11 minute read

Confidence boost by Tarry

Key Points To Develop C onfidence

To cultivate self confidence:


1. Believe in yourself, put your dreams first because no one else will. Tell yourself each morning that you can and you will do it. 2. Surround yourself with positivity, people who inspire,and encourage you. 3. Obscure negative thoughts, that small little voice that says you cant do it, its impossible. 4. Equip yourself with knowledge, how people in the same field as you have made it, how they overcome their struggles. This will help to know that the things giving us low self esteem will soon go away. 5. Travel if possible, it will give exposure that helps to build your self confidence, knowledge is power. 6. Accept that you cannot change things you do not have control over. 7. Socialize with different people, it help you in learn ing numerous life dynamics. Tarry Eric Phineas

Girls With Bigger Dreams Shine More Than Any Glitter. “

Who Said You Can’t?

/Author / Host/ Creator/ / Inspirational Speaker/

Rutendo Melody Kanguru

Rutendo Melody Kanguru is a Speaker, Author, Youtuber & the Founder of ‘House of Hosting Heaven’, a women empowerment organization aimed at helping women intentionally design the Christian lifestyle they love living in and a lifestyle that God can bless. With an Masters degree in accounting, experience in corporate (having sat on a few Boards as a Director) and deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ; she wanted to use her skillset to strategically empower women in the kingdom by gathering women together in hubs/ groups which helped them support each other and gave them the tools needed to become more accountable to themselves in their walk with Christ. The story of House of Hosting Heaven started when Melody authored of a book entitled ‘Hosting Heaven’, Learning to hear the voice of God for your life. After releasing her book, she felt led to create a study guide for her book, coupled with a spiritual life planning tool called the ‘House of Hosting Heaven Planner. These 3 tools used together have been incredible helpful in helping woman MAP their way into a fruitful, colorful & fulfilling relationship with Christ. With this book, study guide and planning tool in hand, she started women ‘meet-up’ events called ‘Hosting Heaven Brunches’ across different South African Provinces. These exciting meetups have now expanded to Zimbabwe & Ireland, with many women asking her to host some in their own provinces and countries. During these meet ups, young women between the ages of 18 – 65years meet at a central coffeeshop, have coffee, support & encourage each other, laugh, pray and cry together about different life issues. These brunches have become a safe haven for many young women that had been struggling in silence in their Christian journeys. Last year, Melody hosted the first ever Hosting Heaven Women Conference. Recently, Melody released a ‘single’ called ‘More Lord’ which is now the theme song for ‘Hosting Heaven’ as a brand. You can find Melody weekly on her Youtube channel ‘House of Hosting Heaven’ talking to women from over 158 countries worldwide about what it means to be a woman who ‘Hosts Heaven’. Melody always says she deeply loves God, has a heart for God’s people and she loves her coffee…in that order.

Explore ARUKA With Us

Aruka is a Hebrew word that means healing and restoration. The main idea behind starting the organization is to bring healing in people’s lives at different levels i.e. individual, family and community level. There is so much hate and pain in the world and it has become so cold proving the statement that says hurt people hurt people true which is why we have so many people sharing experiences of how they have been left with emotional and psychological scars. These scars ultimately leading to so much instability mentally and emotionally, individuals make families and families make up the community so at the end of the day we have these broken communities full of so much hate that most likely is rooted from bad individual experiences that were never addressed. With so many factors in play according to the world health organization in every 40seconds someone commits suicide, and in those 40 seconds a large number would’ve attempted to commit suicide. Our main thrust is suicide awareness/ prevention. We aim at educating people by bringing the topic to discussion in schools, homes, media, churches etc. the more people are educated the more we break the stigma and increase awareness which empowers people and ultimately help reduce the number of people who are committing suicide. We also provide counseling facilities and we are currently

working on establishing a toll free suicide prevention helpline because we realized most people prefer to be anonymous with these issues. We have specialists whom we refer to in cases necessary. We are currently looking forward to establish a toll free suicide helpline where anyone can get help. Our main focus is the marginalized the people who may not even have access to the internet or afford a psychologist. Aruka foundation was started in august 2018, it all started with a thought early in the morning I somehow felt so alone yet I was surrounded by so many people and I felt like the cold I felt in my heart could be melted away by a simple hug. 39

All I was craving for was a hug and at that moment I reflected to 6 years back in my life when my life was on a down spiral and I felt so alone, so troubled that I felt like no one could see that I was ok somehow I wanted people to think I’m ok as I portrayed that picture but deep inside I wanted the closest people to me to see that I was not ok and save me, save me from my bad choices save me from myself and life felt like I was living in a box which kept getting smaller and smaller and I would make a loud silent scream each day that no one could hear. I was suffocating and ultimately attempted to commit suicide. As I reflected to that experience from a perspective of a person who has healed, gained controlled of their life and found happiness in myself I thought to myself how many people are going through what I went through feel that exact same way and are ultimately taking their lives. My husband then encouraged me to start a social media campaign called one hug a day campaign with the aim to help spread love a spirit of togetherness amongst people. The response was amazing as i got feedback of people who needed just that. This one act led to the birthing of the organization as I realized that I had got a second chance for a reason, to help save lives. Due to different people that come to our office we have realized that so many issues lead to one having suicide ideation from unemployment, teen pregnancies, early child marriages, rape, domestic violence just to mention a few. We therefore reach out in ways within our reach to help because sometimes counseling session is not enough by itself. We have partnered with different organizations, individuals. The wedding center, shenati engineering, slaitate photography, strengthen someone daily and clear line have been very supportive as it is hard to access funding in your early days but these people believe in the cause and we are thankful for their unwavering support. During lockdown we have had a larger number of people expressing anxiety, depression and suicide ideation and we continue to encourage spirit of togetherness, check on someone, the little you have to spare is a break through that someone is praying for, spread love, be nice for no reason. As individuals let’s find some new skills to learn, a new language, exercise, always practice positive affirmations let’s stay optimistic. It’s also important to know where to draw the line between social media and realism, stay true to your self.

“l want to inspire and motivate, impacting knowledge and skills on how to have a better lifestyle.

“Tennyson chimiso

Tennyson Takudzetc. of the current view in any of life to be grateful, it will give wanashe Chimiso is environment that we are living in us a peaceful and happy lifestyle. a young man with on this beautiful planet of ours. We will continue to suffer if we an extraordinary It is high time we get to share our have an emotional reaction to determination, full different ideologies and come everything that is being said to of enthusiastic and zealous. He together as fellow human beings, us, that is happening to us. As the is a man who pursue his age and now that the world has been incubators we need to seat back passion. He is well-motivated reduced to a small global village, buckle up and observe things acand always sticks in his vision, he we need to impwact WISDOM, cording to GOD programing. If dreams big and believe that every KNOWLEDGE etc. words and circumstances control dream is possible to achieve. In Therefore as a young ordinary us that means everyone else can an interview out of curiosity to man, l want to inspire and moticontrol us and every circumknow how he grew to be this vate, impacting knowledge and stance will become our lifestyle. phenomenal, he gave out a story skills on how to have a better of his life; lifestyle , encouraging creativity, I am also an entrepreneur CEO “I was born in Masvingo , Rujeinnovation, hardworking , goal of TC investments, property ko C grew up in a street called planning and value addition development, management and Chirongo , many people used to in the incubator of the young construction. TC.i does not only call me TK the dirty boy, raised people. Many young people out focus on property, we have varby a single parent , in ious businesses such their minds they thought we would end up as street kids says the ghetto peoBorn as, digital marketing, computer programming, farming etc. ple that was me and my TC.i was formed with young brother, because life was playing us hard. I am the first born in the family of two, I am aged To Be A the primary objective to leverage, engage, raise, empower and promote initiatives and 22. I went to Shakashe Primary school, did my high school at Ndarama high and currently pursuLeader innovation of young entrepreneurs to be futuristic and sustain able. ing a degree in Computer I am also a preacher, Programming with Hyperiondev. When l was doing my high school, l had a vision: INSPIRE TO ASPIRE, inspiring young people to engage in a better “ there they have the potential but it’s trapped within. Many young people in Zimbabwe they are going to school to study what they are not passionate about , they are just going to school to study l believe in GOD and with him everything is possible. I didn’t just woke up having all this ideas but l believe that GOD baptized me with all this ideas, so l stand and engage my lifestyle with the salvation of the LORD lifestyle. So l established an something because they heard GOD. To the young people out organization called LIFESTYLE that if you do a degree in engithere l want to tell you that, what INCUBATED SEED L.I.S with neering you will make money you see in other peoples lifestyle the vision to INSPIRE BEFORE not knowing what that the secret depends on the window which IT EXPIRES, you see it takes us is what they are capable of, paswe look. Since God is pure thereas fellow human beings to turn sion driven. fore, he should be the only winaround the negative circumstancRemember our situation is not as dow in our daily LIFESTYLE and es in which we may find ourthe interpretation of it. If we deeveryone would be the same. selves in regardless of our RACE, fine it as a crisis it will destroy us CREED, GANDER, WEALTH but if we define it as an EVENT 42

Allow me to share something transformational about the power of mindset: “Mindset is a combination of two words that is mind and set, that says what you thing it definitely has to settle. Our mindset it will determine if we will make it or not. Your mindset is without doubt your greatest asset it is worth more than any financial or business, any education, any job reference. It is capable of earning more in one year than any investor or doctor, if your mindset says: I will do whatsoever it takes, if that’s your mindset then you will flow through. Nothing will slow your progress like a negative mind, don’t be negative be positive, have a growth mindset, believe that you can grow. There are six laws of the mindset:

Real forces Law of attraction Law of control Law of insertion Law of connection Law of sending and receiving So let’s be strategic, don’t be a product of your own circumstances , be a product of your own decision. Have guts, decide and be strategic. The power of mind, nothing limits achievement like mind. Laziness , nothing expands possibilities like unleashing imagination, you have to think and stop wasting time that it shall be well, and remember don’t think anyhow think success.” Note if you don’t control your mind someone else will ~ Tennyson T Chimiso. Tchmiso5@gmail.com Lifestyle Incubated Seed L.I.S .facebook.com Tennyson chimiso @insta Tennyson Mover @Facebook

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