LC: Students’ Scientific society “SSS” SC: SCORA

Paradise or hell on earth ‘paradise or hell on earth, you choose his fate ‘’ This painting is a flipping coin representing the past, present and future of an HIV + person, it targets people equally no matter the gender or financial status that can be a double edged weapon, aiming for protection and seeking a fight with AIDS... Walk a mile in his shoes.... Get a life.. Or commit suicide.... Your choice...

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

LC: Student scientific society “SSS” SC: SCORP Taken by: Omar Hashem Email: Cellular: 0106 1251 016

The Simpsons in Al Kasr Al Aini Yes, Bart Simpson personally with all his hyperactive acts in kasr Al Aini campus as part of SSS campaign in the college to raise awareness on ADHD “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” as a common not well known disorder that affects children in school age.

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Basant El.Banna

Local Officer of Reproductive Health including AIDS (LORA) 2012-2013 LC: Students’ Scientific Society (SSS)-kasralainy SC: SCORA E-mail: Cellular: 0114 50 122 60

“Karama “... Is not just a word Despite its international popularity and the international interest surrounding it, we here at the SSS are always motivated to present new, exciting and informative aspects to our HIV/AIDS project and for this year it was “Karama “. Our very special project concentrates on two aspects which are awareness and helping the people living with HIV but, we never forgot about fighting HIV stigma.

visitors in a handmade maze showing how life could look like if you were a HIV +ve person , our campaign continued for three days and we ended it with a seminar whose guests were Dr. Ahmed Khamis from the UNAIDS and Somen Debnath who is an Indian activist that travels around the world on a bicycle to raise awareness about HIV.

Also, in this campaign we managed to market for some crafts made by people living with HIV to show people Karama started in December 2012 that they have talents too and they and it’s still running. We arranged two separate awareness have the right to live with dignity. It’s worth mentioning that we precedcampaigns, the first took part in Kasr ed our awareness campaigns with a Al Ainy school of medicine and the refreshing training about HIIV/AIDS. other one was in Cairo University. We managed to make something new Here we come to the training part. Our plan is to give to packages of each time. we took the initiative to fight HIV stig- trainings to the people living with ma with Art in kasr Al Ainy campaign; HIV. The first one is composed of some sessions about human developwe displayed some drawing done ment. The other package is arranged by people living with HIV and other to teach them some crafts and teach drawings done by SSS members . In Cairo University, we took the booth them about marketing for their International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

products and business management. Our project is going to end this summer with a closing ceremony which we’re working on its program at the moment.

Our project is going to end, but our support to the people living with HIV, to live with dignity and have all their rights, is not going to end.. EVER. I have to highlight that our first awareness campaign in Kasr Al.Ainy School of Medicine was part of the HIV/AIDS national Campaign. The rest of the project was done locally at the SSS in cooperation with ENACTUS Cairo University.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Sarah Ibrahim El Miligy

LC : Students’ Scientific Society , “ SSS “ . International Federation for Medical Students’ Associations Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt) Email: ,

Let the blood begin! In spite that it was couple of years ago in 2011, every single detail of this project is still in my mind. Beginning by its name “ Let the Blood Begin ! “ although it’s a kind of a weird thing to choose this name and especially accompanying this name by the theme of vampires to make our blood donation campaign spread in our faculty of Medicine , Cairo University . We thought that since we are full of this spirit of youth that strongly do fill our souls by energy we could use this theme with this campaign to catch more attention to our cause and to reach as much students as possible and yes in one day we gathered about 200 blood bag and we did awareness to about 500 medical student .In this campaign we used a simple hand tie written on it: “ I am a Life Saver gene carrier “ on it as a gift of appreciation to every person donated his precious gift of blood .

We didn’t stop at our faculty especially that there were the events of Mohamed Mahmoud that a lot of Egyptians did need blood transfusion so we assisted in holding different blood campaigns in our faculty and the faculty of pharmacy simultaneously. In this second phase we gathered about 300 blood bags in one day and made awareness to about 500 student. We did insist that through the phases of our project the awareness would be hand in hand during each step cause the information that a person will have will be like the waves in water after dropping a stone in it will spread over and over, same as spreading well based scientific information, it will be transferred from one person to another and the gift of blood donation won’t stop.

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Time line “ Started in October 2011- Ended by March 2012

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Karim Hebishi


FGM “ FGM a life event that changes the whole life. I am a girl, I am a human being. i have rights. Stop mutilating my soul & my body.�

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Mahmoud El-Fatatry

LC: AMSA-Azhar Al-Azhar School of Medicine Email: Cellular: 0100 32 64 855 SC : SCORP

“Blinds Rights” A Local AMSA SCORP projects aims to raise the self-confidence of the blinds by giving the social support they need and aware the society about the rights of blinds which are a part of the human rights.

deliver our message too about Blinds Rights , Causes of blindness generally and to deliver messages which are “Blinds are not disables they are the same” and “Don’t kill blinds’ will”

3-Seminar (3rd Phase) A seminar was made by the attending The project was on 4 phases: of more than 200 medical student, 1-A visit to blinds’ house (1st phase) The Ex-head of psychiatric departThis visit was to support the blinds ment and the director of El-Noor and and raise their self-confidence to communicate with the society without Al-Aml charity organization for blinds. The seminar’s goal was to focus on fear of feeling disability we succeed to make this by giving them a training the blinds’ rights but with a scientific session about “self-Confidence” and over-view, How to deal with blinds and congenital causes of blindness. “Self-development”. 4-Celbration (4thphase) we listened also to their problems and noted them to try to deliver their a Celebration will be done on the message to the society during our awareness campaign(the 2nd phase). 15th of October “World White Stick Day”. 2-Awarness Campaign (2nd phase) Our target in this awareness campaign was to reach to more than 300 medical students from the two faculties of medicine for boys and girls Al-Azhar university and we succeed to International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Project Timeline: From 6-3-2013 till 15-10-2013 (still the celebration).

Awareness campaign

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Manar Nassem

LC: MSSA-Menofia Co-LORP: Islam EL- hossieny & Manar Nassem Email: Cellular: +201283642144 SC : SCORP

Support them (Yesterday we needed them, now they need us) In the campaign day, we began with a simple discussion between us and the elderlies, and it was really fun. Then, there was awareness about their health problems; how to control and how to make a proper management. After that we spent some time for fun and entertainment including singing and funny talks. Flyers were distributed and flowers were given Because we believe in elderly to them as a simple gift. It was amazrights to get care, interest and ening to see their smiles. At the end we tertainment, we; as MSSA-Menofia SCORPions, decided to do something took a group photo. special for this age group, provide That was our first campaign them medical and psychological support and deliver the message that we through which we could express our interest and appreciation for these are always beside them. great people, and we have more and We chose the elderly Club in She- more to do for them. bin EL-kom for our campaign, and then started the project preparations by meetings with the club administration for approval and setting the day program. A workshop was held for the team about the most important problems that face the elderly group. One of the happiest moments during our childhood is that we spent with our grandparents listening to their stories and advice. They always encouraged us and gave us their life experiences. Now it is our turn to pay some attention to them, support them and make them happy.

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Nora Salama

Email : ( ) LC: Students’ Scientific Society “SSS “ Standing Committee: SCORA NMO: IFMSA-Egypt Website: Facebook Fan page:

Men Awel ElSatr “From The Start “ If we start a new sentence, We start a new line to turn a new page, You start a new line if you want to forget something bad, You forget the past and start a new line. I tell you what! You want to start over, Start a new line! You want to know the start!? Men Awel Elsatr website is a wakeup call; its new page at youth life and new tool for Sexual rights and Reproductive health issues empowerment. The Main Vision of the website is to provide a trustful knowledge for Reproductive health and Sex Education for Youth around the MENA Region in a very simple way in Arabic. The website provides a medical service for all young specking Arabic through different methodologies. 1-Articles contain a basic scientific point of view in an easy way to understand away from any judgment, discrimination or misconceptions coming from our culture. We started with

some needy topics such as breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, Female Genital Mutilation, and Sexually transmitted disease. 2-Providing a Safe Space where youth can ask about any reproductive health problems or through an anonymous way to keep their integrity and encourage them to open up and speak loudly without any kind of judgment to get answers from their peers, who are trained to answer such questions or through doctors who supervising the website . 3- A forum where youth can share their concerns and fears or their experiences with any related issues to open up to website visitors to see how much they suffer from a certain disease or how much they were in need of peoples’ support; aiming to fight stigma around sexually transmitted diseases . We had on the website some people living with HIV telling their journey with the virus how much they suffered from the community; also we have taken some videos

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

with some of them who were brave enough to appear with their faces. The website had an inspiring video of breast cancer survivor encouraging women for early detection screening programs. 4-Planing for future Online live chat through Google hangout with different gust like doctors, health providers, breast cancer survivors, and others to have an interactive conversation about Sexuality and reproductive health staring one of few conversation in such very conservative community . So we looking forward to provide one of new kind service for the whole MENA region, as searching for such information in Arabic are full of misconceptions and stigma through peer to peer website. We were awarded the fund for the project from Staying Alive Foundation and MTV channel. Before preparation of the website, all members had received condensed peer Education about reproductive

health for three days at the End of July . The launching event at the End of April was a successful day, with about 600 persons attending from youth, doctors, health providers, school students, the dean of Medical School, and others. The website launching event was covered by different Radio Stations, TV Shows, newspapers and Magazines. My team and I will always remember the count down before the website went live; we all were thrilled and overwhelming to see a dream coming true. We nowadays are receiving a quite impressive numbers of questions which was unexpected as the website needs more marketing. We got permanent sponsor for the website which is very important for website sustainability; it’s a great achievement for the website. We had different partnerships with NGOs and organizations willing to help us on our way, and we are looking forward for partnerships from MENA region organizations.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Elayan Zayed

LC: Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine Co-coordinator of Around the world project “SCOME” SC : SCOME

Around the world Project SCOME project: Around the world Project, a project for Doctors to explore the globe! Start date: January 2012 End date: May 2nd and 3rd, 2012 (Conference date)

We aimed at bringing peoples’ experiences on having a residency or a medical training abroad in the hands of other who desire to walk the same pathway.

Our awesome team contacted embassies, cultural centers and expeWe had to start the project during the rienced individuals for two reasons, to collect data from them to make a midyear vacation so we could have booklet discussing the matter and to sufficient man power to launch the have speakers in the two-day long preparations. During that time, I was conference that we intended to host. in Jordan as a part of IFMSA-Egypt delegation to the EMR. That was the drawback of our plan but luckily I had We had the two main tasks done. a booklet explaining briefly the patha co-coordinator who managed to ways to have a residencies was creattake the responsibility alone when I ed and distributed among other flyers was abroad. as a conference package. On the top The project goes back to the summer of that and during the conference, we had speakers who told their stories 6 months before the actual start day. and answered the attendees’ quesA group of SSS members sat down back then and decided to make inter- tions as well. national medical opportunities clearer to Doctors and Medical Students, and a cool thing to be mentioned that we host one of the speakers online hence was the idea of the project. through SKYPE from New Zealand. International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

The project involved 55 working members and over than 600 attendees. The number of total countries covered exceeded 10 countries including and not limited to: United states, Canada, England, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Australia and New Zealand.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Ahmed Khadrawy Mobile: 01008976819 LC: Students’ Scientific Society “SSS” SC: SCOME Email:

SCOME Summer School we are going to make the sixth summer school this year. And it’s not only about the summer, but also it extended to be in the winter. Six years ago, the story of SCOME Summer School started when a young Every year around 500 medical students join the SSS SCOME summer doctor -The SSS LOME Youssef and winter schools. Year after year the Helmy- had an idea of making a summer school undergoes huge im“shadowing clerkship” to residents provements and widening, aiming to and doctors during their daily activities in the ward, outpatient clinics and raise a generation of medical students who truly love medicine and ready to operating theaters. Aiming to increase the medical knowledge, inter- serve their community willingly. est in studying medicine and increase the medical sense and enthusiasm to continue studying till graduation. Saying “If we have helped one medical student -only one - to get re-motivated and re-excited about becoming a doctor, then I believe we have accomplished our goal” This program also is a positive point for the process of quality assurance and accreditation because summer electives are an international standard in all schools of medicine. At first the idea was met by huge obstacles, but with persistence and faith Six years old, and still growing....

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Eman Ismail

LC: Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine

Simply Forgotten “I constantly forget my keys at home!” “I can’t remember anything I studied for the exam!” “Could I have Alzheimer?” This question has struck through the minds of people for years. Could anyone forgetting to do simple tasks be classified as an Alzheimer patient, or is there another cause for this dementia? Simply Forgotten is a local project that started in December 2012 in SSS-Kasr Al-Ainy. Its main objective is to clarify the difference between Alzheimer disease and Dementia while intentionally focusing on these topics as an initiative to open the doors towards a new target group “Geriatric Health”. Alzheimer is a purely geriatric disease that affects people mainly above the age of 50. Here in Egypt, it is constantly being misinterpreted with Dementia. Hence, began the quest to fix this misinterpretation by spreading awareness about Alzheimer and its re-

lation to dementia, the different forms of dementia and the various ways of preventing or lowering the incidence of it. Our first phase for the project began with a professional training in December by Dr. Osama Refaat, a specialist in Geriatric Psychology. He explained to us how to diagnose a patient with Alzheimer and the different tests that should be done to confirm this diagnosis while giving us simple instructions to give to the public on how to improve their memory skills. After more than a month of preparations, by the end of January we began our first campaign for the project. The first visit was to Amal el Mostakbal Geratric home on January 30 and the Second visit was to Hedeya Barakat lel takreem Geriatric home on February 2. We went to give the health message to the employees working in the home itself as they are always in close contact to geriatrics and they will be able to diagnose the disease early and prevent its com-

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

plications. Also after giving the message, we spent time with the Geriatrics themselves to support and show them that no matter how old they get, they will always be an important part in our lives and that they are not forgotten. The second part of the campaign was in Al-Zamaleek sports club on February 9 and Al- Jazeera sports club on February 11. In this part of the campaign, we targeted the public to inform them about the true signs of Alzheimer and how one persons’ life style can affect his/her memory. Ones’ memory is his or her personal treasure, keeping the most valuable events locked inside and only they have the keys to their vault. With normal aging comes a slight decrease in the ability of memorizing but with Alzheimer comes a severe type of dementia. “Alzheimer may cause a person to simply forget, but Geriatric health should not be SIMPLY FORGOTTEN” Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Aya Ashraf

LC: Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine SC : SCOME

Smile X Clown therapy is a new way of treatment, drawing a smile, listening to a patient, supporting him psychologically can have a massive effect on his progress and improvement. The doctor’s mission is not just to treat a patient; the doctor’s mission is to improve the quality of life around him, and here in the SSS that’s the kind of doctors we want to graduate.

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Project Bulletin 2013

National Projects

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Mostafa Essa

LC: Tanta Students’ Scientific Association (TSSA) Tanta School of Medicine National Coordinator of Anti-Drug Addiction SC : SCOPH

Anti-Drug Addiction. Anti Drug Addiction project According to Egyptian ministry of health, after a research in the year 2011, which included 40 thousands person among 26 governorate. The research showed that, the percent of drug addicts has increased in a devastating way in the past 5 years to: 30% after it was 6.4 (Random drug addicts among age groups above 15 years) 7% regular addicts. Also the minister found that the starting age of addiction has decreased to 10 years, after it was between 40 & 50. and As Medical Students in IFMSAEGYPT we always try to protect youth health , and as we believe in the harmful effects of drug addiction on youth health , family and the whole community and the increased percentage of addicts year by year we are trying to apply this project in almost all schools to prevent the upcoming generations from even try

drugs . the project will be done in 4 phases : the 1st will be in September and October as national event gathering IFMSA-Egypt and the MOHP represented in the addiction and abuse control and treatment fund with appropriate media coverage . 2nd step will be held in November , December and January as a TOT in all LCs for the members participating in the project after it they will be be able to deal with students in this critical age and have the appropriate information which will be conducted to those students. 3rd step will be the national campaign in March , April and May . 4th step will be in June as a national celebration in which we will review our work and evaluate the results we gained so we can implement this project on a larger scale of schools in the following years . The project by its end will reach 10,000 school students (at least 25 students from each of 20 schools per

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

LC) knowing about Addiction and its complications throughout their life. Also it will Train about 800 teachers (at least 2 social specialists from each of 20 schools per LC) to be able to deal with the students at this critical age.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Zizo Radwan

LC: Tanta Students’ Scientific Association (TSSA) Tanta School of Medicine National Coordinator of Postgraduate opportunities Email: Cellular: SC : SCOME

Postgraduate opportunities booklet Medical study in Egypt is an important and complicated process , medical students here study all the topics and specialties related to medical field and human body ,human body is a mystery and all parts related to each other so there is no separate specialty that don’t related to others. After graduation almost all medical students don’t know what to choose or even how to choose the suitable way of completing their study to start their real medical life. Form this point the idea of the postgraduate booklet comes to reality to help medical students to choose the ideal way to complete their study and the opportunities of work and travel abroad . Also the opportunities here in Egypt isn’t very cleared and known by the students such as (Egyptian fellowship , police academy , military academy ……..etc.) so the booklet gives students the chance to know the ways of study if they aren’t willing to travel abroad.

The booklet not only giving the students the information about the opportunities but it also giving them the ideal information about all countries that any student may choose them to complete his study (how to get visa, how to travel, cost of living there …………….. etc.) After that and to make sure that we delivered our message so well we think of making national events related to the idea of the booklet . During these national events we deal with some doctors and professors that take the way of different opportunities and succeeded in it to transfer their expert to our target group to help them in choosing their way and the most important thing how to go on it . Combination between the booklet and national events will certainly help medical students to choose their perfect way and take the most ideal opportunity for them . For all of this the postgraduate booklet is of a great value and very helpful

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Timeline of the project: start from 1 January 2013 till 30 August 2013.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Passant Negm

National Co-ordinator of Cancer patient reinforcement. Start: July 2013 End: September 2013

Cancer patient reinforcement Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2008.It can affect the patient’s quality of life in a tremendous way. According to the latest WHO data, 11% of total population deaths in Egypt are attributed to cancer. As a vulnerable group, children are highly affected by different types of cancers with high rates of incidence which reaches about 1in 300 young people that will be diagnosed before the age of 20. Moreover, children are the most prone to psychological breakdown and instabilities which will lead to complications and may lead to death. The statistics states that 75% of children diagnosed with cancer and receives the right medical therapy, in the presence of a good psychological support, are expected to be a long term survivor. We-as medical students- our main role is to concentrate on vulnerable groups and their basic needs. In the

medical field, vulnerable groups could be defined in many possible ways but when it comes to cancer patients, we cannot think of any group other than children. Our main aim throughout Cancer Patient Reinforcement project is to support children with cancer on both psychological and medical level. Doing that requires forming a national team including the majority of the LCs having the basic psychological support knowledge to prepare IFMSASCORPians with a strong foundation in order to be able to carry out their roles effectively. The project also aims at creating databases of oncology centres and hospitals all over Egypt. Such databases will be used to direct our work and effort so that we could actually reach the most affected and needy areas in Egypt. Another aim is, Contacting Medical Companies for supporting our projects now or in the future and creating a database of the Medical Companies that would be able

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

to provide us with the basic medical needs for the Cancer Kids in our CPR Project. Cancer Patient Reinforcement has been initially adopted by ASSA-Alexandria during March 2013.A team of 30 devoted ASSA members gave above and beyond to reach a final amazing result. It went through 3 phases: 1-Fundraising events: We had a “Bake Sale” at El Mwasah and a “Car wash” at Alexandria sporting club, the money from those fundraising event which reached 42000 EGP was directed to helping Leukemic children at “ Alexandria University Children’s Hospital” both psychologically and medically. 2-“I Cancer Vive” Celebration: It was held at “Alexandria University Children’s Hospital”. We had a target of 50 children attending the day along with their families. The day was a huge success that was truly felt in all the parents, children and members participating in the day.

Our aim that day was to actually be a part of those children’s happiness and make them feel that they are not forgotten. A child who has cancer does not only need help but most importantly hope. “I Cancer Vive” was a day which proves that a simple act can make a difference. 3- Providing “Leukaemia “department at “Alexandria University Children’s Hospital” with needed medical requirements. The success of “I Cancer Vive” project locally in Alexandria is the main reason that has driven and encouraged me to apply for national status. The thought of what IFMSA-EGYPT can achieve nationally and how we as a medical students’ organization can have a role in helping cancer patients have a better life, a greater chance of survival.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Islam Rasheed

IFMSA-Egypt National Coordinator Healthy Makeover 2012-2013

Healthy makeover Healthy Makeover… Lighten up their future. Orphans aren’t small sector in Egyptian society. Charities to the Orphans may be the most popular charities in Egypt. Donations are spent to cover their needs as food, medications, clothes … etc but what is next?? What about their social life? Their future? What about the Stigma of “foundling”? That was our role in IFMSA-EgyptSCORP through the last two years to answer these questions. As Medical students we decided to ensure their healthy status “Mentally and physically” through Awareness training and workshops about different diseases and how to protect themselves then we hold psychological support workshop to the orphans and orphanage workers helping them to deal with each other in the right way. Further We Thought about their Safety and hold basic 1st Aid Training to the orphanage workers. IFMSA-Egypt-SCORP was working

through 13 LCs and different Orphanages with ages from 10 to 20 Years Old. We started this in March 2012 with periodic visits and we will continue with more enthusiasm and creativity. It’s very easy to do what others do, But our goal was to be unique and give them the maximum benefits and YES ,, We Did it

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Moemen Mohamed Nader National Co-ordinator of Human rights project ASSA Alexandria

Human rights Human Rights: Issue & Initiative The first question that comes to mind when the discussion of human rights is brought about is “What are Human Rights?” Everyone knows that he or she has natural rights bestowed upon them. However, if you ask them you will find different answers about such rights and what they mean. However, they will all share the same conviction that these rights are essential for their lives and that all disputes taking place throughout history are due to violation to the same Human Rights in question. Human rights are essentially rights inherent to all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. With the resurfacing of such crucial concepts and on the 10th of Decem-

ber 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in the aftermath of the Second World War. The declaration consists of 30 articles which have been elaborated in subsequent international treaties, regional human rights instruments, national constitutions and laws. “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, ………………………….”. In Egypt, after many years of lack of Human Rights and their violation, Egyptians have brought all that to an end on the 25th of January 2011, when they conquered their fear and called for “Bread, Freedom and Social Justice”. From that moment onwards, a new birth certificate has been written for the Human Rights statute in Egypt where people came to know their

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

rights, fight and even die for them December 2013, declaring our sucwhereas prior to that date, many cess in people’s awareness about their Egyptians did not know that they alrights. ready had rights and were others, on the other hand, were kept in the dark when it came to such vital knowledge. At the current moment, Egyptians fight to sustain full respect for human rights and the basic freedoms of all Egyptians and non-Egyptians sharing the one nation, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments, to guarantee freedom of opinion and expression, to guarantee freedom of belief, thought and religion, to …………… etc. As such, we - as IFMSA-Egypt SCORP, believe that we play an important rule to raise people’s awareness about their rights which is why we initially aim to raise the awareness of all medical students such that they can spread the message effectively. We aim at creating a team of youth well aware and able to work in the field of human rights that will have the role of spreading the message of human rights on a considerable scale nation-wide. In order to achieve such endeavor, a national training about human rights shall be given converting them to Human Rights trainers with the ability to conduct that training subsequently, spreading the concepts and beliefs of human rights. With the approach of the adjournment of the project, we will celebrate the Human Rights Day on the 10th of Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Taha Sewedy

LC: Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine National Coordinator of Autism 101 national campaign 20102012 Email: Cellular: +201007123149 SC : SCORP

Autism 1O1 why, why Autism? The answer came from the WHO, naming Autism as the fastest growing Autism 1O1 developmental disability (10-17% annual growth). This title is more than a metaphor, it is a true story telling you about values That Answer was so impressive and and skills that every IFMSA-ian got to indicative, making the believers to be increased in numbers, enforced with learn through his entire career in the faith, and the dream to make his first IFMSA universe. step into reality through partnerships, The story is going to be narrated in four chapters witnessed by someone trainings and campaigns. considering himself lucky to do so. The Story of a Dream

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 2: Against All Odds

Time: December 2010 – September Time: 5 years ago Place: SSS Cairo- Local Committee of 2011. Place: IFMSA-Egypt Galaxy. IFMSA-Egypt The story began when the dream of Improving Child Psychiatric Disorders Status in Egypt was born through the minds of two formers SSS-Cairo Members, in a small room, few believers got to meet and decided to pick up Autism is the proper start for that Journey, and here is the first word of

Well, this chapter was the most crucial one, the wings of the dream started to work that well and managed to fly over IFMSA-Egypt sky, the dream Believers started to grow, and the name of Autism booked a seat in the front row in SCORP national agenda, here is another Why, the events sound

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optimistic, why did you named that chapter –against all odds? OK, in this period, our activities, faced successive waves of political unrest in Egypt, which postponed the activities several times, but the believers showed courage, persistence, Faith, they held on and once a chance showed up a national TOT was made in a partnership with Advance Autistic Society in Cairo, beating all these Odds, starting a new chapter. Chapter 3: Chasing the Butterfly Time: October 2011 – March 2012. Place: IFMSA-Egypt Galaxy. Through dozens of pear education sessions held over all IFMSA-Egypt local committees, the dream was fully matured into a real solid fact, that fact said that the Egyptian society started to know about Autism, awareness was spread so widely, more than 3000 medical students were told and trained about Autism, plus a non es-

timated number of the public. The efforts exerted by all crews all over Egypt were just legendary, crowning all this period of 6 months with the sweet taste of success. Chapter 4: Our Happy Ending Time: 2nd April 2012 Place: Cairo- Wadi Degla Club. After 2 years of ups and downs, the moment of celebration was a must, with the Partnership of Egyptian Autistic Society, media nationally and internationally, heroes of Autism came from Assuit in the south to Alexandria in the north, walked in a majestic march, cheering the name of Autism, and under the lights of Media the name of IFMSA-Egypt was honored for the appreciable efforts in Autism Awareness, and ………the story goes on.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Mohammed Abd El-Ghany

HY-five National coordinator

HY-five hy five is one of IFMSA-Egypt National projects in which we work on raising the awarness on hand hygine and it’s role in infection control . Hand hygiene is the simplest, most effective measure for preventing nosocamial infections Despite advances in infection control and hospital epidemiology, message is not consistently translated into clinical practice and health-care workers’ adherence to recommended hand hygiene practices is unacceptably low Average compliance with hand hygiene recommendations varies between hospital wards, among professional categories of health-care workers, and according to working conditions, as well as according to the definitions used in different studies. Compliance is usually estimated as <50% Promotion of hand hygiene is a major challenge for infection control experts In-service education, distribution of information leaflets, workshops and lectures, and performance feedback on compliance rates have been associated

with transient improvement No single intervention has consistently improved compliance with hand hygiene practice This review summarizes factors influencing lack of adherence by health-care personnel to hand hygiene procedures and suggests strategies for improvement. Several barriers to appropriate hand hygiene have been reported . Reasons reported by health-care workers for the lack of adherence with recommendations include skin irritation, inaccessible supplies, interference with worker-patient relation, patient needs perceived as priority, wearing gloves, forgetfulness, ignorance of guidelines, insufficient time, high workload and understaffing, and lack of scientific information demonstrating impact of improved hand hygiene on hospital infection rates. Why Hand Hygiene?!  hand washing with soap could avert 1 million of those deaths. Washing hands with soap after using the toilet or cleaning a child and before han-

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

dling food can reduce rates of diarrheal disease by nearly one-half and rates of respiratory infection by about one-quarter. •  Hand washing can also prevent skin infections, eye infections, intestinal worms, SARS and Avian Flu, and benefits the health of people living with HIV/AIDS. • the idea of the project ‘s to unite the effort of medical students around Egypt to work to work together in putting A limit to the Alarming rate of Spread of the infection Diseases in Egypt . through increasing the awareness about hand hygiene & its important role in infection Control & promoting healthy life. • our aims in the project are : • 1-increase the awareness of Medical students about the problem of infection spread & the role of hand hygiene in controlling & decrease it. • 2-increase the Awareness of School children, colleges & food handlers about hand hygiene • 3- Motivate SCOPH team to work together in delivering this Issue which Affect Our country, thus will strengthening the collaboration between them. • We will work the project into 2 phases on 2 separate months • • one of them will be on the Global Hand washing Day ‘’GHD’’ 15/10 • • The other phase will be on the Eastern Mediterranean Hand Washing Day ‘’EMR HY-5 ‘’ 5/5

Achivments : this year we did alot of achivments started with dealing with the Egyptian Society of infection Control “ESIC” ( APIC/ Egypt “ Association Professionals for Infection Control “ ) and clebereted together with the hand hygine day on 5th of May at El-saraya Floating Boat Zamalek afterthat more than 17 Local committee workedon the first phase of the project within May and june inspite of most of them were having exams and the out outcome of that phase was un-expected regarding what we are planning to do .., Motivated SCOPHerooos worked on more than 15.000 person in 26 diferent gavarnorate and now we are planining to work on the 2nd phase which will be on 15th of Oct. celebereting the international hand hygine day . Finally , i would like to thank all SCOPHeroos for thier great efforts on achiveing our goals looking forward to achive more and more to improve our lifestyle to the healthy lifestyle .

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Basant El.Banna

National Co-ordinator of Mr & Mrs breastestis LC: SSS – Cairo SC: SCORA Gmail: Mobile: 0114 50 122 60

Mr & Mrs breastestis “ Well, when I thought of applying to be the coordinator, the first thing that came up to my mind was, If I was supposed to have cancer, what I’d need from doctors? I thought of a woman dying from breast cancer because she did not know how to self-examine her breasts. I thought of a mother underwent a pelvic exentration surgery because her doctor did not tell her about the pap smear. I thought of a father who is dying from cancer prostate because no one told him when to suspect cancer and seek medical advice. I thought that our role should not be too late .. I thought that we should be real doctors. Actually, I find this project can help a lot of women and men live their normal life and prevent them and their families from being victims for cancer. It gives them life and hope. It protects them from going through this circle of fear .. the circle of cancer to live healthy happy life ever after. In fact, we’re not just

Moaz Emad El-din Essa

Date of Birth: 2/2/1992 Nationality: Egyptian Phone: +201021241617 +201229827188 E-mail: 5th year medical student

Students’ Rights trying to help people, we’re helping our beloved country –Egypt- by this project as for sure the budget needed for treatment of cancer is way much bigger than that needed for some screening tests. The responsibility of introducing the concept of preventive medicine in the society is ours as doctors to be. This even makes our mission is treating cancer patients way easier from the psychological aspect as in their subconscious mind they are persuaded that cancer can be prevented. Actually, I don’t want to be the coordinator of Mr & Mrs breastestis, I NEED to be the coordinator of such a great project.” Actually, I wanted to share with you why I’m interested in working in Mr and Mrs breastestis and I wanted this to be my first article about this great project, that’s dedicated to serve a great cause.I wanted us to share the same vision before we start working in the project that will take part this summer.

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

In the last period especially after the revolution students started to think positively and ask for their rights in better education, fair evaluation and without having stressed life . The problem is that in Egypt we still don’t have student representation in making decision and students don’t have enough awareness with basics of medical education and different ways to ensure high quality medical education . Moreover we are students have rights in better , laboratories, healthcare and enough time for extracurricular activities without affecting our study . It will be the first time to have SCOME, SCORP conjoint project in IFMSA-Egypt and we need that kind of activities to deepen the meaning of working as a federation not as separate committees .

resentation involved in the decision making & Making Medical Students allover Egypt aware with quality standard of medical education and the importance of regular evaluation and asking for the better . And this will be done by :Increase Students’ knowledge about quality standards of medical education and how to assess the process through Course Specification ,ILOs ,Mission and vision of the faculty. Increase Students’ awareness about their duties and rights and how to deal with each. Creating a student rights statement to defend for students’ rights.

So; we aim to Improve Medical Education in Egypt through well designed evaluation system with student repInspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Mostafa Emad

National Co-ordinator of Peace project

Peace Peace... what’s peace??? I have searched for the definition of peace for so long and I never get the same result, does it mean absence of war??? Peace doesn’t merely means absence of war only but absence of conflicts even the inside ones. Peace for the countries suffering from war is to stop this war , for war free countries to keep them away of any internal conflicts and keep the external affairs in a good status , for the individual is to live in peace with his neighbors and what truly matters more is to live in peace with himself , different prospective of peace for SCORPions it represents half of our beloved committee. Actually I don’t really know why I’m writing this article?! Because I love peace and I’m the national coordinator of the project and a genuine SCORPion truly interested in this field or may be because it’s my homework and I’m supposed to finish it , anyway I need to share my concerns with you

all about the inside situation here in Egypt and I truly don’t mean what do you hear from media and the news channels which I never trust anymore , what I’m talking about is the harmony inside the community that we lost through many years ago. Egypt has so many different cultures and wide diversity in everything even the local language , Imagine with me people of the same country and speak the same language and they still can’t understand each other... what a pity?! My goal is to make these all different cultures deal with each other smoothly and regain the Egyptian harmony once more. I know that I have such a big dream but I won’t give up and I will try my best to share in setting the foundations of the harmony and heal the crack. In Egypt we have 2 Nobel prize winners for their efforts in peace our former president Muhammad Anwar ELSadat and Dr.Muhammad El-Baradei , here in IFMSA-Egypt we are trying our best to leave the needed impact in

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

our society through our projects since we feel a great responsibility towards our community and our country. The International Day of Peace (21st of September). The vast majority of the world is not aware of this special day.Celebrating Cairo as the capital of peace should be different so here in IFMSA-Egypt we decided to make it different and unforgettable this year.

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

Alaa Hussein

LPO MSSA Mansoura 01092934455

To be against TB In fact I am so glad to write this article which is about IFMSA-Egypt national TB campaign2012-2013 (To be against TB). TB is known as one of chronic infections that is considered as a social and economic disease as it affects the production of the individuals. The annual report mentioned that there are 9.4 million newly discovered cases worldwide in 2012 with mortality rate of 1.3 million cases per year. In Egypt the reported number of TB cases reached 9305 case including 4508 complaining of positive pulmonary TB, 1053 with negative pulmonary TB, 3074 with extra-pulmonary TB and 670 with relapse. So we discovered that we face a dangerous disease that can be easily treated and prevented by some precautions which is in line with SCOPH mission and vision. We started our national project on 19th of Feb. 2013 with the national workshop that was held at NTP center to have the latest information about the disease. On 24th of March we celebrated the

National TB day at national training institute organized by IFMSA-Egypt and attended by the Egyptian minister of health. After that on ground steps were taken within our campaign. We tried this year to focus on young aged population to be our main target group without ignorance of other population but we chose them as we believe that teaching a child looks like chasing on a stone and also because they are the future man and woman that will teach their children. We reached everywhere we may find them in. Schools, clubs, malls, orphan houses, hospitals and even streets were covered by our health message about TB. Also we made awareness in youth clubs, geriatric houses and universities. And as a new idea we held a psychological support workshop in some local committees to help TB patient to overcome the stigma. We do our best to make Egypt free of TB forever. Thanks ..

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Project Bulletin 2013

Project Bulletin 2013

the project aiming mainly two very important phases of reproductive life Happy marriage & better Mother and child health. It also give some basic information about some other important topics like family planning as well as first gynecological visit in young girls and abolishing its stigma, breast self examination, and female genital mutilation specially among non-medical personals “ people who are in great need of such information”. More importantly, to provide these information to peer medical students and As SCORAngels and medical students para-medical personnel’s. this is our role to improve women re- This project is formed of three phases Phase one: productive health Awareness campaign in medical facincluding child health as a normal ulty about three parts of the project outcome of healthy reproductive life namely: Adolescent Reproductive by raising the awareness and providHealth, Happy Marriage and Mother ing help and support to for these & Child care women . In this phase we aim to assess mediThis project started locally at TSSA [Tanta Students’ Scientific Association] cal students’ backgrounds about several phases of reproductive cycle then adopted nationally . through using pre & post question-

naires and providing information to ing and Local workshops to SCORA them regarding of all phases of repro- members as they will be the corner ductive cycle stone for this project ad so as to be able to answer frequently asked quesPhase two: “Happy Marriage “ tions in the minds in topics related to Awareness campaign in 2 non-medireproductive health in all phases . cal faculties We will start in this project in May In this phase we Provide information -2013 and we will finish it in April regarding preconception care includ- 2014 ing menstrual disorders and premari- The preparation for this project will tal counseling take about 5 months from May to We give them also some basic infor- September in form of mation about Pregnancy and a.Preparing the scientific data regardfamily planning ing the mentioned topics Phase three: “Mother and child health b. Preparation for manual and booklet Awareness campaign in 1 maternal of Women around the clock , the key and child care hospitals to a healthy reproductive life c- Preparation for pre & post quesIn this phase we provide married tionnaires women with information regarding pregnancy (physiology, safe and unafter that from October to December safe habits during pregnancy, alarmit will be the time of online campaigns ing signs and high risk pregnancy), and workshops then 1st ,2nd ,3rd delivery and importance of follow-up. phase will be in January, Februrary ,March in order We give them also some information at the end monitoring and evaluation about family planning and post conin April 2014 . ception period (importance of breast feeding , problems related to breast Finally we should encourage women feeding , bottle feeding and post who have participated in the sessions pregnancy exercises & health care ) or campaigns to share the informaAnd finally child care and vaccination tion gained with their peers and other members of community so as to creBefore all of this we have to Build ate a ripple effect. well trained team of SCORA – IFMSAEgypt of medical students by using Online campaign through IFMSAEgypt page and LC pages, Core train-

International Federation Of Medical Students Association - Egypt

Inspiring Medical Students Since 1969

Karim Sallam

Nation Co-ordinaor of Women around the clock TSSA (Tanta Students’s Scientific Association)

Women around the clock We believe that strong body makes the mind strong and that’s why we believe that women reproductive health is so important for women empowerment . As we know that women reproductive health is considered as a TABOO in our culture and community and this lead to lack of necessary scientific knowledge for many women about many aspects of her reproductive health in different ages of her life for example (adolescence –marriage – pregnancy ).

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