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Issue 01Vol. 02

July 2013

Vol. 02



Reverberating your thoughts


Life @ SCIT




A Drishtikon Initiative










MBA 2013-15



MBA 2013-15



MBA 2013-15



MBA 2013-15






MBA 2013-15

























Editor’s Note ‘Reflections’ is a magazine that covers SCIT events and events happening with SCITians; and publishes it to the entire SCIT fraternity. After the successful completion of the first year, we mark our proud presence in front of you through this month issue. We would like to thank our readers for giving us direct and indirect feedbacks to introduce some new ideas from this year onwards; and you will see new sections in the magazine, making it more attractive for you to read. This issue is the first one in this academic year, and, as you guessed it correctly, it's a new team working on the contents, the design and the publishing of the issue, under the guidance of seniors. I would like to appeal to all to read the issue and without fail, compliment and criticize the work carried out by them. As the new batch joins at SCIT, a whole new life full of energy, enthusiasm and innovations takes birth. By the time this life starts recognizing its own ecosystem, it meets with a more matured ecosystem called the seniors. The complicated amalgamation of the two settles in a new universe, which we call ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’. To bring forth a few of these phenomena, and the fun associated with them, we have covered the events that happened in the month of June and July through this issue. I am sure you will enjoy this all new issue of Reflections! Do not forget to give your likes, comments and feedback to motivate the team to introduce contents of your choice. Thank you.

Sadhana Ghalsasi Chief Editor – SCIT Reflections




Pratik Vimal MBA 2012-14

Khushboo Srivastava MBA 2013-15

Khushboo Srivastava and Pratik Vimal had a chance to have a candid chat with Apoorva Kulkarni, Faculty, SCIT (Our very own Apoorva Ma’am!). Here are some of the excerpts from the Interview:

Pratik: Ma’am, please throw some light on your background and about your journey at SCIT.

Ma’am: It has been two and a half years since I have been a part of SCIT. Prior to joining SCIT, I had 4 years of teaching experience with Pune University. I still remember the day when I received a call from Dr. Raman (Director Sir) for an opening at SCIT and what a journey it has been! A wonderful learning experience; teaching and mentoring the students has been fun. My colleagues have been very supportive and broad minded in their approach. One feels like coming to SCIT each day with a new zeal and enthusiasm.

Pratik: Ma’am, please tell us something about your family and how you manage to strike a work-life balance.




Ma’am (smiles): Post marriage I shifted to Pune and I live here along with my husband and in-laws. My family has been very supportive in all respects and has been my guiding light. Regarding the work-life balance, it is something I truly live by. I believe in devoting my 100% to that 10 to 5 slot when I am at SCIT, so that at the end of the day, I have satisfaction and peace of mind that I have contributed holistically.

Pratik: You have also been Coordinating the PGDITBM Course; please throw some light on that as well. Ma’am: PGDITBM is not a new course at SCIT; initially it used to be for International students. But from this year onwards, we have a residential course for Indian students. I have been associated with nearly all the aspects of the course this year – right from admissions to the planning and scheduling of it. It is a wellstructured program catering to produce IT professionals specializing in Security and Systems. 18 months of work –ex is the minimum criteria to join the program and we provide placement assistance as well.

Pratik: What are some of the challenges that you have faced as a Mentor of the iTELF Cell?

Ma’am: Errr…(Reflects for while)…yes….iTELF is basically all about managing the crowd. We do have a bunch of very passionate and self driven people and their entrepreneurial spirits have to be kept high.




Khushboo: What have been some of the achievements of the E-cell so far?

Ma’am : To begin with, I am glad that the E-cell has gone a long way in inculcating leadership skills amongst the students. From the past 3 years now, it has been that at least few students opt out of placements and set up their own start-ups. Some of the ventures of our students have been SRV Media Pvt. Ltd. and Evonix.

Khushboo: What do you consider to be your main source of energy and motivation to manage all these responsibilities together?

Ma’am: (Smiles) My main source of energy comes from within, I have an innate passion to do any work at hand with complete dedication. I write a lot of poems; writing helps me reflect and analyze things in a different perspective. I believe in God as well as myself and that is the perfect equation which guides me through.

Pratik: An advice that you would like to give to the students at SCIT. Ma’am: I would advise the students to imbibe a culture of innovation along with pursuing knowledge. Pursuing an MBA degree should not only be about placements or IT, but also about multifaceted development; about being a good human being at the end of day.




Khushboo: What is your vision for SCIT in the years to come?

Ma’am: I would like to see SCIT to have a more holistic, a more integrated approach as an organization. For all the stakeholders involved- the faculty, the staff, the students, the top management or for that matter the Infrastructure; SCIT should set high standards in all respects. I hope that we keep on learning and growing, scaling even greater heights.

Khushboo: We all look forward to the POM lectures because of the sheer joy of learning from the videos, activities and insights that you share with us. What thought process goes behind adopting such an approach to teaching?

Ma’am: For me a student’s learning is most important – whether it happens before, in or after the class. I prefer not to over-indulge in routine activities and put some innovation behind planning the lectures. I try to use all the resources I have to give my students the best leverage.

Pratik: What are your thoughts on Reflections?

Ma’am: Reflections is certainly a great initiative. It is entirely student driven, and again, I like the innovative instinct involved. Wishing all the best to you people to keep it up and running!





- Khushboo Srivastava SAMAARAMBH - Akshay Deshpande - Pratik Vimal

A few steps had been taken into the unknown arena. Unsure of their footing; unaware of the future that beckoned them. Friends and dear ones had been left miles and miles away. The eyes carrying myriad dreams had searched for acquaintances in the crowd. It was time to start afresh. The call to honour had been announced. SAMAARAMBH 2013 was about to begin…………!!!! It all began with the intent of bringing out talent from a new batch of bright young minds; who had joined the portals of SCIT to make themselves feel comfortable and to familiarize with fellow peers, seniors and the ‘happening’ college life. Another objective was to ensure that the entire show is managed by them, thus boosting their confidence, morale, team work, time management and leadership, some of the essential traits required to be a successful manager. There could not have been a better start for the MBA 2013-15 batch than ‘SAMAARAMBH 2013’. The ‘Show’ was the perfect example of co-ordination, bonding and team effort. Each and every person put his/her best foot forward, be it the exemplary performances of the participants, continuous mentoring and guidance of the experienced seniors, ideal management and administration of the SPOCs (Single Point of Contact), cheering and rooting of the ever enthusiastic audience and last but not the least, SCIT faculty and management for their constant support.




The blockbuster show was the result of two weeks of sheer hard work, determination and a dedicated team of talented individuals. The entire team was ever enthusiastic in spite of late night rehearsals till 3 am post college hours and then having to get up early for the 8 am lectures. All of it finally paid off in the form of thumkas and jhatkas of gorgeous Radhas in the Indian dance; legendary characters in the hilarious comical drama; immaculate execution, energy and expressions in the Western dance; Mafia attitude and poise, energy, timing, execution and dignity of Indian culture in the Fashion show; our very own rappers and Tabla maestro; full on ‘Masti’ dance by the Mast Kalandar troupe and finally a rocking show by the band comprising of gifted musicians and vocalists. Not to forget the hard working SPOCs who were always working behind the scenes in managing the entire event, be it arranging the props, sending invitations, managing logistics or coordinating the sound and lighting effects. The audience was also kept entertained throughout by the lively comparers with their wit and jovial dialogue exchanges. The event would not have been so colourful and enjoyable, had it not been for the stupendous support the participants received from the audience comprising of their fellow batch mates, seniors, faculty and their families; be it cheering the performers, egging them on when they faltered or whistling and appreciating each and every performance. The icing on the cake was Director Sir’s praise and appreciation for the success of the show. As the day came to an end, everyone was relieved but at the same time, keen for the arrival of the next event!





“The doubts had all fazed away; New friends gave new meaning to life. A spring in the step and a song in the heart now mark my days; It has become a home away from home. The beginning infused my heart with a new hope that the days ahead promise to bring. First I thought I was alone in the arena searching for my guiding light; Now, deep in my heart I know that we have found ourselves all over again.” Cheers to the SCITians batch of 2013-15!!!






- Rohit Ranjan MBA 2013-15

Its 7 am in the morning, the Sun is as bright as any other day. The chirping of the birds, the majestic clouds, the soothing winds; a perfect embodiment of Mother Nature at work. The kids getting ready for schools, the rush to reach the office, street vendors gathering their daily ware, the morning bell at the temples; all part of a daily routine. But the day was not the same for some of us, who were going to wake up to new challenges, high expectations and a sense of responsibility to perform extraordinarily. Yes, you guessed it right, it was the Induction Day Ceremony for the MBA batch of SCIT 2013-15. The broad mix of candidate backgrounds brought an impressive combination of experienced and fresher students. Interacting with peers on Induction day was a fantastic experience that lived up to everyone’s expectation. The Program started with the auspicious lighting of lamp by none other than our founder and Padma Bhushan awardee, Prof Dr. S.B. Mujumdar, whose passion and dedication of providing education to every individual has been an illustrious social contribution in the field of education. The presence of our Vice Chancellor, Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, Director Sir, Dr. R Raman and the chief guest, Mr. Tom Thomas (VP, Goldman Sachs and an alumnus of SCIT), made this program even more gracious. The Induction Programme was carried forward by our Director Sir addressing the crowd of highly ambitious new students. When Director Sir was asked to address the gathering, we were expecting a KSHOP of rules, discipline and curriculum; but in no




time, we were proved wrong. He discussed how the parameters, like energy and focus , if understood clearly, can take us to the next level and set the success stories, whereas any distraction to it will leave us accepting the options left. He not only picked up all the questions that were running through our minds and answered them but also laid the foundation for how to develop as a human, a professional with the mantra “It’s all in our hands”. He explained how this mantra will answer the most important question of an individual i.e. “PLACEMENTS” and made us realize that the commitment should be at the core and expectation should be at the periphery for an expected result to eventually happen. The programme continued and we got the chance to interact with Mr. Tom Thomas. During the interaction, we got to know the various aspects of an Industry and what actually is expected from us, as well as the unions and intersections of knowledge in academics within an industry. Since it was an open interaction, we had the opportunity to discuss about the internship program, placement process and various aspirations from the company. It proved very handy in understanding where we stand and what is expected from us. Last but not the least, the faculty and staff briefed us regarding the curriculum, electives, academic schedule, available facilities and much more. The session came to an end after an informal session with Mr. Tom Thomas, where he connected with us on a more personal touch and answered all our queries. The one thing that I learnt from the leaders in this Induction program was their encouragement to develop innovative solutions to problems rather than applying the same old solutions.





- Abhinav Pahihar MBA 2013-15

Before ITBM batch 2013-2015 could start learning management, they were made to manage their own body. For that purpose, on 11th of June, students were introduced to a four-day programme called Art of Living. It was the first event at SCIT. Under the guidance of Mr. Kishan Rai, SCIT students learnt a few yoga tips and breathing techniques in the first week of college. These sessions were scheduled for four days. Day 1: Mr. Rai revealed to the students, their ignorance about the most basic activity that they do throughout their life; breathing. They were told how breath is related to emotions and how these breathing exercises can regulate them. This introduction was followed by some interaction exercises:“I BELONG TO YOU”: Here everyone was made to approach an unknown person and say “I belong to you!” in order to break the ice. “Fire in the mountain run-run-run”: In this game, everyone was made to run within the room. Once they stop, they were asked to interact with the person nearest to them. These exercises were followed by some breathing exercises, Aasanas and Pranayama. Sitting in the Vajraasana, everyone performed Ujjayi Pranayama. Ujjayi Pranayama (or the Conqueror Breath) is often referred to as the “oceanic breath,” as this breathing exercise mimics the sounds of ocean waves.



EVENTS & HAPPENINGS ART OF LIVING Ujjayi Pranayam is a yoga breathing exercise that utilizes inhaling and exhaling over the epiglottis, resulting in an “ah” or hissing sound that is called an ajaap mantra. Day 2: The day proceeded with the following events: Time for AUM: The sacred Hindu word “Aum” (popularly known as Om) has several mysterious facts attached to it that were revealed to us in the session. There is a specific way of chanting it as well. The vibrations are felt in belly, chest and mouth during its pronunciation. “Sudarshan Kriya”, popularly known as “Soham” in the SCIT circles, followed the chanting of “Aum”. The main element of “Soham” is air; when we breathe in – we do so by chanting “so” and when we breathe out – we chant “ham”. Soham is, thus, the sound that results. It is an “Ajpa-jap” (we need to chant it continuously and without a break). This session continued for 15 minutes. The audio cassette played the prerecorded chants of “Soham” and we followed in unison. Ramp Walk: In order to give us a break from all these “aasanas” and breathing exercises, we were divided in groups of eight and were made to walk the ramp, which turned out to be the most exciting part of the day. Day 3: The third day was the day of Aasanas. Samasthitih, Shavaasana, Siddhaasana, Simhaasana, Suptavajraasana Vajraasana, Virabhadraasana, Padmaasana and Svalamba Sarvangaasana were the aasanas practiced. These aasanas were followed by chants of “Aum” and “Sudarshan Kriya”. At the end of the day each student was asked to buy a gift for the following day, leaving everyone clueless about the purpose of it.




Day 4: The fourth day was an all play scenario with no more exercises. Gift exchange: Everyone was asked to exchange their gifts with a person they have never interacted with. It was easy to conclude in the end that winning friends is not difficult. Posters: Groups of six students each were made and they were asked to make a poster representing the activities of the entire program. Story of my Life: In this, students were asked to share their life story with their mates. It was discovered that this event was one of the best ways to know a person. Art of Living sessions are over but its impact on the students is still visible. It turned out much more than regular yoga classes. It was rather a buddy project that helped everyone in winning friends and also taught the managers of tomorrow the correct way to handle stress.





- Aditee Thite MBA 2013-15

After a wonderful first week at SCIT, the students of 2013-15 batch were all geared up for their first college trip, a two day “Outfit Programme� to Suryashibir on June 10, 2013. Somehow managing to fight the slumber, we were up and ready for the roll call at 6 am and were accompanied under the watchful eyes of Prof. Sanjit Singh and Prof. Muazzam Khan. Nostalgic reveries of school and college days gripped us as we boarded the bus when Antakshari and dumb charades began. It was a wonderful journey of almost two hours surrounded by the scenic view of the Sahyadri mountains and the lovely monsoon drizzle. Suryashibir is situated in the lush greenery of the foot hills of Sahyadri. As soon as we reached, the team Outfit gave us a warm welcome after which the girls and boys were escorted to their respective dormitories. The agenda for the two days was a power pack of some fun activities and management games planned by the team Outfit. Each activity had a specific purpose - a take away thought. The management values of team building, leadership, strategic planning and coordination required in each individual were at the core of these activities. The entire schedule and sequence of activities was well planned and a lot of innovative thinking went into it. The main attraction of the trip was the trek in the valley of these serene mountains. The calmness of the surroundings and the feeling when we reached the summit was totally indescribable. More importantly, it was the journey that was sheer bliss.



COVER STORY SURYASHIBIR The entire trip was a great experience for all. “Fun with learning" can be the only way one can describe when asked about the overall experience at Suryashibir. One thing that really got on our nerves though was the flash of no network on our cell phones and the thought of living with it for the two days! But only at the end of it did we realize that it was a blessing in disguise!! Thank you SCIT for giving us this opportunity to spend a wonderful time which bonded us into a great team. Experiences of some of our batch-mates: Suryashibir provided a holistic dimension to our curriculum .The two days of fun and galore will continue to remain edged in our memories‌!! ~Khushboo Srivastava

Our trip to Suryashibir was quite an experience...filled with lots of fun and learning! We got to experience teamwork in a fun way. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the trek with Major Lal, from the Outfit program, who is really an amazing person. The stamina and energy with which he was trekking was really inspiring. This trip brought all of our classmates close to each other. We left as mere batch-mates but returned as friends. ~ Elizabeth Thomas

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Being an adventurous person, the highlight of this trip was the trek for me. I had done trekking many times, but Suryashibir was whole together a new experience. The main goal was to know likeminded people who will be together for the next two years. I made many new friends during this trek. Major Lal was a source of inspiration throughout the trek. His energy level at his age was laudable. We performed many tasks in two days which helped me discover the many personality traits I had (both good and some bad). Thank you Outfit for helping me discover and rediscover myself. ~ Saurabh Shringarpure

Wonderful experience – the bus journey, unique set of games and the humorous yet message giving performances made the trip a memorable one. ~ Sanyukta Nadkarni





- Priti Patil MBA 2013-15

Team PRAYATNA organized yet another event, Housie, for a noble cause on July 10, 2013. The motive was to raise funds gathered by sales of tickets for assisting a PRAYATNA protégé. A student of Prayatna had secured admission in a college, and the plan was to raise funds for meeting his college fees, books, uniform and other expenses. Students didn’t hesitate to buy the tickets priced at Rs.20 and participated in huge numbers. The game saw a lot of enthusiasm throughout. There were, in all, five winners, who were awarded a considerable amount of prize money. It was a noble gesture on their part to donate that prize money back to Prayatna. The remaining tickets were collected for a lucky draw and the winners were treated with chocolates. Jay, a team Praytna member, quotes, “It was a great event where everyone contributed in their own way. People bought more than one ticket, some as many as five, just to contribute to the noble cause. We raised Rs. 15000/- from the event. The winners contributed all their winnings too. It was a beautiful gesture. It was a show of togetherness for a common cause.” Aswathi Jayaram, a 2013-15 batch student says, “We had a lot of fun. It was a much needed respite from the daily monotonous schedule. Moreover I am glad that I could contribute towards somebody’s education.” All in all, the event met its objectives, both in terms of the fund collection target as well as spreading some smiles.





- Priti Patil MBA 2013-15

The Batch of SCIT MBA-ITBM 2013-15 could have been skeptical about attending the ice breaking session that was held on 12th July, 2013. However those inhibitions and anxiety were put to rest, the moment the campus started reverberating with the music played by the DJ on the Football field at 6pm. As if a wakeup call, it induced a frenzy of activity in the hostels. A drizzle at 7 in the evening, waves of chilled air, some thumping beats being played in the background and a horde of anticipating fresher’s pouring in, set the mood for the commencement of the ‘Ice breaking’ session. It came as a surprise for all that barring a few; most of the freshers had turned up for the event sportingly. In the wackiest attire imaginable, the newbie’s had gales of laughter while walking past one another. The otherwise spruced up men were seen donning ‘baniyans’ over T-shirts and three fourths over trousers. A tie tied at the nape and an unusual combination of a shoe and a slipper in each foot completed the eccentric look. The seemingly coy women took to wearing pajamas, pairing it up with formal shirts and a pinned up ‘Dupatta’. Braided hair tied with ribbons, and crimson red ‘Bindi’ accentuated the ‘desi’ look. The event began with juniors parading in the football field. Fellow mates screamed slogans at the top of their voices, while struggling to maintain the rhythm of their




footsteps. Two dance performances followed the parade. The ‘Samaarambh’s Mast Kalandar’ team did not shy away from shaking a leg to the tunes of a Bollywood number. The ladies followed suit and coordinated a beautiful semi-classical dance performance. Senior Sports and Cultural team member, Abhishek Maiid quoted, “The main objective we had behind doing this event was to have a healthy interaction with the newbies. Yes, we did keep a few tasks for the juniors but they were all very simple and with a purpose to entertain the seniors.” A grip of nostalgia followed, with all the juniors holding hands and playing ‘Ring aring o' roses’. Kicking their legs in the air and morphing into tiny tots was a sight to watch. Later, both the batches were divided into smaller groups representing their states. Every group enjoyed shouting slogans and cheering aloud. This activity facilitated even more interaction and bonding with the seniors. Says Mounilina Biswas, a 2013-15 student, “We had a great time. It’s no more a senior-junior relationship now. We are all just one – proud SCITians” It was time to groove to some ‘desi’ beats churned out by the DJ. An hour of quality music and some crazy moves on the floor left everybody exhilarated by the end. The event closed on a round of applause for the senior batch and a gleeful atmosphere. Adds Abhishek – “To keep it fair, we arranged the DJ so you people (juniors) go back with a sweet and decent memory to cherish for life. I had good feedbacks from your batch regarding the same and hence for us (Sports and Cultural Committee) it was a mission accomplished.” What they say about SCIT is indeed true – ‘Mighty, Mighty - SCIT’.





- Rugved Mehta MBA 2013-15

As Gordon B. Hinckley aptly puts it, “The major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner.” Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology is a place where we are trained to strike the balance between studies while pursuing our interests since the focus is on holistic development of an individual. With an excellent support and encouragement from The Director, Dr. R. Raman and the faculty, SCIT has several student run committees, namely Drishtikon, Student Social Responsibility (SSR), IT Entrepreneurship and Leadership Forum (ITELF), Team Matrix, Eklavya and Pratichaya. DRISHTIKON: 'Mentoring Business Acumen' “Drishtikon” is a Management Club of Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology. It provides a platform to all the ‘Thought Leaders’ who believe in collaborative learning and knowledge sharing. It conducts various sessions on Finance, Special Management Development Program for Students (SMDPS), Marketing, Business Strategies and New Trends.

REFLECTIONS,JULY JULY2013 2013 REFLECTIONS, EVENTS EVENTS& HAPPENINGS & HAPPENINGS COMMITTEE COMMITTEEINDUCTIONS INDUCTIONS Senior Drishtikon and Reflections committee members (Batch of 2012-2014) conducted an induction program for the new joiners (Batch of 2013-2015) on July 9, 2013 in the presence of our respected Director Sir, Dr. R. Raman. The main motive of this induction program was to acquaint the students with Drishtikon and Reflections - a monthly magazine of SCIT. The Drishtikon committee briefed us regarding Drishtikon's history, objectives, working, team structure and main areas of focus. The Reflections committee also introduced us to their monthly magazine, the committee’s structure and responsibilities of the group members. Director Sir, with his inimitable style & insightful words, inspired students to actively take part in these committees not only because it would help them to hone their skills but also would groom them for their future roles as managers. One of the members of the committee said, “Drishtikon is all about knowledge sharing. It is about helping each other grow as individuals by sharing experiences. We hope to see maximum participation of our juniors.” Well, they did see a huge number of juniors registering for the two committees and attending the selection interviews. STUDENT SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (SSR):

“We will be the change we want to see” was the thought that spurred young students at SCIT (of the batch 2009-2011) to think about their duties towards Mother Earth and thus was born the SSR Committee. SSR aims to create environment awareness and promote environment friendliness among people along with several initiatives in the




EVENTS & HAPPENINGS COMMITTEE INDUCTIONS sectors of Education, Health Care, Social Awareness, Environment and Entrepreneurial Service. They also collaborate with Manavya, Prayatna, Sunrise, WWF and Clean Earth Movement for various events. The induction program for the SSR committee was held on July 11, 2013. Director Sir, Dr. Raman addressed the students and told them about the inception of the SSR committee. This was followed by an introduction of the SSR committee members and a presentation which helped the new batch of students understand what SSR was all about and how it functioned. There was a sense of pride in what the SSR committee had done so far and there was a promising hope in what it intended to achieve and how it planned to grow. After the presentation, Director Sir spoke about how every student could contribute in his/her own way to the society by doing small things which can have a great impact on their surroundings. A student of the new batch said, “I have been a part of two NGO’s before and I am glad that I can continue my contribution to the society through the SSR Committee. I am looking forward to being a part of this committee because the satisfaction it provides is unmatched!” The students were interviewed based on their past experiences in this field and their willingness to work for a social cause. IT ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND LEADERSHIP FORUM (ITELF):

ITELF is a self-driven endeavour by the students of SCIT which works as a catalyst for nurturing entrepreneurial talents and promoting leadership. It basically consists of 16 core committee members (8 seniors and 8 juniors) and volunteers.




ITELF organised an induction session for the new batch on July 9, 2013. The presentation mainly included information about ITELF- what it is about, the activities and events and its collaborations. The committee members spoke about 'Sprout IT', a Flagship Event of ITELF, which sees participation from all the major B-Schools in India. ITELF has alliances with professional bodies like NASSCOM, The National Entrepreneurship Network, The Indus Entrepreneurs, Academia World and other independent entrepreneurs. Students who dreamt of starting their own enterprises were eager to be a part of this committee and you could feel the atmosphere fill with a sense of excitement that reverberated from the young aspirants. Says Prof. Apoorva Kulkarni, the Mentor of ITELF, “You can do anything you want to if you follow your dreams or you will spend your entire life working for someone who did...” The interviews were conducted by Prof. Apoorva Kulkarni along with the seniors. The alumni were also a part of the interviewers’ panel.


Team Matrix is a non-profit group with a motto, ‘Share, Learn, Implement and Refine’ working for the cause of “Security Awareness” run by Information Security enthusiasts. Team Matrix focuses on the process as well as technical aspects of security. The Cyber Security Awareness is the Flagship event of Team Matrix which is held in October every year. The induction session for Team Matrix was organised on July 18, 2013. The Matrix team started with their introduction and an informative presentation. To make it more interactive, the team conducted a small quiz where the juniors had to guess the names of people displayed on the screen. Juniors initiated the discussion with the team members by asking them about various certifications.



EVENTS & HAPPENINGS COMMITTEE INDUCTIONS You could see a superb blend of likeminded people discussing about their common passion. A member of Team Matrix said, “We organise weekly meetings to discuss the recent developments and trends in the Information Security domain. We have a significant web presence. We have collaborated with several security committees.”


Team Eklavya, the Mavericks of Theatre, was initiated by the students of SCIT for bringing to light, issues related to corporate, social, political and environmental problems in the form of street plays, mimes, road shows, experimental theatre and peace processions. Team Eklavya has taken part in several competitions and has been a recipient of several awards. Team Eklavya organised the induction of their group on July 29, 2013. The team opted for a novel way of introduction by reinforcing the statement on the banners saying, “Nautanki is back”. There was a beautiful build up to the induction session as the Eklavya team initiated a procession in the campus which was followed by a street play. This grabbed the attention of everyone and people interested in skits and plays started pouring in. This was followed by a team introduction and presentation which informed the juniors what Eklavya is all about. The juniors were shown snapshots of Team Eklavya participating and winning several competitions. An Eklavya Team member said, “MBA is not just about studies. It is more about all round development of an individual, his character, his personality and under the mentorship of Prof. Bharathi, we are trying to bring out the best in everyone. It is very important in our day to day life to get out of our shell, express ourselves and Eklavya provides a platform to do just that. It helps to bring out the hidden potential in all of us.

REFLECTIONS,JULY JULY2013 2013 REFLECTIONS, EVENTS&&HAPPENINGS HAPPENINGS EVENTS COMMITTEEINDUCTIONS INDUCTIONS COMMITTEE It helps us to build our confidence. We are looking forward to a fantastic time with our juniors.” All the interested students gave auditions and they were analysed by the team based on their performances. Auditions included individual and group performances wherein the students were given a chance to perform on any topic of their choice. Juniors participated in great numbers and thus began an excellent new journey of Eklavya.


Pratichaya, the photography club of SCIT, was founded by Rahul Verma and Tarique Ansari on July 10th, 2013, with a motive of mutual learning. The name of the club is a portmanteau of the words, ‘Pratibimb’ and ‘Chaya’, meaning “reflection”. The idea was to promote theme based photography, where it’s about capturing the moment with one’s own perspective. Organized trips, ratings and weekly assignments are some of the channels the club adopts to hone the photography skills. Pratichaya's Facebook page was created for showcasing the pictures clicked by the members. It also serves as a channel to critique the photographs posted, through a rating system and comments which is an essential ingredient for learning. The group is currently 34 enthusiastic members strong. Owning a camera is not a limiting criterion, as the club believes it’s in the sense of interpretation and observation rather than the equipment.






- Varun Mankodi (MBA 2012-14) - Anubha Purwar (MBA 2013-15) - Saharsh Sahai (MBA 2013-15)

Importance of soft skills and communication

Mr. Sivarama Krishnan (Executive Director- Risk Advisory Services, Pricewaterhouse Coopers Private Limited) was generous enough to put aside his hectic schedule and take out some time in order to address the first year MBA students (2013-2015) and PGDITBM students at SCIT on 22nd June 2013. He greeted the students with a smile and introduced himself in the humblest manner possible. Slowly and flawlessly, he gave the conversation a subtle change in direction as he moved onto the main agenda. After giving us a brief overview on the importance of soft skills in one’s career, he went on to narrate an experience that had an encouraging effect on all of us present. Back in his college days, he was not as extrovert as he is now. One day his new room-mate moved into his hostel room. He was a confident and composed young man; a connoisseur of fine literary master-pieces. After the initial ice-breaking conversations, his new friend introduced him to some of the finest works in the world of literature. This gave him an unquenchable thirst to learn new things thus giving his personality an outgoing touch and the confidence to take the world in his stride. By the end of their final year, Mr. Krishnan was one of the most eloquent people in the entire campus who had acquired gift of the gab. He further added that after this, he never looked back and called it the turning point in his life. He, then, cracked a couple of jokes as to how miscommunication can lead to disasters that made everyone in the audience chuckle. It was like the students were having the time of their lives- enjoying thoroughly while learning a lot in the process.



EVENTS & HAPPENINGS GUEST LECTURES The conversation then meandered towards the proper way of presenting oneself in the interviews. In addition to being neat and tidy, polite, decent and completely honest, one should also be confident enough not to get nervous while being interviewed/crossquestioned by the panel. If there is a question, the answer to which is not known to the candidate, instead of trying to dodge the question/confuse the interviewer, one should make no bones about it and candidly confess to the panel as they value honesty above anything else. After this came the exciting round of questions where Mr. Krishnan answered each and every query hurled in his direction. This round lasted for over an hour where almost every student had his/her doubts cleared. The session ended with a massive round of standing ovation and a promise made by him that he would be back again. We learnt a lot about proper conduct in a professional organization as well as the importance of effective communication skills. In addition to all these, we are now better prepared for our interviews as we are less likely to commit callous mistakes, thanks to Mr. Krishnan. Anti Drugs and Narcotics On 22nd July, 2013, the first year MBA students of SCIT were addressed by the Pune Police department on the agenda of anti drugs and narcotics. The session started at 10:30 AM with an intense video. It was about various bomb-blasts that have taken place in the country in the past few years. There was a common link in all those cases. The bombs were planted, at the crime scene, in suspicious objects that were lying “unclaimed� (viz. lunch boxes, bicycles, luggage, school bags and the like). Those innocent-looking objects were never reported to the authorities by the people passing by, due to sheer negligence shown on their part. As a result, many families suffered



EVENTS & HAPPENINGS GUEST LECTURES 24 from the irreversible loss of their loved ones. Had there been an awareness, quite a few innocent lives could have been saved. The conversation then shifted to the main agenda. We were told about some of the most popular drugs that are perilously gaining ground in urban India. They went on to narrate to us a few horrifying real-life incidents that occurred because the person was high on drugs. There have been instances of drug-fueled acts of violence in the form of road-rage/assault/homicide and the percentage of criminals committing crimes, while on drugs, is really high. They further added that a person who gets addicted to drugs, ends up losing everything in life as he gets reduced to an abominable zombie whose sole purpose in life is to procure the drug and consume it only to repeat the cycle again. We were, then, told about the various rehabilitation centers in the country where an addict is made to quit the drug with the help of proper medication and therapy. It does take time for a person to crawl out of its clutches. Once the course is complete, he can lead a normal life again. Furthermore, there are various NGOs that run these rehabilitation centers, thus providing free help to the ones who are really in need of their services but cannot afford it. The session ended with students clarifying their doubts, which was followed by a huge round of applause. This session gave us an overview on the various security measures that are, generally, neglected by most of the people. We, now, fully understand their importance. In addition to this, we were made aware of the dangers of drug-abuse, along with the detrimental effect it has on the minds of its addicts. Entrepreneurship - The Spark Within How many times do you come across entrepreneurial success stories and wished that you could implement your innovative ideas to be one of them someday? Well, for all those who did, July 29th, 2013 brought them a step closer to help them realize their





dreams. The Information Technology Entrepreneurs Leadership Forum (iTELF) for SCIT invited Mr. Sanjiv Agarwala, Director, Oxygen Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd and proprietor of Orissa General Agencies to encourage students who have an entrepreneurial bent of mind, to channelize their ideas and efforts into new ventures. There is no better way to inspire people than by one’s own example. With an array of experiences in various multinationals such as TCS, Wipro and Geometric, Mr. Agarwala narrated his entrepreneurial story of how he broke away from the typical typecast of a secure job and monthly fixed salary, by venturing into rough waters to set up his own organization in the Information security domain. The way Oxygen Consulting Pvt. Ltd survived the recession of 2008 only to emerge as a stronger organization under the leadership of our eminent guest was an anecdote that motivates one to focus on the bigger picture. An engaging and informative session that sketched a roadmap of starting a company, where in the students got an overview of many aspects, some of them being- how a company is created, the legal formalities to be performed, the types of businesses, ways to get capital to start the business and the need for a business plan. He further touched upon the importance of virtues such as passion, commitment and patience that are vital for a person to be a successful entrepreneur. Our guest speaker made the students realize how entrepreneurship post MBA is actually worth considering. He went on to answer questions that usually crop up in the minds of individuals, when they are to choose between passion and secured jobs, such as the right time to start, the challenges and the prerequisites. As they say, “Well begun is half done”, for those who dream of treading the unchartered territories, this session has undoubtedly sparked the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey.

REFLECTIONS, JULY 2013 EVENTS & HAPPENINGS REFLECTIONS, JULY 2013 EVENTS & HAPPENINGS GUEST LECTURES GUEST LECTURES Risk Management July 2013 started with a guest lecture delivered by Mr. Mahesh Purandare (Senior Manager, IT Risk Management, Cisco Systems) on Risk management and IT professionals. A senior professional with an experience in Accounting, Auditing, IT Risk Advisory, Business Process Consulting and People Management, he also manages various corporate wide programs. His experience and domain expertise in Information Security made students really keen to listen to his experiences. He shared his experience, his journey in the IT industry; current challenges and threats faced by the industry in Information Security domain, how Risk Management is valuable and how it could impact an organization’s strategy. He discussed about Risk Mitigation aspects and approach from strategic point of view. He also gave an insight on the various strategies of Cisco in gaining more market share, emphasizing on product innovation and customer services. One interesting fact he told about Cisco was that it has acquired many companies in the past. It has been one of Cisco’s key strategies to acquire profitable firms which could boost its overall growth. His enthusiasm, energy and content delivery was to the students expectations. The session was further made interactive with a Q&A session. His techno-functional expertise in the subject really helped the students to get an insight into the importance of Risk Management in InfoSec domain. Overall, it was a very informative and knowledge gaining session for the students.






- Garima Bansal MBA 2013-15

“Sports is about the sweat in your hair and the blisters on your feet. It’s the frozen spit on your chin and the nausea in your gut. It's about throbbing calves and cramps at midnight that are strong enough to wake the dead. It's about being on a lonely road and running like a champion. A sport is all about having the desire to train and persevere until every fiber in your legs, mind, and heart is turned to steel. And when you've finally forged hard enough, you will have become the best sports person you can be. And that's all that you can ask for.” – Paul Maurer. With the Independence Day approaching the calendar mark, SCIT sports and cultural committee organized an Independence Cup for all the sports enthusiasts, just after the mid semester exams of the junior batch. A 6 day event literally filled with excitement, passion, sweat and blood commenced on 26th July. The never ending zeal and ardour of all the participants as well as the spectators made the event a huge success. The games included of cricket, football, basketball and table tennis. CRICKET: Cricket in India is religion and for some of our players this was true to its core. It was played as a league match comprising of 2 pools. Pool 1 had 5 teams and pool 2 had 4 teams. Match after match the excitement kept on rising as to which two teams would make it to the finals. The qualifier round between Div A juniors and Div C seniors was a very close match with just 1 run for 1 ball. The environment got heated up between the 2 teams but the senior team made it to the finals. The final match




played on the last day saw a tough competition between the 2 most experienced teams of the senior batch. Div C v/s Div D- Even after a target of 64 runs the opponent team made an equal score and the match went for a super over after which Div D emerged as the final winners. Star players- Aditya, Saurav roy, Abishek, Malav, Rahul Prasad, Nikesh, Gaurav soni, Rugved, Gaurav Sodani, Sarfraz, Hassan Zubair, Smit Viroja FOOTBALL: Football is the poetry of a motion. It was again a league format and consisted of 2 pools of three teams each. Men shoving one another back and forth, deploying their bodies against those running at them was what the spectators enjoyed and hooted/ whistled their lungs out at. The momentum of the game kept on rising with every match won and lost. Div B juniors and the senior team qualified for the final match on 1st Aug. Both the teams put in their best with their eyes just set at the GOAL. The 2012-14 batch won the game by (2-1). Star players- Aditya, Saurav roy, Ishan, Swapnil, Tarang, Akshay, Gaurav Soni, Preyas The limelight of the game was a student from Japan- Yusuke Tamura. Watching him play was like watching a lightning bolt shoot forward towards the goal. BASKETBALL: It’s not just a sport, its lifestyle. This game saw equal participation from boys as well as girls. It was played on a round robin basis where each team competed against every other team. There were 8 teams in all, 4 boys and 4 girls.





BOYS-Div a juniors and the senior team played the finals. The senior team won with (20-10) but it was a game worth fighting for. GIRLS- Div B v/s Div C, a cut throat competition between the girls of the junior batch, Div C won (8-6). Star players- Tarique Ansari, Kangkan, Tony James, Rahul Verma, Shruti Rawat, Nikhita Garg Table Tennis: In TT the mind serves as the acolyte and apprentice of the body. Nothing interferes with the flow of the game. The players move, they react, they recover, they drive and the thinking is seamless and invisible in the secret codes of their game. Finals- Men singles-

Ishan v/s Nikesh - won by Nikesh

Men doubles- won by Rahul Prasad and Nikesh The 7th and final day of Independence cup ended with the prize distribution for the respective winners of various matches and some special prizes for budding talents and best newcomers. The immense amount of hard work from the seniors made this event triumphant and the huge success it turned out to be. Even the unfavorable weather conditions and constant rains did not stop the sports maniacs from playing any game. They slipped, fell, got hurt but no matter what continued their game. They truly believed in“NEVER LET THE FEAR OF STRIKING OUT LET YOU FROM PLAYING THE GAME�- Babe Ruth





+91 - 9004008486


Hello All, It gives me great pleasure and a sense of privilege to be a part of alumni corner section of SCIT Reflections magazine. This indeed, is a great platform to connect with all the readers of magazine.

About me: I am an MBA-ITBM graduate from SCIT 2011-13 batch and currently working in TCS, Mumbai. My role is of a functional consultant and I am working for a UK banking giant for IT SOX Compliance activities and also serving as a SME (Subject Matter Expert) for PMO (Project Management Office) activities. I belong to GCP-GRC (Global Consulting Practice – Governance, Risk and Compliance) cluster of TCS.

Role: For the above role, I believe ‘Standards and Regulatory Compliances’ was an essential subject from our course which could prepare one for such matching roles. For PMO activities, a good understanding of IT Project Management and Service Lifecycle should suffice. Certifications such as ISO 27001 Foundation Level, C-SOX or CISA



ALUMNI CORNER TETE-E-TETE would be of good help, as it will signify one's interest and skills in information security compliances domain.

Message: I would like to add here that our college curriculum is in tune with current industry practices and covers all necessary courses which are expected to work in an IT service industry post MBA course. My statement holds true for all major electives of our course and I am sure that students will agree with me once they will join the corporate world. However, all things will do get into shape with time. Enjoy your life to the fullest in college and feel excited for a new learning everyday ď Š

Mural Painting by Aswathi K Jayaram (MBA 2013-15)





- Neelesh Ranjan (MBA 13-15) - Khushboo Srivastava(MBA 13-15)

February 2013 - The summer was about to arrive; the heat was on. In came the results of GE-PI on the 28th. From euphoria to despair, all the aspirants were overcome by a frenzy . Pagalguy became an inquisitive place. The very prospect of getting to know the future batch mates was delightful. It was not before long that Pagalguy gave way to Facebook, which became a meeting ground for future SCITians. The advent of 95 alien topics power packed into one ‘Induction Portal’ surprised many. A mandatory test was to follow it. Few devised plans to escape it, a handful procrastinated; others contemplated last hour study and rest left to God. If getting to meet the future batch mates was exciting, then distribution of all the students into four divisions was heart breaking. All those who had become close pals online were co-incidentally thrown into different divisions. But that also came as an opportunity to meet new faces. We were presented with 8 big fat books and a temporary ID card became our identity. Before one could have fully known their future batch mates, the Induction Ceremony happened on 5th June. The notable speeches by our honorable guest Dr. S.B. Mujumdar and our Director Sir, Dr. Raman enlightened one and all. The induction classes followed it. The legal intrusion of subjects like Accounts and Economics in the students’ lives bamboozled the majority.



STUDENT SPACE ARTICLE But that was not the end of the world. A “breath” taking experience was yet to follow. Mr. Kishan Rai, the renowned yoga-guru, started the ‘Art of Living’ classes for the first two sections – A and B. For the first time many people had a real time experience of yoga and learnt the power of breath. A batch trip to Surya Shibir, a small hill station at the outskirts of Pune, was one of the best experiences the students had. The trip was an exquisite blend of fun and intellectuality. The various games designed especially for MBA students were of rich experience. The laborious trekking up the hill was the most adventurous. The new e-mail ids and section wise time tables started doing the rounds. The semester commenced gleefully thereafter. Few late comers who couldn’t have joined before owing to different reasons, started pouring in one after the other. This made the batch even more diverse. People started going to class together, ate, enjoyed, laughed and studied together. There was a buzzing sense of camaraderie among all. The fusion had taken place successfully. In between these happenings, two important Guest lectures happened. Notable figures like Mr. Shiva Ramakrishanan from PWC and ‘Pune Police Narcotics Department’ provided their perspectives and insights on various industrial skills and social issues respectively. Both the lectures ended with Dr. Raman’s apt speech amid standing ovation. Then came the ‘Show’ of the month – Samarambh! . Variety was the spice of life. The dance themes comprising of Indian and Western dances made the audiences shake to the music and moves. The skit following that was laughable and entertaining.



STUDENT SPACE ARTICLE The fashion show was highly glamorous with a tinge of modernity fused with our great Indian heritage. The fillers in between were larger than life. Last but not the least, the college band presented their musical and vocal skills. Indeed the new batch was at Cloud 9!! The success of Samarambh will be engraved in everyone’s hearts for many years to come. The notice was circulated on emails and social media about the customary ice-breaking session with seniors. The purpose of it was to break the shackles between the juniors and the seniors who had just returned from their respective internships. Many apprehensions were doing the rounds that it was ragging in disguise. But all that came to a standstill when the juniors learnt that it wasn’t ragging at all but fun and masti. The march past saluting the seniors reminded us of 26th Januray parades. The “Ringa Ringa Roses” nursery rhyme made us all nostalgic. Finally, the DJ provided icing on the cake and scripted a perfect finish. All the joy and fun suddenly came to a halt when Mid Term Examinations started. One week of diligence came free with 2-3 papers a day. Nobody slept properly that week; such was the pressure of the examinations. The mid terms ended and everybody exhaled a sigh of relief. It was party time again and the seniors announced the dates for the Fresher’s party…!! Life had indeed kicked off at SCIT….!!!




INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCES AMERICAN EXPRESS Dhruv Parekh: Working with AmEx bought a good 360 degree shift in my work as this is a captive industry was a first time experience as had worked in a service industry before. My mindset and approach towards work has completely changed now which has led me to learn a lot of new things which have benefited me. Ruchi Nandita: Unexpectedly awesome experience; big company, so many talented people and the experience shared by them taught a lot; not just from Internship perspective but an overall career guiding phase this has been. Stipend was a savior in Gurgaon!! Lunch sessions were fun. We interns bonded very well. On a serious note, a great learning experience in the journey, made lot of good friends and colleagues!! Himanshu Atre: An enriching, rewarding experience. Got just the kind of role that I was looking for and was given responsibilities where I could acquire new skills relevant to my desired career path. But most importantly, had a great time!!! SAP LABS Karthik Nedunchezhian: Being part of SAP was a great learning experience for me. Coming from SCIT, an IT B-school, SAP was a natural choice for my Internship.




What i didn't know was that SAP was a great place to work! First SAP gives a lot of freedom to work. The company believes that workers are self-driven and it gives a great environment for people to work. There is very less hierarchy within the company, and they give a lot of importance to learning. In fact, at SAP Labs, Bangalore out of 365 days there is some workshop, leadership series, or guest lecture for 300 days! SAP understands that unless workers drive them self forward, the company cannot move forward! Coming to my Internship Experience, the tasks which i undertook were varied. From strategizing to implementation to cold calling, my internship gave me exposure to all those. Part of my Internship included visiting the top brass at SAP event SAPPHIRE NOW + ASUG CONFERENCE. It was fascinating to get an eagle view of the activities performed. The point I would like to stress is I am just a normal guy who happened to get internship at SAP. All I did was I had faith and I kept looking. I am sure that the juniors will reach greater heights soon. GOLDMAN SACHS Varun Goyal: A 12 week internship at Goldman Sachs was one of the best experiences of my life. Before joining SCIT, I had already worked in two companies and was well aware about the corporate culture. I was pretty sure that I have seen it all, and almost all companies are the same! Well, I was wrong! My work was related with Business Analysis and Process Optimization of the Technology Service Catalogue. By the end, I was able to optimize



STUDENT SPACE ARTICLE their entire catalogue to 52% of its current offering which will help the company in a better operational and financial transparency. The highlight of my internship was that I was able to present my work in front of 3 MD’s globally which is a huge achievement for any intern. Some of the things which make GS stand out of the crowd:  Interns valued and treated the same as a permanent employee  Total ownership of work  Flat Organization Structure  Community Team Works – A day to do something useful for the society  Flexible work timings and no micro management  Networking – Many stakeholders in each project  Frequent Parties and other activities to keep a work-life balance  Good stipend and other incentives At the end of internship I had a lot of things to take back – better technical skills, better understanding of an investment bank, networking, team work and focus on quality of work. I KNOWLEDGE FACTORY PVT. LTD. Tanuj Govalkar: In 2012, when I began my MBA journey at SCIT, I was quite confused about the direction in which my career should steer. Determining what job function, role or company I should aspire for my summer internship seemed like a mammoth task.



STUDENT SPACE ARTICLE The summer internship opportunity as a Business Analyst was indispensable in giving me an exposure to a new work area and also helped me foresee my career path post BSchool. In the 12 weeks which I spent for my summer internship on various projects, I have been able to make meaningful contributions on my projects that helped me grow personally as well as professionally. I was assigned a project with the Application Development team in my company to implement e-Recruitment Management System for one of the India’s Leading Shipyard. This has provided me practical know-how of the Business Process Management techniques, which I never could have learned from books. The best part is that my mentors and team members were very open to my suggestions. Even though I was an intern, my ideas were always welcomed and I was actually able to execute them in a short duration of time Apart from the core project, I was also a part of an internal project. In this project, we analyzed another business challenge that the company management was facing. Management was keen on having a Customer Feedback System to get real insights from the existing customers about the products and services offered to them. Besides giving me an opportunity to work on a challenging business problem, this also led to great team bonding with other Summer Interns. I was blessed with many interaction opportunities with the top leadership team of the company. Overall, it was fantastic to be a Business Analyst working on real-life projects and I am excited about the contribution I have made so far. The best learning I had during my internship was to step out of your comfort zone and not to hesitate to explore new ways to solve a particular problem. This will expand your learning horizon and will be absolutely worth it. A piece of advice to students searching for internships is to make sure you know what you want from your summer internship. SCIT has the best available resources and the least we can do is to leverage them to our advantage.





- Dhruvin Mehta MBA 2013-15

hear hear with all due care woven a tale sweet as an ĂŠclair its not about the summer with its first bird calls nor about first love in which we hopelessly fall its about you and me my dear sis who when gone i am really gonna miss sometimes you were a friend my trusted most who did my drawings bcoz mine were like burnt toast sometimes a foe with whom i fought, fought over things till it broke apart sometimes the one with whom i would conspire my mischievous mind you would inspire even though we would fight when the need arose you held on tight assuring me that everything's gonna be alright now that all grown-up we are, easy it would seem but you know what, life without you is even difficult to dream





- Jay Magdani MBA 2012-14

People call it an omen, people call it a curse. People think its bad, which I think is very sad. Which disease gives you so much time ! Which disease lets you complete all your wishes & make you divine. How many people will you find going satisfied !!! Not many people are special whom HE gives time. You still think its an omen, you still thinks its a curse. You still think its bad, then I think its very sad. They need your time, they need your care. They need your love, hence the gradual death curve. HE blesses you, HE prepares you, HE saves you from a shock. HE doesn’t make you feel helpless & outside a door which is locked. HE gives you the opportunity to help the needy, But HE still reminds you that HE is the almighty. You still thinks its an omen, you still think its a curse. You still thinks its bad, then I think its very sad. They gives you enough time to do your best, They give you suffering enough to take your test, How many are luck enough to take the test ? How many are courageous enough to pass it !!! Not many, not many, not many !!!





- Neelash Ranjan MBA 2013 - 15

“You can take a break of 10 minutes” – announced the faculty member. “Get set GO” and the race follows. Even the worst sprinters sprint to the local shops, come rain or shine. No umbrellas required, no calls attended – yes, everyone becomes disciplined unnecessarily. This precious 10 minutes of life for every SCITian is the most awaited. So much so, that alarms are set for it before the commencement of classes. It’s 4 am in the morning. Red eyes filled with dreams and sleep keeps contemplating a common query – will I make it; that too in time? After a struggle, the mind gives up. Wait! There’s a respite - that 10 minutes of refreshment. Thank God! who so ever invented that break. The classical labor of brush and rush is long over; mention not the extra 1 hour of sleep! Suddenly, the mobile pings - faculty has given the break! The decision of buying a smart phone has started to reap fruits but Alas! I’m still on bed. I have to manage it. And the practicality of time management occurs – brushing in the lavatory, usage of mouthwashes, no shaving, no bathing, no shoe polishes, no ironing. Out comes the hair gel, deodorants, jeans camouflaged as formals – The great Indian ‘Jugaad’ can’t get better than this. The plight of many SCITians revolves around these welcome breaks. Right from early mornings to late nights – the pressure of SEA (sports, extra circulars and academics) takes a toll on the mind and body. It’s these breaks that rejuvenate psychologically if not physically.



EVENTS & HAPPENINGS HUMOUR SECTION 45 Rudra needs no Symbiosis Id card. He has been selling tea, cigarettes, samosas, biscuits etc. for last 5 years outside SCIT campus. 5 feet and a few nondescript inches, this guy is as laborious as one can get. Our morning starts with him. Be it a staff member, students or security guards, his stall is ones gateway to work. As the debate for foreign retail in parliament continues; SCITians heedlessly enjoy his micro retailing. “They take away 20% of market share from branded industries,” smiled the marketing guru with a puff of cigarette. We were enjoying tea with him when suddenly a beautiful girl passing by asked for a samosa from a distance. “Consumer behavior, you see” the marketing guru carried on, “Majority of girls doesn’t smoke so they call from a distance avoiding the sutta party.” “But what about the girls who smoke,” questioned a jealous non smoker who had come with us only to know what ‘extra’ the teacher tells us during the break. “Consumption dynamics, and its complexity lies in its simplicity,” finished the guru and urged us to return. The economist was coming from the other side. “The micro retailer outside is a positive externality but his consumers are examples of negative externality,” laughed the economist seeing us. “And samosas whose demand is highly inelastic are a good substitute product of breakfast here.” “But they have solved the classical problem of economics called unemployment,” retaliated the marketing guru. “Only to decrease the per capita income where units of labor involved are more than the production thus increasing the tax deficit,” the economist was not far behind before disappearing. The jealous non smoker was busy in seeing that beautiful girl eating samosa where as the ‘E’ section was on their way to Rudra in their lucky craved break. All sorts of




discussions from black holes to synthetic bacteria to fruit plantations in China were being discussed. “Finally, another hectic day finished,” we sighed at 5:30 pm. The route map from the classroom to boys hostel D has always been from Rudra to Laxman. Laxman, another celebrated tea seller and a rival to Rudra, lives outside hostel D for the last 5 years. Humble and polite, he has been greeting us good evening every day with his inexpensive teas and noodles. Product differentiation and market segmentation between both have created the price discrimination but that hasn’t altered our consumption dynamics yet. In comes the rains and we are in his shop for protection. Sun is out and we are in his shop relaxing. Test dates are announced and we are in his shop discussing. Yes, it’s like a second hostel to us. Who knows someone might throw a birthday party there one day. Black holes become blacker, synthetic bacteria become dangerous and China lacks in fruit production – all left over discussions are concluded there. In our cumbersome pursuit of an MBA degree, it is Rudra and Laxman who have been the saving graces. Not only they rejuvenate us, satiate our hunger but as GD houses provide us some food for thought as well. They both may not understand the marketing jargons or economic lingos but they know their duty. These micro retailers are not mere sellers but act as a pseudo family to us. And our journey continues. 



LAURELS OF SCIT JULY 2013 Reflections,

Laurels of SCIT – July 2013

Best Article Money Matters Club, IBS Hyderabad

Best Article

Aditya Chordia (2012-14)

Aditya Says –

“It was 28th Feb 2013 when I listened to the complete budget delivered by our Finance minister Mr. Palaniappan Chidambaram, after listening to it the zeal of writing my perspective towards the union budget 2013 peaked off. Then I came to know about the The Financial Bulletin which is the national magazine for Finance club of IBS Hyderabad which is inviting articles for various latest happening in the economy (luckily one of them was Union Budget 2013). Instantly a thought came to my mind that this the best place to write about my perspective regarding Budget 2013. I started writing and submitted my article. After 15 days during my internship the results announced and my article naming Budget 2013 is selected and printed in the March 2013 issue of the magazine.”


Pratik Vimal

Garmina Bansal

Anubha Purwar

MBA 2012 - 14

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

Khushboo Srivastava

Saharsh Sahai

Akshay Deshpande

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15


Pratik Beedkar

Mayur Pawar

Gargi Shukla

MBA 2012- 14

MBA 2012- 14

MBA 2013 - 15

Juhi Singh

Aanirban Chowdhury

Sarfaraz Khan

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15


Apoorva Siloiya

Biswajit Mondal

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013- 15

Sarvesh Deshpande MBA 2013 - 15


Neeraj Rai

Varun Mandoki

MBA 2012- 14

MBA 2012- 14

Ruchi Nandita

Deepali Sardana

Priti Patil

Abhinav Parihar

MBA 2012 - 14

MBA 2012 - 14

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

Aditee Thite

Rugved Mehta

Rohit Ranjan

Neelesh Ranjan

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

MBA 2013 - 15

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