Book Best Doctor in Pune | ZiffyTech

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The Health Hazards Of Rising Smog After Diwali: Celebrate Green Diwali The festive season, which is the most beautiful and delightful time of the year, is just around the corner. It is a time when all the streets, houses and shops are beautifully decorated with lights celebrating the victory of good over evil. The delightful season is a month-long celebration of good omen, prosperity, and celebrations. Unfortunately, it is also the time of year when smog and pollution levels are at the highest levels as a nightmare for seniors and children. The combination of emissions from vehicles, dipping temperatures, exhaust fumes, factory emissions, and burning of agricultural waste leads to excessive smog. This makes it extremely important to resort to safeguards against indoor and outdoor pollution. During Diwali, air pollution rises to dangerous levels and energy and food wastage also increases. Also, the noise and ruckus by firecrackers bother infants, elderly and pets. How does smog affect your health? ZiffyTech provides the perfect platform to build a healthy and harmonious doctor-patient relationship. The most interesting part of Ziffytech is that the resulting output of test result data is converted into HL-7 format. With this technology we aim to create a digital world that disrupts the concept of doctors and patients being two separate entities, rather blending into a harmonious and symbiotic unit. Ziffytech provides the best help for searches like Best Doctor in Pune, Child Doctor near me. This is not all; anyone can easily book slots for Blood Test at Home and also get Medicine Home Delivery. Visit Us: ZiffyTech


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