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Hot Fashion Line

Self-made Fashion Designers.

Mellisa Mungoni is a 23 year old girl born and breed in Harare Zimbabwe. Currently residing in Algeria persuing studies in electrical engineering. She is writer as well as self-made fashion designer. Co-partnering with Mitchell Harare from Karoi who is also an engineering student from Zimbabwe, they started there own designing company La Couture_MM where they make custom designed wear for both sexes. Passionate about everything fashion and the art of creating garments that translate the vibe and style of each one of their clients.


For most people getting a business idea and finding the will to start is always the problem, but well for us that wasn’t it at all, the undeniably seering passion for fashion was the kick. Having been always interested in styling and the art of fashion, being in an environment which was a bit limited on the range of styles found, created for us an opportunity to cultivate a new skill. Algeria being a Muslim country has a limited range of styles especially with dresses. The start was one that was just stumbled upon in an effort to make a birthday dress when l couldn’t afford the ones that where available and l got really good feedback on it. The next step was identifying the need of the service in our virtual society as students because just like us there were plenty students who had their style and fashion sense being dictated by what was available in the boutiques.

As a designer it takes a chunk of you for people to start believing in you. for us it was even more work trying to advertise and get clients to trust us with their clothes since both of us had no actual expirience, we were just learning on the job. It got easier, the more we advertised , the better we sew the more our work sold itself. Tryin to mantain a balance between studying and establishing a business which is time demanding like sewing was quite arduous but eventually we adapted and became more organised with our time. Being as it is our greatest challenge is that our market is a bit restricted to just our society here in Algeria. Being able to reach across the boaders to have our products readily available in Zim is still a stretch since the process of shipping goods from here is a bit costly.

Yes in the course of time we are hoping to be involved to host, market and promote fashion shows to showcase leading trends, our creativity and even that of other upcoming designers . It could be challenging here considering our conservative society but that is definately the plan when we get back home. We plan on expanding our clientele back home and be an established brand in Zimbabwe.Being one of the leading names in our African fashion brands. Changing the narrative even on a more global platform by designing clothes that have the heart of Africa in them, painting everywhere vibrant with a splash of our heritage. To create clothes that invoke a sense of confidence in the one wearing them, clothes that have a representation of and look good on people of all sizes. When you dress right you just feel right.

Besides us being entrepreneurs, La Couture_MM is a brand which will not only be focused in keeping people elagant and polished but we also have a burden for society. We plan on using our brand as an opportunity to empower young men and women into being able to make a living from acquiring skills such as sewing by starting a Sewing School and introducing simple projects that generate income as well as creating employment opportunities in our industry.

To anyone looking to start a business the key is being intentional about it. Start now!. Begin where you are by identifying what you can offer your society. You have a lot to give, don’t keep it in.


An abstract painting, a piece of art, one so unique it pulls you in at the sight. The colours compounding to the totality of a magical rainbow effect. As you paint the picture of the rainbow with your imagination, just as the whole spectrum is filled with colours equally beautiful yet so different, so is the world. You do not need to tear it down colour after colour for in its wholeness resides an incomprehensible level of beauty. Nature in all its splendor is clothed in an aesthetic of happiness, the colour breathing life to us, all around us. Not only in nature do we find the phenomenon of the use of color but even in our day to day lives, in our clothes. A colour worn right with a splash of confidence can convey a message to the world. The right colour can speak feisty, elegant, regal, playful you name it. Knowing the right colour always translates to putting out the vibe you would want to put across. Colour is a language, it carries culture, our experiences, and more profound, our emotions. If l was to translate colour and incorporate it into our day to day living l would say it resembles attitude. The same way you can choose to pick a different colour of clothes from your closet which goes with the day`s theme, that is just the same way we get to pick an attitude that takes us through Your WORLD

the future be the bright With the soul overwhelmed with positivity seeking to see the world with a better RIGHT light, one of looking for solutions and less complaining. Your attitude determines your altitude, ATTITUDE adjust it to fit your purpose and desired destination. Quit being your greatest obstacle, the art By Mellisa Mungoni of ‘ self -sabotage‘ by carrying around a downbeat the day, the week, or even our entire lives. An attitude just like a colour filter lens, it is your mind filter, it influences your perception of life. It is the window with which you get to view the world with, do not let it get splattered by criticism, smudged with the disappointments of life, rejection, and never let it be clouded by doubt. When you pick a downer and pessimistic attitude everything will be imperfect, somber, and not worth enjoying but when one becomes intentional about their attitude they see the world in a different light where even the grays and blacks become an aesthetic of joy and abundance of hope for better days. attitude. Keep your window squeaky clean. Pick the right colour for your attitude and experience a whole new world full of possibilities and all things to be grateful for even in the face of adversity. Often we perceive things as we are more than they are…You will always see the world, your surroundings, even the people with the colour you have allowed your attitude window to be painted. Make it one of love, gratitude, growth, and progression, allow yourself to live with so much passion. Whatever sets your spark ablaze, chase that. Paint your little bit of sunshine when it is foggy. Don’t trim your wings when the tides are rough, keep soaring. Color your world with the right In a world filled with somberness, attitude! disappointment, pain and fear of

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