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A NETWORK TO RETELL THE PAST COMMUNAL SPIRIT. Undergraduated Thesis 03/2018-06/2018, 12 Weeks Instructor: YuHang Kong/Xinnan Zhang/Shanchao Xin Group Work/Academic Instructor Email: arch_zhangxinnan@tju.edu.cn Site: Huangjueping, Chongqing, China

Huangjueping was a typical Chinese community in history. This place suffered from fierce history and what left today are the ruins of that period’s military factories and dormitories. While after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the whole shore area along the Yangtze River was changed to Jiulong electrical power plant and a ferry pier and the east part was dominated by a rail system, which all ended their lives in the 21st century. The special aesthetic of these abandoned military and industrial buildings became the inspiration of artists after Sichuan Fine Arts Institute moved to this place.
As the Jiulong electrical power plant is about to be deconstructed, Huangjueping starts to losing its symbol and spirit. Started from Wresearch, we decided to choose the history timeline as our entry point, try to reconstruct the communal spirit of this area to activate the whole site.

Combining the negative space on the site and extracting the existing historical elements, the memory reconstruction of ten ( red ) points is carried out, and there are ten newly defined places, which provides new energy for the nearby neighbours, give them a chance to experience new activities with the old memory. I tried to reconstruct the link between modern daily life and passed local history.

Design of The Bathhouse and Market
History comes and goes, events, memories, rituals and myths have been continuing to go through the life towards the future. Numerous such pauses and continuations constitute a living moment.

The market and the bath, two places where activities closely connected with daily life, provide a stage for real life and future expectations.