2014 Annual Report
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Going Further, Faster.
Board Members
I am delighted to present Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership’s (NEP’s) 2014 Annual Report, which outlines the Board’s ambition for Northamptonshire’s economy, together with the progress that we have made in delivering this. 2014 has been a landmark year for NEP, with our Strategic Economic Plan providing the basis for negotiating £119.5 million of funding for Northamptonshire. This ‘Growth Deal’ with Government also saw Northamptonshire being selected for two national pilots, with NEP helping to develop the model for Enterprise Advisers, as proposed by Lord Young in his “Enterprise for All” report; and identifying how business support services can be made as easily accessible as possible. The outcome from the first phase of the Growth Deal was a strong endorsement of Government’s confidence in NEP’s strategic and delivery capability, and provides an excellent platform to move forward. However, the Board and I recognise that delivering on the Growth Deal and our wider ambition will only be achieved by working in strong and highly effective partnership with all of our businesses and stakeholders. The Board would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners and funders, who have supported NEP to develop and deliver the ambitions in our Strategic Economic Plan and make 2014 the year in which Northamptonshire’s economy really does go further and faster.
John Markham OBE - Chairman
Brian Binley MP Vice-Chairman
Cllr. Tom Beattie Leader, Corby Borough Council
Sarah Canning Partner - Head of Litigation, Franklins LLP
Jon Corbett Head of Corporate Banking, Barclays
Gerald Couldrake Company Secretary, Howes Percival Solicitors
Pratima Dattani VCSE Representative, Wellingborough Homes
Stephen Davies Principal, Moulton College
Cllr. André Gonzalez De Savage Northamptonshire County Council
Graham Goss Consultant, Haines Watts Chartered Accountants
Cllr. Jim Harker OBE - Leader, Northamptonshire County Council
Chris Hatfield Managing Director, David Wilson Homes
Andrew Langley Managing Director, Juniper Trading
Victoria Miles Chief Executive, Northamptonshire Community Foundation
Cllr. Chris Millar Leader, Daventry District Council
Cllr. Steven North Leader, East Northamptonshire Council
Prof. Nick Petford - Vice Chancellor & CEO, University of Northampton
Richard Phillips Managing Director, Silverstone Circuit
Bruce Ray Corporate Affairs Director UK, Carlsberg Group
David Reynolds Chairman, North Northants Development Company
David Rolton Founder, Rolton Group
James Saunders-Watson Head of Investment Trust Marketing, J.P. Morgan
Martin Sutherland Chief Executive, Royal & Derngate
John Markham OBE Chairman, Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership
Northamptonshire Growth Deal
Our Vision
Annual Review
A Strategy to Go Further, Faster
Summary of Annual Accounts
Governance Structure
Working in Partnership
The NEP Team
Annual Report 2014
Transformative Growth for Northamptonshire: Growth Deal
Our Vision The Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) outlines a bold ambition for Northamptonshire’s economy, looking to increase the local economy from its current £16 billion to £20 billion in seven years, bringing about unprecedented growth and prosperity for our businesses, people and communities. This level of growth will see an additional 32,500 jobs created, 1,600 new businesses started and 37,000 new houses built, helping meet the current and future housing needs of all of our communities.
The plan is rightly ambitious, but importantly realistic and achievable based on Northamptonshire’s impressive track record in recovering from the downturn and demonstrating continued growth, subsequently. The ambition is now to deliver growth a full percentage point over and above the national average. The SEP has been designed around what is unique and special about Northamptonshire’s economy, namely its:
Annual Report 2014
People - one of the fastest growing populations in the country, forming a loyal and committed workforce as demonstrated by our very high levels of employment. Location - literally at the heart of the country, meaning that 75% of the population is within a two hour drive. Assets - our economic offer is based around seven distinctive locations each with a complimentary economic offer, which provides strength and depth to Northamptonshire’s economic base. Northamptonshire is also home to worldclass brands including Barclaycard, Carlsberg UK, Weetabix, Silverstone, Yusen, Cosworth, and Mercedes-AMG. Can Do - attitude to growth, importantly underpinned by capable leadership and credible delivery arrangements. Entrepreneurial Culture - with Northamptonshire recognised as the most enterprising place in the UK; and Northampton specifically identified by Experian as the best place to do business. It is easy to see why businesses want to start up, grow and prosper here. SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy, ensuring that Northamptonshire has a broad based and vibrant economy.
It is important that the SEP capitalises on everything that is special about Northamptonshire, delivering growth that is sustainable and benefits all of our businesses, people and communities. The strategy therefore focuses on the priorities that are most relevant to delivering sustainable growth, namely business and innovation, employment and skills, infrastructure and connectivity and housing. It also recognises and builds upon our sectoral strengths in High Performance Technologies, Logistics, Food & Drink, Creative and Cultural Industries alongside financial services, wider manufacturing and professional and technical services. Strong partnership is a key part of Northamptonshire’s success and new governance arrangements are now in place to bring the private sector together with the public sector and wider stakeholders to drive forward economic growth in Northamptonshire. The SEP is also about working with government in real partnership to make sure that Local Growth Funding and European Structural Funds really do deliver results in our area. Our vision is not only about numbers, it is about people and that’s why there is such a focus on employment and skills, and housing as providing people with the right skills, employment and housing is fundamental to a good quality of life. Northamptonshire is perfectly placed to go further, faster with the SEP providing the catalyst to do this - helping our businesses to deliver tens of thousands of new jobs and homes by 2021 and many, many more by 2031.
Annual Review Economic Overview
Services to Businesses - Performance Highlights
Northamptonshire has one of the fastest growing populations in the country, with a population of 706,600 in 2013, an increase of almost 200,000 new residents in little over 30 years. 447,400 of Northamptonshire’s population is of working age, making sure that there is a strong supply of employees for Northamptonshire businesses. This translates into high economic activity levels, which currently stand at 82.8% compared to 77.4% nationally; together with lower levels of people receiving Job Seeker Allowance, currently at 2.0%, in comparison with 2.3% nationally.
Northamptonshire Growth Hub
LOCATE offers grant funding of up to £20,000 to existing businesses wishing to either relocate or expand their business by moving to Northamptonshire.
INV-ENT (Innovation & Enterprise) provides a business rate rebate to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), enabling investment in business development and growth and supporting the creation of new jobs in Northamptonshire.
Celebrating 12 months of effective business support.
Northamptonshire benefits from high levels of new business registrations (as a percentage of all active registered companies) at 20.22%, compared with the England average of 19.42% and the LEP comparator group average of 14.79%. The rates of businesses dissolved or going into liquidation at 11.63% is lower than the England and East Midlands rates of 13.24% and 12.06%, respectively. These figures are reflective of a vibrant and active business base, and help to substantiate Northamptonshire’s entrepreneurship credentials.
Beneficiaries of the grant so far include recordbreaking electric car company, Bluebird Performance Engineering, moving from Coventry to Rockingham in Corby and US-owned Global Composites Recycling Solutions, Inc. (GCRS) which recycles fiberglass and is also moving to Corby. GCRS expects to employ over 250 people by 2017.
House prices within Northamptonshire remain more affordable than elsewhere, with the average home costing £144,693 compared with the national average of £172,011. This level of affordability, coupled with an excellent lifestyle offer, will support Northamptonshire to become a destination of choice for housing. Whilst house prices remain affordable, prices are currently increasing at a marginally higher rate (6.8%) than nationally, which is currently 6.4%.
Managed by NEP and funded by Northamptonshire County Council, LOCATE is made available to qualifying small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Since its launch in 2013, LOCATE has attracted inward investment enquiries from businesses across the UK and from overseas.
Other LOCATE recipients also include Incredible Bakery Company who moved from London to Kettering, UberShop who were previously based in Bedfordshire and are now at Brackmills Industrial Estate and Hendrix Media which has moved from Milton Keynes to Caswell Science & Technology Park.
Since its inception in 2011, NEP and Northamptonshire County Council have invested over £990,000 in 69 business projects through the INV-ENT initiative. This has led to the creation of over 400 new jobs and more than 100 apprenticeships as well as training, which has developed the skills of nearly 600 local employees. Funding from the INV-ENT programme enabled DTC International to set up and promote a Data Cleansing and Test Lab facility at their Brackley, Northamptonshire premises. This means that services previously subcontracted to businesses outside of the county are now carried out in-house. This safeguarded the future of employees at DTC and led to the creation of a number of new jobs.
Since its launch in November 2013, the Northamptonshire Growth Hub has enabled over 1,000 callers to get easy access to a comprehensive range of business support services, including start-up advice, business planning, skills training and funding opportunities. Endorsed by BIS, the Hub has so far referred 95% of enquiries to an appropriate Service Provider. A partnership initiative between NEP, Northamptonshire County Council and the University of Northampton, the Growth Hub will receive funding from the Local Growth Fund to ensure it can sustain current services and expand the range of support on offer. NEP is also working with Government to make sure that the Growth Hub provides easy access to national business support services, so that the Growth Hub really is a one-stop shop for businesses in Northamptonshire.
DTC International’s business has grown by more than 50 per cent since receiving INV-ENT funding.
However, there are a number of areas where Northamptonshire’s economic performance could be stronger and NEP will put significant effort into working with partners to address these. Currently, Northamptonshire’s overall GVA is lower than the national average measured by both per head and per employee, and if the overall aspiration for increased GVA is to be met it will be necessary to improve performance on both of these indicators. Skills will be a strong priority as while performance compares well with the East Midlands, there remains a level of under-performance at every level when compared with national performance, with the gap widest at NVQ4 and above. One other key area where performance is less strong is on the number of 18-24 year olds receiving Job Seekers Allowance, which stands at 4.0% compared with the national average of 3.8%. Whilst this has improved by 3.0% over the past twelve months, which is encouraging, it remains persistently higher than the overall register.
Annual Report 2014
Services to Businesses - Performance Highlights Alongside developing its strategic and investment priorities, NEP has continued to directly deliver a range of products and services that have helped Northamptonshire’s businesses to deliver economic growth and jobs. Through this work we have directly supported the creation of 1,197 new jobs and 69 business start-ups and levered in £43,769,942 to support local business growth.
Private sector jobs created and safeguarded Business start-ups
New company investments
Private sector leverage
Public sector leverage
Total year targets 2013/14
Full year actuals
Achieved against target
£ 5,000,000
£ 2,000,000
NEP is one of the few Local Enterprise Partnerships that provides a direct support service to businesses, covering the full spectrum of support from start-ups through to established and growing companies. A range of services are provided by NEP, including grant and investment funding through programmes such as LOCATE and INV-ENT, direct business support through the Enterprise Hub, support to inward investors and support for training and recruitment through the Job Brokerage service. On the back of the successful sector support for the High Performance Technologies’ industry we have attracted an additional £6m of new funding for companies from a combination of Regional Growth Funding and European Regional Development Funding. In the last year, NEP launched the Northamptonshire Growth Hub (in partnership with the University of Northampton and Northamptonshire County Council) bringing together all of Northamptonshire’s business support services under one umbrella to make things simple for businesses looking for advice and support. Adjacent are a number of case studies that illustrate our activity and demonstrate the impact in terms of job creation and business growth.
Annual Report 2014
Enterprise Hub
Jobs Brokerage
One of NEP’s primary objectives is to support Northamptonshire entrepreneurs in establishing sustainable businesses that create jobs.
NEP’s Jobs Brokerage team provide a single point of contact to help employers develop bespoke recruitment solutions and find the best trainees, apprentices and graduates for their business, from across Northamptonshire.
Building on what already exists within Northamptonshire and activity currently delivered by NEP, a targeted entrepreneurship support programme is expanding the reach of the Northamptonshire Libraries Enterprise Hub network to cover the whole of Northamptonshire. The Enterprise Hub provides tailored business support (including pre-start and start-up programmes by a range of providers) to stimulate the creation of new businesses including knowledge based businesses. NEP’s Start-up Coach, a new online business support website portal, enables new and prospective business owners to work through NEP’s business support programme at their own pace. Hundreds of aspiring business-owners have attended the free workshops to date. “The workshop sessions were extremely useful I have been on all of them! They help with everything from considering realistically whether selfemployment is the best option to creating a business plan and devising a social media strategy.” Kerry Lease Media “NEP’s start-up grant has helped my business in the short-term but the big thing was the support given to construct my business plan and from that my sales forecasts.” Clear Vertical
The team promotes vacancies, filters applications and assesses candidates for jobs and apprenticeships prior to interview, and provides further assessment during the selection process. Job brokerage is a cost-free, efficient and effective way for employers to recruit young people into apprenticeships and jobs. When Northampton’s world-leading manufacturer of quality footwear, Church’s, first contacted the Jobs Brokerage team in 2012, they were looking for support with their campaign to recruit a number of local apprentices keen to develop a long-term career in the shoe industry. The team set about working with a range of partners including local schools to promote the opportunities available. They delivered information sessions to groups of young people about Church’s the company and its products and screened suitable candidates. A shortlist of applicants was provided to Church’s ahead of an assessment day. Following the success of the 2012 programme, NEP’s Jobs Brokerage team has subsequently supported Church’s with their apprentice recruitment in 2013 and 2014.
High Performance Technologies (HPT) Investment Programme The HPT Investment Programme offers grants to Northamptonshire businesses within the HPT sector to support business growth and sustainable job creation. The programme was initially funded through Regional Growth Fund (RGF), with additional funding provided by EMB Ltd. Working in partnership with EMB Ltd further funding was secured through European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) creating a total pot of £2.2m to support HPT businesses in Northamptonshire. To date, NEP has awarded £1.5m in grants to 38 businesses within Northamptonshire, which will safeguard and create 473 jobs and lever nearly £10m in private sector investment by March 2016. English Harbour Yachts in Oundle were one of the first beneficiaries of the programme. Director, Alan Bowers, said: “This funding has proven invaluable; it has enabled us to develop a new model and will also assist with the regeneration of the Oundle Marina site. The project has so far led to 12 new jobs with over £300,000 private investment.” GE Precision Engineering is a specialist engine design group consultancy and prototype low volume manufacturer of engine and chassis components for the automotive and motorsport industry. The company was awarded £50,000 HPT R&D support to continue to develop increased performance and increased energy efficient engines. The investment will support the creation of 15 new jobs by 2015. Building on the foundations of the HPT Investment Programme, NEP secured £4m of Regional Growth Funding (RGF) to deliver a programme focused on large scale R&D activity. Launched in January 2014, the programme is delivered in partnership with SEMLEP. A target exists of 500 jobs created and £12m private sector leverage by March 2018.
A Strategy to go Further, Faster
What NEP is planning to do:
Business & Innovation BY 2031
Create 70,000 new jobs
BY 2021
Internationalisation Strategy
Create a £20 billion economy and deliver 32,500 new jobs
Strategic Imperatives
Population Growth
Business Support Simplification Pilot The Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) has invited NEP to pilot the rationalisation and simplification of business support within Northamptonshire.
Northamptonshire Increased productivity
Improved Innovation Delivered by: - Growing our Business Base - Supply Chain Development - Exploiting Our Export Premium - Attracting New Investment
Strategic Priority To improve the productivity and competitiveness of SMEs, through investing in innovation and targeted business support
Major Investment Opportunities Growth Hub, Sector Innovation Fund, INV-ENT, Locate
Significant growth in both the number of new businesses and in the productivity of existing businesses is an essential requirement if Northamptonshire’s ambition to grow its overall economy to £20 billion in the next seven years is to be realised. It is necessary to invest in business start-ups, expansion and to market Northamptonshire as an attractive investment location nationally and globally. Business start-up is relatively strong across the county’s sectors and Northamptonshire has one of the highest proportions of private sector employment in the UK. However, ongoing and targeted business support to drive forward business growth and innovation in Northamptonshire is a must.
Annual Report 2014
NEP will deliver a smarter approach to working internationally. We will build stronger relationships with partners such as UK Trade and Investment and Chamber of Commerce and will look for synergies in established and emerging overseas markets to increase export performance and target more company investment opportunities for Northamptonshire.
We also need to exploit Northamptonshire’s export premium - export figures show the county experienced a sharp rise from 20.1 million in February 2013 to 43.8 million in February 2014.
Financed by: - Local Growth Fund - Growing Places Fund - Regional Growth Fund - European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy - Local Public and Private Sector Finance
The pivotal importance of larger companies within the local economy, given their ability to create local supply chains and support small business development, is clearly recognised also.
Over £46k of funding has been made available to support this work which will see NEP undertake a comprehensive review of the business support landscape to identify how this can work best for our local businesses.
Silverstone Metrology Centre A multi-million pound high precision measurement facility will be built at Silverstone Business Park to support SMEs in the development of new product ideas and to create four apprenticeships. The new facility will enable the smaller businesses there to access state-of-the-art measuring and testing equipment that might otherwise be too expensive. This £1m project has been made possible thanks to a £300,000 grant from Government’s Local Growth Fund.
In identifying the investment activities to be supported by NEP’s Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), we have built upon the success of the existing programme of support delivered across Northamptonshire by NEP and its partners. This programme will be enhanced to ensure it keeps pace with the changing operating environment. In delivering future programmes, NEP will also ensure that it continues to take into account the specific issues affecting rural businesses - over half of the population of Northamptonshire live within rural areas - with an overall approach heavily focused on support for SMEs.
Employment & Skills
What NEP is planning to do: d
Create a £20 billion economy and deliver 32,500 new jobs
BY 2021
Strategic Imperatives High Jobs Density Northamptonshire
Delivered by:
Meeting Replacement & Growth Demands
- Developing Our Future Workforce - Meeting the Current and Future Demands of Business - Developing the Delivery Infrastructure
Strategic Priority Improve the skills available to business, through delivering high quality education and training and expanding the skill base of the resident workforce.
Creating and developing Northamptonshire’s future skilled workforce is a key priority for NEP and is reliant on addressing all aspects of the education, training and skills system with schools critical to this. Key to this commitment has been Challenge 2016, which aims to find 2,016 local jobs for young people by 2016. This initiative based on strong partnership working between DWP, Connexions, Northamptonshire County Council and the seven district and borough councils and NEP is already well on track. The latest figures for August 2014 show that youth unemployment in Northamptonshire has now dropped to 2,035 meaning there are now less than half the numbers of young jobseekers in the county compared to 2012.
Population Growth
Improving Skills Levels
Young people
Financed by: - Local Growth Fund - European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy - Local Public and Private Sector Finance
This demonstrates the focus and commitment of local businesses and the wider Northamptonshire partnership network in maximising opportunities for our young people. Through NEPs Jobs Brokerage Service, we will continue to work collaboratively with our partners to promote apprenticeships that meet the current and future demands of business.
Enterprise for All
Northamptonshire’s ambition is to create an additional 32,500 jobs by 2021 which will require additional employees to meet these opportunities. It is also essential that Northamptonshire’s workforce has the necessary skills and competences to meet the current and future needs of our fast-growing economy, which is why Northamptonshire is serious about skills. Improving skills performance at every level requires a transformational approach and the necessary infrastructure to create a 21st century learning environment. Concerted efforts have been made to develop this infrastructure with many of the building blocks now in place ahead of the need to address some critical gaps in provision. Northamptonshire’s Sector Skills Programme includes a focus on
Annual Report 2014
industry specific skills provision, support for apprenticeships and traineeships, employer responsive skills support, intermediate and higher level development for industries driving growth and support for digital and ICT skills at all levels. Creating a skilled workforce is reliant on addressing all aspects of the education, training and skills system with schools critical to this. Developing education business links are necessary in effectively developing the future workforce. Targeted programmes that respond to the needs of young people and employers which include skills gaps and shortages of basic and transferable skills including team working, literacy, numeracy and communication skills are essential.
to be additional work to increase the volume and level of apprenticeships by delivering pre-traineeships provision and delivering more advanced and higher apprenticeships.
Through the Growth Deal, NEP will work with government to explore the feasibility of implementing a programme of Enterprise Advisers in line with Lord Young’s recommendation in his review ‘Enterprise for All’.
Tresham Young People The Growth Deal will invest £11.4m for the construction of Tresham College’s new campus in Wellingborough. This will provide a learning facility for 500 learners as well as an enhanced provision to support ‘Not in Education, Employment or Training’ (NEETs) and the unemployed. When complete, the new campus will include a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths centre and will offer subjects including Construction, Engineering and Art & Design.
Northamptonshire’s Jobs Brokerage team offers one-to-one support for young people looking for jobs and work based training. They helped over 350 young people last year. Could they help you too?
JB Skills Poster V2.indd 1
Find out more love-northamptonshire.co.uk
03/06/2013 11:33
Apprenticeships are the major route into employer training. Building on the strong work in the Northamptonshire Apprenticeship Plan there now needs
What NEP is planning to do:
Housing BY 2031
Deliver 80,000 New Homes
BY 2021
Deliver 37,000 New Homes
Strategic Imperatives
Population Growth 11% above England average
Delivered by: - Accelerating Housing Development - Meeting the Housing Needs of the Current and Future Population - Promoting the Economic Case for Increased Housing Supply
Addressing Welfare and Social Care Reforms Northamptonshire
Lower than average GVA per head
Strategic Priority
Financed by:
Ensure that the current and future needs of Northamptonshire’s population are met by providing the right product, at the right price in the right place
- Revolving Infrastructure Fund - Local Growth Fund - Local Public and Private Sector Finance - Growing Places Fund
Major Housing Sites Corby North East, Daventry North East, Kettering East, Northampton North, Rushden East, Stanton Cross, Towcester South
Northamptonshire has one of the fastest growing populations in the UK, exceeding national growth rates by 36 per cent during 2001-2011 and accommodating significant in-migration. This growing population has and will continue to place additional demands for new housing which has been recognised in the Local Plan documents for North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire which provide for a combined total of 35,200 new homes over the life of the SEP. In recognition of the scale of new housing required, a series of Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs) were agreed which will deliver over half of the total housing requirement over the plan period.
Annual Report 2014
A sophisticated understanding of the needs of each of the two distinct markets - North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire - is important to ensure that communities are open to development, recognising that it meets their needs and those of their families and communities. The need to meet the demands of both a growing population and changing demand in a market that is still recovering from the economic downturn means that intervention will be necessary to deliver housing at the scale and pace required. This will necessitate close working relationships between all parties to develop shared and creative solutions to deliver the right product at the right time in the right place.
A Housing Strategy Board has therefore been formally constituted within NEP’s governance to reinforce the importance of housing to the overall growth agenda and to take forward the strategic objectives for this priority.
Strategic Housing Action Plan The Housing Strategy Board is committed to working in partnership to support the delivery of 37,000 new homes by 2021; and importantly making sure that these new homes meet the current and future needs of the people of Northamptonshire, be they a first time buyer, a family looking for move on accommodation or ‘down-sizers’ whose families have now left home. There is also a need to recognise the impact that Social Care and Welfare Reforms will present for the housing agenda and factor these into housing strategy and delivery. The housing market remains fragile and as such delivering high quality housing fit for the 21st Century and beyond is a complex business, requiring new and creative solutions alongside the tried and tested. The Strategic Housing Action Plan will therefore outline how the ambition within existing statutory plans, housing strategies and the Strategic Economic Plan can be turned from ambition into reality.
Stanton Cross £8.9m has been allocated from the Growth Deal for a new road bridge over the Midland Mainline railway which will allow new housing and business developments to the east of Wellingborough. The £500m Stanton Cross development on land to the east of Wellingborough’s train station will be the largest growth the town has seen since the 1960s. It will include more than 3,000 new homes as well as shops, schools, office space, a town park, community centre and doctor’s surgery. Major improvements to roads and public transport will also take place. The whole development is expected to take 10-15 years to complete and will create around 100 jobs a year over the construction period, as well as more than 2,000 additional permanent jobs once the project is completed.
Infrastructure & Connectivity BY 2031
Deliver 80,000 New Homes and create 70,000 new jobs
BY 2021
What NEP is planning to do:
Deliver 37,000 New Homes and 32,500 new jobs
Strategic Imperatives Demand for Market Ready Sites
Housing Demand Northamptonshire
Gaps in critical enabling infrastructure
Limited Move on Space
Public Works Loans Board Government has made up to £50m available to Northamptonshire in 2015/16 from preferential borrowings through the Public Works Loan Board. This money will be used to support strategic infrastructure investment which forms part of the overall Growth Deal package.
A45 £14m Growth Deal monies will be invested in the A45 Northampton to Daventry link road which will bring significant environmental improvements for Flore, Weedon and Upper Heyford and allow the development of housing and employment sites.
Delivered by: - Transport as an Enabler of Growth - Growth Enabling Finance - Provide a Portfolio of Market Ready Major Investment Sites - Increase Availability of Office Floor Space - Environmental Sustainability and Energy - Create Superfast Northamptonshire - Digital and Communications
Strategic Priority Provide the necessary infrastructure to facilitate sustainable economic growth
Financed by: - Revolving Infrastructure Fund - Local Growth Fund - Growing Places Fund - European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy - Local Public and Private Sector Finance
£8.9m from the Growth Deal will be spent on improvements to the A43 in Northampton including extra lanes, improved public transport and roundabout improvements allowing new housing and business sites to be developed.
Superfast Broadband £2m will be invested to extend the final 10 per cent of premises including the 60 business parks across Northamptonshire to secure full coverage.
Growing Places
The scale of growth potential in Northamptonshire is clear. An immediate pipeline of more than 35,000 homes with planning permission puts us in an unrivalled position in England to deliver high quality, sustainable growth. However, much of this development is constrained by the timely delivery of major infrastructure schemes. The infrastructure needs are already identified and agreed by partners so development can be delivered quickly. Within the wider infrastructure needs we have taken detailed assessments of the deliverability and impact of schemes and have prioritised those schemes we know can be delivered immediately. Northamptonshire has already acted to take the initiative and articulate its
Annual Report 2014
agenda for stimulating economic growth. In 2011, the Northamptonshire Arc spatial concept was agreed. This was one of the first approaches of its type in the country which looks at future economic growth, the environment and connectivity. Through an integrated approach to infrastructure and wider activity it aligns with the six key principles of the ‘smart city’ approach, namely a smart economy, smart mobility, a smart environment, smart people, smart living and smart governance. As part of the process of developing the SEP we have worked with local partners to identify the key infrastructure investments necessary in the medium and long term to deliver our vision for growth. This work builds on the significant planning and pre-scheme
development already undertaken by partners, especially both planning units and Northamptonshire County Council in its capacity as the Highways Authority.
In 2011, NEP was allocated £5.8m from government’s Growing Places Funding (GPF) which has already helped to unlock significant development through investment in infrastructure. NEP’s GPF allocation has been committed to support the release of housing and jobs, demonstrating that through forward funding of infrastructure NEP can accelerate the release of housing and employment. The fact that the programme is heavily committed demonstrates the demand for infrastructure investment across Northamptonshire with ‘shovel-ready’ schemes that are ready to go. For example, funding of £1.6m has been provided to the Bela Partnership from NEP’s Growing Places programme for the Priors Hall West Link Road (PHWLR) which forms an integral part of the wider Priors Hall Park residential development, comprising around 5,100 homes and other supporting mix of uses within the scheme. Linked to this is the construction of the Corby Northern Orbital Road (CNOR) and development of the Rockinghamrelated business park which can accommodate 23,000 sq. m of new employment floor space. The provision of PHWLR is a key infrastructure requirement which will unlock the development of an adjacent District Centre site, providing 39,855 sq. m of retail, employment and mixed use floor space.
Summary of Annual Accounts In 2013/14 NEP’s income increased by a third on the basis of additional funding awarded from central government to LEPs in recognition of the resources required for LEPs to be effective in their role to develop and implement both the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy (ESIF).
Income from Northamptonshire County Council continued to support NEP’s service delivery activity. Expenditure on both project activity and running costs increased to ensure the delivery of the additional responsibilities vested to LEPs in the development of both strategies. At the end of the year our net assets were slightly higher than the previous year with a similar surplus carried into the next financial year as a reserve.
Detailed Profit & Loss Account - Year ended 31 March 2014 2014 2013 £ £ Turnover Local Authority Central Government income NCC Capital Funding Other public funding Private sector Total Income
839,585 200,969 1,277,904 1,509,278 287,370 154,093 15,115 6,725 2,419,974 1,871,065
Cost of Sales Project Costs Project Delivery Costs
Balance Sheet - Year ended 31 March 2014
Total Cost of Sales 2014 2013 £ £ Fixed assets Tangible assets Current assets Debtors Cash at bank and in hand
40,448 38,737 2,411,099 1,837,012 2,451,547 1,875,749
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Net current assets
Total assets less current liabilities
Net assets
Reserves Profit and loss account
Annual Report 2014
Gross Profit Corporate & Establishment Costs
Other Operating Income Bank interest receivable Surplus on ordinary activities
(1,126,999) (785,377)
(859,636) (601,090)
(1,912,376) (1,460,726) 507,598 487,670
3,360 23,288
410,339 413,427
3,112 24
Governance Structure NEP, like other Local Enterprise Partnerships, has taken on new responsibilities for Government’s Local Growth Funding and the European Structural and Investment Fund, both of which will be delivered as from 2015, alongside local economic development funding provided by Northamptonshire County Council. It is essential that the planning for, and delivery of this funding, is subject to the highest standards of transparency, accountability and visibility.
The NEP Board therefore agreed to develop
NEP Board*
new governance arrangements, which became operational in 2014. These were designed to drive
Programme Management
forward growth in Northamptonshire; provide wide partnership input to strategy development and
Prosperity Board
Strategic Growth agenda and private sector accountability
Democratic and Financial Accountability
delivery; meet central Government’s tests for LEP governance and leadership arrangements; and
Operational Arm of LEP Board
importantly discharge the financial, democratic and private sector accountability requirements for
Accelerating Growth
devolved funding.
Growth Implementation Board
These new arrangements bring together private, public and voluntary and community sector partners to drive forward the delivery of the Strategic Economic Plan and European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) Strategy, and ensure that NEP’s business is delivered to the highest standards
Business & Innovation
Enabling Growth
Employment & Skills
Infrastructure & Connectivity
of propriety and transparency. In addition to the wider partnership governance
Local Delivery Teams
structure, NEP as a company limited by guarantee has a Finance and Audit Committee, which provides ongoing scrutiny to the business and its operations.
Strategy Boards
Logistics Finance & Audit Sub-Committee
ESIF Committee
Food & Drink
Creative & Cultural * Fulfils Local Transport Body functions
Annual Report 2014
Working in Partnership NEP has developed its governance structure to ensure that a wide range of public, private, voluntary, community and other partners are involved in driving forward our business and making sure that we continually operate to the highest standards of propriety in the best interests of Northamptonshire, its businesses and its people.
Business & Innovation Chair: David Rolton
Founder, Rolton Group
Maxine Aldred David Attwood Simon Bowers Philip Bruce Jon Corbett Gerald Davies Prof. Simon Denny Paul Griffiths Jan Hamilton-Thompson Ian Harrison Stuart Hartley Linda Lee-Davies Amanda Nunn David Oliver David Scott Stephen Smith David Ward Syed Ziaullah
Development Manager, Federation of Small Businesses European Sales and Operations Manager, Bobux International Business Manager, Daventry District Council Group Managing Director, Scott Bader Head of Corporate Banking, Barclays Deputy Principal Resources and Development, Moulton College Director of Research, Impact & Enterprise, University of Northampton Chief Executive, Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Officer, South Northamptonshire Council Regional Director, UKTI Centre Manager, Corby Enterprise Centre Principal Lecturer Corporate & CPD, University of Bedfordshire Assistant Director, CBI Chief Executive, East Northamptonshire Council Chairman, Scotts of Thrapston Chief Executive, EMB Group Strategy and Business Development Manager, Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire Chief Executive, Action Express
Employment & Skills
Chair: Stephen Davies
Chief Executive & Principal, Moulton College
Clare Allen Cllr. Tom Beattie Sharon Blackburn Pat Brennon-Barrett Paula Bright Collette Byrne Helen Chambers Andrew Cheal Martin Hammond Jon Hinde Sara Homer Greg Kirkman Sharn Matthews Cllr. John McGhee Ged McHugh Stuart Parkes Mark Sawyer Alan Smith Carolyn Svahn Julie Trahern Ian Vincent Mairi Watson Stuart Wesselby Sue Wright
HR Director, St Andrews Healthcare Leader, Corby Borough Council Police & Communications Director, DWP Principal, Northampton College Senior Executive, Connexions Regional Partnership Manager, Enable Senior Partnership Manager, DWP Assistant Director, Learning, Skills and Education, Northamptonshire County Council Deputy Chief Executive, Kettering Borough Council Principal Regeneration Officer, Northampton Borough Council Acting Chairman, Brackmills Estate Managing Director, Ensafe Consultants Executive Director, East Northamptonshire Council Northamptonshire County Council Economic Development Officer, Corby Borough Council Relationship Manager, Skills Funding Agency Managing Director, IPS Global Chief Executive, Nital Training & Development Consultant Head of Income and Debt, Kettering Borough Council Chief Executive, Daventry District Council Deputy Dean, Development, University of Northampton Principal, Tresham College Account & Sector Manager, National Open College Network
Annual Report 2014
Housing Chair: David Reynolds
Chairman, NNDC
Charles Amies David Atkinson Roy Boulton Gary Brough Steve Butterworth Carol Cairns Bob Colenutt Carol Conway John Conway Joanne Harrison Chris Hatfield Vicki Jessop John Lagan Paul Lewin Andrew Longley Jacquie Page Katie Sagoe Caroline Wardle Andrea White Richard Wood
Director, Midlands, HCA Head, WNJPU Assistant Director, Northamptonshire Highways, Northamptonshire County Council Director of Estates, Northampton College Housing Coordinator, Corby Borough Council Area Manager, HCA Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences, University of Northampton Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager, East Northamptonshire Council Head of Housing, Kettering Borough Council Strategic Housing Manager, South Northamptonshire Council Managing Director, David Wilson Homes Principal Housing Manager, Wellingborough Council Development Director, Lagan Group Planning, Policy and Heritage Manager, Northampton Borough Council Planning Manager, JPU Housing Strategy Manager, Corby Borough Council Director of Housing Services, Spire Homes Chief Executive, NNDC Business Development Director, Keepmoat Regeneration Local Strategy Manager, Daventry District Council
Infrastructure & Connectivity Chair: Cllr. Jim Harker OBE Leader, Northamptonshire County Council David Atkinson Michelle Booth Simon Bowers Steve Boyes Chris Carlisle Tony Ciaburro Gerald Davies Matt Easter Mark Hall Alex Jelley Gareth Jenkins Victoria Lazenby Ian Leather Ged McHugh Peter Orban Nicholas Roberts James Saunders-Watson Paul Tomlinson Greg Ward Andy Wilkinson Bill Wright
Head, WNJPU Service Administrator, University of Northampton Business Manager, Daventry District Council Director of Regeneration, Enterprise & Planning, Northampton Borough Council Director, Decorum Estates Director of Environment, Development & Transport, Northamptonshire County Council Deputy Principal Resources and Development, Moulton College Regional Director of Office Agency, Sustrans Director of Finance, Infrastructure, IT and Commercial Services, University of Northampton Economic and Regeneration Manager, Kettering Borough Council Head of Bid Management, BT Group Asset Development Team Leader, Highways Agency Regional Director of Office Agency, Lambert Smith Hampton Economic Development Officer, Corby Borough Council Regional Development Manager, Sustrans Partner, Drake Commercial LLP Head of Investment Trust Marketing, J.P. Morgan Associate, URS Lead Officer, Economic Development and Tourism, South Northamptonshire Council Midlands Flood and Coastal Risk Manager, Environment Agency Business Development Manager, Parkway MK
Northamptonshire ESIF Committee
Creative & Cultural Industries Strategy Board
Chair: Cllr. AndrĂŠ Gonzalez De Savage Northamptonshire County Council
Chair: Martin Sutherland
Chief Executive, Royal & Derngate
Morag Ballantyne Steven Boyes Graham Callister Simon Fitch Tony Klinger Carol MacIntyre-Jones Laura Malpas Nisha Mejer Steven Taylor Neil Webb Andrew Wise
Consultant Director of Regeneration, Enterprise & Planning, Northampton Borough Council / Enterprise Zone Cultural Policy & Planning Manager, Northamptonshire County Council Senior Manager Funding Programmes, Arts Council Chief Executive, SAM Films Company Director, River Nene Boats Visitor Services & Community Manager, National Trust Chair, NIFF (Northampton Inter Faith Forum) Dean (acting), School of the Arts, University of Northampton Director, Balance UK Strategic Director, Engine Creative
Ian Achurch Lee Barron Cllr. Tom Beattie Simon Bovey Steve Boyes Jane Carr Helen Chambers Melanie Crunkhorn Barry Davies Prof. Simon Denny Phoebe Edwards Mark Foley Andrea Hughes Matt Latham Karen Lewis Danny Moody Will Morlidge Stuart Parkes Emma Powlett Greg Ward Ian White
Head of External Funding & Partnerships, Northamptonshire County Council Regional Secretary, TUC Leader, Corby Borough Council Chairman, Northamptonshire LNP Director of Regeneration, Enterprise & Planning, Northampton Borough Council Chief Executive, Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire Senior Partnership Manager, DWP ERDF Governance Manager, DCLG Chair, National Farm Attractions Network Director of Research, Impact & Enterprise, University of Northampton Executive Director, EMB Ltd Head of Programme Delivery Team, DCLG Director of Employer Engagement and Marketing, Moulton College Programme Manager, Environment Agency Strategic Bidding Manager, University of Northampton Chief Executive, Northamptoinshire County Association of Local Councils Assistant Director, BIS Relationship Manager, Skills Funding Agency Rural Management Consultant Lead Officer, Economic Development and Tourism, South Northamptonshire District Council Team Leader, DCLG
Prosperity Board Chair: John Markham OBE
Chair, NEP
Cllr. Cllr. Cllr. Cllr. Cllr. Cllr. Cllr. Cllr. Cllr.
Leader, Corby Borough Council Leader, Wellingborough Council Northamptonshire County Council Leader, Northamptonshire County Council Leader, Northampton Borough Council Leader, Daventry District Council Leader, East Northamptonshire Council Leader, Kettering Borough Council Northamptonshire County Council
Tom Beattie Paul Bell Michael Clarke Jim Harker OBE David Mackintosh Chris Millar Steven North Russell Roberts Bill Parker
Growth Implementation Board Chair: John Markham OBE
Chair, NEP
Paul Blantern John Campbell David Cook David Kennedy David Oliver Sue Smith Norman Stronach Ian Vincent
Chief Executive, Northamptonshire County Council Chief Executive, Wellingborough Council Chief Executive, Kettering Borough Council Chief Executive, Northampton Borough Council Chief Executive, East Northamptonshire County Council Chief Executive, Cherwell & South Northamptonshire Council Chief Executive, Corby Borough Council Chief Executive, Daventry District Council
High Performance Technologies Strategy Board Chair: Philip Bruce
Group Managing Director, Scott Bader
Stuart Banks Simon Dowson Luke Hampton Karen Holland Richard Philips David Rolton John Sinclair Pio Szyjanowicz Clive Temple Julian Winch
Chief Executive, Stuart Banks Engineering Managing Director, Delta Motorsport Supply Chain Development Manager, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Chief Executive, XCAM Managing Director, Silverstone Circuit Founder, Rolton Group Dean of the School of Science & Technology, University of Northampton Group Head of Marketing, Cosworth Programme Director, MSc Advanced Motorsport Engineering, Cranfield University General Manager, Snap-on
Logistics Strategy Board Chair: Scott McGinley
Commercial Director, DalePak
Paul Abbott Steve Agg Ian Beattie Tony Ciaburro Paul Davey Liam Fassam Andrew Gough Elaine Harries Mark LaMontais Frank Ring Mark Simmons
Group Director, Knights of Old Chief Executive, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK Managing Director, Knights of Old Director, Environment Development & Transport, Northamptonshire County Council Head of Corporate Affairs, Hutchison Ports UK Lecturer in Operation Management, University of Northampton Associate Professor, University of Northampton Managing Director, Action Express Business Development Manager, Yusen Logistics Business Development Manager, Amethyst Group HR Director, Norbert Dentressangle
Finance & Audit Sub-Committee Chair: Graham Goss
Consultant, Haines Watts Chartered Accountants
Gerald Couldrake Andrew Langley John Markham OBE Cllr. Bill Parker
Company Secretary, Howes Percival Solicitors Managing Director, Juniper Trading Chair, NEP Northamptonshire County Council
Acknowledgment: NEP would like to thank Rowena Limb and Will Morlidge, of BIS, for their support to the Governance Structure, Partnership Working and NEP generally. All partnership bodies are supported by the NEP Executive Team.
Annual Report 2014
NEP Team NEP has a strong track record in the development and delivery of strategic economic investment programmes including successful delivery of Government programmes such as Regional Growth Funding, Growing Places, together with locally funded initiatives such as INV-ENT, LOCATE and Soft Landing.
Chief Executive’s Office
Jo Lappin
Chief Executive Officer 01604 609 544
This successful delivery is down to the NEP team, which is competent, capable and effectively resourced with significant experience in delivering economic growth activity. Importantly, the team has a sound understanding of the locality, together with the
Debbie Roe
Executive PA to Chair, Chief Executive & Office Manager
commitment to work strongly in partnership via the new governance arrangements. In anticipation of the move to delivery of the SEP and ESIF strategy, NEP has completed a re-organisation designed to manage both performance and in-house delivery of NEP products and services, alongside a strategy and commissioning function, which will deliver through partner organisations. NEP will operate these two distinct arms of the business, ensuring that there is a clear separation of duties between the role of investment manager for
01604 609 393
Apprentice Administration Officer Vacant post
national and European funding, and that of delivery body for local programmes.
Business & Innovation Tim Bagshaw Head of Business & Innovation
01604 609 392 tim.bagshaw@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Ruth Roan Small Business Support Manager 01604 609 383 ruth.roan@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Dagogo Kinigoma Business Advisor
01604 609 547 dagogo.kinigoma@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Julia Schumacher Business Growth Manager (Sectors)
01604 609 545 jonathan.nunn@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Employment & Skills Head of Employment & Skills Vacant post
Jo Stewart Jobs Brokerage Manager
01604 609 993 jo.stewart@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Louise West Jobs Broker
01604 609 546 louise.west@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Programme Management
Marketing & Communications
Sajeeda Rose Chief Operating Officer
Kate Dent Head of Communications
Cathy Martin Programme Manager
Gill Birkett Marketing Executive - New Media
01604 609 385 cathy.martin@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 532 gill.birkett@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Stacey Wylie Programme Manager
Mark Hillier Marketing Executive - Content
Adam Bracewell Funding Programme Co-ordinator
Ben Mainwaring Marketing Executive - Digital & Production
European Office
01604 609 548 sajeeda.rose@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 388 stacey.wylie@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 386 julia.schumacher@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Education Business Manager
01604 609 387 adam.bracewell@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Charlotte Patrick Business Growth Manager (Supply Chain)
Skills Development Manager
Julie Hardisty Programme Assistant
01604 609 397 charlotte.patrick@northamptonshireep.co.uk
David Burrows Internationalisation Manager
01604 609 533 david.burrows@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Jonathan Nunn Corby Inward Investment Manager
Annual Report 2014
Vacant post Vacant post
Finance June Meadows Head of Finance
01604 609 534 june.meadows@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 541 julie.hardisty@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Laura Jenkins Investment Data Co-ordinator
01604 609 396 laura.jenkins@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 537 kate.dent@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 399 mark.hillier@northamptonshireep.co.uk
01604 609 540 ben.mainwaring@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Richard Woods Head of European Investment
+32 (0) 2238 1070 richard.woods@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Ryan Titley European Investment Manager +32 (0) 2238 1070 ryan.titley@northamptonshireep.co.uk
Funding from
Funded by