CONTENTS •• Module 1 All about you page 6
1 Asking and answering questions
Pronunciation: Auxiliary verbs 2 Present simple and continuous
Module 2 Memory page 16
Module 3 Around the world page 26
Module 4 Life stories page 36
1 Past simple and
Everyday activities People around you
Reading and speak.i <
we really spend our
T: .,;
Wordspot: have (and have got)
Remembering and forgetting
Listening and speaking: ?:._ meetings, A childhood IT:C!"!:.-
Pronunciation: Past simple -ed endings
Song: Remember the Om 50·· :
2 used to
Reading: Ten ways to imp.:; " your memory
1 Comparatives and
old Schoolyard
Vocabulary and writing: Describing towns and cities
Reading: The top 100 piau;; :: visit before you die
Describing life events Positive characteristics
Reading: Parallel lives
2 Phrases for comparing
Pronunciation: Stress and /~/ sounds
1 Present perfect simple
Pronuniciation: Strong and weak forms of have
Wordspot: take
2 for, since and ago and Present perfect continuous
Pronunciation: Linking Consolidation modules 1-4 pages 46- 47 Module 5 Success page 48
A Questions and auxiliaries B Present and past verb forms C Listening and speaking: Comparing the past with the present 1 Future forms
LJ Speaking: Getting to know E Vocohlllary: Alphabet quiz
Reading and vocabulary:
Have you got what it takes.' Pronunciation: Stressed ~"Y:~- -
2 Future clauses with if, when, etc
Listening and speaking: Doing something differen: Song: Manic Monday Module 6 In the media page 60
1 -ed/-ing adjectives
Extreme adjectives
2 The passive
Pronunciation: Word stress
Listening and vocabular: -: and radio Reading and vocabularv: News stories
Further skills
Study Practise Remember
-:-.1sk: Find things in common .-:-eparation: listening :Â ok: speaking _c~l!ow up: writing
Writing: E-mail an old ftiend
Study tip: Using English in class Pronunciation spot: Stress and the ~I sound
. ask: Test your memory :"ceparation: reading :-ask: speaking
Real life: Showing interest Pronunciation: Sounding polite
Study tip: Using the mini-dictionary Pronunciation spot: The sound /w/
Task: Design a tour
Real life: Booking a flight
Study tip: Keeping notes Pronunciation spot: The sounds !JI and /i:/
?i eparation: listening
:-ask: speaking up: writing
Task: Talk about someone you admire Preparation: listening _ask: speaking _'ollow up: writing
Writing: A curriculum vitae
Task: Choose the best candidate eparation: reading .ask: speaking
Writing: A covering letter
Task: Review a book/concert/CD _ eparation: listening :-ask: speaking
Writing: A consumer review
Real life: A formal telephone call Pronunciation: Sounding polite
Study tip: Improving your spoken fluency Pronunciation spot: The sounds /0/, h:/ and f;m/
Study tip: English outside the classroom (1): Using the media Pronunciation spot: The sounds /re/ and /A/
Language focus
Reading I Listening
1 Polite requests
Vocabulary and speaking: - . 'nehaviour
great international night out
Module 7
Pronunciation: 5c . -'-'3.': <.:=:
page 70
Listening: Social customs in Thailand
Wordspot: go
2 will for offers and ins:CU1t decisions Pronunc'
Reading and vocabulary: The
.:0-_' 9 generalisations
1 Defining relative clauses
Module 8 Things you can't live without
2 Quantifiers
How machines work
Reading: Machines behaving
Pronunciation: Stress in compound nouns
Describing everyday objects
C LIstening: fa-~Olis firsts D Spetikiil~:.osking favours
A Future forms I Fulure time clauses B Vocabulary: mega memory
Consolidation modules 5-8 pages 90-91
Module 9 Future society page 92
-- -
- - -=
= ..
1 Making predictions
Society and change
Reading and vocabulary:
2 Hypothetical possibilities with if
Pronunciation: Shifting stress
Getting it wrong! Getting it righ.:.
Wordspot: make
Pronunciation: 'II or 'd
1 Past perfect
Module 10 An amazing story
Pronunciation: Past simple or Past perfect
page 102
'Vocabulary and speaking: Types of story
Reading and vocabulary: . Pronunciation: Sentence stress
Wordspot: say and tell
2 Reported speech
Adverbs for telling stories
1 Obligation and permission in the present
Wordspot: do
Module 11 Rules and freedom
Listening: Annoying rules Reading and vocabulary: -:::
Pronunciation: Modal verbs
page 112
sue or not to sue?
2 Obligation and permission in the past
I Module 12 Dilemmas page 122
1 could have, should have,
would have Pronunciation: Past modal forms
Problems and solutions
Song: Out of Reach
Wordspot: think
Pronunciation: Vowel sounds
2 Imaginary situations in the past with if
Consolidation modules 9-12 pages 132 - 133
perfect crimes ... well almost:
A Pasl perfect I Reporled speedl B Possibility, obligation and permission. C Listemng; I-Iypolhetico! forms _
Communication activities pages 134-143
.'D rlwke/do!srly!telJ/thilJk E Speaking: Agreeing and disagreeing ,Word puzzle F. Vocabulary; _. t_~
Language summary pages 144-154
Further skills
Study Practise Remember
::l..5k: Give tips on how to behave
Real life: Making a social arrangement
Study tip: Using revision techniques Pronunciation spot: The sounds /8/ and (0/
- '~:xJration: listening -" : . : speaking
--: sk: Make a list of things you'd hate :-: be without ,7""iparation: listening -:-.1Sk : speaking
Real life: Buying things Writing: Saying thank you
Task: Decide how to spend lottery __,oney ,- eparation: listening -:- -k: speaking
Real life: Ways of saying numbers
Study tip: English outside the classroom (1): Using the Internet Pronunciation spot: The sounds /'0/ and /v/
Task: Tell a ghost story ," reparation: speaking ~ask : speaking and listening
Writing: A narrative
Study tip: Making the most of graded readers Pronunciation spot: Pronouncing 'h'
.ask: Present your opinions :-eparation: vocabulary -:-Jsk: speaking
Writing: Linking words
Study tip: Checking your written work Pronunciation spot: Review
ask: Find solutions to problems i -eparation: reading and vocabulary :- k: speaking : ilow up: writing
Real life: Saying goodbye
Irregular verbs page 155