methods of madness

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Name: Zina Ali Year: GD2 Semester:1 Studio Practice 2A: Methods of Madness Unit:EGRD 2009

You Look Like me, look like you This work was fun to doing, spatially compering my self to someone famous like Zahria Ahmed who is Graphic Designer in Middle East,I enjoy using photoshop and learned how to make this technique witch help me to create more image in the future.

Shooting Stars: 100 ways of drawing This work was challenging for me because I have to create different ways of drawing the same image, I draw four different ways one of them is shadow of the image and the other images, I used acetate and spots drawing.

Shooting Stars London Riot My research was about London Riot I wanted to know how this happen and make story about it in video so I collect many images and make collage. using black and whit image is to describe the what happen in that time and reflect that on the images I also used the dark room to create the affect of the incident.

Shooting Stars Video This video show how the looting and the riot started and how the media was reporting the incident, I used different type of writing to visuals the toke for each parson what there think about the what happen I also used some of the collage I make for the research to tall the story of riot.

The Link For The Vidoe on You Tube :

PaperCo : Henderson Global Investors Research This was the first idea of research i make or this brief it was work group and we have gather information about the company , we draw some idea of packaging we look for the material and colours and the way to found solution the packaging interim of size and posting.

This was the first packaging we design as first idea and we design to chose hand shake in the front of the package and reason we choice that is to simples theidea of trust and decision this was our min brand values.

PaperCo: process and development This is the development of the package designed with small booklet inside explaining the idea of the company and brand values witch is (Decisions for your future we make for you today) and all the different material we used for this package is environment friendly.

This is the small booklet showing the detail of the package and how is work interim of opining and closing, we needed to make more development to design an exceptional package.

progress One of the min thing of choosing hand shake for the front packages to create the confidant and trust, hand shake always identified for the agreement and parson so we wanted to reflect that on the package, we choice different colour for the hands and background package for more option and idea to choice..

PaperCo: Out Come successfully manage to finish the work and hand in on time, presenting four A3 presentation boards and mock-up the first bored explain the idea of the brand values and showing the step of the package.

Because Choosing The Right Investment Is Never Easy. With Henderson We Help You Choose The Right Decisions

Handshake is a binding agreement because it allows for the tangibility of feeling the other persons hand in yours, and that contact and interaction is symbolic of the trust and reliance. the two people are exchanging with each other. Because people develop a sense of personal space physical contact around them.


Serial Triller: Chines Whisper Research this brief was interesting, and challenging the research about how the ink blot could tall story in just looking in to the shape, so I make more research about how the ink blot started and how people could read this without using any writing or images, this idea inspire me to work in smaller way, I have make some example and taste on people to tall me what they seeing.

Research: developing the work Using the dark room was great way to make this image, witch is different pieces of ink bolt and reflect this in the dark room to make it look an clear, also used different kind of news paper,film thread, the reason I did this is because, I wanted them to create the story and what they can see through this images.asking people who speak different language some of them are Arabic, Japans Chines, Hindi, Philippines, Lithuanian, inspire me to use there writing and come out the final out come

Devalopment: Using the Dark room using dark room and reflect the writing I received form the people, this give it great reflect form on different writing on the sheet , witch designed to be a poster for the out come.

Out come: Posters this are more poster design using the dark room, and using the different form of writing and it give it great reflection on the paper all this word have the same meaning witch is and translate in to different way and give it different shape and form.

More Development : Chines Whisper Video trying the same way of translating the word in to video and use the word coming out is repeated word and dos have the same meaning except is been saying in different way and tons.

The Link for the video in you tube:

One Day Workshope We been given three small different brife, to investigate and to veisulyes the writing, it was fun to do this and look for somthing outsied the unvirsty envirmaent, this work help me to do the same think with Biography brief.

Brief (1) Discuss something with someone that you have never toke to before. collect some of the material of the people we toke to and we where toking about the smoking issue, so evidence we collect this cigaret and toke picture to show to the classe.

Brief (2) Fictionalise and event This image show the mark of foot print of some one was there on that time some try to take as match pictouer as i can it just intersting to know who was there at that time and leave mark behind them.

Brief(3) Compare something we ask people to compare there body to any of the object shape so we gat some of the people who camper their self in to fruit shape and other in to object shape.

Biographies: Research About Malcolm X this is one of the methods of the research witch was to draw the icon of the person just simple drawing the could remembers about this person, I gat this image of black and whit witch is interesting to see a lot of people use that kind of colour witch is going with the time he live 1977.

second research Asking people about Malcolm X and what they know about him, this one didn’t help me at first, but after I read there comment about malcolm X find out some new information about him witch help me later to developed and used this for my out come.

Third Research: using the image of Malcolm X help me to create this small sceptres of him, and cut out his face in to Pisces to make it look an clear to the people so they could writ there comment about him in the back of the image, with know how he look like, this work give me great-idea for the final pice of the out come.

Developed the Research: This is anther way of designing poster, trying to show the way of revelling the image in slow motion it’s make you wander who is the parson behind the speech. the future belong to those who prepare for it today. this is one of Malcolm x speech are in the front and its despair with time to show the full image of the parson who side the speech


This animation show what other people know and thinking about Malcolm X, as it the animation go the piece of the picture is ravelling with each parson toking about him.

The link for the you tube video:


Malcolm x

Henderson Global Investors


my first experience on semester one is pretty existing and challenging at the same time, I learn a lot of thing, in term of technique and presentation, I have more confident to do presentation in front of student and other people and that give me the confident, my first of semester one was challenging as I have learn how to make video in quick time so this was good experience, about the second brief it was hard for me to experience such big challenging, as I have to make in front of client, it was good feeling to do something new and hared , but also it’ give me the chance to work with other people and this motivate me to do my work on time as we had two different brief at the same time, however this is didn’t had affect on my other work and I had the chance to complete all the brief on time on the other hand , there is a lot of work, I need to work out in the future for my confident, I need to be more challenge and gat out from my confer t zoom, witch I will do this in the second semester and develop my skills and make suer to work hared to gat the gaol I wanted in the future in term to do that, I started on the semester going and attending to every toke and take that experience in to me study, I had the chance to toke to some of the artist who came to the university it help me a lot with my study, I also enjoy doing brief three witch is the chines whisper I loved using the dark room to design my work and use some of the aliment that I never used before, overall this semester give me the chance to work hard and manage my time next time work and share the information with other for good feedback to develop my work.

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