SCIT Reflections October 2012

Page 1

SCIT Reverberating Your Thoughts


Cyber NATSEM Security 2012 Awareness Month

Be Aware, Be Secure‌ HGHG

Editor’s Corner Faculty Corner

1 Candid Interview Neelam Shaligram


Cover Story 3 5

Team Matrix Cyber Security Awareness Month NATSEM2012 National Seminar 2012

Events & Happenings 7

SnC Camaraderie Cup


SSR Tree Plantation Drive


Festivities Navratri & Durga Pooja Celebrations

Students’ Space 13 17

Contributions Articles, Poetries & Laurels Brainteasers Quiz

Editor’s Note This month’s issue is special because of the perfect collaboration between the junior and the senior teams of Reflection. This time it was examination time for the seniors, yet, they completed their part of work and coordinated with the juniors in bringing out this month’s issue. I think it represents SCIT culture of committed collaboration when it comes to delivering on time. It is this nourishing culture which makes SCIT a place where events never cease to happen. As much the month of October, this year, is known for Navaratri and Durgapooja, it is also known as “Cyber Security Awareness Month” at SCIT. The readers will surely enjoy the unique feast of reading about the various events arranged during this awareness month. The glimpses of the cultural program will bring back the memories of the celebrations that happened in this month on campus. The cover story also talks about the knowledge enriching sessions during the National Seminar “State of IT 2012”. The other attractions are Uniting SIC through the Camaraderie Cup (Sports Cup), Tree plantation drive through Student Social Responsibility group among the regular sections. Do enjoy reading them. And do not forget to let us know your views, comments and feedback about the articles and the overall magazine concept and contents. Wish you all a very Happy Diwali on behalf of the Reflection Team. Sadhana Ghalsasi Chief Editor, Reflections

Faculty Corner Corner

Reflections Oct 2012 j././.nkkknkmk


CANDID INTERVIEW With the Academic Coordinator, SCIT SAKET KRISHNA MBA 2012-14

Pratik Beedkar and Neeraj Kumar Rai interviewed Mrs Neelam Shaligram

Neeraj: Please tell us something about yourself and your family.

I am a permanent resident of Pune, Maharashtra. I have carried out my Master of Commerce (M.Com.) from Pune University. After completing my academic qualifications, I worked with Micro Line India Pvt. Ltd. (software firm) in Human Resource department for 4 years. Thereafter, I joined Symbiosis Center for Information Technology (SCIT) as a student coordinator in 2008. Regarding family ties, my husband is a proprietor at construction business. I have a sweet little daughter studying in kindergarten.

Pratik: How would you look at your stint in SCIT (major challenges faced, changing trends observed)?

(With a smile) Till date, it has been a nice experience for me. I have witnessed some major changes taking place within the SCIT fraternity. One of them is the complete official work automation incorporated within SCIT. Initially, we had to do most of the routine jobs manually, which can now be done quite effectively and efficiently in quick time. Moreover, the scope & reach of various events & proceedings (such as Graffiti, Alumni Meet) occurring within SCIT have grown manifolds. 1

Reflections Oct 2012

Faculty Corner Corner

Neeraj: “Coordinators act as a bridge between students & faculty”. Please comment.

Yes, this is true indeed. We mainly act as a mediator between frequent students – faculty duplex mode dialogues. We try to maximize the “healthy bond” between both the teachers & apprentices, by implementing mass query optimization & quick response – resolution mechanism. Moreover, since being a little student centric (smiles) – students are able to discuss their problems freely with us. Last but not the least, our focus is also to manage a hassle free & smooth information flow channelization in both directions, so as to minimize any last minute rush or communication gap.

Pratik: Please shed some light on the general functions performed by you.

Currently, I am the coordinator. I look after the academic welfare needs of MBA (ITBM) 2011 -13 batch. During MBA admissions season, we create, store & maintain all the documentation required for on boarding the new batch. I also coordinate with Symbiosis International Cell regarding international student coordination. I am also donning the cap of SIU (Symbiosis International University)’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) mentor for SCIT in house implementation.

Neeraj: How would you compare your corporate stretch with the current educational period? Do you have any future plans?

(Thoughtfully) Both have their own roles to play (laughs). But, on a lighter note – academic parlance is a bit difficult. Here, simultaneously we need to undertake multiple tasks within a short time span. Also, meticulous job execution is more profound here. We also need to take good care of properly retaining every minute detail regarding institute’s affairs. Overall, I am happy with my work here, so, no major professional future plans for the time being! 2

Reflections Oct 2012

Cover Story

Cover Story

Cyber Security Awareness Month NIDHI JOSHI PRATIK VIMAL

The month of October was celebrated as the “Cyber Security Awareness Month” in SCIT. Team Matrix, the champions of National Cyber Security Awareness, organized an event on the 7th October 2012. The Internet is a shared resource and securing it as a shared responsibility was the theme for 2012 Cyber Security Awareness Month.

Individual actions have a collective impact and when Internet is used safely, we make it more secure for everyone. If each of us does our part—implementing stronger security practices, raising community awareness, educating young people, training employees—together we will be a more resilient and safer digital society. Everyone has a role in securing their part of cyberspace, including the devices and networks they use. Individual actions have a collective impact and when Internet is used safely, we make it more secure for everyone. If each of us does our part—implementing stronger security practices, raising community awareness, educating young people, training employees—together we will be a more resilient and safer digital society. Keeping this in mind, Team Matrix invited eminent speakers from information security field to take sessions on securing the cyber space.


Reflections Oct 2012

Cover Story

This year, Kasperky was the main sponsor of the event. Mr. Dinesh Bareja, President, Open Security Alliance, delivered an enriching session on career prospects in Information Security. This was followed by a session on smart security management in the dynamic IT space by Cdr. M. Lingesh, Information Security Manager, Tata Consultancy Services and specialist in Telecommunications and Electronic Warfare. Post lunch, Mr. Manu Zakaria, information security expert and chief architect of Matrix, took a session on CNII (Critical National Information Infrastructure) and Mass Exploitation. A lecture on Cyber Warfare and cybercrime was delivered by Mr. Niranjan Reddy, Founder & CTO – Netconclave Systems and Cyber Crime Consultant for Pune Cyber Crime Cell. Mr. Sunil Bakshi,

*Photo Credits – Praneeth Chandragiri CISO, NSETECH delivered an interesting session on information systems audits. The junior Eklavya team also performed a brilliant skit before the audience mesmerizing everyone by the performance. The event was very well organized and the organizing team ensured that event was carried out smoothly, without any glitches. The students showed great enthusiasm and with their high interest, CSAM 2012 was yet another success among this year’s events. 4

Cover Story

Reflections Oct 2012

Cover Story


NATSEM’2012 was one of the most highly awaited events of this year here at SCIT. The focus of the seminar was on the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) sector in India. The meet was of a National level, and the stakes were high. The planning for this meet was done well in advance. Immaculate preparation was done by the efficient placement committee of SCIT, headed by Mrs. Savitha Nair. The venue, the theme, the alumni and the guests, all had to be taken care of, and was indeed executed to perfection. Finally, after months of preparation, the grand event was held at the La Royale hotel, Hinjewadi, on the 6th of October’2012. Keeping the traditions alive, the event was started with the lighting of the lamps, signifying the advent of knowledge, of wisdom.

The Director, SCIT, Dr. Raman welcomed all with his speech commencing the grand occasion. The seminar was centered around the opportunities, issues and challenges that are being faced by the BFSI sector in India. The Director, SCIT, Dr. Raman welcomed all with his speech commencing the grand occasion. The seminar was centred around the opportunities, issues and challenges that are being faced by the BFSI sector in India. Talking on the subject was the Chief Guest, Mr. Ravi Eppatauri, the chairman of the Computer Society of India, Mumbai chapter. He went on to explain the problems hindering the growth of the sector, like that of security, power, scalability, reliability and the existing IT infrastructure. Taking the example of the impact of Tsunamis in Japan, he also expounded the risks from natural disasters and its catastrophic impact on the IT services of a country. This was followed by the Guest of Honour, Mr. Rajiv Gerela, V.P., Deutsche Bank, explaining the risks and controls involved. He emphasized on the speed of communication and the need to improve the aging infrastructure. 5

Reflections Oct 2012

Cover Story

An informative panel discussion followed, in which the capabilities and complexities of the existing system was debated upon. Heading the discussion were Mr. Ashish Kumar and Mr. Sharad Vishnoi from HDFC. The audience were enlightened with many factors affecting BFSI like sustainability, multitude of demands, the regulations involved and the technological obsolescence of the current scenario. How the integration of legacy systems with central databases poses a challenge to the complete automation of the sector was discussed as well. The splendid meet was concluded with a speech by the Dep. Director, Mrs Dhanya Promod, thanking the organizing committee for successfully hosting a grand meet bringing laurels to SCIT for its commitment towards IT awareness; a meet that will be there in the memories of this institution for years to come.

Sketch Credit: Mubaid Syed


Reflections Oct 2012

Events and Happenings

SnC Uniting SIC through the Camaraderie Cup AKASHDEEP MAKKAR & LOKESH JAIN MBA 2011-13

“Camaraderie” means ‘getting along’ and is being used since the ancient times when the unison between two kingdoms or kings was said to being a camaraderie between them, leaving behind their ego and hatred and uniting for the benefit of their masses. On similar notes, camaraderie AKA Friendship cup is a unison i.e. a tournament played between the three institutes of the SIC campus. The tournament is a representation of bonding and friendship among the students of SCIT, SIIB and SCMHRD. It is also a platform for the players of different colleges to showcase their talent and gain recognition. The ultimate aim of the event is to get all the colleges together, playing as a team. The teams for various events had to be compulsorily made taking players from each college. In the earlier editions of the Camaraderie Cup we have seen some great friends being made, some good games being played and also some amazing talents being recognized, and this year too, the tradition was followed. Though normally the Camaraderie Cup lasts for around a week but this year the Camaraderie Cup was spread over three weeks; due to delays from rains. But at the same time what stood out was the spirit shown by all the participants and the organizers from all the three colleges. They didn’t let delays hamper their spirits and continued with the matches all along. EVENTS Cricket Football Basketball Volleyball Table Tennis


TEAM CAPTAIN Yakub Ashish Punia Akashdeep Singh Harsh Undecided


Reflections Oct 2012

Events and Happenings

Nevertheless, it was fun, frolic and excitement for everyone throughout the tournament at the campus. Such meets not only brings the various players from the institutes to play together and build friendship amongst themselves, but also displays the unity that we have at SIC when it comes to sports, culture or spirit , let alone our academics be discrete.

Sketch Credit: Mubaid Syed


Reflections Oct 2012

Events and Happenings


Tree Plantation Drive NAVYA BANDHKAVI MBA 2011-13

“Tree Plantation Drive and Shramdaan” was organized by Team SSR at Baner hills on the 7 th of October, in collaboration with, “Clean Earth”, one of the most reputed NGO of India, for the students of SIC campus. Clean Earth is a voluntary organization which started in 2006 by a small group of people living in and around Baner, with the aim of contributing to preserve the nature for future generations. Their initial activities included keeping the surroundings clean and planting trees on Baner Hills. Over the years, the group size increased drastically and now many young volunteers are utilizing their Sunday mornings to plant saplings and look after their tending. The SSR team, along with the student volunteers for the event, set off early in the morning around 6.30 to Baner hills. While climbing up, students were delighted to see the picturesque sight of the serene Pune waking up. The students were guided by the volunteers of Clean Earth on the planting techniques of the saplings on short trek designated. Also, a briefing was given on the Continuous Contour Trenches activity. The contours are scientifically mapped and saplings are planted on the slopes. The rain water is stored in the trenches thereby reducing the soil erosion. Having completed the task, the group was tired and hungry, and the respite came from a young volunteer who had got breakfast all the way up the hill for the volunteers.


Reflections Oct 2012

Events and Happenings

The main co-coordinators for this event were Ashish Murchite, Ghanendra Vikram and the senior SSR team.

As quoted by Mother Theresa “They say my work is a drop in the ocean but ocean is made up of many such tiny drops�. The SSR team also put in their effort in a small way to protect the nature and stood up to their motto of contributing to the society.


Reflections Oct 2012

Events and Happenings

Festivities @SCIT Navratri & Durga Pooja Celebrations


The Durga Puja, Or the Navratri, a festival spread over nine days was celebrated at SIC campus with huge fervour. Durga-Puja reveres Goddess Durga, the embodiment of the divine energy of the Supreme Being, who is depicted as a warrior, symbolic of power and rage. The festival epitomizes the victory of good over evil, of wisdom over ignorance. The celebrations started with the students from the Bengali community from all three colleges presenting cultural program in the honour of the Goddess including a skit depicting the epic battle between Goddess Durga and the demon Mahishasura. The skit was followed by “Dhunuchi nachh”, a traditional Bengali dance which is performed with enkindled dhunuchi (coconut’s shell) placed in earthen pots.

Durga-Puja reveres Goddess Durga, the embodiment of the divine energy of the Supreme Being, who is depicted as a warrior, symbolic of power and rage. The festival epitomizes the victory of good over evil, of wisdom over ignorance.


Reflections Oct 2012

Events and Happenings

The celebrations were followed by a Bengali feast with many Bengali delicacies such as Luchi, Cholar Dal, Vegetable chop, Beguni, Phulkophir Dalna, Potoler Dorma, Mishit Pulao and Kosha Mangsho, not to forget, everyone’s favourite “rosogullas”. Keepin in line with the joy and ardour, the Guajarati community at SIC organized also celebrated the festival and offered a special Guajarati feast on the 20th October. The feast comprised of traditional Gujarati food such as Surti Undhiyu, Puri, Shrikhand, Sev Tomato, Guajarati Kadhi, Disco Papad and Dhokla. The fest also included “Amba Mata ni Arti”, honouring the Divine Goddess and was followed by the Dandya night. It started with auspicious aarti, followed by traditional Garba and ended with the DJ playing some foot-tapping, stick-clacking mixes.

The students from all over the campus joined the celebration and enjoyed the Raas-Garba to the fullest. Not to mention, it was a great relief from the hectic college schedule as well. With great enthusiasm and zeal, the Navratri celebration beautifully showcased the spirit of the festival, the strength of Indian traditions and the splendour of the student’s community here at the SIC. *Photo Credits: Ayan Hore – MBA ITBM 2011-13


Reflections Oct 2012

Students’ Space


Vaishali – The Food Destination


Pune has always been one of the favourite destinations for foodies and Vaishali Restaurant is mere proof of why it should be. I am sure that any person who has ever visited Pune must have at least heard of Vaishali, if not visited it. Whenever you pass by the FC Road, an enchanting aroma of Sambar will literally draw you towards this place. It was established by Jaggnath Shetty as Madras Cafe back in the 1950s, has today become one of the most popular restaurants in Pune. In fact Vaishali got its present name in the late 1960s. It is a landmark in Pune situated in the heart of city called Deccan. It has always been one of the city’s most respected and well-loved places, over the period of time it has become synonymous with quality. It has constantly grown – in both space and the range of service. Every facility has added to the grandeur of the restaurant. Right from the garden restaurant to the cosy rooftop corner – it has added value. More than two generations of college students have made this place their ‘adda’ or meeting place. In fact during the day time, Vaishali resembles a college canteen. Vaishali predominantly serves South Indian snacks with some exceptions such as the extremely popular SPDP (shev potato dahi puri) and the Veg. burger. One could start with an order of idlivada sambar (my favourite) and wait for the Masala dosa or Tomato Uthappa. (Remember to order this along with the first order to reduce idle time). The third dish could either be a SPDP or any of the remaining snack dishes in the menu. Yes, in Vaishali, you should make it a point to try at least 3 dishes. No snack in Vaishali is complete without a hot cup of filter coffee though you may also like to try cold coffee or a lassi. Apart from this you also have a choice of standard beverages and ice-creams. So, foodies what are you waiting for? Visit this delicious place and enjoy. However, be prepared to wait for at least 15-20 minutes before finding a place to sit (especially in the evenings). I am sure that your patience shall be rewarded. 13

Students’ Space

Reflections Oct 2012


Samsung vs Apple TARUN JOSHI MBA 2011-13

We've been watching Apple and Samsung hammer each other for over a year now. This case has been labelled as the patent battle of the century, centred on a panoply of patents relating to both hardware and software design. Finally on 24th August US jury unanimously decided that Samsung had infringed on Apple's intellectual property. Apple won't be getting $2.5 billion it asked for but will be getting at least $1.05 billion. Let’s take a look at some of the patents Samsung is found infringing in some of its products. Let’s talk about software related patents. First item is Apple’s bounce back patent, and then there is an Apple’s patent covering scrolling and two finger gestures. There is Apple patent that defines the multi tap to zoom operations in web pages, documents and photographs. Another patent which Apple has is that of a grid rounded square icons on a black background. Then came the hardware related patents. Apple has D ’667 and D ’087, which patent the face and the ornamental design of the iPhone. What do I think about these patents? We need to see both sides of the coin. Most of Samsung smartphones in question have been found infringing Apple iPhone design patents. Look closely at Samsung Galaxy S smartphones for reference. Unlike software that can be tweaked after the product has been manufactured or even after it has been sold, the same cannot be done for hardware. Samsung was sued first because it was Apple’s closest competitor and the dominant Android smartphone maker. They are outselling Apple in pretty much every region. But here I would also like to really talk about America’s flawed patent system that allows Apple to patent a rectangle with round corners. Really a rectangle rounded corner patent Apple. But this judgement will ultimately ensure that handset vendors be it Sony, HTC, Samsung, Apple go back to their drawing boards and innovate rather than do generational hardware updates and offer superior design and User Interface. Nokia has been doing that for years, who can forget iconic smartphones such as N95, N91, N82, E series & their latest Lumia smartphones. Samsung has done exactly that with their latest flagship “Galaxy S3” which is inspired by superior design, improved & refreshing new User Interface. 14

Students’ Space

Reflections Oct 2012


Long Walk Home


The flaming hot Sun, Once blazing on my face; Is now setting behind my back, Showing me the way through this maze. My long feeble shadow, That left with the overhead rays; Has slowly returned back, Moving along with a loving embrace. The dreary desert sand, Which had burnt my bare feet; Still bears those dry footprints, And keeps the memories concrete. The harsh scalding air, covered me with coarse souvenir, Still couldn’t sear away my persistent soul; It has now matured into a genial breeze, Bidding me goodbye with a gentle troll. And here I stand, with all my blood, On the last dune in this hearth; From here I see the greens at last, From here I smell my earth. No time to rejoice, Not much time to waste; For far away is my home, I must make haste. And as I go on, without the fear of that I am; It is the day of my dreams I used to see; Today I know what tomorrow is to bring, Today is the day when I am finally me.


Reflections Oct 2012

Students’ Space


Laurels of SCIT - Oct 2012 SAKET KRISHNA MBA 2012-14

Sweden Nobel Peace 2012

Quiz Italia 2012, Pune Round







“Nikhil and Vaividhya will be heading for National finals of Quiz Italia at Embassy of Italy, Delhi”


Reflections Oct 2012

Brain Teasers


Train Your Brain VARUN GOYAL MBA 2012-14


Q.1) Identify personalities related to Business:





Reflections Oct 2012

Brain Teasers

Q.2) Identify the logos

B )

A ) C )

D )

E ) Click here to answer

Answers of Brain Teasers – Sep Issue: Q.1) A) Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart B) Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple C) Right- Marcus Goldman & Left- Samuel Sachs (Founders of Goldman Sachs) D) Marissa Mayer, CEO-Yahoo Q.2) A) Sansui B) Hilton Hotels C) Boeing D) Synechron E) AOL Winner of Sept Issue: Saket Krishna (MBA 2012-14)


Reflections Team




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MBA 2011-13

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MBA 2011-13

MBA 2011-13

MBA 2011-13

MBA 2011-13




MBA 2012-14

MBA 2012-14

MBA 2012-14






MBA 2011-13

MBA 2012-14

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MBA 2011-13

MBA 2012-14

MBA 2011-13

MBA 2012-14







MBA 2011-13

MBA 2011-13

MBA 2012-14

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