Snippets & Snapshots NOVEMBER 2024

Snippets & Snapshots NOVEMBER 2024
Dear Member
We hope you enjoyed the first edition of last month’s “Snippets & Snapshots.” We aim to keep you in the loop by making each future edition as informative and up-to-date as possible.
In today’s fast-paced world, we will try to ensure that you are always up to speed.
In October’s Snippets & Snapshots, we celebrated the successful launch of Tatali Signature Villas and introduced the Short-Term Letting policy and procedures for newcomers to the estate.
November’s edition is packed with exciting updates. We explain in detail why Building Control and Design Review Committees play such important roles on residential estates and introduce you to Zimbali Lakes’ Building Control Officer - Kathija Ismail and to the estate’s new Design Review Committee Panel.
Staying with all things construction, the My Estate Life Resident’s App is a valuable resource when searching for Zimbali Lakes approved service providers’ contact details.
The App is also an easy reference tool when you’re looking for up to the minute construction photos, information about the Short Term Letting Policy and the list of accredited Resale & Letting Agents.
Lastly, we have a Q&A page addressing many of the common queries we receive.
We’ve had some impressive storms recently, and I’m happy to say the estate has held up very well. Over the past few years, the Master Developer has done everything possible to meet all storm water and environmental regulations, and the excellent results are clear proof of this. A solid foundation is always key.
Enjoy the read and feel free to get in touch if you need anything.
Jacques Mizen
Estate Manager
Zimbali Lakes Resort
EMAIL: em@zlr.co.za
Kathija Ismail is our appointed Building Control Officer, bringing extensive knowledge and experience in the residential estate building industry. With her commitment to excellence, Kathija ensures that owners consistently meet all ZLR-specific and statutory requirements.
Feel free to contact Kathija should you need any guidance or reassurance about these requirements. Avoiding unnecessary building mistakes can save both time and money.
Building Control Officer EMAIL: bco@zlr.co.za
Whether you’re a multi-unit developer or planning your home, the Design Review Committee plays a vital role in the build process from beginning to end.
The committee comprises highly regarded and experienced architectural and building industry professionals who, together with us, ensure that your design is meticulously crafted and compliant with the Zimbali Lakes Resort vision and brand language.
So, how does one begin this exciting development journey? It’s easy and interactive! To submit your concept to the team, you need to hire a Professional Architect registered with SACAP. This guarantees the highest standards of design and construction quality.
Following the Architectural Design Code, your architect will create a set of drawings, including plans, elevations, and realistic 3D views. Meetings are held monthly, and a week before your scheduled meeting, your architect will send you the submission pack to prepare.
The meeting will take place at our offices with you and your architect, where your concept will be presented. The DRC will provide useful feedback to get your design ready for the technical submission stage.
This stage, called the Orientation & Presentation Stage, is the most important and enjoyable part of the process. Here, your vision is brought to life with realistic images and videos.
We often discuss the Zimbali Lakes Resort ethos, exploring lines, textures, colours, and landscaping.
Zimbali Lakes Resort’s architectural style is simple and harmonious, blending luxury with our beautiful, lush coastline. A professional team of architects, engineers and landscape designers is needed to accurately bring your vision to life.
We look forward to walking this journey with you and have many more guidelines to share.
Master Developer Representative
EMAIL: howick@spdsa.co.za
Building Control Officer
EMAIL: bco@zlr.co.za
Project Admin Manager
EMAIL: projectmanager@zimbali.co.za
Principal Architect COA
EMAIL: john@coasite.com
Chair Principal Sagelli
EMAIL: chen@sagnelli.com
Click the link below to view the ZLRMA short-term booking policy. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our team!
Zuco Electrical 072 214 1919
Electricity info@zucoe.co.za www.zucoe.co.za
Amacabezeh Trading 060 471 2464
Construction Company amacabezehtrading@gmail.co.za
Westfield Contractors 031 579 5771
Contractors info@westfieldcontractors.co.za www.westfieldcontractors.co.za
Gate & Door Control 031 563 3481
Gate & Doors admin@gateanddoor.co.za www.gateanddoor.co.za
Union 3 Build 032 946 3394 brent@union3.co.za www.union3.co.za
Siza Water 032 946 3188
Water Management info@sizawater.com www.sizawater.com
Khanda Ikhehla Construction 076 533 7080 Construction Company johan.gumede72@gmail.com
NMC Design Elements 071 881 1299
saleskzn@nmcsa.co.za www.nmcsa.co.za
Smart AV Homes Systems 083 691 8821 Homes Systems admin@smartavhomesystems.co.za www.smartavhomesystems.co.za
Dolphin Coast Waste Management Workshop 032 940 0400 sales@dcwm.co.za
Pro Aluminum and Glass 031 701 2001
Architectural Aluminum Products sales@proaluminium.co.za
Berry King Waterproofing SA 066 075 8651 diana@berryking.co.za www.berryking.co.za
3 Dot Natal (Pty) Ltd 011 463 3301 Contractors info@3dot.co.za www.3dot.co.za
Bayside Engineering 0734211988 Engineering baysideengineering@telkomsa.net www.baysideengineering.com
Total Projex 074 993 9393
Industrial and Residential Building Contractors
Ballito Vet Hospital 032 946 2052 ballitovet@telkomsa.net
Rider Levett Bucknall 031 072 0999 Contractors dipika.gopal@za.rlb.com www.rlb.com/africa
Blue Flame Group (Pty) Ltd 031 579 1434
Fire & Safety Equipment info@blueflamegrp.co.za
Sunsai Glass and Aluminium 032 533 1861 reception@sunsai.co.za www.sunsai.co.za
Aloe Veterinary Clinic 032 946 2813 info@aloevets.co.za
Userverse 012 880 5960 support@userverse.net
Kingston Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd 0725866476 Kitchen/Built-in Cupboards & Vanity Manufacturers paul@kingstonkitchens.co.za
Laundry On Boulevard 078 756 6274
Major and Minor Projects 083 365 2103 admin@majorandminorprojects.co.za majorandminorprojects.co.za
RTG Garden Services & Projects Pty Ltd 081 391 2593 rtggardenservice12@gmail.com
Staircase & Balustrade Man 082 892 3982
Staircase & Balustrade gerhard@staircaseman.co.za
Zamani Sondlisiwe Construction 079 500 3840 thamizulu75@gmail.com
Mikelene (Pty) Ltd t/a Blinds by Carol 083 226 1161 carol@blindsbycarol.co.za
Southern Shutters (PTY) LTD 031 941 5041 Shutters & Blinds info@southernshutters.co.za www.southernshutters.co.za
CV Steel & Aluminium 084 837 3253 Steel & Aluminium sales4@cvsteel.co.za
Olwethu Africa Quantity Surveyors 083 233 0496 lloyd@olwe-africa.co.za
Audio Architex Smart Home Solutions 072 654 2566 craig@audioarchitex.co.za www.contact.audioarchitex.co.za
STL Auto Detailers 079 756 7354 info@stlautodetailers.co.za
Lights by Linea (Pty) Ltd 021 511 6116 chanell@lightsbyline.com www.lightsbylinea.com
Lifta SA (Pty) Ltd 080 73 73 73 7 Residential Lifts info@lifta.co.za www.lifta.co.za/contact
Solarvest Projects (Pty) Ltd 032 061 0255
Solar Installation admin@solarvestprojects.net www.solarvest.net
SMJ TRUCKING (PTY) LTD 032 947 1155 Trucking/Transport Services admin@smjtrucking.co.za www.smjtrucking.co.za
Dylan Reiche Campbell Property Group 076 6986634 dylan@campbellprop.co.za
Lucas Mthembu Chas Everitt 064 986 2274 lucas.m@everitt.co.za
Manuella Botha Chas Everitt 083 415 0177 manuella.botha@everitt.co.za
Cecilia Van Niekerk Club Real Estate 068 690 4686 ceciliav@clubrealestate.co.za
Catherine Richmond Engel & Voelkers 083 609 4803 catherine.richmond@engelvoelkers.com
Tshepo Hlatshwayo Exp Realty 072 799 4506 tshepo.hlatshwayo@yahoo.com
Wayne Smith Exp Realty 076 560 5571 wayne.smith@expsouthafrica.co.za
Charmaine Strydom Exp Realty 084 077 1072 charmaine.strydom@expsouthafrica.co.za
Fiona Crago Fiona Crago Real Estate 082 551 2607 fiona@fionacrago.co.za
JP Pienaar Harcourts 082 650 2082 jp.pienaar@harcourts.co.za
Audrey Dippenaar Harcourts 082 6560 160 audreydippenaar14@gmail.com
Manfred Marx Huizemark 072 142 8029 mmarx@huizemark.com
Kristen Gullan Hunt Properties 063 494 1962 kristen.gullan@huntproperties.co.za
Cornelius Kriel Lew Geffen Sotheby's Realty 078 607 8241 corne.k@sothebysrealty.co.za
Jade Van Zyl Lew Geffen Sotheby's Realty 083 294 7728 jadevz@sothebysrealty.co.za
Hugo Badenhorst Lew Geffen Sotheby's Realty 074 251 7035 hugo@sothebysrealty.co.za
Zenande Mathebula Lew Geffen Sotheby's Realty 072 522 4221 zenande@sothebysrealty.co.za
Scott Whitaker Local Real Estate 063 404 6430 scott.w@localrealestate.co.za
Jayshree Ramsewak Local Real Estate 063 020 3711 jayshree.r@localrealestate.co.za
Marcelle Conradie Pam Golding 071 302 3010 marcelle.zimbali@pamgolding.co.za
Heather Eaton Pam Golding 082 560 7231 heather.eaton@pamgolding.co.za
Indran Singaram Platinum Destinations
Ragini Morgan Platinum Destinations
Jessica Reddy Prestige Real Estate
Nqobile Ngema Plus Group
083 324 0929 reservations@platinumvacationclub.com
083 446 1438 raginimorgan@gmail.com
071 351 1115 jessica@prestigerealestate.co.za
083 681 5767 nqobile@plusgroup.co.za
Calvin Cloete PropR 021 418 4035 calvin@propr.co.za
Hanli Swartz Property.co.za 078 982 4656 hanli.swartz@propertycoza.co.za
Pravin Govender Realty Execs 083 585 4021 pravin@realtyexecs.co.za
Thoko Dlamini Regency Property Group 076 189 0908 thoko@regencyprop.co.za
Greg Kruger Remax Properties
082 775 7762 greg@remaxdolphin.co.za
Lynda Leversha Sea To Sky 082 990 0090 lynda@seatosky.co.za
Reena Cassim Seeff Properties 073 627 9301 reena.cassim@seeff.com
Siyabonga Mkhwanazi Seeff Properties 063 858 6242 siya.mkhwanazi@seeff.com
Prakashan Naidoo Seeff Properties
Andreas Wassenaar Seeff Properties
Mellini Naidoo Seeff Properties
082 372 7942 prakashan.naidoo@seeff.com
082 837 9094 andreas.wassenaar@gmail.com
074 788 5665 dalene.govindasamy@seeff.com
Dalene Govindasamy Seeff Properties 082 333 6607 dalene.govindasamy@seeff.com
Brenda Johnston Tyson property 083 630 9006 brenda.johnston@tysonprop.co.za
Vincent Pillay Wakefields Real Estate
Kesh Singh Zimbali Estate Agency
Sharona Ramsundra Zimbali Estate Agency
Fransie Pienaar Zimbali Estate Agency
Linda Marsden King Zimbali Estate Agency
081 330 7002 vincent@wakefields.co.za
082 435 9898 kesh@myzimbali.co.za
065 937 5548 sharona@myzimbali.co.za
082 338 3037 fransie@myzimbali.co.za
083 621 1687 linda@myzimbali.co.za
Jennifer Ngubane Zimbali Estate Agency 85 338 3037 rentals@zimbali.co.za
Unathi Makhuzeni Zimbali Estate Agency
Roxanne Sanders Zimbali Homes
083 368 9176 rentalagent1@zimbali.co.za
079 753 8579 bookings1@zimbalihomes.com
Meet Roxy - the person with all the solutions (Lapersonne = The Person)
Roxy Lapersonne handles many queries every day about policies, procedures, constitutions, conduct rules and more. She is always happy to help. She thought that, in case there is a question that you haven’t had the opportunity to ask, it would be useful to share some of the FAQs on record.
So, feel free to contact Roxy. If your query isn’t within her scope, she will always be able to guide you to the right place.
Roxy Lapersonne
Reception & Office Administrator admin@zlr.co.za
Q: What is a Homeowner’s Association?
A: Whenever a planned community is first created, the Master Developer establishes a non-profit Homeowners Association (HOA). Thereafter, Homeowners elect a Board of Trustees at Annual General Meetings to manage the organization.
The prime objective is to enhance the sales and marketability of homes in the area. Board Members are responsible for creating governing documents, such as Constitutions and Rules of Conduct, which serve as the regulations for Association Members.
Q: Why is a HOA important?
A: A Homeowners Association (HOA) is essential for maintaining the smooth operation of your community. The HOA oversees various aspects, ensuring that the Estate has the highest standard of security, maintaining common areas and managing a budget that is sufficient for all necessary expenses associated with enhancing your investment.
Q: When is my levy due and what does my levy cover?
A: Levies are due and payable in advance by the first of each month. These funds cover all the estate’s operating expenses such as security, landscaping, insurance, maintenance and general administration.
Q: How many pets are allowed per home?
A: Each dwelling is allowed a maximum of two pets, either two dogs, two cats or one of each. All pets must comply with the pet policy and be registered with the HOA before they are allowed onto the estate.
Q: Can I hire Contractors to carry out any home maintenance requirements?
A: Private contractors are allowed on the estate, provided that the Homeowner first completes a Minor Works Form and submits it to the HOA before any maintenance begins. The contractor’s entry to the estate will unfortunately be denied if this procedure has not been successfully completed. This process ensures that everyone on the estate is accounted for and that estate security is not compromised.
Q: How do my guests get access into the Estate?
A: Homeowners can send access codes directly to their guests using their My Estate Life App. It is available on all major App stores. However, if your unit is in the Boulevard Precinct or Ocean Club and you engage in short-term letting, you will only have viewing rights and not the ability to issue codes as, for security reasons, this is managed by the HOA’s Short-Term Letting Department.
Please note that all issued access codes are audited daily for record-keeping and safety purposes.
Q: Are rentals permitted?
A: Short-Term rentals are allowed at the Boulevard and Ocean Club developments located outside the main estate. Long-term rentals are allowed at The Ridge located inside the main estate.
Q: What is a Constitution?
A: The Constitution embodies the ethos of the estate, ensuring that the Association is able to undertake the conservancy and other assigned functions and obligations. It aims to protect and advance the interests of property owners on the estate, maintain essential services, amenities and activities, regulate the environment, and oversee development. The focus is on safeguarding the aesthetic standards that preserve the overall allure of the estate.
Why are there Conduct Rules?
A: Each Association has its own Rules of Conduct, overseen by the ZLRMA Constitution. This ensures the estate’s safety and security, maintains high standards and prioritises Members’ best interests and good neighbourliness. Disorder would prevail in the absence of rules.
Q: Who do I call if I have an emergency?
A: The estate is secured 24/7 with physical guards and a perimeter fence monitored by thermal CCTV cameras. Our Control Room, located next to the Main Entrance of the main estate, oversees all surveillance.
On site Security Control Room emergency contact number –076 018 1714
For any day-to-day enquiries, you can contact the HOA office.
Monday to Thursday 08h00 – 17h00, Friday 08h00 – 16h00
HOA Contact number - 032 940 3000
HOA Email address – admin@zlr.co.za