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Roger Rings

Standard Small Roger Rings

Standard in Shetland SL Team and Tandem harness sets. 13mm (1/2") Conway Buckle is needed to attach to a standard SL bridle (page 114). Sold as a pair. Ring Dia. Strap Width Small 32mm (1 1/4") 13mm (1/2") 445162


Standard Medium

Roger Rings

Standard in Pony Classic Tandem and Team harness sets. Sold as a pair. Ring Length Ring Width Strap Width Medium 65mm (2 1/5") 35mm (1 1/3") 13mm (1/2") 432530

Standard Large

Roger Rings

Standard in Cob, Full and Extra Full ZGB, Elite and Classic harness sets. Sold as a pair. Ring Length Ring Width Strap Width Large 85mm (3 1/3") 45mm (1 3/4") 19mm (3/4") 432535

Brun Small Roger Rings

Standard in Pony Brun Team harness sets. Sold as a pair. Ring Dia. Strap Width Small 32mm (1 1/4") 13mm (1/2") 430838

Brun Large Roger Rings

Standard in Cob and Full Brun Team harness sets. Sold as a pair. Ring Length Ring Width Strap Width Large 85mm (3 1/3") 45mm (1 3/4") 19mm (3/4") 430840

Roger Rings are used in Team & Tandem Harness. They are fitted to the bridle of the wheeler horse and are designed to carry the reins past its the head to prevent tangling with the wheeler.

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