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Merilni instrumenti in sistemi

mechanical • optical • electronical

Pomicna ˇ merila Calipers Digital calipers


■ ■

Measuring range: 0 - 150 mm. Vernier: 0.05 mm ➊, 0.02 mm ➋, or 0.05 mm and 1/128 inch ➌.

Resolution: 0.01 mm, with mm/inch conversion.

Digital calipers 75 mm S906483 S906484 100 mm S906300 150 mm S906302 200 mm S906304 300 mm Left-handed digital caliper S906299 150 mm

Absolute digital calipers 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm Digital calipers IP54 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm


S906480 S906481 S906482 S907900 S907901 S907902


Calipers mm/inch ➌ Spring release S836600 S836601 Locking screw

Digital calipers

Calipers mm Right-handed ➋ Left-handed ➊ Left-handed ➋

S906045 S906046 S906047

Dial calipers Graduation: 0.1 mm ➊, 0.02 mm ➋ or 0.01 mm ➌. ■ 1 pointer revolution = 2 mm ➍ or 1 mm ➎. ■

S908801 S906821


Measuring range: 0 - 150 mm. Resolution: 0.01 mm ➊ or 0.005 mm ➋. ■ With mm/inch conversion. ■ Available up to 300 mm. ➌ ■



Digital caliper IP67 ➊ ➌ Digital caliper 0.005 mm ➋ ➌ Digital solar caliper ➊

S908801 S906821 S906475


Depth measuring base, suitable for most calipers with a depth rod and a measuring range up to 200 mm.

S906500 S906499 S906501 S906498

Digital and vernier workshop calipers Resolution: 0.01 mm, with mm/inch conversion. ➊ Vernier: 0.05 mm and 1/128 inch ➋, or 0.02 mm and 1/1000 inch ➌. ■ With measuring knives. ➍ ■ Jaw length: 75 ➀, 100 ➁, 150 ➂, 200 ➃, 250 ➄ or 300 mm ➅. ■

Various options for calipers available S909156

Plastic dial caliper 150 mm ➊ ➎

Dial calipers 150 mm ➋ ➍ 200 mm ➋ ➍ 300 mm ➋ ➍ 150 mm ➌ ➎



Protractor to attach to a caliper or height gauge. ■

Measuring range: 180°.

Depth measuring base Auxiliary protractor 1'/0.01°

S909156 S855803

Various caliper models available

S906345 S907553


With slidable measuring jaw (0 - 150 mm) With prismatic anvil (1 - 40 mm) With measuring pins (35 - 150 mm)

TESA and Mitutoyo calipers


Various models available.

S906345 S907553 S906374

S909633 S906461

Absolute digital ➊ ➍ 300 mm ➀ 500 mm ➂ 1000 mm ➃ 1500 mm ➃ 2000 mm ➃ Absolute digital ➊ 500 mm ➂ 500 mm ➃ 600 mm ➂ 600 mm ➃ 1000 mm ➃ 1000 mm ➅ 1500 mm ➃ 1500 mm ➅ 2000 mm ➃ 2000 mm ➅ Digital carbon, IP54 ➊ ➍ 1000 mm ➂ 1000 mm ➃ 1500 mm ➂ 1500 mm ➃ 2000 mm ➃ 3000 mm ➄

S906460 S906461 S906462 S906463 S906464 S906465 S906470 S906466 S906471 S906467 S906472 S906468 S906473 S906469 S906474 S837810 S837811 S837812 S837813 S837814 S837815

Vernier workshop calipers ➋ ➍ S909632 400 mm ➁ 500 mm ➂ S909633 S909634 600 mm ➂ S909635 750 mm ➂ S909636 1000 mm ➂ S909637 1500 mm ➃ S909638 2000 mm ➃ Vernier workshop calipers ➌ ➍ S909625 400 mm ➁ S909626 500 mm ➂ S909627 600 mm ➂ S909628 750 mm ➂ S909629 1000 mm ➂ S909630 1500 mm ➃ S909631 2000 mm ➃ Vernier workshop calipers ➋ S909620 450 mm ➂ S909621 500 mm ➂ S909622 600 mm ➂ S909623 800 mm ➂ S909624 1000 mm ➂ Vernier workshop calipers ➌ S909615 450 mm ➂ S909616 500 mm ➂ S909617 600 mm ➂ S909618 800 mm ➂ S909619 1000 mm ➂

Pomicna ˇ merila, mikrometri Digital and vernier depth calipers Digital and analog depth micrometers

Resolution 0.01 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or vernier 0.02 mm ➋. ■ With hook. ➌ S906310 ■ Base length: 100 mm ➀ or 120 mm ➁. ■


Digital depth calipers ➊ 150 mm ➀ S907886 S907887 200 mm ➀ S907888 300 mm ➀ S907898 500 mm ➁ Digital depth calipers ➊ ➌ 200 mm ➀ S906310 300 mm ➀ S906311 500 mm ➀ S906312


Vernier depth calipers ➋ S906313 200 mm ➀ S906315 300 mm ➀ S906317 500 mm ➀ Vernier depth calipers ➋ ➌ 200 mm ➀ S906319 S906321 300 mm ➀

Resolution 0.001 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋. S906982 ■ With ➀ to ➅ interchangeable, spherical ➌ or flat ➍ rods. ■ Base length: 63 mm ➎ or 101.5 mm ➏. S906970 ■ Available up to 300 mm. ■

Digital micrometers ➊ ➌ ➎ Analog ➋ ➌ ➎ Analog ➋ ➍ ➎ S906982 S906964 S906970 25 mm ➀ S906983 S906965 S906971 50 mm ➁ S906984 S906966 S906972 100 mm ➃ S906985 S906967 S906973 150 mm ➅ Digital micrometers ➊ ➌ ➏ Analog ➋ ➌ ➏ Analog ➋ ➍ ➏ S906988 S906040 S906976 25 mm ➀ S906989 S906039 S906977 50 mm ➁ S906990 S906041 S906978 100 mm ➃ S906991 S906042 S906979 150 mm ➅


Digital micrometers S906012

Resolution: 0.001 mm. ABS/INC switchable and with mm/inch conversion. ➊ ■ Protection: IP54. ➋ ■ The sets contain ➂, ➃ or ➅ instruments. ■ The micrometers with displays on both sides are suitable for left-handers. The large displays can also show the measuring value upside-down. ■


Digital micrometers 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm Sets 0 - 75 mm ➂ 0 - 100 mm ➃ 0 - 150 mm ➅

S908750 S908751 S908752 S908753 S908754 S908755 S908756 S908757


➊➋ S908758 S908759 S908760 S908761 S908762 S908763 S908764 S908765

➊ S908766 S908767 S908768

Graduation: 0.01 mm. ■ Measuring span: 25 mm ➊, 100 mm (travel 25 mm, spacers 25 and 50 mm) ➋ or 200 mm (travel 50 mm, spacers 50 and 100 mm) ➌. ■ Varnished cast iron ➍, steel plate ➎ or tubular ➏ frame, with insulating grips. ■ The sets contain ➂ to instruments. ■

S906270 S906271 S906272 S906273 S906274 S906275 S906276 S906277

➊➋ S908769 S908770 S908771

S906278 S906279

Digital micrometers with two displays ➊ ➋ S907682 0 - 30 mm S907683 25 - 55 mm S908766 S907684 50 - 80 mm S907685 75 - 105 mm S907686 100 - 130 mm S907687 125 - 155 mm S907688 150 - 180 mm S907689 175 - 205 mm S907000


Micrometers ➊ ➍ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm Micrometers ➊ ➎ 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm 200 - 225 mm 225 - 250 mm 250 - 275 mm 275 - 300 mm Sets ➊ ➍/➎ 0 - 75 mm ➂ 0 - 100 mm ➃ 0 - 150 mm ➅ 150 - 300 mm ➅ 0 - 300 mm

Fast adjustable micrometers

S906000 S906001 S906002 S906003 S906004 S906005 S906006 S906007 S906008 S906009 S906010 S906011

Large measuring span ➋ ➏ 300 - 400 mm S906012 S906013 400 - 500 mm S906014 500 - 600 mm S906015 600 - 700 mm S906016 700 - 800 mm S906017 800 - 900 mm S906018 900 - 1000 mm Large measuring span ➌ ➏ S906019 1000 - 1200 mm S906020 1200 - 1400 mm S906021 1400 - 1600 mm S906022 1600 - 1800 mm S906023 1800 - 2000 mm

S906055 S906056 S906057 S906058 S906059


TESA and Mitutoyo micrometers

Graduation: 0.01 mm. 1 revolution of the thimble = 1 mm. ■ Thimble with 100 step graduation. ■ ■

Fast adjustable micrometers S907000 0 - 25 mm S907001 25 - 50 mm S907002 50 - 75 mm S907003 75 - 100 mm

(continued) 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm

S907004 S907005 S907006 S907007

Various models available.


Mikrometri Digital and analog micrometers with lamellar measuring faces

Digital and analog micrometers for gear pitch and thickness S906572 ■


Digital micrometers ➊ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm

S906572 S906573 S906574 S906575 S906576 S906577 S906578 S906579

Resolution 0.001 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋.

Analog micrometers ➋ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm

S906580 S906581 S906582 S906583 S906584 S906585 S906586 S906587

Digital and analog micrometers with prism-shaped anvil

■ Resolution 0.001 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋.

For ➂- or ➄-fluted objects (angle 60° or 108°). Instruments for 7-fluted objects (angle 128°) are also available. ■ Incl. setting standard. ■

Digital micrometers ➊ ➂ 1 - 15 mm 5 - 20 mm 20 - 35 mm 35 - 50 mm 50 - 65 mm 65 - 80 mm 80 - 95 mm

S907047 S907048 S907049 S907050 S907051 S907052 S907053

S906161 S907047/S906160

Analog micrometers ➋ ➂ 1 - 15 mm 5 - 20 mm 20 - 35 mm 35 - 50 mm 50 - 65 mm 65 - 80 mm 80 - 95 mm Analog micrometers ➋ ➄ 5 - 25 mm 25 - 45 mm 45 - 65 mm 65 - 85 mm 85 - 105 mm

S906160 S906161 S906162 S906163 S906164 S906165 S907060 S906166 S906167 S906168 S906169 S907061

Tolerance micrometer with precision dial indicator Measuring range: 0 - 25 mm. ■ Vernier of the thimble: 0.002 mm. ■ Dial indicator: range ± 0.04 mm, S906568 graduation 0.001 mm. ■

Tolerance micrometer


Micrometer heads Graduation: 0.01 mm ➊ or 0.002 mm ➋. ■ Steel ➌ or tungsten carbide ➍ measuring face. ■ Flat ➎ or spherical ➏ spindle; ø 3.5 mm ➐, ø 5 mm ➑ or ø 6.5 mm ➒. ■ Digital models are also available. ■

Without friction thimble ➌ S906070 6.5 mm ➊ ➎ ➐ S906074 6.5 mm ➊ ➏ ➐ S906071 13 mm ➊ ➎ ➑ 4


Resolution 0.001 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋. ■ Measuring faces: thickness 0.75 mm, length 6.5 mm. Digital micrometers ➊ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm

S906127 S906128 S906129 S906130

Analog micrometers ➋ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm

S906141 S906142 S906143 S906144

Digital and analog screw thread micrometers Resolution 0.001 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋. ■ Incl. setting gauge 60° (setting gauge 55° optionally available). Inserts are not included. ■ The inserts have a 55° ➌ or 60° ➍ flank angle. Delivery in a set of ➅ or ➉ pairs covering the whole range. Separate pairs are also S906751 available. ■

For measuring the diameters of objects with an odd number of flutes such as taps, reamers and mills.


S906127 ■

Digital micrometers ➊ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm

S906700 S906701 S906702 S906703 S906704 S906705 S906706 S906707

Analog micrometers ➋ 0 - 25 mm 25 - 50 mm 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm

Insert sets For metric threads with pitch 0.4 - 7 mm ➍ ➅ For Whitworth threads, 3.5 - 60 threads/inch ➌ ➉ For UN/UNC/UNF threads, 3.5 - 64 threads/inch ➍ ➅


S906750 S906751 S906752 S906753 S906754 S906755 S906756 S906757

S906726 S906740 S906747

Various options for micrometers available Measuring force indicator for micrometers with measuring range 0 - 25 mm. Available for measuring ranges up to 100 mm. S907151

Micrometer stand with clamping range 0 - 25 mm. S906212

Pair of inserts with thread measuring wires ø 1.10 mm, for micrometers with measuring faces ø 6.5 mm. Available with wire diameters S779171 0.17 - 4.00 mm and for measuring faces ø 6.35 mm, ø 6.5 mm, ø 6.8 mm, ø 7.5 mm and ø 8 mm; in pairs or as a complete set. Setting gauge for micro- S907464 meters. With plastic insulating grip. Available up to 975 mm.


With friction thimble ➍ S906072 25 mm ➊ ➎ ➒ S906073 25 mm ➋ ➎ ➒

Measuring force indicator 5 - 12 N Micrometer stand Pair of inserts with measuring wires ø 1.10 mm Setting gauge 25 mm

S907151 S906212 S779171 S907464

Notranji in zunanji merilni instrumenti Digital three-point internal micrometers IP54 Internal micrometers with a small ➊ or large ➋ measuring range, for measuring internal dimensions like diameters of (blind) bores. S906906



Resolution: 0.001 mm, with mm/inch conversion. Interchangeable measuring bolts. ➌ ■ The sets contain ➁, ➂ or ➃ instruments. ■ ■

Digital internal micrometers ➊ S906886 ø 6 - 8 mm S906887 ø 8 - 10 mm S906888 ø 10 - 12 mm S906889 ø 12 - 16 mm S906890 ø 16 - 20 mm S906891 ø 20 - 25 mm S906892 ø 25 - 30 mm S906893 ø 30 - 40 mm S906894 ø 40 - 50 mm S906895 ø 50 - 63 mm S906896 ø 62 - 75 mm S906897 ø 75 - 88 mm S906898 ø 87 - 100 mm S906899 ø 100 - 125 mm ➌ S908675 ø 125 - 150 mm ➌ S908676 ø 150 - 175 mm ➌ S908677 ø 175 - 200 mm ➌ S908678 ø 200 - 225 mm ➌ S908679 ø 225 - 250 mm ➌

(continued) S908680 ø 250 - 275 mm ➌ S908681 ø 275 - 300 mm ➌ Sets ➊ S906900 ø 6 - 12 mm ➂ S906901 ø 12 - 20 mm ➁ S906902 ø 20 - 50 mm ➃ S906903 ø 50 - 100 mm ➃ Digital internal micrometers ➋ S906904 ø 50 - 70 mm S906905 ø 70 - 100 mm S906906 ø 100 - 150 mm S906907 ø 150 - 250 mm S906908 ø 200 - 300 mm Sets ➋ S906909 ø 50 - 100 mm ➁ S906910 ø 100 - 250 mm ➁ Digital int. micrometers ➋ ➌ ø 200 - 500 mm S907787 S907788 ø 200 - 1000 mm

Three-point internal micrometers Graduation: 0.001 mm ➊ or 0.005 mm ➋. Setting ring not included with separate instruments. ■ The sets contain ➁ to ➅ instruments, setting rings, and from ø 6 mm an extension of 100 mm ➌ or 150 mm ➍. ■ ■

Internal micrometers ➊ ø 3.5 - 4 mm ø 4 - 4.5 mm ø 4.5 - 5.5 mm ø 5.5 - 6.5 mm ø 6 - 8 mm ø 8 - 10 mm ø 10 - 12 mm Internal micrometers ➋ ø 12 - 16 mm ø 16 - 20 mm ø 20 - 25 mm ø 25 - 30 mm ø 30 - 35 mm ø 35 - 40 mm ø 40 - 50 mm Sets ø 3.5 - 6.5 mm ø 6 - 12 mm ø 12 - 20 mm ø 20 - 40 mm ø 40 - 100 mm

S907230 S907231 S907232 S907233 S907235

(continued) 160 - 250 mm 250 - 450 mm


S907933 S909251

Bore gauge setting instrument

Bore gauge setting instrument

S836730 S836735 S836740 S836745 S836750

S836780 S836782 S836784 S836786

Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm. ■ Excl. dial indicator.

For accurate zero-setting of internal measuring instruments with the help of gauge blocks. Adjustment range: 18 - 400 mm. ■ Excl. gauge blocks.


➃➊ ➂➊➌ ➁➋➍ ➃➋➍ ➅➋➍

S907236 S907237

Optional dial indicators for bore gauges Analog, 10 mm (graduation 0.01 mm) Digital, 12.5 mm (resolution 0.001 mm)

S836714 S836715 S836716 S836717 S836718 S836719 S836720 S836721 S836722 S836723 S836724 S836725 S836726

Pistol-shaped three-point internal micrometers

Interchangeable inserts. ■ Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm. ■ Incl. standard analog dial indicator 0 - 3 mm (graduation 0.01 mm). ■

Bore gauges 6 - 10 mm 10 - 18 mm 18 - 35 mm 35 - 50 mm 50 - 160 mm

S836707 S836708 S836709 S836710 S836711 S836712 S836713

(continued) ø 50 - 60 mm ø 60 - 70 mm ø 70 - 80 mm ø 80 - 90 mm ø 90 - 100 mm ø 100 - 125 mm ø 125 - 150 mm ø 150 - 175 mm ø 175 - 200 mm ø 200 - 225 mm ø 225 - 250 mm ø 250 - 275 mm ø 275 - 300 mm

Extensions Extension 100 mm, for instruments ø 6 - 12 mm Extension 150 mm, for instruments ø 12 - 20 mm Extension 150 mm, for instruments ø 20 - 40 mm Extension 150 mm, for instruments ø 40 - 100 mm

Bore gauges



S836700 S836701 S836702 S836703 S836704 S836705 S836706


Internal micrometers ø 6 - 8 mm ø 8 - 10 mm ø 10 - 12 mm ø 12 - 16 mm ø 16 - 20 mm ø 20 - 25 mm ø 25 - 30 mm ø 30 - 40 mm ø 40 - 50 mm ø 50 - 63 mm ø 63 - 75 mm ø 75 - 88 mm ø 87 - 100 mm

S907770 S907771 S907772 S907773 S907774 S907775 S907776 S907777 S907778 S907779 S907780 S907781 S907782


Sets ø 6 - 12 mm ø 12 - 20 mm ø 20 - 50 mm ø 50 - 100 mm

S907783 S907784 S907785 S907786


Dial indicators for pistol-shaped internal micrometers Analog, 10 mm (graduation 0.01 mm) Digital, 12.5 mm (resolution 0.001 mm)


S907933 S907878

TESA and Mitutoyo three-point internal micrometers

Schwenk dial indicators and internal measuring instruments ■ ■

German quality. Various models available. ■

Various models available.


Notranji in zunanji merilni instrumenti Digital and analog internal micrometers Digital and analog internal measuring instruments Resolution 0.01 mm (with mm/inch conversion, and digital-analog and digital readout) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋. ■ Span: 10 mm ➌ or 20 mm ➍. ■ Contact form: cylindrical with radius 0.3 mm ➀ or 0.5 mm ➁, or with a tungsten carbide ball ø 1.5 mm ➂. Digital meas. instruments ➊ ➌ 5 - 15 mm ➀ S908810 S908811 10 - 20 mm ➀ S908812 20 - 30 mm ➁ S908813 30 - 40 mm ➁ S908814 40 - 50 mm ➁ S908816 10 - 20 mm ➂ S908817 20 - 30 mm ➂ S908818 30 - 40 mm ➂ S908819 40 - 50 mm ➂ Digital meas. instruments ➊ ➍ S908820 5 - 25 mm ➀ S908821 10 - 30 mm ➁ S908822 20 - 40 mm ➁ S908823 30 - 50 mm ➁ S908824 40 - 60 mm ➁ S908826 10 - 30 mm ➂ S908827 20 - 40 mm ➂ S908828 30 - 50 mm ➂ S908829 40 - 60 mm ➂



Analog meas. instruments ➋ ➌ 5 - 15 mm ➀ S908830 S908831 10 - 20 mm ➀ S908832 20 - 30 mm ➁ S908833 30 - 40 mm ➁ S908834 40 - 50 mm ➁ S908836 10 - 20 mm ➂ S908837 20 - 30 mm ➂ S908838 30 - 40 mm ➂ S908839 40 - 50 mm ➂ Analog meas. instruments ➋ ➍ S908840 5 - 25 mm ➀ S908841 10 - 30 mm ➁ S908842 20 - 40 mm ➁ S908843 30 - 50 mm ➁ S908844 40 - 60 mm ➁ S908846 10 - 30 mm ➂ S908847 20 - 40 mm ➂ S908848 30 - 50 mm ➂ S908849 40 - 60 mm ➂

Digital and analog external measuring instruments Resolution 0.01 mm (with mm/inch conversion, and digital-analog and digital readout) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋. ■ Span: 10 mm ➌ or 20 mm ➍. ■ Contact form: cylindrical with radius 0.5 mm ➀ or 0.75 mm ➁, or with a tungsten carbide ball ø 1.5 mm ➂. S908850 ■

Digital meas. instruments ➊ ➌ 0 - 10 mm ➀ S908850 S908851 10 - 20 mm ➀ S908852 20 - 30 mm ➀ S908853 30 - 40 mm ➀ S908854 40 - 50 mm ➀ S908855 0 - 10 mm ➂ S908856 10 - 20 mm ➂ S908857 20 - 30 mm ➂ S908858 30 - 40 mm ➂ S908859 40 - 50 mm ➂ Digital meas. instruments ➊ ➍ S908860 0 - 20 mm ➁ S908861 10 - 30 mm ➁ S908862 20 - 40 mm ➁ S908863 30 - 50 mm ➁ S908864 40 - 60 mm ➁ S908865 0 - 20 mm ➂ S908866 10 - 30 mm ➂ S908867 20 - 40 mm ➂ S908868 30 - 50 mm ➂ S908869 40 - 60 mm ➂


Analog meas. instruments ➋ ➌ 0 - 10 mm ➀ S908870 S908871 10 - 20 mm ➀ S908872 20 - 30 mm ➀ S908873 30 - 40 mm ➀ S908874 40 - 50 mm ➀ S908875 0 - 10 mm ➂ S908876 10 - 20 mm ➂ S908877 20 - 30 mm ➂ S908878 30 - 40 mm ➂ S908879 40 - 50 mm ➂ Analog meas. instruments ➋ ➍ S908880 0 - 20 mm ➁ S908881 10 - 30 mm ➁ S908882 20 - 40 mm ➁ S908883 30 - 50 mm ➁ S908884 40 - 60 mm ➁ S908885 0 - 20 mm ➂ S908886 10 - 30 mm ➂ S908887 20 - 40 mm ➂ S908888 30 - 50 mm ➂ S908889 40 - 60 mm ➂

Krœplin internal and external measuring instruments ■ ■


German quality. Various models available.

Resolution 0.001 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or graduation 0.01 mm ➋. ■ With special measuring jaws for measurements in hard-to-reach places. ➌ ■

Digital internal micrometers ➊ 5 - 30 mm S906874 S906875 25 - 50 mm ➌ S906876 50 - 75 mm ➌ S906877 75 - 100 mm ➌ S906878 100 - 125 mm ➌ S906879 125 - 150 mm ➌ S906880 150 - 175 mm ➌ S906881 175 - 200 mm ➌



Analog internal micrometers ➋ 5 - 30 mm S906509 S906510 25 - 50 mm ➌ S906511 50 - 75 mm ➌ S906512 75 - 100 mm ➌ S906530 100 - 125 mm ➌ S906531 125 - 150 mm ➌ S906532 150 - 175 mm ➌ S906533 175 - 200 mm ➌

Stick micrometers Graduation: 0.01 mm. ■ With insulating grips. ➊ S906080 ■ The sets consist of a case with a micrometer (measuring range 50 - 63 mm ➋, 150 - 175 mm ➌ or 1000 - 1050 mm ➍) and up to ➉ extensions. ■ Incl. setting gauge. ➎ ■ Models with interchangeable inserts for several kinds of internal thread are also available. ■

Stick micrometers 50 - 75 mm 75 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 175 mm 175 - 200 mm ➊ 200 - 225 mm ➊ 225 - 250 mm ➊ 250 - 275 mm ➊ 275 - 300 mm ➊ 300 - 325 mm ➊

S906078 S906079 S906080 S906081 S906082 S906083 S906084 S906085 S906086 S906087 S906088

Stick micrometer sets ➋ ➎ S906911 50 - 63 mm S906912 50 - 100 mm ➁ S906913 50 - 150 mm ➂ S906914 50 - 300 mm ➄ S906915 50 - 500 mm ➅ S906916 50 - 1000 mm ➇ S906917 50 - 1500 mm ➉

(continued) 325 - 350 mm 350 - 375 mm 375 - 400 mm 400 - 425 mm 425 - 450 mm 450 - 475 mm 475 - 500 mm 500 - 525 mm 525 - 550 mm 550 - 575 mm 575 - 600 mm

➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊ ➊

S906089 S906090 S906091 S906092 S906093 S906094 S906095 S906096 S906097 S906098 S906099

Stick micrometer set ➊ ➌ ➎ S906918 150 - 2000 mm ➈ Stick micrometer sets ➊ ➍ S906919 1000 - 1050 mm S906920 1000 - 2000 mm ➄ S906921 1000 - 3000 mm ➅ S906922 1000 - 4000 mm ➆ S906923 1000 - 5000 mm ➇

Wolf thickness gauges


Graduation: 0.1 mm. ■ Throat depth: 15 mm ➊, 50 mm ➋ or 150 mm ➌. (300 and 500 mm also available.) ■ With grip. ➍ ■ Contact form: flat ø 3.5 mm ➀, 10 mm ➁, 16 mm ➂ or 25 mm ➃ for different types of soft materials, cone-shaped with 1.5 mm radius tip ➄ for metals, or spherical with 6 mm radius ➅ for general applications. ■

Thickness gauge ➊ 10 mm ➁ Thickness gauges ➋ 30 mm ➀ 30 mm ➁ 30 mm ➃ 30 mm ➅ Thickness gauges ➋ ➍ 50 mm ➀ 50 mm ➁

S853022 S853031 S853032 S853033 S853037 S853041 S853042

(continued) 50 mm ➂ 50 mm ➃ 50 mm ➄ 50 mm ➅ Thickness gauges ➌ 25 mm ➁ 25 mm ➂ 25 mm ➃ 30 mm ➅

S853044 S853043 S853045 S853047 S853052 S853055 S853053 S853054

Merilne ure S907646

Digital dial indicators

Precision dial indicator

Resolution: 0.01 mm ➊ or 0.001 mm ➋. ■ With mm/inch conversion. ■ Clamping stem: ø 8 mm. ■ Adjustable tolerance limits. ■

Digital dial indicators ➊ 12.5 mm S907634 S907649 25 mm S907652 50 mm

Measuring range: 0.1 mm, travel: 3 mm. Graduation: 0.001 mm. S907939 ■ Clamping stem: ø 8 mm. ■ Fine adjustment and adjustable tolerance markers. ■ ■


Precision dial indicator

Digital dial indicator ➋ 12.5 mm

Shockproof dial indicators

S907646 ■ ■

Graduation: 0.01 mm ➊ or 0.001 mm ➋. ■ Clamping stem: ø 8 mm. ■ Rotatable dial ø 40 mm ➀, ø 55 mm ➁, ø 60 mm ➂ or ø 76 mm ➃. ■ Adjustable tolerance markers. S907933 ■ With locking screw. ➌ ■ Back with lug. ➍ ■ Protection: IP54. ➎ S907928 S907929 S907930 S907931 S907932 S907933 S907921 S907922 S907923 S907924

Dial test indicator 0.8 mm ➊ Dial test indicator 0.2 mm ➋


S907941 S907942

Electronic probe and read-out unit With digital as well as digital-analog indication of the measured value.


Waterproof dial ind. ➊ ➌ ➍ ➎ 3 mm ➁ S908777 S908778 5 mm ➁ 10 mm ➁ S908779 Miniature dial indicators ➌ 3 mm ➊ ➀ S907925 S907926 5 mm ➊ ➀ S907927 8 mm ➊ ➀ S907920 1 mm ➋ ➀ Dial indicators ➊ ➌ S907934 25 mm ➂ S907935 30 mm ➂ S907936 50 mm ➃

Peacock dial indicators

Dial test indicators Graduation: 0.01 mm ➊ or 0.002 mm ➋. With dovetail joint and clamping stems ø 6 mm and ø 8 mm. ■ Rotatable dial ø 40 mm.


Dial indicators ➊ 3 mm ➁ 5 mm ➁ 10 mm ➁ Dial indicators ➊ ➌ 3 mm ➂ 5 mm ➂ 10 mm ➂ Dial indicators ➋ ➌ 1 mm ➂ 2 mm ➂ 3 mm ➂ 5 mm ➂



Graduation: 0.01 mm ➊ or 0.001 mm ➋. ■ Clamping stem: ø 8 mm ➌ or ø 10 mm ➍. ■ Rotatable dial ø 36 mm ➀, ø 38 mm ➁, ø 40 mm ➂, ø 53 mm ➃, ø 66.5 mm ➄, ø 76 mm ➅ or ø 83 mm ➆. S855559 ■ Back with lug. ➎

Measuring range: ± 2 mm. Resolution: 0.1 μm. ■ Adjustable tolerance limits.



Electronic probe Digital read-out unit

S907790 S907791

MF measuring fixture system Universal construction system, made for quickly and easily building custom measuring fixtures.

Dial indicators ➊ ➌ 3 mm ➂ 4 mm ➀ 5 mm ➃ 10 mm ➃ 10 mm ➃ ➎ 20 mm ➄ ➎ 30 mm ➅ ➎

S855536 S855547 S855517 S855507 S855508 S855527 S855537

Various options for dial indicators available

Dial indicator ➊ ➍ 50 mm ➆ ➎ Dial indicators ➋ ➌ 1 mm ➃ 2 mm ➄ ➎ 5 mm ➄ ➎ With back plunger ➊ ➌ 5 mm ➁

S855557 S855509 S855525 S855555

Various inserts with thread M2.5, with a steel, tungsten carbide, ruby or sapphire contact point.

Clamp collar with dovetail and clamping shafts ø 5.6 mm and Depth measuring bases with ø 9.5 mm. clamping shaft S907153 8H7.


Dial test indicators 0.5 mm ➊ ➁ 1 mm ➊ ➁

S855601 S855602

(continued) 0.28 mm ➋ ➁ 0.14 mm ➌ ➀



S855603 S855604

Depth measuring base 63 x 17 mm Depth measuring base 101.5 x 17 mm Clamping bush VKE Clamping screw VKD Clamp collar with dovetail

Käfer dial indicators and dial test indicators ■ ■

Clamping bush and screw.

Steel extensions for inserts with thread M2.5. Length: 10 - 100 mm.

Peacock dial test indicators Graduation: 0.01 mm ➊, 0.002 mm ➋ or 0.001 mm ➌. ■ With dovetail joint and clamping stem ø 6 mm. ■ Rotatable dial ø 30 mm ➀ or ø 35 mm ➁.


S907153 S907165 S780398 S780397 S780208

TESA and Mitutoyo digital and analog dial indicators

German quality. Various models available.

Various models available.


Stojala za merilne ure in V-bloki Dial indicator stands Measuring stands Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm ➊ or ø 20 mm ➋. ■ Measuring height: 135 mm ➌, 150 mm ➍ or 290 mm ➎. ■ Aluminum ceramic grooved measuring table: 80 x 80 mm, flatness: ± 1 μm. ➏ ■ Granite measuring table: 150 x 100 x 40 mm ➐ or 400 x 400 x 70 mm ➑.

With fine adjustment. ➊ Clamping shaft ø 6 mm ➋ or ø 8 mm ➌ for dial indicators and probes. Dovetail joint ➍ for dial test indicators. ■ Measuring arm with mechanical ➎ or hydraulic ➏ central clamping device. ■ On/off switchable magnetic base, flat ➐ or with V-groove ➑, flexform base with locking mechanism and permanent magnetic force ➒, or vacuum base ➓. Magnetic force: 170 N ➀, 400 N ➁, 600 N ➂, 800 N ➃ or 1000 N ➄. ■ Various models and bases (also separately) available. ■ ■



Measuring stand with ceramic table ➊ ➌ ➏ Aluminum ceramic measuring table 80 x 80 mm ➏ Measuring stand with granite table ➊ ➍ ➐ Measuring stand with granite table ➋ ➎ ➑ Reducing bush ø 20 / 8 mm

S334690 S841078 S402165 S996190 S344470


S908950 S908974

Measuring stand with T-groove Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm. Column: ø 14 x 200 mm. ■ Transverse arm with fine adjustment: ø 12 x 270 mm. ■ Ground base with T-groove: 225 x 57 x 40 mm. ■


Measuring stand with T-groove


S908972 S908956


Measuring stand with flexible arm

Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm. ■ Measuring height: 320 mm. ■ Granite meas. table: 150 x 100 x 40 mm. ■

Stand with flexible arm


Stand with flexible arm ➌ ➍ ➑ S908953 ➊➎➂ S908959 ➊➎➃ S908954 ➊➏➂ S908955 ➊➏➃ ➎➁ S908962 S908956 ➊➎➃ Stand with flexible arm ➌ ➍ ➒ ➊➎➁ S908975 Stand with flexible arm ➌ ➍ ➓ ➊➎ S908961



Measuring stand with spindle adjustment S907789



With dovetail joint, mechanical central clamping device and fine adjustment.

With clear graduation on the spindle and a hand wheel for easy adjustment of the height setting. Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm. Measuring height: 160 mm. ■ Granite measuring table: 260 x 150 x 50 mm.

Stand with column ➐ ➋➀ S908974 Stand with column ➑ ➊➌➂ S908950 S908951 ➊➌➃ S908952 ➊➌➄ S908972 ➊➌➃ Stand with column ➒ ➊➌➁ S908973

Magnetic V-blocks

Stand with spindle adjustment



Magnetic force: 686 N ➊ or 1178 N ➋.

Magnetic V-block 70 x 60 x 72 mm ➊ Magnetic V-block 101 x 70 x 95 mm ➋

FISSO dial indicator stands


S906207 S906208

Cast iron X-blocks in pairs

V-grooves: 90°. Ground in pairs. ■ Parallelism: class (8 μm) or ➀ (16 μm). ■

X-blocks in pairs ➀ 120 x 100 x 60 mm 150 x 130 x 75 mm 200 x 170 x 90 mm

Various models available. ■ Bases: magnetic (fixed, switch and with flexible shape), vacuum, granite base.


S403360 S403361 S403362

Cast iron V-blocks in pairs S403390

V-groove: 90°. Ground in pairs. ■ Parallelism: class (8 μm), ➀ (16 μm) or ➂ (60 μm). ■ Granite models are also available.

Kanetec dial indicator stands

Various models available.

X-blocks in pairs 120 x 100 x 60 mm 150 x 130 x 75 mm 200 x 170 x 90 mm

Solid dial indicator stands with on/off switch to (de-)activate the magnetic base. ■

S403370 S403371 S403372

V-blocks in pairs ➂ 100 x 40 x 30 mm 150 x 50 x 40 mm 200 x 70 x 50 mm 250 x 85 x 60 mm 300 x 100 x 70 mm

➀ S403396 S403397 S403398 S403399 S403400

S403390 S403391 S403392 S403395 S403393

S403380 S403381 S403382 S403383 S403384

Kotniki, kotomeri, vodne tehtnice Adjustable V-blocks


Various squares and straight edges available

Adjustable: -15° – 0° – +60°.

Adjustable V-blocks 75 x 25 x 32.5 mm 102 x 30 x 48 mm 102 x 46 x 48 mm

S906600 S906601 S906602

Granite squares Square model, grade 0 200 x 200 x 35 mm 250 x 250 x 40 mm 315 x 315 x 40 mm 400 x 400 x 45 mm 500 x 500 x 60 mm S402146 Triangular model, DIN 875/0 100 x 63 x 16 mm 160 x 100 x 25 mm 250 x 160 x 35 mm 400 x 250 x 50 mm S402123 630 x 400 x 70 mm 1000 x 630 x 100 mm

Grade 00 S402145 S402146 S402147 S402148 S402149

S402150 S402151 S402152 S402153 S402154

DIN 875/00 S402120 S402121 S402122 S402123 S402124 S402125

S402126 S402127 S402128 S402129 S402130 S402131

Granite surface plates and surface plate stands Standard working height of the stands: 900 mm. ■ Cast iron surface plates are also available, in many sizes, with accuracy conforming to Granite surface plate stands S131020 DIN 876/0, 1 and 3. 630 x 630 x 80 mm ■

800 x 500 x 100 mm 900 x 600 x 100 mm 1000 x 630 x 100 mm 1000 x 630 x 150 mm 1000 x 1000 x 100 mm 1000 x 1000 x 150 mm 1200 x 800 x 120 mm 1200 x 800 x 150 mm 1500 x 1000 x 150 mm 1500 x 1000 x 200 mm 2000 x 1000 x 200 mm 2000 x 1000 x 250 mm

S131019 S131013 S131018 S131035 S131017 S131036 S131016 S131037 S131015 S131038 S131014 S131039

Graduation main vial: 0.01 - 0.5 mm/m. ■ Main vial adjustable. ➊ ■ With cross test vial. ■ Base with V-groove. ■


Inspection spirit levels with base 160 x 42 mm 200 x 42 mm S853601 S853602 0.3 mm/m S853606 S853607 0.1 mm/m S853611 S853612 0.04 mm/m S853616 S853617 0.02 mm/m S853621 0.01 mm/m With base 250 x 42 mm 300 x 42 mm 500 x 44 mm S853603 S853604 S853605 0.3 mm/m S853608 S853609 S853610 0.1 mm/m S853613 S853614 S853615 0.04 mm/m S853618 S853619 S853620 0.02 mm/m S853622 S853623 S853624 0.01 mm/m With base 150 x 40 mm ➊ 200 x 40 mm ➊ 300 x 40 mm ➊ 0.5 mm/m S853343 S853345 S853347 S853341 S853344 S853346 0.1 mm/m S853315 S853323 S853324 0.05 mm/m S853348 S853322 S853325 0.02 mm/m

Various spirit levels available

Universal digital bevel protractor


Granite surface plates DIN 876/1 DIN 876/0 DIN 876/00 S402000 S402020 S402040 250 x 250 x 50 mm S402001 S402021 S402041 400 x 250 x 50 mm S402002 S402022 S402042 400 x 400 x 70 mm S402003 S402023 S402043 630 x 400 x 70 mm S402004 S402024 S402044 630 x 630 x 80 mm S402005 S402025 S402045 800 x 500 x 100 mm S402006 S402026 S402046 900 x 600 x 100 mm S402007 S402027 S402047 1000 x 630 x 100 mm S402008 S402028 S402048 1000 x 630 x 150 mm S402009 S402029 S402049 1000 x 1000 x 100 mm S402010 S402030 S402050 1000 x 1000 x 150 mm S402011 S402031 S402051 1200 x 800 x 120 mm S402012 S402032 S402052 1200 x 800 x 150 mm S402013 S402033 S402053 1500 x 1000 x 150 mm S402014 S402034 S402054 1500 x 1000 x 200 mm S402015 S402035 S402055 2000 x 1000 x 200 mm S402016 S402036 S402056 2000 x 1000 x 250 mm S402017 S402037 S402057 2000 x 1500 x 300 mm

Surface plate accessories

Inspection spirit levels

Resolution: 0.008° and 30". Measuring range: -360° to +360°. ■ Incl. blades 150, 200, 300 mm. ■ Displays both decimal degrees and degreesminutes-seconds at the same time. ■ ■

Digital bevel protractor

Bevel protractor with magnifier Vernier: 5', parallax-free. ■ Measuring range: 4 x 90°. ■ Incl. blade 300 mm. ■

Bevel protractor with magnifier

Digital protractors/spirit levels


S906502 S908926

With magnetic base. ➊ ■ All four sides are measuring S906476 faces. ➋ ■

Digital protractor/spirit level ➊ Digital protractor/spirit level ➋




S906476 S908926

Compact digital angle sensor S407301

Cleaner 0.4 kg Support set Support

Resolution: 0.01° or 1'. Measuring range: -360° to +360°. ■ Digimatic data output. ■

S407301 S997343 S403255

Digital angle sensor


S855804 9

Merilci hrapavosti, kontrolni trni, kladice Sets of feeler gauges Roughness specimens


Various roughness specimens for different machining methods available.

Set of 30 roughness specimens (English) Set of 30 roughness specimens (German)

Measuring range: 0.05 - 0.10 - 0.15 - 0.20 - 0.25 - 0.30 - 0.40 - 0.50 mm (8 blades) ➀, 0.05 - 0.10 - 0.15 - 0.20 - 0.25 - 0.30 - 0.40 o 1.00 mm (13 blades) ➁, or 0.05 - 0.10 o 1.00 mm (20 blades) ➂. ■ Different blade lengths. ■ Material: steel ➊, stainless steel ➋ or brass ➌. ■

Composite set: flat lapping, reaming, grinding, end milling, horizontal milling, turning. Ra values, standardized N values and Rz values are specified.

S850130 S850132

TESA Rugosurf and Mitutoyo Surftest surface roughness testers


Feeler gauges, 8 blades ➀ 13 blades ➁ 20 blades ➂ S856143 S856144 100 mm ➋ S856145 S856146 S856499 S856147 100 mm ➌ S856466 S856496 S856467 200 mm ➊ S856468 S856497 S856469 300 mm ➊ S856515 S856498 S856532 400 mm ➊ S856420 S856421 S856514 500 mm ➊

Martin+Tschopp pin gauges Hardened steel ➊ or ceramic pin gauges. ■ Various accuracy classes. ■ Diameter range: 0.06 - 20.00 mm. ■

Gauge block sets

Pin gauge set 1 - 10 mm (inc. 0.1 mm; 91 pieces) ➊

Steel ➊, tungsten carbide ➋ or ceramic ➌ gauge blocks. ■ Conforming to ISO 3650 in classes , ➀ or ➁. ■ Gauge blocks also separately S906648 available. ■

Gauge block sets ➊ ➋ M32 ➁ S906622 M32 ➀ S906621 M32 S906620 M47 ➁ S906625 S906624 M47 ➀ S906623 M47 S906613 M87 ➁ S906612 M87 ➀ S906611 M87 S906628 M88 ➁ S906627 M88 ➀ S906626 M88 S906631 M112 ➁ S906630 M112 ➀ S906629 M112 907.202

S906634 S906633 S906632 S906637 S906636 S906635 S906662 S906661 S906660 S906640 S906639 S906638 S906643 S906642 S906641

LMW thread gauges Thread plug gauges (Go + NoGo) and thread ring gauges (Go or NoGo). ■ Various kinds of thread gauges available on request. ■

Gauge block sets ➌ S906646 M32 ➀ S906645 M32 S906649 M47 ➀ M47 S906648 S906652 M87 ➀ S906651 M87 S906655 M103 ➀ S906654 M103 S906658 M112 ➀ S906657 M112

Gauge block accessories

S907200 S907201 S907202

Long steel gauge blocks

Steel gauge blocks ISO 3650/2 ISO 3650/1 ISO 3650/0 Set ➊ S907743 S907742 S907741 Set ➋ S907746 S907745 S907744 Toggle clamp for long gauge blocks 10

S832628 S832629 S832791 S832792 S832933 S832934 S823101 S823102

LMW setting rings Conforming to DIN 2250 form C. ■ The size is indicated on the ring to three decimal places. ■ Available from 1 to 315 mm. ■ Various intermediate and larger sizes are available on request. Setting ring 50 mm

Thread table


S832458 S835162

Table with all standard international thread indications: metric, Ww, Gas, BSF, Pg, BA, UNC, UNF and UNEF.

300 mm

Set consisting of: 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 400 and 500 mm ➊, S619031 or 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 mm ➋. ■ Separate gauge blocks are also available. ■

For metric screw thread (ISO 1502) Thread plug M4-6H Thread ring Go M4-6g For non-sealing fixing pipe thread (DIN ISO 228) Thread plug G 1/8" Thread ring Go G 1/8" For sealing pipe thread (DIN 2999) Thread plug Rp 1/2" Thread ring R 1/2" For American screw thread UNC and UNF (ANSI B 1.1) Thread plug 1/4 - 20 UNC Thread ring Go 1/4 - 20 UNC

For combining several gauge blocks for outside or inside dimensions. This also enables the creation of setting gauges and marking tools. Gauge block accessories set M8 Gauge block accessories set M10 Gauge block accessories set M12


Tolerance table Table with all tolerances and fits conforming to ISO R286-1962, up to 500 mm. Conversion table mm/inch

S835163 S835164

For converting mm to inch and inch to mm. Thread table Tolerance table Conversion table mm/inch

S835162 S835163 S835164

Povecevalne ˇ lupe, mikroskopi Peak stand magnifiers and light magnifiers


S905197 ■


Stand magnifiers 5x 10x 15x 22x

S905110 S905112 S905114 S905116

S905118 S905119

Peak scale magnifiers ■

Measuring range standard scale: 14 mm ➊, 20 mm ➋ or 30 mm ➌. ■ Graduation standard scale: 0.1 mm. ■ The sets contain one scale magnifier and the five most frequently used scales. ■ Various scales available on request.


Telecentric magnifier S905136 7x

Peak folding magnifiers ■


Graduation: 0.1 mm.

Zoom magnifiers S905197 8 - 16x S905198 10 - 20x

Light magnifiers 10x 15x

Peak zoom and telecentric magnifiers

Graduation: 1 mm. With ➀ or ➁ lenses.


Al, clear ➀ 9x, 10 x 10 mm 7x, 15 x 15 mm 6x, 25 x 25 mm Al, black ➀ 9x, 10 x 10 mm 7x, 15 x 15 mm 6x, 25 x 25 mm

S905230 S905375 S905376 S905377 S905378 S905379

Al, black ➁ 4x, 30 x 30 mm 3x, 50 x 50 mm Zn, black ➁ 9x, 10 x 10 mm 8x, 15 x 15 mm 6x, 25 x 25 mm

S905383 S905384 S905380 S905381 S905382


Scale magnifiers 7x ➋ 10x ➌ 15x ➊ Scale magnifier sets 7x ➋ 10x ➌


S905140 S905180 S905270 S905155 S905195

With illumination 7x ➋ 10x ➌ 15x ➊

S905138 S905178 S905278

Peak pen microscopes Pen microscopes 25x 50x 75x 100x


With a fixed scale 25x 50x S905318

Peak head magnifiers S905214

Peak magnifying glasses ■

Head magnifier 2.2x / 3.3x Head magnifier 2.2x / 3.3x / 4.1x / 5.2x

Magnification small lens: 5x. ➊

Magnifying glass 2.5x ➊ Flexible stand magnifier 2.2x

S905214 S905428


S905318 S905317

Peak stand microscopes

Graduation: 0.05 mm ➊, 0.02 mm ➋, 0.01 mm ➌ or 0.005 mm ➍. ■ Various magnifications, measuring ranges, and scales available. ■ EIM (with erect image) and CIL (with coaxial lightsource) models are also available. S905252 ■

Peak standard and special glass rulers Graduation: 0.1 mm. ■ Accuracy: ± 0.02 mm. ■ Incl. 1 hand magnifier 15x ➊ or 2 magnifiers 10x ➋. ■


Standard glass rulers ➊ 50 mm 100 mm 200 mm 300 mm

S905120 S905122 S905124 S905126

Special glass rulers ➋ 300 mm 500 mm 700 mm 1000 mm

S905422 S905423 S905424 S905425 S774080 + ➎

Video measuring microscopes USB Magnification: 10 - 200x, stepless. ■ Resolution: 640 x 480 px ➊ or 1.3 Mpx ➋. ■ With calibration function. ➌ ■ Illumination: 8 LED white ring light. ■ Measuring of distances, radii and angles. ■ With software (English) for Windows 2000/XP/Vista. ■ Aluminum S774080 casing. ➍

S905249 S905250 S905251 S905258

(continued) 20x, L = 6.0 mm 40x, L = 3.4 mm 60x, L = 1.6 mm 100x, L = 1.2 mm

➊ ➋ ➋ ➌

S905252 S905253 S905254 S905255

Video microscopes Optical magnification: 5x ➊, 12x ➋, 24x ➌, or 7 - 27x with optical zoom ➍. Digital zoom: up to 4x. ■ Camera resolution: 640 x 480 px. ■ LCD display: 1.8", with scale. ■ Illumination: 3 LEDs. ■ With memory card and USB output. ➎

Microscope 313T ➊ Microscope 413T 1.3 Mpx ➋ ➌ Microscope 413M 1.3 Mpx ➋ ➌ ➍ Stand with holder Reducing coupling ø 10 / 8 mm * ➎ Measuring microscope holder * ➎

Stand microscopes 25x, L = 3.0 mm ➊ 50x, L = 1.6 mm ➋ 75x, L = 1.0 mm ➌ 100x, L = 0.8 mm ➍

S774080 + S774082

S909404 + S909401



S774080 S774081 S774085 S774082 S996390 S774086

* For mounting on a dial indicator stand (only possible in combination with each other)

Microscope 7 - 108x ➍ ➎ Microscope 5 - 20x ➊ Microscope 12 - 48x ➋ Microscope 24 - 90x ➌ Stand with holder

S909400 S909401 S909402 S909403 S909404 11

Stereo mikroskopi SSM stereo microscopes All models are supplied with eyepieces 10x. Diopter adjustment: ± 5 dp. ■ Auxiliary lenses 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.5x and 2x optionally available. ➊ ■ Stand with column ➋ or fixed stand ➌. ■ ■

Models with illumination: switchable incident light or backlight ➍, or incident light and backlight can also be switched on at the same time. ➎ ■ Luminous intensity adjustable. ➏ ■

Stereo zoom microscopes SSM-3/5/10/20

Stereo microscopes with stepless zoom SSM-E

Supplied with double objective 2x/4x ➀, 1x/2x ➁ or 1x/3x ➂. ■ Eyepieces 5x, 15x and 20x optionally available. ■

Magnification from 10x to 40x smoothly adjustable with standard eyepieces 10x. (Eyepieces 20x optionally available.) ■ Camera connection. ➃ ■




S909093 S909007


Stereo microscopes 20x/40x ➀ 10x/20x ➁ 10x/30x ➂ SSM-3A ➋ S909002 S909042 S909032 S909003 S909043 S909033 SSM-3C ➋➍ S909034 S909044 S909004 SSM-5AW ➌ S909005 S909045 S909035 SSM-5CW ➌➍ S909006 S909046 S909036 SSM-10 ➊ ➋ SSM-20C2 ➊ ➋ ➍ ➏ S909007 S909047 S909037 SSM-20W ➊ ➌ ➎ S909008 S909048 S909038 Stereo microscopes 10-40x ➊ SSM-EW ➌ ➎ S909009 SSM-EC2 ➋ ➍ ➏ S909010

Stereo microscopes 10-40x ➊ ➃ SSM-3E ➋ ➎ S909011 S908998 SSM-3EC2 ➋ ➍ ➏

Separate parts SSM-E microscope head ➊ SSM-E microscope head ➊ ➃ Large stand ➋ S960255

S909092 S909093 S908997

Pairs of eyepieces for SSM-3/5/10/20 S909050 5x S909051 10x S909052 15x S909053 20x Pairs of eyepieces for SSM-E S909055 10x S909057 20x

USB microscope cameras For use in the ocular (ø 30 mm) of an SSM microscope ➊, or in the adapter bushing (ø 23 mm) of the SSM-3E (S909011) ➋ ■ Resolution: 640 x 480 px ➌ or 1.3 Mpx ➍ S909040 ■ Measuring of distances, radii and angles. ➎ ■ With software (English) for Windows 2000/XP ➏ or 2000/XP/Vista ➐. ➎ USB microscope cameras ➊➋➌ ➏ 1.3 Mpx ➊ ➍ ➎ ➐ 1.3 Mpx ➋ ➍ ➎ ➐

Suitable for the stereo microscopes with round column from the SSM-10/20/E series, for height measurements.

Accuracy: ± 0.002 mm.

Diameter: 94 mm. Stage: ø 27 mm. Range X, Y: 25 mm. Intake microscope: ø 94 mm. ■ Intake micrometer head: ø 12 mm. ■ Turnable object plate with degree indication. ■ Excl. micrometer heads. ■ ■

Dial indicator holder Darkfield condenser Field of view qualifier XY measuring table 12

The ring lights are only suitable for the SSM-10/20/E stereo microscopes. ➊


Suitable for all SSM-3/5/10/20/E stereo microscopes.

XY measuring table S908999

Fluorescent illumination

S909040 S774083 S774084

LED illumination and halogen optical fiber illumination


Suitable for all SSM stereo microscopes with backlight. ■


Field of view qualifier

Darkfield condenser

* Fixed stand: lens 0.5x not suitable; with lenses 1.5x and 2x focusing on the stage plate is not possible and the product needs to be positioned higher.

Dial indicator holder


Auxiliary lenses for SSM-10/20/E * S909018 0.5x S909019 0.75x S909020 1.5x S909021 2x

S960255 S909022 S635222 S908999

Fluorescent illumination Circular fluorescent tube 10W LED illumination (intensity adjustable) Ring light 60 LEDs ➊ Ring light 80 LEDs ➊ Halogen optical fiber illumination Light source (intensity adjustable) Single flexible arm Dual flexible arm Optical fiber ring light ➊


S909024 S909085 S909086 S909027 S909030 S909028 S909029

Endoskopi, 3D tipala, refraktometer Endoscopes Light magnifiers with circular fluorescent lamp

For inspecting difficult to reach places by means of a flexible cable. Equipped with built-in illumination. Cable length: 40 cm ➊ or 100 cm ➋. (Models with 80 cm ➊ or 200 cm ➋ cable are available on request.) ■ Field of view: 40° ➌ or 67° ➍. ■ Illumination: Xenon halogen ➎ or LED ➏. ■ Viewing distance: 2 - 10 cm ➐ or 1.5 - 10 cm ➑. ■ Mirrors 35° and 60° are also available. ■ Delivery in an aluminum case.


Endoscopes GSI ■ ■

USB endoscope GSIV

Resolution: 7400 px. Soft flexible cable ø 4 mm ➀, or rigid bendable cable ø 8 mm ➁.

Camera resolution: 1.3 Mpx. Rigid bendable cable ø 9 mm. ■ With software (English) for Windows 2000/XP. ■ ■

Magnification: 3x. ■ Lens: ø 120 mm. ■

Light magnifier with table clamp Light magnifier with base

S909650 S909651

Centering device Scale read-out per rotation: 0 - 3 mm. ■ Maximum range of use: 300 mm. ■ 3 straight and 3 bended probes included. ■

Centering device 0.01 mm S908804

Portable monitoring endoscope GSIM Resolution: 640 x 480 px (JPEG pictures), 320 x 240 px (ASF video). ■ Resolution 3.5" TFT LCD display: 320 x 240 px. ■ Soft flexible cable ø 5.5 mm. ■ Memory card: SD 512 MB. ■ Control panel: English, for taking and saving pictures (JPEG) and video (ASF).




Z-axis setting gauge

Repeatability: 0.01 mm. ■ Height: 50 mm (nominal value). ■ Galvanic contact principle with LED indication.

Z-axis setting gauge with magnetic base

3D probe for centering

S908804 S907450

Detection range: radial: ± 1 mm, axial: ± 0.3 mm. Radial graduation: for detection range ± 0.1 mm: 0.01 mm, for detection range 0.1 - 1.0 mm: 0.05 mm. ■ Axial graduation: for detection range ± 0.1 mm: 0.01 mm, for detection range 0.1 - 0.3 mm: 0.05 mm. ■ Accuracy: 0.01 mm. ■ Clamping stem: ø 20 mm. ■ ■


S909270 S909273

Endoscopes GSI-4 ➊ ➌ ➎ ➀ GSI-8 ➊ ➌ ➎ ➁ GSIV ➊ ➍ ➏ ➐ GSIM ➋ ➍ ➏ ➑ Magnets For GSI-8 For GSIV

S909270 S909271 S909272 S909273

Mirrors 45° For GSI-4 For GSI-8 For GSIV For GSIM

3D probe for centering S909274 S909280 S909282 S909284

Diebold 3D probe for centering and measuring Measuring range: max. 3 mm. ■ Graduation/repeatability: 0.01 mm. ■ Probe length: 12 mm ➊ or 22 mm ➋. ■ Clamping stem: ø 20 mm (also available with stem 853.800 ø 12 mm and ø 16 mm). ■

S909281 S909283

3D probe IP64 ➊ ➋

Sets of steel parallel blocks Parallel blocks, ground in pairs on the two measuring faces. Parallelism: ± 0.005 mm. Size deviation: ± 0.01 mm. ■ Length: 150 mm. ■ Width: 8 mm ➀, 10 mm ➁, 12 mm ➂ or 14 mm ➃. S906996 ■ Height in mm: ➁ 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 22 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 30 - 32 - 35 - 40 ➊, ➁ 45 - 50 ➋, or ➀ 11 - 16 - 21 - 26 - 31 - 36, ➁ 13 - 18 - 23 - 28 - 33 - 38, ➂ 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 and ➃ 17 - 22 - 27 - 32 - 37 - 42 ➌. Set of 12 pairs ➊ Set of 14 pairs ➊+➋ Set of 24 pairs ➌

S906995 S906996 S906997


0 - 10% Brix ➊ 0 - 32% Brix ➋

Options Probe ➊ Probe ➋

S853819 S853820

Resolution/repeatability: 0.005 mm ➊ or 0.002 mm ➋. Clamping stem: ø 6 mm ➌, ø 8 mm ➍ or ø 10 mm ➎. ■ Material: steel ➏, steel + TiN ➐ or steel + CrN ➑. ■ ■

Edge finders ➊ ➏ ø 10 mm ➍ ø 10 mm ➎ ø 4 and ø 10 mm ➍ ø 4 and ø 10 mm ➎ ø 6 mm ➌ S907456


S856560 S856561 S856562 S856563 S856564

Edge finders ➋ ➎ ø 10 mm ➐ ø 4 and ø 10 mm ➐ ø 10 mm ➑ ø 4 and ø 10 mm ➑

Edge finders

S857000 S857002 S857006 S857007


With steel ball probe ø 10 mm. ■ Clamping stem: ø 20 mm ➊ or ø 32 mm ➋. ■ Galvanic contact principle with LED indication. ■ With sound signal. ➌ Edge finders ■

Refractometers for regularly checking the correct mixing ratio of coolants. S909079

S853800 S853801

Edge finders

■ ■


Graduation: 0.1% ➊ or 0.2% ➋. ■ Accuracy: ± 0.2%. S909090 S909079

176 mm 176 mm 98 mm 98 mm

➊ ➋ ➊ ➋

S907454 S907455 S907456 S907457

Edge finders ➌ 164 mm ➊ 164 mm ➋ 98 mm ➊

S907458 S907459 S907460 13

Metri, šablone višinska merila Graduated rulers and marking gauges

Digital horizontal and vertical scale units S906417


Vertical scale units 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm 450 mm 500 mm 600 mm 800 mm 1000 mm

Available in steel, chrome finished steel, stainless steel and aluminum. ■ Various models and graduations are possible, for example in right to left. ■

Resolution: 0.01 mm. mm/inch conversion.

S906415 S906416 S906417 S906418 S906419 S906420 S906421 S906423 S906424

Horizontal scale units 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm 450 mm 500 mm 600 mm 800 mm 1000 mm

S906400 S906401 S906402 S906403 S906404 S906405 S906406 S906408 S906409

Various options for height and scribing gauges available For auxiliary protractor S855803 see the page “Calipers”.

Schwenk circumference tapes ■ ■

Vernier: 0.1 mm ➊ or 0.05 mm ➋. Steel ➌ or stainless steel ➍.

For diameters ➋ ➍ ø 15 - 115 mm ø 100 - 230 mm ø 200 - 330 mm



S852820 S852821 S852822

For diameters and circumferences ➊ ➌ ø 20 - 300 mm, 60 - 950 mm ø 300 - 700 mm, 940 - 2200 mm ø 700 - 1100 mm, 2190 - 3460 mm ø 1100 - 1500 mm, 3450 - 4720 mm ø 1500 - 1900 mm, 4710 - 5980 mm ø 1900 - 2300 mm, 5960 - 7230 mm ø 2300 - 2700 mm, 7220 - 8500 mm ø 2700 - 3100 mm, 8480 - 9760 mm ø 3100 - 3500 mm, 9730 - 11010 mm

S852823 S852824 S852825 S852826 S852827 S852828 S852829 S852830 S852831

Digital and analog measuring tapes ■

S852832 S852833 S852834 S852835 S852836 S852837 S852838 S852839 S852840 S907792

Resolution/graduation: 1 mm. Various models available.

Digital measuring tape 5m


Resolution 0.01 mm (with mm/inch conversion) ➊ or vernier 0.02 mm ➋. ■ Fine adjustment. ➌ ■ Insert shaft: 9 x 9 mm. ■



Height and scribing gauges


Analog meas. tapes, rubberized S775520 2m S775523 3m S775526 5m S775531 10 m


Digital height gauges ➊ ➌ 200 mm S906267 S906268 300 mm S909244 500 mm S909245 600 mm S909246 1000 mm Digital, double columns ➊ S906263 300 mm S906264 450 mm S906265 600 mm

Analog height gauges ➋ ➌ S906325 200 mm S906326 300 mm S906327 500 mm S906328 1000 mm

TESA and Mitutoyo height gauges ■

Various models available.

Leica DISTO laser distance meters ■

Swiss technology. Smartbox

Remote Instrument Display Easy to use 2-channel display unit for easy read-out of your digital measuring instruments with Go/NoGo indication.

Simple 1-channel interface for connecting instruments to your PC.

Input for two measuring instruments. Input signal: RS232C and Digimatic. ■ RS232C data output. ■ User defined tolerance limits. ■ Well readable tolerance bars. ■ Footswitch optionally available.


Input signal: RS232C and Mitutoyo Digimatic. Plug&play connection; no drivers. ■ Connect to PS/2 port, or with optional adapter S495209 to USB port. ■ Footswitch optionally available. S495209


Remote Instrument Display 14


Smartbox PS/2-USB adapter

S348040 S495209

Merilci trdote, temperature, sile Infrared thermometers



Extremely suitable for fast non-contact temperature measurements. Equipped with laser for easy aiming. ■ ■

To measure Shore hardness A ➊ or D ➋.


Resolution: 0.1°C ➊ or 1°C ➋. Optics ratio (distance : spot size): 6 : 1 ➌ or 10 : 1 ➍.

Resolution 0.1 Shore ➌ or graduation 1 Shore ➍. ■ Material thickness: t 6 mm. ■

Thermometer -55 to 250°C ➊ ➌ Thermometer -18 to 425°C ➋ ➍

S908800 S908772

Digital hardness testers ➌ 0 - 100 Shore ➊ S909066 S909068 0 - 100 Shore ➋



Dynamometers Measures push and pull. Digital dynamometers 5N 10 N 50 N 200 N 500 N

Measuring ranges: 200 - 900 HLD, 30 - 650 HB, 20 - 68 HRC, 80 - 940 HV, 20 - 100 HRB, 32.5 - 99.5 HSD. ➊ ■ Measuring range: 20 - 70 HRC. ➋

Digital coating thickness gauges

Digital hardness tester ➊ Digital hardness tester ➋

Measuring range laser: 2.5 - 99999 rpm. Measuring range contact: 0.5 - 19999 rpm, 0.05 - 1999.9 m/min. ■ Accuracy: ± (0.05% + 1 digit).


Digital laser tachometer Measuring range: 1.0000 - 99999 rpm. ■ Range: 5 - 300 cm. ■ Accuracy: ± 0.05%. ■

With external sensor Ferro Non-ferro Non-ferro / ferro

S909061 S909071 S909072

Measuring range: 1 - 225 mm. ■ Resolution: 0.01 mm (< 100 mm), 0.1 mm (t 100 mm). ■ Accuracy up to 100 mm: ± (0.5%H + 0.01 mm). S906802

Portable hardness testers For measuring the hardness of various forms like extrusion profiles, tubes and flat materials. ■ Measuring range: 0 - 20 Webster. Values can be converted by means of a graph (Rockwell B or E Scale). ■ Material thickness: 0.6 - 7 mm. ■

For aluminum For brass, hard aluminum, soft steel For copper

S909146 S909148 S909152 S906810

Strain gauges

Digital thickness gauge


Digital laser/contact tachometer Digital contact tachometer Digital laser tachometer Digital laser tachometer

Digital thickness gauge Measures the thickness of several materials using the ultrasonic measuring principle.


S906804 S774075

S909060 S909069 S909070 S909062


Digital tachometers laser/contact, contact, laser


With integrated sensor Ferro Non-ferro Non-ferro / ferro Non-ferro / ferro ➊

Portable digital hardness testers

Measurements of coating thickness of paint, coating, foil etc. (non-magnetic layers) on a magnetic S909061 (ferro) and/or non-magnetic (non-ferro) substrate. Measuring range: 0 - 1250 μm. Resolution: 0.1 μm (< 100 μm), 1 μm (t 100 μm). ■ Accuracy: ± 3%H or 3 μm. ■ RS232C data output. ■ Delivery incl. reference standards set. ■ One-button model, specifically designed for the automobile industry. ➊


Analog hardness testers ➍ 20 - 90 Shore ➊ S907882 S907889 20 - 90 Shore ➋

To measure the hardness of surfaces in the most common hardness scales.

Analog dynamometers S909175 10 N S909178 50 N S909180 200 N S909182 500 N

S909168 S909169 S909171 S909173 S909174

Portable Shore A or D hardness testers

Small model 0.3 - 3 cN 0.5 - 5 cN 1.5 - 15 cN 3 - 30 cN 5 - 50 cN 10 - 100 cN 15 - 150 cN 25 - 250 cN Large model 0.25 - 2.5 cN 1 - 5 cN 1 - 10 cN 2 - 20 cN 3 - 30 cN 4 - 40 cN 5 - 50 cN 10 - 100 cN


S856016 S856017 S856018

S857700 S857701 S857702 S857703 S857704 S857705 S857706 S857707 S857721 S857722 S857723 S857724 S857725 S857726 S857727 S857728




Digital sound level meter ■

Accuracy: ± 1.5 dB.

Digital sound level meter 30 - 130 dB

S909131 15

natancni ˇ merilni instrumenti

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