Architecture, a concrete entity built on the integration of human and environmental rhythms, is of great physical importance because of its touchable, functional and economic values. In spite of its tangibility, architecture is more about the virtual, imaginary context it presents to us such as the purported idea, spatial experience and redolent symbolism. Therefore, the understanding of architectures’ co-existing physical value and intangible context has been well beyond the traditional way of learning and common recognition.
My rich experience in arts since I was a small kid has enabled me to use drawing to present my perception and understanding of space and events happening in it. My university experience in School of the Art Institute of Chicago inspired me to express myself and explore the uncharted. Thanks to its diverse, interdisciplinary pedagogy and creative collisions between views, I could immerse myself in rich knowledge, though seemingly unrelated to architecture, in which I obtained deep understanding of architecture.
The dialectic of physical and non-physical properties of architecture has completed my view on objects. Substance dualism, which is naturally inherited in architectural theory and design practice, is at the core of human and environment relations. My research in physical objects under non-physical context mainly concerned physical substance’s construction and transformation. When deconstructed, then merged, connected and intersected with other objects, the elements of objects could be extended and develop into different results. Then I came to realize that under different context, through diverse media, object’s extra spatial dimensions could be observed and created.